Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, April 01, 1932, Image 5

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    the Branch
gal business in Bellefonte last Thurs
ind still it's winter with 22 inches |
f white blanket this Monday morn-
Dan Cupid has it that a is
st in west of Ferguson Le
Farmers Samuel Homan and Guy
ossman were county capitol visitors
The Ernest Trostle family of Fair-
rook are all indoors during a siege of
Mrs. Ruth Frank entertained Mrs
arolyn Peterson at dinner Sunday
sening at her home in the Glades.
J. H. Gilliland is making his season-
ple visits among farmers taking phos-
hate orders for Crops.
William A. Corl, accompanied by
liss Dorothy Spicer, nt Easter
unday with friends in Altoona.
Well known auto dealer Melvin Ner-|
ood of State College was a visitor
sre Monday morning on business.
John Foster Musser and Edgar Hess
! Branch transacted important bus-
ess matters in Bellefonte Friday eve-
The Clayton Corl and Thomas Mor-
in families of Altoona were Easter
sitors with their friends and relatives
Miss Enid Hunter, of Altoona, visit-
1 her aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs.
d. Isenberg at Baileyville over
Don't forget the farm sale on H. M.
lattern’s farm at Seven Stars. Live
ock and full line of machinery. Sale
. 12 o'clock.
Mrs. Vernon Wetmore, of East Main
reet, last week presented her hus-
and with a fine baby girl in the
ellefonte hospital.
George Lauck and Elmer Long join-
i the Isaac Waltonists and tried their
wicker luck at Hostler dam but decid-
1 their bait was too old.
Mrs. William Brooks Fry and two
ms, Francis and Wilfred, motored
sre Friday to spend the week-end
ith friends in the valley.
Our town is still on the map with
val prospects this coming season of
sw concrete road across Tussey
ountain to McElveys Fort.
Charles C. Shuey of Bellefonte was
sre Friday looking for his share of
surance business and agent for John
‘okle Marble Co., Bellefonte.
Sorry to note our food friend, E. P. |
ouser, of Pine Hall, is suffering a
aralytic stroke. Trusting a speedy
«covery is the wish of his many
Our townsman, J. Clayton Corl, mo-
wed to Pennsylvania Furnace Friday
1 quest of a pair of shoats for his pig
y. We'll venture they'll be big ones
axt fall,
Hustling young farmer and feed
zent C. W. Geist of Warriors Mark
mingling among our farmers taking
ders for Wayne feeds and Armour
Auctioneer Harpster reports his larg-
it sale at Alexandria, the Philips
am sale, where horses brought $440
team and cows averaged $150 per
ead with grand total $4450.
Some long fingered people relieved
dward Harpster of the rear tires and
ms from his Dodge Thursday even-
ig. Fortunately they were rounded
p and dealt with according to law.
Prof. Earl Transue of Jersey Shore,
a authority on vocal lessons, will hold |
i the Lutheran church April 5 at 8
clock a meeting to organize a sing-
1g class. Turn out you singing folks
Upton. Haines of Graysville recently
archased the C. M. Powley farm in
adpole valley and will occupy the
une after April 1. He will try his
and at poultry and raising bumper
Superintendent C. M. Powley was a
‘ountain City visitor last week, bring-
g home with him Friday his daugh-
r, Mrs. Elwood Harpster and two in-
resting little girls to spend Easter
Rev. and Mrs. John S. English visit-
i the past week in Harrisburg wi
1e former's mother. Their son
»hn Jr., of Mt. Alto Forestry school,’
companied them home for Easter
ication. !
Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Ward and W. 8, |
d, of Lewistown, Mr. and Mrs. Paul |
of Altoona, and Mrs. Helen |
engher, of Chester, all enjoyed |
aster Sunday at the home of their
rents, Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Ward, of
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Grant, of Al-
ona, are re over the arrival,
a new poy, Ne, , Emanuel Weaver. |
uel Weaver |
The Coupley sisters have returned
om Philadelphia to their summer
yme at Pennsylvania Furnace. Miss
ia is at present under the doctor's
re. Her many friends hope for her
eedy recovery.
Solomon Lohr of Clarence has taken
1 the agency for Grand Union Tea
>mpany. It is the right man in the
zht place. He has made his first call
1 customers the past week with anti-
pationer making our town his future |
Martin Rudy is handling ribbons
er a fine team of horses i
Salona last week. Paul McWilliams |
ought home a real chunk from Andy
sckeup sale and James Poust a fine!
we from that of C. C. Rider of Penn-
lvania Furnace. i
Bellwood High School will present a
act comedy “Climbing Roses” in the!
. O. PF. Hall Saturday, A 2 at!
45. Admission, 15 and cents.
‘of. H N. Walker, a former town
wv, is their principal. Let's give them |
enty of recognition. i
Lloyd Barr, John Bailey Campbell of
;rone and Reuben Crust of Fillmore |
sre among the Shrong at the W. C.|
‘ank sale Friday. sale attracted
large crowd. bidding was brisk |
id cows sold for $90,
ules $220, oats 50c a bushel.
taled $3350. i
The Baileyville Christian Endeavor |
wiety rendered an appropriate Easter |
geant Sunday eve in Baileyville |
wurch, “The Way of the Cross”, to a!
owded house. All are delighted with |
e interest the youth of our valley |
e taking in church work. Much |
edit is due their leader, Mrs. Carolyn |
I. W. T. Missionary Society held
eir regular meeting at Roy Barto’s
me Friday evening. After the re-|
lar routine of business the ladies
rprised their bride member, Mrs.
a kitchen shower.
erything essential for housekeeping
them a cabinet singer
, a gift of the bride's |
andmother, Mrs. Jacob Barto. i
Some pring movings—Samue
gleman to Allman farm at Houser- |
le, Carl Harpster to Mrs.
use, Carl Powley to Robert Harpster |
dinner, on Sunday,
rat Coburn and,
th ingdon, John
, College.
Latest reports from Mr, John Ask-
ins is that he is getting along fine.
Mrs. Mary Wright entertained at
Mrs. Sue Mec-
Mr. Gilbert Keatley, of Ashland,
was an Easter guest of his family
and mother.
Mr. and Mrs, Charles Houtz are
rejoicing over the arrival of a little
son, on Monday night.
Mr. and Mrs. Forrest Lucas and
family were over Sunday guests of
her mother, Mrs. John Resides.
The young people of the M. E.
| Sunday school presented a very fine
Easter programme Sunday morning.
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Zahniser, of
Pittsburgh, were guests of his moth-
er, Mrs. Jenne Zahniser, over Sun-
' day.
Mr. B. F. Peters and two grand
children, of Wingate, were guests of
Mrs. Frances Hall and son Eugene,
on Sunday.
After an Easter vacation of ten
days Miss Emily Keatley returned,
on Sunday evening, to her school at
Dickinson College.
Miss Dolly Snoke, of Clearfield, is
spending her Easter vacation at the
home of her brother, Raymond
Snoke, and other relatives.
Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Williams and
family were guests at the home of
their daughter and family, Mr. and
Mrs. Dewitt, of Clearfield, on Sun-
Mrs. Bessie Wagner and children, |
Earl and Geraldine, of State College, |
spent their Easter vacation at the
home of her mother, Mrs. Susan
Mrs. Blanchard Holt and
Mrs. Gilbert Keatley, and Mr.
and |
Mrs. John Huff, attended the funeral |
of W. R. Flook, at Jersey Shore, on
Miss Sara Holt and Miss Helen
Barton accompanied Foster Holt to
his home in Clearfield, on Tuesday.
Mr, Holt had spent a week with his
mother, Mrs. Mollie Holt and fam-
and family, of Fairmont, W. Va,
were over
homes of their parents, Mr. and Mrs.
H. E. Holtzworth and Mr. and Mrs.
D. Buck.
Prof. Hosterman and family spent
their Easter vacation with relatives
on account of the
farm, Harry Baird to Ernest Trostle's
farm home, Martin Rudy to Potter
farm, Jesse Dean to C. Williams
house, Elmer Ripka to Prof. Gardner
farm, W. C. Frank in with son Basil
on Branch, Guy, Fishel to J. W. Kep-
ler farm, Mrs. Harman returned from
Rock Springs back to Saulsburg,
Glenn Wasson to his new home on the
Branch, R. L. Musser back to Rock
Springs, Chas. Simpson to Hollow,
Upton Haines to his newly furnished
farm (Powley home), Clark Harpster
to Graysville, Geo. Dreibelbis to his
‘new home on Wall street, Vernon Wit-
mer to State College, J. C. Strait from
Dale A nt to State College,
James Wasson to Boal farm at. Oak
Hall, Prof. Edwin Dale to his own
farm, Henry Bloom will quit the farm
and move to 8. H. Osman's home, L.
K. Dale to Bopishurg, Harry Garman
to Dale farm, alph Iston to Rishel
farm at Axe Mann, Guy Stearns to
Bottorf farm, Wm. Yi to Boal
farm at Boalsburg, Mr. Norris of Al-
toona to G. E. Corl farm, Earl Neidigh
to State College, Wm. Donley to Mrs.
Replers tenant Bouse, Ham or to
new possessions a
Mrs. Ella Bloom to Moore farm, Er
mer Pressler to Mrs. Thomas farm,
Andv Rockey to Prof. Gardner farm
at State College, John Ross to Hunt-
ates and bride to State
| —
Congressman J. Banks Kurtz
Is Seeking Renomination
Banks Kurtz, of
Altoona, now representing the Twen-
ty-first District of Pennsylvania in
the lower house of the National law-
making body, is a candidate for re-
nomination in the new Twenty-third
Congressman J.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Holtzworth |
Sunday guests at the;
! scratching his face on the crusty
| of Williamsburg.
i George Brugger and daughter,
While coasting on Tuesday Paul Re- |
sides met with an accident, seriously
Guests at the home of Mr. and
william Buck, of Williamsville, N.
Y., spent Easter vacation at the
home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. |
Buck; also their daughter, Mrs. Alice | wm
Bosworth, has been with them for
some time assisting in caring for her
mother, who has been sick for sever-'
al months. |
Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Brugger enter- |
tained, on Easter day, their children, |
Miss Flora Brugger, of Camden, N.
J.: Mr, and Mrs. Earl Waite and son, |
of Warriorsmark; Mr. and Yea |
Cannonsburg, and Mr. and Mrs. C.
engages you in a
game of mirthful
marital didoes
“One Hour
With You”
A Paramount Picture
and Music by
(Matinee Daily at 1:30)
Evening opening” time 6:00 p. m,
District composed of Blair, Centre
and Clearfield Counties.. Blair Coun- |
ty had formerly been attached to
Bedford. i
Mr. Kurtz will appreciate your sup- |
port at the Primaries on April 26. |
Nason, of this town.
| some special selections
at ten o'clock in the forenoon of
| said day, to take action on approval or
of a increase of
} principal amount of Two hun-
| dred twenty five thousand dollars ($225,-
000, 00), and to secure the same, its
mortgage upon its property to the
| Trustee named in said issue of bonds as
the Trustee thereof.
OR RENT.—An apartment in the Sim
| RAY C. NOLL, Secretary.
| 77-8-9t.
Allegheny |
on north
Easterns Standard Time
Lv. BELLEFONTE . . 230A. M
3ee Flyers or Consult Agents
For the farm:
TORE ROOM.—Large store room im
the Hayes building, north of Alle-
gheny St., Bellefonte, for rent.
Inquire of Mrs. R. G. H. Hayes, Belle--.
fonte, or phone 332 77-101.
dministrator's Notice.— Letters
A ministration ha ot ath.
Joseph E. Haines, late of
ship, Centre county,
sons knowing themselves
same are requested to
make pt pay-
from | ment, and those havi p.
me . ving am against
twenty | thenticated,
must present the duly au-
for settlement, , ¥
of Bellef
James C. Furst, Administrator.
Attorney. 77-11-6¢
ter of the estate of W. H. Fry,
County of ‘Comire and Shnie ot Dey
o an -~
Vania, deceased: of Pennsyl
ters testamentary on said estat
have Desh) Srited to Charles M. Daie
and G. , the undersigned, ana
ail persons inde to said estate are
requested to make immediate payment
to the undersigned and those ha
claims and demands against the raid
estate will please present them without
State College, Pa. R. D. 1
G. MACE or Pp
enna rnace, Pa.
Arthur C. Dale, Atty. Ex
Bellefonte, ng TrA16t
HERIFF'S SALE.—By virtue of a.
‘writ of Levaria Facias issued out
of the Court of Common Pleas of
Centre County, to me directed, will be.
exposed at public sale at The Court
House in the Borough of Bellefonte on
FRIDAY, APRIL 15, 1932
The following property:
All that certain messuage, tenement ang’
lot of piece of ground situate in the
Borough of Unionville, (Formerly Union
Township), County of Centre and State
of Pennsylvania, bounded and described
as follows.
Beginni at a post near the Bal
Eagle Bridge and the Public Road Bua
ing from Unionville to Fillmere; thence
by said Public Road North Eighty-twe
and one-half (S213) de s East six and.
six-tenths (6.6) perches to post; thence b:
said Public Road South forty-seven (47)
degrees East six (6) es to post:
Straw For Sale
$1.00 Per Hundred
Special This Week
Punxsutawney Coal
Alfalfa CLOVER
For the lawn:
RUREEN $5.45 Per Ton
“Old Gardner” Fertilizer.
Dustless Cannel Coal
Kofman’s Coal Yard
Phone 319
Olewine’s Hardware
th by said Public Road South nine
(9) degrees East Eleven and eight-tentha.
(11.8) perches to post; thence by said
Public Road and land of W. P. Fisher
South fifty-five and one-half (656%) de-
grees West four (4) es to stone;
thence by lands of omas McEwen'ss
heirs North twenty-nine (29) degrees.
West nineteen and six-tenths (19.6) per-.
ches to the place of beginning. Contain.
ing one hundred and fifteen (115) perches:
thereon erected a two-story frame d ~
ing house, (16 x 24) and other outbuilds
It being the same premises which Johm,
E. Jones, widower, by his deed dated
November 15th, 1928, and recorded in the.
Recorder's Office of Centre Count ay
Bellefonte, Pa., in Deed Book Vol. at
Sqge 636, granted and conveyed unto.
{ary Elizabeth Shank and ilbur R.
Shank, her husband, jes of the
part hereto, and defendants within nam-.
Together with all the defendant's per-.
80! property.
Seized, taken in execution and to be
sold as the property of
Shank and Wilbur .
Sale to commence at 1:30 o'clock P. M.
of said day.
Terms cash.
JOHN M. BOOB, Sheriff.
Sheriff's Office, Bellefonte, Pa.,
March 10th, 1982, 77-12-3t
1926 Chevrolet 4 Door Seda ..................cccreevseemrsesvenceresre $ 70.00
1925 Buick Cottpe, 4 Pass. ................. coins 50.00
1928. Pontiac. ROBABIEE -........... cin cii s isis itimertientase 100.00
1925 Chevrolet Coupe, 4 Passenger ................coeee.. 35.00
1928 Buick SSEAAIN ............oooeereccnrisnsnsrnrsremsesssmmibosesmsyrarassses 225.00
1927 Chevrolet Coupe, in good shape ..........coooeeeee 125.00
1920 Ford Business Coupe ieee ecereeccenrcsisssaniasee 150.00
1930 Chevrolet Coupe, wire wheels coos 325.00
(931 Chevrolet Sport Roadster .................eenene. 350.00
1927 Nash Special Sedan, 4 door ............nnee 200.00
1928 Essex Speedster ................ i iracsivsvass ssn rine 100.00
1926 Chevrolet Landau Sedan ..............eenecennenens 100.00
1930 Chevrolet Coupe ..............eeecenenneneirenenenaes 335.00 !
1928 Chevrolet, Pick Up Truck .........ooorerrreeecnenee 135.00 It
1926 Chevrolet Ton Truck einen 50.00 il
1927 Whippet Coach oo eccensisemsusssmamissnsnssszuesesesspesesen 150.00 ¥
1929 Dodge Victory Coupe .......omomrernnnennnneee. Sn 225.00 1
1929 Ford A. Model 1 1/2 Ton Truck with express body, 150.00 HF
1928 ‘Whippet Cabriolet iii posal 150.00
1929 Chevrolet Coach, with Carrier Trunk ................. 250.00 i
All the Above Cars have the Inspection Sticker on them i
and are saying to you “Let’s Go!” ft
Decker Chevrolet Co.,
Comer vt wns. BELLEFONTE, PA
Open Day and Night
Bell Phone 405
pe ia