Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, June 10, 1932, Image 7

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Cremith Lived o Bechdior
After Romance Failed.
Paris.—The secret of why Aristide
Briand, eleven times premier of
France, a lover of children, remained
a confirmed bachelor until his death a
few days ago has been solved by the
story of an unhappy love affair nov
being told for the first time.
The attitude of the great orator and |
statesman toward marriage dates to |
the early days when he was a strug
gling law student,
In his native Nantes was a Breton
maiden who received the homage of |
all the young men of the best families,
but this girl, Jeanne Kermandee, by |
name, was ambitious and had declared |
that she would only listen to the woo-
ing of a man with a brilliant future. |
She Refused Briand.
She refused to entertain the im |
pecuvnious Briand of humble origin, |
and cast in her lot with a young man !
of his own age, one of his friends, a
member of a well-known family and a |
brilliant star of local debating socie- |
ties for whom a great future was pre- |
Twenty years later the man of brik |
lance had emerged from prison after
serving a sentence for fraud, and he !
and his ambitious wife were reduced |
to the direst straits, living in a miser- |
able attic In the most squalid section |
of Paris.
At the time Aristide Briand, whe
tad up to then devoted himself to the |
law and journalism, was just coming
into his own as a politician, and his |
dazzling eloquence earned for him the
admiration of women of wealth and |
position who would gladly have linked |
their fortunes with the coming man, |
put Briand remained faithful to his |
first love, and cherished the hope that |
one day they would be reunited. |
When he became premier, though |
by no means rich, M. Briand arranged |
to give his former friend a new start |
for the sake of the woman they had |
both loved, but his efforts were un-
availing, and after a brief career as
an official in the colonial office in
France and Africa, the man fell again,
dragging his wife down with him.
Both disappeared, and when they
were traced again the man was at |
the point of death and the woman was
a wreck of her former self.
Again Offers Marriage.
When the husband had been in the |
guave a year Briand offered marriage |
(perhaps because) she had realized |
the mistake she had made In rejecting |
Mm in the first instance, she stoutly |
refused his offer, saying that she had |
no right to burden him with a woman 1
with a past who was an ugly shadow |
of her former self and was representa- |
tive of naught but a wasted life.
In any case, she sald, her owil death
could not ve far off, and in fact she
dled about two years afterwards.
She was buried In an unmarkes |
grave In the little cemetery of Co- |
cherel, where the remains of Briand
now rest.
lay Sowers on the unknown grave, and i
not even the most important political |
ts could induce him to omit |
this tribute to the dead woman he had |
loved with such obstinacy for nearly |
a half century. |
Now, through death, they are ai
rest, not far from each other.
New Hampshire Women
Win Many Town Offices
Concord, N. H—Women have cap-
tured many of the more important
town offices in several New Hampshire
communities as result of the recent
town meetings. {
At Middleton Mrs. Ruth Kelley was
elected town clerk; Mrs. Margaret
Kimball, town treasurer, and Gladys
Whitehouse, town auditor.
Bessle Hayes was elected tow.
treasurer of New Durham; Mrs. Ethel
W. Morell, town clerk of Alton; Stel-
ia F. Ayer, town treasurer of Alton;
Tressa Nelson, town clerk of Straf-
ford; Linna B. Locke, town clerk of
Barrington, and Mrs. Fannie White-
bouse, town clerk of Farmington.
President’s 500 Trout
Put Into Wrong River
Nashua, N. H—1If fisherman Herbert
Hoover wants to catch the trout raised
for him at the local government hatch-
ery he'll have to transfer his angling |
operations from the Rapidan to the |
Rose river. The 500 eight-inch brook
trout shipped to the President's camp
were put off. the train at Orange, Va. |
by mistake, according to word re
ceived here, and dumped into the Rose
river by some mountaineers who were
expecting a similar consignment, |
Once Humble Razorfish
Now Sought as Delicacy
Hyannis, Mass.— The razorfish, hum-
ple member of the clam clan, is enjoy-
ing a sudden and inexplicable spurt of
popularity on Cape Cod. Once sneered
at by fish fanciers as unfit for the
American diet, the razorfish has been
found to be quite palatable and is be-
ing rated as a delicacy.
Gold Cargo Sought
Seattle.—Five million dollars In
2old that went down with the Ward
liner Merida in 1911 about 65 miles
northeast of Cape Charles will be
sought by the Romano Marine Salvage-
ing comp: ny of Seattle. An attempt is
being mace to raise the derelict, which
lies in about 36 fathoms of water,
| The original name was soda
Air in Libraries Should Be
“Washed” |
Air can wear out book bindings, gov. |
| ernment scientists have discovered, |
and this may fo.ce libraries in th
tuture to have their air “washed.”
An experiment that lasted eight |
years, just completed by the Depart
ment of Agriculture, shows definitely |
that the acids from the air, as long |
Suspected, are the cause of the trov |
A set of dummy books, bound with |
various kinds of vegetable-tanned |
leather, were placed on a shelf outside |
"a window of an office in Washington. |
The window was directly in the path |
of the prevailing winds and within |
half a mile of several government pow |
er plants and the main line of a stean |
=ailroad. :
The books stayed there for more |
than eight years. Meanwhile samples |
| of the same leathers were kept in|
a protected place. At the end of the |
eight years the physical condition ant |
chemical composition of the expose |
and protected leathers were compared.
The exposed leathers were pow
dery and easily scuffed, torn and
cracked, while the protected leathers |
were sound, smooth and strong as ip
‘he beginning.
Why Electricity Is Not
Yet Fully Understood
Electricity is known to be a form of |
energy, just as we have chemical light |
heat and other forms. According to |
one authority: “Innumerable attempts
have been made to ascertain the true |
nature of electricity, but it cannot be |
sald that as yet there is any true |
knowledge of what this subtle agen’ |
veally 1s.” |
According to the electronic theory |
of hypothesis, the atom of matter is |
made up of smaller bodies called elec |
| trons electrical in their nature, and |
consequently all matter intimately is |
electrical, the atoms of the differen
elements of matter consisting of a cer
tain number of electrons, thus 700 in |
the hydrogen atom and 11,200 in thr |
wxygen atom.
While this, of course is only a theory, |
it serves tr explain a great deal of the |
| properties and manifestations of elec |
tricity, just as other theories of sel. |
ence help us to understand the nature |
of light, heat, etc, !
Why Shrike “Impales”
The shrike, belying its name, is in |
reality a song bird, but a bird which
has the unmusical nickname of the
butcher bird. There are some 200
species of shrike, but only two of the
family are to be found in the United |
States, these two being about ten |
| Inches in length,
Its unlovely name comes from a |
physical weakness which its Ingenuity |
has overcome. It is not only an insect
eater, but also preys upon mice and |
small birds, Its feet are its weakness, |
and it 1s unabie to hold its prey In |
its talons. Handicapped, the shrike |
seizes its food in its beak &nd then im- |
Bach year, on the anniv ry onl pales the hapless victim on a thorn. |
the woman's death, M. Briand made |
a point of journeying to Coches to |
which serves as its talons.
. The skin, which was in splendid fur,
Why Moisture Hurts Pint
One of the worst conditions for
painting is the presence of moisture. |
It is important, in painting the mew |
house, to see tha. all surfaces are
thoroughly dry before attempting to |
paint them. If paint is applied over |
a surface containing any appreciable
amount of moisture, especially if the
moisture be / +t-rnal, that is, contained
in the material painted, just as soon
as the interior of the house becomes
warmed the water vapor will attempt
to escape through the paint film and
eventually will cause either blistering |
or peeling of the film, |
Why Bload Clots in Eggs
Blood clots In eggs are the result ot
overstrained egg organs causing the
membranes of ovary and oviduct to
become inflamed and the swollen blond
vessels let go, so that escaping blood
forms a clot which later is Included
in an egg. Clots in or attached to
the yolk come from the ovary, while
those that are found in the white come
from some section of the oviduct.
Why “Red-Letter Day”
Fermerly red-letter days were those
s0 indicated in the calendar of days
in the Book of Common Prayer, and
some prayer books are still printed In
this style. In general usage the term
has come to mean especially fortunate
or auspicious days in a person's life,
or days to be remembered because of.
some important event or benefit.
Why Known as “Pop”
Certain soft drinks received the
same “pop” because when the bottles
were opened the corks were expelled
with a pop or quick explosive noise.
which was soon shortened to pop.
Why Britain Is “Red”
The British empire is usually shown
in red or pink because of the custom
of so coloring British territory, which
began with British mapmakers, who
merely desired to make the British
empire prominent on their maps.
Why Shower of Rice
The custom of showering rice on |
newly married couples comes from In-
dia, rice being with the Hindus an em- |
blem of fecundity,
Why Hair Turns Gray
Loss of pigment causes hair to turn
gray. Bxtremely severe shocks have
been known to cause a loss of pigment
in the hair
| refers to charcoal. Coal cinders found
"Artistic Spirit of Age
| A wild cat was suspecied, and traps
Coal’'s Value as Fuel
Known for Centuries
The use of coal as a fuel in England.
Belfast and China goes back to the
Middle ages or even earlier. Although
coz] is mentioned in a number of
places in the Bible, it seems that It
pear ancient ruins in England furnish
some evidence for the belief that the
ancient Britons used coal before the
Roman invasion of 54 B. C. It Is sald
that the first accurate record of the
| use of coal in England was in 857
A.D. |
In North America the first coal mine |
was opened in Virginia in 1750. Not
withstanding the use of coal in Europe
for several hundred years and its use
in America for a century and a half.
it has been less than a century since
it has become a public necessity and
all-important in determining the de
velopment of countries.
The distribution of the coal depos-
its in the Americas, with the excep-
tion of Nova Scotia, are inland. The
interior of North America contains ex-
tensive deposits, whereas the central
portion of South America, including
the Guineas, western Brazil, Para-
guay and practically all of Uru-
guay contains no coal. The cordille-
ras of both continents contain coal
that occurs in many detached areas.
Evinced by Its Doors
The history of doors is the history
of the times, for essentially they per-
mit the comings and goings of hu-
manity. From the simple board of
early Egypt to the elaborately deco-
rated panels and moldings of the
French renaissance and onward to
the plain, unpaneled, flush examples
of the modern movement, the door
has displayed the art and spirit of
every period. In the early days with
bare walls and floors as the back-
ground, doors and meager furniture
were the only objects on which the
craftsmen could display their genius.
A vivid example of this work Is
found in the doors of King Solomon's
temple, 1000 B. C., carved and over-
laid with gold. Again there are those
dwelt upon in Homer which appear
to have been cased in silver or brass.
The very earliest records of doors are
the single pieces of wood represented
in the paintings of the Egyptian
tombs. As hinges didn't “come In”
until the Twelfth century, these an-
clent doors were hung by pivots work-
ing in sockets at the top and bottom
of the hanging stile.
Cat's Powerful Jaws
The strength, agility and ferocity of
the wild cat are proverbial and fillus-
trated in the following story: A deer
watcher's wife had iost several hens.
were set in seversl likely spots. One
morning & large specimen was found
in one, caught by a hind leg. Instinct
ively, the keeper stretched forward his
gun, which the enraged cat seized with
claws and teeth, On withdrawal, the
gun showed, as it still does distinctly,
the impression of the cat's teeth in the |
hollow, solid part between the barrel.
measured 45 inches from top to tip.
Physical Geography
The schoolmaster had been giving
his class a lesson In physical geog-
raphy, and had explained that the
world is made up of land and water.
Then, in order to see if they had been
giving attention, he asked:
“Now boys, can you tell me wha
it is land and water make?”
For some time there was silence,
put presently a little boy put up his
hand and when asked to give the an-
swer, be replied: “Mud, Sir.”
Foreign Objects
Children put things in thelr mouths
py instinct, because that is the way
they learn the size, shape and rough-
ness of an object, and by imitation,
because what mother and dad do they
believe to be correct. If mother places
coins or pins in her mouth and If dad
chews on a plece of wood or a tooth-
pick, they are setting a bad example,
an article in Hygeia Magazine by Dr.
Mervin C. Myerson suggests,
Properly Cautious
When Sarah Josepha Hale went te
Boston in 1828 and started the first
“jadies’ magazine” in this country, she
sponsored a movement to raise funds
for the Bunker Hill monument. “Some
editors are against us” she wrote
naively, “but the ladies’ society is be-
ing organized, though we would by no
means recommend any lady to Join
without the consent of her immediate
protector.”—Minneapolis Journal.
Rib of Contention
Ope of those scientific prowlers who
are always digging up strange and In-
teresting things informs us that ac-
cording to Brazilian Indians the first
humans were not Adam and Eve, but
two women, and that the first quarrel
came about when each claimed to be
the oldest. Either the Brazilian tra-
dition 1s in error or women have
changed a lot since that time. —Ex-
Ancient Libraries
Although the ancient libraries had
parchment rolls instead of books they
resembled modern ones in many ways.
At Timgad, in Roman Africa, was a
delightful public library which was the
gift of a benevolent citizen, and it was
furnished as one might be today, with
tables and comfortable chairs where
the reader could sit at ease to consult
the work he had borrowed
| enters the searchlight’s pattern, its
‘with-flapnel “or chamois. “Rub with
Paper money at one time was di-
rectly printed from steel engrav-
ings, hut now the doliar bills, as
well ag other denominations, are
printed from chromium surfaced |
plates, Henry Weitze, president of |!
the Carlton Plating company, has |
pointed out. “The design is first
engraved on a steel plate.” said
Mr. Weitze, “from which a nega.
tive is made hy depositing elec
trically, first nickel, and then al- |
ternate layers of copper and nick: ||
el. This uegative serves as a |
mold upon which an electrolytic
printing plate is deposited. This
plate is plated with chromium
and duplicates the original steel
engraving. Paper currency is
printed by what is called intaglio
printing, that Is, the surface of
the plate is covered with ink and
a blade runs over the plate, re
moving all the ink excepi that in |
the engraved lines of the design. t
This causes considerable abrasion ||
to the surface of ordinary metal. ||
For a time the surface of these ||
plates were nickel plated, but
with the perfection of chromium
plating, which produces the hard. ||
est metal known, these plates are ||
surfaced with chromium. The life ||
of the plates have thus been |
greatly lengthened and better im: !
pressions are produced. By mak- ||
ing the printing of currency more ||
uniform, without abrasion marks,
the detection of counterfeit bills |}!
is rendered more easy.”
How Britain Plans to |
Fight Off Air Raiders
After ten years of experimentation,
British authorities have perfected a |
unique searchlight known as the |
“Spider Web.” [It throws a unique |
checkerboard pattern on the sky, and |
is designed 10 enable anti-aircraft gun !
ners to plot raiders, exactly as artil-
lery targets are plotted on map squares.
A correspondent of Collier's Weekly.
reporting the official tests of this new
device, says that when an airplane
speed, height and direction can be cal
culated from tables in a fraction of a
How to Clean Ornaments
Clean copper and brass with vinegar,
oxalic acid, buttermilk, lemon or some
similar acid, follow by rubbing with
whiting, wash carefully and dry. This
gives a light finish and is quickly done,
but all the acid must be removed or
the metal will be quickly corroded
again. Another method is to moisten
rottenstone with sweet oil, apply with
a soft cloth and rub vigorously. Polish
whiting or tripoll. This gives a richer
finish than when acid is used.
How Insulation Pays
In the mind of the prospective home
puyer building insulation against win.
ter cold and summer heat is becoming
a dominant factor, thinks G. D, Mal |
lory, of the natural resources intelli. |
gence service of the Canadian depart.
1.ent of the interior. This point of |
view, he declares, is growing because
the public is coming to realize that a |
properly insulated house may effect an
annual saving to a large part of the
taxes on that house. i
_ How to Remove Tattooing
The new method usually advised for
the removal of tattoo marks is to ap-
ply a very concentrated solution of
tannin, treating the places with a tat-
tooing needle. Then rub with a stick
of lunar caustic until they turn black,
removing excess by dabbing. The sil:
ver tannate which forms turns the
tattoo marks black and a scurf is
formed which comes off after about
two weeks, leaving reddish sears.
How to Preserve Clippings
The best way to preserve a newspa
per clipping is to mount with library
paste and paste a fine transparent silk
fabric over it. This delays the chem
ical changes in the wood pulp fiber of
which newsprint paper is made. The
clipping, if kept in a tight container in
a clean, dry atmosphere, will last in-
How Porcelain Originated
The word “porcelain” is derived from
{talian “porcellana,” meaning “a little
pig.” which was the name given by the
early Portuguese traders to cowrie-
shells, the shape of which suggested
a pig's back, and later to Chinese
earthenware, which is white and glossy.
like the inside of these shells
How Records Are Verified
When an aviator attempts to break
an official record he carries a baro-
graph, which has been sealed. When
he lands the barograph, unopened, is
sent to the bureau of standards or
some similar organization and opened
and tested.
How Sounds Are Heard
Physically, sound consists of waves
or vibrations in the air, and we hear
sounds because these waves strike
against the drum of the ear and are
thence conducted to the sensitive end-
ings of the auditory nerve.
How to Polish Windshield
Use equal parts of denatured al
cohol and ether. Apply this mixture
to the glnss with a clean woolen cloth,
Rub briskly, then sprinkle with a little
jeweler's rouge upon a piece of cham-
ois skin and polish.
For years the bane of Mr. Jay's Angry Customer: “These egg®
aa I aT ors | aren othe
family rugs, a task with which his : “Not fresh?
wife entrusted him twice a year. At | Why. the boy brought them from.
last he confided to a friend he had | the country this morning.”
solved the problem. He had taken | Customer: “What am
| up aviation,
“Aviation?” ried the other, Mike: “This is a great country.
T= SEVERAL SCHEMES to relieve the
present business situation doubtless will
But, after three years, it looks us if we shall
have to depend un the slow and deliberate op-
eration of economic forces for permanent re-
There is no “Royal Road” to prosperity.
Baney’s Shoe Store
WILBUR H. BANEY, Proprietor
80 years in the Business
Comfort-plus Suits for
the Hottest Days
Here's summer comfort expressed not only in
coolness of body but in peace of mind. Suits
that are smart in appearance and perfect in fit. |
Tailored of materials that are the delight of |
connoisseurs and the despair of imitators and |
priced from
$12.00 to $16.50