Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, April 29, 1932, Image 5

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    ST ———————
with Fred Frame, America's most
frequent speedway race winner in
1931, topping the card of auto racers
and Allen Huber, world's record
nolding motorcycle rider heading the
field for the metorcycle races, Read-
ing is locking forward to many miles
of “motor madness” on Sunday, May
8, at the Reading fairgrounds.
Preceded by the time trials of the
autos and motorcycles, the motor-
cycle races will get under way at
2:15 eastern daylight time, featurad
by two fast five-mile events. At 2:45
p. m, the auto races, with a field of
20 med down from an entry list
of over 40, will get going for a total
of 50 miles of action on what is con-
ceded to be one of the best half-mile
dirt tracks in the country.
Frame, figured as the favorite for
the races, will be tested out by such
stars as Arch Powell, western ace
and “Shorty” Gingrich, Florida flier;
Russ Spohn, Bill Shoop, Vern Oren
dorf, Bob Sal}, Firman Lawshe, Har-
ris Insinger and other racing not-
ables. Frame will race at no other
eastern point previous io May 30
where he will compete on the In-
dianapolis speedway, where last
year he took second
500-mile nd.
A will be provided
free at the Reading fairgrounds on
race day for 10,000 automobiles and
popular prices will prevail at the
gate and grandstands.
A ———
Church Bible school, C. C, Shuey,
Supt., lesson study; World service
period and special offering—the last
of this Conference year; address by
guest preacher. League 6:30, timely
topic, presented by a prepared leader
— attractive meeting for and by
young people. Worship—10:45, Spe-
cial printed program and preaching
by Supt. Emerson Karns, of the
Methodist Home for the Aged. At
7:30 song service, preaching by the
guest preacher, All strangers and
week-end visitors welcome. Rev. C.
C. Shuey, 301 E. Bishop St., and Rev,
M. C. Piper, Milesburg, will answer
calls for service. Tuesday evening,
class. Wednesday, May 4, Williams-
port district convention of Women's
Home Missionary Society,
Horace Lincoln Jacobs, Minister.
9:30 A. M., Church school
10:45 A. M., The service and ser-
mon: “Vital Teachings on Prayer.”
7:30 P. M., The vesper service and
“Mene, Mene, Tekel, Up-
place in the
i ——_—
ROBERT J. MILLER, of State College
Democratic Nominee for Assembly.
| I. O. Campbell and wife were Ty-
| rone visitors on Monday.
Rev. Wink will deliver the Memor-
jal day address here on May 30th.
John W. Miller is re-roofing his
farm house with corrugated iron
Our senior baseball team has been
| organized and ready to meet all
Theodore E. Harper, of White Hail,
made a business trip to Tyrone last
Miss Virginia Dale, of Jenkintown,
spent the week-end with friends in
the valley.
Mrs. Hannah Osman and Hamill
Seibert were here Saturday doing
some shopping.
Mrs. Ada Krebs spent the past)
week in Altoona as the guest of her
daughter, Mrs. Clayton Corl.
Our junior ball team crossed bats
with Spruce Creek, Saturday, win-
ning by the score of 23 to 6.
| Comrade J, W. Sunday was at
' State College, Thursday, making ar-
rangements for Memorial lay.
James W. Peters, of the Glades,
spent Saturday evening at the H. L.
Harpster home, on Main street.
Mrs. Paul Rupp, of Pitcairn, was
called here owing to the illness of
her mother, Mrs. Sarah Everts.
Mr. and Mrs. N. C. Neidigh motor-
‘ed to Huntingdon, Thursday, to at-
tend the funeral of Mrs, Pator M.
Frederick Newtor Corl, of Altoona, |
regular meeting
men’s class of the Baileyville Sunday
James Rudy, last Friday, with twven-
ty present. Following the usual ousi-
ness session Rev, J. S. English made
an interesting talk to the class. Mrs.
Rudy and daughter served refresh-
Mrs. A. L. Albright entertained
the thirty-five members of the ladies
Bible class at her home at Bailey-
ville, last Thursday evening. Mrs.
Stella Isenberg, leader of the class,
presided. Mrs. Edna Gilliland, presi-
dent of the class, sprung the surprise
of the evening by presenting the
teachers, Mrs. Claire Irvin and Mrs.
Ruth Frank, each with a handsome
silver set. Delicious refreshments
were served by the hostess. The
committee in charge consisted of
Mrs. Claire Irvin, Miss Mildred Harp-
ster, and Mrs. Thelma Pfoust. It
was a delightful evening for all pres-
———————— A ——————
Mrs. Nannie Williams is suffering
from a badly scalded foot.
Mrs. Maggie Keatley is sepnding
some time with friends at Hitate
A fire at the home of Blawr Fisher,
on Tuesday evening, destroyci ms
wagon-shed and some other small
Mr, and Mrs. Forrest .ucas anid
family, of Altoona, are visiting at
the home of Mr. Lucas’ mother, Mrs.
John Resides.
Blanchard Holt, who has been in
the Lock Haven hospital for several
weeks suffering from an infected
knee, is reported as being better.
Mr. “Nick” Sasso, of Pittsburgh,
spent a few hours in our vicinity on
Tuesday, while on a fishing trip and
visit with his friend Elwood Way.
Since returning from a Pittsburgh
hospital several weeks ago John
Askins has so far recovered from
his rather serious illness as to be
able to give his full time to his
chicken and farming business.
Mrs. Anna Finch came home from
Howard, Monday afternoon, to fill
her office as minority inspector at
the primary election on
Martha Smith spent the,
her parents, Mr, and
Mrs. John M, Otto had as guests, |
Sunday, her sister-in-law, Mrs. Reese,
‘and a party of friends, of Williams-
Mr and Mrs, George E. Stover had
as guests, Sanday, their son-in-law
and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Showers,
of Lock Haven. i
Mrs. W. H. Philips has been in
Philadelphia for several weeks, call-
ed there by the illness of her daugh-
ter, Mrs George McKay.
Benjamin Stover, his daughter,
Mrs. Walter and son Nevin, and Em-
ma Fiedler spent Sunday at the Wil-
liam Musser home, near Coburn.
Mrs. Harry Roush, who has again
been seriously ill, is gaining each
day and her family and friends are
hopeful for a full recovery to health.
regret to note, has been ill since re-
turning home, having had an attack
similar to one she had during the
early fall. We trust she nay soon
Mrs, Cora Stonge and two daugh-
ters, of Danville, were guests of Mr
and Mrs, Frank Armagast, Sunday.
Their brother Ammon Steffen, of
Nittany valley, also spent Sunday in
the Armagast home.
Mrs. Thomas Kessinger and daught
ter, Miss Polly, and son, James Fin-
ley, of State College, and daughter |
Mrs. Claude Butler and daughter,
Mary Ellen, of Scranton, were brief
callers at the home of Mrs, Thos.
Mrs, J. H. Crouse was taken very
ill while attending services in the
Lutheran church, Sunday morning.
She was taken to her home and the
family physician called, who said
she had a nervous breakdown, but is
hopeful of full recovery. |
Mrs. C. S. Bower and Mrs, George
Weaver attended the Classicale Mis-
sionary convention, in session Thurs-
day of last week, in Bellefonte, Mrs.
Weaver remained for several days as
the guest of her sister, Mrs. E. E.
Ardery and family. Mrs. Bower, we
——— A ———————
Miss Florence Peters spent a few
days, last week, with her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Peters, at Mill
Toner Holt and mother, and the
latter's niece, Miss Stimer, motored
down from Tyrone, Saturday eve-
ning, Mrs. Holt and Miss Stimer|
being guests at the Mrs, Irwin home |
while Mr. Holt continued his trip to!
Mrs. Daniel Barnhart, who was
emma 0 Pe ————
OR RENT.—An apartment in the Sim,
the Hayes building, north of Alle Baum on north Allegheny
y St., Bellefonte, for rent. street. Tel. 39.
Inquire of Mrs. R. G. H. Hayes, Belie-- |
fonte, or phone 332 77-10-41 | UDITOR'S NOTICE.—The undersign-
i ed, an Auditor, a ted by the
's Court of Centre county, to
unds in the.
{ hands of the Administrator of Elizabeth
| McCafferty, late of Bellefonte h,
| deceased, “to and among those ly
entitled to receive the same,”
ill meet
| the . office . Room
Straw For Sale Ee gi lt 0% thn, Ro
$1.00 Per Hundred I M.. when Yap where 2" persoms having
| claims against said estate Shall present
| the same or be forever de from.
| coming in on said fund.
| 77-18-3¢ JOHN J. BOWER, Auditor,
i phans’ Court of Centre County. In
the Estate of Jennie E. Johnston
Special This Week
Punxsutawney Coal
$5.45 Per Ton
Jennie E. Johnston. 1 meet
Dustless Cannel Coal |
Kofman’s Coal Yard | & Firs oe ue sti sopones
| Attys., on High street, in Bellefonte
| borough, on May 10th, 1932, at 10 o'clock
BELLEFONTE A. M., where and wnen all interested
Phone 319 | parties are hereby notified to be present.
Clarence E. Arnold, pastor. jg spending his week's vacation here She returned to Howard, Wednesday
helping along with the new school Moring ng a
REAL TRANSFERS, building. who has n n
ESTATE rk Samuel Hess, of the ome time. | Eu Devi 8, I S 35d har lua
Charles L. Fleming o Walter JB ' Branch, purchased a new Interna- rE omels, Bible a the) ing. has recovered to that extent that
Holt, et ux, tract in Snow tional drill Me st church are Pp |
Ho nt in LA dE | go al swis and is now ready |< OCR Lo Social and entertains! Abe 48 able to be up and around.
John A. Thomas, et ux, to How- J Lloyd Shank recently bought a
ment in the near future. Full partic-
ard Thomas, tract in Worth TWP.; fine mule from Harry Thompson, of | Wars will be published later The SEVENTY-ONE MILLIONS
$1. Spruce Creek, and is now looking fer
| Men's Bible class are going to beat IN STATE TREASURY
Howard Thomas to Susan Thomas another one to match it.
' the ladies to it for they are poving rl : Ey Ap rit!
" y Rag Bag social in the Comm state treas began
tract in Worth Twp.; $1. | Earl Harper and family are ar- 2 g » with a balance of $71,095.147, State
M. O. Williams, et bar, to Viv-' ranging to go to housekeeping in the
| house this evening. The admission
jan Williams, tract in Port Matilda nouse with his parents, at the well
confined to bed with illness, at the
home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. |
ed Friday.
Treasurer Edward Martin announc-
' will be 10 and 25 cts,
Boro.; $1.
Vivian Williams, to M. O. Williams |
tract in Port Matilda Boro.; $1.
D. C. Cochrane to L. Heineman,
tract in Liberty Twp.; $1.
Lewis Guinn, et ux, to Harrison
Maynard Gage et ux, tract in South
Philipsburg; $2000.
Nora Guinn to Harrison M. Gage, |
known Bowersox homestead.
Mrs. Dorothy English Woodford,
| of Harrisburg, motored here on Sat-
urday for a short visit with her par-
, ents, Rev. and Mrs. J. S. English.
' The W. R. Port family spent the |
| latter end of the week at their sum-
| mer home, at Beech Creek, making
The lure of “gold in them thar
hills” is calling prospectors to the
mountains, where streams are gush-
influence of spring
ing under the
The roaring waters wash up the
gold from its lodes in granite coun-
The motor fund contains $28,282,
775, an increase of more than $15,
000,000 over the amount on hand on
the same date last year, but the
general fund shows a decrease of
approximately $16,000,000 as com-!
to last year.
| Total receipts last month amount-
led to $19,105,157 and payments to
et ux, tract in South Philipsburg; 8 number of changes and improve- Poo" jenositing the precious metal $19,932,875.
$2,000. | in sand vel. This gravel is ————
D. K. Musser, et al, to Elizabeth | All of Ferguson township's unem. | 1B 280d - Ba ciors pans, | CEN
S. Homan, tract in Haines TWP. ploved ore Row. oa for t 9p rocker boxes and crude sluices, MARRIAGE | on SES.
$11,450.00 msha gging ou € In the interests of the city-raised Da ;
Elizabeth S. Homan to John W.| foundation for our new community prospector, unfamiliar wi Be aad Beve und Julta Elizabeth
Pressler, tract in Haines Twp; school building. hunt for gold, the State bureau of | Earl T. Shuey and Violet Tierney,
$3900. | C.M. Fry and wife and Mrs. mines has prepared a bulletin of 4th of Bellefonte. :
Elizabeth Kuhn Hart to Steve Esther Ritchie, of Altoona, were
Yakicic, et ux, in Spring here Iiast Wednesday hunting a
Twp.; $100. mechanic to make some repairs on
Frank D. Gardner et ux, to Clara their Spruce Creek property.
T. Bateson, tract in State College After spending four months atthe’
Boro.; $1. Robert Roan home, in Bellefonte, |
Clara T. Bateson to Frank D. Mrs. Maria Reed returned home on |
Gardner, et ux, tract in State Col- Saturday, looking hale and hearty ' guard
lege Bory i a tux to Cath and ready for her garden.
Frank D. Gardner, e "Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Gilliland and |
: Bateson, tract in Patton TWP. ng Maude Fry were royally enter- |
. : tained at dinner, on Sunday, at the
Clara T. Bateson to Frank D. oojege club. Lock Haven, whee
Gardner, et ux, tract in Patton... gong are students at the Teach-
Twp.; $1. ers’ College.
W. R. Shope, et ux, to George P. #4 force of High
Johnstonbaugh, tract in Marion ce ghway employees are
hard at work on the road leading
| from Spruce Creek valley over into
| Halfmoon valley, and word is getting |
| the rounds that it will be completed |
this summer.
Harry Eyer, last week, presented
_his son Charles with a Chevrolet car |
McClure, to as a graduation present, the young |
tract in Belle- man expecting to complete his course |
in the Warriorsmark High school |
a new next month. |
Justice Neidigh is making lccomo- |
tion go on crutches because of an |
ep eee | Hujared Bs Wille helping |
i @ repairs on ack truck. !
HOWARD. He was taken to Tyrone on Satur-|
Mrs. Stella Williams spent Sat- day to consult a specialist.
urday with friends in Altoona.
P. C. Cauffiel and son, Paul,
.; 31.
A. Clyde Smith, et al, Exec. to
will im H. Smith, et ux, tract in
Bell fonte Boro.; $5,000.
Martha Barnhart McClure to
K. McClure, tract in Belle-
fonte Boro.; $500.
Martha Barnhart
K. McClure,
fonte Boro.; $1.
Rush Larimer has opened
livery stable at the rear of the Con- .
rad use.
| Mrs. Nancy Potter and children, of |
wre | Centre Hall, passed through town, |
spending the week at the home of on Saturday, enroute to Rock!
Mrs. Stella V. Williams. | Springs to visit her sister, Mrs. |
Mr. and Mrs. Girard Altenderfer, | Ralph Musser, who i3 now snugly
Mr. and Mrs. G. A. FEkdahl and | fixed up in the McWilliams house. |
daughter, Carolyn, and Miss Carrye| Anita Marline Minnigh, b
Butler spent Tuesday in Allentown. daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Roy Min- |
Miss Fay Kinley, Mrs. Daley and nigh, died, last Thursday as the re-|
Mrs. Lula B, Stiver, of Lock Haven, sult of convulsions. The baby had
were guests, Saturday, at the horac| seventy-five convulsions in six days.
of Mr. and Mrs. Willard McDowell. | Burial was made at Pine Hall on
Mr. and Mrs, Dennis Reese, of Por | Saturday. |
Matilda; Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Wil- Among recent goo trout catches |
liams, of Renovo, and Don. H, Wil-| here might be mentioned those of G.|
\lams, of Syracuse, were Sunday | W. Lauck, who came in with 24 nice
guests at the home of Mrs. Clara ones; George Reed with 20, and
Butler. | auctioneer Harpster with one of the |
Mrs. Clara Hicks and Mrs. George | largest bullfrogs ever taken from
Robb, of Altoona, and the latter's| Whipple's dam. |
jon, Prof. E. W. Robb, of Bedford,| While Isaac Harpster, of Tadpole, |
salled, Saturday, at the home of Mr, was plowing with his tractor on a
ind Mrs. H. T. McDowell and Mr. steep grade, last Friday, the ma-
nd Mrs. W. K. McDowell. | chine toppled over backwards, and |
| [DE
{ | 9%
simple instructions on
the prospector’s tools.
the use
Fishermen are warned by the de-
partment of revenue to carefully
their fishing licenses, There
is no provision in the law, the de-
partment announces, whereby a
duplicate fishing license can be Iis-
. This means that a new license
must be obtained if either part of
one originally issued is lost.
He (putting his hands over her
eyes): Guess who it is in three
guesses or I'll kiss you.
She: Al Jolsen—Jack Dempsey—
Buster Keaton.
“How's your wife coming along
with her driving, Joe?”
“Oh, she took a turn
worse last week.”
“by April 29 to September 3
Between all stations on the Penn-
sylvania Railroad and generally
between stations in the East, Mid-
dle West and Eastern Canada.
Tickets good leaving from noon Fri-
day to midnight Saturday. Return-
ing to leave destination any time to
and including midnight trains the
following Monday. Good in Pullman
cars on payment of regular Pullman
charges. Liberal stop-overs returning.
for the
Fred C. Meckley and Alvierta L.
Fetters, both of Bellefonte.
| (Matinee at 1:30. Evenings at 6:00)
Kay Francis, Una Merkel in
Slim Summerville Comedy
Lowe, Claudette Colbert in|
! Chester Morris, Sylvia Sidney
Jack Oakie, Richard Arlen in |
Jimmie Durante, Walter Huston, |
| Lewis Stone, Neil Hamilton in
| Tom Mix in His First Talker
Ivania Railroad “SKY BRIDE” |
i i
J. K. JOHNSTON, Auditor
p= HE aman Jo iy b.» ate Coury:
of Common Pleas of the Judicial Dis-
| trict, consisting of the Coun
| navitgt issued his
of 11th day of April 1
ed for holding a Court of Common Pleas,
| Orphans’ Court, Court of Quarter Sessions
BE, 100, PEER ou B00, Bet To
nera very, in on
the County of Centre. i
And the Grand Jury to convene
! Monday, the ninth day of May, Teas
iat ten o'clock A. M., and the Trav.
erse Jury called for the regular meeting
i Sessions Court will
| 77-17-3t
Quality Seed
U. S. Grown, Verified-Origin,
Certified Highest Test Farm Seeds
For the farm:
of Quarter convene
on the third Monday of May, 1982.
iat ten o'clock A. ., being May 16th,
11982, and the Traverse Jury for the
| Second Week of Court will the
fcarth Monday of May, 1 at 10
o'clock A. M., being May 28rd, 1932.
NOTICE is hereby given to the Coroner
Justice of the Peace, Alderman and also
such Constables, (that may have business
in their) districts,
Ta in thei
re in r
at the time fled oa Pe th
ALSIKE CLOVER Foon, Inquiafion
remembrances, Hote
SwrzT CLOVER things 1a" their ws appertaining
t hose who are
- ! nizance to prosecute
Alfalfa CLOVER Bato Seal Bn PET a
TIMOTHY | prosecute My Rog By Pig si Wh
| Given under my hand, at Bellefonte, the
For the lawn: | Foe 0% og a na, Jeu oa
WHITE DUTCH Cover | She of the United. States of
SHADY NOOK LAWN | Sheriff's Office, Bellefonte, Pa., 1048
E RGR Ing ae ta "Hed Dyn Saanine
P ARK GREEN | Registers Office for the in
| heirs and legatees, creditors and
| others in any way interested, and will be.
i ourt of Cen-
| tre County for the confirmation ni si on,
| Wednesday, May 18, 1982.
1. Baird. The first and final account
| of the Moshannon National Bank, trustee
! presented to the Orphans’ C
«01d Gardner” Fertilizer.
, an rd { of David Lawshe and J S. Baird,
Olewine’s Hardware mon ™ “= |
BELLEFONTE, PA. | count of Mary B. Bartges, exscutrix “Gf
| William D. ~
i ges, late of State Col
| lege Borough, deceased.
, 8. Crosby. The first and final account
| of the Moshannon National Bank, guar.
| dian of David Harold Crosby Jr.
| 4. Coble. The first and final account
| of Harry BE. Coble and Charles W. Coble,
| admrs., of etc., of John M. Coble, late
| of College Township, deceased.
5. Fultz. The second and final account
‘of the Bellefonte Trust Company guardian,
of Elmer Fultz, a minor.
A Y lM —————
6. Gamble. The third and final ac-
{count of the Lycoming Trust Company,
executor of the estate of G. M. Gamble,
What America needs today
mw wits FAITH | late of Bellefonte Borough, deceased
| 17. Grove. The first and final account
-_ bi Harry F. grove, FE hi ii ot
Anna . rove, late ol ollege ow! a
You'll find yours renewed when | deceased. P
| 8. Gardner. The first and final account
you see the new vei of the ot Harry K.. Gardener adm "of ste. of
warles Gardner, late ol Ol tilde,
Picture that made Lon Chaney | Soromeh deceased.
a Star! 9. Grove. The first and partial account
of the Bellefonte Trust Compdhy, guar
| dian of Anne Laurie Grove, a minor.
10. Grove. The first and partial ac~
| count of the Bellefonte Trust Company,
j SuArdian of Kathryn Elizabeth Grove, a
Sinners All!
11. Gingerich. The first and final ac-
| count of Harry E. Gingerich and George
| B. Gingerich, administrators of Ame
| Gingerich, late of Gregg Township, de-
12. Homan. The second and final ac-.
count of the First National Bank of
| State College, Pa., admr., c. t. a. of
| Park R. Homan, late of State College:
| Borough, deceased.
i 13. Hironimus, The first and final ac
count of H. Leigh Ebright, Admr., of
| Andrew J. Hironimus, late of Centre Halk
| Borough, deceased.
14. Hosterman. The first and final ac-
count of the Farmer's National Bank and
| Trust Company, executor of J. C. Hoster-
| man, late of Millheim Borough, deceased,
| 15. Lutz. The first and partial account
| of Alonza Nerhoof, executor of John H,
| Lutz, late of Marion ‘Township,
| 16. Musser. The first and partial ac-
| count of Boyd A. Musser executor of
| Agnes H. Musser, late of Bellefonte Bor
ough, deceased.
17. McBlain, The first and final ac.
count of the Moshannon National Bank,
Frances and
| guardian of Harold, Agnes,
les McBlain, minors.
! 18. Rowland. The first account of J,
| K. Johnston, executor of Annie C. Row-
\ land, late of Philipsburg Borough, deceas-
19, Rishel. The first and final account
of Ward A. Rrope, executor of C
Ruel, late of Walker Township, deceas
a Garamount Guru
20. Schroyer. The first and final ac...
! count of Kathryn C. Schroyer, executor -
| of William H. Schroyer, late of Boggs:
| Township, deceased,
| 21. Twitmire. The first and partial;
account of , administrator
4 Harry :
| of Wilbur T. Twitmire late of Bellefonte.
| Borough, deceased
22. The first and flaak account:
i iy ,
M f | of the Moshannon National Bank, guar.
i | dian of Kathryn E. White, a minor,
| 23. Wilburn. The first and final ac.
IRVING PICHEL : | count of the First National Bank guar
| dian of Sadie E. Wilburn, a minor.
24. Wolf. The first and final account
| of D. K. Summers, admr., of J. H. Wolf,
deceased. :
late of Haines Township, :
| 925. Vonada. The first and wartial ac
{ count of Miles N. Vonada, and Paul A.
| Yonada, executors of W. C. Vonada, late
of Walker Township, deceased.
26. Miles. The first and fnal aecount
May 2 and 3 3.” W. Wiliams, and Edgar Williams,
(Matinee Daily at 1:30) executors of Margery Bella Miles, late of
(Evenings at 6:00 and 7:45) | Bas Matilda Borough, deceased.
27. Griffith. The first and final ac-
| count of the First National Bank of
i Phitipsburg. Pa., guardian of Leonard R.
organ E. Griffi
1 H AU | and th, minors.
| 28. Young. The first and final account
A'Wa of the Moshannon National Bank of Phil.
| ipsburg, guardian of Francis P. Young,
> a minor. JORN 1 Li
| T7174 Register of Wills,