Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, May 06, 1932, Image 5

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    A ————"
— i
Balser Weber spent several days,
last week, in Philadelphia. :
Matthew Rodgers, of Mexico, a
former resident here, called on
{friends in town, Monday.
A son was born, last Tuesday, to
Mr. and Mrs. Asbury Pltecher, at
the Lock Haven hospital.
Mrs. Lula B, Stiver, of Lock Hav-
en, spent Friday and Saturday with
her sister, Mrs. Willard McDowell
Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Ekdahl and,
family, and Mrs, Clara Butler, spent
Sunday with relatives in Mill Hall,
Mr, and Mrs. Alvin Weirick, of
Altoona, spent the week-end with
the former's mother, Mrs. Jennie
Mrs. Stella Williams, accompanied
by her daughter, Mrs. George Grif-
fith, of Ebensburg, spent Wednesday
in Bellefonte.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Butler at-
tended a card party at the hone of
Mr. and Mrs, Ira Lucas, at Belle-
fonte, Saturday evening.
Mrs. Gretchen Haberstroh and
william Van Dyke, of Lock Haven,
were guests, Sunday of the former's
sister, Mrs. Stella V. Williams.
Mrs. Harriet Pletcher, who has
been quite ill the past seven weeks, |
is gradually improving, which
be pleasing news to her
Mrs. Mary Hayes Hoffman and
Miss Vonada Johnson have been
re-elected to their present positions
in the Jacksonville schools for the
coming year.
The first quarterly conference was
held in the local Evangelical church
on Friday evening, at 8 o'clock, in
charge of Dr .Walter J. Dice, dis-
trict superintendent.
Miss Esther Schenck, graduate
nurse in the Polyclinic hospital, at
Cleveland, is spending a two week's
vacation with her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Herbert Schenck.
Miss Carrye Butler attended a
birthday party, Monday evening, at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. N. H,
Yearick, in Jacksonville, the occasion
being Mrs. Yearick's 82nd birthday.
The Woman's Home Missionary
society of the local M. E. church!
wil! give a special program in the
auditorium of the church, Thursday,
May 12, at 8.00 P, M. The public is
Kline Wolfe suffered a severe lac-
eration of one of the fingers of his!
left hand, Thursday afternoon. While
bringing a pony out of the barn the
buckle on the rein caught in his
finger and inflicted a deep cut.
The Parent Teachers Association
held their regular monthly meeting
in the High school building, last
Friday evening. The students of the
High school provided an entertain-
ment, consisting of a colored min- |
strel; also recitations, vocal and in-.
strumental music,
Miss Kathryn Schenck and Miss
Hazel Kunes, student nurses in the
Lucy Webb Hayes hospital, at!
Washington, + D.C," fetirned to)
Washington after spending their va- |
cations with their parents here.
Miss Schenck and Miss Kunes will |
graduate this month.
The Centre county Christian En-
deavor Society will hold a rally in|
the Evangelical church on Friday, |
May 13th, beginning with a supper |
at 5 o'clock in the evening, The main |
address will be given by George B.
Lowe, treasurer of the State Asso- |
ciation. Every Endeavorer of the
county is urged to be present.
E. M. Brickley, cashier of the
First National bank, of Carrizozo,
New Mexico, and a member of the!
executive committee of the Ameri-|
can Banker's Association, accom-
panied by his daughter, spent sever-
al days here with relatives and
friends, Mr. Brickley motored here
from White Sulphur Springs, W.
Va., where he had attended a meet-
ing of the executive committee of
which he is a member.
The motor car belonging to Blair
Hoy, which was stolen from the
drive-way along the side of the
house, about 9 o'clock Sunday night,
was recovered Monday morning, by
a member of the motor patrol, at
Altoona, who notified Corporal C. I.
Gross, of the motor patrol at Lock
Haven, and the person who took the |
car, a resident of Montoursville, was
arrested and the car and its taker
were returned Monday to Centre
county where the Montoursville man
will face trial.
The opening game of the baseball
season of the Centre County League,
of which the Howard team is a!
member, will be played Saturday |
afternoon, at 2:30 o'clock, at the
High school with Pleasant
Gap. The boys have spent a lot of
time improving the ball grounds and |
have it in very good condition. Prof. |
Weikert, a member of the faculty |
of the High school and the athletic
coach, has been elected manager,
looking forward to some
very good games, this season, so let
everybody turn out and encourage
the team.
Mrs. E. M. Kuhn spen some time,
last week, with friends at Zion.
Miss Rachael Hunter, of the
Branch, was a visitor in town on
The building of the State aid
Boalsburg-Earlystown road is fur-
nishing employment for a number of
men in this vicinity,
Mr. and Mrs. Irwin Johnson, of
Crafton, returned home, Sunday, af-
ter a week's visit with Mrs. John-
son's mother, Mrs. M, A. Woods. i
Luther K. Dale is having his Main
street residence beautified by several
coats of white paint. Charles Segner
and assistants, Clayton Martz and
Frederic Dale, are applying the
Friends of Jacqueline Walker re-
gret to learn that she is suffering
from injuries caused by an automo-
bile hitting her. The accident occur-
red at Junction City, where the
Walker family are tempororily lo-
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Gregg, of
Altoona; J. W. Keller, of the De-
t of Forestry, and a number
of friends of Miss Blanche Rowe,
from Harrisburg attended the funer-
al of George Rowe on Saturday af-
Competition in the china and
novelty trade has driven the Variety
Shop to the wall and Homer P.|
Barnes will give up his store in
Crider's Exchange and devote his
entire time to his newspaper busi-
ness. He will move his agency into
the store of Montgomery & Co, in
the same building, The move was to
have taken place on Monday, but
for business reasons has been post-
poned a week or ten days. George |
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Bartges spent
the week-end with his brother, in
Mrs. John Isenberg and daughter,
Miss Marian, of State College, spent
Saturday afternoon with their uncle,
A. S. Stover.
Mr, snd Mrs. Joseph Johnson and
| children, and Mrs. Johnson's parents,
were cailers at the home of Mrs.
George Weaver Sunday afternoon.
Mrs. J. C. Rote, her son, S, E.
Rote, his son, Mr, and Mrs. Chester
Rote, all of Axe Mann, were callers,
recently, at the home of Mrs,
Thomas Hull.
Mr. and Mrs. James Roush and
Mr. and Mrs. Claude Hines drove to
Williamsport, Sunday, for a brief
call on their daughter-in-law, Mrs,
Henry Roush,
Mrs. J. H. Crouse, who was taken
| law and daughter, Mr. Mrs. Paul
| Harter. Their son
home with them after
' some time with his
We regret to note
dition of Mrs. Harry
been ill for more than three mon
Last week she was threatened with
appendicitis and on Friday was tak- |
en to the Williamsport hospital
where she is under observation.
Mr. and Mrs. George E. Stover
had as guests, Sunday, Mrs Stover's
brother, Mr. and Mrs, J. W. Beaver,
their son Lester and friend, of Potts-
grove; Mr. and Mrs. Edward Boob
| and Mrs. Emma Beaver, of Millmont,
{and Mrs. Harry Osman and daugh-
ter, of Williamsport,
work right
—We will do your job
Straw For Sale
$1.00 Per Hundred
TT Special This Week
| Punxsutawney Coal
| $5.45 Per Ton
Quality Seeds DON'T FORGET OUR
| —Light brown sugar gives good
| flavor to apples baked or stewed.
Dustless Cannel Coal
Kofman’s Coal Yard
Brown, who had been with Mr. | quite ill while attending church, one U. S. Grown, Verified-Origin, B
Barnes for a number of years, has | week ago, is getting along very — Certified Highest Test Farm Seeds ELLEFONTE
secured a job with the Federal | nicely and able to be about the ghe T Phone 319
Match Corporation and has been on | house as usual. ENTIRE STOCK For the farm:
duty there for almost two weeks. | Mrs. Emma Fiedler spent several a
| days at the Claude Fiedler home, in | RED CLOVER
The meeting of the Women's | Penn Hall. Mrs. Fiedler was thereat ope FIXTURES
Home Missionary society of the Wil- | m——— + Ade ALSIKE CLOVER ROUND-TRIP
liamsport district, in the Methodist
church of Bellefonte, Wednesday,
was as interesting and even more sO
than expected. All three sessions |
were attended by both men and wo- |
men and included one hundered and |
fifty delegates, representing the - |
churches of the district, Food was STATE COLLEGE
served during the day by the wo-| (Matinee at 1:30. Evenings at 6:00) |
men of the Presbyterian church in| ~ — 2 i
their chapel. In all the meeting was | FRIDAY — :
one of the most successful and en- | Barbara Stanwyck in Edna Ferber's
thusiastic of any ever held in the | “SO BIG”
Joan Bennett, ZaSu Pitts in
AT Variety Shop
Crider’ Exchange
Tableware, Kitchen Utensils
Toys, Candy, Etc.
Show Cases, Counters, Cash
Register, Desk.
9:30 A. M,, Church school | “IRIAL OF VIVIENNE WARE" |
10:45 A .M., The service and ser- {
mon: “As One Whom His Mother | MONDAY—
Comforteth.” | frene Dunn, Ricardo Cortez in |
7:30 P. M,, The vesper service and | i
sermon: “A Contract of Human | “SYMPHONY OF SIX MILLION"
Clarence E. Arnold, pastor. | = y,., Blondel, Leslie Fenton in
list at this writing. | Elissa Landi in
The primaries here, last week, | “THE WOMAN IN ROOM 18”
were very quiet and orderly. i
Mrs. Florence Lucas made a busi- | THURSDAY —
ness trip to Bellefonte, last Thurs- |
day morning. {
mn |
George Summers is on the sick | WEDNESDAY—
Sidney Fox, Warren William in
TORE ROOM.—Large store room in|
the Hayes building, north of Alle | FRID Th Lm
gheny St., Bellefonte, for rent, |
Inquire of Mrs. R. G. H. Hayes, Belle-- | “THE WET PARADE”
fonte, or phone 332 77-10-t1 |
's J —Letter s | “ "
testamentary on the este it ticles | So oy
on, of rough of
Bellefonte, Centre county, Polina. de- TUESDAY
ceased, - ng - been - granted. under- » YMPHON oF SIX MILL JON"
a a Raid estat es oe | >
ebt 0 estate are hereby noti- |
fied to make immediate payment thersof | WEDNESDAY
@ those having claims should present | “FAMOUS FERGUSON CASE”
them, properly authenticated, for settle |
Jas, C. Furst, Atty. 1528 Roselyn Ave. |
77-19-6t Philadelphia, Pa.
Treasurer's Sale of Unseated Lands,
Alfalfa CLOVER
For the lawn:
April 29 to September 3
EVERGREEN Between all stations on the Penn-
PARK GREEN sylvania Railroad and generally
between stations in the East, Mid
“Old Gard F ertili dle West and Eastern Canada.
— Tickets good leaving from noon Fri.
day to midnight Saturday. Return-
ing to leave destination any time to
and including midnight trains the
following Monday. Good in Pullman
cars on payment of regular Pullman
charges. Liberal stop-overs returning.
Pennsylvania Railroad
Olewine’s Hardware
—] iL - Sh —-—
non oe vm] gv pe] ge] ee ge]
Carnations, Potted Plants
ROSES at $1.50 per Doz.
for Mother's Day
4 ge —- § RS D
PaaS A nLan SNe ay
Acres Per. Wurrantee Name Supposed Owner Taxes and Costs 18 Burton, Robert e 3.14
%-35 190 Coates & Lindsey ~obert | L. DiCKEY ..covvcavnses ig 8 Diehl, Nicholas, Sr. 4.63
castle JAI «soccer anannane R 4
A 10 Diehl, Nicholas, Sr.. .
For Non-Payment of Taxes for 1929 and 1930. x Curtin, John... HLA OUIIN erasers ss So Mi Dien Nicholas Sr. e50
“ota Bi Jagr uae 3342 n Diehl, Nicholas, SF.. 5.27
Agreeable to the provisions of law relating to the sale of Unseated Land 433 BR ith 9. 1e 150 Diehl, Nicholas, S.. 1842
for the payment of taxes, notice is hereby given that there will be exposed 480 Kelso, JOS. ........C. 53.04 » Lh ove, Robert “rere 53
to public sale or outery the following tracts or parts of tracts of unseated 408 Kelso, Rebecca .... 49.06 B Kine, Rober env by
lands in Centre County, Pennsylvanis, for taxes due and unpaid thereon, 400 Long, J.B. Lc... 3 45.52 RB Rulas, Peter. ...N 383
at the Court House in the Borough of Bellefonte, on y, JUNE 13th, 300 Leech, Martha ..... 37.32 5" Rahs SOlOmon - -- 199
1932, at 1 o'clock P. M., and to continue from day to day, if necessary, 86 Mitchell, M. J. 8.54 pson, J. L. ...
by adjournment, until sli are sold. ~ 158 5 Packer, ols. WW... Roy, 29.08 PENN 10WNSHIP
ROBT. ¥. HUNTER, County Treasurer. ite, Joseph ..... M. x : 87
Willis, Jona 4-120 20 Hamilton, Thos. ...Lloyd Stover .............-e- "
160 Jonathan ser . 21.36 1,-120 20 Hamilton, Thos. ... Lloyd SLOVEr ......convevvees 7.87
arrantee Name pposed Owner osts Henry POTTER TOWNSHIP
Ares Fer. W x Se Tazuand G 100 LT 30.12 6 100 Pemelee, Moses ....W. P. Bradford .............. 5.23
45 Kunes, Paul ....... N. B. Spangler .............. 4M 10 Hicks, NA es 3.62 400 D....... Whitmer-Steele Co. ... 11.32
24 Kunes, Richard ...N. B. Spangler .............. 4.04 73 Risk, Abra E Elle ‘© oTa2 400 dome eae. Whitmer-Steele Co. ... 17.32
25 Kunes, Simon ..... N. B. Spangler .............. 5.13 150 Cha: «rurrinks Wood Miller Est. 8.15 400 . Wm. ....Whitmer-Steele Co. ... 17.32
212 URKDOWR ..cocoves G. Wood Miller Est. ......... 13.17 105 McClelland, Geo. ..N. B. Spangler ............. h
3 s Mies 140 Allison, — TO Beaver 120.12
380 Hubley, Bernard ... James C. Furst .............. 34.47 y ae A. Beaver .........- 3
im Ema... dames GPa Ll 131 265 Alison: AJ Tie Mary McA Bearer 00000 Hg
108 uman, Jos. ..... json severrise 25
oe HAINES TOWNSHIP 157 Britches, Isaac ....R. R. Blair .........ccooo0o0 girgg
145 487 108 Hartman, John ....H, Feinberg ................. 43.32 pi 158 Brickley: Busted 'M. K. Pringle & gf R. Mattern 5.72
3 150 Levy, AGron ....... J.K. & J. W. Reitsnyder ..... 10.71 Bn Saver, JOR J. Be BORE Lo. ceerereet nr 53.72
a 300 Easkin, Thos. ..... Charles Smith ............- 22.62
3% i HALF MOON TOWNSHIP 15-433 153 Graft Sebastian «Jou. F Seott .........o 0 1352
on n tS 103 Saline Joseph ...dW0 Br HAF L.......... 17.23
oo 18 433 163 John ..... Jos. Passmore Est. ... 31.33
1% a 1-433 153 Irwin, Robert ..... E. M. Leifer Est. 17.23
100 1 wo Jordan, Benj FB BME crevesvasiainssns sl
1% 21 14-433 153 14.49
100 “ 14-433 153 17.23
150 138 18 58.67
3 15-430 9 14.82
160 11433 23.86
390 400 7-433 31.33
100 400 433 153 r, 58.67
300 100 108 . . 10.14
150 150 326% wilson, John Jos. Passmore Est. .........: 24.38
200 50
150 50 4.76
0 3 46 13.37
% # sty Barkelly, John .....H. 8. Jayior, Ag: Bed oe B43 HOWARD TOWNSHIP 38 927
Y rkelly, John ... ..Robt. y & M. K. Redding 23. 40 Crawford, John ...H. Laird Curtin .......... 7.12 25 4.15
2/8-433 163 Barkelley, John . XK. Rhoads, Est. ........... 8.94 7 Sih Baie MSOABRERNLOR
{o-319 21 Bel, Wm H. 8 Taylor, 26.22 id J. Laird unin 1082 SNOW SHOE TOWNSHIP
¥a.331 1 EW seneecses : ig. a8 gustn ames. LNG CWHD ............. JaU3. 30 lewis Jouls __...YameRlso tii 66.84
pam 13 Bell Wm K. Rhoades is Be a aes paral +.oreiree fo53
N43 163 Donaldson, Jobin ...H 8. Tavlor. # Hale, 03 fos rviss: H. Laird Gurtin 12 i Martin, Alexander James 0: PL 0000 sed
15.433 163 Donaldson, John .. . Kelley & M 50 Haris, A. D. ......H. Laird Curtin ............. 277 36 rion. Mary ...James C. Furst .............. 43.95
2/8-433 163 Do , John ..E. K. Rhoads 49 Leathers, Samuel ..H. Laird Curtin ............. 5.62 277 38 Wharton, Mary ...James C. Furst .............. 43.95
13¢ 34 Gil James ...Dr. M. Stewart 100 Parker, Wm. ...... H. Laird Curtis ............. 10.62 415 Wahn, Richard ....James C. Furst .............. 52.10
Jog Barts, Bay tess > M Stewart 150 70 ‘Turner, Hannah ...H. Laird Curtin ............. 15.62 190 Van Dyke, Henry ..S. R. Pringle & Eva Sharer .. 18.19
333 163 Hall, Nancy ........J. B. Beam TAYLOR TOWNSHIP
%-433 163 Chas. ........ Mary Mc.A. Beaver 165 6 Anshultz, Geo. ....J. Clyde Thomas ............ 10.53
408 Hoever, John ...... Dr. M. Stewart 208 400 Bex, Wm. ....... BHO; cvevuoe errs 16.1
2/8-433 163 Irwin, John ....... E. K. Rhoads, Est 50 400 Boll Wilk o-oo FE Beam rs risnsnes: 29,
2/8-433 163 Irwin, Matthias ....E. K. Rhoads, 228 434 Montgomery, John .W. L. Hicks & J. Clyde Thomas 56.17
14-433 153 e JON oosrser H. 8. 105 3 Unknown .......... Harbison-Walker Refactories
an HH Jrwin, Matthiss of Com any. CR tories” 533%
hadnt * 33 Unknown ..........Harbison-Walker a
Fo 153 hg nis CHS B+ COMPANY ....oovrersnnss 5.27
2/8-433 163 on, Francis ..E. K. 200 UNION TOWNSHIP
%-433 163 Johnson, Prancis ..H. 8. 400 383 Clark, Wm. ....... PoP: BIRIE .nessvsorrsvansnss 29.60,
433 168 ihmaon. Praneis ..Robt. 40 250 Amn C. A. Mitchell 12.
8.5 n, Win. C. ... . Pisher, Wm. P. ....Dora E. Fish 73
ig = fama LE W noe i
/8- David ...... 1 1 48.
%-130 158 Lenox, David ...... H. 8. MARION TOWNSHIP 114 Bh 9.96
14-130 153 Lenox, David ...... Robt. 159 68 9.72 0 . 6.72
2/8-433 153 McPherson, Wm. ..E. K. 197 15.93 75 anes, | Spa 7.62
14-433 153 McPherson, Wm. . H. 8. 41 7.53 150 140 Mann, Harvey ..... Irvin Bennett 12.72
2/0.243 a My Phes nm BK 0 30 433 153 Wister, Wm. ...... MM. JAIGBS «vvvvecesrsrsesnss 31.74
s el .. . i
4-242 153 O'Brian, Michael ..H. 8. 50 35.62 WALKER TOWNSHIP
1,.243 153 O'Brian, Michael .. Robt. 60 55 Wilson, Margaret 5.10 8 55 McKinniel, Wm. ... Wm. K. Harshbarger ........ 3.44
64 O'Brian, Michael ..H. 8. od Yeager, .....Emma Cook Est. ............ 8.07 3 Miles, Samuel .....J. L. Zimmerman ............ 4.09
2/8-283 153 Pettitt, Chas. ...... E K. 60 Yeager, Simon .....Emma Cook Est. ............ 13.92 12 Miles, Samuel ..... J L Zimmerman ............ 3.48
4-283 153 Pettitt, Chas. ......H. 8. 200 Young, Robert ....H. Laird Curtin ............. 11.70 20 15 Miles, James .......Sarah & A. L. Shaffer ....... “sn
%-233 1563 Pettitt, Chas. ......Robt. MILES TOWNSHIP 47 40 Rohrer, Christian ..Earl H. & Ralph 8. Peck ..... 4.
2/8-433 163 Stewart, Chas. ne Be Bie 32 112 Rohrer, Christian ..Joseph H. Hayes ............ 6.10
438 WA oa HE Tay 35 Levy, Rachel ...... John Klinefelter #14 TH TOWNSHIP
win in Tarheln Ca " Ralpl Beliy % Unknod yo, reser lie th & Raion 8. Cetera in 223 Hawthorne, Joseph . Woodring Hunting Camp .... 14.
alineim, Satan . .. Ralph’ A. Siaith 150 Young, Benjamin ..J. B. BEAM ........oevuereies 16.02 M2 Pruner, Jos. ....... Spangler & Walker .......... 20.58