Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, May 27, 1932, Image 1

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—The Norfolk, Virginia, Peacock
that strutted so during the hunt for |
the Lindbergh baby, isn't nearly the
gorgeous bird he was before his
tail feathers were plucked. |
—Congressman Kvale, of Minne-
gota, who represents Volstead's Dis-
trict, and Congressman Howard, for-|
mer private secretary of the late
William Jennings Bryan, both voted
for the beer bill.
Our solution of the depression
problem is to float enough bonds to
provide one half of the country's
population with all the money it |
needs to buy gas and hot dogs and |
the other half witn enough to build |
filling stations and wienie roasters.
— Another inspection period for
motors will begin on July 1. As the
great army of public officials in- week's
creases something must be improvis- cases were
ed to keep it busy. The day rapidly |
VOL. 77. BELLEFONTE, PA., MAY 27.1932. NO. 22.
Woman Sent to Mifflin County Jail
Because She Couldn't Pay a Fine
and Costs.
A public meeting was held in the
P. O. S. of A, hall at Woodward, on
| Wednesday evening, in an effort to
interest residents of that section of
the county in an extension of ihe
West Penn Power company's
line from Aaronsburg to Woodward.
The movement was started at this
time because the Department of
Commerce has made application for
In addition to the large number of
pleas of guilty heard at quarter
sessions court and published in last
Watchman, the following
disposed of last week:
Clifford Kelly, of Philipsburg, as-
approaches when all the public will sault and battery and threats. Pros-
have time to do is fill ou. govern- ecutor Budd Wining. The jury re-
ment reports and submit to official turned a verdict of not guilty and di-
inquisition. vided the costs between the prosecu-
— In 1926 Governor Pinchot said tor and defendant, the court commit- |
_| ting both men until costs are paid.
ten cents a vote was all that any-|
one should be permitted to Margaret Peters, of Philipsburg, |
expend |
in a primary campaign. plead guilty to contributing to the
Nearly |
nt in delinquency of a minor child (her
four times that much was Spe SE d.was sententell 10 pay
the vain endeavor to nominate his
» Sena race. |
pion = Ip the Tou! Sem tonal rae |e to the industrial home for wo-'
a ie Governor. men, at Muncy.
| Mary Jane Bartlebaugh, of Phil-
2 aw amped tut asp SE pier pend ge an ats
ry sent out by Republican troubl? oy A is
makers to te Steet hat A) Swe committed until the sentence is
will run as depende =1 .
El omimated for President by Sori ane wa taken to. the Mifflin
our party. In the Bok Plage, Al oat county jail, at Lewistown,
his own polit grave, just y
Spee J OW rE oe never | . Clyde: Albert, of Queda Mills
that kind of a Democrat. faced the court on a charge of lar-
was : | ceny but after a jury was drawn and
—Beware of poligest shake do% | sworn in counsel for the defendant
rs who have schemes © | asked that a juror be withdrawn and
oN out of the slough. There i8| the case 43 until the Septem- |
no possible legislation that can cure ‘ber term of court, which was done
the present ailment. It must cure g¢ the cost of the defendant.
itself by normal SEOBOIIS Drea William Matts, of Port Matilda,
and the sooner the peop ® a | Was convicted of the charge of dis-
mie agnosis poo? ay the y Ives Orderly conduct, but his attorney
Se deflated order of things. One | Prompiy mate an application for a
» new sentence was suspend-
can't eat his cake and have it, too. ‘ed pending disposition of the appli-
After all, the further investiga- | cation.
electric service at the Woodward
beacon light, which offers an excel-
lent opportunity for farmers along
the line as well as business men and
residents of Woodward to secure the
service at a minimum rate.
The meeting, Wednesday evening,
Penn officials, Mr. McGee, a com-
the State Department of
Industry, and Mr. Black, an
_ The real estate and personal prop-
erty of the late John P. Eckel was
sold at orphan’s court sale, last Sat- |
urday. The real estate consisting of
the house and lot on Reynolds ave-
nue and an adjoining lot, was pur-
chased by Mrs. Eckel for $1200. She
also bought the automobile and va-
rious other things.
- Included in the offerings were in
the neighborhood of 800 shares of a
dozen different kind of stocks, among |
them 11 shares of the Farmer's Na-
tional Bank of Bellefonte. This
stock was bid up to $69, which wes
considered too low, and it was bid
in at $70 a share. Five shares of
Durant motors went for 75 cents,
| was attended by a number of West gipioon shares of the Glass Casket
corporation were purchased by a Le-
the costs, a dollar fine and commit- | missioner of rural clectuifiction' Jf | mont woman for $3.00. Eliminating
Laver S tek | the Farmers National bank stock all |
"the others brought considerably less
‘cal engineer in the same depart- ing, fifty dollars, and that was prob-
ment, Some fifteen or twenty resi- ably more than they were worth to-
dents of that section of the county ‘day, as not one of the dozen or
attended the meeting.
more stocks is
In order to secure the construc- cpange
tion of a line by the West Penn, un- |
der an order of the Public Service
— A ———————
Commission it will be necessary for BOLD BURGLARS ROBBED
the citizens of that locality to give
This would require thirty signers
of $3.00 a month. Some ten
previous to the meeting on Wednes-
day evening, and eight or ten at the
meeting. The number already signed,
If sufficient signers are not ob- |e
tained within a reasonable time the
Department of Commerce will build
it's own line to the Woodward bea-
tors Gig imtc the financial wizardy In the case of Bruce Reed, of Phii-|
of Ivar Kreugar, the Sweedish Match |
King, the more convinced the pub-|
lic ought to become that there
would never be “Cassie” Chadwicks, |
Ponzies and Kreugars if the financial |
streams were not so full of suckers. |
Ivar owed merely one hundred and |
sixty-eight million when he decided
to head off the process servers with
a bullet. |
—Amelia Earhart Putnam cele- |
brated the fifth anniversary of]
Lindbergh's solo flight across the At-
lantic by doing the same thing her- |
self, When the glory of the achieve-
ment wears off we wonder whether
Amelia, in the moments of retro-
spection that come to us all, will be
disturbed by the thought that her
husband was rather light hearted |
when she fared forth on that peril-
ous flight.
con light and then, if at anytime in
the future residents of that locality
desire to secure electric service it
ipsburg, tried on the charge of as-|
sault and battery and robbery, 2a
verdict of not guilty was returned,
but in another case against him on |
the charge of malicious mischief he
action against the They can never
Pende Pes, ‘to make good on a better opportunity
court order for $20 a month for the
support of his wife issued in Febru- sonable cost.
ary: 1929, plead WORK PROGRESSING AT
Russel Flick, of Philipsburg,
guilty to the charge of malicious | BELLEFONTE RESERVOIR
mischief and was sentenced to pay
the costs, a dollar fine and six
uy sonitient in the Alle-| go te reservoir as fast as possible
: | but at that it is going to prove a
An le Sokdlosky, 3 ru Nya id much bigger job than the Waler
ho. court so frequently that she ‘committee anticipated. A trench sev-
y y eral feet deep has been dug entire-
might be characterized as a "Tegu- |, 5,5und the wall of the reservoir
lar,” was convicted of a violation of | and from the condition of the wail |
will cost them considerably more
than is now asked, probably a guar- |’... window. Afraid to out the
‘antee of from $6.00 t0$8.00 a month. | : go
was found guilty. Sentence was sus- | ect to get’ af Mleyway they
than the present | ,.iery As it ha; Clevenstine
to secure the service at such a rear p,q in lot of AB containers] 2 Martha Walker, Eleanor Weaver,
| piled against the fence and one of
‘a guarantee of $90 a month revenue.
‘or guarantors at a minimum cost
twelve signers had been received Cowher's clothing store,
Allegheny street, and got away with |
' however, is not sufficient to justify
construction of the line by the West .
Between 10:30 and 11 o'clock, last |
Friday night, two bold burglars
broke the rear window in Harold
on south
goods of an estimated value of
They took five dozen neckties,
three dozen shirts, four or five pairs
of shoes and several pairs of trous-
To get to the rear of the store
the men went in through the nar-
listed on any ex-
| The annual commencement exer-
| cises of the Bellefonte High school
| will begin with the baccalaureate
sermon in the Presbyterian church,
Sunday evening, at 7:30 o'clock.
The Junior declamatory contest
will be held on Monday evening.
The closing exercises of the grade
| schools will be held in the Richelieu
theatre next Thursday morning, at
| 9:45 o'clock. They will be as fol-
Part I. Grades 5-6, A and B, sing-
ing “The Ride of Paul Revere.”
Part II, Grades 7-8, A and
presenting “Four Episodes in the
Life of George Washington.”
Part III. Grades 1-2 Bishop street
building, presenting the modern
version of the “Old Woman Who
| Lived in a Shoe.”
Part IV. Grades 1-2 Allegheny
| street, *Goldenlocks and the Three
| Bears.”
Part V. 3-4, A and B, “America,
the Melting Pot of the World.”
The graduating class numbers 61
‘as follows: Lee Alexander, Charles
' Beckwith, Nevin Bierly, Marlon
Bruss, Ardery Calhoun, Clark Hile,
| Randolph Houck, Francis Koski,
| Leonard Lambert, Kenneth Lucas,
Carl McKinley, George Meek, Sam-
uel Noll, Harold O'Bryan, Albert
Osman, George Parsons, Pearce
Rumberger, Charles Sellers, Walter
Smith, Franklin Stover, Thomas
Summers, Gerald Tressler, Robert
| Wayne, Allen Weaver, Robert Wil-
| kinson, James Williams, Dale Zim-
| Mary Bickett, Gladys Billett,
| Isabel Breon, Adaline Brooks, Caro-
| line Brouse, Martha Brugger, Betty
! Campbell, Lillian Cox, Annette Deck-
| er, Aline Fisher, Vivian Fisher, Mary
‘row alleyway between Frank Gal-| peming, Christine Gunsallus, Eliza-
Contractor C. A. Talbert is push- | body
ing the work of repairing the Belle- |
—On Monday, when the bill was | the liquor laws and was sentenced | it will have to be put down another |
before Congress to legalize 2.75%
beer the Hon. J. Banks Kurtz voted
“No.” The Hon. J. Mitchell Chase |
was present, but was recorded as
not voting. The result was closer
than was expected. A change of
thirty votes would have carried the
proposal. The test was made mere-
ly to put every Congressman who is |
seeking re-election on record as to
just where he stands with regard to
modifying the Volstead Act,
—Remember, please, that it was
Senator David I. Walsh, a Demo-
crat, who reintroduced a bill to pass
a general sales tax and eliminate all
the nuisance taxes that have been
proposed to raise revenue. After all,
a sales tax would be the fairest
revenue measure that could be]
enacted. It would be Democratic,
because it would discriminate
against no one. We want you to
keep in mind the fact that Demo-
crats in the Senate and in the House
are offering a Republican Senate
and a Republican President all the
sane opportunities to get somne-
—The Roosevelt-for-President
League. of Pennsylvania, controlled
the Democratic State Committee
when it met to organize for the
campaign on Thursday of last week.
John R. Collins was defeated for re-
election as State Chairman by War-
ren VanDyke, his former secretary,
and Sedwick Kistler was re-elected
as Pennsylvania's member of the
National Committee. The vote for |
State Chairman was 65 to 46, show-
ing that Mr. Joseph Guffey, of
Pittsburgh, who set out to put him-
self in control of the organization
as soon as Roosevelt looked like
the best bet for the presidential
nomination, played his cards with
to pay the costs, $500 for the use of go, or eighteen inches as the foun-
Centre county and imprisonment in| 4..i0n for the concrete retaming
the Allegheny county workhouse for wall.
two years, the imprisonment to be
suspended pending her good behav-
Betnard Smith, of Philipsburg, |
plead guilty to the charge of deser-| got jeep, When it was enlarged to
tion and non-support and was Sen- | jig nregent size it was built up only
tenced to pay $30 a month for the| ,p,.: ten feet. Later it was raised
support of his wife, was released for s,m, five feet and as the town ex-
to file a bond in the sum of $300
panded and buildings were erected
within ten days or be committed t0| on the higher points another addi-
the Allegheny couny workhouse. tion was built on top of the old
Frank R. Stricker, who is in ar- wai until now it is 26 feet deep.
rears on a court order made in May, | The present repairs call for anoth-
1929, to pay $25 a month to theo; aqdition of from 18 inches to
support of his wife, was released for | yy, feet. While the upper portion
thirty days so he can make an effort | of the wall has been where the
to pay something on the order. most leakage occurred, there is a
George R. Kohut, of State Coilege, seepage through the lower section
brought into court on a bench war-| gnq it is because of this fact that
rant to face a charge of violation of | the retaining wall will be put down.
the liquor laws, was sentenced tO deeper than was at first anticipated.
pay the costs, $25 fine and placed on pe
With a concrete retaining wall on
probation for two years.
the outside and a concrete lining on
LeRoy Umholtz entered a plea of
the inside, to be poured without a
nolle contendre to the charge of the | preak it is believed that the reser-
larceny of a motor vehicle and Was yoir can be made absolutely water
sentenced to pay the costs, a dollar tight
fine and one year's imprisonment in|
the county jail, In another case, Recently there has been con-
Umbholtz for breaking, enter- | siderable speculation among the
ing and larceny, sentence was Sus- people of Bellefonte as to how the
pended upon the payment of the Kreuger financial flasco will effect
George Long plead guilty to the
charge of larceny, breaking and en-
tering and was sentenced to pay the
costs, a dollar fine and imprisonment
in the county jail for three to eigh-
teen months to date from May 6th.
A detainer was also lodged against
Long on the charge of perjury.
Jeremiah Lehman plead guilty to
the charge of desertion and non-
support and was ordered to pay $20
a month, give bond in the sum of
$500 within ten days or be commit-
ted to the Allegheny county work-
regular milestone of the growth ct
Bellefonte. The original storage basin
was about 16x7 feet in size and 10
Match company, and inquiry, at the
office of the plant brought forth no
definite information. Mr. Troup,
manager, stated that he didn't be-
lieve it would affect the plant in
any way, although he had no defi-
nite information as to the outcome,
The plant has been operating on full
time during the past few weeks but
how long it will last is not known.
——At a hearing before United
States commissioner Charles S. Wil-
the Bellefonte plant of the Federal
his accustomed skill. The ve-elec- | nouse.
tion of Mr. Kistler was only a sop. Nolle prosses were entered in the
He would have been treated as ruth-| cages against David Dixon, charged
lessly as John Collins had Guffey with surety of the peace, and Fred
not been so foolish as to figure that Reitz, of Harris township, charged
he will continue to be the “Angel” with a violation of the liquor laws.
of the party in the State. Mr. Kist-| Attorney John J. Bower presented
ler should not resign, neither should | a petition for the parole of Sylvester
he continue to be “the butter and (Doggie) Meyers, of Jacksonville,
egg man” for a lot of political sol- who several months ago was sen-
diers of fortune. | tenced to pay a fine of $100 and
liams, in Williamsport, last Friday,
Lee Rossman, of Salona, was held in
$2000 bail for trial at federal court
on the charge of possession and
manufacturing intoxicating liquor.
His mother, Mrs Sidney Rossman,
signed his bail bond.
serve a year in jail for a violation of
the liquor laws, but the court defer-
red a decision at this time.
| braith’s and the Bellefonte Hardware | pap Herr,
x ; Galbraith
heard them and went to his bedroom
window to see what was
just as the men climbed out of the
climbed a high board
the rear of
the men dropped onto them and up-
set the whole pile, creating a rack-
et sufficient to rouse most every-
in that neighborhood. Mr.
Clevenstine went to the window but
not quick enough to see the men.
The Caldwells, across the street,
were playing cards at the time, and
the men ran out to see what had oc-
curred, but were too late to get a
glimpse of the robbers. Both Mr. and
Mrs. Galbraith saw them, but did not
In crawling over the high board
fence one of the men lost three of
the stolen shoes and a pair of trous-
The reservoir, by the way, is a °™
Virgima Genie Biddle, five year
old daughter of Paul and Catherine
Biddle, of Warriorsmark, died at the
Philipsburg State hospital, last Sat-
urday, as he result of major burns
| sustained two days previous.
The child was playing in the yara
where it's mother was heating water
in a large kettle over an open log
fire to do the family wash She
gathered &« handful of waste paper
and in an effort to throw it on the
fire got too close to the fiames with
the result that her clothing caught
fire. Her mother smothered the
flames as quickly as possible but
not before the little girl was badly
burned about the face, head and up-
per portion of the body. First aid
was rendered by a local physician
after which she was taken to the
Philipsburg hospital. -
The parents and thirteen hrothers
and sisters survive, Burial was
made in Burkett's cemetery on Mon-
day morning.
—— Eleven noted authors will lec-
ture during the coming summer
session at the Pennsylvania State
College. Among them will be Corne-
lia Bryce Pinchot, wife of the Gov-
ernor, who will speak of the South
Seas and show motion pictures tak-
en on their recent voyage; Major
Thomas Coulson, author of “Mata
Hari;” T. Ray Hansen, lawyer, who
has been active in prosecuting gang-
sters; Dr. W. T. Root, head of the
department of psychology, Univer-
sity of Pittsburgh; George E, Sokol-
sky, an authority on political and
economic conditions in Russia; Har-
old Field, executive director of the
national league for American citizen-
ship; Thomas Craven, art critic;
Davis Edwards, dramatic elecution.
ist; Frederick M. Snyder, of Johns-
Hopkins University; Dr. H. E. Howe,
editor of “Industrial Engineering
Chemistry;” and Tom Skeyhill, sol-
dier, poet and author.
Arlene Houtz, Geraldine
| Hoy, Isabel Jodon, Eleanor Johnson,
Effie Keller, Eleanor Lucas,
Sarah Osman, Ruth Poorman, Eve-
S| Stover, Grace Stover, Gladys Walk-
Mabel Woomer,
| The Woman's Club of Bellefonte
| will hold its final meeting for the
| year at the home of Mrs. Henry |
| Kahlmus, on east Curtin street,
| Tuesday evening, May thirty-first,
| at seven-thirty o'clock. The election
| of officers will be held and reports
| will be given by the chairmen of
the various committees. Part of the
| evening will be devoted to the dis-
| cussion of household insects and
their control.
These insects, spoken of as the
“fearful seven,” are flies, mosquitoes,
moths, cockroaches, bedbugs, fleas
and ants, all of which are the most
dangerous and most deadly of man’s
| insect foes, In comparison to the
number of insects there are only a
handful of people in the world. A
few other facts of interest are that
the depradations of insects in the
United States each year nullifies the
labor of a million men; that the
annual vital loss (human and ani-
mal) to the nation attributed to in-
sects reaches the staggering sum
of $358,000,000; that household in-
sects carry the germs of not less
than 30 diseases; that in a single
season one female can produce 5,
598,720,000,000 flies; that the tiny
household fly has been responsible
for more deaths than all the wars
and wild beasts combined; that
“America has more flies and more
typhoid fever than any other nation
in the world.” It would be difficult
to find a subject of more vital con-
| cern to the health and welfare of the
individual and the nation.
A paper entitled “Insect Menace
to Public Health,” prepared by the
Rex Research Foundation of Chicago,
under the direction of Dr. O. F.
Hedenburg, noted scientist and in-
sect authority, will be read by Miss
Isabella Sinclair Hill, teacher of
English at the Bellefonte Academy.
This is a really worth-while educa-
tional program, and all members
and their friends are invited to be
As it has always been customary
to discontinue the meetings of the
club during the summer months, this
will be the last meeting until Sep-
——According to a report filed in
Harrisburg, on Monday, the Pinchot
committee of Centre county receiv-
ed $900 of the fund raised by the
two per cent assessment on the sal-
aries of State employees for the
primary campaign in the county.
Who got the money or how it was
expended report saith not.
| —Requests for more than 70,000 ring-
| neck phesant eggs for hatching have
| been filed with the State Game Commis-
| sion.
. —Ralph Kramer, 7. of near Shamokin,
died as the result of a 15-inch splinter
| puncturing his stomach while he was
| sliding down a board at Edgewood Park.
| —At least two million visitors are ex-
| pected to enjoy the recreational areas
| within the Pennsylvania State Forests
| this year, according to an announcement
| fromm Harrisburg.
—Police are looking for some thieves
who went to a lot of trouble to tow a
| foot bridge out of Lycoming creek, near
| Williamsport. Their trail was picked up
| when the stringers of the bridge were
found on the banks of the Susquehanna
river some distance above the mouth of
| the creek.
—Gerald Tingley, 32, of New Milford,
| Susquehanna county, was crushed to
| death Monday afternoon when a tractor
| which he was endeavoring to unload
! trom a truck fell upon him. The accident
| occurred on the farm of Harold Stewart,
at New Milford. Tingley is survived by
his widow and two children.
| —Robbers who stole $2500 Mike Good-
| ish had buried in the basement of his
home in Allison, Pa., are being sought
by state police. Goodish said there was
| no indication that the ground over the
| glass jar holding the money had been
| disturbed. He discovered the loss when
| he became apprehensive and dug up the
| jar.
| —Durbin L. Fye, Oil City, ieeks a
| total of $75,000 damages in a suit on itle
in Franklin against three Oil City phy-
| siclans and the Oil City hospital. Fye
| charges he suffered permanent injuries
| when through negligence infection de-
| veloped in a fractured leg. He was un-
| der treatment in the hospital more than
| two months.
| ~The Hanover fair grounds were re-
cently sold at public auction to L. B.
Sheppard, of Hanover, for $56,750. The
real estate was owned by the Hanover
| Agricultural society which held annual
agricultural exhibitions on the grounds
| for the past 47 years. The transfer uf-
fected 43 acres of land, stables and ex-
, hibition buildings.
| —Ivan Breth, of Mahaffey, driver of
| the car which struck and killed Mervin
| J. Queen, formerly of Coalport, who at-
| tempted to hold him up after having
robbed several persons in Mrs, Clara
Bradbury's gas station, near McGee's
Mills one week ago, was completely ex-
| onerated by a coroner's jury at an in-
| quest held in Clearfield.
—Thieves who carried away a 1400-
| pound safe in the office of the Allen
| Quarries Co., on the Hickley pike, near
| Allentown, and cracked it open, found
only a bunch of keys and a time book.
| Constable Harvey Fenstermacher, of
| Egypt, and State Highway patrolman
| Czarick, discovered the safe on the road
| between West Coplay and Eagle Point.
| --Convicted of driving his auto while
| intoxicated, Harry F. Knapp, a farmer
BOINE OD | Morin MacMillan, Phyllis Malone, | jiving near Shamokin, pleaded with Judgs
| Morganroth in court at Sunbury that if
| he were jailed on his six month's sen-
tence immediately he would not be able to
| work his farm. Judge Morganroth decreed
| sentence should begin next October 1, so
| Knapp can plant and harvest his crops
| and support his family.
—George R. Webb, suspended Lock
Haven policeman and David L. Probst,
| detective of the same city, have been
| granted postponement of their appeals
| for a new trial by the U. 8. district court.
| Their pleas were put over until the June
| term because they could not raise ¥:00
to have testimony transcribed. They wecio
| convicted in Scranton in April vn charges
| of intimidating federal witaeases.
—A Sunday picnic was at its height
near Washington, Pa., on Sunday, when
Edward Markle, 18, decided he'd give
| Margaret Wiley, a friend, a scare and a
thrill. He adjusted his belt around his
neck, fixing the catch so it wouldn't be
too tight. He leaped from a tree, after
fastening the end of the belt to a limb.
Something went wrong. Before the youth
could be rescued he strangled to death.
—Five years ago Katherine Monori
came to America from Budapest, unable
to speak a word of English, On the first
day of school she knew two English
words, “yes” and “no.” Tuesday night
she was graduated with second highest
honors in a class of 271 from the Wil-
kinsburg High school and delivered the
salutatory address on ‘Law Enforcement
in America” with scarcely a trace of
foreign accent. By winning honors in the
class she also won a four year scholai-
ship in Westminister College.
—An aged Civil war veteran and his
| wife, Mr. and Mrs. John Kepler, of Shin-
town, Clinton county, were robbed of
about $450 in bills from recently cashed
pension checks, Saturday night, by
thieves who entered their home while
they were asleep. Mr. Kepler had re-
cently cashed pension checks amounting
to about $450 and the bills had been
left in a roll in the pocket of his trous-
ers. His watch and chain, small change,
and other articles in the pockets were
not taken, but the roll of bills was gone.
—Humane death and .lecant burial of
all of Mrs. Jennie S. Bristor's household
pets is directed in her will, entered at
the Franklin county court house at Cham-
bersburg for probate. The woman in her
will stated: “I most earnestly desire and
most emphatically request and direct my
sald executor, H. H. Spangler (Mercers-
burg attorney), to have all my dumbd
animals, both dogs and cats, which have
been my faithful companions and only
comfort during my declining years, put
to death in the most merciful humane
manner possible and to be decently
buried in the garden where I now live,”
—Horace Bressler, 52-year-old barber,
of Danville, shot and fatally wounded
his wife, Mrs. Emma M. Bressler, aged
42 years, in the bedroom of their home
early on Wednesday morning, and then
ended his life with a pistol bullet
through his brain. Following the shoot-
ing Mrs. Bressler was taken to the Geis-
inger hospitai, where she died at 10:40
the same morning, eastern standard
time. She suffered wounds of the neck
and left ear. Two sons and three daugh-
ters, three of the children being at
home, survive. Neighbors told police the
couple had been quarreling intermittent-
ly for the last two days and that on
Tuesday Bressler was overheard to say,
he “had a surprise’ for his wife,