The Beaver Argus. (Beaver, Pa.) 1862-1873, June 18, 1862, Image 1

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' V;.,Gf-Vl3;
“ i' ■ ' - 1 ' :- - ■' '
itfednesdayh Jtme 18th, 1862.
T. c.NICHOLSCtN Proprietors^
yKJOIS —o*ve Dolule and FirrYCm*
ptf annum,',?* aDT^ci otherwise TWlJovj.
ü bs wiU be’ ' 7NO piper-discoirtinued
; • .mil allnrreari^esjare scaled. l
i Letter? ian(TcocimUblcntioii*i by mail,
i .Iji.'ali have jrpiipl' ayeotion. ..*V ' V-
-.• ; , -
tbe pines v.ers dar!; nn Ranf6tb:hiil; 1
Their song wus-iicft afid.ldu';
Tlie blossoms in the sweet slay wind
;Terfc IdiliiigiJike; the. (Ok^nri.* " '
Xiie drifted ni olir feet,.
■ 'The orchard birds sang
The sweetest and the saddest day
It sec-ined,* of ;uli tbe ycar.' r
Tor. more to-iiie'than birds,or flowers,
r My playmate loft her home, '
iv,l took "with her thoflaughing Spring,
The music and. the bloom. v S /
she kissed the lips of kiih and .kin,
’ ’ She laid htTphand in mine: "
Hast more could ask,the!bashful boy
iVho fedhcr ?. f,, '
* ; ; i ■ ; , ■ ' (•
She left tis in the bloom of May: 0 '!
The cot slant .years told o’er' '
' their seasons with sweet May morns, /
'.But she. more. /
i! i walk, with noiseless the round,/ i
1.. Ot uneyed.tful yearSh • .'/
Still o’er and o'er I ,sot? the Spring; ’
And reap th.e-autumn ears. / 1
S:.o liv'.’SA'licVe allTl|; golden year
roses blow- 0
If.-prc llVr'cuiuo ■ 1
There happily hands ‘j •
lier silken gown—
die homespun'|ap wherein
J.-5-iiuok the WAlniila down.' > - . '
1- ' | ■* -f£' T ■ . ■ 1 f'
■ grapesj wait .^b y the brodk*
The brown nuts hill; 1 -
AttJWnll ih'e.Maypday flbwers mjake'sweet
i ihe vvuy la olMlj ullvimll. . . * 1 -
1 he lilies blossom in the, pmul,
i The bird builds in theirco).r ;
Tie a.\rk pines sing on' Uamo'th hill
■'The =-io\v song 1 of-the sea;.'. • •
_ST- t _ C i ' . V- i
.I'vvuuJeP'i:* she thinks of them, \
And how; the rime seems:
1* eyr the phies of Ramoth wood
Arc. sounding in *her dreams.
. * ,
1 face,.'! heiir her voice; ,
f she .rein ;mvier miuc ?f
A'n*l jvyiiatt^hc l * i.-i-uovr tbe boy
. r Wji\rfed. her foUipr s ? '•■
M-l -i : .1. ..r ; I" ■
'tijr. other ejes.than oars * .*
jrUother.'bariJij irma ard filled,
iml other laps with flowers?.- ,
Oh*, playmate time.
Our mossy ecat .is green; (
n ging yioleisj yet—
; : Tlic oIJ trees. leai'i.
T!.e 'yiatls sa-o.:t|.ifi(U Jiipcii und fern,
A M* Vv; ' .
.Vii'i t hdlohii the veeriei sing -
l -'JtijJ i»f K'i.g a o'.
Aji i ~-T »■-. I fJnniMfil wnrul •
A'v like tL’’e sea: *
•’! *ii c* M,»n . t f
a /i-ji r?elf i
- —’-- •
Hjisic Before the Battle. ,
y■t' . , .
•ttlf.of Pea BijJgo. -Arkansas-.
uk-ci_ the; faic .of Southern
nr.,l probably of Arkansas,
Jought'bcfwecn a rebel army
uikvarO* of: 25.000 men;
i;oii Joyces .ujjuJer Gens. Cnr
*■ lei-A.sboth, numbering 13,-
'liit' i-a-
~-s \v;is
au.i lui* I.
I: ' s - -ip-i
. Sr - , :.“- ■ Th.
C.oij&doralc army, had.suc
■.UTunnding our troops, and
a heavy , force on their
l*t oil nil retreat. ()n Thurs
' a. i'M.- attach of the rebels.
I f!ir->ii"liptit th l ,: day and
''ya tiiljs -of'success seemed
L ‘ e:r favor. The gallant Si
>! M twice cut (> ff, after most
‘ ightijig. had hewn his way,
• y loss, through; the enemy’s
liie evening of the,.second
i <h, and the wearied troops
‘•r- making arrangements for 'the:
-yfe '••yi filet of the next .moriuttir,'
,w ■-‘■j'.yn on their, armsito obtain, a
j‘““’ ncc 'kd rest. | Quiet settled down:
c i "i-.tiie cifnp, only disturbed by the
i-yans of the-wounded and; the bus-;
-fi ’Jntln'.slnid, preparation for the
" jj\\.
'ridenly thereroWfrom -the camp
-*vie (. el-man regiments the notesof
; ?f thoB|.plaintive airs ofithe Falh
£^■.4that) jnnsical race carry.
-‘.them. Into ■ whatever clime they
binder. .Softly The drains'float.
[ P>er that bloody battle-field, the
‘•‘■■guage hlnknotyn to A most’ of the
■ uprj!, hut, the melody-carrying all
Rories back to homes and'the
■?»:ts. 'iviioie future budg in, the . Bal
ihe|morrow.‘ The effect Was
-'•tnc. hat heroic' resolves were
supple >air, sung in
• ll tr -’tica| hour in the wilderness,no
i- Wo* -ocly-- know the
ci’ 5 , -Par -forces Won asplen
and the battle rag
'vere; the; Gerinan who
; S the previous night away! ’ '
I „• -} f V
-*V-i U.l<r
S-ar. !V. ci,
!:r. ; r
t- t.-Xt
In -I
' t . - it ,
«MlWt s
; the i of Enoch
r, - ears ''■'ld Whengbe married.'
V. ra s*. !adi«s r-; ■■- 1 :: ■>:
~ -
■■ ■*.'' :
1 ; • v -i
Cost SoiaetW^Tj
who ventures to enter-"
tain |md express an independent opin-.j
j or V on anj sjuhje.ct*-ejcpcCtßj as- arnat, 1
I [ cr °f course, to pay roundly/for (he
; privilege; anjdthemofo toothful and
[he-, opinion, tEe';h.igJ»er the pien
alty,,' generally.-; But ,Sometimes a
compensation occurs in these orapulsD-
-,^ y,ue ni'| of a isr enter
taining opinions -/having n> truth : n
thent, and ho inducement to their ex
pression ()ejphdfa wish to dio an itij i
. r y- (A- number of British inlcr-'
chants, .'dsyvell- ns political leaders,
have been thorough secessionists from
the beginning; |haye hooted at the
blockade, and have done their best to
gfve, aid undyomfoi-t-to the rebels, at
/hei spme time that they took risks |iri
the hippo Of j making fortunes for them!
selves. This, high opinion of southern
prow-css and contempt* for tl a Unitid
States authority is, howeyer, now
costing them-very mueh| mure *tha!n
, theycx'pccted to pay for it./ Suecoed
ing in a few attempts to run the black*
ade, carrying - arriia iii, and 'bringing
cotton out, they were emboldened to
try their clandestine commerce ion a
liberal scald, audjput afloat a Ooosidef
able 'fleet, bound.; to Halifax, INassau
or Charleston, as eircumsta!:cesshould
favor. /v | | ' ," 1 i
|The (results of this entcr irise are
proving highly profitable tom—not to
i tliem.ji /The Cheshire, the ilefrhuday
and at lcaist/iw4nty other valuable
cargoes, .arrive finally, and fir d a itfari
kk in.quite another port tbiin' Charles
ton, | and [he triumphant kccession
shipper of Liverpool finds it necessary
tb set down a heavy item to the ac
cdunt of his defiant'and positive be-'
di[f that blockade was j only -bn'
’ ;Pf‘P e i% hridjtbiit the coufedcratjs would
pi-ove the} strongest side injthe eindl
He had tallied himself into a high
jfdbgvpe of jeonfidohee that things ivertj
'really as jie/'wished/them to- be. j/
hasilp r deed the fash' J "
i •:
j-iife lifcx ,ne .lion in I iverpoo
isparagc jtbc United States and t.c
! the secessionists, and ilia.habit
f itself created a confidence that
aW?(veritnri«s might he jmade to
ern port? in dcfianeo.oUttJnhfoQic-
A. ipvv instances of success greiit
uiulated the desire to make profit,;
o; same time that political feelings
were gratified; and, the' result is that
riylily 1 align ships? now tall frequently
into cur hands 1 itUtrying to run front
|Nass;,u oyer to the southern coast. ’
-stole k of uni)s alone which will
u 1 Liin 11 eiy fall i ll to our hand's from
jimjpoi tatious in violation of the' bine c
adji-, willysujiply ’ns with nil jwe shall
hc|?d h.orcaftd.r to, repair waste in tlie
fic|d. The secession army- is at least
half arm yd with such weapons. The y
throw aw’ay or otherwise lose tens >f
thousands ol' them in the ‘break up of ■
Beku regard‘s■ army : after leading; Co- •
rin,th. -Xot, only in the cargoes ca yj
taijed before being put itt but iir|
the dispersal '‘ainjl defeat;’of rebels
thq fit Id. ihcsosfdrcs, brought
•ghi|ne secessionists from Engjahd arid
; coijlifijcntal Europe, all rapidly revert
to its, iari|l become a part of lliomealj?
witjh, which we| shall finish the 1 1 rebel
lion. ; ,!'.■• !■
- AYe therefore hope shipment
trabaiid articles from Livcrpo|i
continue: active. Let nobody di
age their belief that the bloCl
nominal, and that the rebels ari
the strongest (party. Of a. hi
cargoes that they might nowl'si
the rebel coast; with tlie pufpi
running the 'blockade, W e sho;
syre o'fj Iseycnty-iire or eighty, :a!i
a ggT c g ato value of these woi
considerable after the gallant!. 1
had been paid their share of pffee mO
ney.!—l Phil. AT.. [American. ■ 1
■1 1
fids o:
! pfofi;
1 (iontl
BSt-Some ten years since, s
Dutchman purchased, in : the fv
of Brooklyn, a snug little far
$9,000.‘ Last week a lot of lam
nlatora called qn him to “buyio
!On asking his jjrice, ho said he
take ‘[360,000—-no less*” Anc
much toremain on bond and
gage ?” “Nine tousand.” “An
not more ?” “Because der tarn
ain't tvorth anyjmore.” i ■.
i Sffi-A beggar in 2sew Orlea
proached a well dressed citizei
held out his hand for alms. ' Tb
rzen offered him! a confederate
'“No,” said the poor fellow, tal
mouinful survey of his own dil
ted dress, “I have 4qo many r
j ready.”; ' ; ' • * I
gga>A. publicspeaker should
lose sight of the thread of bis dii c
like a bhsy needle, bo should a
have th« thread in his eye.
Jap 'sintls«ij| i&sr* i
.pp '' •’!
.T ; ‘ • j
i. '-**-7 *'*
1. ' .
• I
(ol wii
kad'c is
| really
ilend to
)pse of:
mid be
.nil the
ild be
n old
m for
1 spec
, .bad
i whj:
is ‘ajv
i and
:ing a
gs al-
Bit of Criminal His:
A Rar i
Colonel 1 . Gross Secures Afe' own P<
by Papers-r UhparaMeo
in Clarography. | j
The finesse and!strategy of If(
Edward s | fciid'-. btlierj noted oriij
are ma iters of police
Eastern Penitentiary holds an
pant in the person of Col. Cross,
has proyed bimsflt the Napoloi
his precision brightest st
the cor stelJatiori |of forgers an
gus financiers whp have Soured i
history of crime || ’ ■V .
The president lpf| thej New '
and Eri > Eailrod rieccivosa salai
525,000 a| year, a sum equal to
paid to the Pteskjehi of the XT
States. Other equally brilliant f
ciers hr ye been paid in proper
yet we ioubt if any man in exls
ever possessed greater capacity
extensn o joperatiops; thap Col. C
an inmate Of the eastern Penitent
who waS 'lsentonced ,eighteen me
ago to five years’ incarceratioi
the crime! of forgery, alter run
the gauntlet of thq poarts in the
cipal cities of Europe and Ameri
Of Col; Cross’ jexploifcs the t
part has not been told. It wr
who forged .a pardon for the ib
'Huntingdon; r hy [Which that di
guished culprit almost escaped
Sing Sin g prison; and biit for the
itancy of the warden, would'
been let again loose upon the nor
nity. C jp.lurcd himself at last,
immured in Auburn! (N. Y.) State
on,Ool. Cross forged document!
which a obta
and his 1 beration Secured before
fraud was. detectedpand his person
tained in custody, i! ~ r
The history of this illustrious
prit is too, well* known to be her l
pouted, S3ifaf as liis career in !thi;
ty is concerned. Suffice it to aaj L
otv Wednesday. Marshal Millward
v ceived an envelope from tho War
. partment. Tho e avolopo boro
, frank of Secretary Stanton, and
post-marked Washington. 1 The
1 closure as ai lcttei| from Mr. Wat
Assistant Secretary of Wat, tlirec
the Marshal person illy to! draw u
■ petition lo the Governor asking
; the pardon of Coif Cross. Ho
to take tire petition flo tho various
R: official) dor sign |ture, and • liat
.obtained the ; to; bring .
Cross to Washington, whore his
vices were required, by the gov
menu . ■[k . . j r ■
: -The do nimbnt wK? tp the-eyef
;Gie Alarsi jU ■ grynistijiablr gehuim
jTtie finetiSjt would paVu nung i
[ prisoner in his chaise upon a tint
warrant,- ip»d the w ifllen of tho f
itciuiaiyi [ion the like 1 aiithoritj* wo
have opoiiitl the dooijs of :hjs"*.‘* ioa
ers hmißifV and turned all ha
loose. >qcMarslial,|of.,' ofc
od :nstru'vtiptis. lie drew Up the
titioii, andlDistrict! Attorney. .Co)
the Collc;;|Lpr of theiplort, and all
|iteB Oltiiihls, .except
| Avhp wasinot in the c.
ijr tsignut'ivrijM so it witiv
ignited 8
alHxcd tin
asitation, aher iirst read
iVoiiii the *;Wjar Dej jirtmf
plilhyard .took t!io .;dp
|arrisijur<l:, Anti returner
fijl j pan’
■ lage ilrnct fop- the]
I presented tin; p
if TLe'gj?jiiii(ienc'
the least 1
the letter
I Marsha
monts to 3
next train
took a car
Jiaryf ant
the ■ wardo
/oiiijr bcybiid pcra*
Svas dqliyeijcd up.
.corivcyedji t|».v h'ii
to ihis apjiarant i
i/h a bagi oyer his
X'dl. Cross
dings' wci
cell, v much
merit,and i
to the; warden’s offi
is'dressed. hi tho clothes
htcred the prison, hisatr
taken 6fl|"and' in cornj
c[ Marshal and a deputy,
to th.e Baltimore depot
a;l stijl “lifoze” to ' him;; •
i heimr to | bring him
was faroug
Here be jw;
which he e
ed livery v
ny with tb
was driven
The; Marsh
.amorf. |f;
to Washington vras ma
shap, and [tlio Marshal, I
id Col.'Crosst drove up
iry’suoffice. ; T'heyalighi
l| The Marshal asked
Secretary I
The trip
without mi
assistant a
the Secret
and entcre
and was shown into
Mr. Stanto
shaking jill around
ss was readied. |
-etary,’! skid the Marsh;
Cross, [whom yjou ha
room. ■ Hi
til Col- Crc
.“Mr. Sec
‘'this 'is C
sent for."
“Glad t<
see. C'ol. Gross—how
said' the affable [Secrei
Col. Cross’s, hand:; but
ibbr sending ft>r you, sir
laid jthe Mai‘shall,j“ia C(
n I broughtidown by yo
■the[Eastern penitential
>hia” ■ ! 1 !'
telaitncd the Secretary,
4>- ' f't I '■
sp, sir, I said, pardoned t
from the!Eastern penile
oar desire, land broug
at your request.”
S Stanton [ looked puzzle
his temples, |r
hority by whiph I ha'
i the Marshall, “is this
Secretary Stanton’s hat
6m Mr. Waltson, bearir
ik. ' I *■ '
you do, sir
ry,‘ shaking
cafi’t remei
i ‘"This” i
Crpssj who
orders Iron
kt Philadel
| “Sir ?” je;
utter sunir
“Col. Ore
Gov. Curtir
liary, at y
here by me
[ Secretary
and rubbed
“The ant
acted,” jsaic
placing in
the letter ft
this own frai
: Mr. Slant )n took the envelope wi(
abewildered air. It was a genuii
War Department' envelope. Tl
The frank v ’as identical his o,«
The en-closire was an order, writt<
upon the pa iier nsed in the WarOfih
with the in print of the: nepartmeb
ip the manifest handwriting of -M
Watson, Assistant Secretary, to •tl
purport as above narrated.
1 The Seer >tary declared his entii
ignorance oj the matter,and touche
his bell. A tteaeengor responded..
I " : i ■; I
,ry! Stanidit
envelope, | in.
itaU Jbaedtil. 1 .
, MrjjWafeo
ed at
my wiuting,f j
did I writ! <
moved]. : Ifti
writing-, is
i have eve#:
: “You arf
*y*Hl ■
"Can iif I
astonished p
; Ilsre :rwfe
which janiac
be dqbevtifiiii
, TheiM&p
directing t|bj
the carriam
kori bac,^|r
shaj, ‘ ! bepa|i
eared byj fat
po\vcrB,’’| slfi
a genuine '!i|
have no riSl
V,. ‘-Take fil
Stanton. I f
■; '“jßy.jwha
to whom th
ed an addii
“By milit.
rotary-, -andS
was ;agaiu|[|
Ho!was brim
tera, and y(|
l voiced his pa
. Hhre is lib
certain that'
by Its authji
an. interestip
be rcvokod|i
charge of th<
Fort Lafayijt
servo out blip
of which oJ[l
expired. ;.Q|r
an-hour so li
hot be consu
hie to tdruSi
this point. I'
Grpfis was
1 bald
n of
ir in
id bo- 1
in the
ly of
f nan-
; ross,
II for
i re-
>f g
rk \P
■ peniteptidi?
erpor's | phi
he .will bd
by Secretar
. A? fdr.tli.
af&ir,|it is
; positron, wp
1 tjiaii he lias
I credit for Iji
'I and briiigiii:
| liar}’, lire'
j no common'
I pled Avi;,li.[|
j said, esc ape
, ryiip itiiis yi
pol Ted of Fi
There’is i
Tclaimedj ad
cation Was ji
parties. /J
tb 6 .letter
fra'nkibf Se
ddubt;cd. :p
son chn do
lievec Wit i
stinct Wc
of this yity, i
autographs ;
l S f
‘bii-i. .
j pbnit
s oft
• 1
r 3’
n i'u
is to u
written' bjj
could defect
a glance. (
gler.‘ i Show
a fewtmlnuii
ties ho' will I p
ilo. Them
not doubted,
I self; but Lot
ed. p'ho, wit 1
access wasl i
are matters
jeeturo. T 1
once desirin
criminal, w:
Prison B
witlieag o cjt
every, syllabi
a party weSi
impossib e tB
Even as itjjl
Lie one. Feu
the most b'io|
other man
have done s:
like bis s iou.l:
most meianc! i
Cross vva i sol _
known -clbari cl
as bad a nan a
the price of (
shape of a -mi
mbnd pin tliaF|
Scarce|: .a day
meet hint !n me
.While be anpi
yerjTj is e ajdylfi
gfenercfils viliiai
a long five ]ypi
not a still hcisvji
tempts to rpgjii
The co*
hffair. of
py, will 1
»e |raa
ty, Jniie ll IjBoS
U. S. MaifshUl
—The Secrptb
,t 6 advise] yon
patch; from Iti
'V '-i. -T
ir. Wfat-
:3pn lUe
: \v what
ile scan
n,Pt toy
‘it ii a
•ful <j»ne
$ si&j
~ I >
jure a:
[ji,t the
pomo o
in]. t.O t
was! to
HtO 1
frrt- /
iht, xlnd
ivas jta
o ifLr-’
re |
iO ; V(
taid tb
’o.u ,w
iroonj, i»
id you
1 ;
C 1 18,
ftp.' a
\d ,£>e<
i, : a;
go (
;!U |i •
lay tliat ho
•meed in his
jny oil or who
|m-n ■dtj}||rv<B'
his , prisoner
>fthepeniti'i •
clone! C.i’iiiS!,
lo bo | 4 ra l'
nj pcnitoiiti::-
, ~r|(l defied th 3
ig ivii iai’ns to bja es ■
is, h( coninmni
h Cro i's In* ouiaid 5
pci serially foiled
■ I .Watson and tlio
' Stkntia | canhot’'bi!
’ pjoliCo fdd hot : be
; lorgejkti isfajdjln
a certain literatuer
xliibits { a book o '
tine, tlikt wum al
if |i Buti ah oxper ~
ttt|renc4 almost a',
ia nojj.sucb .'bun -;
(t4r,jud a'flj<sr.f!
" its peeuiiari
nbstion, it ifi
jwerb obtain
i tfe, and libw
the convict,
liiJitWto boh
- 1l» I*" tf' ' I I-!
:j pis. pappr,
ievr with a
obtain the
.\jro of- tho
na aj I
q overheard
Jjnlcsa .such
ir could bq
- jwas, it js
■fficdrdJ .Jf'oi
3|os3 eculd
at abilities
pblied Ilia a||
ni Collpnel
bya feli
city, quite
rhd carries
fad in the
Ihster : dia
ms bef pinJ
fire do not
C ross’ kna~
Y | the morn
• Ifcrve! out
B if
llrects. me
$ of i distl
or *«ie
iSt to
tv.C Uc
‘ jH: <
: tfaiit
hack t
with C
'it La:
hs we
Ail Lai
Elliot, ll
ts u q!
prej at
Idi to
Lour al
It*, Of
Wa to.
1 r )po
? ih
s billi
nii sijoi
ej rate
« pii'u
at lilt
4* the <
ja jiusa
I I ft nf if •: 1
I >H
ereji i I
ODjMi ra
ik|y «
of pca«
II ijii-y. j
r i;i■-i | I jl'. I■ . J . j ::
•»y to thiij depa ’trnent, with i
mt ; request tha. an hnmedt:
jrt ibo made to Bend: to that
; be somewhat not Drious fofgor,
cpanan Cross now an inmate ol
Ssate' to| instruct
proceed tdi. Ilarri lbr th
Ppso bC making a' personal appl
the iorp hls releiii
I ■, bring hirti to this city wi
•p.; ■
J You ■will please commnnica
bpntents of this npte to United
flmtrick ilAttoineJ- Coffey pCo
Pmjas, and f Postmaster jWi
request theta ib Append
es with your bwh to the fp
used, which, with" a copy «
of Ksutefahe, Bit is- presume
pp; sufficient, as this departme
a IdreSsed a note to Governor ,(.
Requesting his ;favprable bonsidc
• ‘ thei Isatae. i). Ij P; 1 —! i
Cross ’is to rbfl iseivt byciPtbi
5r a sfleCificpUrriosoiwitb ftiteii
lerator now in wniting-at hof
tflr iby
tSrs'j and as tlidj service will
with mlucll personal per
Secretary of Wains desirous tl
.PpMcity be given to the fact th
ia PPMdation'for his release ’em!
t J I1 ' 8 JDepartijent, the knov
of which, mj casoj of accident,
bfe fatal; to liifji. And [ defeat 1 thi
poses of his inission; J Ydu’jjjrill
fdre observe at a kance the pi
ty of avoiding any explanations
e|er,JtO;the local authorities'and
o| officials, or ovejn to Cross hi
Vptil he reaches tbia^point.-vf,
lYonrj prpmpt attention I'will 1
! recognised by this Departme
P- fl.; TVats6>y assistant Sec:
- hr I ■■■! :■ A ]
i?n,‘ the receipE.of: this lette
irsbal.telegraphed its follows:
Tun? 2, 1862.—E0 HonJ'Al G
, .Governor' of iPennsyivania
ti be at Harrisburg to raorr.ow
C ? Important business. l i
YDLLWAhn;. U. S. Mai
jTho followilig reply whsfrec
bj[ telegraph from! Hamsbufg.
ing that the Governor ’ had also
nuirtbtiggeirl byaletter piirpbfti
com® from Washington : |
11 Harrisburg, 'June 2, |1862
■W*. jilillward; United Spates
dial >—Conic upland your j bin
ifH- bo adjusted' jto y our satisfa
f|-ing!Wfth you thorecorCof th
iJsUpp.'-V '■ 1; \|;-.-•! ,
} ;f M; g. Quay, Privatb Secrete
JAfter' visiting Harrisburg and
tho ’VTar Departme
lows : ; ;i ,;■[
Wuciday Storingo'clock B
>'iry, Juris 3.—To'Hon. E; Xt.iStn
Secretary of AVar* |Wa3hiiigt(
Have succeeded in) obtaining! w;
cape heie’j fori • f will' bavd hi
yonr Department to-morrow-: evi
faiifi o’clpt-k.: '! r
■WkxiAjf Mtm.wakk, ,U. S.: Ma
f eeply came to;ihis dispute
; )feaJW|. ijre ghuTI til • learn ;thi
iriiputatibiia! upon i-Gcnl. Birnby
lively to prove uhjftvund'eit : nlti ap
thajt after obeying the orders | of
Hi|ntzelman, to; advance up the
mond an d York Uivef Hail road,
Ibifn in line ,pf battle,' he recfeivi
oyder from GpnJ Kearney; the' Oh
h.isjdiv aion. to fall .back iminedi
tb'|iis crigiral position! as hislrec
iriMjat f Uch in advanced point re:
edjiim liiiblo: to b(| eut offi I
thaord jrj the tacxtjmofning he re
€ djt no o from Gciii Heintzelmar
boding, him pT his4omniand “fbi
obedien 20. cf ordcifs” The Gei
yielded his comnJiind' to the si
polpnel of ; the Brigade, andjrbtin
biSjSeht On the following fnor
(Mpnda ,•) Gen. ICcarniy addrest
lottpr to Gep; .HdintzelmaUjin tirbii
males 1 ise 6f the !following coi
meptary |lftngau’g,ue: “p[ aift pos
tha| Gon.ißiruey has never jdisobli
ordpra i hor by apy f
of pithe courage Or intdlligljticf
loolf upc ri .him as a suporior |officd
fm-poshive that, if jyou Wouldl ae
iringjOrenabloihim tojani
‘ cat* gdfijeal demands, it wroril
ectly Satisfactory to ybaJ C
Wed country, 6rde|rs apparc
tict. The ifadt cif his I sa'
-h’s division see -ns a proof of
ting what was. ntouded/*; j
iis h tier- of Ge i. K.darfley’s,
t :po verful evidence' will have
ti'wn are glad to hoar; of i
ng t on. Birpey ic his positio
wner '■■■‘ . I ; I ■
bcii Sestis
tot is taken
foung Men
f and oeaut;
let publishc
it'eo' nlterei
rtvolost m
the j
puritjy:’: I ]. S' ■. , j ' '■ T'
I would frown on vie®; I would
Virtue—favor, whatever wOnkf
I 'woifld exalt, •wfduld adorn cl
!, alleviate the miseries of niy i
es, dr icontibute to; render '
BvX ijibabited the heavens
■h I looked, a place | ofjnnbce
felicity. Though I were to 03
|)ngetf than those ephemera t
1 * D beams pf the Samm
I. daring that Short hour I wo
|r soarTwith thd eagle, and lei
j4of my fligh t and niy fall dnu
|tars, than to creep in the gut
the reptile, and! bed my mpmi
tiy bokly together in
ever short; my dart, Iwoujd
|ll,' that; I ndigljt surrender
enoe without disgrace and with
|anCtiotk’| ~; i j : I. : ; iJ
\ r
Ml' BP
»to ef.
r ou to
B, 1802.
iiiilo politic. ...,fe.eandstatcs
dispdte the co'n'mo.n sense policy:
t" common-sense President, grad id
nancipation,; wi th compensation
yal/slaveholder C is steadily win
its jway. : Wallafeh’s Edehitig Slur
omineneod the liseasKion in sup-i
port of the President’s proposition in
arguments of. exhaustive ability • and:
the National Intelligencer, df, this morn
ing, takes up the subject with, charac
teristic dignity and candpr.!The point
pf the Star's argument is the removal:
df slavery from the Border to the
Gottm States, and the bcchpatidH Of.
all‘'the domain this purified by the
bravery, sinews* energy, and captial,
Of tl .0 Anglo-Americap, or white race.
, The Intelligencer adopts the same thco
| iy, and, |cl|nches its, opinions' 6y] qhot-:
ing from the oldest and best leader of'
' the Virginia school. jlfiJsia fret, that
can not! tie successfully contested, that
opposition tj> ’slavery s origihated in
Virgijiia]fvlllr. : Jefferson -Always 're.
gard.ed 4 with dislike and apprehen
sion, and his cotemporaries were deep
| ly in hired with his own sincere phil
| bsophy. The great mind of Mr. Madi
son,|tho tranquil and. lucid judgment
pi' JJ.'r., Mqiirbe* inclined them strongly
to the Jefflji’s'dniah theory, and inl.tjbe,
nipnd, in ‘October of 1829, lor the pur
pose, of icruo'dellingj lho- Constitution
of that State, both these venerable
men, gnd Madison, together
with Chief Justice MarshHll, tool? pact
■in Urje discussions, and advocated -near-*
ly! thp same remedy now recommended
by President Lincoln to the people of
the south. Tho quotes
from the I remarks ,of James Mpnro.e,
inj.tb it CpnyeOtion, spmejniost sigriifr
j-oan opinions.: lie speaks Of slavery
|as a great evil; and one of bis argu-
Js, lb shory that the: legislation.
fof, Virginia had! b|er|. consistently di
j reeted against' the splreacbrif the insti
ptution. .The following paragraph is a;
j speciinen pij liis drgiijrienfr' ’ U,,..j
j ! UW.hat Ivy as the orfgin-of ourslave
i-'populaliou; The e vil .commenced :
I tvhen ;we | were qn Vfrr eblonial stated
i but . acts were passed by our Colonial
j Lcgisliituije prohibit jg the irnporta-
I tion of more .slaves into the colony.—
These were rejected Ipy Ihd Crown:--—,
AVq (|ec!ajSed our independence,. and
the pjfphibi .ion ofj a , urthoVdmporta
tjoq was krlipng the first acts bT
sovereignty Virginii was, the first.
bet. delegates
to- declare the colonies inaepcnacnt.—-
Sliebiavcc .clldangers, From Quebec -
tohßoiitofn, and from 'ifrstdq' to’ Savin-,
nah, Virgii ia shed the-bipod 1 .of-her
iinputatiofrth'en, can be
; eastmpon hoc hCfriivmaitter. She did
. all that was i.nher poWer to do fo'pre
. vent -tr.e ejknsion of stkvery'and to mili
j gate its'evils.' ’ ' 1
’ Is it not a
rai ccibtrast
set of loade
devoir refr
;:Madison nr
. thrown the.
| that si .ivery
; good/aiultl:
! strong enouj
! aj bloot.y wja
j-prhlrn'ent, anc
| Jefferson-, ,|i
j!th’o bloodies
: An-idealist;
.! dreamed -,tl
p’ende|h t So
from slaver
self-apd oil
both white
ed aric dr
Would aaak
ful; bul yii
alizing the
and pal rip .ni
their nbc
pleader •. I
excuse th
til- the A
it-: Th 3 1
easy that
son, and
.that wl t
;lheir|W , <
Ufofthe •
esteeme i
sbje more
from n
6 pur
-1 cation
c, and
th the
ite the
• I lector
f Ibprii,,
1 llicli
i Itition
Ilf TOO-!
:d will
it has
. urtin,.
; ration
i linefi
I, the
at no
it the
; pur-:
■ pns
mself, j
ie du-
i it. ■ ( 4;-
i ;di,ent.
t _
ir the
shall. I
• beed
ig to
> Wil
11a r
) con-
lit .as
lat I
ra at
ef of
: 30rd*
a bo
lent,— The foil
from “Jfott’s
”, jit Is ;a: 4 ger
r. Wo have s
Id once or tv
1 from the bri,
phof its freshi
nant metapl
Wepdell Phill
son,'•to :inflam
oif their) follov
M opuiei
when cotton jti
and. elsewhere,
tni\ to the Gove
'ed andprotectei
otuj and pest
Boiv,.the moat
torn, frequent
that the South
npt because it
ro powerfi
to always?
States, and
ft4y J but the {
South insisted I
ijicans Abolitio
denary purpoe
have, however
if h:\- ■'
better fro;
most viol end |and unnatij
to those, counsels, ' that' a
•s who h ive, professed : ai
rcnee for the. school ofj
d I Monroe Should have |
nselvOs , n eon the heresy
is auunmixed and divine
atjdicy.shoal(jl -haye been
;h to imtiatt»and prosecute
• against (be central (iov-
to eohvc rt?; the Statej of
aldison, and Monroe intp
theatre ; ?f that war.?—,
ke John-C. Calhoun, wlip
opian : , visi ohs of art • lode-.
th, draw ng, its vitality
, and w-hp conduced Li in
is I that which
nd black,- which weakeu
royed; tin moral shitee,
a people, not.onlypower
ons. saocoeded.m demor
cample of the reallyv wise;
men of tie slave States;
ng their posterity alike
them, jan d ungrateful, to
I krow that it is
•ho men who attempt to
ihuman onspiracy, that
. never be eh dreamed un
ionists began to agitate
er to this sophistry is so
carccly .deserves, repeti
s Jefferson, James Madi
-38 Monroe did not expect
iy spoke i igainst slavery
would, fir<J, no echo in
rts, add tliatwhich they
3 vile] shoi dd not seem to
.o those who regarded lit
so: jin ;f£ ct/ the Aboli
ifeen; looked' upon with a
wr by the pro-slavery
)se latter aged; the indrg :
ors ... oft j ( jarrison, and
ips,jand George Tho'nip-
of fa
. Tin
Jo tho igor
prs ; but x
we and pc
sea me one (
ve and ■ m aj\. ufnature here
they reSol :td to make an
•wn, and xa'longer to sub
■nmertil Jiad foster
thein. ■ 'll»nt mischiev-
Icpt pamphleteer, De
h piece] df the cohspira
lyj statb'd in' his Review
cared no' hing for Abo*
coked- to independence,
■ feared' it |bnt
joaition, it would fcecomid
of. ■ Thp sAb’blitronmts
'a iriindri
JV. are in i
ihurp pdli
lists for) t
'88.; Thee
[ played o
Tv I .
1*1 : ' - f'l '■ I.!;’;;' )£. -if fS'^
I’ l ’
'■- L'
Advertisements inserted at- ti
cents per square—each subsequ
25 cents. ..AJdbcral discount m,
advertisers, nndiftlong'idvertis
• A spice iTWiLVfe' iineS
i measured ns si square. ;.]■■ . *
' Special Notices 25 per cent, ad
nlar rates. ; JV‘_ ‘ : ;.-j- ]•) i
Business cants, 75 tents a lii
jMarriagei and Bcatils, Beligio
.and oilier Notices of a public hi
; j( 1
! I -’ f.
gamt i and hive tost it, 1 and
their broken armp lying
triurfiphant columns, in the
proof of their havage brutal!
ed. equally upon the soldi
fSwth and their own pcopt
the . act of; the utter failu
perverted creed of State !l
intellect and patriotism‘of
Slate sg; atefully revert to
some teachings of the true I
men of iVtrginia. Preside
offers rio. more and. no less tha
ed by Jefferson, \ Madison, dr
He c des not speak as an A
nor even; as 1 a . Republican
dresses the. Southern people
and?a counsellor. It is not
therefore, that bis recoram
at first rejected; should begi
yorably received. “The Si
times”'to which I have ret
proofs of this,change, in. the
mind. : .■ ' -."M- !
etplui Press
• And .hotr fare the leajder;
sume to: conti-olthe JDempcr
treating the President's;'cm
I policy ? ' They see how it i
jin ths.slave States; Tliby ;1
evidences in its favor ai'tioh:
wli'o ojvn -.and 3'ct,
example and this'stimulant :
,ic action .'they deliberately pi
selves in opposition to emi
and assail dtid misrepsent
Magistrate ivho recommend
trios t cand id ah d sin eer e: in a t
banikationris ;Tolm C: /Bn
nimself, for he followed his
the rebel army, and disdain
nose our cause-by mere ,w<
nV could prove' his fidelity'!
Up arras, against it.' > Occ,
The Surrender ofGalv
manded.— The Houston ,Td
the 22d says that oi
Capt. Eagle, commanding t
States naval force ofl' GUlv
mantled . thd-. surrender ed
He in it few days
and naval forces of d.hej Uhl
woujja appeal off the port, a
its. capitulation' if it were )
Sus!> made. 1 T.he rp.hel, ct
replied,' that'when the'- he
tipneif ■ force appeared? tht
would be answered. Tht
consuls then vj-rOte (tidpl; !E
ing-"■hint to fix oh some j
might be respected in the
ment, as a point of refuge ft
residents. : ,I’he ■ Cnptidri
that, tlidngh' ho r persoii, ec
deplore than himself thfe th
won Id resnl t from a boin
. he could give no' such>saun
f.UUI iityJ |’: •• T . ‘
| * -A ] Good Wtfe.wA '--good
.Heaven's last; best gift to in
i of g r
I his g'ein 61 iniuiv/v
i casket of jewels; her Voice,'
Cfi .music; her: smiles, his
day; ’her ■ kis.-i. the, guardia:
ccncfe; her arias, place of-'.
i the halm of his heakh, the
■ liis life; lies iiuiiistrv.his sure
I hor ecoiioniyibis safest ■■sfet
lips, his faiUiiiiir counselor; h
tife softest. pillow' of his f; c
ker prayia's, tlic : ablest ach
Heaven’s Jblpssings an hU
Jeremy Imjlor, ‘ ■
J 'B@-The New Orleans Ba
it to bo distinctly uhderstoo
surrendering ;td ‘ the '[Fedef:
• No\v Orleans has,not been ‘-hi
That .is perfectly true. = The
milationshe has experienced
she hoisted tbh Confederate tl
regained, her honor when s
repdsed under: the “Stars and
■ ' ' ' 1 . •- • • or. ’
4@“A Mhine editor thus d|;
e’pb6twheft| different sort 6fp‘ j
esteem it sweet and
to die for orfefs country ; othi
it sweet to liyo for one's.cctuii
yot .others hold it, to be awi
to live upon one’s cqUuklyl'l
#S?"An Amateur Writer il a • V
..... ‘‘This is myile£ attempt at
Tjtl and it is far. from/beut^ l
.but ifl liaro!' indobtedilb] k i
that,, iu 9 eases out of 10
either,make life as barren as
sert of Sarah or as joyous as
garden, my obieek will have!
Cocpplished. Adoo,’
• 1'
tl . : • . j , ***** .T, ■ 1 “ '
Mg'An awkward servant;
to a gentleman at ahe
ed koine of the gravy upon 'hi;
andl immediately cried out
pa<e, sir!” . W;by, ydu' res
claimed the' gentlemaitpwhc
he hail suffered enough ;frbi
lowls negligence, ; ‘are
do it again t” | / ■ v v* T ~
ant prejridicie.s
flick stavehj da
’.ct of being the
litical : power
f the great etc-
JWKSobiHty .of bir|i -is *]
pbor:; it has no' pother in i
wealth or talent, but it tell
the power of n cipher when 1
either, of the other two. i
J®-A young lady whoflat
sip order to a milliner for A
B 'wd ; : to makoMtp
at| the same lirno smart, a? I
conspicuous place ur. the ptnir
! lioty fleeting i'i all
jblissi Did you ever meet ai r
greatly eared for* turtle-soup!
fourth plate full I ; r >
ty in.tha free
minority to
:iciatfc of tbo'
ig the| Eepaß
leir Owß mer
i desperadoes,
it their dark j
#3f*The names, of houses an
outside world. When you rea
Cottage’' on the wall, think <?/
of thorns in the inside'.
,':''-:•:".', - ,1. , t,.,' , WW - a,T._ , '.T.'.7,,-
:..:.-',;..-.: . 1.;,.'•..:.:?..1-.- :,: ..;:!'7:;tt - 7 . '; . ' i, 'Lk ';:-..
~•:,, ? ..,:.-.- . .'7,,:i1 1 .•'.- . ', . 7.'":,- r ...':it,•*•-t-, . J
''-',..:_::.--,.2:.)f,:;-:.•:..t:4, -(: ? i, , t: , - - -• '- •
: . fr;'
•■ ■; L-A^.fe;.
be rate of h'X
, int: inaerlia;i' ; /
.do to y«rli - ?
• mcnW. 1
iof this tjpe, ,
'f •.■■;,'■..■'l 1I- r- I
: lition to rec
• ! ‘ {|tp ■
io,'.|ysr-yc ( ar.’_
) is; Political', i
i iture, freSi-t ■
now., witl'4
before out;
t faqe.of-thd!
i bie&, inflict 1 --
ieri of th 4
!, and witli
’0 Of their
ights, thb
he Bordak
he whole-:
it :
£ cai offer?
d. Monroi-
.1 lie. ad:
09 a. friend |
sprprisibg :
ehdations; j
i i to bpf&'l
;ns of thi ;
leH-ed arti
i Southern
i, who as-
itic party'}
i wopking
eh old thi!
5 the men
withV this
ace thero-j
the Chief
* it. The
in thisorj
■ - .. ®u.
ed tbop
■rds when
>y taking
Esrdx D
egraph 6
n TneVlTtl
; 1c Unitoc
' i&lop.i do
lie place
the lam;
iied States
id compel
pot - previ
ore men-
igl.e,' asfeH
pint that
r, foreign!
nld - mom
Isery 'thpE
)ardmdtit l ;|
i |
iptii; itni,a'af
' ices
' cities; hit?]
. ils ‘sweetj]
: i, olj. i'undl
bdlsatn oft
'ajrd; lvcr;||
ooa-fes of
1 that, in
,1 forces,,
oo|y hn
ag., She
she again
er rjigara
ete’r stifl
j ; }
has con-'
writing; rJ
s to soo
they cari
■ the, doV
a flower
been bc-
tel, spiil
, ‘'Take
;al!” W.
i the tel
ling tc (
: - '■ - 1;
be a ci
sel£ like?
wills /nils
xddod td
;ly gave'
ain, ana
sit in .»'
;h.’ v
ian who’
tier the
for tb:'
the tdf