Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, June 03, 1932, Image 3

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    Bellefonte, Pa., June 3, 1932.
Your Heal
Dr. Helen Mitchell, head of the Nutri-!
tion Laboratory of Battle Creek College |
and Sanitorium, gives the following prac- |
sical information on reducing the cost of |
food to a minimum:
Let me tell you briefly how to
divide your food dollar effectively. |
«pwenty-five cents of that dollar
should be spent for fruits and vege-
tables. The vegetables, such as po-
totoes, cabbage, carrots, turnips,
onions and others in season, as well |
as some dried beans and peas.
Apples are one of cheapest fruits
at present, although oranges pur-
chased in bulk are not too expensive
right now. If there are small chil-
dren in the family certainly some
oranges should be afforded, or in
place of them, canned tomatoes,
which are an excellent substitute. |
Prunes and other dried fruits may
take the place of more expensive |
fresh fruits,
Another twenty-five cents from
our food dollar should go for bread |
and cereals. These foods are the
the cheapest source of fuel and
must be used more extensively on a
lower-cost plan than is usually rec-
ommended when more money is
available. When this much of the
dollar is spent for bread and cereals, |
ijt is most important that a large
proportion of these be made from
whole grains, which supply in addi-
tion to fuel some very necessary
minerals and vitamins.
“Thus one-half of our dollar has
heen t for vegetables, fruits,
bread and cereals. Of the remainder,
at least twenty-five cents should go
for milk,
or more if there are small |
possibl milk?
milk is the most desirable, but it is
ble to use skim milk at two
cents a quart for about one-fourth |
to one third of the milk supply.
This can be used in the |
as a beverage and has fuel value of |
about one half that of whole milk. |
“Another means that can be used |
to reduce cost is the use of evapor-|
ated milk, Not the Sweeteued variety, |
be diluted to
water and at present it is ch
than fresh milk.
“Of the remaining thirt
.out of our dollar, fifteen cen
for more concentrated,
building foods, such as eggs, cheese,
peanut butter, and meats, if used.
(Meats may be safely discarded |
when milk is used.) These are some
of our most expensive foods,
portant to be sure, but they are not
needed in as large Jisstities as the
average American diet provides. We
can afford to reduce our expendi- |
tures for this group of to
quite an extent, especially when cost |
is an item.
“The remaining fifteen
should be used for butter and other |
fats, such as butter substitutes—the |
best of which have the vitamin A |
gontent of Duties. Sugats molasses
and such extras as YoriiEs. |
“On this basis, the i
order for a family
should total about five dollars and
forty cents.
“Bor some of you who might feel
that these quantities sound like
starvation rations, let me give you
a few figures. The average man who
is not very active needs about twen-
ty-five hundred calories a day, a Wo-
man tly less. The average for
four adults in a family would not
often be more than twenty-five hun-
dred calories each, or ten thousand
calories a day. For seven days, sev-
enty thousand calories. The foods in
our market list provide seventy-five
thousand calories, allowing a margin
of five thousand for possible waste,
etc. Certainly one could not starve
on such a food supply.
you ask, what
I make in this budget if there are
body- |
small children in the family? Our
aim should be for child every
day—one pint of or more if
possible, and plenty of whole wheat
or whole grain cereals, If he
is less than two
A On
| were exchanged
different kinds of game. The
| were restocked in more desirable |
| intensive study
im- |
costs less than fresh bread
food value and |
some small amount of minerals.
Cheese, eggs, peanut
and are
beans more than meat
substitutes, because they supply not
only good protein
minerals and vitamins for regulat-|
ing body functions. Always reduce
or exclude meats, fish and fats be- |
fore cutting down milk or vege:
tables. Eat some raw fruit or vege-
table every day. Try chopped raw
Sasbage and grated carrot as sal-
“When the income allows more |
money for food, increase the amouat
spent for fruits, vegetables, butter,
but also essential Eerp!
Pennsylvania may be in the heart
of the most
United States bat it
game State in the Union.
of the
is the greatest
recognized hunters’ and fishers’ para-
Nothing better proves what Penn-
sylvania gam
been doing
beaver. So far as
concerned the
when in 1917,
sin presented us
we bought twent,
e conserval
than our experience with
vania was
es were extinct
the State of Wiscon-'
with a pair. In 1920
-four from Canada.
Now the game commission estimates
It is a |
the beaver population as 4890 and |
they live in 988 dams of their own
experts of the game
have had their hands
full the last two weeks because of |
beaver damage complaints. So far in|
1932 the commission has received
| sixty-two complaints, and thirty-six
have been remedied. Since the be-'
of the year
been live-Lrap
with other States for
animals have
. Some
areas. |
Complaints come because beaver
commercially valuable
trees on private property and im-|
portant highways, appropriate man- |
made reservoirs or retard the opera- |
tion of mills.
Last year the situation became
acute. Sixty-three
| plaints came in and as a result
destroyed ard 220 beav-
dar 8 were
ers removed.
damage com-
A survey last fall revealed the |
| following: Occupied
| 988; beaver homes
of streams, 137;
isolated dams,
ber of beavers, 4890
located in
near roads, 489;
362: estimated num-
beaver dams,
———— A ——————
banks |
Do definite crime areas exist in|
Pennsylvania? The
state department
of welfare will seek the answer to
this question this summer, during an |
criminology at
| be carried on by
| advanced students of penology and |
the Pennsylvania
Industrial School at Huntingdon and
in a selected population sector chos-
en as a result of the findings at |
Everett A. Solway,
of the insti-
tute of criminal law of the Harvard |
| Law School, will spend ten weeks in
Pennsylvania, making a study of a
selected group of you
the industrial school from one small
also be intensively
to more intimate!
ng men sent to
00 or | sector of the State. This area will |
cooking analyzed in order
y relate the social
of the young men with
careers of crime.
work will be supervised by the bu-|
reau of research and statistics and |
ent of welfare.
The study is
gradual increase
recent surveys.
c for the study
by means
prompted by the
in juvenile offend-
throughout the State as shown |
The sector to be
will be located
can | the bureau of restoration of the de-|
Postal employees about railroad
terminals will be relieved of con
siderable work and time saved by
the recent development of the
photoelectric cell or “electric eye,”
as the device is frequently re:
ferred to. It has mow been as-
signed to the work of routing mail
sacks. Each sack is loaded with
mail for one city. When the sack
is full it is placed in a tray con
tainer, which travels on an auto
matic conveyor system of the
overhead monorail type. The con
tainers are made up into “trains”
pulled along at about five miles
an hour by a motor-driven ear
rier, as many as 50 containers
making up a train. As the train
goes by the mail sacks are auto
matically sorted and dropped on
the loading platform near the
proper railway cars. In a demon-
tration arrangement in Cincinnati
there were 34 possible destina-
tions for the mail trays. The
light source (which actuates the
photoelectric relay) at each rail-
way mail car was arranged to
shine its beam on a different
plane from all the others and at
one or the other of two angles.
In order to cause delivery of any
given sack of mail at a particular
destination it is merely necessary
to set the photoelectric tube on a
suitable plane and at the proper
angle to intercept a particular
light beam, and no other. Thus
only those mail sacks whose
photoelectric tubes are correctly
set are delivered. 1f the tubes
are set correctly the mail is auto-
matically delivered,
How Correspondents at
“The Front” Sent News
How Shanghai war news gathered
)y reporters on the battle front was
sped by cable, radio and telegraph to
American newspapers a half hour after
the news happened, was described to
the Rochester Chamber of Commerce
by Raymond Clapper, Washington
manager of the United Press. The
news could come over any one or all
of four routes, he said.
“The urgent rate for such message.
8 $2.31 a word by way of London and
22.19 a word by way of the Pacific,” he
said. “When all four routes were used
for the same message, to insure fastest
possible delivery, the total cost was
about $9 for each ward.”
How Marbles Are Made
Marbles may be made of baked clay,
marble, agate, or glass. In Saxony
| they are made of hard calcareous
of spot maps showing the |
particular cities where
crime appears to have become a fix- |
in order
derstanding of
a definite “crime sector” has been
chosen for further investigation, he
will continue his study in this com-
munity, noting the background of |
cents | each of the young men in the chosen
Graduate students
ment of psychology of the Univer-
Pittsburgh, under Drs. Root
and Giardini, Bi aid in the field
. An exhaustive analysis will
groce! i
or fury | be made of the home life,
sity of
of the depart-
environment and schooling of each
member of the group, in an attempt
to show the casual factors leading
to delinquency and
munity and enable
the “crime area.”
crime in the com-
the launching of
preventive program to eradicate
in burning brush
causes ten per cent of all the forest
fires in the State, according to the
records of the department of forests
and waters.
Spring is the time of the year
when trees and shrubbery are prun-
| ed, gardens cleaned
preparatory to
lanting, and house and yard
ng are in order. It so happens that
at the very time this human desire
for the disposal
acute, conditions in
of rubbish is most
the forest are
most favorable for the starting and
spread of fire.
No one can tell a
vance what the wind will do,
from what direction
moment in ad-
it will
People are cautioned to beware of a
quiet day
to burn anything in
ry grea
be beyond
The reco
brush in small piles,
safe time for spring
is on wet days or at night.
hill and
burn down
in spring when they desire
the open. The
of even a small fire creates, |
of heat and air, sparks car-
t distances, and a fire may
control almost instantly.
mmended manner is to burn
and the only
hrush burning
The State Bureau of Criminal
Identification, conducted
inal records.
by the
lice received
—If you see it in
you know it's true.
eggs and cheese and
the Watchman
cut down pro-
on the bread and cere-
als. Do not spend the extra for lux-
uries, such as fancy
out of season, or
desserts, fruits
ve meata.
live at the school |
the early weeks of the survey |
to obtain an intimate un- |
the situation. After
| stone, which is first broken up into
square blocks, and the blocks thrown
100 to 130 together into a mill which
is a stationary flat slab of stone. Over
this a block of cak of the same diame-
ter is kept rotating while water flows
upon the stone slab. In 15 minutes
the marbles are worn completely round
and are fit for sale. Agates are made
into marbles by first chipping the
pieces nearly round with a hammer
and then wearing them down upon the
face of large grindstones.
How Ozarks Got Name
“Ozarks,” the name of a chain oi
mountains in southern Missouri, north-
ern Arkansas and eastern Oklahoma,
is an Anglicized rendering of “Aux
Ares,” literally meaning “with bows,”
a term which the early French applied
to a band of Quapaw Indians who in-
habited that region. “Aux Arcs,” pro-
nounces “oze-ark,” was descriptive of
the Indians and was equivalent to
English “bow carriers.” The French
established a trading post called Aux
Ares near the present village of Ar
kansas Post.—Pathfinder Magazine.
How Quicksands Form
Quicksands usually occur on flac
| shores underlain by stiff clay or other
impervious materials. They appear
to be formed by the continued collec-
tion of water within the sand bank
which is prevented from running off
by the underlying impervious layer.
The grains of quicksand have rounded
surfaces. Quicksand Is of very light
weight. The infiltrated water sepa-
rates and lubricates the particles,
rendering them unable to support
heavy weight.
How Trail Was Named
When the geological survey war
making observations of the district in
which the Grand canyon is located it
came to a dirty, unsavory-looking
stream which was called the Dirty
devil. Some weeks later the party
came to a clear, beautiful stream run-
ning down a gorgeous canyon, and to
express thelr relief this was called the
Bright Angel creek. The (trail Is
named for this.
How to Clean Gilt Frames
A good method of cleaning gih
frames is to go over the gilt with
a dry cloth to remove all dust. Then
wash with warm water In which a
medium-sized onion has been bolled.
Rub dry with soft cloth.
How Plants “Breathe”
Plants breathe much the same as
animals, and there are two processes
at work, for while they give off more
oxygen than carbon dioxide during
the day, at night they may give off
more carbon dioxide.
ee ——
How Camels Consume Humps
The humps of the camel are stores
of flesh and fat that can be reabsorbed
to support the animals when there Is
sufficient food.
Bessemer’s Fame Belongs LIVES SEA KLINE WOODRING.—Attorney
oF : to — AT S. Law, Bellefonte, Pe Practices a
America .. sve nuge nying boats; each cap-| all "Courts. Office, room 18 Criders
| able of rescuing 40 persons from a
siaking sip. ure being built for the
Failure to apply for a patent on a
process which revolutionized the in- KENNEDY JOHNSTON.—Attorney at
States Coast Guard h J Law, Bellefonte, Pa. at
dustry of the world cost the inventor | jn life-sa to help &e 0,ii0n given all 1 business en-
the fame, if not the financial return. ving work. Rushing sick /ilited to his care. OfsesN East
from vessels to land, scan- Hight street 5 57-44
| ning vast sketches of the ocean,
| searching for ship or aircraft
and | Sea are among the tasks to
| the flying boats will
Having a cruising
“0 which his invention entitled him.
William Kelly, an iron manufactur:
er of Pittsburgh, discovered
worked out the process of steel man-
ufacture known as the Bessemer proc: | oo..." oihnout po 5.
ess, but because he was slow in filing |
his claim for a patent, Bessemer, un | plants will be abl S30 quest 5% fe
English manufacturer, acquired the | through or | ®* man. Office in
. | ughout a single day one of Bell
patent for the process. Kelly was la them could watch 25,000 square | efonte
ter uble to obtain the patent by prov- miles of the sea. : :
ing that he was first, but nevertheless ~~ So tireless and powerful are the |
the name Bessemer has since contin | new craft to be that the fleet of |
ued for the process which Kellr | five will be able to cover in less than | BR. R. L. CAPERS.
worked out. ten days an area as great as that OSTHOFATH.
Much has been said and written of sruised I last twelve | Belletonts Be S51
planes i ers .
now inventors reaped small reward | coast guard service combined |
from their ideas and comparatively | Fully equipped with radio evites|
speaking, this held true with Kelly. and emergency life-saving equip- | tered and licensed by the
He did receive royalties of $470,000 for | ment, each plane will cost the United | Eyes examined, glasses fitted. Sat-
his steelmaking process, but this sum | States government $73,500, making | Lag’ on unboed. Fram
is only un drop in the bucket of stee’ | the total cost of the Heet $366,000. |High St. Bellefonte, Pa. 71-B-t
seventies: ough one of the new ‘“mon-|
Kelly's discovery came by chance. gress Py i va B. BOAN, at, Licensed
HE NE es | 3board 40 phopie Hom a dp 13 dis tonto ti the” Garbeick bullding opposite
une whic w - | tress— onte, in the u of
cense, although no heat was being em- because of the great weight — the Co edn
ployed at the point. Investigation dis-
art House, esday afternsons
it could remain afloat operating its from 2 to 8 p. m. and Saturdays 9. a.m.
closed that a draft of air was being
forced through at that particular point |
| radio until help came, coast guard '° 4:00 p. m. Bell Phone. 63-40
and he was quick to deduce that the |
| officials say.
oxygen of the air was burning the car |
bon in the iron ore, producing the in- |
tens~ heat and the resultant product
which |
D. CASEBEER, Optometrist.—]
Fire Insurance
eneval shortening of the hours |
of labor in all branches of industry % i
which came to be known as Bessemer | MAY come about as one result of a0 0 Reduction
| the present business depression. An 76-36 J. M. KEICHLINE, Agent.
steel i
. increasing ber usiness
The first converter Involving thi. | concerns ee are. pon ay | Bellefonte, Pa.
air through the week. There is much discussion
molten iron was constructed in 1871 | among business men of the -
and the modern steel-making wa” bility ha Junkng the six-hour day
launched. — Washington Star. | the 8 rd. A bill has been intro- |
| duced in Congress, for the reduction IRA i GARMAN
erm “Hi Seas” | e working day on government WELER
Why T ‘High Is | work, with a corresponding reduc- 1120 Chestnut Street
Applied to Waterways | tion in compensation to each work- PHILADELPHIA
“why are the oceans called ‘high | er, and for the adoption of a gen-
seas? Where did we get that tern’ | eral five-day week in all industries.
as applied to the ocean?” | e don't expect very much to
One of the definitions
“high” is this:
importance ; chief; main; principal.”
Have Your Diamonds Reset in Platinum
74-27-tf Exclusive Emblem Jewelry
. | come out of that, because we have!
of the wora | given up expecting Congress to do
“Of relatively greai | anything to bring about the millen- |
| nium. But we har encouraging re-|
The high seas are the main sea. | Bote of the industries that d have |
us high road is a main thor e orter the
just. 2s aig | shorter week, and it at sur- |
| prise us to see this movement grow
| very rapidly.
oughfare. The term is applied to wa-
ters which do not lie within the body
of a country, and are beyond the ter | Of course, th i : : per 100 lbs.
ritorial jurisdiction of any govern- | ers are a Og any Ee 6% Daley Feed - 128
ment. when they work shorter hours; but bi pel 20% Dairy Feud : 13
The United States Supreme coun i takes} more workers to operate Wagner's Pig Meal - - - - 160
though with a division of opinion, has business and, on the whole, it | w. s Egg Mash - - - - 178
beld that the uninclosed part of the S¢ems a Dero thing for the nation wagner's Scratch Feed- - - 128
Great Lakes Is included iu the term at large to have everybody earning wagner's Chick Feed - - - 180
“high seas,” as having the general Sy ». eT oS iuing Wagner's Chick Starter and
characteristics of seas and being open | pe able to buy luxuries in Sing. to Grower with Cod Liver Oil 2.00
to the largest vessels and international | few than were able to buy Wagner's Horse Feed- - 138
trade.—Cleveland Plain Dealer. them in the few years preceding the Wagner's Winter Bran - - 118
eee big slump. But Sven it everybody Wagner's Winter Middlings - 1.20
Why Nicknamed “Bluenoses” earned od twenty-five per « cent loss for Wagner's Standard Chop - - 120
Nova Scotians got their nickname. 8 n years the in
from a variety of to Known a6 the | Lie Years from 1920 to 1930, our Blatchford Calf Meal 25lbs - 1.23
! average income and buying power Wayne Calf Meal Per H - 3.50
bluenose potato, which at one time | would still be much higher than Wayne yt =ae
was exported In great quantities from | that of any other nation on earth. | Be
Nova Scotia to New England. The po- | And if the five-day week and the Oil Meal 340L- - - - 2.00
tato was so called from the fact that | six-hour ny wi pout in putting | Cotton 0 - 1.40
one end was usually bluish in color | everybody back to work, then we Soy Bean Meal- - - 1.60
and the Yankees gave the name of the are for it. Coien Feads =» = 1.40
potato to the people who raised them. ee Fine Ground Alfalfa Meal - 2.25
It is sometimes sald humorously that | gGURNT BONES WHITEN Neat Scrap 45% “ss = 0
Nova Scotians are called Bluenoses SUGAR FOR TABLE USE ankaghe . 2 333
pecause Jack Frost bestows blue noses — Fis SOAK Salt’ « - Too
ven most of them.—Pathfinder Maga- wi bones make table Sugar oo gio. Shell « = + = - = 1 00
! i The Department of Labor reveals
Why “Clocks” on Stockings | that in 21 sugar refineries 775 per-| Let i ged your Co
he macrow strips of opeawork Pat | sieletons employed in handling 5) Cotton Seed Oi toa), Guten,
tern which run up the sides of silk | and cows—that they may be charred | Alfalfe, Bran, Midds and Molasses.
glockinise are 2a ronindes apie aes ted uted is filtering sugar, thereby ry will make delivery on two toa
s late as one
when stockings were made of cloth. To The animal bones come from large | All accounts must be paid in so
make cloth stockings fit at the ankle a | U. 8. slaughter houses and occasion- days. Interest charged over thal
seam had to be made running a little | ally from ". jrgentine . | time.
way up the side of the leg. This seam They are pped, scra ded, |
way ub the side of Fhe CE und pow. {Yollod avd chaseed_ for hele ues’ in I you West geod bread Sad
long after the seam is no longer neces the whitening process. pastry
sary, the embroidery remains. ——
boca of the C.Y. Wagner & Co
Corn pops because of the expansion . agner > Inc
of steam within the kernel produced CTRL ie A
by heat, and a certain amount of mols- :
ture Is, therefore, lost from the popped
kernel. A volatile oil is also given off,
as indicated by the characteristic odor
of popping corn. A pound of pop corn
will, therefore, weigh slightly less after
it is popped, although this may uot be
enough to detect on an ordinary pound
Why Name Was Changed
In 1864 Helena, Mont., was founded : , .
by a band of prospectors headed by This Interests You
John Cowan. At first is was called The Workman's Compensation
Last Chance Gulch, as they had been | Law went into effect Jan. 1,
looking for gold all through the spring | 1916. It makes insurance com-
without success and considered this . We specialise in plac.
their last chance for that season. On insurance. We, infpect Bellefonte, Pa.
June 15, 1864, an abundance of gold Plants Sa yocommind
was located. ‘| Preven Guards which -
———— Reduce Insurance rates.
How lcebergs Are Formed It will be to your interest to Plumbing
Glaclers move slowly to the shore. goasilt 1 before placing your .
The ends of them are forced into the d Heatin
ocean. From time to time pleces break JOHN F. GRAY & SON an 8
off and float away. These pleces are State College Bellefonte
called icebergs.
Why Black Affects Glass
Glass covered with black palin.
cracks when exposed to the direct rays
of the sun more readily than plain
glass because black absorbs more heat
rays than plain or other colored
Why New York Is “Gotham”
Washington Irving, in “Salmagundi,
published in 1807, gave New York the
By Hot Water
Pipeless Furnaces
Good Printing
Full Line of Pipe and Fit-
tings and Mill Supplies
Sle siotiatt 58 tevunt of te Baht” lit "R"E | All Sizes of Terra Cotta
a mm. | moom wok Pipe and Fittings
ee vesson that whit aur | Saaseet” wiih as, Se 3 vot ESTIMATES
faces absorb little of the sun's heat. on or communicate Cheerfully:s« Promptly F ished