E lm ■ rOosTiNUKD from FIRST Pao k ] ‘c havercason to expect thai under it* ffor whom -the iSehator appeal* as benign light i at the champion here td-day, dibgrabed tb e ir influence will die put fW)«a country and doomed it to untofi evils strati m of the sovernmenl and|ea S e by thfe nation of its choice to control the K&pursuiugWth hellhound firocity- %% spits' most illustrious man to the grave, free §tatcb, n i-imcclf under the in- that the" Senator, had .cherished f h f JJ e sodothey ft the .tcaclii ng, of that great man ! Wo"h e of freedom at the .should not haie hocu opposed to eath,[ _1 q produce a tike influence on -other to-day, on | tins Lad be States, f,: I done so. -,.j i •:. .' . Few men havejevei had the bardi- Again, on constttutron'|l qne.- object to this mode of emac ; otion the Senator l\rfvercir,ation--belhe4et \ r f v e r c ir, a tion--belh e 4et of the slaveholder .that the Slate of .Maryland Las himself ■ influenced only by -yrhat b< . fight to, be consulted on this question himself by the- light 1 of freedom, dis i a«d that is be itfugnaniin slavery. 4 totheauthority jot Would the Senator deny tofrecdon slavey in the District.; P<4 in .the ih *™*£* o rtteibtce of her exam: - . original cession he sav* tte wlll . of t h‘e slaved aif folded, it to the sl^c f -to,the. United Slates go«eram|ftt any bohJe. lumsclf. , j ■ r .higher power than M f X£ r viin the States, and ido ; possessed,- In answer tlann j. o ■ j n jircetioii what? we dare Jt 4 -that slavery un an\ of thd g. r u 'udef the Constilntiol -f States is a local institution, enormity, : Well it may be created or abolished, by o j, f State of Pennsylv:.- . cal powers, ■ | .I yL •• ... , i ni . and every free border state has a Again. the.Constitutipn.pfthb United j • » o nfe for. Wo of Pennsy 1- ' States was made., before} the c sssion of | k rc *J « Umriitltlmf *hfc ain 1c r >' cession of particular .States and the ito makC o°y u .! 1 , ... ■*,. v 'Stance P of:pihgress. become toel-nning agamsy slnvcry ; by our fro f seat •of government-. ol . the'. United \ exanfple,: j ■ In to; f .States.” ."Now. I a ski whether -the j4;I am asyea-n tod to ' SKtc of Alarviand eedLd her portion !to the state ,ol Maryland as the Ser i "•of this, district toftl.e tonstitu-hm df 4 tor anybody e to the Citood States mf whether .the : Congress should jSvhaigo its da 3 :r' Constitution was ‘ madb fbf ; f!.o ; case |to .of that portion of tke-ADistriet of (4,1- . ei-,e. but thcip ';j p .. * ' i* ~ 01 in 1. :i ... 0, - ; of: view Of this question than merceoml laixihia. ilore_H ir.o v l . . m • ,* n ti... I ttie’Unlted Sihtcsp TniiLuh eo.Wain- or duty »o,any T«( ed certain cohditihW: .that iany terri- « a '.'igh dutj v.huh : . ■. torv(Ceded by■ auybd on . the , government .ptth ask 'when the State o|f Jldrv- j country, and a disgrace to the m Jr. ■ land 'ceded her pdrtioh of M.olDistrict and progressof the Anenwn PR?Bj* 10 the- governraen*.; she, did not cede ; Our nattoir-il honor demanded it.s abol ‘it : to u»l the Venditioni isti,ict of Co ! pvoperlv treated biAhe general gov- .lumbia it nestles right uadei ’ ernmeut as a .revolutionary invasipnof: the shadow tol the captol; where the the ' r.reroeatives )f1 Congress; -To dark lorm pf the slave lingers about 's' In v that Congress bks hoi Jowcip to, those mag.dHyent “•! declare whbt shall.bo done or what > its;lofty corridors-,and porticos, lor I . shall not be done ir.‘ the ferritlory over j sixlylyeprs, its coiTuptmg power has >f which the (Constitution- has given ;it I pervaded -every p department jof.-the ,/V. absolute' control -is. ,Wtrous.' ' 2r i . . ' ;payimr its; otvn.er tl.iiii've' ■“ •'* * * , . •», . » government. deem . “ lor the good oPthe ' I slaves in the sam< -]£-C(fltXlSPf>* t-an (I it;has tiic• tower ■!’ ”is nnvss.afy' tor' *’ govetiijnei i that, in.tins' uistfiet.fvvl ri git ii u lit*"cl eel are rejnain inf the d : .aj- tlio masters for them, inithd District! of mat rightfully; de . relations shall or ■ this power is'kith tjon,. and wisely, turn of the jjove'ri ” i'hjs much for t to abolish slat er] !■ Cohithbiit;. . ~ i , Xexli.a!s foitb ... r-« TiiC Soiiatwr Iron ; • ilijffiijtAhe dutyt Vjt'j'bnt that it is t uoT-to abolish (it, § , ferchco. I can dra • —to it thei ■ farther he conleii up il.e duty wo : I . Maryland. Ho ; "of slavery in the * - a place of render and ruiiawaj- si a plot and-schem-c rays against;; silt ' tnhifiits. ami iiit . raised'.-ip Mary la V It.rfas tor ibis; s ■ ■ ■ jo the goverhnic ftrjebcti at the • ■ grocs liyul: r«W Maryi;?'m .-c-una- I' :■ r sbe• 'ivij asu I i. i- she;lras.bc4n*iivj Oilf; knowing’ it, ; will he jijyiiof.iu atbr lor lhis ifac :t»pt i ' ViState among; her - .1 aud has; bird, longer than ’ he has liyed, than 1;. all,the negroes,ifriieandsla-Ve together i» , t .' 1 11 ’ll*® .District ofiC'oJumbiaVand that *on her/whtAe porthcni border she is ; ■ , hounded by State of Pjnnwyl, ‘ . rania fuji ot free ncgiocs.- Trjnly she has hedn fortunate to? have been. so j l° r 'g in -the- mTdst of- 1 overwhelming i danger and yet|unharmed! .- Truly she ' ■ cannot be aware of her constantly •V • end ing Or she could'nbh be f, so happy and ndifferent.' And. then , does he not;siippose there is power! enough in -the [t';nireci States govern-! ment to keep ||tlie tree negroes‘and l ' runaway slaves sin order \- e It is ab surd. It- is tapjald story of slavery. Itisnot-thcfcar'bf forays, ortumults, / or insurrection; ! It is thefbiir of tbb, example of freedom—its influence np-‘ on the’ slaveholder. The’ people of! . Maryland would laugh at-bis fcairS|dfj forays and insurrections from 1 any I such jßut the slaveholders in I tl*e bliudnesSjcif !tieir prdudUleidrfei jmt down while the ■; counsels of; the nation have their origin ■ arid l its deefecs emanate from the! very ! at mosph cro of. disloj’alty—where |t here ! is! searetdy a dwelling, a boarding j housi;, a hotel, an office, a stfeiet or I avenue that does riot! teem with danger , , , r-»' ■■ -'f c yWft* [-iSj to tip institutions of niir country,yon I s i)f of its co nstitiitioni .l.rigiit to iiiakt might ns well send that government 1 the laws necessary jo :arly into eft'qd to the city the [capital j to power of protecting Lh4govcrnr#ieiii of secession, and ask it there to keep I by acting th is nil itnpoi-taiit latt|, a|ic its counsels and preserve, them uritaint- t icy will ret ibveiauil tut roots tin ed aitd exyi utc them .uninterrupted, as [srurce of a lj enmity to| th 3-govern to ekpect'itin thedis.trict of Columbiajment at its own doors, and it will h whilje slavery remains there in the free If ve to eXertj all its wi.thdn exercisefjof its?-power. -The world Islpies and gilards, aiid prisons for th knoi-s tljaf the? sympathy' of ,! vk*ry people who aU te(J' 'ah/ita tabl; in the ilistricfiot Columbia for the j and”live by_its parental kindness! enemies ;pf oUrJeountry, and the slid- I have iilov siii llal I b.-’s iv/Vn-.n ter ilfurmshcd foi spies and the-knowb ference- to lie aboiilie n :>l i lavery i i edge it gpvo: the rebels of the plans of the District Of Columbia. the IgoveWiment, cost us the disaster | 1 ask'the indulgence [of the Senate of!Bull l{un and-filled .the nation vr.ith | jbr a few moments w bile 1 [ake but n sorrow, j,The world knows that trpa-j hasty glance! at; the r miuinibg' all in;- son| at the -.Capital has -hedged our jporlaut and |moine:Uods proposition: 'every,step, overwhelmed us.-with dc- j'.li’lie' otter of the general govommei t feat after defeat.- and crimsoned the Ito conic fu-ivard in lid of the Statis Potomac with the blood of patriots. | that may bb disposid [to conijnente JKow, long how long is this toeoiitinue? ■ ihe gradual einan'ei mfion of the. r j How long-, shall treason sit it oni ! slat'c? bj'tbcir-owtj.volintar}'act!.t [hearthstone and defy,us? Hot longj-j i I’egard this pfo joshion as co i ;oh I hovy-long shall the proud ensign taining the lioblest in riiutioni to moral jof qiirciiuntry float ont over th 3 dome ’ Progress and social e evatkn ever < t jOf tin- (japitol shadowing the sneers!; Shred by a goyernnn-ni to ts peoplj. rami decision and defiance of i reason 1 i jit proposes!-tc| exte idj : the power!’il heneathfi its .very folds? Iloir long.j arm of the genfcral jgi veruibcnt to rs sjikll thptreomen of this land, bt forced | lieve a porilibn'ol its people - from tl e tti jminole with -lliej enguics of our ! burden of I (he"; mjjist deadly iireiihas .country| ami alipw treason- to” rebuke that ever .weighed j.dWn their inlul , OU'i national pride at the. Very thresh-1 lectual, social and political hopes. It ofthej-.-mplc of'otir liberties?—i; says to lliCsefSkitcij but’ accept our In Miu-jiianm pf tbe[ founders ! of tho| relief-stud we will.jaijii voii, but real h , Republje.-,iji-tbc name of alt; tho glo- font your bunds to thf-.fiberjlity.of'tl ic -nes of ouvhistory, ill thenaiik of the!government,\aiid de.-ay shall vanish nation s honor and safety, in tfchparnoj from yoiir [mlifst antyou shall Join lot ilhe six hundred (thousand nertvwe j the. march cjf prosperity!' ft proposes rb.ave sgnlto bleed Tot the perpetuation i no exertionjofipowiv**-oV luitimrityp 10 of (UmjjgovcrntnehtJ- lot tjiis i ationat? inteijfc -crlce with jn-iVs te eT ?I bp; rempveU. God ouly can tell[rights—no j ciicroac upon tire the - demoralization [this' country ‘has witl or evetj;llic; prcjudjiccs. ■ .The Gov [sufleped, the patriotic blood that has erntneut comes in;lu ri inajestic beu tf and eae- cenceTomerring (ete.ry right atid -*e nndergope, because of the slave enl jirefer nice of Ihecitizod; |ihlluenpe at ks capital, j Since the and with c rib baud o i fthc Goiiiuilutiofi eapitafeannot be cast out from slavery of the latid, label Iwith the ottier ppiixtflii'g ?fhe [capital, the wav' to ihdividtial liappiiiess iliid i^ ol 'r ■ , ; . I 1 ; d - t W s X seeiiv-tKe fepirLl of these Vi bave j of a \ol£ unbroken di\ | ' -j . :.J - ■i . ■ ■*, ■/;. *' and .bow ranch we, should have con tri* bated to a love for the Union all ovw that land of treason \ and how ranch more efficient and powerfulfor Our defence in the day of trouble, in jtbo, dark day of nationai disaster), atidhow ,gi ranch more gloi Soils in prosperity, jin bi Biission. of devobijping .and. ot ; this nation would ’have fr overnnpnt surrounded,! and <■ and sup jiorted, and fiustaiii riends, oy the sympathies, -and the watchfulness: of _| H( ratidip werhCforcyer in harmony and to in love wltlrffs Spirit, jltjwas upon or the' question of\>he lopat|on -Of ithe *e Capitofl| that the njrst, i sqceosibh spirit «* showed itself in tljeaputh. They fore- SJ -saw that wo did notXTbcy! saw ’ the M power) and influence which iW location T, within slave territory wefttld givo thcm. hi It can'e within, i» C d j«V 5 but-ome as toconHiilcr uel the impor-'ui voDW con y :(iib authority of ja* least nil the lb«|l--! ^st> l -J*ara, af»4‘ allow fpfc thernselyes e- itb iie"eiH-ircioi ij and (.poisoned with re I what slave indjipice, -f&x after 'year es ; j|h(l returning Jin rib (‘with southern he fippresH-iOiWvWe had bypught southern of. people north, kiid sent thenf -sputh eo j ciiiiryiug .down •.Jllwi inculcations pul -C ' Imp ressions of north, there would •y i.ljavii • been in )tc patriotism in the t- jkoti itryi to day j i ■ ; '■ _:i .’ j . C; ,l : The* Constitution,j provides tpat 1- Gobgress,' slial have piwp--to provide for calling fort i ,-tljo miii da to|execu)te thpjlajvsrOf Congress 1 suppress inspr rebtion and in rasion. | J And it proVidps tu::tli >r thdt.'Cpn gresa alratl have povrer to ipakfcjuii laws necess£ij‘;'?amJ pro]»cr lw era aml x aU ot tier powers vcstijil by yhe CVinstitutu/ii ir fhe gr vernment of jthe •Uiuited States or uiiy d epaiiraenti i or jbttice ibei-epf.. | ■ i J ’; j ■ if. |(i'bngress h»sfniiae[i a ’nuns iandjex ilpcndecl iiiillio|Wto| suppress inßUiTec ikion and, repel iiiyasibn. It sat \yeek jaftbr week a id kiiopth after mointh Iraaking, laws to jreiidtr this power javailable. arm | at :er yrock aud jhidnth after month it was foiled fits! efl'ort8 I until it almost |idespaired iojrl being able to bvom me-ihe evil of treason that surronucled jit. Coa igrless legislated and.jm.iptia) law yith ltd. iron hand l was inv wore tilled With' men millitary guards liiok i th'evhomes of pri^*- systems of.. .Ti' lv,) p id* p.:iiiiipiro! soui! tjoHain llie »pi ;s and'.tvai ■tip* the aeeu •secb; ■ agent ot’ rebillion. ]A i' ponjilties Coigreks cot 1 tl e aid of th j j ; rniiitar% - it i decree, cculd iiotj pi Viiin toauumpt to- d,;uv si ream by lines i and. tlie totnUain iromainis. lij dried , u Let <’oi ,u' happiness, Already ft) cloud gleams jthestai its brigh t beams iflaVl i 1 bc(| nyr country in ii leading the ■worjd i eatnesa, and ifef liming down tnelj ■ her. start .on *r|e ’ eliom; nnlJ T 5 lores and b^tes,]* .. I open and leara, regti 0( D, bow logt, bow.|«* tai men t nnd radical cun ■ emiual we»lcnea« ( :m»i :xi ill 'debility and ‘ininedi anroll/;: ne:rTOß»ne»S',| i lental and phyaieal incfpai IEI F-AnDSK-H»rel ,
    f illy exp»*mi*d ;\‘yerWpn]r*ic , aiib'tild -be ifeiniWii ■neraeiiiffe. In fitct; it iliaclip ■ S !,! '-n $■ idry one sliiiald |dow|;|.«lu ibt b» lockjeij op, ind ni Ue. U »?iUi ai • r.f twentylfivi eei)4» «] i. ■ Ad-lresn(DrJMsKj.i e , Streft. «bo*cs|r'o irj ?FUCTEU . Alii ’ %hat IM> M 3 oti Nravlf midj-t I iej NUj-jnktife dr] \nny Iffhi f i «v, «4‘i rid ’ thOBSI fcl 1 WoWIMI mf i a n r in ft I 1 ns eJj erijni e ety inwf«n|oe pr< lifing piit iuin tll' ■v 'need of its got ii Samii'et- Untji eii t ; lepiign Smttli* | olin Surge d; j jS'4 (-wßc ; IPITTSSpr Um‘i' mi’i'ilifir SPA: a.i iExl i if, [in ■ :M§m \£jA.±k w ifniita! irt': Ira f IWflojp tj 0, as: 'IIHE » a FAR [Je.i ;cr co iktkl. Prisons tuiU i possession oi ; * on live Fort 'y five wile* i :»U'J about' 'T\V K N erect«U"l ijijrejj .UO,l se l\fty t truiuc-Ba • i. l shoe shop ; 47 Tense •• 1 Esgfrh'tr. firi t*uh*nbvr jin . iuvb.-, on the premises, r| n "teEMa ; worthy tliu' it ju vain to ionium! lu’ilgc (ioijingSi oi tii<.* J I lie pains uuil Id inflict with arm to execute event itj It is up the poison tcniilties while Let the 'syurei ttrpss, avail it- SEMIfk Rev. R. Mrs. k. \ 'msT ■ » ucation given ira'tlid, partmeiuf |i ■■ .1, -I ■ '• I! All eipensi per terra, 1 ef f cnngcs. h i Vn i trim tll.V 'f n our ir.jimjm*/£fl|ee \ # ‘Btre»:gib ti *\ p ,1 Price ih .cVtttfl. ,j \ ■*!?biL()cj| Is!' JFtI W muk re It E"P hr.'* The pim* knowti, ff»r i trend iu»W Muiiufuci . Ainl -•bid fMi.iui h “ JAS~ (iroccr & ■ i FLO ..NO I'l.m : Xo: 8;; Opposite, I lie, M t; SftUM-V! f \ . lof' U be ; IM'J .. coronU*i»cem*i» v -25tbl!fop;d estate are ! eqanie mei)t,and thtiae l&eliitt »ent : (bom pr>j/(i)jr. Jo 5 I>'7 WHJUptI olj o:‘ ht r.ff or in est 1 th «j giamj ren! IVN 4sl: J U., -v S ■e [of | lermftojrrjiosfl roWofi ry;)c'«iBs'mii», li nent i to nxjrrtago i oDßurapti inJ jfits. k itj.jtesilVlint from' :Milif^oc(>o].M,ii).' pkfsbtinlu bfiiii the gen conti nipli|upig ■ ijoro ir, .who Ue ‘ tbspr iiffepriii{||to j 'I i>; in, ili »eiis€| and ' tpr |y ftbd oidjagb, lie e-pT.kuiiwjWp* -j ifpiyeiu It os foil . ijj si cr ‘ti tbnt ,; fitii-beißtlitt c .i’jlie \iib>utithe j •V 3( ijote jßi |tl!e rij-_ .1 'specie It j>opfaEe i. .^btlwd,'!:»» ihliPb ilftde.lffblai j urfjiiiifi p se, . before i :|c|re ijf nuy |f, the j rrtpVeif ;»—■ ad- 1 j>:j(>Br r< jj copy ■i|d jit ciief illy. It pjj lou ir nil f n dol ■lyjyour il'i | i lilt'd on in', f public it ipi pritl nbote F< fp jnu 'j) m 5, fe CO'i lif m i ,r (>urs ?owki E A la- it f# E ; i ii iQv • |bii J .\*'ry |t(»u l ■4. §. Koch* if L BrWg. » ' I!fi \pr. i > KfcV il inf'll r!n f»' 's • |mnr i**; il q*ji lit . li Fnllst .Hochf Iriggist* t i■[ -sw >1 jf'A ! f R: « cXK tTR l 7 fr Si o ticomei I i !. \ ers. i, F*iA ;CiE M ■ l^SCfi 'V- if Jr »r” Sale Rear'et |a ttj ieW f 'FI;' lliil n.i. is. leg M 1 1 : ej •i;q' ijii/ ill k, r I•> t r H (xcyerness. iroJ Tiir. k|d. .; « lep ihilory In in il g, ... s?s 00 ( fiHuig I; n- ilJ -bcliooVb jr i| ! i| jtjVia-'r lAi/ : T|Uj|DAlr,.J||«: ten '.n |Y r\ Fa; :uJs. hi yvu |Pr ihai j i-4 lurcefen w» res 5 !np .;fcq ft>r t'Ci 'era* boI ME k' Si ielion in|pr, raiding in illfpinibi iridthudto p n)»l Bimiaedi*t»p»y #a|p»* "pUI pltMepre- BwWl ;Uedfati*etU«- I-. '• (V f fittSburgb:, P 4. sEtFdr ti?M of b^rawberl we-wdll fnrntSb'lOO planter J? tbefolloWingklnds,;’’. Triomphe'ds Trollope's Viltirit) | Borr’sNew Pine,) T !n'd and Witnon's Albany.!-'" ■; |■; • j w Eor *lO «jaj will |fWralshsdf planish • e following tboioe kinds dp THllom’s Vicniptesse Heri* Thnry.j j Fillmore, 1 lowher’s -; Prolific.! Net’ Mine,; Jenny Lind, .Cutter's -8* M’ irot'» Snj|erior undWilson's Albasg . . Hi, r :2|r \hi>xpiie’X)e\Gand. | 1 'or nesorliftibn of this jnperb and nnriyal-- led Sir»>beripf, : see onr circular. Weikißfurl nil ii ibis-rnrjety ard CielVlleijn’s Al.biny.'Tbe tw ilciding biiicls, it llje following ratps; | f|j' 4|j; ii ,1 ' J i iOscents per*d4ien,'B2 per 100: ’SOOO for | i|(UiOOOifqr > Jot', fiie-per cent, will be charged forjj fonjj piiUibg.-■' ■>,[:[ ; >t I- villi t, Albany. J ; ier-dozen,-$1 per lO0,;f* 1” quantities at samp rate, re will funiisli 10,00(1 ' 10,000 Wilson's Albm also {be charged for th :ki"g.: ’ Flint's by Mail. d ip any poatoffioeodd paid] land carefully pu p/oiie'bu'ndred: good pin I in our catalogue |at -i d. -For instance,- 100 i.’iol); Xroll'ope’a Violet iie de Hand, *2, &e. ] ■ : itiJers filled '.for-piunis b; sue doilkr’s wortik ’ of-any j iess' tbjin JQOsarb others I sin ppice, i'Ji) ’ j Raspberries. -■ Orange" and Franconii .er 100.-.*lio per I,ooo_ rge Fruited 1 Monthly son Bjiver Antwerp, lieu •p, YellDtr Antwerp, Alio tfr do*«W, $3; p’erj.VOo *2B (American 111 tick iCau, 58 pr ioo. *25 ju; ■ :le\l L 'iew Hivfewi 1 luriiiaii tt-AJ. 1 rincj] Btirore I .Itsspborry, «s wi at, tutut and ■.'{ lOninV'a very las fee rejl bey |nclire| and eiiofinoualy [ itred , Auiciietj.nj ll.luck I ire juicy .’ be l ter fiarprejtj y.ryjwiy superior- to jt fcij The j’K-tiil is entirely betivej n'iiil’tlie fruit is |« market.\’v : . -j. pvt kilids include; the-three colons, tel. and 6lnqt..aud;furnislJ a pleiiaii'iif !fluv,or! s .’ Wie regard tliemlasj.tUe; beat itja, and the nto it profituljtlc for uiar j ’[ ' sk-j ) : Rt uliell«i $1 perdOjen. §5 00; $27 I'.OOtj,; $lOO per.i6.Boo. Ilorclicstei - , (7pi taper d-jteu, !j>4 per 100 -per T|000; rmab’i fl'librnle&s; 50| cbifjts per dolei,i'; f s2j .1 ' i2O per 1,0uf). ! '.We will s tud luO l -ic-.li the ab ive three |iinds fur $lO. I'.ficb pi rjc’j Sliawberry piid RlncSberry pUntp -pil'j itain’ nrUitcdliinijtru'clvong ifbr c tltivatuui. j For prices ofj (,rd['C-4, (lunants. Gooiebirj s„ Rht|oarb, abe our tirbu u* t wb!eh| will! bfc.sbnb’W iR' applicants ,eji blltsin? ; |tbmpai’\Ve -fcttve pien|U at ■ip fib!stnt^t,'.«)]■'. j:,-!' | , Reed Stoh\nn3 COUi - i rutor, ’.| • • j -• ■ '«f * !•* ’ I iijonphon •2^2.61.' IFiniat. ■:!, I . Pi 'bckoi f offer [(mh IS), II w.' <8 mnU loTtp?birii [roJ» of .fit• MSMIjoBV- -ll; WOW .iIJQST; - jifpwi jiicalOflEl ll[ IrUST >rnLXSIIEIi, IS A KEALKD.aSXVEI 'j kf j OP.I ■ { "PricefjSi* ,'ccnta.!: A i cclure. !on| ti < and! radical cdrg t*fj ml Wenbtiesi. JeVilily, 1 mwUlm'ii ly Xcrvousn ss, Oniisttra i tits ! d/cntal ajm Physio g fr)m Sitlfj u>uao, iic. uijVpttfijLii.; si i m tin's jrt.d&ha' owhexj e fu! |cniiHt*qimice3| of Se f iaMy tenioven w;.tl»out n< d dan|tr|iu3 . pj ei :i - conliiils, \o pi I'Pre ■ .oiicc ictrtJ i* iictif every sufferer* ho Wxit pn&iny^ yit rtd radically. Tqis 1 ;c -oop r to thousands, apdithru* !7 ■-■t-. in !# I plain rtj jvylope to r nj cciht of six cen ; OF'liliE ■■ : m iptici it i •/;. n ‘ j' 12mo.i’mfaslinv ]irie| SOcpnlij ir 25eitAs' r ; iCopiesjof Uiis lionk; *° rrn'l u ,v pt of lhe Jjrice, in ■t- P)<- 1 ™ •:I ii / i. jT" r- j€offeCi■ |Bc best J iti (iftvsicmn* )n M E W n I vIIOUS Ultol i Compelled f : &c tbiS wll ontAiD. mry cuffci ![G I'OWI E i riel Butritiou '[j& ':LnfiA,‘ -CITS j. “> I ' L JO ep n iiitii ti-ii j' j . ' AyiftG'tborijngilly .fitted- Intent furnerly [krio-itu ;j its- prsjrjirCd' .to; q a'nd the-public gebcra ;lorjr’j maimer.} ; ’ J li H lIODEj 'riciuj lijfnc! rch»n(, BID It'tLLT T 'All Niif-p, ; for fflf | >l Cheaper ihh It on- ? qi It p forjtlio'fe it i the pro- Ut cmi IT. ■m] lOJN (For*«rlj IIIHD STKi : j . 1 IpJDl^iCTr^; 'f i r i:' ■ "5 p I , „ I ilES tacheof Gtnd. Jenny [each of jeOand, nrt da Burr’s ladling. ,000 tori I ■ '■ J 'riompbe y. five a lor, for ssa in tbcj i op «o as ts otanyi iie;-pricB»| WilsdriV liaijil.&U ■=» ’ ; • mail (or me kind 1; it misl; • *1 ■s4.’ Fastqlfl, 'KneriU'V Antwerp j i|k Hnri|\jif p«r l,UtA|.| clnts per: MI i ic Orai>gLj ij* ftJ» oiiC, >f: n «i*ictiv *|H »•*- —I ; „ jcoinmqd.ito .liib; For « n jij o i»y'» Plre,Kose,or iErya ’ Hr, mi tlfe most .•. ji- T i•• • ■ _:■ :i • ;• • t [i Vpr.'i 11, 1 !B )• !■;:! , For Tetter or Salt Hheara. ; . [slpelai. t_ [■ For Seal 1 Head and Ringworm* , For Cancer and Canperoiss Sores. ‘ j For Sort Sore Earn and Hnmora. 1 For Finale Diseases. -' '7 i B 7 For Sappreailon and ,’ ij For kypliUli or VcDnetl Diseases. | For tlr’ Mayor of CHATTAKOO&A, TEETH. HON. ROBERT BLAIR' ' Mr ynj of TUSCALOOSA, ALA. R. D. BAUGH, j :i Slayor of MEMPHIS, TEHH. 3rlrD STITH, “ .. ■. ;ro#of HEW OBLEAHS, LA. iS seEAN' ro 2 r * 9 ay or ofKOCHE^IpIR, I WITT C. GRdVE, 1 ,! Mayor' H. Ti 1 i -\ ' I •, f :o. wilson, h ; | Mayor of FITTEBUHG, ?Ai H. BUHL, !,. Mayor: of , DETHOIT, '.MICH: MEAN iLi' PA^-E,!. / I '' : j , nyor of MILWAUKIE, Wl3. W. YAUGHIjr, i Majypr of BAOINE, WIS. parr/ 'j kl.- Mayor - of KETTOSHA, WIS. IN C. ; HEINES,; , | Mayor of CHICAGO, ILL. J. A.- ■■. HEATH, - ■. J.' , 'Mayor jof SBLIIAV ALA. 1 Ail jliNOpLH*' : JiV' - Mayor of MOHTOOMEBY, ALA. vr 's.l holYbad, Mayor of- GA. espartero Manuel, i Mayor of yEBA CHUZ. PIETEE DE CABALLO, ■ . Mayor lof MEXICO. ESTEPHANIE RODRIGUES, ; ; Mayor jof HAVjjLHA. AIfTONIO ECSBVERA, i [Mayor of IjMA, FEBU. ML G. MrLANG^ O . ■■ ■' ■■ Mayor of V'A.l'pabatso,■ LißiLr.- DON MARO SEBQPJi|eDALIA, , | Mayor of 810 JAHEIBO, BRAZIL. Certify tAat the| resident Druggists have ■ y |.j ' | assured them : ~ Is ga exceuent remedy, and worthy the con- 1 , . fidenoe of the;; community. ~■ !>■ r ’For Spring Diseases. • t j For Furlftring [the BloodJ • • k •• For Scrofula or'Klng'i IEvU. : '' , For TnmOr«, Ulcer«, and|sores. . ■b • ’ >, For. -and plmiples.,; Y : i' For 'tlotchei, Blaina, and Bolls.' W- HON. i. HON. j HON. |.-HON. DE ho: IQN. / 8 HON. ,n HON. ■ * ... ■r ■' HON. W. HON. A. 4 - Hon. ill.' ■I „ ; HOW. HON. HON. DON ’DON -DON DON DON v-vt l? lAjrer '-! I" ''A* 'sSs rer’s ■ .!. TREPARED BT<; i| , ►r. J C. Ayer A Co* . DWELL, MASS., ■ ,'| ■' bjr Dn ggiti* ertrir whe».;: ■ ' t&.'.Upr t»li by V. Minis, jr„ Bearer; S Croat; Bpt ire teir, 'Waggohe(r 4 Lowry, free dom; J. Nieiola, Baden;' J. 'Sargent, Jtlew Brighton,- Jifao Black, ..Darlington, Dnn ')( 1-can & Edgar, FaU»t'jn,tod( Vy dealert errrT ,*'■| iflwt. .[f-T. «'■ •*.: ■ |. >y. AlldHl -min =1 MEM i. • irsaparilla, C&erry; Pectoral, i er’S Pills, and J Ayer’s Ague Cure, v~ X'FI E" [' •t r (IXL.V iBEPALUHX fin v/vff proof » tri tfrnng antf'dtroii EXPBI/TIIE DOUBTS i»F ALk For ttateetneny Judges) Editors, Physician* of j schools sc well os 'new, gits U Xfaeirilboqnnllifled sanction,' sqd recant in eud i| for nil coses of eruptions, and diseases of ths ■ scalp scd brain; but all who hare used.il.imits It teMifiying that itwlU'prcsenre the. hair from beirop gray; and from fhlling tosny age, as well as restore. Bead the I j t Oak Grove, 8, 0. Juno Z4lh, 1859.' : Paor.- O. J. VVf'ioD: Dear sir:—Your Hair 'ro. | gtoratlro is nipid]y gaining Popnijrlty in this community. .r I havebad occasion-to. lay pr«. judtee aside, and give yonr Hair Heetorati tea .perfect test , , >! ' 1 During the year 1314. 1 was rd- unfortanaft ns to be thrown from my sulky against a roci near the roadside,’from which toy bead recetv ed a most terrible Wow; ennsinga great deal 0 1 Irritation) which "icf mtniinicnfed to (he hraii nnd external surface ef the head, fr6ra the of. fects ’of which my hair was, finally| dcstroyc, hover the entire surface of the head, j From tb i I tjroe I first discovered its dripping, howertj, I op to the time-of its total disappearance,. I eta ' jployed • everything]; I* could] thing of,. being i professional man myself, and, as I' thought,ue ■ derslamiing.tbe nature of the disease, but.’w B i finally defeated in every prescription odvaoi ed.' .- : , - '■ I . -'v.'. ■ These and no other cironmglanceg .indijee roe to resort to yonr worthy IJnirßeslora'tivi iwbioh I have every reaspn. to believe) product: 'wiyery happy result, tw.o months after the fir I ■ application. 1 had as beautiful a head ofyom bairns 1 evpr f snwii for -which I certainly yon my most sincere' thanks.' Ue.st assure dear sir, 1 shall recommend your ri medy to i inquirers: , rpordover, I) shall .use Wy influent wbioh l flatter myself to eay, ig not'a little; You can publish this ff .you think proper* ;> !r Yours, verv respectrully ■ . . ?; jf. wright,7i, r>. ■ ; Office ef the Jeflersonianj: Phillippi . y pec;, i2ti., ;«58, : ' r ii-, . -,. ,y - Dear' *ir—l feel it my dutyias well i • pleasure, ti> state to rou the following choU gtiinccs, which yon’ c.an, use as ton (hitik p per. A gentleman of tliit| place, lotto has Keen bald ever since his youth; eoVui-h that iqe wiis compelled to wear a wig. . Uu, =.v induced .to use o' bottle of your ‘•Hair Ileata .rive,” which be liked Very much,-and tt f 'Using orne two or three bottles nis Hair gr ; out quite .luxuriantly., hjidh . t: ,w i , f spiiie ijead of hair. ,Vf a .i.:- V' - . . flrttHoftT./andlns li.* i. w kioAviri'.: aojmhjng'counties'; rn..ny I ei . !';is c.i i i... : Xoltlfe trM I it; el.this statetoeiU; 1 give i; to’yot ; the request of .Mr. IStadfur I.'v Veil eai/'se! i great diy.u'pf yptfr Hair Jba.t ip this the. Adjoining counties:. it! yu'uf pro ; agents. . Your, ,\c.. ' • TII (> Mi'S 0\ ?I-i 1 sv,: De, Wood; Dear. Sir, Permit mV t(f exm the uU<»!titqn3; I ajn Jhu>l*'r;fo'r -entfre'i toration ofiny. hair to Pa ; , r> ,h the time ofiay Arrival, in the I'sttVrSt'i’te was rapidly becoming gray, but u;■ ,u t;,*.' pUcatioti dfyouij ‘Mlairtteiiorativ.ji'it j. r,.., novere (if .its' -onginkl liiie,f , l. cut-burr ‘: .RestordUH as efficacious fas well aif agreeaWei. ■ ■ .■ ’ ■,r :! " ■ -I.: s. Tnu;:;Ki; ‘ is put up'inibMtjl** of? sizes: largcu- inediurii/uud the-'surtl plut. and re.tftils'. tV»r fine'.. per "boViie mediur.v,hol-is at least I w e.i:tyr’j’■-.*r cetat ■! iii proportion than the snniW, ..retail's .for dollars .pc-r bot-tie; tao/iargefhol.is a o'iijj'ij iiVj>rop‘i>i;iiMn,-an.j retail?-for ; O j.’\vOOlij’.at Co,. Troprietlvs, i4-J4 P. ifayv N'.. V„ an d-d i’t. Louis,' v: y\nii sold/ by ail' and Fancy (I Dealer?*.- \ • •,/ : ,j| June G.'lb i I Hi • Nb-. 92 Market Street, • r ; :-3RiVtslbT£litigr33L, v\ro now opdi.iLg a large;and . well se! stock of " 1-' ’,v H*3=L h.iving *j ceii boughl'ai’-AUtiTIOX PKU.K \ri li' dispose the same at-about halffbc o: cost, >’ : i■ -• • so('cents to-.iuiv defirtd f.ric : 1 PB ENCH ME RIWOS. ( ' from 50 Cents to.any si|rsflfeiKi>rfte CLOAKS' A Ifirne' sUOk frohp.SC o<> iHfl up'v^' l(’S ETT&US tOi-tumrhturt j.orr tue .cs |‘lion. Jdlrti Scnit, of. U-Ir'eweil I l3eavey co., i:c ji.vhnviig bJeeV grnato'i indented tn snjd [ .ire recpvei-aed to make immediate p*ivme i Ibose claims Ag*ju»t‘' e/iid| estrif ipresent/tbeio tO the VubscHber^rpropc:: uhertticaled ‘for settlement.;. ; KomniT oJ-scotx, \ DAVID fU-:i>D, f mao,’62 Teet r J'UEUK is nothing made by art that V and beautifies a man or woman so i ‘ft nice settof teeth Dross as you if ! should you be unfortunate enough [tENttsT. ' Jle will make you a very fine sett j ,n; med Teethj on CoroUte Base, for j£l Elate Gummed Teeth,.sso; pfaj mei teeth,.s2o; common si tiddly oral $S All ybr.k warranted to rendvji* jtibn.- Workmanship aVgobd,,as_ Anjy* the county, offer the .firfct of Aprif. ] pr*co of Ooralite will be J{e Electro -Magnetic Galvanic' apparatus alleviationof pain in extracting.teilth; j. Office—Croadw’ay, Ney Brightort| General S'Goii-w’.ibiQirO: M . ' :• AS'D ptfiler in Flour , Grain. 'ari(l . •of Country ProJ'ay,. J( r; /u .Liyuor.r. Ci'/ars. Tob.aiit advances made on con :l\ ; ■'"> ■■ -- • *‘! S BOOTT^iHIOTZr I:, B. D. MARK ER, FrQp* i Cor. Irwin St. fi• Diiqm»n\. . ! ” riTTSiiUiidif.: /The “Scott House” is il»f J fepst arranged llolds in tl c Irpn Citt their pains nor expense wiJJ be spare tain its well-earned reputation. Convenient to titer Bridges and Bai|ro specially comrnehds'-it to the travel MILO A. TOWNS ' dealer! in 800 KSy S TAT 10% TOYS and FAfICY AR > 7100.; 'NfIW BKIGIITO ■\Tf ASHISQ SODA *t Dr. A VV Store:' ■■JrJ.----: BLUE and (lemUe lak*,** O ■ ftwrt-', - : V re- »!>. • f. n* ; a. BE =I h'Tl i.'.v iopd3- .11) i , .'j etc# iginnl E ; ite rtf ■tisnif, to.lVti e?tn*c. . it, »u>tl ~ rV : will' v. n 'i .Ei-rfs. lii : adorns m tj - r ipucn as > J|< find* exhibit . imps of ilmtg;—- twenty mill to’ ground ntljr In- bu/h i • !Upld tVginn le b:ise,. atieiac;- made* in .. SO-J. the ' uses on for the t A liiiids I and . ;v • ■ 2d street .ifw,. (siguitiv-ny | jnujr SIS \ay r •ESS A irgest and .'and net ioimain :• I'T'ilior). ) !(i sts lions I .ng'public." E N D, VERY, &v, T1C1.E3. - N, Pa. ioisi’ Diojs .titflfo **“