Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, May 20, 1932, Image 6

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Connections With Foreign
Countries Is Forecast.
Washington.—The “telephone uto-
pla,” or a time when all telephcnes in
-all nations can be connected, is rapid-
1y nearing in the opinion of engineers,
who, recently celebrated the fifty-
seventh anniversary of use of the
speaking device in the United States.
Already telephone users in the
‘United States can converse with users
In 40 other countries located on the |
six other continents. These connec-
tions comprise a network of 32,750,000
"telephones, or more than 92 per cent
tof all such instruments in the world.
{It will be only a short time until vir-
ually all of the remaining connections
ill be possible in the opinion of gov-
ronment communicaiions experts.
4 Four Countries Left.
There remain only four countries
ving more than 100,000 telephones
ith which the United States does not
ve connections. These are China,
Japan, Russia, and South Africa. The
(link with the last named is likely to
{be completed within the current year |
‘and that with Japan should require
tonly a relatively few months more, ac-
«cording to Stanley Shoup of the com-
imunication division of the Commerce
All this development has come since
Harel 10, 1876, when Alexander Gra-
ham: Bell, then a youthful scientist,
cand 'a companion conversed for the
¢first time in this country through elec-
“trically wired apparatus in Boston.
Today four radiotelephone circuits
{connect the United States with Eu-
drope, and it is expected that a trans.
fatlantic telephone cable will be com-
4pleted during this year.
Most of the international develop
ent of telephony has come since
At that time there were only
0 countries connected with the
4 United States. They were Cuba and
nada. The United States is now
connected with virtually every country
Yin Europe, with Argentina, Chile, Uru-
Jguay, Mexico, and Cuba in Latin Amer-
lea; with Java, Sumatra, and Indo-
"China in Asia; with Ceuta in Spanish
Morocco, Africa; with New Zealand
and Australia.
During the last year communications
/were made with Hawali, thus thrust-
{ing vocal communications nearly 2,000
mites out into the Pacific on the way
to the final goal of China and Japan.
The telephone industry now. ranks
fas: one of the leading. ones In the
(United States: in. points of assets. Its
The new Washington
| ter dollar, to be issued by the Unit-
ed States as a feature of
the nation-wide George Washington
Bicentennial Celebration, will be
coined in large enough gquantites
to satsfy a normal demand, offi
| cials of the have informed
| the United States George Washing-
| ton Bicntennial Commission. It is
| expected that the quarter will be
' ready for distribution before June 1.
~The design of the new coin was
approved by Secretary of the Treas-
ury Ogden L. Mills, from more than
a hundred models, many of them
submitted by leading American ar-
tists. It was executed by John Flan-
| nigan, New York sculptor and the
| designer of the Department of Agri-
culture World War Memorial.
The obverse of the new coin bears
the portrait of George Washington
in profile. Over the head appears the
word “Liberty,” and below it is
stamped the date “1932.” To one
side is the motto “In God We
The principal design on the other
side is a spread eagle with the in-
scription “United States of Ameri-
ca” and “E Pluribus Unum” above,
{and “Quarter Dollar” below. An
| olive branch also appears on the
eagle to complete a stately, digni-
fied design. The new coin is exactly
the same size, weight and fineness
as the present quarter dollar.
Th George Washington quarter is
the first coin of issue ever
to bear the image of the First
President. It was auhorized hy spe-
| cial act of Congress, making it pos-
| sible for the to share in
the Bicentennial Celebration.
As a coin of regular issue the
| George W quarter will re-
' place the twenty-five cent piece now
|in circulation. No other quarter
| dollar will be coined for the next
| twenty-five years unless authorized
| by special act of Congress.
Minted at San Francisco, Denver
and Philadelphia the coins will be
placed in circulation tbrough the
regular channels of the Federal ile-
serve Banks, and will appear simul-
taneously in all parts of the coun-
The slogan “plant a log and grow
a fish” may sound like a silly para-
dox to American fishermen, but he-
hind it is an idea that can increase
the number of trout in our waters,
says the conservation department of
| the Izaak Walton League in a cur-
rent fishing bulletin,
In sounding this slogan the Leaguc
calls attention to the research work
The United States Civil Service
Commission has announced open
competitive examinations [or the va-
rious officials at the anew federal
penitentiary, at Lewisburg, as fol-
Field assistant, for seasonal em-
ployment at the rate Xf $2,000 to
$2,500 a year; field aide, for sea-
sonal employment at the rate of
$1,140 to $1,980 a year; assistant
field aide, for seasonal employment
at the rate of $900 to $1,500 a year;
Department of Agriculture.
Farm manager, $2,900 a year; as-
sistant farm manager (dairying).
$2,300 a year; assistant farm mana-
ger (truck gardening), $2,300 a
year; assistant farm manager
(swine), $2,300 a year; assistant
farm manager (poultry), $2,300 a
year; superintendent of furniture
factory, $2,900 a year; superintend-
ent of clothing shop, $3,200 a year;
assistant superintendent of clothing
$4,600 a year; supermendent
of reed furniture shop, $2,300 a year;
superintendent of cabinet and wood-
working shop,
a year, United States penitentiary
service, Deparment of Justice,
Junior veterinarian, $2,000 to $2,-
600 a year, bureau of animal in-
dustry, Department of Agriculture.
Full information may be obtained
from Miss Bessie Brown, secretary
of the United States Civil service
| board of examiners, at the post of-
fice in Lewisburg.
Notice—Examinations of a more
or less local character, such as Post
office, clerk-carrier, postal labor;
etc., will not be listed on the gener-
al examination bulletin. Announce-
ments of examinations of this na-
ture will be posted in the lobhy of
the post office in the city for whica
the examination is being held. In-
formaton may be secured from the
Service Board of Examiners at the
place or places from which such
examinnations are announced.
All examinations will be given
publicity through the medium of the
newspapers wherever practicable.
Bulletins of examinations for i»-
partmental service. This bulletin,
Form 2279, listed examinations an-
nounced primarily for positions in
Washngton, D. C., and is usually
issued by the U, S. Civil Service
Commission, Washington, D. C., and
is wsually found in the lobby
of every first and second class post
Civil Service Schools: The Civil
Service Commission has no connec-
tion with any school offering special
instructions by co or
otherwise in preparation for civil-
service examinations. Representa-
tives of such schools are not permit-
ted to inspect examinaion papers of
likely to form on the soil.
$2,300 a year; in- |
structor foreman (machinist), $2,000 times a day,
| provement now for better grazing in
—Parsnips delight in a rich, deep,
mellow soil in order that the roots
may grow long and straight. Un-
desirable roots result when hard soil
is reached. For this reason the soil
must be plowed or spaded to a depth
of 12 to 15 inches and a liberal
d of fine, well-rotted manure
worked into it. Fresh manure tends
to cause sprawling, ill-shaped roots
and should not be used. Ground that
was heavily fertilized the past
season is best for good
but if only well-rotted fer-
tilizer is used, good results may be
The hollow corn is one of the best
standard varieties and has proved |
good after tests covering several
—Beans germinate best in a warm,
mellow soil and when planted just
deep enough to get the seed into
moist soil. Plant in hills or in a
row one or two inches deep. Plant-
ing in a depply furrowed trench is
because a heavy crust is
—If eggs are gathered three
broken and soiled ones, and the
eggs will retain their fine quality
—Good management provides good
pastures, and these produce cheap
feed. Management includes liming,
fertilizing, seeding, and for best re-
sults, a division of pasture into two |
or more fields, Start pasture im- |
future years.
—To stimulate jaded appetites
use Nature's tonics, dandelion
asparagus, rhubarb, early i
: lettuce, and radishes. Such addition |
to the diet often relieves spring’
S— * ’
—Fertilizers and cover crops are
essential to proper development of
the vineyard. Tests show that an an-
nual growth of 6 to 8 feet resultsin
the most productive fruiting wood.
Ample cane growth and vigor of vine
are necessary.
—Grain feeding should be contin-
ued for cows on pasture. Early pas-
ture grass is high in protein content
and very succulent. High-producing
cows cannot consume enough to
meet their needs. Use a mix-
ture containing about 12 per cent
protein and feed enough to keep the
cows from getting thin. Usually
about one pound of grain to 5 or 6
pounds of milk is enough.
—Corn fertilization pays even at
present prices, if one uses what is
most needed and keeps costs down,
be removed, A few moments devot-
ed to scraping out the hoofs each
foreign materials as nails or stones |
lodge in the walls or sole of the foot
or are collected in the clefts of the
frogs or between the bars and the
frog. If the hoofs are excessively
there will be fewer | gry or brittle, they should be soft-
ened with some good oil or hoof oint- |
ment, and if they are ragged on the |
edges and broken they would be |
trimmed until smooth, |
It is advisable to clip horses when
the weather warms up in the apeing |
and heavy work begins. When clip- |
ped, they work much better, and they |
do not become chilled after work |
from having thoroughly soaked the
coat of winter hair with perspiration.
Horses that are clipped as soon as
heavy spring work begins should be
blanketed at night.
Shelled corn or ground corn and ;
cob meal are preferred in feeding |
beef calves to ear corn or even brok- |
en cars by L. P. McCann, noted cx- |
tension specialist in ammal husband-
ry. Oats, barley and a limited
amount of wheat may be used with |
corn for fattening steers but should
be ground. Ca's are too hulky be-
cause of the hul's fo use ir large
quantities but may comprise a third
of tae ration, while barley or oats
may be used to the extent of une-
half of the grain ration.
—Sod orchards usually show worse
damage than orchards receiving
clean cultivation. Hence the neces-
sity of guarding sod orchards against
mouse injury.
—If the trees are troubled with
scale, they should be sprayed in late
March or early in April wih lime-
sulphur spray,
talking machine, but Edison made
——Subscribe for the Watchman.
no one came.
Tom was back at his job
in town. Jim was in col
lege. And Sue, with her
children, couldnt come
home very often.
Then one evening the
telephone rang. It was
Jim. “Just wanted to
chat,” he told his Mother.
“How're you and Dad?”
For several minutes fam.
ily news and happy confi-
dences flew back and forth
between mother and son.
The conversation ended,
Mrs. Kemp turned from
the telephone with eyes
shining. “Dad,” she ex-
claimed, “Jim gave me an
idea! Let's call up Tom
and Sue. From now on
I'm going to visit the
children by telephone and
not sit here alone!"
The modern
T was lonely on the farm
now that winter had set-
listening for footsteps. But
[vestments amounted to $5,250,000,000 | of Dr. Carl L. Hubbs, head of the | competitors. The Commission is in| About 200 pounds of superphosphate ° °
in 1930 and officials of the Department | Institute for Fisheries Research of | no way responsible for any state- | an acre applied with the corn plant- Good Printin . Y.
|of Commerce estimate that it spends | the University of Michigan. Dr. | ment contained in the advertisement | er will almost always stimulate | SPOOR EX 2EALE This Interests ou
1$500,000,000 a year in Improvements Hubby has proved. ial sections of | of such schools. early grows % wh facilitate the SRE CIALRY ia Wor 's :
‘alone. rout sreams wi are practically | © | early cultivations. It will also ha A The kman's Compensation
: fishless -because they lacked deep ten maturity and usually will in- Law went into effect Jan. 1,
pools (In which trout live) or old | example of a long bend in the Little | crease the yield, at the 1916. Tt makes insurance com-
‘Kansan Wants Data on snags and logs for cover, can be | Manistee river which in 1930 had no WATCHMAN OFFICE sory. We in plac.
State’s Old Sod Houses | 2itered quickly and cheaply so that | trout holes nor trout in it. Fisher-| Considerable good top soil is Sugh Inguraes, on mapect
Topeka, Kan~Kirk Mech brook trout will move in. The result | men skipped it when on the stream, | lost every year from crops grown There is no of work, from } aly Fh Aa
rep act Ka ecliem, Secre- | i more fish and better fishing. Then it was rehabilitated by install- | under clean cultivation. Depressions | the to the fin- Freveatios Sate yrdy which
4 ry of the Kansas State Historical | The procedure is simple. Log de- | ing log snags. Last year this sec- likely to gully should be protected | ce ra
(society, is In a dilemma, He wants | vices, which any group of fishermen | tion produced excellent catches. by laving sod strips when the land BOOK WORK It will be to your interest to
2 ¥o build a sod house and doesn’t know | can make, are anchored in the| “If all the energy spent by trout |is plowed. Where erosion is more nt vio. eam mitede In. The consult us before placing your
Wow. | stream to deflect or concentrate the | fishermen on long walks between | extensive other precautions can be | satisfactory manner, and ot Prices Insurance.
The history books say that the current so that deep pools are form- | pools were devoted to improvement | used. Ask your county agent about | consistent with the class of this JOHN F. GRAY & SON
Eansas prairies were dotted with ed. Then more logs and debris are | of the water that is skipped, trout | them. Oli on or communicate with '
“@0d houses and that thousands of | provided so that the trout have suf- | fishermen would bear less resem- —_—
<early-day Kansans lived in them. | ficient cover. Dr. Hubbs cites the | blance to golf,” says Dr. Hubbs. —Fresh vegetables not only stim-
Mechem, whose job calls for much | ES ——————— ’
- familiarity with the history books, de- | TE
‘clded to build a sod house in the state | Acres Per Supposed Owner ~~ Taxes and Costs 19 Dich Nicholas: or
museum. But now he can't find any- | $1%a na 1% Diehl, Nicholas, sr
one who knows what the bulldings | T r fu 450 : $3.04 1a Dieh’ Nicholas, St
‘were like. Sal ted Lands, 52 con
Other states have log houses, stone | reasure § e 0 nsea ue 3a fr Kine: Robert - Adam
houses, and other types of pioneer | 26 . Thompson, “ee
structures in their state museums, | For Non-Payment of Taxes for 1929 and 1930. Is = in PENN TOWNSHIP
¥ 160 . - . . SHOVEL 2onssssescasenss 7.87
‘but Kansas wants one of the typical 10 2 Fauliton, Thos. +--Llozd Stove: papier 351
soddies™ But how to build one is FERGUSON TOWNSHIP
ble to the provisions of law relating to the sale of Unseated Land
tthe ‘question. for the payment of taxes, notice is hereby given that there will be exposed 1712 Hill Henry ls E. E. Ellenberger ............ 50.12 POTTER TOWNSHIP
How thick were the walls and or to public sale or outcry the following tracts or parts of tracts of unseated 100 FO E. E. Ellenberger .... 17.23 60 100 Femelee, Moses .... W. FP. Bradford .............. 5.25
lands in Centre County, Pennsylvania, for taxes due and unpaid thereon, 10 Hicks, Abraham ... Francis Knocke 3.62 400 TE es Whitmer-Steele Co. ... 17.32
‘what were the roofs made? What at the Court House in } he Borough of Bellefonte, on Motday, JUNE 13th, I Risk, Chas. ........ 5 % Bi berger . na 400 Forbes, JOS. ....... Whitmer-Stecle Co. a. 1.32
. y P . M., from da yi necessary, = TU I0 . UnKNOWR .ccoernere " Miller 3 . ene «Steele CO. ......... i
Minds of windows and doors did the | [33% t Locher BM, and 10 Continue ig 5 02 Unknown .......... G. Wood Miller Est 13.17 we Hatriwn, Wa, :
soddies have, and were the Fooins ROBT. F. HUNTER, County Treasurer.
plastered inside? What kind of grass GREGG TOWNSHIP 140
‘makes the beat sod and what time of BOGGS TOWNSHIP El. Pua ame fu NG ed
year should the sod be cut? Acres Per. Warrantee Name Supposed Owner Taxes and Costs ™ a
—— Brooks, Jesse ...... : d Curtin HAINES TOWNSHIP
. “is 328 Brooks, Jesse no H, Laird Ourtin ... 437 108 Hartman, John ....H. Feinberg ................. 43 400
Mix Personalities in 173 7» Curtin John ....... H. Laird Curtin 150 Levy, Aaron ....... J. K. & J. W. Reifsnyder ..... 10.71 oJ
~ ’ : 2 38 CLrtin Astin vn H Loltd Cura ooeeonree: 96 HALF MOON TOWNSHIP 50
: College Who's Who Quiz M3 31 Curtin, Roland +H. Laird Curtin.’ . 10 Bryan, Samuel ....G. Wood Miller Est. ......... 9.52 %-433
_ Kalamazoo, Mich.-—Students of Kal- 3 Gustin, Jigland +++ Be Jal Sutin... , 2 Bates, Daniel Francis Raocke 5.55 1-433
Aamazoo college apparently are intense- 426 Evans, Jesse ....... 3 juird Curtin ere y 217 39
fy interested in their scholastic activi- By pre fadrew ... Laird Curtin 23.53 4 4-43
"tles and devote little attention to news 100 WADE yk. B lad Quriin 10.33 21 % in
Of the day, a questionnaire reveals. 100 dl Fo 10.33 A %-430
Among replies given a “Who's who" 150 Lane, Mary ........ B Laird fumsin 13.9 Fo
UAL WEE Now i Lane Sarah |.[[LIH. Laira Gurtin |1111IIIll aes = =
; 50 Lane, Wm. ........
fi By fied, di ie cus 1 Sg is si
" Pranklin D, Roosevelt 1s go McClure, John ....H. Laird Curtin . . 212 150
#»Y the Philippine islands. Boy is Reese, Daniel ...... i Laird Curtin .. 10.02 3 °
Andrew Mellon Is secretary of the 150 Reese, Daniel el Laird Curtin 1. 300 20
mterior, 200 le VWI, «ooo: Hl. 4 2
. .H. Laird 1 13. ;
“Charles G. Dawes was describes as nN ary BR a iad » 1
1 » “" reign
Vimg the Drogent pi on Hite %-433 Barkelly, John .....H. 8. Taylor, Agt. ........... 39.49 us 134
: 15-433 163 Barkelly, John .....Robt. Kelley & M. K. Redding 29.62 300
{President of the United States. %-379 131 Bell, Wm. .......... H. 5. Taylor, Agb: ..«..csu5es 26.22 250
1%-337 131 Bell, Wm. ......... Robt. Kelley & M. K. Redding 12.10 154 iu
-_ — —— 4-140 3 fos, Paul ein Wm, Steels... ...0oeiio ns 83 ad in
New Weapon Combines 38 1 Donaldson. Joun |. Robt. Kelley's M. Redding 13.33 80 am
Arrows and Bullets 100 ria ony. Dr. M. Stewart ....... 1.11. 943 100 i
v car eae . M. Stewart .............. 21.73 150 70
Oakland, Calif.—A weapon combin- wm 163 i Toy resrens 3 Beam Boavestt tt risers LN
ing the features of arrows and bullets %-433 163 Hall, Chas. ........ Mary Mc.A. ver rersiersne Io0H8 20 0
was invented recently 'by Dean Morri- 443 183 Irwin. gon H 8 Taylor, AGS. rita 10.47 Ed pi
:gon, Oakland artist and archer, His 4 as ....H. BBs acaeeninsy 10.47 00 wo
arrows, on Which 1s jug pic a im iss irwin, Matthias Robt Keley & MX Redding 11.15 wt n
patent, are equip Ww explosive y . hs svessrsesns a3 80 »
tips which, he says, will kill whatever HoA33 105 Johmeon Francis .'Robe. Kenley & ME. K. Redding 1113
game they strike. The arrows may be ¥-31 in Berwin, ih, C - Rook. Fula & M. K. Redding br 159 68 Curtin, Constance
‘Tefitted with tips after once used. 13 155 Lenox, David |... Robi. Kelley & M. K. Redding 8.77 9 fog. 383
tn %-433 153 McPherson, Wm. ..H. 8. Taylor, pat + areiseaanes 7.32 100 250
; 4 1 Namen Ma, Chow Key X eddie 1h ER :
With City’s Directory 14-283 153 Pettitt, Chas. IH. 8. Taylor, Agt. is vsuisiais 8.16 60 Xo Ager: Simon .....
Boston.—The Boston city directory 3-231 133 petit, Chas. ...... Robt. Kelley & K. Redding = 200 Young, Robert ....H. ;
. &S. ....H. 5B. A * sesessssnes .
f 1031, through a typographical error, 14-433 163 Stewart, Chas. ....Robt. Ke oy & 1 K. Redding 138 Hache) 31
fer Superion Svige Cliarien Sry 415 oll Buh . seesssnseesne x » Levy. §eapees
"The directory seems to have been 14-337 Coates & Lindsey ..Robert L. Dickey 150 Young, Benjamin 32
‘prophetic, for Judge Donahue was ele- 6 Sucaddehs, D. +d B Beam PATTON TOWNSHIP Yukisn vowName et ul an
ar 'B. Beam Burton, Robert .... Moses Thompson ............ 8.18 Hawthorne, Joseph . Woodring Hun BE
Wied tothe Sopreme court bunch » Le B. Beam " Diehl, Nicholas, 8¢..Joha H. Ni terseeieanaee "a PrUDGT, JOO. srsssss SPANGIET 8 WAIKOF veversrsos