Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, April 22, 1932, Image 5

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WINGATE John E. Venable, of Pb, —We will do your job work right
and Anne A. Mackaraimen, of _. pa ——
Mr. and Mrs. John Shawley attend- | g05 N, Y. . :
Miss Helen Rupert has been suffer- | y : OR RENT.—An apartment in the Sim.
_— —— am === 108 the pass inful ear affection dT | Wiliam A. Kline, of South Philips- JP" Stuer tgie,, "north * Atigheey:
Edward Rupert took an auto trip | DE; and Amelia Yeager, of Cogan TORE ROOM._Large store room ine
to Beech Creek, last Friday. where STO | Hayes building, north Alle-
called num ends. | Wilbur Sampsel Ishler and Vir- rr potent, Belle.
John Wertz, of Tyrone, is visiting | ginia Claire Haupt, both of Belle- | tonte, or phone 332 elle
mis Cousin, Clams Mitcnel) snd Im fonte. Se
== | y: How Son. F Bh qeadi Goof (ApaTSHISH::
z niences, Inquire of M. C. Snyder.
children, Miss Florence Peters and Bishop street. 16-2t:
| brother Kenneth, were dinner guests, WE NOW HAVE
“on Sunday, at the Mrs. Irwin home. the
THURSDAY, APRIL 28, 1932 &:sr.n.
raised by this performance will be used to correct crippled
Every penny i
teeth, tonsils, etc, of the underprivileged children of |
limbs, defective
George Tibbens is a sufferer with a
severe attack of quinsy, at his home,
‘at Beech Creek, and hope he has an
early recovery.
C. T. U. worker of Athens, Pa., vis- |
ited the Boggs township school, on:
| Wednesday of last
| numberof calls and attended the W. |
C. T. U. meeting that evening. :
Straw For Sale
$1.00 Per Hundred
Special This Week
Punxsutawney Coal
$5.45 Per Ton
Dustless Cannel Coal
We are sorry to hear that Dr.
Mrs. Elizabeth Esterbrook, a w. |
week, made a
Emmet S. Henry, and Helen M.
| Gruver, both of Lewistown.
Joseph J. Karkus and Gertrude M.
Finneran, both of Bridgeport, Pa.
| Kofman’s Coal Yard
audit and make distribution of the funds
in the above stated decedent's estate as
shown by the first and final account as
filed by Geo. W. Eaton, Executor of the
late ill and Testament of the said
Jennie E Johnston, deceased, will meet
to perforin the duties of his appointment
the oilice of Johnston & Johnston,
The men whose names are followed by an **X’’ on the sam-
ple ballot below are recommended by the Democratic State Com-
mittee for United States Senator and Delegate-at-Large. Vote
for them at the Primaries April 26th, and for them ONLY. If
you vote for more than eight men for Delegate-at-Large your
ballot will be thrown out.
(Tear this from your Paper and Take it With You to the Polls)
Centre County. Last year approximately 20 crippled children were Lewis C. Cassidy Philadelphia County
cared for and about 20 had dental rk done. This work includes all EY I — En
a cso parents are unable Ji pay for surgeon's and hospital Lawrence H. Rupp Lehigh County X
fees, braces, casts and other expenses involved. | DELEGATES-- AT-LARGE
The show is also being staged in Philipsburg and Tyrone and is being Edward J. Lynett
produced by Kiwanians. Proceeds of each performance to be used by James J. Campbell Ls ;
the Kiwanis Club in the respective towns for similar purposes. This is i ~ Henry C. Niles : eu X
a wonderful humanitarian work and your assistance is urgently needed. | Robert Gilmore : : = pi
| [GuyK.Bara oo
| | Warren VanDyke : Re
| |] Micime) Bonchive _ ys ae Yes
John R. Collins wo man scgy Bo oR
Samuel E. Shull hi
TICKETS $1.00 NO RESERVED SEATS | | rewisc casidy ==
On Sale at Montgomery & Co. - Also by Bellefonte Kiwanians .- - |- |- dotn F. Short _ . X
: And at the Door :
ive meeting for young people. Wor-
ship: 10:45, preaching by Rev. W.
Miss Grace Smith, of Centre Hall, Emery Hartman, student pastor.
spent a day in town last week. 9:30 A, M. Church school Wesley Foundation, State College:
Edwin Benner, of State College,| 10:45 A. M. The service and ser- | At 7:30, special song service, full
was a visitor in town on Sunday. mon: “The Sifting of Souls.” program—pastor and Dr. David Ken-
7:30 P. M. The Vesper service. The
church school orchestra will present
a varied program of orchestral mu-
sic, together with instrumental quar-
dell, of Kansas. Pastor responds to
all calls for his services. Strangers
welcome to all public mee Mid-
week congregational gathering for
Dean and Donald Ross, of Linden
Hall, called on friends in town on
Mrs. Arthur Witmer and daughter
tettes and duets. The organ will be | prayer, praise, testimony and forum
Loraine, of the Branch, were callers | niaved as one of the instruments of | period, last meeting pastor is expect-
in town on Saturday. the orchestra. The pastor will speak | ed to attend until May 25, possibly
Mr. and Mrs. Martin Keller, of | on “Music and the Church.” 29th.
Horace Lincoln Jacobs, Minister.
Pleasant Gap, spent Tuesday evening
i ‘10368d ‘POWAY ‘HH 0UAMRID
among friends in town. ——
Mrs. Laura spent several
days, last Str ne her cousin, | Church Bible school, C. C. Shuey, 9:15, Sunday school
Mrs. Frank Reish, at Oak Hall Supt, 9:30 with special features,| 10:30, Rally day service
Finn McGirk, of Altoona, accom- music and study, League, 6:30, per-| 6:30, E. L. C. E.
panied by his ’ daughter and child, tinent topic, prepared leader; attract-| 7:30, Rally day service.
visited in town on Saturday after- | se re ——— Rev. A. Ward Campbell, pastor
—If you see it in the Watchman |,
you know it's true.
Mrs. T. O. Glenn, of Braddock, and
Mrs. William Morrow, of Sinking
Valley, were visitors at the home of
Mrs. M. A. Woods, last week.
Walter Korman, of Oak Hall, and
Mr. Spotts, of State College, recent-
building lots, on west
Main street, from S. J. Wagner and (Matinee st 1:30. Evenings at 6:00)
expect to build new homes in the| ~~" ne
near future. FRIDAY —
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Philips and Douglas Faitbuniss, Irs. Mary Brian
daughter Jane, and Mrs. William
Brouse and daughter Dorothy drove | “IT'S TOUGH TO BE FAMOUS”
to Hanisbuls. on Saturday, for a
week-end t at the home of Mr. ||SATURDAY —
and Mra. Paul Brouse. Robt. Montgomery, Edw. E. Horton i
Rev. John Wagner and family, of in U. S. Grown, Verified Origin,
Hodson Bogle: ny. drove 10| “BUT THE FLESH IS WEAK” Certified Highest Test Farm Seeds
EP EEE LEE om ar rms | een
NILES Sr er] | ae
to regain his former heaith ee LSIKE CLOVER
HOWARD James Cagney and Joan Blondel Se CLOVER
ies Rody er 2 Jenga, WEDRESDAY a rue TIMOTHY
Guy Thompson, of Elizabethtown, “NIGHT COURT” For the lawn:
spent the week-end with his parents,
Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Thompson.
Mrs. Girard Altenderfer, Mrs. Har-
»ld Schenck. Mrs. G. A. Ekdahl and
George Bancroft, Miriam Hopkins, in
Mrs. Willard McDowell attended the EVERGREEN
ooking school, held in the State) NITTANY THEATRE
‘heatre, at Bellefonte, Wednesday. PARK GREEN
The Methodist church choir, tt FRIDAY —
3eech Creek, will present a comedy ——
n three acts entitled, “Finger “PLAY GIRL” “Old Gardner” Fertilizer.
Srints,” in the Howard school build-
ng, Saturday evening, April 23rd,
it 8 o'clock. Admission, 15 and 25
Una Merkel, ZaSu Pitts in
Olewine’s Hardware
Last Saturday evening the firemen
vere called out by a slight fire at
he Charles Hughes home, on Spring
treet. It was extinguished without
loing much damage.
...the Good Flavors can’t escape!
Any housewife can pr ¢ foods properly for
cooking. But no woman, no matter how nimble,
can keep some of the good flavors from escaping
an old-fashioned oven.
witha automatic electric range! The
full extent of their natural goodness—it's practi-
cally air-tight and HOLDS THEM IN.
Better flavors with the same recipes — you'll
be amazed!
TELLS YOU the temperatures and
FREE... cooking time required to get best
results. Can be used with any type
“Simplified of range. Write Nome Ecomomics
Department, West Penn Fower
Cooking Company, Box 1223, Piitsburgh,
Chart” Pa. Just say, “Send Simplified
Cooking Chart.” Neo obligation.
IF SO, and you move your electric range — well,
on the average, it only costs about $7.50 for rein-
stallation in another home on West Penn lines.
PURCHASE an electric range Now
4 Pieces —while you can still buy at the
most favorable prices in years—
“Wear-Ever”’ from ANY DEALER and you will
receive a beautiful 4-plece set of
Aluminum “Wear-Bver” aluminum (pictured
below) at no additional cost!
Bellefonte State College
| General Jail deli ml Domine
. very, in efon
| the County of Centre,
| And the Grand J to convene om
| Monday, the ninth ay of , 1982,
the Trav-
lat ten o'clock A. M., and
for the regular meeting
ons Court will convene
Second Week of Court will the.
| gosond Monday of May, 1980" at 10»
| o'clock A. M., being May 28rd, 1982.
{ NOTICE is here ven to the Coroner,
such Constables, (that may have business
| in their) respective to
| report to the Honorable Court) that
| be then and there in their proper pertotis
(at the time above, with thelr
| records, inquisitions, examinations, and:
their own mbrances, to do those
things to their ofiices ning to be
done 3 Hiote Wie ate i 1
izance to prosecute agai
that are and shall be in the Jail of
| enise County, be then and there to
prosecute as shall be
| Given under my hand, at Bellefonte, the
112th day of April in the year of our
Lord, 1982 and the 156th year of the
States of
Independence of
pen: of the Uni
: JOHN M. BOOB, Sheriff
! Sheriff's Office, Bellefonte, Pa., 77-16-4t
Register's Office for
heirs and
inspection of
legatees, creditors and all
others in any way interested, and will be
| presented to the Orphans’ Court of Cen-
tre County for the confirmation ni si on
Wednesday, May 18, 1932,
| 1 Baird. The first and final account
| of the Moshannon Natlonal Bank, trustee
of David Lawshe and Joseph 8. Baird,
es. The first and partial ac
E. Bartges, executrix of
Bartges, late of State Col
4. Coble. The first and final account
| of Harry E. Coble and Charles W. Coble,
| admrs,, of ete.,, of John M. Coble, late
| of College Township, deceased
5. Fultz. The second and final account
' of the Bellefonte Trust Company guardiam.
of Elmer Fultz, a minor.
; 6. Gamble. The third and final ac~
count of the Lycoming Trust Company,
executor of the estate of G. M. Gamble,
! late of Bellefonte Borough, d A
7. Grove. The first and final account
of Harry F. Grove, admr., of etc, of
| Anna E. Grove, late of College Township,
- deceased.
| 8. Gardner. The first and final account
of Harry K. Gardener admr., of ete. of
' Charles Gardner, late of Port Matilda
| Borough deceased.
| 9, Grove. The first and partial account
of the Bellefonte Trust Compdhy, guar-
| dian of Anne Laurie Grove, a minor.
| 10. Grove. The first and ac-.
} Sou, of the Bellefonte Trust Company,
guardian of Kathryn Elizabeth Grove, a
3. Gis rich. ae feat and Sal ac~
{ count of Har , Ginger an George.
E. Gi ony administrators of Amelia,
| Gingerich, late of Gregg Township, de-
ceased. '
oman. The second and final ac-
| count of the First National Bank of
| State foliage, Pa., admr., c t. a of
! Park R. late of State College
| Borough, deceased.
| 13. Hironimus. The first and final ac-
| count of H. Leigh Ebright, Admr., of
| Andrew J. Hironimus, late of Centre Halk
| 14. Hosterman. The first and final ac~
| count of the Farmer's National Bank and
i Company, executor of J. C.
| man, late of Millheim Borough,
15. Lutz. The first and partial account.
of Alonza Nerhoof, executor of John H.
Lutz, late of Marion Township, deceased
The first and partial ac-
A. Musser executor of
late of Bellefonte Bor-
Frances and
Rowland. The first account of J
K. Johnston, executor of Annie C. Row-
! jane, late of Philipsburg Borough, deceas-
| 18, _Rishel. The first and final account
of Wi A. , executor e
! Rishel, late of Waiker Township, deceas-
fo, 00, Mkts
royer, e
i 230. Schroer. Toe
count o Kathryn
| of William H. Schroyer, late of
| Township, deceased
my Badger, dnd Janis,
| of Wilbur T. Twitmire late of Bellefonte
| Borough, deceased.
| 22. White. The first and final account .
| of the Moshannon National Bank, guar-
| disn of Kathryn E. White, a minor,
| 28. Wilburn, The first and final ac-
| count of the First National Bank guar-
| dian of Sadie BE. Wilburn, a minor.
| 24. Wolf. The first and final account
| of D. K. Summers, admr., of J. H. Wolf,
late of Haines Township, d R
! 95. Vonada. The first and partial ac-
| count of Miles N. Vonada, and Paul A.
| Vonada, executors of W. C. Vonada, late
| of Walker Township, deceased.
| 28. Miles. The first and fnal account
| J. W. Williams, and Pagar Williams,
| executors of Margery Bella les, late of
| Port Matilda Borough, deceased.
Griffith. The first and final ac-
| the First National Bank of
Philipsburg. Pa., ardian of Leonard R.
| and Morgan E. Griffith, minors.
28. Young. The first and final account
of the Moshannon National Bank of Phil-
{| nN.
| count of
ipsburg, guardian of Francis P. Young,
a minor,
| T1-17-4¢ Register of Wills,