Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, April 22, 1932, Image 7
of 3 West: * North legreeg d two. and of y-Seven y-eight € same hirteen same legreps stones George Of Wil. | one. es tg 1 fifty. wenty. South perch- thence perches + land ceased, forty. North East begin- forty- less, . Stone thence 1 and perch- Public t thir. Road; South LR LARGE PRE-ROMAN CITY UNCOVERED U. S. Scientists Make Im- portant Find in Italy. | Rome.—American scientific skill has gnearthed at Minturno a vast pre-Ro- man city four times as large as Pom- | pell. It has priceless treasures in art | and incalculable contributions to the knowledge of pre-Christian times, The excavations are being conducted by an American expedition under the auspices of the University of Pennsyl- yania and headed by Dr. Jotham John «on of Philadelphia. Precious objects of unknown value are yet expected to be found in the pecropolis of this buried city, where the tombs are filled with rich treas- gre in gold and precious stones, so the ercheologists believe. After an inspection of the city with others, Doctor Johnson who described the great temples and ancient public puildings which he had so far brought to light. Fifth Century B. C. whe city of Minturno dates back to she Fifth century B. C,” =aid Doctor | | Johnson. “We have discovered works of art from that far distant period, | which show a Greek influence. The | city evidently was brought under Ro- | man domination about the Third cen- | tury B. C. and from then on until the | Tenth century {it suffered many | ehanges, Probably it embraced Chris- tianity about the Fifth century.” The concession to conduct excava | gions in Italy was the first granted | a foreign organization in thirty years, | while the territory assigned to the ex- pedition is regarded as one of the rich- | est in the field of archeology. The buried city is located ninety | miles from Rome and was touched by the ancient Appian way, several hun- dred yards of which the expedition | bas uncovered in its orgnal form, wth | the big flagstones of Roman roads. | Greek Market Place. Doctor Johnson exhibited a Greek | market place, which, he said, was | snique In the world and that such a | find did not exist, so far as was known, | even in Greece itself. “We have uncovered fifteen structions,” said Doctor Johnson. | “Some of the city walls must be of | the Fifth century B. O., while there are others of the Fourth. There is a eolonnade of the late Fourth century B. C. and three temples of fhe Third | snd First centuries B. C. There is a | temple of the period of Augustus. An- other temple is of the period of Sulla, with a tremendous sanctuary wall. | There is a Second century A. D. foun- tain or water clock. There are the | buge amphitheater, shipyards and | docks. and the aqueduct, the latter standing ahove the ground for cen- | turies.” Digging Well, He Finds Richest Radium Field Vienna.—7The richest radium field in Surope has been discovered at Neu- baus, near Linz, in upper Austria, by a water diviner, Herr Franz Niegl. A peasant, Franz Maier, about te dig a well, summoned Heir Niegl, who, wsing an old silver wateh on a silver ehain as a pendulum, obtained such violent reactions that he guaranteed iat an abundance of water would be found nine feet down. When borings were made twice this depth without any sign of water, the puzzled diviner sent samples of the earth to the gov- emment research Institute in Vienna. The institute announces that the earth has the highest radium content yet discovered in Europe. Tt is stated that 11.000 tons would yield a kilo | gram of pure radium. The: field is buried; only ' nine feet down,. has a depth of from four to eight feet, and oxtends a considerable distanee. Aged Italian Arranged Plans for Own Death. Parma, Italy. — Girolomo Piarra, dighty-eight, feeling himself near death, dressed in his best, and visited the parish priest, begging him to give Mm the last sacraments, as he felt bis end was near. Surprised at the Apparently healthy man, the priest beard his confession and gave him etommunion, When Piarra had finished, he visited tbe undertaker, requesting him to take his measure for a coffin that would shortly be required, “as I am about to leave this world.” Then he returned home, greeting all his friends and ac- Quaintances whom he met on the way ang telling them he was leaving them soon, The old man went to bed early. He hii found dead in bed the next morn- ng. Autos Blamed for Slump in Umbrella Repairing Petersburg, Ind. — The umbrella {ending business isn't what It used to be, and it’s all because of automobiles, says Thomas Snyder, ninety, on a visit here, Snyder formerly was a sailor, and held a Queen Victoria mariner's license. He left the sea 37 years ago and started repairing .umbrellag, He returns here infrequently but sald he Would be back to celebrate his one hundredth birthday anniversary. con | 143-Year-Old Geography Holyoke, Mass.—An American geog- raphy writien 143 years ago by one Jedidah Morse and dedicated to Wil- liam Livingston, then governor of New Jersey, ig treasured by C. H. Burnham, of Holyoke, i | hardly aware | sick, I'm only lonely. | into this mood. | Morley, go back to. your nook.” | how | her arm on the big chair. IO ~ LER0I0008090800 3 2200800000908 081 OPOPCNCRCHO bof Ad 4H 4.4% 4% FHI ERA" 4 Understanding By RUBY DOUGLAS i (© by ii 1 FA Syndicate.) (GRacia Collins had an enviable income, And, now that she was the sole surviving member of her fam- lly she felt that she had a right to live as she pleased, She had always fitted her tastes to those of the fam- ily and it was not until the last two | years that she had hegun to be an | individual and express her own per. | sonality. Her apartment was not large, but it was furnished exactly as she had always dreamed her own home should be. Today, she sat in the big cloth- | covered chair beside a log fire in her ! library. of books. ume of Christopher Morley's lay open on her lap. She had found a line that had struck home, All about her were shelves | A little autographed vol- ! “Poetry must | be lived before it can be either writ- ! ten or properly understood. And that | | Is why the enjoyment of poetry is essentially a feeling of recognition: the recognition of something you thought you had forgotten or were that you had once noticed.” Gracia’s eyes took on a glow tha. nade her very lovely. why I have begun to appreciate poetry of late. That is why I am secretly trying to express myself in verse,” she admitted. “I have lived—I un- derstand.” “So that is | Perhaps the thoughts that tumblea me after another through her mind a8 she sat in the solitude of her own environment were not too tangible, | even to Gracia herself, but when she finally moved to mend the fire her spirit was possessed of a strange homesickness, “It’s ridiculous,” she said, quickly switching on a light. I have all that I want—all that I have ever wanted | —right here.” She let her eyes wan- der about the room as if to convince | herself that she was not mistaken. “I need a cup of tea, It is the damp- ness and the gloom that has put me There, Christopher She “I'm not home- | tucked the small volume into the va- | cant slit on the shelf. “Music—that’s what I want thi. afternoon—not literature. I'll have music with my tea.” She adjusted the dial of her inconspicuous radio get in a secluded corner, “Liebestraum,” she murmured. “Oi. why is everything possessed to make me suffer this afternoon? That is the one bit of music that hurts, oh, it hurts me.” And yet she did not stir. She sat with her head in Her tea grew cold. The last haunting strains | of Franz Liszt’s beautiful dream of I love died away. The voice of the announcer brought ner back, She looked at the cup of cold tea and at the dying fire. A petu- | lant, whining gust of wind sought ad- mittance at the window. Gracia shiv- | ered. She arose and walked toward the telephone. For a long moment she sat with her hand on the receiver as if summoning courage to lift it. At last she called a number she | seemed to know well, Her hand was cold; her lips trembled close to the | She | glass mouthpiece. No answer. waited to be told that the party did not reply and then she hung up the receiver. A sound startled her. The kmnocke: was being gently tapped. She opened the door. A man with | a folder of manuscripts stood there— | Don Hubbard. “I+had, just called ;you on ihe tele phone,” she said, trying to act cheer- ful. made my eyes too tired to read and I was—Ilonely.” “The : smoke from the fire has | The wan put his cap—he wore a | «ap and tweeds as if he had come from | the country—on a chair, “I have been writing down at my sister's bungalow and, semehow, it seemed as if you were the only one who could help me,” he began, Gracia had made the fire bright ana was offering him the big seat opposite her own. “Poetry! But—Don—you never usea «0 write poetry” she exclaimed after she had looked at the page he handed to her. For an important fraction of a min ite they looked at each other while understanding dawned in the eyes of both. “Sometime I'll tell you what I have oeen doing this afternoon, Don,” she sald, later, “and that may explain many things.” The rain seemed not to chill Gracia aow. The fire burned brightly. She was happy. They talked on about Don’t efforts and Gracia almost ad- mitted to him that the two years of perfect freedom were not too perfect, after all. | | | | | EE RE Stand By Your Republican Colors! This Is No Time For Radicalism! Fundamentally in Achievement, Sound, and Constructive the Republican Party Emerges Triumphant from Every Politi- cal and Business Upheaval. SAFE, STRONG and DEPENDABLE The Republican Party Stands Feariessly Out on the Firing Line for— A Square Deal for American Soldiers Lower Taxation Economy in Public Office Co-operation to Aid Unemployed State and County Co-operation The Republican Party in Pennsylvania Stands Squarely Back of the Republican Party Candidates in Centre County. Every Republican is Urged to Vote for These Candidates and Insure Proper Recognition for Centre County with the Incoming Administration. United States Senator HON. JAMES J. DAVIS Supreme Court JUDGE WILLIAM B. LINN Superior Court JUDGE ROBERT S. GAWTHROP JUDGE WILLIAM M. PARKER HON. ARTHUR H. JAMES State Treasurer CHARLES A. WATERS Auditor General HON. FRANK E. BALDWIN Delegates At-Large To National Convention General Edward Martin, Washington County Mrs. Worthington Scranton, Lackawanna County Hon. W. S. Vare, Philadelphia County Hon. David A. Reed, Allegheny County Jay Cooke, Montgomery County General Edward Shannon, Columbia Co. Hon. John J. McClure, Delaware Co. Alternate Delegates-At-Large Mrs. Hannah M. Durham, Lehigh County Mrs. Sara M. Etter, Dauphin County Miss Marion L. Pyle, Philadelphia County Mrs. Alma W. Lorimer, Philadelphia Co. Mrs. Edna M. Kech, Blair County James Francis Burke, Allegheny County National Delegates 23d. Congressional District Dr. DAVID KAUFFMAN, Blair County Hon. HARRY BOULTON, Clearfield County Alternate National Delegates 23d. Congressional District CLAUDE G. AIKENS, Centre County MYRTLE REED SCHULTZ, Blair County County Chairman HARRY A. ROSSMAN County Vice-Chairman MISS BESSIE A. MILES State Committeeman HON. HARRY B. SCOTT Don’t Fail To Vote Primaries, Tuesday, April 26 ( Preserve This List to Aid You in Marking Your Ballot ) (Political Advertisements) IS LEFT-HANDEDNESS A NORMAL ATTRIBUTE? Many people, including certain eminent psychologists, have long be- lieved that right-handedness is a sign of physical, and mental normality and that the great majority of left- handed people become so through the | ignorance and carelessness of par- | ents. “You do miss your family and— | she old home?’ he asked when, in his heart, he knew very well what it was that they were both missing. Gracia nodded. “I seem to need something more in my life,” she whis pered. “T know,” he said. “I have always gnown that some day you would un derstand. I have had faith, Gracia.” But one thing she would not da was to give up the lovely apartment. It was big enough for him, she in. sisted, and he had suffered too much to protest longer. After all, what Ald mere things matter so long as he might marry the girl his dreams had given him, | theory, but Dr. Ira S. Wile, Perhaps there’s something in this of the faculty of Mt. Sinai Hospital, in New | York City, doesn’t believe it. He has [ done a little investigating for him- self and has arrived at the interest- ing conclusion that left-handed chil- dren were born so perfectly normal and natural in that respect. And, what's more important, if Dr. Wile is right, it is all wrong to at- tempt to make over left-handed chil- dren so that they will become right- handed, ; «Research has shown,” said Dr. Wile to a recent gathering of psy- chiatrists, “that attempts to force the unnatural use of the right hand have caused behavior disorders such as irritability, lying and theft. “We have many persons to believe that left-handed ‘persons have their nervous systems focused toward the left sides of their bodies. They see more keenly with their left eyes. It is abnormal for such people to be made right-handed by practice. They should be allowed to stay as nature made them, for left-handedness is just as natural and normal as right handedness.” 4,020 FIRES A total of 4,029 fires burned in the forests of Pennsylvania during 1931, according to completed preliminary figures lately compiled by George H. wirt, Chief Forest Fire Warden of the Department of Forests and Wat- ers. After accidentally stepping on a cherry stone and observing the greasy spot left on the floor an or- chardist and canner now uses the pits as well as the fruit. The oil in the kernels is pressed out and used in the making of cosmetics, the left- over cake in the press is sold for fertilizer, and the shells are utiliz- ed for fuel. JOBLESS OPERATE STILL ment, a man can pick about 75 IN PENNSY MOUNTAINS pounds of wintergreen a day. The | stems and leaves are: placed in a still Unemployed in the Pennsylvania ' one-third filled with water. Two hun- mountain regions are operating stills, dred pounds of wintergreen are used under the supervision and sanction in each distillation and the process: | of the State Department of Forests produces about one and one half and Waters. . pounds of oil in six hours. No moonshiners these, but distil-' lers of wintergreen oil, a valued A commodity. —If you see it in the Watchman, According to the Forestry Depart- you know it’s true. —— Flour For Free Distribution he Bellefonte Chapter of the American Red Cross has recieved 500 barrels of flour for free distribution within its district. In Bellefonte and Spring Township distribution will be made under the direction of the Associated Charities on Tuesday and Friday afternoons, to continue three months. The flour is stored in the Potter-Hoy warehouse on High Street. Mr. H. P. Harris, Chairman of the Red Cross Chapter, also has for free distribution, Red Cross garden seed. . THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK : BELLEFONTE, PA. COMFORT GUARANTEED. Baney’s Shoe Store p WILBUR H. BANEY, Proprietor 80 years in the Business BUSH ARCADE BLOCK BELLEFONTE, PA. ! Think of It Stetson Hats - - Spaide Work Shirts Crown Overalls - - Kaynee Suits - - $1.00 Kaynee Shirts - - 79cts Mens’ All Wool Suits $15.00 Boys’ All Wool Suits ~~ 7.85 | $5.00 T5cts 98ets All at Fauble’s---Never in the Store’s | history have clothes been BR so good and prices so low |