The Beaver Argus. (Beaver, Pa.) 1862-1873, April 30, 1862, Image 2

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i The Union League.
The Patriot and Union of Harrisburg,
ami the Star, have at last discovered
a mare’s nest. They have made the
astounding discovery that there haa
been a secret political association form
ed Uy the Republicans to carry the
next Election in Pcnnsy de
nounce it as an ‘•infamous attempt to
disfranchise the people.” It is very
strange-lipw very sensitive sonic .men
are of the rights of the “dear people;’’
especially just before an election.—
Thistame Deinocracy could discover
no infringement of the rights of the'
jpeoplb when Senators were stricken
down in the Senate chamber.. They
could ,see no infringement during all
the Kansas troubles, when an infamous
administration was seeking to cram
down the throats of an unwilling peo
ple West odious constitutions and
laws.! They' could discern no infringe
inent when a legally elected President
was attempted to be assassinated, and
thnsiprevented from taking the seat
the people bad so plainly declared was
their wish. > ' - .
: Whether there is any such organi
zation as the one alluded to, we do not
know.- It sme|ls .exceedingly ,‘fishy.’
But of one thing we are certain: peo
ple must have better-authority than
the Patriot and Union before they will
belihyo this story. A newspaper that
proclaimed;, the rankest treason from
its columns from day to day, is not
likely to meet with much fcredence on
any-(subject. Should there bo an or
ganisation, we have tio doubt it is of
an; different character than
;the.on)l.named. Audit that,;
oWing |tof t>ome of those Democrats
ba(Sk-s|ding from the; position they.
iwere impelled to take by the outra
ged forced toqtftt talking
.treason, aii organization has became
'neugssary to keep them in the traces.
tSjjKh sheets, for instance, as .the Pofri
i6t and Union, ■ which had *to receive,
-,rv.when,the rebellion broke out, a gentle
; Issase ASYixM.—i>y. E. Kcndris,| in inder from the citizens of Harris
i late Superintendent of pn Ohio Insane! burg that it must quit publishing and ,
;Asv;lim; has purchased the “Female.) piking treason, or it would become !
in 2sew to- j necessary for them, to engageHn tho j
gethcri with ah'p spacious grounds ad-i business extensively. As far as j
' joining j the same, with the design of i fieavcir county.js concerned, our neigh-;
•pen .ng,: at an early day, an Institu-j-b 0 r need have no fears of the intro-j
tiori' for. ycakrmjnded persons. : The jduction of this or any other “ new
einfci prise . is ,a private one, and -the jdodge.”- Republican principles are not j
Doctor should receive encouragement a “temporary-character,” and they )
' 'from the cuiiens) of’Beaver county. | arp billing al all times' to stand upon •
Wo may i|b'ave ' occasion .to notice j t g e gp C d old platform, which htfs in
. inor| luliydjais humane undertaking,; sur e(i them victory before. •; ,
undir the mtoie of “The Xew Brighton;) , ,
■ ..i jj Parson Brownlow’s Book
saVer, pEyy.’A. ,
isday. April 30th. 1862.
ioholson, - -
T. G
' l . j 1 For Auditor-General,
: jarlii accordance with the instruc
tions of the County Committee, whose
proceedings will .he; found below, we
this n|eek take from ' our {paper the
cali'fof the Bepublicafi County Con
rentidh: •
At -a meeting of the Bepublican
County Committee, held on Monday,
the llSth: inst., Archibald Robertson
was elected Chairman in the place of
■Dn David Minis Jr.,.deceased. - \
' ‘ The following Resolution was, pas-
Thalci it is expedient to withdraw
the call' for a County Convention, to
Wbeld on the 26th day of May; and
that tlie same be withdrawn, to be re
j order ot the. Committee.'
{I T Arch’d BobertsoX. Ch’n.
■ A. E. Moore, Secy.
’ jQilho.nameof D. L. Irhbrie.jEsq.,
Lavink been announced in last weeks’
paper!, in connection with the Con
tgrcssinnal nomination, ho requests us
’tosttii.e that he is not;-a candidate—
■ and would Extend to his friends his
■ i’lor the liberal support .they
have heretofore given him, as Well as
■ibis’renewed favor; [ !
SQ* Wc beg leave to call the atten
tion bf-Oux readers to the card of Jos. j
H. 'di cningbani, Usq... which appears
in to dtiy’s-phper. Mr. Cunningham
is a young man of decided ability; who
has itudieebthe. law faithfully, and was
admitted, some time ago to practice'in...
the Co aids of this county.’ We'woafd
cordially recommend hifn j to-■ out
friends in thejhope that be mby meet
with the success that his prompt at
tention to business should deserve.
-id«jr .
, ,P.\ni;l Egtnjdt.'' : '. i? ; II '.,. v ... .
■’ | u_f_ —mm. :j - 'Who does not wish to see ut.d read
\ -*«■£, TW cheering news tbat j forthcoming work?; Certainly
\,| Orkun&'.is ir,! our possession has boert j j^ 0 work of the will bo
,s\ebati: nied. i Thai has another- glorif-| half' so 'interesting. Aa-the publisher
. ■ Ohs, victory been Surely. ' truly £Jt^S) ..}{ W ill lay bare.the perse-!
. ’ahoqt ;‘played out.' ffe.n.,Mq- i t . ul ,’ ons . ul d cruelty which marked the
sanguine that he can- route | development'of the secekidn couspjt
fthem af Jorktown, and we :will no: aey in (East Tennessee, |ho disasters
dou jt~erc Ibng hear of another victory,• i ruin w j t h which it devastated
Tli( good work is going on. and they j once proijpproas, land
are beij’g smota in all directions.' j.. s^d^ed families once 'happy." ■.
suppose by: this timekthey arp havipg ;■.. The famous narrative of Thucydides,.
some doubts whether- onb Southern jdetailing the progress ’of the Pelopo
nan is [able to whip five.of the “Ab°-1 nes gj an w;ir j s not more deeply inter-
L It?'* , \ ' - w. 2 ■ i I * *
• n norue. • - jesting tha'u will-he the workof the
Tennessee - preacher. Bold, fearless,
and resolute, he opposed the ordinance
-of secess.ioh fpohi the jnrst, and his
I witherin': denunciations, of the! Idad
j ers of the conspiracy have been pub
i lished in.: all the loyalj papers of the
! North. '/ |. , '
• The Book will be a. handsome Vol
ume of 400. pages, fully Illustrated, at
;51,25. Hr. E. Hi, Adlingfon, of New
Brighton, is;agent for Beaver county,
who will call upon ourj citizens. Let,
I every one subscribe lotj a copy ,df this
j highly interesting work. jjVi
leech, of Hon- W. W.Ketchd.m'
WV publish on;our first page, by ro
iest,the able''speech ot lio i. W. Vi
■teham.delivered in the State Senate
the evening of the 13th uf March
.relative to the Slavery
the District: of Columbia!, and the
ujcct of slayes in the Stilt
itr.: Ketcliam most trail
i rks that the resolutions
ifiiri novelj itncinne.”; nor
opose any j "startling ini
results of which are me:
litre.The c idea of gradut- .
M ■ ■ ! - • i . 1
Ration, and abolishment-of slavery,; ai|e pleased
vfonnd friends in the p|drsoriB Tol'j promotion of our'frien.
qcitli and .Clay.' They. deal- i Reed, of Washington,
dy' ' seeing'sie encroachment of the ! g e on of 2d Pennsylva;
idnyejiowerl upon national freedom, ‘to a Brigade Subgcoi
riiised their I.warning voices and at-! youngest Brigade Sura
*)•:., . J '' ’ j J . O O' f.
tempted to shield' their belayed toan- ■ vice; and this appoint::
try from-the disaster whielkhas noiv j compliment to his tal
(tame upon as. • - l* j manner,in • which he.:
• I West?, and it does hot surprise gs! Ris duties since entorii
in the ifasti, that the Breckcnridgei ■ ,f —r —-
democracy are opposing and assailihgi -j iT m- A..Ha r .
|he President for giving the ■Erhanci-j adclpbia, has been nor
pition bill his signature. Anything! Provident as Surgeon
Which would have a tendency to affect 1 Army*,-under the new
receive fheir opposition an’d abnsCJ Xhc brilliant vUo .-y
| -We would asklonr .readers to give . announced 'in the tel
this sepceh a careful perusal,, as we |of Jhe New Oilcans
itjiinlc Mr. Ketcbaim ‘presents tlie sub- ' booming cdnnpn. In
ijfcct in ail its true lights, and shows Sa - 6 ’ ' t
lit at ho has a just oercention of the i. I ''® , a '® 1
: I , ; * • * ■ 1 intelligence of the tii
. Tj reaX trains which he>. has so Ipng j lh . e ,. e j s cyor y.
land . so ably promulgated and ; de j that the Confederate
I fended. Wil si! ' ll brilliant'and dccish
. | J.. r —. —i— i • | that, within a few.da'
-’j ArpoiKTMEKr.-f- Hon. Benj. Rush ; Tennessee w :
Bradford, of New Brighton, has Wcpi
appointed, by<jqv. Curtin, a Coufintsf ! 1 te '. p e ~
sioner to attend to the, w-mts of the *
V ' -i I.’ v ‘ 1, A gentlc’m. encampments
I’onu sylvan:a- troops now ,n the %yesU^ f Pbnnsy _ . -erveS reports
Mr. PradloTti left on IJlcnday to.coni-1 that the whole division is in most ex
tnence ibe, duties; of bis office. j-ccllent health and spirits, and the men
• ; 1 tape delighted with the.change in their
. j —- , ' i : , gnieu ~.v,uaDge in «...
Pittsburg FosL remarked-; camping grounds. They sire anxious
the other day that the people, of t&is j that Colonel Simmoiis, of the Fifth,
age : could -Hot do • Buchanan-. j&! 8bou Vl be made, a Brgadicr general;
. if?; .«•’*
l >’ ut , niofel undoubtedly tlie -devil both ] Harrisburg. IVnnsylvariia, knd is al
] yac at»d w:;L. ; 4 i., ’■ . \ tacbod 10 the' njgulatj arroy.|| J ' '
- Editor
folly. ire- j
do they |
t J •
il emahci-
1 DeoUnation. ' ■
Mr. Eoitok: Your notice in
Argus that One Dollar must nccoi
riy thepfime ofeach cnnradate ti
was apt COintflied will
my part] 1 gave ‘nary* Dollar}
did 1 tell yoato announce my
It is there; however, and! I am w
ful to you, and likewise [to thiy
friend at* friends [who had it pi
there, amt will feel doubly, that
to yon when yon displace it. - 1
The w 6r»t thing I have to regr
that for reasons, some of[ which I
herein ;mention; il am Jit this]
forced to become indifferent to
kind wishes of my ■ friends. In
first pi*ce lam keepingb littleJ
office otthere in Darlington, an
relinquish the exceedingly pick
and lucrative business for ‘he ofj
rCounty Commissioner njight bd
siderod entirely-too great sacr
and at the same 'time exhibit a I
ble greedinessfor{ office.]: •> I
Secor dly—Thejduty County
mission sr for the inext term will
haps be vastly more important U
hitherto has been, rtsqii ring g|
businesi tact and sounder
than 1 am possessed ofj tberclji
very much distrust niy'dompeteß
meet ti e . wishes, of the people.
Thirdly—-There . are [a numb
worthy ; gentlejnen asking the J
; nation; who ara»|l my especial fr
' with whom I--have no' pisposill
! compete or toeutbr; ntp strife- -ij
it is—but rather otyoyt the pleas
' feeling and knowing the sup|
i would, have ,will be possibly ,cj
I distributed amongst tbtjm.
U Lastly—While it is strongly
that I could easily obtjaip thonj
tion atj this time, my own >jud|
dictates a declination in| favor oil
remaining candidates; |pre-paon
each that only one of them will!
cessful; to whom I intend, g>vj
undivided,untiring andiiearty si
trusting to all ofjyou, with’.otb'ej
friends, for some position at a
time. Hoping for the final sue
each aspiiant, l am, gentlemonl
to notice the
1 1 Dr. Thos. Bi
(formerly Sur
.nia flcgiment)
cy. Ho is the
jeou in ,tfae ser
nent is| a high
llents and the
pas discharged
Ig the servicer-
imond, of Pbil
[linatedj bv the
General of-the
Act. ' 1 ... i »■
at PittjbUrg is
’■rraph columns
Delta, under a
its 'comments*.
I ■' I
lot yet | Received \
al result of the,l
■easoh to believe'
it my lias gained
•o triumph, and
(•s, the iv hole.of
cd from the
and supporter.
1 h John
•' -1
I Southern R
The talk of .wise st:
last century was of ]
Hhe rights of liiimaii p
was i grand jpbiloso]
these idsys, unluckily,
to discussing exceptipi
qualidcations, not pfii
almost vrarronted in
sectional right is a g6n
The Congress of th
the oi.ber day, from a
refused to. tax slaves,
feviec on the jpeople
dollaijs. Every 'empl
inves .ment;.the. fruit; <
of sk 11 and bandicraf
Taxb > on whatever ,‘a
handl es—taxes on wh
and wears— as Sidm
“taxes bn the I ribboi
b: -•♦-'l f
;ho brass! nab
slaves are,, exe.
i, Tbey.d&re ]
of purposes am
r ; exempt from
. >rty because th
exempt from
ins 1 , because tb
. horses ami call
line of the incmli
: crapulous about
\i tax jthgjn
jperty in man.”,
recognize |slaver
, land, dual | with
appily it is no i
iborn, potential
ibilate il’lpy bib
to' see it.nor by
i debts in iils dis
ry | public man i
ied and. arrayed
the government.
Len; states. at Ida
’he absurd scruj:
slavery—lire at
ye, 'property —is i
i.asy of 'iton-.Qi
it;the windmills
<yjg Tskghiph.
j Major-Gene.
■’U • - ' - 1 :
llbe-telegraph. announces
o£ Ijlajor-General Charles
Snijiiii. | He is a mtivc of I
nia, imp sou of tlje celeb
Sattkel B. Smith! | flc Cn
Military Academy |as a cade
andjgradiiaUd in 1825, stai
19;ik| his class. piij the fin
pfithat year, he vs as made
Lieutenant of the Second A
In 1829 he was appointed t
atyi tnstiyrctor inj. nfantiy 1
this Military Academy. 1
th ‘pngh Mexico, anti in 185
th ) Lioutenaint Co ioneley of
In fithtry, He wai
or il March *il, 1862, and c
the* second division of the a
Wcat. — Pittd. Post.
'■ Flood in th.j Missis
. A correspondent with C<
fit et writes :■ —Bis dVhere .y<
al -about tile flood along
0 lip. and Mississippi fron
F >r| Pillow!. Tne| greates
.btlojw is* the entirei inunda
JL nycr Mississippi,; which
bi.pks on both sibores on
j fr ;>|m.Memphis tobyatclicz.
Ifrbrii Matchez, Grand Gulf
■ bUrg up to Memphis, the
! standing iiijthe water, and
■wiiilo steamers dan only 1:
g;rs and freight kt the pee
u ideas flatboats ate bfougl
tnejj steamers.. The , des
property is imrn case, inc
'ilhjo overflow i ? ’ altribu
breaking, and in! many pi
cutting -of levees, I'l
tpr ’ plantation is submerg
tbe’stock drowned or swej
l<tod, and tko product? dci
s;really a
wide from the berrors of
and ciyil tvar.
fun |
bus receive
iring style of hail, whic
Ig silvery low priSes.,
» be
i, on
I PaoxjCi
j- In view,:®
s four or five
; (Spear's) fij
j bability ofo
' vice, I jprop
posted, in r*
I Several
{Denison od
arriving at
■•and orueiet
j tb'Fort Do:
tie will ha
readers by
fining mys
! observatioj
i would say
1 military uu
! the contest
continue al,
ed on; tbeiji
spirit at'tu
coining pa
would bo t
war. •NW«J
wo met an
ladcned In
each boat
elson the ;
lined with
of these j ll
lines j and
bill-top w
tents of tl
ty bouts 11
which tl|<
ing niarcl
which wt
used as |
who wew
the field!
I went
carry injj
soldiers a
rooms an
filled, ail
decks.. Jj
shot a\v|
bowels, j
less frit
worst 14
a rebel,!
both ey|
had the!
nance (J
which Is
1 while la
ed eyesj
here to
j nor
3an it
are I
icy to
ler of
i lends,
on to
port I
all the
i ailing
be sac
ng my
• good
cess of
, your
A. Fh.
in the
pan’s ir
|ature. ’
)hic ills
s., In
Ono v is
that a
we are
is. provi
| saying
LTiil wrc
i: Unitet
i A tax
is to be
ions of
yet, stri
said hel
most sit
body of
ken ab|
by our a
place, 11
a fire b
In an
bad pit
was bi>
him. he
ai id th
could i
f breast.,
1 wiiich i
S' tinfu.
lit. 1
;! of-, mil
|>t ''every
It is to b
man prji
it lie cat!
■sy Smit
lid of. th
of the e
ipl —no
1 persons
the liabi
by are 5
icing tn
sy are p
le.” 'fi
3 taxed,
luces or
, drinks
i says,:
i. bride,
tax on
fo'ij one
for an
il ties djf
persons ;.
■ated as
;i'o north
lts fro in it
. taxing 6
iv us to r
| It is ab
y as an
iam, he-.
upoiij" ■
moVnii i
wav to
*> !j. |
mt time
n, but a
it us a i
iking or
1 rnetap|n
n the' fai
for tbc o
It is in
>l, to-i!ay
le abo'ul
itual poss
ik ridicuK
e cannot
■‘sical ro
ll stares'
:e. ‘ It ;is
■cure; a
ossion of |
us as the I
ii , iijistings
Ixote i
ivefo gia
ral 8m
the death
rated Dr;
;ered the
t in 1821;
iding Noj
t of July
a second
lie i-Assist-
Pueties at
le served
5 reached
the Tenth
•uiy of th'
in; Foot
m will ti
the Low
i Cairo j
t calami,
ion cjf t
nd j„weej
Jer ■ for p
to' dear
he j di-in
its Ijihe
ecs > tie
S', ovp
and '
ks-' ed r
to i
■resi J
troi ]
bo 4
ex j*
bn s|
i ‘tobfe
tho new rc i,
ho is BolbJ tion
■: •-:-f .U \
;nd pttssc»|-
ins n|amed,
t alongside
nidtiUi of
,cd to ihe
iiccs to ih e
ed, and
it off .by
o of" affi
a rebclli
‘ 1
\ - • 1
Bfkct8 fkct uhM.we ba
rjcoan boys in tl
and tb4 strong pi
i» boil gin active 6
iting bryour pa]
husk' sopour ttiet
: | ,
*kek* ago we left .camp
(iur‘way to ] iinsas, put|Dn)
iiqilhlund we were hjttltfcd, 1
I [dp; tbo Cut iberlantj: riycr
imson. Long! erotbis |et
ydtt full details of tbo Sat
vb[ been laid fbefore; ypur
iblerpens jtLan mine.i Cpil
alfi iq matters and
s \ since t>o |' battle,| 1
, flaying assurances fnonfi
t ibritfes, at ] jpuisv ille, Wat.
Would, in ill pi-obabil ly,
yrcekt our bi .itCry prbceed
• vjlby in grrafi elation oi
i £reat probability jof be?'
•titipants in. wbat waal .felt
liejcrb wning triumph! blithe
\i,cr©i not .mi until
1 passed five steamboats all,
alvilyi with sc cekb prisoner?,
i at jciisl fifteen h u ncl red to
[,6(Vj arrivin k at Fort Don
: iyer (bank p» e»ented ja most
adpeiiranee, being jliiakjy
people- : Sc veral tbpusapd
sccesh, ranged in [two
; uider‘guard, [while every
rak dotted ‘w ith tlie i White
Jnionjsoldierk, 1 IFullty twen*
laV puffing at the lending on
ii « cession pr goners wertbq
..odiby baudt e[ds. A boji’t to
: vjbre jmporec I along side, was
j] hospital fq f the wour ded,
«' ll'being brought in T rbm
itb a number of our men
u M>qre and lent a Kan 1 in
[fully | [one hundred wok ided
ibqaraMhq bc aitl The state
id cabiw floot jwerb 8] e Jtlily
1 1 oyeri-lthe gq kids and I oiler
Jbeiil Svour.db ‘of al de
>.-! Legs and iritis had been
y from some,' whileolher s had,
b dangerous 1 Wounds ii the
head find bn «ist, tho‘ug v,.fufj
Sitjfoliliii ap vlaranccj.i The.
jki'ng wound,; t Saw Was that of
vbo had boon shot-through;
a Union man,
pc of hii whole I
iged by a sllot in the jtiw[
thrown it out ql itjs 1 ilaeb;:
kb”! could not help »tying
iijjg upon h riilwith'inqistejij
bat your ar; not
ijbii your i-.qfferings us I dp
tie ei.hcv hsdjeighfiivo mds ;
;b j to f-reltttd, the-.fhyWcian
ild certainly reeov ;r.The
iilhg sigh - of all wits the
: fibiil, jwho sc Ihigli wa» hrq
j .he. knee, lie", was [ found
:. f [iin'er-ths <ja.pfurs|' |f tjiq
it hisToqu es fit li ey b[u iit hi in
iq.spo.t wl e rc iic wilikdying.
na-Yi 01 ’’ to g ip-.bc-K re; htj
IJ, forward, • fhfes onjinosto
bile,; and ip this position
HtO death, i When j I saw
been pla-eJ upon his back,
i iilblq ra' Oges of jtho firq
idlsltiictly '•< wiija
Viipi his,kneo!j opwartrlto hiJ
.T ie I eipres«li|)n Fface
rus n /t even sir ged, wal jUiosi
bOlogetiirig a violent idc.atb
foe that I I nist not trespasj
iur patience longed hd suco
Jcjtfii.i. [ . j :'j f- ■ n day ight on { Tuesday
\r j. aus up tiid wending.: trij
thb’fi'ld; of -trife. Tho|earth
p!ised on'.tlib way showed at
ilbj trdount 1 (f[. jjub«n - and werj
l nn(dkbl<> < 'ih defence hi
djqiilbvti, endbjsing it fs; sal
idusaud ]'. [ J;
to ul
; ted
; toll
pxpoetiititpis tli
kl ilace a jiull, hill
•oVis, ;:a f ? deiti;
oji the right !\vin|;ji
cgi rncnt fought je»>"
:o’ desperation Uv
id of their fortress
rui k otir lilies ara
loijal escape! Th<|
, land' every thin'
, bears a unite, W
>H j of the turrib
bl of aluiut'ian aei
scarcely a! jiapliui
red by |ho
eases cut down I ’
t visit ori Wednc >
lijib ll
1 hey were, all -js2-
;n having all' bei n
iy ,!aiid thejr gray js
a; keif' with bariel
;hlk ■of pine box
if mes 'vore rude y|
wjliile 'trenches, and 1
die mark the uin o
)f friends anti foi s
•e. lo speak of that
SnWec on 'this pi r
; r.; : i
Log barracks for *
,vas spent ih curi ig
And burying, tic
Uerj^vvasitdk aid
‘ ''•’to
itm>s td
Illinois r
offered s
j driven
~c?.s sliellii
enijjjted |t!o b
w*y for a go
1 ijispcratel}
aitks thc| spo
itlj ; titles tali
: t-.'if In one sf
mt, there; is
/aid in ijianj
»euted si
1 forty-;
as tioy ffli;
i&li ijfiion in
ti i|i*|ken;aw:
any, cases n
£i fl:ofi[ fi-ftg'"'
i wheb their,
id brvrittcn;
es foi hajf-a-ri
{btii| places
[<i is p much?;
■?t nd dwjell
f m’ letter;
wefe left in
TVs, time
whole I
anil ra
f ;be
|i d |;f
f' icls.
n with no jvtite.i
it li had drnincdirk
u .slopes of-the hjit
ivorsb instead of;
rc jolts welled end ir-l
i>l us evpr did vo i
hi vol earned
•s dcs hard; [fighting
rics.” The suffering
o | jconcehtVnthW of
siorniy weajtherjcun
r ly tho|c y-h6|h|ve
2ttb inst-, >vo .were
if. Weffound dial.
Provost Guard. Mhe
in c)Vdiiiary]tih|csy
)Q iuliabitants. :The
hut wl
from t
e crev
r five i
eld, :v
r“) i'
,n any
i ire; tu
i i Hefei
■» sqnjt
’ n'.-gifji
js. : We
hihg b
t yTctc
rom tl
lod onl
is in;
. Mi
i in]
[lajj the
re of a
jout 5,0
.1)80 Of I
m: same
sen don
iJ evid
xnd resiilen|c<jBl , kri'
inly of oiir Iforihlrii
Hire. ■ A lafyje busi r I
shore. p rintmqlN' in,
iijd-'es of- wcjtftlil ijinflu
'illbloin ever j diicc
is|d. stagnatedj injost
• i .lQ9«r In
< pun
c fPl n
i '' 1
trade' i.
ind abund
open there was: aci
> sell, apdfbP articles
uit at thje 2forth,almo‘-
•jwi'ro.aeltetj---' Many
had sh|i.t % theii*; h
into the r 1
ifpred about as'qatet
lijght eVpry day was. j
not they were nou
alsj: 1
Paducah Was a stroi
; I ana ibid by the
ley up the cans i
ijing iq comc back ir
"| bcha *c tbemsulvet,
rbt ‘hat e already J got
•my. ni d those left ai ■
her side so that the}
ht. T icy are grea:
)lk,s we left behind iis ■
land r ibraissionists.
cbiiclui ion, one word
| borne Parents,'
listers i sweetheart!
|llet!m i entreatiybi
> filers to write us mn
; bare njo idea ■ pow
do us. Write long !■
brget o si cak of C
dVooi ai id; Prayer M«
ir soldiers n camp,
joying the checjrful
oui tulle, dr lying k
ivarm l ed, think of
i|tp4tl ink! of t le
6 ont-( oi|r and"' car
,of the eih dutioiis b
xposed ‘Unsheltered
of - hor ib and the re
tian eo mini unity.) , T
ill pray oat neatly fo
w, to Id t:> a loiter
[j >vill-nereily ■ say, t
nd retire*
ilk, and
|cpTt a a^
It ri tans.
pssioti cil
lire that
re now v
viip will!':
Me rebel
jc| bo on e
iatfplp r fi
'*iie some
Now, ii
muds o
ieuds, a
jicod ofji
bod Uiej
hd don’t
Lbbath i
fray for;
|i>u are e
iince of"
iers iu «
'biuk, t(
hey are
f a chfj
II this,
And ti
ire unde
(.crest d
Lgaib. •
jr or deni
Ipi. Sbj|
Lcur soil
V !■
Mother .4
to let yd
ting alol
•ed our 1
the eiuj
Our reg
st twerij
u &t,h 5
i rifle pi
iji Diiri
rbed at
s callinj
tl hear t
out. D
mat would she
j' somj* n|*e hours ’
Ling Ui||ir guns.'
!skipgii|g over oi;
■ time!;. kc dared
j witlioultgetling:
jus.! i Apouts twe.
imotieca to throw
iiv!rcve||)ur Eoserj
;ihg ibul Ilittlii J
past loKr. o'clock
covered in' forte
(right #icl left .6
■evidhii .(iiiltjpiitio
front o lr snppnr
;d!ri.viu| |us|pi|t v
jjvitsi wi re reinfor
dun s 111. S.| shi
wht m|wcre. arm
[lii.g rlies', and f>
. largelj viflesl, \
j them off as-lust- 1
j came tp6 string;
j tolpurfeservjo. .')
' j back ke' were |
‘ f-tii e ft Am them a
snell lurniing-ai
; heuds| We, dej
1 j ©pencil bn them
| the sl|dl inti> lh
■i pany.lwith eput]
fji tbieui|p°>' l :the ;h
|Syefe||rtanking a
' it. i. o|ir boys ai
. it int(| them as (
■and flic. In-a s
/iioUllAlc; 1 Hays, S,
boys |o ade-aneb
Pil'.forfcemcrils wen
K | mebefd to craw
fe | hapdl and knees
it; and taking advaj
lei,; to cower us from!
je.j conip|inieB of' lli!
, 1 boys,|(Jol.' : Camp|io!l) nrri\|ed
cdioiutheni a heiivy fiije.l
ft. Aod.n Icomincncea :(
I tbciruoad on the fnjld. jGjjn
says |hat we killed j 69 or X
1 Qur Company and | eoiiij ai
V tht hp.mmof 1 mg) out lat
ii and Lie it.JjHurdt ’
tis, cfteori ng us >n brave y:
iaiii, lyith his, SI ai-p’s
in la shot ,or\ ever y dppdrtjin
j ,i-y; Itfelly, a shai|pshc>ote( j
■ had tlur pit. Robert Daiira
| this left from us] ind j waB|th
.! to .I*|ive the pits. ; i II Ow r 1
t!bainl shot wasn
•-j'ifiredl very coolly, |[ talci ag r
i\Vjollad one your ded, Thoijn
a from! Beaver county ; he m
, r cd i| the tjfigh-i-a) flesh w
g will loon be|wcl| dga ; h’.! C
j 1 .lost Ine’i man, who)) was jsh
, I Comtiany Iv lost ohe, An 1 1
wounded in the 'hands--8
1 number had itilio in
‘i-ihd jnants.' The; rew(Jrje'j.2(
mflcbitsfronv cot ipariies iL:
'i.ijest Ivero i)6|ted| hi other p!
}l2O men werje at) jsy
!to b| 1,500 stron Dunn
weiqpuld see a rabelj ptf.ce
on a; blackhors ,!obccr nf
several ■ of us pnlied on hi
1h re it up' bis bands, arid f
iapf dead. Thi i wholt '<
tienfi were' fight
nil |ve had the j arniest w
j| j G|n. llentzeln an has ts
drqwn up.liuc ini of built o .t
lu cise of a genet il attack f
■bhm Wo are .busy non
jgunl of large !ca!hbro, ; .ai| d
Ebon open in |
I 'i:|viVs ; ncaf I?rl±kßV(,hjjn
JHe |tood it we lJ never
Big4jSOl ; pam.: , . i ■. ji h
1} Colonel Hays says it w.
late|i^figbta3ln. wyeM&T
our ground until wo
tha 2d Michigan. wii
to our camps and a g<
. .l am well, and all oj
tli4 Kochester boys,
nit friends. I will w
-pat'tunitjrTi |> ,i
"■'[ Your son.
vf' [ ; ;||: I,*^:,
Crtrespondenoß- of Iho
t fab
oft bo
ly an
t Sab-
Vd *•)
I gi B®' •';•
■to a thp ■''•■■l Washington, kpnl 1»,ia62.
. . Have you ever heap] a Sesession»«t.(
e into talk polities' wlm did foot ola fa- to be a i
eglad Democrat? Have ypu ever heard a
don’t I sympathizer with SeCeNsidn :fi»lk ;poli
-7 deal j ties who did not boa? t of his Democ
—non-i racy ? Men who ha re been idcntifi
ied with; all the ba tics against the
totdur fhondredldi-ganiisalioi —Buried jin the
_Jj veg [grave of Douglas—a vdi whose .|malig-;
i • anil|mmagmnst.-the old priciple* of; that
-i 8- a I party has'been ex hi'. ited’ anderfa.l ad
»rd'tot*'[■ miuiatrttidnal are now, seeking bdiel-t
nUchi ter under the name tof in
ettera ■! the jipdre, sucfesfully' to assist
hiireh' j tbe rebels in arlns against the ponsti- ;
etinds’ tuiibn jind- the 'laws;} I
When employ a logic, of thbir own when re
-1 nbiin-' miiijledfof their eoniplicity; wfth. the
)own in iThey argbe thut; the: army
i.A Li is composed up a majority of; Detain-,
i"iseases crats, and that itj||4 lo_ite
-in lifoV: nonncejthem wlien tbese,: tli.eir pouti
owliieb .eal-friend si are engaged yin defending
bv the the [flag, jlf an appeal could, bo taken
■itraintb to ‘ilie soidicr-Den\fje;rats they would
'bink of make such an answer to those assuinp
ii.njn tiot sas would abuudantiyi satisfy the
, Wiliamß., deeds. Pfeorge.3l.: AVhar
already Fernando Woods', and Charles,
, a . that all j men who do: not]
Corinth,: gta )d j }eart :; v by the Administration
d 1 * iin the] prosecution of-I tliis way are.
i ito hel i in- detestation and con tempt
i - :| Th t.cnly \ Democrats who] really .sympa-
REV ' B- '; I ths. i with .these partisans are, the men who
" I ' , f folww the Standard if John 1 B . B reck in
jj rid/c, now one jf tin chiejfs f in the rebel
3 . if -[- arny, and oh the fit! of Apn.t one of the :
v ' : :J- j. mo it: (is *qila\a* of our hero-'
X n {his ic column. These Democrats regard
, ihave ; ev<ny { attack yupo ij thO ''Adniinistra
\\ c [ lion'in the Tree Sta tb.s as a rnanifesta
■.theUion- of [fidendsliip fbr> tpem,- and in
ilo d I proportion as thei .■[ hopejs of victory
ibket! diinibisdi; they,.' look furwrad ; to the
rq. j day when thc'Brec may
eavfe for
! will w
J IG. iA.N
.k Yobkto
1 Pa. yoi
Hi 1862.
•I: set i do
mlkiiow how
ig since my li
my’s 'cannon
iment. was o
ydibur |itmr.- ■
'icjliigaft; y. - '
Out;; ciiinpi
ts. ih rifle
ig the night
all. ; >Wii cu
; their roll in
(c names as 1
vylight came
10'tire at ev
if e kept l;hchi
•'.Their .bull
rjh'cads heat;
ndt get! Out c
i, storm of hall
vij o’clock tl
' shell into tl
: .vc was Stall i
lu iilgc. AI
the enemy!
moving! tov
if jpaf '.pits, i
irijiof ciittini
and Captur
In the aftei
• ;eil by t>v§ii
i rpshooterS,
■d-with |..G01
i imc with } .tl
i ie’ t
I -om our pits
ti W ( e equip!
'or Us. aiiifw
While wcjw
exposed tq
id from 111 t i
i ounp'iui nine
i lived as «k
pUr br-ttc rv
• 'in. I -Pari o
I any A, w ;h
ultery, [«!> .
, -ouiid qn th
i d, ejoinpany
I tit ns \vt .(
! iort time pi
Vrrivcd. rip
; on thqmjj
e.j ccitniiigT
•1 up to tlici
Vload! tig in
:N e '
1 their firf', ‘
J 57 th T?e
nv was when public sentupenl an that (putt- ■; , * ~,:,,• ;. . ~!■.-.' °
runL -oflte:-'iȣ>-jbe.Ko I',.repel; a An
■ i\a. ueai- ~ ‘ri,-• a ; i ;■ ' ' ssivfr: Passengers u‘ho..rsuct]eg .tern
i the forts i *hidling back. jww tr r the a ti\ el= 3 j. j thd steamer SWv
« hly caH-;4 truant ..o its ftternmcd
u an|dmr I tidim; They iro .f* • S4:f l >.■ ;hor y-^'onv.|rHil4da v- nithtV bvnfi^birfl.W:wto
"iry rebel fit >vhut thovi call a -wf tUct, n /: r rArtt^uV f
.JDariftß-!'P|dp|7J|C^ | i«;it«iti m as ymirlptal. ftc-j Rjl...j^ et Wocn t,^=4dvat.c•rh^d'-cf 1
i from fir-1 cos»ionists r . a lci \ t 'rV le i : .M M -* in .=? '°, Ut ;' [{U* Uhiun und‘Rel>el armies t*n T:vUr—
;tß >ere j stfoy jl a.t and to ilje- VcUyto
jy hli the 1 tdto for- |U. the s aye jclmrteT * f^orintli 1 ••' ' . ’-V , v - "
f our pits j' pi j n fed pracy, {bey ue;-je eb o, cjp ry; p p i <-: Gen l ;^H(. c k [ 'Was .jesting >,
U around <>l the partisans tov.tnat .ui v . i ~' !
Ly ZZ i Lincoln! and bis 'frilimi*,lare ; conduct-1 %vboJu dor-- -;- .;; ■
:»c woods ■ iiur this Of any' own J unj j;. i lntelligenoe from tlio Gulf
oned. do- i diinciual. law;. \VbO5 tl;0 iSoi n.UK .; .;l i.- . ®, ~ • .- ri .;• r,V>~ .u
lOUtl half- -my Book ea Is: for] peace and-iV>r sepu-d / iW -Vm - f’k 1 *; ‘ M.'v
Was dis- riilion,. it .simyiy jr-peats thtf logic .of;| L ,!«»» ,„■
•jirtis the •William .B. iicVl ami; Robert .Tykut st|Ue- j. mm*-. ,
frut-ih’e wbcii' llVcy insist Li* that .the ]So..t t b '’
„• uk bffjcbuld' riot be subj|iguled/ deiiiJd tiro . beriMibuiidoitojto ,
r,i ß W Ibr ekp.rdie.u-y oK'ilfiknlify-.-of coireloW,',;- %' broogbt c:gnt «.
oofa bur and pioadedi IVvr ajpaititioi:iof the number of -tbc
l fJnion aa >vhf Reaped Iron.. impKcss< f
;’s fbvolv- ‘ Mississjpprv:i^ley ( tinl<| close and ptit port -eicept l a.npa ;,n ; th^ : e^sCv.
hair Owf'i rl.autuil ii the
i murder-1 section. TJvdge facts eannot Ijje ocn- re ' j ; ls -. • ;pt , i‘ ■'■' '■&■■,■"" i, .v r .
'biii'tlvb^flyi.thlcruwiind ibrec;to the hiassjes-vvhp;, f-. '
■ Sfell bkc’RJ ire (!alle<l : uptJi) iw the name ol ! ; f)e- sated. ""'.tb * le .?';y G b all ‘. *f’ “
l‘ijiocrtiifv t6;ra!|y, unckir 'the. sUM.dardWr below.ibe
i-trjliitm df tire 1 flea(lei’t VU refused- to‘ witlo .)>» to_ : ; mg
lllits, their ; dva'V BreelriruM.iie- ffoiri the field i.V attl.c-k op the M.sstsmpp. ;y. .
i 'over our 11 SbO 1 ,. and pl-rsistdcl hi their treachery, y The of tnu f .-n-a v *
ivnusiierSi, | kiiowing Ihal Lincoln's .'election — 1 ’ Vl *i^
; also piled | would; be the iiidviiiiblo restrit -.vijaiil under 1 Sag.ollynicev w;t 1 I".
if otif com-1 ipval Denioeriits' ibr-etibe (•oiuliuvt of; assisiing ibo I vencb. t. “
edetdoyed itM mddin the lito Presidentialci.m- .Oj-eans -who to,ue ; d
KebSiJaigl.?;- bin I tLcry evei li>r S ive'tl,eir|:oLtbe way
,e ri.>ht of i Lt.ei •
■ A £di red Mvirauniest It Clidi-tcsfa.iind at Balli-'! pf , dxor nighf, _U
; oil Id -load jl’tnpfc t PLtbem y4-feb^ , ? as ¥J;;" l v
r Chtonel [ bn:t the -u^k|i> : )\vk L ,ot ! tjie l tf>]the vessel g >■ , ;‘ 1 p- * r " I■£?
told Uiebi-inciplei ; that 1 jtlfcjifiiijonty should j-.'| n 4 1 t! , | lt y:. ■ ; v | f v .y ■ :
that vein-' nulc) nothing btitj arreaffirmationi o!; y. jjgath of Gen-'G-IFi Smith;, .;
We c«WJ -bp :Cincinnati- platform which ,- they i -r•tixfsßuae ■ Llk'Dlsfej. liiii
■nr on 1 dufi rddj adopted in ;. nothing but| , 2 g.l_yiajor,general CoF. Sia.u
our backs 1 ; -liat| tlie doelt;ines Isp fearlessly •»« v0 ’|J ija ‘ i: a£ : §avan ijih,'. TennessoeuW- 101 '
very thing I 'atetl '.by .Douglas—doetnncip <jyhich. ftw-'eritv-fifth. instant, a.t-fbur
Soon two adhered to by 'B ! t eUanuhi rvojild have j m j Ho was taken si?*
iinsylvunia ranqiialized the pnhjic mind jand D , * e l ' j shortly alter the occupation of
aiid opomj 'entiCd th,o’--pix*so6t civil war—rtu<>uld--[. Aa^ (.by’thefonses urider bi'ni, i>nd to
Tii.di rebel# -JP incorporated ]jr .tbe-Dejii 'bcratic jjj fc r; buffering a'ndsmking'Slowly f
/ U»avi.jig ' ilatfbrni. Doiunaj ee^sj though bis condition
I Johnston*! J'.pj’°J? os . tlmt; it.llviK 'vere j fought daugevovis until
') of toem.ij ap 'yfenld jgl.adly withdraw irorn, the j W'oek. } Mis fahvily had betcj
■v it have cbtnpetiqii fpf nomination and3iip.-j^^J at a..^ r g: 611/their way w
ery: . Our pm t aiiyiplber candidate. Jits Inends ; Sa< . anlia hi ‘ ; ; s Vr
fei ; c with fn both ppnvcntioiisj w-ere the ascer-, .-^ n . Sherman arid<ed here y«.£'
; our Cap- (tained majority' of fHhu i. - -■., • ] ;
i ie,i rioki,ng j majority not Only of the Sout|iern trait- f ■ - .
i tyl Hen- orsybut a majo‘r : jtij|.over dll,yir.eluding '
1 irid myself j the j purchased 111 if clings, of } the 'Ad-'
i <'h was on | niinistration ol i ilr. Bnc\hanan and
, flaSt man the men who , sol[i piit foiya, price after
1 e escaped haying been the
• Oitrbovsi Douglas -sentinitorlt I- ‘of flihir re.spec .;
i- good-’- aflnv tivel districts,•• iladl’Ayiiliani B, Beed,
las Brooks,. 1 Joseph. B. Baker.i Robert Tyler,- Ap
ias wounds nohl. I’Uimer, -William Bigler, and
rdunti-—and, their ,familiars-, yielded to tlfisdemand
: ompant. A Mr.-! might still have .been
int- pleC-tcd President, Rut the. Secessionists.
had several would have beejti deprived of the ex j
,'ightly. A ; ctise which,* after he was hhoseny^ilac-.
their coats 1 ed' |so powerfuU >: Weapon ip thpiyi
[ merlin the hands. But alt appeals to these nia- j
ind p. The lignahts were Unavailing, : They- re-.
!aces. Ouf jeotpd every argument, clasped hands
a force said with tho;men npw. attacking the flag,
1 ' the fight -audj parlicipute| iji the outranges,which
jr mounted closed in |the.ditiriiptioh of the Demp
;■ his, men; crutic party J, The democracy of tlie
i m and he fVee'States, whil i recalling t hese eVen'ts.
hll off, I peh- have only to d(ik iaronnd them to
•f-the'lregi- see the same spjri't ;is : inanilesied' by
■ the day’;! the] same men at. the. present 1 hour,
-, r p. [•' * *‘ and they may i-rest assni'cld that, if
- ~ . . WW thej-i can divide the tdval sentiment of
rq divtsioffs t| lo | ioyar States, Die, counuy will be
o be■ j rcatl permanently la id! irrejjarably dCmor
ro.m . c ..®v l '. nlized, and every hope of iin hondra-
1 1 tin ri,f ie, ?H ble) peace and a comstitniional road
-he ball will jufjtment forever Uestioveji ■
, -i': * , ■''V'"■-•■• .f, .My, Occasional. ■'
ue w'gashoti . , —^-P—■
giving any ’* Judge of the Su
to : 1 fa rente Court, fhas decided that the
vs a« desper- Stay Lav|, passed May .1801, is uucop
■. Wo-held btitaUoual, - ; j-. .to;;- -. i-j
t .• * V- ■. i
ivere pc lieveiji by |
B«" Wjb re turned
>od pm;. '•■!' .;
ir mtsf, and ajl
Give tny love, to
on every op-
HJT TJj jlitillSi;' .
. ■ 's
f New Orleans Taken.; ; _
Fortress Monroe April 26.-1 Jo tf o «-
Edwin M. Stanton, Secretary of iy Qr .
‘AL fbgitivc ,bjackl just arrived
Portsmouth, brings the‘Petersburg
Express', of yesturday , which_corita!nl
the following- dispatch : '
AfobiLE,’ ' April . enfnif
passed Fort Jackson,- at four
yesterday morning: /When the ii£
reached Sow Orleans, ihc excitejiilnj
was b'oundle»s; ; Martial Jaw was
in force andbawncss whs
i suspended. AH: the cotton and sica®. j
boats,! excepting such as wereneeeiL!
| rj/lo transports corp. ammunition,"it v
were destroyed, , V
At phe tn d»iy, thejoper&L. t
bade us, good, bye, saying that the 1 ? 1e ; .
my; had apjicared before the Cityp.
This is the last we know regsrij .
the fall; • Will . send particulate M ‘
soon as they can be had. j / c
r The negrrt, bringing the-vabove! r?.
ports that the rebels have'two iron
clad; steamers pearly -.completed;
that it Is believed that the Merrmtsic r
- i
BAfrikHANNOCK,; -April' s7[~To : nk_
Edipin M. Stanton,-, Secretary of ;r„r ;
i Ijaye i just reVuincd from 'the cur.ij.
ppposite Frederic isburg. j 1 was told
theßk-hmondiJjruminer, of i the 26ti:
bad been in anhouhcitg
as follows : - |i f h'i
Orleans |Taken.—Grfer; Ife.'
triietiibp, ;of Property.—Cdlton ’ eed
Steamboats enough Saved totkkeawiv
Cpnsternattoa of
the Inhabitants. :: . -F.
Ir>vxnM’Doweu!,, Major G # eh. Goefg
From Corinth, Mississippi \
.t ;esko,.,Apfir. 26.—A Special > iV(jra
Caii;p to' the Journal says: A
nuisance in force- was-
Corinth mi Thursday - . iVhorr idtie
miles out our force ’surprised; the&twis
in .eanfp, look tWe i, t y-se Ven 'prisoner',
destroyed ciitnpj veqixi'ppago ‘and a.j.
'van(;ed to Pea litdgo, wkhjn bis niilw.
of Corinth, rea-iaiuiiig',' there Arum-’
eleven a.-m.. until threp pj-in.,.:seeing
no.sigris, of the enemy.■ ' ,j ~•/
. Mr. Stev.ensori.l of Danvilje, whoaT-,
companied the rteconnoisan’cd, reports
that, there Was hkard constant rattiing
‘ of ears and.sounding) <>t whistles-tis
■d - 1 ‘ ,ir - "
i Part Jacksonfiiear Savannah, Rf
j . ' ported Taken
■j- Xew York, April 27.—-The
! stiitesV on the authority 6t ;tbb office*
1 of; ike steamOr Boston, that FortJ#«p
!sou,| six }lail^^B|■below:.''Ba^'anl>») ,
possession' of 'our Iroops, anil
pickets, are within four mile?.-ei •*'
vannah. •'■ :j '' V. ,i. r .
The steamer Atlantic, from
Royal, with elates to the 24th-Wrj
brings lrani ty
Pulaski 1 and 1,957 bags of
lardiSdl bags) of giniied ebUon : fr
brings no hews. ■’
> |ThE NTotP IK ■#ESTERS^'V : iR(U
The Wheeling Intelligencer T l! r'.,.v,
the official vbteof fifty-pne county.
.Western Viijgvniip oitthe
tution and cmalndpation. T ,
gilte is, 16,797[f0r and - }
and Vor.ty-on 1 © against the ?ric>v; - A.
tiltioii; and and six
aijid eighteenl.aga.inst oinancipa’• -
; Majority jiTr « atiol
’constitution, 16,359, for, eniant. •
r ■
*9T The* latest - nows f f°*
plopto’s oftl .Pt. W-ngh ~• t .
t.Q.Saturday 1 , there
1 flood in the ’Mississippi f nt< .
bbats.verprliii in position,'and_d. .
ally th row, af shell into the reo® #
i but receive do , reply. B t t-i
i boats are not in sight-
. to .be Lau}cd 'out of the ' a P l£f
water. ".' il. 'i .. '■■J.-'" •-
•v-. '■ ■/