MELANCHOLY STATE | Banish Insomnia With PENNA. TRAPPERS FURS 31,082 racoons, 13,804 minks, 5296 | : A ia | LD FOR 000 | red foxes, gray foxes, 284 wild | SOLVED BY DOCTOR Brisk Two-Mile Sprint? Son $800,000 | 70 TOF the total sum, Pennsylvania It It were possible to put it in op-| Even though extremely low prices | fur dealers alone paid over $350,000. eration, a two-mile run before going curtailed trapping activities during | to bed would cure any case of in- he past Season, trappers in Pennsyl- from out of the State. . somnia, asserts a writer In the St. vania rece approximately $800,-| The averake price paid for musk- | Louis Globe-Democrat. That, we sus- 000 the Game Commission has an-| ,,i3 amounted , Saigo wea~ pect, is all there Is to sleeplessness— nounced. sles 37 cents; raccoon $2.34; mink » * »! ’ » ise. Have This amount covered the sale of | lack of OWdovr eXefc ave YOU | 00050 muskrats, 310,320 skunks, $4.30; red foxes, $6.30; gray foxes, Due to Lack of Bromine in Blood, He Declares. Berlin, Germany.—Melancholy, that | mental state which so far has baffled | Wakefield; a Restoration of the (Prepared by National Geographic Society, Washington, D. C.)—WNU Service. EORGE WASHINGTON, soldier statesman, has eclipsed George Washington, the traveler—yet as a traveler, and as a geogra- pher who gained his information at first hand, the Father of His Country earned the right to another “first.” Many places Washington visited have been unaware of the fact; other places where he is reputed to have “stopped” or “spent the night” are far from the verified records of his travels. This information developed when the map makers of the National Geographic so- ciety started oo the extensive research task—research consuming more than a year—to record all of Washington's journeys on a single map. Thorough checks was made of the diaries of Washington, of the contem- _ porary accounts of his travels, and in wany cases personal visits had to be made to places, and musty courthouse files scanned, because of places that have changed names, or have their uames duplicated. The compilation of this information shows that George Washington trav- eled over a larger area than any other official of his time. His travels ex- tended from the heart of Georgia to Kittery, Maine, Westward, he went to the vicinity of Lake Erle, In Pennsyl- vania; to the neighborhod of Point , Pleasant, in West Virginia, and to Gallipolis, Ohlo. Of three sea voyages Washington made, one was to foreign soil, Barba- dos. But the most amazing aspect of bis travels, perhaps, are his journeys on horseback—journeys ranging from Virginia to Fort Le Boeuf, and from Mount Vernon to Boston. However, 80 _ far-as records show; he did not visit the birthplace of his mother, Epping «Forest. Long Horseback Trips. Washington's horseback trips were often arduous. He was known to average 35 miles a day for periods of more than a week. Once he rode 560 . miles in 16 days. That trip was from Cumberland, Md., to williamsburg, Va., and two days of the 16 were “time out,” waiting for an armed escort. He carried the pay for Braddock's army in his saddlebags. Horses often broke under the strain, when public duty called Washington to. move with dispatch. For instance, . when riding to join General Braddock, upon reaching the vicinity of what Is _mow Charles Town, W. Va, he re- that he killed one horse out- “ and had rendered the three others he had brought along unfit for .Nyervice. When there was no urgency of pub- lle business his horses fared better. After his trip to his western Jands in 1784, during which he had twice crossed the Appalachians and hed been so far from civilization that be could get no corn for his horse (and nothing or only boiled corn for himself), he sets down with satisfaction that he had traveled 680 miles between the first day of September and the fourth day of October, on the same horses. “Washington's geographic instincts began to develop on this early trip. “The trough of the south branch of the Potomac, where many years later Pres- ..1dent Grover Cleveland fished for bass, . he described as “(a) couple of Ledges . of. Mountain Impassable running side and side together for above seven or eight ‘Miles. and ye River down be- tween them.” He adds: “You must .Ride Round ye back of ye Mountain (fori to get below them.” : With boyish zest Washington ate his evening meal on Friday, April 8. “We camped this Night In ye Woods pear a8 Wild Meadow where was a Stack. of Hay after we had Pitched eur Tent and made a very Large Fire we pull'd out our Kpapsack in order fo Recruit ourselves every (one) was his own Cook our Spits was Forked Sticks our Plates was a Large Chip as for Dishes we had none.” Good Pay, Small Expense. A letter. written to a friend while on one of the several other surveying trips he made to the waters of the Shenandeah, the Cacapon, and the South Branch in 1740, 1750, 1751, and 1752 indicates it was the good pay that reconciled young Washington to the hardships of a surveyor's life, Therein he says that he had not slept above three or four nights in a bed, but after walking all-day he lay down “hefore the fire upon a Little Hay Straw Fodder or bairskin which eve. is to be had with Man Wife and Chil- dren like a parcel of Dogs or Catts & happy lie that gets the Berth pear est the fire there's nothing would make @ Birthplace of George Washington. it pass of tolerably but a good Re- | ward a Dubbleloon ($7.16%) Is my constant gain every Day that the Weather Will permit my going out and some time Six Pistoles ($21.50)." i Traveling expenses were low In | those days. Virginia had a law that | rates for accommodations in each | county should be fixed by the court | thereof, and that any keeper of an | ordinary not observing these rates should be heavily fined, half the fine going to the informer. The Augusta county court order book shows that a hot dinner cost 9 pence; a cold meal, 6 pence; lodging, with clean sheets, 8% pence; twenty-four-hour stabling and fodder for a horse, 6 pence; and corn | or oats, per gallon, 8 pence. When it | is remembered that the Virginia shill- ing was worth 16% cents of our | money, we see that a hot dinner cost 1214 cents and other service in pro portion. i From Staunton, Washington rode to Fredericksburg by way of Charlottes- ville, making the 114-mile journey in three days and still being fit enough to play billiards the evening he ar rived, On Wednesday, February 4, 1756, | Washington set out for Boston to lay | a case of military precedence before | Gen. William Shirley, commander In chief of the British forces in America. He reached Philadelphia the following ! Sunday, and took five or six days te | look around the city. He apparently made the 90 Iinter- vening miles to New York In two days. And what must the New York of that day have meant to the young Virginian, who had spent the last three years mostly in the primeval forests or fight- ing French and Indians on the savage | frontiers! A Visit to New York. There was the “Microcosm” to visit described at the time as a world In miniature, which took 22 years to build. Washington's enthusiasm for it is written In his accounts, for on two seperate occasions he enters items “for treatg. Ladies to ye Mi(cro- cos)m.,” There was also a rout at Mrs. Baron's, and tips to the servants in the household of Beverley Robin- son, son of the speaker of the Virginia house of burgesses. The young officer was aiways punctilions in tipping the servants In households where he was entertained, and equally so in entering these items in his account books—two traits that have aided a great deal Ir tracing his travels. Two days before he was twenty-four years old he set out on the last leg of his journey to Boston, and the “Penn- sylvania Gazette" carried the news that “Colonel Washington, of Virginia, but last from Philadelphia, left thi- city (New York) for Boston.” On his way to Boston he stopped with a Mr. Malbone, in Rhode Island. He entered a tip for the latter's ser vants of £4 and another item of £5 fo a broken bowl In Boston he stopped at Cromwell's Head tavern. He saw General Shir- ley, who decided the question of com- mand at Fort Cumberland in his favor; visited a man of war in the harbor, lost some money at cards at the gov- ernor's house, and then set off for Virginia. But at the governor's he had met such people as John Adams, and made a deep Impression by his re cital of conditions in western Virginia, Maryland and Pennsylvania. Uncon- sciously he again was playing into the hands of destiny, for John Adams WAS one of those who 19 years later joined with Thomas Johnson of Maryland in which the mail-passenger planes NOW | proadeasting, and quite possibly of cer- | tain slang words such as “swank.”— | activity of the Department of Com- ‘Negro Letter Carrier makipg him commander in chief of the American forces, Survey of the Frontier. Another interesting phase of Wash- ington's travels began when he de- termined to make a personal survey of the frontier with a view to establish- ing a chain of forts at the Important passes, in the hope of damming the Indian tribe behind the Allegheny o vide. During the French and Indian war days, villages and towns near the frontier had not yet begun to take shape, except in the case of county | seats, Places were known as “John i Smith's Plantation,” “William Scott's | “Mill,” “TaskerTosh's Fort,” “BigLick," ete. The changing ownerships of five | generations, together with the substitu | tion of bridges for fords, have obliter- | ated these names from map and ment ory alike, { It was necessary, therefore, to go i patiently through scores of massive | land-grant books, dozens of old deeds books, and all the survey records that | have survived, in order to find out | where the early settlers lived | psychiat=ists, is due simply to lack of | bromine In the blood, according to an | | astounding statement which the noted | specialist for internal diseases, Prof. Hermann Zondek, recently made be fore the medical society here. Professor Zondek, who was Strese- | mann's physician, lately has studied the chemical composition of the blood of mentally diseased patients, In every case, he found that whenever | the bromine percentage in the blood fell below average, symptoms of melan- choly were detected. On the strength of this discovery, Professor Zondek undertook to cure patients afflicted with melancholy by injecting small quantities of bromine into their blood. This cure, he ap nounced, proved very efficient. Melancholy, a frequent mental af- fliction, is also termed “circular in- | sanity” because the patient's symp- toms form a cycle, In which periods of apathy and despair alternate with | a normal and even abnormally Joyour | nood. Melancholia is known as a more benign form of mental disease than | dementia and paranoia, which con- | stitute other important groups of mer tal ailments, { While these latter forms of insanity | are usually incurable and require con- | tinual treatment in institutions, melan- cholia usually improved under treat- ment so much that even return to mental normalcy is often attainable, ! although the possibility of a relapse remains even in successful cases. The discovery of Zondek has led | psychiatrists to hope that from now | on a more effective and radical treat- | ment than that hitherto applied will be available. Airway Lighting Has Become Exact Science Chicago. — Illumination engineers ! have conquered numerous unique prob- lems in the lighting of airways over fly 40,000 miles nightly. At present there are four classes oi Jdghting equipment for aviation: Light- | ing at terminals, lighting at emer- gency fields, lighting between emer- \ gency flelds—commonly referred to as beacon lighting, and course markers— usually called “blinkers.” t The average cost of all these forms | of light Is $315 a mile. There are about 18.000 miles of airways lighted | in the United States. Alrway Improve- | ment, development and lighting is an | | A The little blinkers, which in some places mark the course at three-mile | Intervals, cost $750 each, while the 24- | inch revolving beacons between emer- gency landing fields represent an out- | lay of $2,000 each. The expense of lighting the emer | gency fields themselves averages about | $5,000 each. Soviet Plans Olympiad Five-Year Plan Fete Moscow.—The Olympic games in Cal- fornia will be rivaled by a Red #Spartakiad” in Moscow early In Au- gust to which labor sports organiza- | tions all over the world are belog in- | vited. ! Ten thousand foreign sportsmen are | being expected by the National Coun- | ell of Physical Culture. The Soviet participants will reach 50,000. A special stadium, with a seating ea | pacity of 120,000, must be built be- | fore August to accommodate the Spar- takiad. This international sports festival fn being summoned to celebrate the achievement of the five year plan In four years. There will be a great deal of demonstrating and mass pageantry to. drive home the magnitude of So- viet Industrial and cultural progress and the alleged collapse of capitalist economy through the world. Hopes to Fly Atlantic Philadelphia.—The Ace of Ethiopia has a rival. Lincoln Payne, Philadel phia negro letter carrier, has an- | nounced that he hopes to fly the At- | lantic. Payne, who served in the Three | Hundred and Sixty-eighth Infantry in France, learned to fly at a local field. He owns a small plane, which he said | he is sure will carry him across the | Atlantic. He holds a private pilot's | license. Dog Has 13 Puppies | Kelso, Wash.—N. E. Taylor thinks | his shepherd dog's litter of 13 puppies is a record. | Electric “Eyes” to Guard Lift Riders Pittsburgh, Pa.—Electric “eyes” will guard users of elevators in Rockefeller Center, New York. Light beams are to be project- ed across elevator entrances in such a way any person intercept- ing them will cast a shadow on a | photo-electric cell. | The cell controls operation of the doors and the falling shadow will keep them open or shoot them back if they have started to close when a passenger is stepping in or out of the car, : ed, you don't want to sleep. All the | out knowing it. | years since moving pictures came in, | world where mail is delivered by swim- | Deftly punting this unique mailbag in | bert's death, together with three songs ever heard of an inscmnious farmer? We don't believe the remedy for in- somnia that we suggest will ever be adopted. The exact period of the day | when one suffers from that demoniac affliction is too often in the wee small hours: and to arise and—though fully clad—io sprint lightly through the darkened streets would surely put the police on one's track; perhaps with sirens. What a curious pageant that would be, Insomnia likes to enter your bou Joir in the stilly watches of the night like the cowled figure of Death, and as unwelcome, too. He takes his seat upon one’s chest and there remains for hours, sometimes till daylight; and | when he is gone, you are so aggravat- intruder has left you as a remiader {s an all-day grouch—or at least until noon when like morning clouds it may | | disperse. Two-mile runs, day or night, In the Jty are next to Impossible. What | would people say! Frequent Use of Words Spoken Centuries Ago Among the oldest words in the world | wre the names of the numbers. When you count from one to ten you are | using, with little change i» thelr form, i words that were used by ancestors who | were the animal's skins as clothing | and lived In the roughest of shelters. | Just as the child does today, they | counted on their fingers, and it seems | probable that they gave each finger | its own special name. Our present | pumbers may well be the names of | these fingers, | Even when we Invent new words | 117.157 opossums, 52,208 weasles, - — - — M——— A Cheerful Note TT: Agricultural Department’s estimate of the wheat crop indicates a shortage, with higher prices in view. | The hope of better prices is cheerful | news to Centre County farmers, as the out- look for a good local yield is promising. THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK BELLEFONTE, PA. ' we often bring old ones into use with- | It is only about thirty but as part of the name, “cinemato- | graph,” we are using one of the world's oldest words. This is equally true of words such as television, automobile, London Tit-Bits, Tonga Swimming Postmen Baney’s Shoe Store WILBUR H. BANEY, Proprietor 80 years in the Business Niua-fu, an Island of the Tonga {ik group, is perhaps the only place in the ming postmen. In fair weather or foul the native postmen swim out for two miles through the shark-infested sea to deliver and collect their mail. The foremost swimmer carries a short stick, in a cleft of which rests the tiny bundle of outgoing letters. One of the steamer's crew lowers a bucket over the side, and in this the postman drops the letters. A large biscuit tin BUSH ARCADE BLOCK containing the Ingoing mail, sealed |i} and roped, Is then dropped overboard. front of them the swimming postmen start back for the shore as fast as wind and tide will allow. Defining Energy Energy is the capacity for perform ing work. It may be either potential, | as in the case of a body of water | stored In a reservoir capable of doing Hi work by means of a water wheel, or actual, sometimes called kinetic, which ¢ is the energy of a moving body. Po- | tential energy may also exist as stored | | heat, as stored mechanical energy, as | In fuel, or as electrical energy, the measure of these energies being the | amount of work that they are capable of performing. Actual energy of a mov- | ing body is the work which It Is ca pable of performing against a retard- | ing resistance before being brought to rest and is equal to the work which | must be done upon it to bring it from a state of rest to its actual velocity. Schubert's Inspiration Schubert's “Who Is Silvia” is one | | of his best known compositions of its | kind. At the writing of the plece, | Schubert was unquestionably in love | with the name, Silvia, or his concep- * tion of her. The song was inspired by Shakespeare's “Two Gentlemen of Verona.” It Is sald that the song in- gpired Arthur Sullivan to write “Or- pheus and His Lute” “Who Is Sil- via” was published shortly after Schu- of 1827 (later called Opus 108), which were dedicated to Marie Pachler, Schu- bert’s kind hostess in Graz. Boastful Phrases The phrase, “White Man's Country™ and also “God's country,” are often applied to a nation or country by its sons and daughters. Not many years ago a bulletin on Australia called at- tention to the fact that among the | white inhabitants poverty is practical ly unknown, the aged, Infirm, and chil- dren are adequately provided for, the labor situation is satisfactory, and the territory itself offers unlimited possl- bility for development, exploitation, and exercise of man’s ingenuity. All these things seem to make it = fa- vored spot. ———— Wisdom That which we call wisdom is no heritage from our forbears, nor can it be learned In a classroom. It is to be found in the living of life, Matur- ity of judgment comes when thooght | has been deepened by knowledge and life tempered by experience—Grit. on OUTSTANDING ....Bargains.... FOR ALL TIME Boys’ Overalls . 50 Cents Boys’ Sweaters . 50 Cents Men’s Work Shirts 50 Cents Kaynee Wash Suits . $1.00 Stetson Hats . . . 5.00 Mallory Hats . . . 3.79 Never in the Store’s History Have Prices Been So Low--Buy Now