-_— “STATE WELFARE MAKES : | MANUFACTURERS’ EXCISE emorvalic; Wate TAX LEGISLATION According to information received SE | recently by Toner A. Hugg, deputy Bellefonte, Pa, June 24, 19382. | collector of internal revenue from meme | David W. Phillips, collector, Scran- | ton, Pa., the following items manu- | SURVEY ON HOUSING come under the Historic French Palace Part of National Life | Fontainebleau has been called the “jewel” of French palaces, artistically and historically, In view of the for- | mer, seven centuries of varied tastes, and the best of these, have ornamented and adorned Its interiors. Indeed, much of the progress of French art | NEW HIGHWAY FOLDERS SHOW WESTERN ROUTE The new U. S. 6 Roosevelt High- way maps, being the first folder and map issued showing U, S. 6 extend- from the Atlantic coast to the Rockies, have been received at head- quarters of the Roosevelt Highway Association of Pennsylvania, at i Unemployment and its consequent -1os of income have made the hous- ing problem a most serious one in many sections of Pennsylvania, ac- cording to a survey by the State Department of Welfare. _.. The cited several ,‘appal- -ling examples of the breakdown in .bousing standards among Pennsyl- wvania’s jobless.” It mentioned a colony living in a row of “five chicken coops in one of the more distressed counties,” The -enlony numbered 15 persops, includ- ing two white families, cone ni family, a negro woman and ve | mingle white men, One mile away stands a row of ~abandoned houses which are not ~mwailable to these unfortunates,”| ‘#he department statement said. { Other *“ examples’ show- ~@d people living in “unused coke ovens’ in Western Pennsylvania and | one instance in which the water service was turned off due to unpaid rents in a community of 115 families ~mumbering 425 persons. i “Here is an excellent setting for an epidemic. Tenants, under cover! of night, beg enough water for ~cooking and a minimum degree of «cleanliness,” the statement read. | “Housing is a key factor in s0- ‘scial and economic ills. Pennsylvania ‘bas ranked foremost in maintaining _American housing standards, which ~thave been the envy of the world. | STATE STANDS FOURTH { i IN MAPLE PRODUCTS Pennylvasnia was one of the four "Jeading States in the production of smaple products during the 1932 sea- s30n, according to estimates made .apublic by the bureau of statistics