ee ———————————————— shall have cold rooms for fever HOW LURAY CAVERNS | PULL WEEDS FOR HEALTH : HEART DISEASE LEADING ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW \ ¥ WERE DISCOVERED IS LATEST SUGGESTION HOW AMONG FATAL MALADIES — Two years ago three wea healthy CHANGE OF CLIMATE CAN BE The group of diseases affecting | RINE oon rr Practices 18 — SE a) go ol ul a 3. a spring PROCURED IN THE HOME.— | the great vital organ of the human . all courts. Office, room 13 Cridsra Bellefonte, Pa., June 10, 1932. He WE i ra | dou. Ba as a new 8! | It will not be necessary to leave || body, and known as “Diseases of ogan for both children and grown- | “cha tcli- || H - | ed the Luray Caverns. These men | yps by Dr. Ernest H. Lines, chief | | home if you want a nge o | the Heart,” were responsible for the y KENNEDY JOHNSTON.—Attorney ad were A. J. Campbell, now ; P. Up oF director of the New York mate.” That is, it will not be nec loss of 23,440 lives during 1831. '¢), Law, Bellefonte, Pa. our B. Campbell, still living in Luray, ed out that gardening during the elaborate experiments are being corded since there has been a State Hight street 57-44 white by the weight of 75 years. a beneficial form of physical exer- by Dr. C. A. Mills to determine lishes the highest rate in the ba J Mad Sousmtce of he Eqs. AR At the time of the discovery of | cise having a definite and proven the effect of atmospheric condi: tory of the bureau of vital statis-| o 3nd Justice of the Peace. AL the cave the men were following a pealth value. tions to human health and com- | tics—a rate of 240.6 per 100,000 jrompt attention. Offices en "cong BODE | well-defined idea that the hill in| “Gardening,” states Dr. Lines, b fitted | pupaiation, The trend has been of Temple Court. 49-5-1y | which the cave was found contained | « h : fort. A laboratory has been steadily upward, without a break, | “provided it is not undertaken on | | out where certain climate condi | since UNKLE.—. something better than had up to ambiti scale t only! records have been kept. W G R at Law, Sometiing Detter ial Bac op the) Lor te ay AR hod tions can be reproduced and the || In 1906, heart disease held third VV o CORSUIRENN 0 and Ger a DE OE ao = fhe | reine pastime w} D8 | | effects upon animal life observed. || place as a “killer.” Tuberculosis and | Bellefonte, Pa. 4 gudnnifey | elevation. Finally one of the men | but the he Junsnine exercise also devel- | Rabbits and rats are the subjects | pneumonia were both ahead of it. ——————— | found a little ravine leading up the ong and strengthens practically air| | of the present experiments and | In 1910 and again in 1920 it took SPECIALISTS | steep hillside to the summit of what the muscles of the body. The result- | Dumans will follow. Doctor Mills | second place, with pneumonia step- _ TRANSMISSION OF DISEASES | he thought was an opening and ant benefit to the health of the | says that in the future controlled || Ping into the lead, For the other = B 5 CAP THROUGH EATING UTENSILS | rouga which air was pouring. Re) individual is both immediate ana! | indoor atmospheres will be used | disgaes ot wha gi ERS. i companions nearby | , ' | in the treatment of disease. We high, ortality than OSTEOPATH. The startling amount of AWN! what he had found and the three jasting 8 oe te vay best the treat | other couse of death. It favors | Bellefonte germs in ordinary aish | men were soon hovering over the, «py vestiga- | thermore, the - heen Sack ged Lin SY He | little opening in the ravine. Ei Study A “fhe number of Organisms per| Then they began with picks and tion and study of the natural ob- Baye: timeter (about seventeen | shovels to make the hole larger. jects around, develops the mind.” cubic centimeter | Perspiration dripped from the men drops) in restaurant dish water is | Dr. Lines suggests that parents while the sun poured down suffocat- and far greater than in many Specimens ing), Gradually the hole began to who live in suburban and country | ,.tjent can soon be prescribed | heart disease is the most deadly, jt | High St. Bellefonte, Pa. n-n-i of sewage, and one would Bot in get larger and the men pursued] Siatse oe Should scOuvage tucie oll and carried out within the hos- || is known that as age increases, tentionally wash ating ot by the | their work with renewed vigor. | school vacations, and recommends oital or in the patient's home. A || heart disease gains in importance as | E% RB SoAN, Potommctat, Licensed sewage. 3 va po: hing only | Then the opening was big enough 4). . the boys might raise vege- | climatic cure no longer needs to || & cause of death. More than one-| every day except Saturday, ropping sheerly from the surface. iy f his home or sent away from || ears , Or over. vancing | ouse, Wednesday afternoons ea! utensils used and potatoes, while the girls plant rom his e or sen y {from 2 to 8 p. m. and Saturdays 9. a oie Germs | Codiot A OE EN 3 te, and cultivate flowers. the care of his own physician.” jiito Jue Sean beyond 9: Mig END | 10. 4148 pr 2 Bell Phone. 4 of many diseases are transmitted to Another valuable aid to individual | | become more active, and take a | State Solem | neither city nor countryside, since Crider's Ex. 66-11 Holmes | figures show that its ravages are fairly evenly distributed as | {1 D. CASEBEER, Optometrist.— too high. “It seems sure,” he says, || A Y between | (" tered and licensed by the “that climatic change of any type When it comes to the considera |1 Eyes examined, glasses fitted. Sat- | Frames a physician may require for his | tion of the age periods at which lenses matched, Casebeer | | patients and hot, moist chambers | ture, and the tendency to == for use when blood pressure gets | was decided to get a rope and let one | health which i | m— —— and are upon the dishes from WHICH | ope men down. The man chosen was | ¥ would also benefit - | greater toll of human life. . you eat, after they have been wash- | Andrew Campbell, perhaps the old- | health of the community, he de- | How Broken Ba ks of | ® Youth, however, is not catirely | Fire Insurance ed in the ordinary way. Dr. woo A est of the trio. Cautiously and with | Slates, Nould ve achidyed if groups ks May Be Repa exempt. In 1931 a total of 1,225 | AT A ming says further: “Today, the -| some dread the two other men, W.| cnildren or unemployed Boo y epaired | persons under the age of 30 died as | va-borne infections cause the major- | B. Campbell and P. B. Stebbins, saw | were organized to free the vacant Books are withdrawn from a shelt | the result of this disease. i % . ity of deaths. Chief of these are disappear from | Spaces and countryside of harmful| ,y pulling on the top edge of the back | years to 44 years, 1,362 died; m 20 0 Reduction tuberculosis and pneumonia. There 18 | gignt while they held tightly to the an Spaightly Weeds which favor the = phinding. Heavy volumes soon become | from 45 to 54 years, 2.766. More 76-36 J. M. KEICHLINE, Agent. abundant proof that eating utensils rope Down and down they lowered | Jereling pg and other insects ginmaced by this handling, points out | than 200 children under 5 years of | Bellefonte, Pa. are a major avenue of transmission | nim until he called that he had | a f e pollen from which causes ,.. fo. jssue of Practical Mechanics age also died from heart disease | of saliva-borne infections. In the reached the ground, that he wanted Hay Siver wma other respiratory irri-| ye. .oine Not infrequently the whole | during 1931. army, warm mess Kit wash water | to yntie it from his body. oi, | back loosens. It is a simple matter | rr———— | was the chief intermediate convey-| Then for a long time all was stil, [Even in the city, the young folks | = Iv glue te the broken back, but | | or. The majority of influenza cases save the hoot, hoot of an owl that | Who do not have a small lawn or 8 3ppy 8 ie ord i lam THE SISTINE MADONNA IRA D. GARMAN have arisen from the interchange had come around as darkness began | back yard may plant gardens by di cult to find or improv a Sia ar For. more . Ban & tabi JEWELER of sputum through contaminated | to gather around the men about the 0 among themselves and | in which the book may be held tightly [TOE HS Jour Ses uries | is Citta eating utensils, The eating utensils opening. No message came from | over suitable vacant lots, the! until the glue sets. Apply the glue | 3rtisla and Suholars oye fix he 1 ) Gluos ut Street EE case or the carrier become | their companion. They began to resulting “crops” to be sharea| only to the sides of the broken back, | Raphasl's TH ony lly posed od r ELPHIA contaminated with saliva which is grow apprehensive. Fear took pos-| equally among the participants. | the article direct, “and never down the | gith ne Madonna.” It Leip oe Have Your Diamonds Reset in Platinam een with infection. These utensils session of the men and they called Many books on gardening may be | center, or the book will break again | taplished that a5 Tt was varly e- 0 statat madidiive EDblen Seviis are washed in only warm water; loudly into the underground black- had from the public libraries, and | when it is opened. Set the book care-| tnoge also of “La CE ares Wafe They are not disinfected, and many | ness, but the only answer was their literature is also available from the fully in place and then wrap the whole | er of Raphael's treasured ha infectious organisms st) adhe 4 yoiess reverherating, After walling U. S, Department of Agriculture p..c tightly with a stout cord, its| And now we are informed ni both them after completion of the wash | long So they heard Andrew and fu oe Somees " ‘ %ol turns wound close together. eave the calm sweet mother, and the rocess. Twenty-five per cent of | Camp . y mus! o » ing process. Twenty us Be Cine | Between the rocks that futted out attempted all at once Tho very Recuy the ord on for at leat 34 house | gomely woman of 1H oR er water specimens of hand-washed | and through an opening not as wig | efforts may De somewhat fatiguing | | Luti, the daughter Yt "a Shaker wating utensils used by open tuber- 8 a flour barrel they hauled thelr | and discouraging. Yet with a little | How Flowers Are Grouped | poib, 1s” favorite model and some culosis patients died from tubercu-| companion. He had only traversed practice, most persons will soon The beautiful blossom of the aste. | oiP 8) re love and some rr ct ho Sia a part of the first chamber of the overcome the initial troubles and | and the more simple bloom of the ~ mp. “Madonna di San Sisto,” us-| Wagner's 16% Dairy Feed The: populace must doqolts the | “The land at that time upon which | health of Be tires ond » oe daisy, while they are widely different | ually known as the “Sistine Madon- Wagner's 209; Dairy Feed BR Oy sor universal prevention. |the eave was found did not belong) community will be more than could In appearance, belong fo the sake $03 (ae ia one of the last of Rapids Wagner's 32% Dairy Feed to th no | eral family, a family which poses, | paintings and is peculiar in t no| Wagner's Pig Meal - - - These measures should not be insti-| e men who made the discovery! be accurately stated in dollars and rba h th of all , “| and they kept their find a secret cents.” perhaps, as much as one-seventh of a studies or sketches for it are known | Wagner's Egg Mash - - - tuted "rm A epi for hovid ye The land was finally | | the vegetation In this country and | to exist. It was painted in 1518 for | Wagner's Scratch Feed- - tour mea JO Sy iy Sem tevet ad S) WANTS MORE STATE | constitu by ar the largest single (00 BONS Ce ing wa dome en: Wagner's Chick Starter and ot De Soutingous and of a sum. Then they opened the cave and | GROWN WHEAT USED positae, Include the sunflower, the jirgly » LThucl, in Bowe where Grower with Cod Liver Oil Prociaimed to the world what they The practical use of flour milled| Chrysanthemum, the goldenrod, tists. Wad Meadep Of A group s Horse Fetd- - ALUMINUM COOKING UTENSLS had found. | from Pennsylvania winter wheat dandelion, sagebrush, ragweed, resin- juciuing tHe Po np go: of rnotel ¥ s Winter Bran - - NOT DETRIMENTAL TO HEALTH Former owners set up the claim will be shown bakers in the state- weed and other such common plants. pe i — a YW per 100 Iba. 125 130 145 1.50 1.65 1.25 1.80 1.75 128 1.00 1.20 120 1.28 3.50 —— A ————— agner’ Here by projest of _ adorning the | Wagner 3 Standard Chop. By Bi. Morris Vigkiin tart he. and was bought And. Be: | owned institutions operating. baker. | A single bioom, on close examination | buildings Pole atican then yader . * The claim has been made that the uired under false pretense. The jes during the coming week. In| ia found to be not one bloom, but many buildings of the Va th t . : : ny | way. ; of aluminum in foods of | Paf% ud J cisguil Coury, 2 1409. accordance suggestions that closely joined Into a common head with Only recently also have identities Blatchford Calf Meal 25lbs ee Ol ng wicnalls| Sl Eh Tan lc a i i TE a (ay | le culsr fowers Jullitg B08 Be re ET (a anias for | Wayde Calf Maal Pot H - Ri OO er in| dDslaned, decided that the: CO Di|bea bless idling ut Must By PUR] er peltols whieh give the Hiuaiog | De er tad St Harboga" | Weyne BEE Mash - - - - promo! the human body. i ; who kneel in adoration of the Ma- Shere is not the slightest evidence | Jireini: but the Supreme Court of winter wheat, the institutions winl| *%1® Over Who Keel In ce Dr Merits, Of Meal Hoge ei wh Virginia thought otherwise. The bo- change their in suport laim. harge | nanza slipped baking ure where Cotton Seed bas een made 30 persistently |e SD go | SREY In order to obtain results. How Zither le Played pai og that Pope Julius Soy Beanz Mea. &- .- so vigorously by various propagan- |p ae na ay My c ed! R. Bruce Dunlap, of the depart-| A zither is a musical Instrument | yy patron of Raphael and ial. Gluten. Feed. =. 2, " dists that it has been necessary to ap ny ed, of e Luray, Cav. | ment of welfare, supervisor of -| having from 30 to 40 strings over a angelo, virtual founder of St. Peter's Fine Ground (altalte Meal Gus scientific research to dis-| Northcott, of Luray, is the pr osi- | culture in the state institutions, shallow sounding box, set horizontal- | cornerstone, was the model for the Meat Scrap 45% - = it. It has been charged that 1s the. own arranged a series of baking demon-| |y before the performer. A fretted | figure of the Pope. St. Barbara, this manufacturers of cooking utensils dunt. e owner, and only Willlam | gtrations, beginning with a general | finger board at one side lies under authority ky was the Duchess |Fish Campbell remains to tell of its dis- | made of material other than alumi-| covery and the crushing of their | gathering at Sy Die Jotatie some of the strings, on which the mel- | of Urbino, the ward of Julius IL Bum & have been a some instances | jream of wealth. | ing expert from the federal baking ody Is played by a plectrum on the In any event, when the combat | laboratories. right thumb, (hese strings being < was being vigorously waged manu- HE NEEDED MONEY BADLY | stopped by the left hand. The remain- | REAL EST Ing strings are timed In fourths and WHY take facturers of enameled ware cooking AND HE GOT IT QUICK ATE TRANSFERS Dlucked by the fingers of the right a chanee He was a pleasant looking fellow, _ Russel D. Spangler, et ux, to Wil-| hand. imum countered by claiming that | With an easy air, and yet if you | liam F. Kessinger, tract in Liberty » 3 [= < EbEEES 5 g v : g : 7 3 : ————————————— looked hard you could see that un-| derneath he was uneasy. He strode into the office of the insurance company and waited for a few moments outside the office of Hie particular official he had called see. “Hello, Mr. Soandso,” said the of- township.; $1, Edna M. Vonada to Paul A. Vonada, tract in Walker Twp.; $100. Unionville Cemetery Association to Ey Drumel, tract in Unionville; E. V. Drumel to Mike Murphy. et ux, tract in Unionville. $10. How Anthracite Burns Burning with great Intensity, the sadiant heat of anthracite is very great. At the time the coal is in a state of incandescence the heat of the dame generated is marked by its in- tensity. This coal neither softens nor The cost of a tele Nevertheless, there are certain “ ’ Bellefonte Trust Com Exec It is burnt with oe that ficial, “glad to see re looking so pany, »| swells In burning. s burnt with a - Yeu Cuno af syle 2 in ey well.” you to Leone Pighetti, et ux, tract in| short flame of yellowish tinge that 4 ina 5 . ”" Sp! ’ $75. Hirst, it must not depreciate the “Thank you,” said the visitor, ag Twp Han, ob uk. to Jul changes to a faint blue and is of trans- “yp bome for less than a quality of the food. If the cooking I've called about a little financial po Kimport, tract in Harris Twp.; parent appearance, due to the par- dime a doy! Shs adds anything fo the taste| Matter’ $1, “bling, Grumbling will never help you “Uh huh,” said the official, breez- ily, “everybody does nowadays. But the thing to do is to take everything as pleasantly as possible, There's no sense sitting around and grum- John M. Hartswick, et al, to Thomas J. Royer, tract in State College; $1. Helen I. Lonebarger, et al, to M, S. Myers, tract in Harris Twp.; ticles of solid carbon In the flame. ———— How Glass Wool Is Made Glass wool, also known as glass silk and spun glass, is used as an insulrt- ing material In ships, locomotives and _ THE BELL TELERHONE COMPANY OF PRNNA. $1. First National Bank, to The glass is prepared in times like these. ving ’ engine rooms. p way to Siihiss: No wae ©) Curtis M, Cronemiller, tract in| py being melted in a furnace and Fe ea sald the visitor, | SUAS. College; $7,500, passed through holes from which It 1s f Nannie M. Meek, et bar, to Rob- Em 10 ers Yousil smiling brightly, but between his ussey' : ; spun in fine silky threads of about y bo Ls ui By in the presence teeth. “Glad you feel that way. You oon , et ux, tract in State)... .. usandth of an inch in diameter. College; $1, Al, 2 - see I came about my insurance. You oder AT A RLALI The strands cling together, which rests You Third, the read) Lgr ob dis know I have a $200,000 recall policy, The doctor answered the gives it the appearance of A veil, This Inte t — phone. : soe ood hich I may borrow on 24 hours ‘ er ————— The Workman's Compensation add to the food an substance bar. | Sour en Turning to his wife, he said, “Quick, : into effect Jan ful to notice. of 80 * oatd in get me omy saveue The man says How We Get “Rule of Thumb” Lan “eat 1t4 Sait th Caldwell & Son , yes, urse,” said the in-| he cann ve : In order to find out whether or surance man. “But I hope you don't “J 2 on me!” o Originally rule of thumb pueam. p We specialise in plac. Bellefonte, Pa. Plumbing ” measuring with the thumb. such insurance. aves borrow. or Be said Mr wit iad picked up the receiver.| cloth trade, as well as in carpentry, | plants and irs IR Or in an Eastern laboratory have made | goandso, “I do. Quite a sum, to0— i sall is- for Ethel, a thumb or thumb's breadth was| Provention Safe Guards which . series of tests on foods cooked in| $20,000.” ’ 4 taken to equal one Inch. By extension, | Reduce Insurance rates. The insurance man made a Wry Arthur: “My poem on the landing | “rule of thumb” is used figuratively | yt will be to your interest to .cooked at the same time in vessels Vapor....Steam By Hot Water face and stroked his chin. of Columbus has been taken.” for any simple and roughly practical | consult us before placing your “ " “ Wife: “(Oh, dearie, I'm so glad! made of ra mr ell Do Be ie Ga | YI02, taken ILY Blad!( wetliod of messwement bustd On| Inaurante, found that clean aluminum cooking ™ et you have: $20,000 Author: “The maid took it this| Practice and experience rather than EE oe air | Je salt let you have 320,000" on | moming to light ihe fife wits” sclentific knowledge. ficant degree by foods of neutral i visits till smiled, but the reaction. was more of the _— My np of Billwiggle: “How does your fur- How to Tell Wool Cloth However, acid foods or foods 10 him in that smile 5 go ty hag | hace work in this Weather I Wool dissolves when boiled for 15 which baking soda rig added | heen. re Disiclepfoot: “The exercige of rak-| minutes In a solution containing one dissolve small amoun uminum | ’ ” . | ing it keeps me warm | tablespoon of lye to a pint © ig the A vii! If sugary Thats Deciets x Le de Jad soit, eno but the other Pfaembers of water. Larger amounts of alkaline . a resent, ount corrosion “ ” amil ” . ar oii Wom | Hove: YOU soe, 5i4 the official, re- y pil may be NSod. listed Good Printing Pipeless Furnaces less. “ Who ’ . p hv Jugent Sino ot aluminum oa ve bo lave i within we office to DD rea Wasning:. i ges gh phi 0 y was parts per| The insurance man bounded out| ton? pear under such treatment. million in apple butter which had | of hig chair A.—Chancellor Robert R. Living- ; ie——— been cooked in aluminum utensils| Ridiculous,” he exclaimed. “Pre-|Ston of the State of New York. How Teakwood Is Cured for six and a half hours. / 1 If all of the food to be eaten dur- posterous. 1 haven't ths Ume.— Since green teakwood would not Joat as a rift, and If let lle on the | hers Is mo style ont ———————— A —————————— Tue Visitor also arose. Q.—How did the name “U-boat” “Very well,” he said, still smiling, | originate? «it § don't get that money within| A.—It is a shortening of the Ger- ground would season unevenly, it is would not be enough aluminum tak-| ty; hours, tomorrow you will have | man name for submarine “untersee- cured standing. It is girded and a BOOK WORK to pay the entire $200,000 to my boat.” broad strip of bark and sap wood taken off annually. Two or three years that we can not do > "We Full Line of Pipe and Fit- tings and Mill Supplies All Sizes of Terra Cotta Pipe and Fittings ously in any way with the activities | oqtate.” et eee Ho, mom — of the human ‘body. ithin two hours he had the| Mrs. Alden—“Do you ever flatter is required for curing to a point where | Satisfactory ith the. class of ESTIMATES WE jouey ~~By Robert Reiss, in his| your husbands Ye 1 shin it will float. It is handled by ele Call on or communicate with this —When you read it in the Watch- | “Topics the Times” column in the| Mrs. Brea ey—"Yes, I sometimes | phant& office. and Furnish man you know it's true. Philadelphia Record. ask his advice about things.” Cheerfully «ss Promptly ed CERES