Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, May 06, 1932, Image 3

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Pa. Practices
do suf- Law, Bellefonte, Pa. in
Eight rules to Gover Sales of Pas- aS uo, Jou. 50k; drink HW doll (HO Hy Een ¥. ui chair Stalled over backward . ail ‘courts Office, room 18 Crider's
Bellefonte, Pa, May 6, 1932 ns | tion, because it so deeply concerps | His eager pulses all astir time he Dane he shot a
—————————————————— Long continued efforts of milk | the health and efficiency of every| To till the fruitful soil. glance at her—out of the corner of KENNEDY JOHNSTON.—Attorney at
— distributors reached human being The human body must J Law, Bellefonte, Pa. Prompt at
producers and . He wields a rake, a spade, a hoe, his eye. He took out a cigarette, &« (onion given a
Y our H ea 1 t h waucseishul Sultana in OO en be kot Secigeilly ip With energy and vim Beit, dropped the match on the | ited Jo his care. os East
THE FIRST CONCERN. of Health, officially approved the of St. Louis, who boasts he HE | Until: uis row ia alt afiow— Re
tion and - of ot ofc | That is the life for him. Better step on that match before M. KEICHLINE.— a.
defini iid BE tienes Seka A giilva oi gr Le He sows tomatoes, onions, beans, | burns je rug, Shs vised He | + 24 Justice of the Peace.
for ‘‘Pasteurized A. Milk" and this proportion must be main- Fg garden i ‘had asked her—two days ago._she | Prompt & attention. Offices © os floor
The ollort 10 soL.UP 4 defioits| tatueg--it Er enti ad Pap- | Aid bects snd yous and mind greens | oy ggid yos—she must have mesut |%1 TEs © al
| st or thif : | pi 1 days :
a irs AES ond nas. Deen par- © a valas tovaen Over every | 10. Spring he plants them 1h the. ground, OE ie oie op 15. W. Consultation: in. Englion and Gon:
ticipated in by practically every other element needed to support life, | With many u hopeful plan, De gv on His oy of + Consultation In Bnei Exchange
| farmer's organization, deirymen’s Tt is the magic medium through But when the summer rolls around | comman ded. . Belictonts. Pa.
He buys them by the can.
league, milk producer's association
and milk distributing body in the
Commonwealth. The final report and
|its approval by the Secretary of
| Health, is hailed by all milk inter-|
| ests as a solution of a problem that
which all nutritive elements are car-
ried into and through the body, and | _ yeop she the bell. Cam: waited. SPECIALISTS
— y people have argued, rang " eron aL |
shore held, in shspension, or 3 oh whether or not it is correct for a “Mason, have the roadster brougat |
ef3 oumpoet oD oA bene ‘widow to continue to use her hus-| around at once. At 9 o'clock tele- |
rnal »| band’s name or to use her given | phone the office that I won't be in|
Dane hesitated a moment, Then
(Concluded From Last Week) OSTEOPATH.
The fly may be attracted by
sprinkling a little sugar on the dish |
containing the liquid. |
An excellent solution is prepared |
by adding one dram (one teaspoon-|
ful) of bichromate of pottasium to
two ounces of water; or if a larger
quantity is desired 1 oz. to 1 pint of
long has been actively in the fore-
front of the dairy business.
The definition, as approved,
1. “Pasteurized A Milk” shall meet
all the requirements of Act Number
428, approved May 2, 1929, and the
is |
composed of eight sections, as fol- |
moisture and body-building material. | oo
These functions may be termed its
| “incoming” service. It is equally im-
portant in its “outgoing” service,
| could be eliminated.
The question of how much water
forecast by C. Houston Goudiss,
for without water no waste matter, th
Emily Post, authority on etiquette,
gives the following information:
Question: My husband died less
an a year ago. Since his death 1
have continued to use the visiting
cards I always did—‘“Mrs. John
one should drink is answered in the Smith.” T also continue to wear my
for—I don’t know how long, When
| Mr. Stanley gets downstairs tell him |
that Miss Carroll and I—tell him |
nothing.” Mason disappeared and |
Cameron swung back on Dane.
| “Hurry up with your breakfast,”
| “Why?” {
“I once told you that you got your
vacation when I took mine. Well,
and lenses matched,
| High St., Bellefonte,
Hotes Bide:
D. CASEBEER, tometrist,—
C Prt na Hen By he SHEE
es ned, i .
isfaction guaranteed. Frames re
water, which has been sweetened ons,| “ wedding ring. I am told by my TVA B. ROAN, Optometrist, Licensed
with sugar, This, placed in shallow | A A a Repulanon= a A. Si yo | friends that 1 am comuiiiteg 8 & | oui tak eae . fake 2 a. DT Se Board, tardy CB
dishes throughout the nouse, will tot | taining to the sale of Pasteurized drink too much. For people in nom- cial blunder, that I should no longer a ee Du Poi Be: | aw Sy Aisi paturday a
harm children should they get hold jk, inal health—not engaged in active wear my ring on my left hand and yes, i Court House, Wednesday afternoons
of it. It is a cheap solution and may that my name is at preseat
be obtained at any drug store.
2. “Pasteurized A Milk” shall be
muscular work—three pints daily, ic
Mary Smith.” Which is correct?
knuckles of the hand gripping the |
“Mrs. Was breathing rapidly and four white You 2 to 8 uss. and Saturdays 9. a.m.
to 4:00 p. m. Bell Phone.
obtained from cows determined by addition to what is taken in the food, .]
Colbalt chloride in the strength of | tests under the rules of the pie | may be regarded as sufficient, A A Tus qiestion is aga gbu of the chair gave Bin CORA: | ez
one dram to 6 ounces of sweetened ment of Agriculture, to be free good rule is one glassful at rising, e than any; “7, -.
water is just as effectual, is non-| from Eri disease. I at each al, Tnroahtas su a | omer py es grit aly this orang.” -— Fire Insurance
poisonous but is more expensive and | DAIRY TESTS | ed, one between meals, and one | temporarily and gives his wife the | There was a long pause. | AT A
much harder to obtain. |
Another efficient method is by
using a mixture of equal parts (by
weight) of carbolic acid crystals |
and gum camphor. Liquify the car-|
bolic acid crystals by gentle heat,
break up the gum camphor into,
small pieces and pour the liquid acid |
slowly over the camphor. The acid
will dissolve the camphor completely |
and the resulting liquid is permanent
and only slightly voilatile at ordinary
3. “Pasteurized A Milk” shall be
obtained from cows that have been
examined by a licensed veterinarian
at least once each year. The record
of such examination shall be on fil2
for the inspection of health officers
at all times, Cows that fail to pass
this examination, shall remain under
til he is satisfied the milk is satis-
factory for “A Milk” the milk pro-
care of the veterinary un-.
upon retiring at night.
“However, the quantity requ
| varies with work, climate and mode
of life. The nature of the food eat-
| en also constitutes a factor, since a
diet consisting largely of fruits and
vegetables, or one that includes a
considerable portion of milk, is high
in water content. When the body is
surrounded by super-heated air, as
in Summer, or in certain occupa-
tions, or when engaged in active
ireq | TigDt to wear his ring I cannot im- |
Of course you wear your ring---all
your life long. And keep his name
and continue to be “Mrs. John.” He
gave you his ring and he gave you
his name, He did not lend them to
sou. They are yours until you marry
again. To call yourself “Mrs. Mary"
would be one of the greatest social
“Isn't— this—just —an —idea?” |
The words came as though forced |
‘out one by one.
{i “I'm not Stan!"
| “No—you're—"
That sentence was never finished, se——
He had pulled her roughly out of
her chair and she was in his arms. |
| A few minutes later Dane sighed
! and slipped away from him.
| “Well sail for Europe Wednes- |
| day,” Cameron announced. “You'll |
76-38 J.
20% Reduction
Bellefonte, Pa.
1420 Chestnut Street
ratures, It ola! A ducer always having the right to —
Jetnperas ina t volatilizes rapidly, appeal to the director, bureau ani- TI Jesevitati on J ~The married woman in industry have to get your trousseau tomor- |} + PHILADELPHIA
flame of an alcohol or other lamp Mal industry. Department of Agri- ..oved from the body, the more is one of four most talked about FOU: wet i 3 Excl .
and the vapor is death to flies. Three Culture, whose decision shall be final. | 0" tayen into it to replenish | Citizens. | “1 got my trousseau a week ago, tor usive Emblem Jewelry
ounces will suffice for one thousand | 4. All containers, utensils and the supply and maintain the proper | The feeling against her grows as | darling. It was a very confident
cubic feet in a tighdy closed room | equipment used in a plant in which | poo o0 unemployment increases. She bears|drawl.—Public Ledger Magazine, — | ====——=——==—==mmm==mm=
and it will requie about haif an hour | -Pasteurized A Milk" is prepared 1 ater enters into the composi- | brunt of the unhappy condition | bY Francis Thayer,
to evaporate that an:ount. The vapor | for sale, shall be cleansed by the tion of all tissues and fluids of the | Which confronts the nation, |
is not poisonous to man and is not joe or Steam, ge bot water, as scl) oq, And it cannot Syed that | WORLL'S ALK LN UHICAGO |
destru m r faprics, | forth in the A ry Health Board iissol many men are walking the streets ®
1t is vel Pe a terials aaa. Regulations of September 18, 1920, | ", XL; is the meditn Hat RD looking for work, that is being done, | Q. When will the World's Fair in ;
and should be used with that fact in | prior to the handling of such milk. of digestion, making possible th air | in many instances, by wives whose | Chicago oe opened and who Is run- -
mind. t CONTAINERS absorption and assimilation husbands are able {o support them, ning it? per 100 Ibs.
; | rp h { Though there are c kinds of, A. Lhe Century of Progress Expo- | Wagner's 16% Dairy Feed - 125
DISPOSAL OF MANURE IN RURAL | 5. Containers used in delivering | 3. It is the chiet constituent of the | jou vant in which women will | sition Commussion, Administration | Wagner's 20, Dairy Feed - 1.30
AND SUBURBAN DISTRICTS “Pasteurized A Milk” to the con- Heed, which Srangpons food to the oi ’avs have the preference, ‘Lat| Building, Brunham Park, Chicago, | Wagner's 32% Dairy Feed -
Manure should not be allowed to sumer, Shall RY the pouring Jip! V I oR Snot oo ei io sort | does mot alter the fact that they are has charge of the arrangements and | Wagner's Meal - = = = yo
rémain in one place unless it be prop- | Po Siok un Sue milk is delivered, and the Keeps oiics moist. '| today holding down plenty of jobs| the exposition is scheduled to open Wagner's Egg Mash - - - - 178
erly screened or treated chemically | ti : a pure ased for pasteuriza- | 5 It acts as a regulator of body | that men could fill, June 1, 1933. Wagner's Scratch Feed- - 1.30
to destroy house-fly larvae. on a ry a aateurizes A temperature | They are preferred for one reason| Arthur Brisbane writes of a recent Wagner's Chick Feed - - - 1.80
If for any reason it cannot bel. oe. shan Te da bacterial | LelIP EI virtue of its great solvent | ODI. Because they can be had for | visit to the site thus: Wagner's Cite Starter and
promptly spread on the fields and | jo ioc of Ci under the su-| 35. °F VIIUS C mon medium in|less money than men demand. Pri-| The site of the exposition, with Grower with Cod Liver Oil 2.10
turned underground, it should| bet 8 BR: the equip. | 8CLIOR. tf chemical reactions bt marily, therefore, the real culpritsin | lake Michigan on the east, the great Wagner s Horse Feed- - 138
be treated with either powdered helle- | yoo and director of which bave ‘TJC J ope “Dlace | what some term “our economic city of Chicago on the west, north | Wagner's Winter Bran - - L10
bore or borax. The former should be Been sppioved by the Secretary of | 4 = Y saints Pas " elimination of | Crime” are the men who do the oin- | and south could not be more beauti- | Wagner's Winter Middlings - 120
-used in the strength of a half pound | de ail Dustetiongieal analysis| "products through the intest. | Ploying. So long as the pocketbook | ful or more impressive, Wagner's Standard Chop - - 120
of the powder to every ten gallons | ...™ rn. Standa 21a, etouanse | nal canal, through the kidneys, the remains our divine symbol, this and| Eeverything that a great expos w———
of water. After stirring it should | yr Anaivsis of the A ol bf | kings, and the skin | many unhappy conditions must con-| tion should have this one will have. Blatchford Calf Meal 25lbs - 1.25
stand for twenty-four hours before |, "p ye ir oe read pes ’ | tinue. In addition, progress and science, Wayne Calf Meal Per H - - 3.50
being used. The mixture should be |. ..vion of Agricultural Ch RS ie OVER A BILLION DOLLARS If we had laws in this country | being emphasized above all else, will Wayne Egg Mash - - - - 210
used at the rate of ten gallons to o. . 44 emists.” | ! Lo ' compelling employers to pay women give to the exposition an educational mn
eight bushels of manure. ry farm delivering milk 40 BE SPENT ON HIGHWAYS | the same wage that men receive, the value that should not be neglected | Of Meal 1% - - - 200
Commercial borax is aiso an effec. Be ln - oh Ay Basterto. | Add a little more than 13 per cent | situation would adjust itself. And by any American parents especially. Cotton Sect hi p : me
tive remedy. It may be used at the | bn" oC CT ik RB GaLH Wee, 10 tne wholesale valye' of re oo. | there's no good saying that women | Great industries and business en. Soy Bean Meal- - -
Dy pol 10. srrvoen; cule | TPICE OF the milk shall submit this le value of SUIOWO |ghould not Work fov Jom. = Are meB| Leiphises A art oparate bulla. Guten Feedw ~. . - 140
feet of manure. It can be applied in | analysis to the Secretary of Health, Dues Jfogaced , by the URIted | not willing to work for less now, |ings of their own. General Motors, {Fue Ground Alfalfa Meal - 225
solution or scattered eveniy over the | through the bureau of milk control, | States an Be Sl 4 . © | when work is not to be had at all? | Sears Roebuck, Chrysler, and many Meat Scrap 45% . x us 200
manure and then . sprinkled with | Defor the Ik 2 Sach monih, gly. | Sum shaft in 1932 for the nations pgeg the man who wants a job more | others. Tank ei ee ENE
water. Hellebore is not injurious to Lie reco of the preceding | Lv a iat 25 ‘teborted By’ Etat than he wants anything haggle Chicago and the whole country | pu o Siock Salt = = . 100
vegetables when it is treated with month's analysis, both before and oge PO! y along over the wage? He does not. owe thanks to Mr. Dawes for the Shell - 1.00
a Ln i oot yt ogo | 3Ttcr Dasteuvigation. [Every e%or:| authorities to the bureau of public ‘Ana he stands today exactly where | valuable time and intelligent indus-| OV" ae
stronger than recommended as it
may injure certain vegetables when
the manure is used as a fertilizer.
shall be made to obtain a milk sup-
ply for pasteurization which will
give a standard plate count of not
| roads, the estimated State expendi-
| tures this year will total $1,352,837,-
| 261.
women have stood in industry ever
since they entered it. We have taken
what we could get and been grate-
| try that he has devoted to this ex-|
| position.
| The light of the great star Arc-
a A Aes with
Cotton Seed Meal, on Meal, Gluten,
and Molasses.
_| more than 200,000 per cubic centi-| Comparison with the cost of 1931 gy) | turus, by means of a photo-electric Midds
_- Sides | go Sven on yor us meter, or a direct microscopic count projects cannot be made until late Tr this has resulted in many good cell, -i put in moti oh The tric | Alfalfa, Bran,
i i Ter as proven | OL. Bot more than S00,000 hastetia | surtmer, hen final figures are cok | men eine thrown out of Work, let | chinery of the building of sciences Wo will make delivery on two ton
fly-b. y po ble experi- per cubic centimeter. When the lected, but it is known that this us put the blame squarely where it | when the exposition opens. | orders. :
Hy-brecding Yas eT carried count exceeds these figures for three year's program represents a 19 per peongs—upon the shoulders of the Arcturus was selected because of _ All accounts must be paid in 30
a weeks in succession, the Secratary | cent decrease from the total sum employer. I have no doubt that mar- | jts brilliancy and because the days. Interest charged over that
of Health shall be notified in writing | spent in 1930. ried women who did not need work light of that sun travels forty years time.
The United States Department of
Agriculture, after experimentation
with various plant infusions and
other substances including sulphur,
had no results as satisfactory as the |
hellebore and borax treatments, ex-
cept with a mixture of common fer-
tilizer ingredients used in maxing
artificial fertilizers. These ingredients
are calcium cynamid, acid phosphate
concerning the action that has been
taken to obtain a milk supply with-
in the bacterial limit specified.
7. “Patseurized A Milk” shall give
a standard plate count of not more
than 30,000 per cubic centimeter pre-
vious to delivery. In the event that
the count runs higher, those respons-
ible for the milk supply shall take
| It is possible, however, that the
| 1932 total may be increased since
| Congress has numerous road appro-
| priation measures . The total
| authorization for federal aid now
amounts to $125,000,000.
State highway departments alone
t to build more than 36.000
es of road this year. Though 1932
would have to return home if a fair
wage scale bet’ ‘een the sexes could
be introduced, because men would
rather hire men if they did not have
to pay them more money. At any
rate all this wail about women
usurping men's prerogative is the
Greed is at the bottom of this
| through the ether, at 186,000 miles
per second, before it reaches this
The Chicago World's Columbian
Exposition opened just forty years
ago, and the light of Arcturus that
will start this exposition left the dis-
tant sun as the last Chicago expo-
sition opened.
If you want good bread and
justsy use OUF Best uBE Gilg CUA
C.Y. Wagner &Co. ne
and Kainite and the sed whatever action is necessary to ob- State highway funds are 10 per cent condition just as it is at the bottom d stimulate your im- 75-1-1yr.
a rn Pr lf gf 4 In tq |tain a milk within the bacterial under the 1930 figure, the decline i8| of most of our troubles in the coun- ro + mom lo Be
PED hate, 1 pound of calcium cyna- | mits specified. | considerably less than in local funds | try. So long as men regard the dol- | sun 93,000,000 miles away in eight ~~ —
mid and one pound of kainite to four 8. The requirements for the sale of | because they Gre largely derived jar as more important than the minutes. You can imagine dimly how MODERN WOM EN
square feet of Xposed manure in «pasteurized A Milk” set forth shall from motor vege and gaadline axl individual we shall suffer. for Arcturus must be, its light tak- NEED NOT SUFFER monthly pai and delay dus
boxes or pits. Naturally, the economy be considered as minimum require-| ation upon W h revenues there ing forty years to get here, And if to ou : imilar causes.
of the different processes will have
much to do in determining a choice.
First: Flies can only breed in filth
of the kinds mentioned and their
presence is evidence that such ma-
terial is at hand.
Second: They carry germs of
disease on their hairy bodies and legs.
| ments, and nothing in them
| interpreted as preventing a munic-
shall be
ipality from ordaining and enforc-
ing additional requirements for the
sale of “Pastuerized A Milk.”
All milk producers, dealers and
others interested may obtain a copy
of the official “Definition of
teurized A Milk,” as approved by
the Secretary of Health, by address-
ing the Department of Health, Bu-
reau of Milk Control,
Pas- |
been no marked reduction.
| Nine States have reported total
highway programs estimated to cost
in excess of $50,000,000. Ranked ac-
| cording to the total of their projects,
they stand as follows:
Pennsylvania, New York, Illinois,
California, New Jersey, Ohio, Texas,
| Missouri and Mic .
The local programs of road con-
struction will exceed $25,000,000 in
the following states: Pennsylvania,
— Tailored, very short waistcoats
of striped wools or wools in unusual
weaves are the swank thing to wear
with a country suit. The waistcoat
should be perfectly plain and button
straight down the front.
—The new oxfords which are es-
pecially smart for street shoes this
year are shown in navy kid biege,
underlaid in patent leather; kid ties
that does not exhaust your -
tion, think about the distant nebulae
whence light comes to us after
traveling a million years or more.
You must see Chicago's exposition
and have your business represented
there if you have a business worth
8 en nond Bran i Pil effective,
iable and OUIC i T 4 yy
Caldwell & Son
Third: Keep them away from the y "| stitched in ivory and kid with a
sick, | particularly those suffering prem — $50.000,000; Now Zeew 00 0, | Scroll design. | Inviting battie from feminimity the Bellefonte, Pa.
with communicable diseases. ASKS AUTOISTS TO 000,000; and linois, $28,000,000. Sports shoes consisting of ghillie?, | orig over ana particularly in ‘-enn-
Fourth: Do not allow them to set-
tle on the mouth, eyes, ears or nostrils
Reports of repeated violations of
Eleven States reported estimates
| of road mileage to be built by state
moccasins and monk shoes are pop-
ular this season, too.
sylvania, science now declares that
women are bad auto drivers.
of infants. | Pumps and sandals for dress and | go pad, indeed, according to two
in contact with food of any kind or | of highway patrol and safety depart- |, = : very much cut out and looking chic | tists whose names are not revealed and Heating
to settle on the milk bottles of in-| ment of revenue, have brought a | “rc ri, 4,517 miles; Pennsylva- and cool for the coming hot months.
fants, reminder from Walter W. Matthews, nia, 2,700 ‘miles: Texas, 2,500 miles; Mo thei* own ds—base their g i
Sixth: Open BHYY wells or cess- clef of the safety vaciish of the ' 2,300 miles; North Da. gen: ruliber sans in ait Homily opinion on cold facts, says P. J.
pools parti dangerous. | bureau, unde ehicle Code closed x they enbac
TL Tl that ‘under the . Kota, 1,870 miles; Oklahoma, 1,750 Rickenbach of the highway safety Vapor... Steam
self-closing seat covers and fly The code makes it unlawful for fles: Minnesota, 1,130 miles. — Club.
spreenel openings. red ed 3 Brive ¥ OF Sperator of any venicle, ot the highways to be built the to-| —A few bread crumbs added to| Striking at propaganda boosting BY Hot Water
Seventh: Uncovered or unscreened | street car or trackless trolley 0 tal of sand-clay, gravel and maca- scrambled eggs will improve the women as to the male at Pipeless Furnaces
garbage cans and open drains should
not be permitted.
Eighth: Physicians should see that
the excretia of all persons ill with
intestinal diseases are disinfected
and cared for in accordance with the
regulations of this Department.
Ninth: Manure should be collected |
twice a week and plowed into fields
or stored in fly-proof receptacles. |
—Lady: “Can't you give me a|
“Stop” means a complete stop.
bus, before entering a “Stop” inter-
section to fail to come to a complete
stop within a reasonable distance be-
fore entering tbe intersection where
a stop sign has been erected. Mere-
ly slowing down or gears at
' such an intersection is not complying
with the law, Mattaew says.
The penalty imposed for violating |
this provision is a fine of $5 and
| costs of prosecution and, in default
of payment, imprisonment for not
miles: Kansas, 1,243 miles; Iowa,
dam roads—17,509 miles—is nearly
equal to the mileage of all other
types to be constructed. Estimated
earth improved roads to be built will
total 8,999 miles while asphalt, con-
crete, and brick highways will
| amount to 8,863 miles,
“Daddy, John asked me today to
marry him,” said the sweet young
flavor and make the eggs go farther.
—To keep sponges wet wash
them occasionally in warm water
in which a little tartaric acid or
soda has been dissolved. Rinse well
in clear, warm water,
—A rich man, lying on his death
bed, called his chauffeur and said,
“Sylus, I am going on a long jour-
ney, rugged and worse than you
for fear, probably, of the women of
committee of the Pittsburgh Motor
the steering wheel, Rickenbach de-
livered his “expose” to the Typo-
thetae of Pittsburgh:
“A recent study made by two
University of Pennsylvania scientists
of a taxicab company which used
both men and women drivers, dis-
closed that the female operators had
three times as accidents on
the basis of each $1,000 collectea in
“In addition to this the women
Full Line of Pipe and Fit-
tings and Mill Supplies
All Sizes of Terra Cotta
Pipe and Fittings
room and bath?” | more than threa days. thing, “but I told him I couldn’t| ever drove me.” drivers had the advantage of all new pets
Clerk: “I can give you a room, | e———_— eevee: leave mamma.” “Well, sir,” consoled the chauffeur, | cabs to operate and they were given ESTIMATES
madam, but my wife's here, you will | Bananas are inclined to turn| ‘~rhat's all right” sald father, | “there's one consolation—it's all
have to take your own bath.”
black when put into the icechest.
brightly, “take her with you.
the choice of hours,” —Pittsburgh
Cheerfully Promptly Furnishe