— > hig e hig ager Feagt, hag *0urse , Gow ree g 0 un. acefy) Sticks > fifth at he jade Sticks in ag. orted r of your lain. uests hall doc- room After my rvant “Be- estial body 1 hig night news ished ath,” “He path the hig. f a true, Suef 1gest Liu | the irtie n, S, —— —— Bellefonte, Ja, April 29, 1982, ———— ———— = Xai our Health THE FIRST CONCERN. The grip germ is a creature small who has no intellect at all. Yet mighty men must often pause To heed the havoc he can cause. THE COMMON FLY The House Fly (Musca domestica) has been fully considered in Bulletin 23 of the State Department of Health, Commonwealth of Pennsyl- vania, May 1911. The following methods to prevent development in the various stages and for the de- struction of the fly itself seem suit- able for presentation in this Bulle- tin. The breeding places should be eliminated. The larvae or maggots should be destroyed and the fly should be excluded from homes, markets, etc., and all flies not ex- cluded should be destroyed. Horse manure bears nearly the same relation to the House Fly that stagnant water does to the mosqui- to. For this reason it should be care- fully collected in a common recep- tacle which should be thoroughly screened and made fly-tight in or- der to prevent egg-laying. The same screening protection or destruction of all garbage, filth and decaying matter of every kind should be made. Drains and alleyways should he kept clean and free from any of the materials in which flies breed. No privies or closets accessible to flies should be countenanced. If in exist- ence they should be screened. Fresh unslaked lime or kerosene should be poured and spread freely in the privy vaults. The excreta from persons suffering from intestinal diseases should be carefully and immediately covered on discharge from the body. All garbage, slops and waste should be kept carefully and tightly covered until removed and destroyed and when taken away the container should be cleaned immediately after the removal of the contents and re- covered or inverted. The container should be elevated a foot or more above ground. The ground contiguous to such containers should be treated with unslaked lime or kerosene. Cuspidors, especially those filled with sawdust, are very unsanitary. All those permitted to be used should contain 5 per cent. solution of car- bolic acid or equivalent creosol pre- paration, should be cleaned every day, using one of the following disin- fectant solutions: Asdd one-half ounce of chlorinated: lime (chloride of lime or bleaching powder) to one gallon of water; or three teaSpoonfuls of creo- lin, or eight teaspoonfuls of a solu- tion of formaldehyde——(at least 37% per cent of gas, in solution)—to one pint of water, The solution of formal- dehyde is preferred. The importance of dead or decay- ing wood or trees has always been overlooked. Flies frequently breed in th crevices; any of the last three named solutions may be sprayed (by using a pump spray atomizer) into such openings. Flies should never be allowed to settle on food of any kind. All kinds of foodstuffs exposed for sale are potent sources of danger as they are likely to be contaminaed by flies which have walked or fed on sputum expectorated on the sidewalk. Great care should be taken to have all houses screened before fly time arrives and screening should be main- tained carefully until winter time, Persons ill with infantile paralysis, typhoid fever, scarlet fever, small pox, pneumonia, diphtheria, measles and tuberculosis should occupy screened rooms and flies found in the sick room should be immediate- ly destroyed and never allowed to escape. Houses within flying distance of a railroad should be especially well protected as flies contaminated with execretia from passing trains may gain access to the kitchen or dining room. All milk, especially the baby’s milk, the baby’s bottle and the baby’s bed should receive the same protec- tion, care and attention. Among various methods suggested for the destruction of flies, the fol- lowing will give maximum results: A piece of wire gauze, eight inches long and five inches wide, tacked to a wooden handle about fourteen inch- es long, makes an effective beater for striking and killing. Pyrethrum powder heated in a pan or on hot coals, so that it smoulders but does not burn, will giveoffa dense white smoke that paralyzes flies but is otherwise harmless; one ounce to every 1,000 cubic feet of air Space should be used and the flies promptly swept up and destroyed. The best results are obtained if the room is darkened leaving only a ray of light to enter atthe window shade, as under these conditions flies usual- ly accumulate on the ceiling where Be maximum effect of the smoke is The value of sticky fly-paper and fly-traps is known universally by housekeepers, There are perhaps no other agents equally useful for the purpose. Formaldehyde added to sweetened water and placed in open saucers about the house or in saturated Tonges in shallow dishes, may be 3 The formaldehyde solution should € added to the sweetened water in te Proportion of a tablespoonful to © pint of water. The liquid formal- were 25 days with ini - 4 3 mimmum (eI, 6 154s" state edteational MARCH WEATHER WAS COLDER THAN NORMAL IN CENTRE COUNTY The weather of March was about normal in precipitation and about 5 degrees below normal in tempera- ture, according to the report of the local U. S. weather bureau at the Airport in Bellefonte, The monthly mean temperature was 30.7 degrees, the mean maxi- mum 38.8 and the mean minimum 42.6 degrees. The highest tempera- ture was o¥ degrees on the 25th and the lowest 4 degrees on the 9th, The | greatest daily range in temperature | was 38 degrees on the 30th and the least 6 degrees on the 11th. There | perature below freezing and 10 days during which the temperature did not rise above freezing. A real cold period occurred from the 6th to the 17th, the temperature for every day being considerably below normal, The coldest day was the 9th, with a mean - temperature of 10 degrees, and the warmest was the 26th, with 4 mean temperature of 48 degrees. From 2 a. m. of the 6th to 2 a. m. of the (ua there was a drop of 25 degrees in temperature, also the same drop occurred from 8 and 9 a. m. of the 6th to the same hours of the 7th. A drop of 34 degrees occurred from 6 and 7 a. m. of the 6th to 6 and 7 a. m. of the 9th. On the 30th there was a rise of 35 de- degrees in 10 hours and on the 25th a rise of 34 degrees in 10 hours. The average daily range in temperature was 16.1 degrees and the average change in mean temperature from day to day was 5.0 degrees. The total precipitation for the month was 3.56 inches, of which 1.28 inches occurred in 24 hours on the 27th and 28th. Most of the lat- ter was in the form of snow, 15.0 in. in 24 hours on the same ates. | Precipitation of 0,01 inch or more occurred on 13 days and a trace or ter-county rural school more on 27 days. There was a trace or more of snow on 25 days and 0.01 inch or more of melted snow | on 10 days. The total depth of snow for the month was 24.0 inches, | with a trace on the ground at the end of the month. Two heavy snows occurred during the month, begin- ning on the 6th and 27th. The lat- ter was almost three times the | depth of the former, but the strong winds, with low temperatures, on the 7th, 8th and 9th caused deep drifts, while the heavy snow on the 27th and 28th was very wet, fol- lowed by rising temperatures which melted it rapidly. Sleet occurred on the 16th, 17th, 22nd and 25th. Dense fog occurred on the 28th and light fog on 10 days. There were 3 clear days, 9 partly cloudy and 19 cloudy. The mean relative humidity at 8 a. m, was 829, at | noon 659 at 8 p. m. 749, and for | the month 78%. The mean monthly sea-level ba- rometic pressure was 29.85 inches, the highest 30.28 inches on the 25th | and the lowest 29.04 inches on the 6th, a range of 1.24 inches. The mean station pressure, elevation 1050 feet, was 28.72 inches, The prevailing wind was from the | west and the greatest’ ‘velocity was 52 | miles: per hour from the * west { hour also occurred on the Tth and! 21st. The average temperature for March in Bellefonte for 12 years, 1901-1912 inclusive, is 40,4 degrees; for 44 years at State College, 1888- 1931 inclusive, 36.1 degrees and at the Airport for 4 years, 35.3 de- grees. The warmest month of March of record at the Airport was 1929,- 40.8 degrees; in Bellefonte, in 1903, —49.4 degrees; at Centre Hall in 1921,-46.8 degrees; and at State College in 1921, -46.2 degrees. The coldest months were as follows: At the Airport in 1932,-30.7 degrees; in Bellefonte in 1906,-32.6 degrees; at Centre Hall in 1906,-27.4 degrees; | and at State College in 1916,-28.4 degrees. Highest and lowest temperatures recorded in March are as follows: At the Airport, 75 degrees in 1929 and 4 degrees in 1932; and at State Col- lege 86 degrees in 1907 and 6 de- grees below zero in 1890. The joint average of 12 years rec- ord of precipitation for March in Bellefonte and 8 years record at Western penitentiary is 3.55 inches. At the Airport for the past 4 years the average is 2.33 inches. At Flem- ing for the 9 years, 1859-1867 in- clusive, the average is 3,60 inches; and at State College for 44 years, | 1888-1931 inclusive, is 3.20 inches, with an apparent decrease during the past two decades. Months of March with heavy and light precipitation were as follows: At the airport, 3:56 inches in 1932 and 1.61 inches in 1931; in Belle- fonte, 5.35 inches in 1908 and 0.27 inch in 1910; at Western peniten- tiary, 4.69 inches in 1916 and 1.27 inches in 1923; at Fleming 6.51 inches in 1865 and 1.36 inches in 1861; and at State College, 5.63 inches in 1898 and 0.60 inch in 1910. A close second for heavy precipita- tion in March at State College was 5.58 inches in 1908, The average snowfall for March at the Airport for 4 years is 9.6 inches, with the greatest, 24.0 inch- es in 1932 and he least, 2.6 inches in 1930. In Bellefonte the average for 14 years is' 7.8 inches, greatest 24.4 inches in 1906 and least none in 1903. At Centre Hall the average for 26 years is 9.3. At State Col- lege the average for 38 years is 8.9 inches, the greatest, 23.6 inches in 1892 and least, none in 1903. “Is he a dreamer?” “Is he? He eats cheese and pick- les every night.” | Squeezing the farmer, he said, add- | to people in towns and | sible. Money is wasted in the small on € the 22nd. Winds above 32 miles per’. | ity of instruction was chiefly up to (Continued next week.) URGES RAISING LEVEL OF RURAL SCHOOL SYSTEM ‘The level of the rural schools must be raised to the level of the urban schools,” said Dr. James N. Rule, State Superintendent of Pub- lic Instruction, addressing the in- conference. It was the third of thirteen confer- ences, one being held at each State Teachers College during the spring months in an effort to generally improve educational opportunities for boys and girls of the farms and small communities. Two main points were emphasiz- ed by supérintendent Rule as aids] in his proposed program for better rural schools. He seeks a revision system of state support in the financing of ru- ral schools and he also advocated the redistricting of the State to form larger areas than present known districts. In getting at the problem of rural education, Dr. Rule conceded that it was necessary to improve the teach- ing, adopt methods to fit the partic- ular needs of rural students, and prepare country boys and girls for future usefulness in urbanized com- munities. But he especially stressed the unequal property tax burden, and the isolation of many rural dis- tricts which might be included in larger areas. “The State must finance rural dis- tricts more adequately,” Dr. Rule said. “The farmers never got a square deal, and the state educa- tional system does not give aid in proportion to the ability of the tax- payers to support education. The State must carry an increasingly larger share of the expense of edu- cation.” Dr. Rule pointed out that only 15 per cent of the support of schools in Pennsylvania is furnished by the State, while the remaining 85 per cent depends on property taxes. This over-emphasis on property is ing that 13.6 per cent of the farm- er’'s income is spent for taxes, while | urbanized | communities not more than 9 per; cent of the incomes had to be used for taxes. “It will be a real prosper- ity measure for the State to assume more of the load,” Dr. Rule assert- ed. As an economical move, Dr. Rule seriously advocated a complete re- districting of the state educational map. “A larger unit of school or- ganization is needed,” he said. “It must come as a matter of necessity, created by the depression. Money will be hard to get from the Legis- lature next year, and it will be nec- essary to econoniize wherever pos- districts such as we have at present and at the next session of the Leg- islature we are going to try to have mandatory larger school districts in the State. They may be known as community units.” Dr. Rule urged that the superin- tendents use their influence with the public to bring about greater state support of education and the enlargement of the school unit areas, so that through the public the Legislators might become . sensitiz- d. 2 A ‘Emphasizing the fact that his own work with the planning of edu- cation along the lines mentioned, Dr. Rule told the superintendents that the improvement of the qual- them. “The level of the rural schools must be raised to the level of the best urban schools,” he said. ‘There must be a new definition of teach- ing—teachers must help the boys and girls to learn as they are able to learn, according to their various abilities.” WHY THE GRAY SQUIRREL IS CALLED PUBLIC ENEMY The London county council has issued an order for the extermina- tion of Canadian gray squirrels, for the little rascal, despite his hand- some coat and dainty ways, is ver- min. Unless this war is carried on relentlessly, the gray squirrel will entail a serious loss to agriculture. He has been proved guilty of a long catalogue of crimes. He drives away or kills the harmless red squirrel, rifles birds’ nests, eats the eggs and young birds, attacks and kills pheasants and partridges, damages trees by eating off the shoots and buds, eats fruit and vegetables, and generally makes himself a nuisance to the farmer and smallholder, Gray squirrels are now said to have populated 14,000 square miles of England, and they are breeding with great rapidity. Four thousand have been shot in Burnham Beeches alone during the last ten years. “7 HAD THE EVIDENCE “Julia, do you know what is?” The young man put the question in an intense voice. “Yes,” replied the girl, firmly. “But do you really know?” he asked again. “Have you ever been the objec- tive of a love as undying as the sun, as all-prevading as the air, as wonderful and sparkling as the stars? Have you ever loved and been loved like that, Julia?” In an agony of suspense he wait- ed for her reply. “Have I-—" she murmured, “If you will come up into our boxroom I can show you a trunk full of let- ters and three albums full of paoto- graphs. And in my jewel case are seven engagement rings!” love “You want a job don't you, Ras- tus?” “Ah certainly do, boss.” ; “Well, how about this offer from the Peacock Laundry?” “That’s fine boss, but ah'll tell ya, I ain't never washed a peacock!” FOR AND ABOUT WOMEN DAILY THOUGHT Behold the pine; behold the palm; They typify life's storm and calm; One hand devised them line on line— Grace in the palm, strength in the pine. —The high waistline in Direc- toire style seems to appear in every style of castume. This is otten more of an illusion than a fact. Four definite ways of suggesting high-waistedness are used; the prin- cess line shaped slightly higher than the natural waist; above the waist and trouser-top skirtlines; belts made higher in front and lower in back, and arrangement of draperies from shoulders to ribtops. Flowers posed beneath the bust give a Directoire effect. Revers to the ribtops shorten the waist, Lanvin extends the black satin skirt of an evening gown higher than the waistline into a white satin blouse. Augustabernard relies upon very high stiff belts in a contrasting shade of velvet, finished in a large stiff bow at the back. These are often worn with dresses. lace Mainbocher uses the flowers pos- ed beneath the bust, in a princess dress of white satin, the flowers being white and green roses. Vera Borea places two large white composition buttons shaped like roses at a ribtop position on a navy blue dress. Lucille Paray’s straw hats are higher in front than back. Lelong Patou and Lelong achieve the high-waisted look by means of little capelets becoming fichus in front. These twist or cross in front and tie at the back. Some of these fichus are incrust- ed butterfly style into the dress. Chantal makes a slip-over-the- head short bolero of jersey to wear with white summer frocks. —It is easy to understand why more and more women are becom- ing automobile drivers. Better me- chanical construction is one reason it is no longer necessary for a wo- man to be a mechanic in order for her to operate a car unaccompanied by men. Another reason is increaséd beau- ty. Catering to women, motor car manufacturers have designed their offerings with an eye to aesthetic appeal and convenience, in graceful harmony of line and color, more pleasing upholstery and more desir- able appointments. But probably the most important reason for the increasing number of women drivers is the greater safety afforded by the modern all- steel body, more reliable brakes, better steering apparatus, more de- pendable tires, and the many other things that contribute to make mo- toring more enjoyable. Pecan Ginger ‘Ale Salad.—2 table- spoons gelatin, 2 tablespoons cold water, 1 cup boiling water, 152 cup lemon juice, 2 tablespoons sugar, Few grains salt, 1 cup ginger ale, Yo cup white cherries or white grapes, licup pecan meats. Soak gelatin in cold water and dissolve in boiling water. Add the sugar, salt, lemon juice and ginger ale. Let stand until the mixture be- gins to thicken. Add the cherries or grapes that have been seeded and stuffed with pecan meats. Mold in large or individual molds. Serve on lettuce. This will serve six. Prune whip.—Pick over, wash and cover with cold water, two dozen prunes. After soaking ten to twelve hours cook in the water in which they were soaked. Remove the stones and put the pulp through a coarse sieve. fo the pulp add one- half cupful of sugar, two teaspoons- ful of lemon juice, the grated rind of half a lemon and one-third of a teaspoonful of salt. Now fold in the whites of six eggs which have been beaten stiff. Turn the mixture into a buttered baking dish, set in a pan of water and bake until firm in a moderate oven. Serve with a boiled custard or with cream. —Sports wear shows the bright- est hues seen in many a year. on gay sweaters. blouses and ensem- bles. “Patch” accents of orange, flam- ing scarlet, brilliant blues, yellow and greens in the scarfs, sweaters and berets brighten the neutral background of beige, gray and light brown fabrics of which many new sports clothes are made. A vivid sweater worn with a skirt makes a sports costume that will fit many occasions, and the ad- dition of a top coat gives a more formal effect. Wool is the fabric largely used in sports outfits, flannel, jersey and loose nubbly weaves being the fav- orites. A three-piece suit with a bright blouse and scarf topped by a long or seven-eighths length coat fastened with gold or silver buttons is a smart ensemble. One of the new costumes made of light gray flannel is designed with a straight skirt and short jack- et and a bright orange tuck-in blouse. An ensemble seen in Paris collec- tions has a deep blue wool double- breasted topcoat trimmed with gold buttons which is worn with a blue lavender wool frock finished with a striped scarf of blue and yellow. A new ensemble consists of a beige coat and frock worn with a striped crimson, blue and beige scarf and knitted bonnet of the same fabric. Grass green combined with white FARM NOTES. —*"A penny saved is a penny earn- ed.” Culling poor cows out of the herd stops losses. Many dairy herds are handicapped by profit takers. These are the low-producing cows which fail to pay more cost of feed and care. Any empty stall makes the dairyman more money than one occupied by a poor cow. —Trees with weak framework are likely to split apart under the strain of heavy crops. They can be cheap- ly and effectively strengthened by bracing. Screw eyes inserted in the limbs 5 to 10 feet above the crotches, depending on the size of the limb, can be used with a connecting chain or heavy wire to hold the limbs securely. —Deep and thorough working of the soil preparatory to planting or Seeding is very important in growing any garden crop. Garden soils should be thoroughly turned or spaded, fol- lowed by consecutive rakings bzfore the soil dries, until the seedbed is very fine. —If proper temperature is main- tained in the brooder house some pil- ing up of chicks can be prevented. State College poultry specialists rec- ommend 95 to 100 degrees the first week, 90 to 95 second week, 85 to 90 third week, and then gradual re- duction until no heat is needed. —If the foal receives increasing quantities of grain, it will take less and less milk from the dam. Then weaning will be more easily accom- plished. Foals usually are weaned when 412 to 6 months old -—Wool should be stored in a clean, dry place until it is sold. It should never be stored in a basement. —Apple and pear trees girdled or partly girdled by mice and rabbits during the winter may be saved by bridge grafting. It is important to note the damage early so that dor- mant scion wood may be obtained. Vigorous terminal shoots of last year’s growth make the best scions, but suckers will do. Trees under five years old generally are not worth grafting, —Milk is made from digestible materials in feeds. When rations are properly balanced to meet the needs of the cow, there will be greater and chedper production of milk than where unbalanced rations are fed. Balance rations carefully and in- crease profits. —The modern garden is planned so that its management will prove economical in use of time and labor. Vegetables planted in long rows make it possible to cultivate with & wheel hoe or horse-drawn culivator. This cuts down the biggest item of expense and enables the gardener to grow more vegetables with the same labor. —Fewer but larger and better quality raspberries should be the ob- jective in pruning the fruiting canes. Size of the canes, the kind of berries, and soil conditions determine the pruning treatment. For details see your county agent. —Both ewes and lambs should be dipped to eliminate ticks from the flock. Use any good stock dip and re- peat the process 8 to 10 days later to kill the nits hatched after the first dipping. —Bee colonies short of food should | receive honey or syrup naw, State College apiarists recommend. —Cornstalk diseases which in some seasons cause heavy losses in cattle and horses that pasture corn- stalks is a difficult disease to con- tend with, states Dr G. S Weaver, veterinarian at South Dakota State College. The cause of the disease is not known. The most reasonable opinion is that it is due to some kind or poisoning, either prussic acid or pottasium nitrate or both. Animals become nervous. A sort of intoxica- tion takes place, the animal becomes weak and wabbly, some being so crazed that they have a tendency to fight anyone giving them attention. Treament of sick animals is inef- fective and the only absolute pre- ventative is to keep cattle out of the stalk fields. Some years there is little trouble from this disease, and most farmers take a chance on getting the feed from the fields. If poisoning occurs it probably will be wise to abandon the stalks as far as feeding is concerned. —As the idle horse lives largely on dry roughage, the teeth should be inspected occasionally. In the horse the upper jaw is slightly wider than the lower jaw so that the teeth are not exactly opposite. The wear is not equally distributed and sharp edges are often left on the inside of the lower molars and on the outside of the uppers which may cut the ton- gue or cheeks. When the horse eats, the food irritates the sores and he may not feel well. These sharp edges should be rasped down with a guard- ed rasp as often as necessary to keep the teeth in proper shape. —One who would prune successful- ly should have an ideal shape in mind and ever strive to attain it, Enough lateral branches should be removed from the central leader to permit sun light to get at the center of the tree. Fruit will then be evenly distributed over the tree. A little pruning done each year makes a bet- ter shape possible; besides, shock and injury to the tree caused by heavy pruning after a year or two of neglect is avoided. flannel is a smart color combination for the golf costume. But other brilliant hues vie for popularity on the links. : ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW Sr I, KLINE WOODRING.—Attorney af Law, Bellefonte, Pu. Practices im ® all courts. Office, room 18 Crider's Exchange. 51-1 KENNEDY JOHNSTON.—Attorney af Law, Bellefonte, Pa. Prompt at- == tention given all legal business em= trusted to his care. Offices—No 5 Bast Hight street 57-44 M. KEICHLINE.—Attorney at Law and Justice of the Peace. All professional business will receive prompt attention. Offices on second floor of Temple Court. 49-5-1y G. RUNKLE.—Attorney at Law. Consultation in English and Ger= ® man. Office in Crider’s Exchange, Bellefonte, Pa. SPECIALISTS R. R. L. CAPERS. OSTEOPATH. 66-11 ) kK] Bellefonte State College Holmes Bldg. Crider’'s Ex. D. CASEBEER, Optometrist.—Regls« tered and licensed by the State. : Eyes examined, glasses fitted. Sat isfaction guaranteed. Frames re; and lenses matched, Casebeer 1dg., High St., Bellefonte, Pa, -22~ VA B. ROAN, Optometrist, Licensed by the State Board. State College, every day except Saturday, Belle- fonte, in the Garbrick building opposite the Court House, Wednesday afternoons from 2 to 8 p. m. and Saturdays 9. a.m. to 4:00 p. m, Bell Phone. 68-40 — — Fire Insurance AT A ¥ 20% Reduction 76-36 J. M. KEICHLINE, Agent. Bellefonte, Pa. IRA D. GARMAN JEWELER 1420 Chestnut Street PHILADELPHIA Have Your Diamonds Reset in Platinum 74-27-tf Exclusive Emblem Jewelry FEEDS! per 100 1bs. Wagner's 169, Dairy Feed 1.25 Wagner's 209; Dairy Feed Wagner's 32% Dairy Feed Wagner's Pig Meal - - - Wagner's Egg Mash - . - Wagner's Scratch Feed- - Wagner's Chick Feed - - - Wagner's Chick Starter and _ Grower with Cod Liver Oil Wagner's Horse Feed- - Wagner's Winter Bran - - Wagner's Winter Middlings - Wagner's Standard Chop - - i Blatchford Calf Meal 25lbs - Wayne Calf Meal Per H - - Wayne Egg Mash - - - . Oil Meal 34¢- - - - Cotton Seed 439,- - - Soy Bean Meal- Gluten Feed- - - - Fine Ground Alfalfa M Meat Scrap 45% - woe Tankage- - - - Fish Meal- - - - Fine Stock Salt - - - - . Oyster Shel - - - -. . - Let us grind your Corn and Oata and make up your Dairy Feed, with Cotton Seed Meal, Oil Meal, Gluten, Alfalfa, Bran, Midds and Molasses. We will make delivery on two ton orders. All accounts must be paid in 30 days. Interest charged over thay time. If you want good bread and pastry use Our Best and Gold Coin . C.Y. Wagner & Co. in BELLEFONTE, PA. b S— —— - — MODERN WOMEN delay due to colds, nervouss uses. Chi-ches-ters Diamond Brand Pi reliable and give QUICK . Sold b all druggistsfor over45 CHICHESTER STINE DIAMOND <§ Caldwell & Son Bellefonte, Pa. Plumbing and Heating Vapor....Steam By Hot Water Pipeless Furnaces AANA IN Full Line of Pipe and Fit- tings and Mill Supplies All Sizes of Terra Cotta Pipe and Fittings ESTIMATES Cheerfully sad Promptly Furnished