A Revolt Among the Irish. .1 REolSl't}R , S r N< \ C.Oir WlXljlliD Scoil,| ;it- LL person's interested I SeAeJYokk.iowjt. April 24. ; v .i xl Adauniatmcrs and. Out ... ! w-nich have botn paa*d and £ deserter, a young and intelligent j mera Office, of Beaver county! belonging, to' an Alabatna -regi- notice that tie same will be j : came"within oijr litie* this mop-! Court, to be held at 1 ’ ;A good* deal of, his inlbrmav { j is \eiy important, but improperi : XLc final accounts, (real publication, . Xle confirinij. the . Samuel B.i Wilson, Aduiinialrai laents of the dcsei tfnga-ebel col-l of John deg’.d. | and lieutenant' wlio came within ■ i. T^ c fmal IL■■ ™.i S h t »f i .the sjiAniroyk ana harpof Erin, around*! rilbe final account of John W •W h;|ch ihcigalfant sons! of the •Enicr-'i tralor of tile.estate of .la'meaM ■ il’.J i Ijjie have for centuries j i T bc partial account of ■'Willie willi iiiichl deii tv-revived: “£“! f will and ttslai ■lhd ! ol4 iVding wf broUicrhwd. vTAn, i n ’t account of Ephrain : fWK/rt Jltf n-J/it,. ,mJ ihey Kill BMtWr of the last will and tsi As described to me by the young pßry an . deed. •’ ■ j Alufaniiuui, theirSeeno of the Mtrreuderi i.H’bn final account of Jno. W. ] : v> :fK-i!r arms Was one of grand im- ■ *! iu K * #d *r-' Kxecutors.ofthcld J-.- 1 . ■ t i,-‘ * junient-of.Micbacl Douglas, dec * MCicsj-pnc .01. .those subbing. i-Tlnr supplemental and final A! pii na..oipu History ol rarest ex-. of'the.last will men bing troir, for; htlltl -*ur refill* .rebol th'ej I ,ii;itw|i. and '-'idy (--illiod out by -that i °F:An4«?w!J.ilmst»n. dec'd. iiitcits-hy'of iit.loruul J accost «f OWge 'H. sire rvveaieU, llie i»i<;!iC-st a7ul ! ■‘■■ ! .' I .‘f t ‘ jr . wl l^ ic ‘ <*}*<■* 08 Olun-lt - v 1" -,l i™:l -7,lt' I-,,, '' V- 1 J l* c liualluccuuul of J.imcs l - fh'f 1 - tUlllb °! • I ‘ U,ns !, n,t >-‘ l ''. exhl-r of the last will , an, ;■ ot I . , \ ori ‘ i Itruiidour, Uml lofty ; llomy Havk aecM. who was 1 ;•;icn;itv poots .ami pstlllU-rs"jjrasp’ - SIS i listwillymif testament.of Georj >.'»% tiiiojius, but.esssiv in vaini "t * lie of-James l)avji<,j t.« nlirsugly’meinbWa!ize eiUtur in wonls j "llc'd 5t '' l!1 P " d te? *i oi itlimWial song or on tlto unfading j ?> h X’J£i \ Kenl esjatol-of ] .iiie eiUii-c act. the hrst firm ■ingeu .jmd John McCartney,'Ex y;'e?o|vcj_ilS aiinoimcejneiit-, up' iaVt will of vMuihew ll.Jc§Vcy,j - arms arm colors-, and lacing the f 1 'ttoyouui of Jacob Umci of dctUli Jhat miirh/he metetl oi’ ilie-estate of| ’ s!tOv. V a.spiri\ of .martyr- Gll a,|iian .ocouht of Join ; yota figu earnest reit-sac-f|!ioe |hat. sa- , Qua Allan of Phillip Kcucl, nut :>• '.viid v.ar Iciff-ii js oT CroiH- ; I!i«i Kcud. *d«c‘>L V iiiiic/ v Tiij; eiiliiv b!-?! t > i- ! -Hu-' Guardian accuuiir uf.Cl ! * 1 ?" !: H^bcl . il «• our *kh> tii.re is' ~reat J - F ' T ].'n‘“ ' ' ‘f t . . - , • V ' L !,. I-mc Guardian account of J: iu the eoa’rsi; I (juarJian, «f Gtu. JV. 'RaUiwri, \£vit ’ by tluhiebel briirftde. if it is i ■• 1' j ! tiiSy flic fil'lititi'' furor ■! ! Tiw>. Guardian .S l!K;!,r p revwiw to ;hf lu! ". i \ ! I r .-V’ r r , i. , Michfid Harder'lce dj.y • ■*■”.**} dinn tvf Isaac and Uenrv .Smit**' w i<> fur—thedf'eui v decd. .'-■iiMf.-V) :nor ft-UVi il I r?• i !:c icii^ yiu- ' I 11 1 ir f.on nt r v:n , i\r • u* hclu i accounts of ) OI* ;}ic c;-- •Miainisir.'iftjx’'ui* Millor-d! Oi’J.uhii Marlin. l*at|i am .i'VcMicoru minor.childreu o do; n-dee d.‘ .?•:!! ; r.- Jatfiifa? s ; t.«. ?' MEI President Isihepln Visits a French i ~ A- iioyil. ■' VesselV \ i ! Beaver. April 3WU,' isto!. \ Apni i I ; T Vl v ■•' -.l* iV ; vsur.v,;*?. i.:--*' OicS MD= -f* i 1 ; u-*:; iI ,x- Vt'J '/:*■ if: Fi of -a i-.f » •! , a ;t -t y .. •J hV iif- hi;,i i a*' ; f.u v i.;it :0 •;ti '-»•:,*• •v':.'. I! *t:U *"i 'li: it- 'lifri, t c\i \ 4 . _ iy._\ 1 1 :T'j> :•jb'iron nirr ;:iJd ;ii|* v*;r • V i'u *•.' x'.jo-yi '■ 1 BE Cii.l -i'Uvtaiiu. • l.il-i flti i *i‘"LSL‘.': r Al v l', I D—-Indersi.l. .1 t'ir.i! . tr’.( I-.; j‘.l <['>»“£>■'■ Jluiniuvri-i’ ... .• ■■ tfC-i- . ~,, n i/y\. ■ ’' . • i *i*:‘V ! r ,A ¥ i:i ‘ ; ■ ■■' “ 14 , ~y ■ ~~.-j , the I X il jO • t . 11 1 ... ;.i,4 Street above Thiri ‘ L i"i!/ -llJiv IxUUV li LuK-'l'-' ; ■ i L‘ T , < —... 'I,-' Vt [- ■•- ij.-.ai.•.•»;> or I 'tit c ••■ ■ , 'ik* ttil#Alilyj, 1*1; :|tt -a .T y Upton, S.' UTcycomef; lrbii-elp.fi Frigate. V n;^>.,,,.3,1. r :'i i-v-i-i: I- tlio OvXiji'i/th ft. I, i-in" 'tujali ~ --'I ~ . i v i-I -•■• • : v- a«d ui every .particular! :i< *' .••••? .J - ;r, 111 : LIU (.* ill '1 lii: tl = , ,!; ' . . v>.,! : ■{.•■-.!■ . •- ;* , I .• . -■-’lulon and.alii a .oi the 1% ■ h ■ i V • 'i,i-:;r:v a' i;;, Vaco; -piui l’* 'l i ( * STUtIK of .'jhe i ■ x water-1 *■-vTm- J v v l /, r ’ ; ’ }V,r s: .. .. / . , , i • ri’f . v l,oi K (-It DI.IG>, MElilt ’ - :-VE “’S !H ' «.*<•»-s-UMsiiULL-lu.-.!, ; fc.MEUV.- PAINTS. oll.Sr .vi-, t . ; ;S.C' :•<,!»*:crri mtislie.-t. It ! iJi.-sin,.l.vi-;.i-W!.VHKU.S. i|,ri ■ ‘ *1- v'»ij ;tod I \i-.. -h ■ • ;("■■■; Si.i : ‘ \\ lil i.f bark- •' '-‘X 1 'iniiliSj X. ' :n-r :i: ,ged litar j - w u i‘i, Hirh^c; / i Im K-‘ ■, f - ,m* ti- : ’ i i ui tt iiiclj liii* ,>lor«i *iepl ■ • U<,WI, Or.j ' : I ’.yyai-jl i-. >Uil Vi-iK-il j .»üb;crib«iv , :l>'AMlil, . i'i.'v S.PHibcr.V'l'-Jxsrs'O.riS, liina.t f.i’j- . 'lteavcr. .Vf.r..22. '■ R ; - 'fS'lii ■ ‘ja v• ■ I'i'it-'li-u- Cui lake.La vivw 'rTV“» rn> i. . ■■ i TouM.i- 1 Est ? te of Dav.d Muys, > j i - Tlij-s jliis bed • fl>iini.! I 'Vyf'Tl(P.‘ip Riy/n tjiaf I -••ii-r ‘l,. ? -1f..;.* ill' niini'Trriiicni h:«vi* : hi'(*n: era i-k. j J .1.1 . ** _ i ,•- ■ fiii • ft -\\ ill*-, 'iu 1 ., tnt* c^iin , .f ; J y.; Pi the ;. I - I ,^, ] ■'••'■"y' '■ . ' rj ' ' \f I Into ofi ip.;, il,. .-Siia^wiin i-' " : .j kciWii in iljv 1 i: ■:•- A;.V; Our ; J , '; h V’'''r {• : i : •./ I>\ , \ >'« , . i - ; i«rost*nt rhojr eluin»^;rTul ■ f ... •«-%. .. tf‘l iy : |K'*U2»vii;l^JL;Ue(!.. • v-.’ ill' rwXf 1 r>u TijO L-fO'M' r 1 Ij-vVIKI \ Ax-rhi;!-. ../v ’ \ > ‘ i {T.i ii f *?; -navt* * ■» ~... v . .1,-', '■--■-if i: i.ui; a >.yw. UojoIx? - 1 ■ / h'-aia: h iii.,. 'l'ii.'V f r ■; T 1-J.l (jf ailiiiiTn=irnii4n .«.; i Vi.' . t'i " r ;' lo ''x 'Axsitt, ilfc'd. ,lW n . .* •,»■ *' .* : t . 'ci'townsfiip. JJcavcr <*o., liaving *' •• i| *\i' • 1 *il Ueiv S(.;ut l; t-ii in iiit* pe^iins ‘' 11 1 *>l* * M.-vij’tic.]* ; :W, voljut* r ioil in.;uirik ‘ii’ f-ii' m’ x: ,ir»ii liat ’ l ,;1 v-utvnt. :i:nl ihnsc paving ( rUiiii» iv i» !. r, ,pri'«ont Mlioni io ! the I V4I cl t X , , • I ' . . ; . ' * j'VntHTlv ;miin:ijMcaTV?Ul X Oel :I A -lolm Ihmur. of,Ohio lowovip, IfUer "i . .'A'V 11 *no M.MIKKT) 1 j <*o.,i .dt‘f d. nuvini:, heeii duly i granted tp d lit ■ l i ,, 'i»i vvm Xubscrihor, all pci-sons indehipd fdßaid Ibtaic t; 1 i “* aAj A« nre ;noi-ttWi to .make *iinmediat.V paymentj and i ! THE MEAL. LAV A’lf EEK, ; having the saaie will J»tje ; W . |7Vn«jv t.ru Mn,[, oit,- , «r/liO • scll , t r'l'i'criy authyptiepted for seitie j —-; . ; ■; i - .- £_ : J t iiicma\yi haul ill-lay. y, . r ■ .Mu. tx-xxixGiiAS; A^^! K ' v :' v^TL^’ :crinh ATTORNEY AT LAW.I, '! EXEruTcin|S3oT::cK:" ... i - 1 . . *, i’ •• t ( |_^j;Mr*. - AniOAii. Glash. of i jic borough,'| o- ORTH £!1»E -Or* THE |oi •• 1. RPawi-D I> . .rl o ,f i>o : gramed to ih« updertipned; pll pir io,is indclit- 1 J |V£-Hj 1A- Lt}B - ' ed io said estate arc repueslpd!>o maliLi inmVe diatc payment, and-t hose haying clsima against I said estate will present-.them: to the subscribers j properlv authenticated for seltiemi nl 1 ■ ■ JOSEPH CAIN. • M. tAWHENCE, i Eiecutors. ■ a-l-j ■I:.-:;, vai i,;v: 4 , \ i :,j. t r. WI . X- r |' : l ::lui I :l ■ :t; (: pl fruit (c lo\vf : rriJt’n r ;t Kerr’s Hotel, i Street,', Beaver, Penn’a,' f 4-! Proprietor., >■ . TrniLOW WATIE, Limps, SWia.: «d ■ * ’ it • lIEKBY’9. 1 ... RAIL-ROAD HI V-J: Lilli- , I , . > j iv;ii i::i '-Vt-jJ', o! A DAM JO II -\SO V, the hr.»t _ j -UonlEST^ ■'Wyiir*i. i ' ' •Tjc Prosii i\, ' ;iii k. itii; tur-i ■ !:i;i -r v<-y cam* i ii<. :-.Vt \Va> lltJ~~~.itti ;J~~: ~.t !•£ tIW uA • \ ;: j' * tr- *-;t: i U' -I IWiL: 11. -i-: ;;.nt ! tin -!•«*»» <*j :svi' i 1 l ’ »u : Jlici’ t-f -iii> -.\ni> .*•»i.. I ill :KU-i. 'i. !ii 1 --i.Aj.ri] j April’23. , TirASHISG»t 'Dr t M TTi ■ 1 -■ , • If . V-. Tj/IKAS —V..UI-L' ii.-..a. lUuck 1- ia "■ v : i tu.\ VniiiNt; \'.\xn\(‘t<^i L a< J‘ ! IiON yll,. n 1 ;::'' J'or I r:.,: Ir'-i""’ vj i/t': M:^.4r.vi,i :c :;ihi i;,,..-., I v; i .ii -: i' ■ i*.,r iT «. i. I'ni,*, .1* t ■ ii : *. 1 H1.;I £*:il ■V ~A:r 1 W' u y'f'r' ,KAK It lh<;. :il 314::,;. < K M A.)! \‘> J. jriiv. < M ■ hoe. r tic Knowing IE (Jouoly ardian accounts, filed in the Reg d Pa., will uie presented to tlic Beaver, dn Wod for confirmation »*Ter«l Tow ip>; of r«e»i !l; fur 180.', a helow, Ti*; tistown, jowcudObio, H psburg. fid personal), of tier of tic estate !- ' ' -.|| ; Eitcmiller, Ad- Andrew i Gocti, |ndenee, lib 9, J.: Holmj -1 do |& H> pewell Jo 10,.0 [T's. m<|j Hopewell, do 11, Ultbart.Se Houksjlown bor, 1 do 14, T,; T. M< do I* Greene Ip jdo' 15, ' do I UniK.Jer & Greene Ido IK, 0 M Her' Krankforl boro, iio 17, lIS McCi ll:iu*|vfer village,, jdo 18, Sport's il ~ Skiff Payment can be. n.ad Idialricks. [’ 0. "C. | »pr!j6;62 ■ 1 ' ‘ el. i C [i if Joseph i Law-: 1 anil testament I. ■' li : jßrutc, Admiri :a Bruce, | dec d, •avis, Sutyivmg 1 ’tctftantcutrof Bxeculur.oT the gc Wyke, tjlec’d. | Surviving £x ument uf Hun i • - •!. Jackson Swear :ceufors Of the i dec’d. i 1 :e, Adminibira iWui.'J. Kruce, XECUTOR’S I [TEUS testamentary on |Raio, of Greene town* having beenj granted to ‘uns indebted tosaid es! e inu|»cdiale|pHymerit v '; against said estate wil jscrabers properly autb t. : I JO UN CRAIG, J ■| M. LAWRENCE, April 23.\ t . L E dec d, all per to mak claims [llf SU! tleraen m A Stcinbach, nor sou Ofjljoii- ristian iVjack/ ; minor Otjugh- Ralston, , 'minor sou of V Umuvl Piersol, r cjo. of'the e>- • , | THE ' I JRDAY MORNjI Tbelbcst Ki mily Ncwsjj U<» \vhs Guar minor sUnsVf egina who] \v;iM riiio' umlj Ad- AUanifFiiesli- ESTERXP ie only I'etjibcrniic L ■ J|ittfduirg. f:>TAljLisHjil)' I! j iinins till t ic CL’IUIE 1 'AV ••.jrelia.blf, Monclar ■ •cialjrepurti! ami adit j'pJ'J ry, Eueijary-and Sc; 'aluiible StafVticul IntV Agricultural Newt, . , •—Lsu— is Latest Telegraph dug (''very important I ■: cigMiiiiiil 111 laeslip. Cu; i ttlcnigciua* l.pgj.-Oiith - j ccedings, ,\c.. jci i 1 p'.r ahr.uln rnr ii SI A lid 1, Register. It rill; Join la!e USE,| I I*RO*R. rivNx- \ :n:*l IiKNjjIVS luiljra K; pih'.ui :imli V;i- : is-. ‘>;1; ' H V S. . J’. i i!KM:vv. •; arnj nKMfVf. v. :»: ! I ! iiE.Mtrk. ■ | 'j ! A wjii If ' fMiii.r mi i'tiuvv Fifth ru <1 f-tc | 'vi. »J your *u mpy by m: j; FA L 3 will! hu. *i M/i*, fiuy until »l e ]>t il;iv ;k ui.;: for ’th “f « Ti*! on H . .... X I ■; l ; pnvprj FeuVir to,' HKNUV’JjI; *i hy 0*« f«*».|;*~*, ,f ?:*.<» pb«:i“ a •■} s;njfifk*Jitbi |( (jj. a t ■ llftbi Ft. T«|:loii. ill/; li 1.. V Ut'i ; .'f. i rrnp'if.Ml*; f--p : f Hi- :- i i?, P •* Vanrori. in Jl/j U_; | : fthrtg aiwl fcj ryi^rfiM' ; ‘ jif- I'rtmel Ti:i ij I.>;K\ , ! l\n> j (>ii I --v ill Ip ni ‘f ut. I NutnViik; m| lor tie uffl'treiit in mj:, .1 rpl Tm |.iy- ••] . '.j '. H FN^;|V j-' by OrJerof th ; <■«ij;iS»■;?*. • : .• **. Kiim-I,lbraviir April 11. 1 ; iihNlbV'ij. A'cbcMl 1m Y \ i tml • tlumugli Oli 5 infurinnlmti apj !y i«i| 1:1 , Y1:1" ia. i ; :4 , ■ Prop’r. riieiit |»ar»sjnt’ jh»' aj»tr-l[;o thr* Hinj; PuV lif' luv. x <} : j; SAL' C ' OtU VJ n (.'(J i Those J-; .• nnlouiJ M uile ib | :'I u ’ be c ; 1 ' ill ri c*®n * nre iri'.uioK i lVei* (hji I" : ■ ■ , II f 111 1 {‘lto ; |I>.\VJIk: r^: Jo; on- i-r-; INEisJ I>KU- I <•«<•• I'l-kl J mj j. to n'l'tiroiia- j J i tho jireini bo blttaiiilv'.i. ; dot's. I jio.lhe.- Wntlill I * EW - lilies. \< migrator. ■ • : • i i,..: i ■ *! I ’oiuiiu D., Dec’d.; Blank -tleiv nt L.U i = l | lW * iM : *l by. tlu* j *tik .st;i f .VL»*r l>i*.;iver; ! I >ll:i tl: 'J. .jj (pOUNT L’wjhs (Uhl «ju bsmhei 's A 31'tiiij liv'sj A ril Piufj l;cial! Xou V.H.lrs, Pa, lilurs. Co]l mis. Hoiiui i discount i |i:ukc t'lifcii ■ t jO lU*;ivor. : in i ami KEt’UTO aitiiicntica-: . V LFi person**: indcttcij trt th<* estate 'r \ llufiis, Inle 1 of New Sewlckljl tp. lVt*f difc’J., aiferequested to make Irli*k edin rotnt, fc ! kld: tho»ie baTi claims nkniiiMt ■* late i-jease' presp it theinrto fi.e uuba duly autuciiticaled f< r settlement. H 1 ■ . - MARV -UU Is NS; E Wm- B. OWEN, Ei ..NLW, nistrnu-r. OTICH.: i the »outh Bca- l*t*en grahi4 hiiiebteihto ramrlQ’ E UEWN[ijA^E! immvdi:ile against j-aid • subiiwtier iw 4t:oee ■'/.4 ! .jilersigned-would respefctifull' riendsat d fdrnnef patrofia that jtST OPEIUG in the It .i- i r ■ '( • ; i cwupngrl rre*wrer wiU all n»bip» hiiU Bitroae *ing the| County! t the timet noil p! ‘ATE !do SO/tSmiih's do 21. D tnki ,do . 22, H lHn> i do B. .Fun do H, Ho'el. do, 27, W. D do £B, i do do 29, |r. An^ 'do 30, liobrrti'i • do 31, K. E1- ,;r tor >s-.i j; Mrs r. i recei 1"M:r (Il'J Cl « It- =RIM in'. ti ■Tliy' h' UKt •>*■><*<> 'Ui^U, iii)*t t he s* ,«ji hi Ih.ro ♦ the enm-^ : c rho4l : * 1 ■ • i{3 • in ii.l county ; ncc*»r ;en; at :nif • r IiKN I ir» cl \Y 11, otitrrj Sfccnta vy ty: in .llu for r»f tli TI.'VU, Ll] v> liJui ji sehs-ta; lili? c«n iii UT JU.I IM.LK I the EAV 'SM. I.V I rot, mer ! 4 > Vl Il'lh.', *:ive « i y otli j any tUat lily., Uy. ’ai* 1 nin I c* a£fc.tn ew wct-ks . o game ri*o iviliCcv], C.;i »»iu l*ut a'f ilcry in th A. JfJKIF.i | Photographic A RY DEALER 'tli'fiiiir y ut Sllh\ ' - hits ahv lys or, iffoy’s Sj yllor t ihmeties.l Stud; liiso’s '(i ra'wtnai; lents, Letter (.'t y Env!t J.# Rooks: .Steel iy BooksifSluti: ict :Buari|j, &« ; Cor ■ cask. "i aiid tloii •I I- '-‘f K. Vi! 7 erjed to buy KffßT. if I>Al\ iVood si.i US NOTICE, ! o .PH. end id the ■s, for the end .Slate ices dcaig !■ T ;-j :VAL I 'it l IBS ; «xj»oBcj j ou the ;J ’ rtpeV ol i‘ I.MI'S ( J [iuhiii rentiers, r Lday, : neit.j iy i tn. [litt* :ia». de ilienci rind n t four-t< < rihieigl •r. be part I 4(l 'tO It Hotel. ■i’> Hotel, ‘f's do er’s. ahn Ison's nt W o’: Rekl Kw : C’UNMK< ] j widely I c Q(ld d*B( I A RI Oil I , north oi i thijeenrt thence c < ' M ' { grees e.t• L'nnrud I cost, eefi a Sdguri eiplitj-i'lj (J fire 4 ning, co| ftorobe*;] parti don; in the (l| nroen-oie stable, aq* good tin] |s and n got land. |{ j’a store. ■l.illis lotel. j setter's, i tenstein's. tin's. sheri- 1 n'iy-fwt ih'e hi Hrid;i to , ! ; - • r ,*i he Ran. ifi tii# r '.inglmm's r I Soi t'i's. ik’s inns”* nl/npill t, Esq's n-r l ati v ti i sprin ■M certain ■worth' orhsiiii Villi ! iCohr til's. Ribbon's Also, a situate in comity h follows, jt by I Jin.) 6 fourth dr perches. t< due of ph eighty nit one hitntl | thence by : and a hsl tenths pet Isaac llili ty-six pei six a ini'll pv relies jt degrees St perches |t chntiunia.i es, the sat titioii, nt There is la Waterloo: fcheo^‘3 ore adjoining AW, retsiw 1 j 1 lif hi •pi i*6j • • e| and Ifindu: fm ches |tc wklpjwj cfiea 'ejt : fJur asurer. :eof Jxo.s] »aver co, | ersigned, requested *e Laving t them to d for ae.t iip:, * i- SUi «fShi ). i.!-it W le bt*i ii .rtferii >wn. ‘cutora POST. ti"?. ; 3 sim !' | Also, • a . Jnml (rit'uhti said, bout »J Uegintiing ' nkjiu silent . east, hft ■ Jpercbes fo t |of." j-uvpi r }huu(ire;lu « to?a .. a wss grceawest [i«!f perch ning, con.t (vetches, tj j.jirtitidn,- dwl'lling- L Nftws, >nal mag ■ i ytil « f -►. • fctpfe i !■ bOu b« |ai clear l' y or 11 !ng bani, * •yerat.gri portion **l ; ati'l al! nn ♦.tor. . * urgll’a. | rWk er (Van t is a Jt'ji. J.TIhJt I w|‘l ■ wut^ri; tji ; ‘}>n’ tttc bftiu eii«i a ■!AlLi>: a | iitirntir. in i] I,' U;gi »iiinpr urp u t *( . IniitTpen. T from I ncii. nt j nj-lrtion i •tish; o! j I llnrkjJ •: Sli’Jp j' rjbim .r*: it \ u * ml ll* ‘til ling; N»' the w*- Mjitf.'— ; tj liioljj jl>ero!|« <*nuv' I*l t>t , ;»Bt, i i-?i k •- \'V v : igSit * , I r'rs, oUll j tv wf-rk -p>i rule id cn *ilf| !;i fittjf fctll »j.TCllj 1 m* Jll ii :g - V ti. tl fitni I'iisi! funrj t ••-Hire uuri four : oMU forty IV-tW ! :V fcJdl dlj ujilije.; Mice feiiiljnurq •liiitii linzt 'ujflb: ilcj! ake, ineji J tprus'euj >;itf f crciJ : itrrjv ilit-j > 2u.il one -! i i'l a imlf i » 1*111 i?i ii lizl i'nMerh e ; Ki.r ul-rlji 11 ■ i *'s|" j olittes I cl^lp "'f H lid £n!: “Mil oes >. | i lionijl | S! I ; i*L:i . I SK- I J. ut vr nr j cei iH>n j #il Ip i|:i I 'I , po'Ml |p idpjbjv H nrtisti 11' 1 : utfiens pn-d by N.-, Jic rtist( h ■ —- i a S. ■■ in Vlfflr. 'I - . ■ ■ !* -44 .vie* «ig|)t IffCjl.ial ■'l ■■J-'l fc'H v.i oj t ; ■ i tindre irlv-tl U> in 11 inisei ia N i; [bote ' liii'id : R.*a dai'd's s. Bi p and Lore ;.r. out ;'b . it be dupes. ii I, ijn Puns b Ink: Ac. ej Uiv M'i fr reliicfcs Slulli a. i ci itnf i, rllilV Wi Lioods art ol' IS. M'Cpf i n * i Hip ob-tt. ’lt'll jSI iw.ciy ( ijf.timi ounh i -burgh ale,: i i;al f Abel terco. e pny hi * I ea « r«N slid ,41 dl 4 ir /i?e iike M I Imig In bribers Oj Mill t<; lli perche* i|nihg|buu *1 the same n non )ein|. .xr]x, t'r. 6n, oti wii * tilling Inti r, Cu lining 1 lni( (■.first,} bottj i id jundpr I( i e pr. liiiaes, so; dii-:. i i li-' : I. I- Sati •I- tri i 2 0 clock:. se ; it»ti i n i a ,'j r| ;e Irjiti in iiu s Inform le'ig son &■ ▼e a*-' v ntj,- ic 1 in ui .led among loiriug tle'scp b< enoloeure,' I'i'lu burg. AVjiyji i fbjo property ol , ham, dcorn a r. 1 , loirs,' tef wit . , coru't-r|of: said thence; |alm!i(;' decrees east,. i >f the ', 6oi • Cljc !ONS S; Efiiil iilne l- ;*)hf 0 . first t il, CH it s' y-.oiii* u ; ilis * lUIH t ) ill' ie ice | larferf ;t 111 three; d i tbs p ft i iirt’b n fast) in i nslliy Jro'l ii i a be! if I tirtejt i taa eo, »p3S IALE , J'V ■-j. ' ■ Hj STATE o-.lt of ii llllW, 1 w' it (u'ut-vrj • JSSUftt do Teuiftie |eth J |;;B62., ie [following d ?j c Hb» )*«/ of Dr. ItdiKß eltuat- it NArib St : - T|oumy,|i a . luunde I, »t wit; I Beginning'll t no'of "Th< n’« Irwir i gpe» wei t, i erentj isralie* to a while oak I and throve -fob rth de qlljern line of fturpiir id real slnfe, fifty lenoe by I mds o tid 0 li illy 1 degree •tenths jurihcslt id of s iid Kinher ;lr degreeslwest, fif be plncT cjf begin 1 acres attiE eight pfcrgart l-A.t in t)i 1 fL ot !•"•* ■ deeedefit 1 P* R t er ®i.pi » hicl ,r X li'g JiOH i» and leg * ‘Cleared, tills l|aia..e.' it ( tj- fence, i Thlfe id a 4por | of; the- boose, Win of c oal in the on ♦ n'- I. M l •nr. l«fce o r paycel inf land l| township, jlieiTer Mkjnd described ke «take|(beßC« [tf;.Borthjon| and;* rjiix «Dlsioi| ten- - i||; au'Kihe lyjiJs is, f springs ol| good; dlmrd of gooUl rrtid ' ib-F'-'i" i-l ;e or.parcel of. lan|d j jcotmly j wa tijsiUtl, ’ |ioilowst io wft ;.-L |i nnitbwes collier of j i|ina-, tlieitce jnnrth >**trce notrlh j&vcn-j' I J* i . • >in(l r|\ h : >*trF■ f-Mnsr thV:,i ; * i‘: lrijiti-) ; nf ' j . J a fourth ilegrees .-I 1 tilth, ipe 'chei iq n i | *id crook, iliouce -i l ie;ih of _-af Liiith • j . f|orqh. j tl'iriv-.Jhnl .<]- ! o be 5 tawi dear. ike. -.il tire r ahi •ib i ter •, tlieiice ! in 'ien'id jly-favi t.y, I'iti'l it. .1 ibalf tenths pi tf-ijine a tmlred j etuke,* ,i ine.ry-cij I bei;Ug |ii Ir ate'eitfi e good fr| e ur fenci s an • f»i id : fhi: springs U.'J icbAr w lib] fer pipe IlitD an etl us fo; side 6 soivparctl of; | county' jafoi* iws, to wit; queue] lli. fifrceiji dej hone, tiioiicj fciglilv-njiiel once no es t<> a I iu,. nort ; typei is e Ist, ireuk. |'l - Jiiinesj »es|n(st pln'ice lot# ( io tbe v said L>r, nleJ doc teucej. ncrosa M. Hunyiin, g he .liumiieil Jiejymmig, l S)lv-eigh|t p. in sdi(| p 4'a; large iaenc* of the] 'O sriire room i gild pui luiljj J Ul\d ftl‘l clcj) ilgodd spring *ise Wtli' !?at| 2-1 rijmiaßS, ■ he | iTgrj'iiid i n j i!jhi{ e of Wi'rj eouiily. I a . 1 -Hubert ( unii '4iescribeil as the south- nning mure, on a publi 5' u a’ley ripr th ■ eigh ty-si i ind ■ four•jeul.hf p< rchi or of snid tiiclosun, th if a cUpfee west, eli red( ns peaches by laij i: IblersMtion of no t itoilkj jajjijl: street;: ,g| •Mt/biSne and Ibrtyj ornerj oi laid ulredt thf heriM’ui eevtblj -eight bundrta ,ice ot jht Eduuiog f co|ataii fir j'irrhi 1 1 ethct. oie«| art |“.F. '• in the paftitii d dated epU 1“ tba OrplJ do «bM, a| lon <1 Fii lilid IVll-av,'! ■ I• ■ • * 11 , ; i-Ti -J ■;!< | •• ' i t;*a b»i i frnme fnunt. hoi»a t nfiniiird *b!o;the two In > nre fiijc!* :f«d b«»rJ lV|,c •, 7»iff |"l»hf ■|.*ivAt«jr: i»caij Lb e : duor[t|lj't XS—One-lMrc- if the Wur |ii[l on -confirnikt tjii ofjtjhW \Oiie 1 thirii in Vue j'cnlrMe from the saire. tiime.;)uul- :t Vrg>d;|j|j t inHturul>Tilt •» r j h ! e Ith ■•inj frtim'iii |v* P r *l to'j fiei : v 1 * ami pignvnfid I iiistii’raent!' to ** ho paM* fo jerilitled;lliprefoi i.TbS ||sb i> be secured by bond.iUitli i»®2 - ■ | I!) ' A din [MH 'jt-A|U| <: v e & pjrnT^r AVER STAT !©S CVi tjt< HC'jtr/, \Muuii'ihf t iVfo: j’jT. h* lea ci Ben ««, -M. Arrive! ft! PUlsß'k'! ;!M. [ii “ : | ' ; ' G«vis< Wic*t: ‘ 'ls leave PtHiburg 'f.s ■'l Arrive at Reaver ! i ii I [i iwithii . uxcHllej f ■:fE\ MO e Court,.. 'iintgros' : inatair wr.v tiit* deni; lion’,; td • causer,j legally ments t ip'jK 11.1111 C L|. : BI Vomnit Ira •B.ln i 2;45 I fra 3,20 F ■iii F. K. PII . J/N. McCULLO.U | MYERS, Gen'i. Ticket It's, f t.. r. ' L!- iii l lull's Jll-U-kMiu li d hjiec|fi ! nitir| Uvi f- s<, i 1 jir pmons'iuce ; By Order • • ■■■•• i-•■i. I, 11 ■'.! •\pn. IN-fsTit’viO snnh indebted iry.late «»f In lec’d., nre ,rei yment, mid 0 Phtale will j»l bera properly* ■; o. i Tyi' ■ JO i 1 r- A .Ml ;t*r jeo n <*V| in t h,e jSu) leqien ;d ; a »lid yun'; lApr. IECTJTQR’: . r;jVS testamentary. on- ijip ich«lns D : ,w»on. In ;e of ffhip itn'.j (liccl-iMiyvirgg fieeij 41*1’ jubscnWr. all periods* ipuebt are - ; »i c»t.i fi eclj to rmili e im m edia I jse having eloimV: ignihsj, the tliem jHfpj.|e"rly /a itbenticatet it without delay. f ; . j?,. i i'iid, lauxiiiu ; HOOiKSTOWir Lgll IiISU3 t^O : . SU MME It s ii'i'SlON’ ,01 loumiiliiug Itietita'ti m 'will don day, 11th o * April, KAT ES OF T /ttion; ,e Common | Knplis U litdnclies lessiob of Five in ir, tb5.......... E' o tLe i! plate n.lj tli leinen 'Ajfrj i'HK I. FI. tfqnc land paid,.H or villi per Si ligh.fr liltttiei Kfiglish riiranehe at nru •Yf- id XJrccki i.angu»{ ?■ , t,^ Y GREi Tt p- if ?pi ing and ►ry G ?i '^l R. GARUN ’..1- i :arkbt st ■ -iv |I : ■ PII'^SBUR lie Howe Sewing. M?ch ivfsbm'lvi'■ V- M. M’GREGO iR PENS & ST. CLAIR STS., PITTSBURG, PE )S ONLV TO BE SEES TO B ,'y O. PRECIATKU. [»f ifil tiniiw Ink*,*! l>r A “T ■' Ak OBSE nee- ! Lll i ~l_rt; rj «nd a pnul 4 nH-lofWf'!' if B cl'- ; o : dwelling . '■’ I:. : '• money' 811111, by 'the nbiftf-r, witlr lie; dnfem’jS, in .Inml iur- - f saiid dcce I ill confirms i by the-pur-[ m her dcnfli the personsi : two instill- I ’."'tinge i :SKTT.' . ;s ; . nistrntor.i J - -771 7.411 k, R- ; i Tast.-ji 4, 1861 ) A ¥ii Rochester. ;s:io m ■ 0;67 (• 4.35 p M • 6.67 « 2,65 «• ' -1’j ) p.m 1 ■-h b-Vh.;. ■■ l-J.-11l ipplicationl Jr. a 'Cb’urcl ’ V, to by ill: iriab Gongii I ■ ■ i -j •plication cl \ clll j, JbU); few S r Gil Flames M W i11i.., Wi It;., imphell, J i ma McM il i iblisheVl. to, csbytorian ring f6r is ing to. t le lf:i iUs "fi.Aine; reupoii lie: l.rumeiijt, m nothing c ueut to be mi orJci ( Hint units the ai’i'resa •ranted by PLEAS OF for ,a Char- d i‘ ! in Ohio!, Join, nin by the i egajtiou of ■ f Wm. Me- ! * Js Cowan I <*' ss, * Jam'eff 1 . . lebri. Jolin | d < imtHamil- i.Siaej' ‘lin'Johns-j _ J* in,asking ;i mfl i : |je Injwii’i *" 1 Corrgr'ogn- ■] object the j J?o»n faith and I * : edit virriau i 'i n*W :ncii',’' |ire-j ¥«»• bouff ImV- | •' .Ho i cl being of ■'‘be: iJhtrnry to lino, 1 iiled jii the : I'ol.i j * dl J. (J’TuSc Ihe. ‘Mot d’Clii.rter' tlh' tiic Court *hh; :j *l.ai Mi •j ‘M l { *Ste *W ; ii j *iihi I the Kfecdn EL D, Pro. XOff( i y tjavjrig.b iti), oil jtli nit olj N'e» ivtc nski.|u» bin t o> B l r , ely ..Kijd Ih : w; llprew 3'!> culedl I Vi. I i:en gr-rnt-.; ! Vblnte of;; i liriglilon. '' '-j. i ing: them- jutiiit Raveled. to 1 Aiitt bo biyiiij, j’itabr >t iliem’to j > - I if' Keltic’ Jo V, Kx’r. ; “ '• i: :. , U 1 ■ T ! .' ‘t SitfAf luilderi i. ' ; - 1 up to the z of a Brick ; Mot. at.ryV ,al i ihip, near - * V i.’iicl 1 |>e rft-eive [he liuildinp feet.,.-* l bt*v?i : Town h.shup,} J-'i it* c:»ii Ke jf'e v\, Ap at Ai.it squired to [ ?n jit the ' rew 'C*tr-.;^A iveaecur- 1 ' f the board f, :r.TV: Sec'v^ i’-ls’ xor 11' E o llie •’peridonee' jutjstcd. to |; os? !hftvine "of; >JohnJi Iji'. 15 co mate to i: claim n-j ; (Si •nr’ to <1 .for set-*' * K-Y. . PA^e..pfWen Muhetiiicatc AS. Mr UK iin v ! 4m kn ay jr. trhiors. Adinini X'OTIC i»sjtnte of IOW-tj.ship, • granted id tp/said , |)ayniepl iam« will for sot- s' Ex’r ; __tK -■, • Gl. ' itnence 1862,! 5,00 j and :Mat! .. 7;50, .. 10,00, iciphU eb,A..’ HAYS, Pri t ' '■ ■ i‘ ii si in NE i Sum er oc ;i - k: & c I^s: ; . i 3. PA ne,” R, SfK’A; S AP- laU Era :!■' i' !•*.. I E'ASU K. IBjii’tS , ;kvc ’■t"' Oil, ICE is hereb y| 'piVthat I in - pursue j vf n ce of nn on c.[ As.-tnii-iy oil this Com-; ri>.Siw,e»)tly. .passed he i-!(h day :i|f - Miivcli. ; d tti. r v M ."An f ‘t outlet direct', lug. til'.’ mode of\ .M :ihin||-i,n S VM,«f lb nils fi)'r.[ ii'desl" ; ic“. anif- tlif- Mibsi<;iuninncU a ir-pjfMpiiiiil-ili'fri!’-(>;; 'and jUTeJ ’adit in conforn.ity therewith, retjbiring »mi di• ri the. enle of liiieented Isndei lot; Cmn l ■. St nip, lid o', Pclj-go] anil., o:ni tores., .Hid the teeth n ofi ihe net pf Anii! 20th. I *44, nuthoiiring olid directing the return and side jnlJl nil featiestiim ns unseated Unde ore ir»w { !>p |of' theMtaxcn due oiid,unpaid by the ofriier ;or owners if »iv the atr.s «nihnt|ii>igitiie safe of.unsettled || fodtllllie i jof Beaver, Bridgewater, Iti.chcsiler.aiul FHil-.ton.TtJb Borough taxes,— II e followingjots ind tracts dC. unsealed ,LiiiiJs,|«c,' id'VKe;douiiij of Bchvejv of : «o much Iherthifas wjll jaydhe arrearage of tax, ei accrued Ithermnffor the \enrs I8&9, and IUGO|, (jnhd so much [taxes of previous yeors ns rtniiiiii: .unpaid.J wijjl be exposed to public ■’stle.i aiJthei Court Ilbusejiiu the I Borough 01 .;;|. ; J|'i ! , ; j;/ Monday, 9th day of Jtine next. jontinuing the fame by adjournment, if heesa \ty-' I h J o. c Bit Align aw. t 2, 1862: TreasWer of Beijvef ; r itffi r j!l , ersuiis desirous ol pnyioj; • the tuxes. vT W. ,ot ® r (fact in th'e'fdljowing list, *ff l f is 'f fietJ . ~ o 4® •? Uay bfj sale, ind no I 'pPPpf'J will be withheld fronusaic on a mo i»|i»*|«f|Jp|ayment.'. • |., ! : • .‘i • Notts,—.All property marked wfi h » star (*) s returned under'thejijst section of the act it 29lhhAprill&H. li ' : ' j- ..'iafeM ?ctx the Taxes > . [ •- Bormiyh. ’ )U:rjuTi;b Owners rickmofe Fit) j lot da!- .■» IJi 1 lot y, 1 ' it I-. 1 "“i -(lit ham S iri-idt, Hei ■di>- j ■ >j!. r •>[ ■■■ ■ V-( ■[.! house and 1- las 1 lot Meodi 'imdaa db ‘ itViot •. ley S W. en house nnd ps are t part out Eiijuh 1 iii-j F,i 1 lot liars *•'. -r- ,1- ;I '“r i “i » •• I ft’s pi 12 J 4 part out lot h'rs 1 lot iii it "Si (b bouse a nil !„t kg P il|j- Jj.in lotj ■ , . rlti j Wl),=r “ j. Nbss’- pf H S °T'' V parts ill lots 3' a ■•« r !Augu4tas J'fin-iot 1 Vnt'ili' in-loti ■ I -' | Sum I partuiflot ‘-Phillips >VT . j iliolise iiiiii'jpirtiu-lot . ■s.'... o’- 0 ’- to I iot: ■ t • i , Miller .WjlUam- ■ I J U lint] (ot dnreiiVpl I" ,6 2 69. i v j. n '- ?"■ ' ,BB -'' . . ",f ! 'Vj ; Hen|p.iil'i’i pi J,J4 237 I £*"!“■ **} r fl\-. /Uav&iVspP, J ! 4b- ( 2S6U% toWon . Arc,lJ > i S ■ liighi l - lienlplriiln p| ■'] '.ii M 902* ,?P_ ~ “ a-Uv )» | 1;42 *Mj46m|'e Vary. wid.,w,. *v,. S ami putt but-lot 3'4 ,3~?2 I ]■ / •Phillipshuryli. Br,. I i|rl{lgeWn.ter ‘ J .... VS ' (i:8o. stptpul Lloomis &Co hbiafc* j ot J lntv DhvidypnV; jn J 15 i-Jb.i . do. J-.’ dbFt land bouse* lot Shurou . V *‘ i \ttj -i • . }-' ;• lot. • K ■■■-. V "- so :\-'Rawonn 7>.. liroljrwattt Borough. . I ’, n, ' sc '“"'V? 1 P V ' j■:. ■ r * t “Jie John bouse endilot i. . ! l ,P' 4 Ji I yeiiUnbi’s jjl .35 a3B 23' Sterling Wm house and'lot ' v y-,;, :;... ’- ! ‘ ' ,re * a . m, V -■ •■•. i ■’ ‘l I i iot t•• ■ 21- ;J|. ! ” : los • ■ ■■> • .; /" i; 2 lots 11:1 tiiiltou’s pi 9 410 1 li7 :* M cL.riun ) i,ivn Jas iot ■| . ’ . i-l.ft r ' I. ■ , n 1 Josiuh.hti'iise x lot’Ht'nnoQ' fil iots -351 34, and; . .44 ( 1 il?‘ ! : ' ' -Rochester Boro. i ' '1 70 I ;Es,l pi. 11 \S ‘ iiuuae jlud ■ ■ ' Wto 2 JritV’U‘j .nnd’ itou’p. pi ',| - . ■Q'OO.'.Ert'ob Aif T| lot GoajJ'b pi ..■ ~ m sl.-ibly niid g lots •, - ?';± 4') * 2ll!i ■ f//:»il iiiati G 4 lot ‘J ; ] .4' Juts 'IT 13-and • .14 4(/ :■ H-mpson Juo '1 ** ■■ "* lictra lioilatfl-tdut ,•; 9- .) J' 1 lot Vf- ■" .. e , 67 2by j Ivrils Geo 1 lot •• y’ • , ■ ' t -\ |.. KMepdenhuH ;H 9 part• <»fjlots 75*& 5 208 j I’enrid Ilubt 1 dot Kenols p\ f v ‘ j Piper,John Plot GoulcPs.pl • 2 OU^ ■■ : ,'Su!eTenf.|i , Jiehnel l,lot| i> . .’4O. t * Arbe * v L V’;' '■ ■ ! 'Anderson;G• R 4lots 15 i6'9 aud lioles'C’rt[beir-i' v l lot Ddle-s pi. : " : Jerritjg C /X lots. GouW'frrfl '•. I 'P 1; lot Stewart's pi ,• ’ land Wassun’a ' j Koop Josl-i,‘iot- , -48 ;;Beibyrt. .’ I lot G.,ouUPts pi .* .5 s 93. laiid - " ’iSi ’ '.53; peddle -Nil.l lot Goulda;s pi -• ;jAPiilor:H| iUot;. X r£-j * [Tier 'John jj* lot anti shop; at nrer •’ j Hitchie J van 1 .bouse aiui lot ; ] * Porter J, : house k lot l’cnuej's u , 4 , (llric Oanul Co 1 lot j ; • 340 i'Blkji’rcditinbk 1 lot |y ‘ : .1 -7 t| lot and honsej 4 . ||Barkili ,B I lotj Gould’s pi . ■ HDlnsbors. Uenrj house and land *•' ‘ phapdlet jfe lifttlshdrii 2lots,V. as ;j • . abn‘aipl ■, ■' •f v' .>• jF house & 2 lot 158 add *lsuycr,H'B hoira bst 4 lot st rivei ♦Vifer Jnp 2 Ints and slinrity .*■: 1 *Cleve dt(d Pitts K K house’* lot {^Uicksonjjoa . -■]’•= i , ■ \f ' do j .i*! -2 lots, shop * stable do c 1 lot o!;Boubngbt*B l*McC!urg A 2 koiises and lots . ‘. 4 South Beaver ip. Pierce Jotn land ! : r* nstor Id ;n Pin - L ii.u Jecki I‘unfinj ijtrsonj »».1 ] ti.elji A I*l' k r n I r. J'do iclilllil uiiij S kum re 10 be) I 1j linl 1 lluniili itr'vvl i ‘ l>i r t K (Jc V *Gni •V ; t.>uj \i*m finer ili Hugh (coi.oret Ui«J.j ioi';VemV i.l '1 » ■ . , ' *v »■ rev. put out \l. jLibet ! S il,ta| Ft-irijfea 1 lot ■.. it mighton, I leisjujn:j Milrgnrb-t, U K K.iki-u and J Me k;ou,J'ohri MllHr' ilium S-jh-eatar X c [ •■! ' ! -ii ■ •. t ‘ J «* . vl Bj.j lice burg, CleveliLiiJ -ii JuaLU U K Co, laud inlcy Ttioa •• j.VIcL i|M nr >;lpu. *. do * Uo Pittsl McK (iu * ii a Bear i .SiuitJ I ' ii- jco! . , | , Chipp! KL i Tp: J er Manulnctaiirig Cb .- 37 ill George' r i. ■ i 43 , ■ | 'iDarlingt 2j)>. . ■; >?on S ndj Kov SJ’iitlersOQ G j ! Gnudx i'amio Ci;ul Co “JT'ii Uugb;*uilj Uarej . "IG ;' : • p } ■ l>driiufjtiiyßoro. i -1 jillon Sc AjiilerSon Ai lot I ■ , 31 3 - (io . ■ 63 Econonhj Tp'. [.. J r 'man jMi.diael lmi(l i : 1 i I •. 8 *, lips \Vin l ! riotißideu ,i eg tt.Jqhu 1 *■•■■■: 1 ' i“; ■ ,67 1 IVm '| ;I «• ,I'^ gcrs George 1 ;; >•'; . ; 1- I .f* ‘V • •' 1 •• •' “ j- Jr Jack HJiev Cray U off, l‘bill| £>.jvd liO}( KpU| - via Alleii Uradl i Arthur jland .- 7; i ’ 20' fopd:ii|fi‘’ f 200 |7 jo i> FaUston\ Boro, f ■■ ifor J 1! It,t lots 6|c 7 and;- jjj i2B ijison Wm ;nlj l)uucaii’s. t !iiud 10 160 ijius Jus;s lulu , » . [:■• ; i . 0 ; 82 ill! ■ 1 j-t ■ lsj 41 iscy M’s heirs 1 lot p *-i ■ 29 45 lan'Abiam bouse and lot ; .143 • ; Glastjowi Boro. ips .ym P i lot , j;. rj i| Jfanovtr Tp. Irow Othiniel, laud . :j - *'| ■' Sopewe,i Tjp. r« John sr, land !J' ■ •r |1859 find 1860 Township. ■t’’ .. | '■ .Ac’s No. Tax 44 67 s pbft- 4 20 1.62 Ot ■ , ~,V 100 60 ipbitj’s pi 9" 14 ■ -j- -i ’ 10 14 ■ 'H . 11 71 inhttll'pp].: i__3s 46 : ■ ?.■■< r 86. '23- lin lot ' .1 ,40 Z'f rt out-lot 42 4 '’■> lot I ' 34 ■ 2l' 0 Benver. .[■ 37 77 pl ~ j : . ... 1 w 72 : ' t»-, .-j ■' 2* ;47 I JJ. ' ?il- 4S i ■■■“. '| : ■: ■ 12 72 | . 2d i 6 181;9& f I'eri'l'a 1 pi . | litpM'B pi ■ j 28 19 47, 48 28 34 Ob' 39 ; -51 •7 ■ 24 39'1 So 27 72 28 47 39" 7, 68<.i 'SO 397) 13 14 '2 33 : j 101 : 48 ! ■"**!’ j ' • ■ j area' ■ J-; house l Lhj ;uu J lot W.tal • 8 1.. ''(J’.aiShqj. uij' ;■ j. ..ulluugU ; lit, lot ■ In £9 iu ioo " . ■ is uu; io 100 Wcrltp. .. I'' ad : ■ i. ; i gV}- iv.6'o,|.i|, J-' ju6 1 '■ ■■ i 10 1 ; 9 7 7 1 £(i 1 03 4-43 4:ob /■. ] r;- I'ranldin ip;. ■ < 'Chew 111‘ njan; 1 n ‘s .heirs. ' warrant % Hentle and oih-' 1 i- (era on east and,. Win Congh on the sputji ' ,'i" •. -I 40 I 42 '■ 4 3 ; f I"* KE : undewigped liaa lemov .i, . wjop, lately occtijiied by j Mr. 6Ii;D ilnrclnj ’e Ifctore to . tin door, to }iferr ‘B Hotel! Third S where Kje j.is ready .an 1 jwi lling tp * orders to Ins liue ot bus-inea —Bo( S»ith jrdmptßcga and dia - »|T-lse2 ' F , . HEN .. AA)i\HNIStU ATO]« ; K "i ,Fki|TEUS of iidnimistration o ; AjysToi I’nt rich lU‘t\ dec’d.-. l:ite f tp.,.'Btbiyer county; having boer. : >o the dnJersigneC all persona kn< JclyesyHndebted to said estate) «• to, mate ptfymonymmydialelj, at ing claims against tlie same will j ■tbHHie subscriber .properly nutl» i settlement, V JOHN : Apr. 9, ■ -v; I “An n 47 8,67 • i u t: t» ■ ... #1 MEI 'and.lidHiV Al Uwd 4.,./ land' ■„-iff’’ -v -lloo’csUnsii£ ora, ku I lot ♦Sherman IT i ♦Bilking. l .Sab !*’■' ~-’i' 'j Robertson Eli fS j|.i ey Jaa \V .: r -; ~I‘ ''.Hi, Jiuhistry fp. , Cletf & Co iafwl. ■r, I}iV w Brighton Bora. Cooper Mi* fits Ssbool. pl ." ■ : I ,Chn»e.W £.Jols _ vt - . .■ Estrjr ’ nfj>»eirspttbtlots' IZJ & . ♦Lullotr Louisa ; j I'lot ♦Robertson Alutlhew l lot - Hillock J 2 tots M •Conrll‘B pi 7 i Water Co New; Brighton Honeywell Rnbtl tot * “ Pender’J W pnrt lots ddl.am) Reno Ti F 3 lot* ISO 12lanil, > Sibert Nicholas’2 lots ; ;i j|vvinnns!j..S.: i I J lota l's7j nnd Chambers Mark out let f-r-; l-ong Margnrt BFI pi ' -1 V jM'Contiell. Mellon i Kelly, Urimt ] 1 j : mill ((mined) i Old Brighton Co, land tj Patterson James.!.lot v ■ i .p.linson; Dayidf'. :1 •*! r ♦Fitzpatrick Edward; 1 Ibis' Albertson B j lot MendenlmlPipl do' . I- • . ■' ■ •• • ' ■[ :jl(r1. i l.“. i y*? • „ ' ,o ' . I i ‘i. ‘•* Stalls; Jacob 3 lots I Hall John 8 lots 62 Mitchell Moghj land L I shop si .* do, j.- f ' I lit 'i; ♦ do. .land- I ♦Hbterj ll II bpnse n) ♦lLarbiaonSanil land ♦Likens Driib|lionse| ♦ Rees'|Pbiliip I lot 1 ,*♦ 'VlTTintdre tert Slewai-t-.Snrher 4 C' : li , nxe factory Wallace William 1 1< jdo Estep’lMviJ 1 water | ■ adj Bediaon 4 I; '8 >QJ . aw] [tot ot and sb >ops ■' cickley 1 land New .Sc Harris Mamies Seabold John's wido ♦j\lil!er Mary; •-;. •*Kirchner Geo I Randolph Jdo V n,dj : • Xcrlfi S * Hudson Richard Mitchell' James RamstiyJiazid' 'Welsh Henry ‘ ' BusU Wlliinm ; i "Warner, Edward 1 it Co ' ■ /iy i-' : Ohio Tp. Beyer J-s heirs land aOj 0 lUvrsu Morgan C 2 lota West Saleaj Powers* heirs land ■! | 1 ’ ■ ciufk i ville, nhj- N Dawson's lot ' j'SfeelWiiHaVn .land ! j ' I Scott Jline, house' nhdilot, Ohio | ' -VilUo at>j Pll ill ■ O Philip •wickly laud . Pulaski Tp i land '. I'. • « TOY, COJ3 & Advertising and^CommUsic • I AND DEALERS IN PRINTING INKS OF AL Type; Printing MAt WRITING AND PRINTING PAPEB .. -r T. - Li ; OFFlCES—Brown’a Building, ] Tribuna, Building*, Naw York. ’' ' jaartfcly * , t.i- j i; ■' i F •. ;- U ; ris- •] .41-1 iji : r q ••*[o4' l-jr. v V.b 1 : ■ f S- , 125. s;i \ : > ■ -.i'v. iV. hi ‘ Bfe ■■•?*!& ,BS. IK ih -■ 47 ; 167 1 2i 12 i '•7 25 435' 2l£ 63i 2 2p >lB . 10 «7t 378 I6S 161. . 804 . « 4W 1 1 60 & IS JB7 41 75 13 11 8» ,186 ,868' ' 3 ■ -fc 90 ■ -i»9O 413 95 id tot 33 460 1 tot an . 192 733 i 129 1 08| 180 ’ I 09j 13 00, 86 ‘ 378 40 ' 6.) 303 120 , - 13 15 160,. _ .13 17 2-< 8 87 n i an 111 v 2; ■, ofi i 54 ■ ■ b 8 . 8 00 3 36 1 j 26 "f ■ I«7 "0 20 —~ \ H , S'. , ' 30 Vs 39 10 : v .->3 80. , 492 .6 .V 75 20 ■ V ' 6 60, 76 i h 124 ' L" • 1311 • i 163-fi J;’-. 7 ''■'ioli 26 * ' m ■■ i ■:- 1.i3 10 ' ' .2 03 ; /4 . : ‘i'lO ; 3 1107 •1 89 ■ 26 • d pi S 5 K 59 ' ljB.' 144- •54' TO . 23 6 . oti 76. >64-. ling. • t&K I>^o 4’<) ; IS . <»8 - 85 iS'J - 1 25 9* 42 - 27 - : 12 26 01) ■ •> , 14 42 lIV 2 '■ 20 58 . 10 119 JO 30 ■ 26 . ■■■■' IS v ; \ .fio 140 - 76 10- i 1 00 - ■■ ' 25 .159 I!'t ■' J 5 • . ,■ f- .15 ,■ ■ ~ 4 75' ■ 7 B(J 1 43 I'- , ■ « : : M 3 • hi) »*i 6>i _L_J. . p ■ sd from the , dm cpraviie shop* nest : reel Beav.tr, = ittend to all t and. Niton- ; .} patch. IV SIKR7. : OTICEZt ~ \ i n the estate I f Big Beav«r_i; i granted to oyringlhemU •e | requisTed., 'J>tßo»e ha»- present them ruinated fur EEVES, , injistrator. 0017* •' nl Agents* -1 J KINDS, erlals, CARDS, &C 'hUttftiphia.