Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, June 10, 1932, Image 5

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LUSE.—Clement W. Luse, a well |
Abraham and
was born at
who survives with one son and a
daughter, William Luse, on the
farm, and Miss Cora, principal of
the Allegheny school in Altoona, He
also leaves two brothers, John M.
Luse, of State College, and William
M., of Centre Hall
He was a member of the Luther-
an church and Rev. S. F. Greenhoe
had charge of the funeral services
which were held at his late home,
at 10 o'clock yesterdey morning, |
burial being made in the Centre Hall |
MEEKERL-Mm. oo. Meeker, |
widow of the late Maynard Meeker,
died at her home at Centre Hall, on
Monday evening, following two
week's illness with heart trouble.
She was a daughter of Enos and
Elizabeth Jane McDowell Bush and
was born in Tioga county in 1866,
her age at death being 65 years, 11
months and 5 days. Her husband
died 14 years ago but surviving her
are the following children: Mrs.
Abbie Reese, Mrs. D. M, Bradford,
Mrs. Paul Bradford, Mrs. J. H.|
Kanarr and Robert E. Meeker, of
Centre Hall; Mrs. H. M. Hipple, Mrs,
L. E. Frank and Lawrence E. Meek-
er, of Baltimore, Md.; Bruce Meek-
er, of Johnstown; Mrs. Philip
B. Gross and John S. Meeker, of
Bellefonte, She also leaves one sis-
ter and three brothers, Mrs. Charles
Kanarr, of Rauchtown; David Bush,
of Jersey Shore; Kearney, in Cali-
fornia, and James Bush, in Arizona.
Funersl services were held in the
Reformed church, Centre Hall, yes-
teday afternoon, by Rev. D. S. Keen-
er, burial being made in the Centre
Hall cemetery.
mr, D. Strunk, for
many sears a resident of Howard,
died on Saturday of last week, at
the hom: of his daughter, Mrs.
Charles Confer, of Niagara Falls, as
the result of a heart attack,
He was 17 years old and was born
at Reedsville, though most of his
life was spent at Howard. In 1897
he married Miss Mary Hannon, who
died some years ago, but surviving -
him are the following children: A.
M. Strunk, of Wilkinsburg; Mrs. J.
O. Heverly, of Bellefonte; Mrs.
Charles Confer and Miss Edna
Strunk, of Niagara Falls; W. 5
Strunk, of Pittsburgh; Mrs. Walter
Benn, of Tyrone; Cameron B., of
Cleveland, Ohio, and Mrs. Josephine
Gotcher, of Claude, Texas. He also
leaves one brother, Charles Strunk,
of Jacksonville.
The funeral was held on Monday
afternoon, burial being made at
Niagara Falls.
| i
MeKINNDY Rev: c! Logan Mc-
Kinney, chaplain of St, Mary's or-|
phanage for girls, at Cresson, died
last Friday as the result of uremic
poisoning, following a brief illness. i
Deceased was a son of David P.
and Mary C. McKinney and was
born at Howard Sept, 8, 1880. As a
young man he studied for the
priesthood and was ordained by
Bishop Eugene A. Garvey twenty-
six years ago, having celebrated his |
first mass in the town of his birth.
For a number of years he was
of the Catholic church, at
Bedford, going to Cresson as Chap-
lain at the orphanage three months |
| Luck Haven date line,
evening, announcing that fish thieves
parts contained therein, at the No.
1 plant of the Chemical Lime com-
pany, were destroyed by fire, short-
While the origin of the fire is not
definitely known it is believed to
have started from the fire in one of
the dinkeys.
Both dinkeys had been in opera-
‘tion Friday morning but were not
to be used in the afternoon. conse-
quently were run into the house, So
far as known the fires had been
properly banked. The fire was not
discovered until the building was
enveloped in flames and it was then
too late to get the dinkeys out. The
Undine Company went out and pre-
| vented the flames from spreading to
| other buildings. The loss is fairly
{well covered with insurance.
On Monday morning a fire, which
originated at the furnace flue
in the home of W. T, McCormick,
on east Curtin street, burned a good
sized hole in the roof before it was
extinguished with chemicals by
Bellefonte firemen. The origin of the
fire has not been definitely determin-
ed. Owing to the extreme care of
the firemen Mr. McCormick's dam-
age to furniture, Etc, was inconse-
quential, The house is insured.
—————— i F———————
A sensational item appeared in
in the Williamsport Sun, under a
stole several thousand large trout
| from the ponds at the Bellefonte fish
hatchery, several nights ago, haul-
ing them away in a big truck.
Superintendent Searson states em-
phatically that no such robbery oc-
curred and game protector Thomas
A. Mosier avers that he knows
nothing of any such robbery.
———————— i ——————
~The Centre County Associa-
tion of Philadelphia will hold its
annual picnic on Saturday, June 18.
All Centre countians residing in or
about Philadelphia and natives of
the county who might be tempora-
rily in that vicinity at the time are
: Span). Saturday on a business
| Two dinkey engines, the dinkey |
house and all the tools and repair
John Bressler and Paul Leighty
trip to |
Gilbert Barto and family,
er, were Sunday visitors at the
shal! home.
Children's day exercises will be
of Guy-|
Mer- |
"held in the Baileyville church Sun-|
ly after the noon hour last Friday. |
day evening.
Robert Koch, has secured the con- |
tract to haul the brick for our new |
school building. !
Ebon Snyder, of Baileyville, caught
a 21 inch trout in Spruce creek, last
week. It was a beauty,
Ernest Gilliland is a patient in
the Altoona hospital, having submit- |
ted to a tonsil operation.
Herbert McCall, of McAlvey's|
Fort, was here on Saturday calling
on a number of old friends.
Samuel Everhart, assessor of Col-
lege township, transacted business
at Warriorsmark, last Friday.
1. of Blair
John Bailey Campbel
| county, was here Saturday visiting |
his brother, J. Milo Campbell.
Mrs. Mary Gates, of Altoona, is
a visitor at the home of her uncle, |
W. G. Gardner, in the Glades.
Miss Margaret Sidney, of Saxton.
was entertained over the week-end |
at the home of Rev. and Mrs, J. 8.
Wilbur Tipton, of Berlin, was]
here on Saturday visiting his school-
mates, Hugh C. Fry and Ernest,
Gilliland. |
Dr. George H. Woods, wife and
' daughter Mary are off on a week's
| Burwell and daughters,
most earnestly urged to attend, The
tables will be spread at the rear of
Belmont mansion, in Fairmount
park, and the picnic dinner will be-
gin about 5 o'c'ock. daylight saving
time. Of cours: everyone is expect-
ed to take his or her own basket.
CL ————
Fred Lonebarger is assisting in
the J. D. Patterson store.
Mr. and Mrs. John Horner spent
Sunday with friends in Lewistown.
Dr. Swank is having the interior
of his Main street residence newly
Miss Anna Sweeny
spent the
‘improved in health.
week-end with Miss Ella Bottorf, at
Mr. and Mrs. William Homan, of
Centre Hall, were callers in town
ron Sunday.
Miss Maudella Smith has returned
home from the Lock Haven teach-
ers’ college.
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph H. Dale, of
' it meets at the home of R. W. Reed,
Bellefonte, spent part of Sunday at
the L. K, Dale home.
Mr. and Mrs. Lee Brooks, of
Spring Mills, were Sunday visitors
at the home of Mrs. Jacob Meyer.
The graduating class of Harris
township vocational school left, early
Monday morning, on a sight-seeing
trip to Washington, D. C.
‘the entertainment features, and a
| big dinner is assured.
Miss Esther Spahr, of Hunting-
' don,
Miss Della Ishler has opened her
home, on Church street, expecting
to spend
the summer in town, after
the winter with friends in’
the eastern part of the State.
Miss Grace Hubler was taken ill
with scarlet fever, on Thursday, and
visit with their son, George Jr. at |
Children's day exercises in the
Presbyterian church, Sunday, were |
well attended, and a good program
Harry Reed and wife, of Hunting-
don, were week-end visitors at the
home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Robert Reed.
Fred Williams and wife, of Clear-
field, were here for a short visit |
with his mother, Mrs. Ida Williams. |
on east Main street. i
William Keichline Goss, with his
son Paul, of Tyrone, spent Tuesday
with his mother, Mrs. Sue Goss, at
the W. P. Corl home. i
Howard Fluke and wife, Mrs, |
Dorothy |
and Mary, motored to Huntingdon, |
Sunday, to visit friends.
Clay Houck, of Warriorsmark,
has installed a large Westinghouse
refrigerator in the home of the]
Misses Miller, in the Glades,
I~vin M. Bloom and wife, of Wil-|
liamsport, through town,
Sunday morning, enroute to the C.
E. Frank home, in the Glades,
After spending the past month
with her daughter, Mrs. John Quinn, |
on the old Ross farm, Mrs. Ever-|
hart has returned to her home at
Robert, Isaac and Ira Harpster.
and Oscar Grazier motored to Dan-
ville, Thursday, to visit their uncle
Samuel and found him somewhat
Miss Twila Peters was entertain-
ed at dinner, Sunday, at the Bond
Brungart home, at State College.
Both women were members of the
class of 1930, State College High
That veteran Methodist minister,
Rev. M. C. Piper, of Milesburg, will
talk to the meri's Bible class when
on June 16th, A full turnout is re-
The annual picnic of the Bailey-
ville Presbyterian Sunday school is
billed for June 25, in the Irvin
grove. A ball game will be one of
is visiting her many frien
here, with headquarters at the Mrs.
Sadie Burwell home. She is quite
musical and sang a beautiful solo
in the Presbyterian church Sunday
Samuel Homan, Roy Buck, Ches-
ter Geist and Frank Homan made a
fishing trip to Delaware bay, the
latter end of the week, and while
they reported a nice catch it was
not big enough to pass around
among their friends.
Grover C, Corl, George Lauck,
Roy Mingle and G. H. Everts were
Funeral mass was held in the St. was compelled to forego the pleas-
Aloysius Catholic church, at Cres- ure of graduating with the Harris
son, at 10 o'clock on Tuesday morn- township vocational school, on Fri-
ing, after which the remains were day evening.
brought to Bellefonte for burial in| Mr. and Mrs George Mothers-
' baugh celebrated their twenty-fifth
the Jo for priests in the Catholic we Ve " on Sunday,
: | Their
i I ner guests were Mr. and
SHUEY. —James H, Sey, | MES,
for many years had been employed | son, of State College;
as a section workman on the Lew- Henry Bubeck and baby, Mac Moth-
| ersbaugh and friend, of Philadelphia;
at Lemont, on Saturday evening, Mr, and Mrs. Lynn Mothersbauzh,
following a prolonged illness with Daniel and Ruth Mothersbaugh.
pernicious anemia. i
He was a son of Mr. and Mrs.
isburg railroad, died at his home,
John Shuey and was past 90 years UNIONVILLE.
of age. He was twice married and Merchant H. E. McElwain is on
the sick list.
Mrs. Carrie Rumberger, of DuBois,
is visiting relatives here.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Kerchner and
daughter spent the week-end wilh
relatives in Jersey Shore.
“Aunt Mary” Hall and daughter
Wilburetta, of Renovo, are visiting
with their relatives, Mrs. Frances
Hall and son Eugene,
After the meeting of Union town-
ship auditors, last Saturday, Mr. and
Mrs, Kenzie Williams, of Dix Ruan,
entertained the following people 0
is survived by his second wife and
the following children: Harmon
Shuey, of Geneva, N. Y.; Samuel, of
Grundy Centre, Iowa; Walter O,
Franklin and Mrs. Mary Davison,
of Boone, Iowa; Mrs .Edith Broge
and Wayne Shuey, of Brooklyn, N.
Y.; Melvin and Sarah, at home.
Funeral services were held in the
Pine Hall Reformed church, on
Tuesday afternoon, by Rev. C. A,
Metzger, of Pleasant Gap, burial
being made in the Pine Hall ceme-
tery. a delicious chicken dinner: Tax Col-
Il Il lector E. T. Hall and wife, Mrs.
WOOMER.—M rs. Gertrude W. Mary, Williams, Elmer Hosband, A.
Woomer, of Bald Eagle, died on Y. illlams, and Prof. and Mrs.
‘Emil Williams, of State College.
Prof. Williams gave some interesi-
ing information in regard to road
atsnas, All had a very pleasant
Saturday afternoon, at the home of
her daughter, Mrs. Edward Shay, in
Lock Haven, following two month's
fllness with a complication of dis-
eases. She is survived by her hus-
band and three daughters, Mrs. |=
Dewey Sherry, of Milesburg; Mrs. | church, at Bald Eagle, at 10 o'clock
Eva Morgan, of Philipsburg, and|on Tuesday morning, by Rev. George
Mrs, Shay, of Lock Haven. Funeral
services were held in the Methodist
church cemetery .
Woomer, burial being made in the/
| Sunday dinner guests of contractor
| Dunchalk, at his home at Osceola
| Mills, and they claim he is as good
| an ente:iiiner as he is proving a
{builder of our new community
| school house.
Mac and Roy Gentzel tarried a
| short time in town, Thursday. en-
J. H. Ross, of Linden Hall; Mr. route to west Ferguson townshi i
who | ang Mrs. Charles Mothersbaugh and install a number of > ol
Mr. and Mrs. pliances which residents of that sec- |
since the |
been extended
tion are now putting in
| electric current has
| to that locality.
i Bus r, James Peters and
| John Kocher motored to Loretto,
| last week, to attend the public sale
| of registered Guernseys at the
| Charles M. Schwabb farms, Two
| weeks old calves sold at prices
| ranging from $100 to
cows going accordingly.
| Esther Corl and a number of other
| members of the Corl clan attended
| the annual reunion of the Reish-
| Corl family at Hairy John's park,
Saturday. About 125 were presenc
| and it was decided to hold next
| year's gathering at the same place.
| Former Judge A. C., Dale and
| wife, of Bellefonte, were pleasant
callers, Friday evening, at the C. M.
| Dale home, on the Branch. The lat-
$150, with
| ter also had as guests during a part
of the week Oscar Humes. and
| family, old acquaintances from the
| commencement at State College.
| The Pine Grove
bats with Stormstown, last Thurs-
day, by a shut-out, 15 to|
3 On Saturday Boalsburg came
here with hay in their
| went home somewhat crestfallen,
horns but |
| they met defeat 11 to 10, Tomorrow | und the other
afternoon Baileyville will
| State of Maine, who were here for | the game
| hoped for.
ball team crossed While at work in the orchard on
| the Robert W. Reed farm, last week,
as! One of the reptiles measured
Increasing Vogue of Slang
Is to Be Deplored.
The spoken language is degenerating
in the United States
WHY —————
and Broadway |
Is receding into the “Jargon of the !
jungle,” Dr. Allan Sinclair Will, pro-
fessor of journalism at Columbia uni-
versity, asserted. He presented a
study on the growing use of slang in
this country. Doctor Will declared
| that the common use of such phrases
as “0, yeah,” “okay,” “didja,” shows
significantly that language degeneracy
ig taking place,
“The recurrence of the sound of
‘0’ in many expressions now heard Is
significant,” Doctor Will reports.
means going back to one of the first
words heard in the primitive forest.
| At the birth of speech when prehis-
| met the ships and accompanied them |
through the pass, diving and plunging |
og | Pelorus Jack has
toric man was struck by a stealthy |
arrow or confronted by a hungry tiger |
ready to leap at him, he exclaimed
‘0,’ probably the first word ever heard
from the mouth of man, and now
Broadway is doing it and thinking it
~ Why “Amen” Is Usually
Used at End of Prayer
The word “amen” is probably one
harking back even further than the
New Zealand Legends
Feature “Pelorus Jack”
There is a reference to “Pelorus
Jack” in W. D. Boyce's book “Aus-
tralia and New Zealand.” He states
that this was a 14-foot dolphin which
made its home in French pass, a chan-
nel between the South isiand of New |
Zealand and a small island off its
northern coast. This channel for years |
bad “a singular claim to distinction
because through its waters ships were !
often piloted by Pelorus Jack, which
around their keels Parliament passed
an act (in 1904) to protect him, but
disappeared. A
whaling steamer operated in the vi-
cinity of the pass a few years ago and
the dolphin was never seen again.
There were many strange stories told
of him; the Maoris declared that he |
| was not less than two hundred and
fifty-seven years old.” Other books on
New Zealand mention various Maori
legends of this dolphin, which Is
' named after Pelorus sound nearby. To
| of the oldest words in our lexicon,
Biblical era to the days when San-
| brought to light, is the recognition of
skrit was a spoken language.
Directly, however, we get the wou
trom the Hebrew, which took it bodily |
from the Sanskrit or the Greek, which |
derives it from Sanskrit, and with its
identical meaning.
Because the word signified “truth
the Hebrews used it at the end of |
prayers as an affirmation of the truth
of what was said.
This usage has prevailed to this ver;
jay In prayers of all denominations;
but the word “amen” has taken on
the added meaning of “So may it be,”
“So be it."—Kansas City Times.
Jealously Kept Secret
of Dessert Delicacy
While the rest of England walked
hungrily by, the haughty Charles I, |
guarding the secret of the recipe with |
great care, sat im his pantry cram- |
ming himself with luscious ice cream. |
The greedy monarch, fearful lest the
recipe might “leak out,” pensioned his
French cook, De Mirco, who first made
lce cream for him, with a bountiful |
supply of “hush money” to keep the
orocess secret.
The first recipe for ice cream Is
reported to have been published In
Rome by Quintus Maximus Gurges.
Water ices and milk ices were intro-
duced Into Europe from Asia by Mar-
co Polo. After this introduction, It
was popular at the banquet tables of
royalty in Germany, France and Eng-
land. The first wholesale ice cream
business was introduced by James
Frussell, of Baltimore, according to
the National Dairy council. He owned
a dairy and utilized the surplus cream
for making ice cream, The sideline
soon proved more profitable than the
original milk business. Although still
a dish for kings, ice cream is now en-
joyed by almost every one. [Last year
every person in this country ate ap-
proximately 100 dishes of this Amer-
fean dessert, ice cream.—Wallace's
Loss of Collar Button
Causes Man's Breakdown
Council Bluffs, lowa.—Mislaid, bor-
rowed or stolen were just words in
the life of Edwin T. Waterman, He
was a careful man,
He is the proud proprietor of an
umbrella purchased 51 years ago. And
he has a prize antique in a shoe
brush which has done daily duty for
32 years.
But he is suffering a nervous break-
down because he couldn't find a col
lar button he purchased recently.
How Science Aids Life
A company Is being formed in On-
tario for the manufacture of acety-
lene, oxygen, hydrogen, nitrogen and
other gases.
A portable blowing unit has been de
signed to cool the interiors of refrig-
erator cars before they are loaded
with fruit.
Portable signals that can be moves
to where they are most needed to con-
trol sireet trafic have been adopted
by Paris.
How Various Trees Differ
Many smoth-barked trees, such as
the birch, shed their growth of bark
annually, This, however, is not the
case of most rough-barked trees. The
oak, for Instance, retains its annual
growth of bark.
Rev. Mainwaring preached his
| first sermon in the Beptist church,
at Milesburg, Sunday evening.
Children's day services will be
held in the Evangelical church Sun-
day evening, June 19th, at 8 o'clock.
L. E. Davidson's bees put out a nice
swarm, on Sunday, with the result
that he now has five scaps of bees
gathering honey for him,
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Keller and
child, of Bellwood, were week-end
visitors at the home of their cousins,
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Fisher and family.
of blacksnakes that topped
here another victory is
Willis Shilling slaughtered a pair
61%, feet. It is believ-
thing killed in this section in
be the ed they were forced out of the
huine jeam’s opponents and with | mountains during the dry weather.
the Maoris, he is a taniwha, or ocean-
god, a beneficent deity.
Detroit’s Future Seen
by George Washington all the
Among other evidences of the fore-
sight of George Washington, newly
the importance of Detroit as a water-
way center in the development of the |
nation. As early as 1784, according |
to documents in the possession of the |
Clements library of the University of
| Michigan, Washington clearly foresaw
and stated that Detroit—then a fron-
tier village of a few hundred inhabi- |
tants—was “a point through which the |
trade of the lakes, Huron and all
above it, must pass, if it centers in any
state of the Union."
Since he could not have foreseen the
importance of rallways, Washington
concentrated his attention on water- |
ways as a means of making the North- |
west territory available and proposed
a series of them to connect the Great
Lakes with the Atlantic. In support
of his plan he carefully computed dis-
tances from Detroit to eastern points,
including Albany, Montreal, Philadel-
phia and Richmond.
Cuba's Early Inhabitants
Prehistoric relics which may have
an important bearing upon future
studies of the aboriginal Indians who
formerly inhabited Cuba have been
found by Prof. Robert Bennett, meim-
ber of the American Indian Institute of
New York, who recently completed
five weeks of exploration in the pro-
vince of Pinar del Rio. Among the
objects found In caves and pits are
200 shell spoons, stone hammers, wood-
en pots and other primitive utensils.
The most important find In Professor
Bennett's opinion is the fragment of a
skull which he is forwarding to the
Smithsonian institute.
Shaw's View of Life
I am of the opinion that my life be
longs to the whole community, and as
long as 1 live it is my privilege to do
for it whatsoever I can. I want to be
thoroughly used up when I die, for tne
harder I work the more I live. I re
Joice in life for its own sake. Life is
no “brief candle” for me. It is a sort
of splendid torch which I have gol
hold of for the moment, and [I wani
to make it burn as brightly as pos A poses.
sible, before handing it on to future | g7.00.8¢
generations.—George Bernard Shaw.
College Real Estate; 18 lots for
sale at less than —Phone
or write Agent,
General Real
st i State. Coll Pa.
. olle,
house, with bath, on Bishop street,
Bellefonte, Five room house on
Logan Inquire of M. P. Brooks
at Colonial restaurant, on West H
street. 77-24
(Summer Opening Time 7:00 p. m. Last
complete program starts 9:00 p. m.)
Lil Dagover, Warren William in
George O’Brien in
(Special Matinee at 10:15 a. m. for show-
ing of PETER PAN. Admission, 15
cents for everyome, imcluding par-
Dorothy Jordan, Eric Linden in
Dorothy Makaill in
Hal Skelly in D. W. Griffith's
Ann Dvorak, Lee Tracy in
gs —
| OR RENT.—An apartment in the Sis
Baum on north
street. Tel. 39.
| evening, June 10, 1
| 77-28-2t
Aline, formerly of Berks County,
3 thought 10 have Jived near J
Cen! County, a., t
there October” 5. “ised, Bt
| years. y person ving owled!
ron gig Berg grits wd
confer a favor by communica
same to his grandson, Mr. John
Kline, 3811 Gramercy St., N. W. ash-
| ington, D. C. ‘Tra
; OTICE.—Of a meeting of the Stocks
'N holders of th
nia ¢ - e Prentiss-Pennsylvas
ven that meeting
| of the Stockholders i the Prentiss-Penn-
sylvania Com: will be held at its of-
fice in Tem To ut, Bellefonte. Pa., ’
August 8, at ten o'cl A.M,
| an election of the
of Pennsylvania.
| notice is given by order of the Board
| Directors of the Samp A
77-28-9t Assistant
matter of the estate of \
Hoy, late of the
| fonte, County of Centre and State ef
Pennsylvania, deceased. Letters tosta~
| ing been gran
: the Register of
| make the persons
| indebted to said decendent to make pay*
| ment thereof without delay.
ANNA H. HOY, Executrih
47-216 Bell
efonte, Pa
| 4 XECUTRICE'S of baled
testamentary on the estate of H
{ E. C. Overton, late of Borough
| Bellefonte, Centre ty, , de
ceased, ving been granted the under
Bene to said estate pm
A are
fled to te theroul
and those ha d preseat
ving claims
thei, properly authenticated, for settles
Jas. C. Furst, Atty. 1528 Roselyn Ave.
77-19-6t Philad
A BSE ae hh
e e
ly In the Orphan's
BO ote Sat the unde: Py
Auditor appointed xe Ee
Court to make distri on of the funds
in the possession of The
onal Bank of State College.
CT. A of the etal of
y , to
| those legally entitled to receive the same,
will meet o perform the duties of his ap-
intment on Fiiday, Jue , 1982, at
n o M., at , Room
e, Bellefonte, Pa.
UDITOR'S NOTICE.—In the matter
A ot the estate of Charles Gardner
late of Port Matilda borough, de~
ceased. In the Orphans’ Court of Centre
County, Pa.
The undersigned, an auditor i
4 the judge of the Orphans’
county, u motion of Ben.
and ART Bo
& 3pa plac rove their
forever hae debarred
in upon the fund for distribution pur
Straw For Sale
$1.00 Per Hundred
Special This Week
Punxsutawney Coal
$5.45 Per Ton
Dustless Cannel Coal
Kofman’s Coal Yard
Phone 319
Tee Colonial
Beliefonte’s Oldest Restaurant
Onder New Management
Open from 5 a.m.
Until Midnight.
Light Refreshments
Palatable, Wholesome Foods
Courteous Service
M. P. Brooks and Wife
Owners and Managers 202t