Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, March 11, 1932, Image 5

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    ET ——— ———— — eit ——)
Grandmother Susan Goss is ill at| Mr. and Mrs. Roy Flegal, Mrs. Askins who reported that Mr. | = == = = Ee ee]
White Hall. : psburg, were Askins was very tired from the drive nistrator’s Notice.—Let . | Tp XECUTOR 5 ~NOTICE.—1 El
Bet meme at Phili were guests of Mr. and | but was Re very comfortably on gy A E signed « executors of the. ast will ana will ana ordinance book and hus been
Grover C. Corl and wife made a| Mrs. John Askins, on Saturday. Monday. the SnderiEned Rl A or oul ov. ich fate | Biya
of Bellefonte, Centre ty,
business trip to Bellefonte, on Tues- Mr. and Mrs. Roy Calhoun and: nen ah and ote of Be Bogs OWN | Lreoy Denly all heron deceased: | «SUROUGH SEAL)
. pet H. M. HARM.
day. | son Ardery, and Miss Dorothy Gint-| If all the automobile tags in sons knowing i indebted to gelves indebted to said estate to make | oo 4 g : Secretary:
i . media me wreof and
Bruce Harmon and Roy Peterson er, spent Sunday with relatives in use in Pennsylvania during 1931 had ame are requested to make Pt Day. | Living luis fo. present a i | ee ————————————
transacted business in Belleville, on Philipsburg. been placed end to end they would I + and a hote having x auiF oo authenticated, for settlement, N oTICE OF PRIMARY ELECTION.
Saturday. There are quite a number of our have extended a distance of 687.5 thenticated, for settlement. A. C. with an Act of
R. W. Reed and James Oliver each People suffering from ‘“grippe” and miles. 643 tons of metal were used FIRST NATIONAL BANK, 7-7-8 w. i. a n upproved July. 12th, 1915.
| 1 Bellefonte 2MITH. | Primaries Act, approved July 12th, 1913,
bave a 6000 bushel lime pit burning colds. Mrs. Mary Wright took very jn making them. James C. Furst Administrator. mitt pepper pede G0. Suppleliehls | thetulo, agiite is het,
on their farms.
sick, Tuesday evening. ‘Attorney. 77-11-6t by given a Primary Election wilt
¢ Allen Rumberger, of Tyrone, and’ ' » An Ordinance. be Sula Tuesday, 1 ot ay
John Bressler and Paul Leidy, o M XCUTRIX'S NOTICE. Letters testa- which time the Ap will be ope
Bunker Hill, visited friends in Ty- Sister, Miss Laura, with Miss Sara| NEW ADVERTISEMENTS mentary liaving been granted tothe | An Ordinance giving authority to the | fom, T o'clock A BL to 7 oelock P. M.
ry g gran 5 y to the cand
rone, on Monday. ‘Holt as chauffeur, drove to Scranton, | oe undersigned upon the estate of Har- | Department of Eine “ommonwealth | fo the purpose of nominating i
Baileyville, | 18st Wednesday, on a business trip. | OUSE FOR % ry D. Humverger, lute of Unionville Bor- | of Pennsylvania, to By permits for dages for dhe following Uificas 3 ai
Rev. S. R. Brown, of eyville, | I d WM RENT.—7 room house "gh deceased, all persons knowing |the opening or tearing up of all streets | voted for at the General Election
made a trip to our town and State r. an rs. Earl Waite and | oi west Bishop street. Bdth, hot- | elves indebted lo sue are request- | which are continuations of State high- | held on Tuesday, November Sth, 1932.
College, on Friday. little 5-weeks-old son, of Warriors heat. No forage. Apply jo. d to make prompt payment, and those | way routes in the Borough of Snow | One President of the United States.
| Mark, were Sunday visitors at the’ H. siller, Bellefonte, , aving claims g said estate must | Shoe, Centre county; providing that{ One United States Senator.
Charles M. Dale, of the Branch, | home of Mrs. Waite's parents, Mr. | Tesent | them, uly authenticated, for feos Jor such permits Fal be paid to One ate Tronsurer,
” - | © ec partment ol Ways: an One tor ne; .
as in Selietonte. on important | aud Mrs. Joseph Brugger. OE mae ey ae = Belle. | Miss LAURA RUMBERGER, providing oy ities Rg Svening or re Judges of the Supreme Courty
iginest, Due Mrs. Charles Eckenroth was a! Inquire of James R. Hughes at ESCuttix. lenring Aree . presentative in Congress.
Dairyman Samuel Wasson, of the | week-end visitor with friends in Wil- | Bellefonte Academy. 77-10-2t VV Harrison Walks, Fleming, -— mit. One Representative in General Asseme
Branch, is operating a new Reo : Section 1. BE IT ENACTED AND | bly. :
pe | liamsport and attended one of Billy | - | ORDAINED by the borough council of the
truck, a real machine. Sunday” TORE ROOM.—Large store room in| 2 Borough of Snow Shoe, Centre cou
s famous meetings, on Fri- XECUTOR'S NOTICE.—In the mat- nt There will also be elected by the Re-
the Hayes building, north of Alle- E in regular meeting assembled and it ! Ne
v Alias . week) 3 lay os ring away | 3 evening, in that city. ony ot ellchnte 1 rl jor of the eftate Ry LR Fey, | hereby enacted and ordained by authori | Publican voters of the State at the com-
Mrs. Myrtle Craig, of Julian, came | Inquire of Mrs. R. G. H. Hayes, Belle-- County of Centre and State of Pennsyl. Y Of the same, that from and after the ('"§ Primary Election
as industrious as ever. to our town, on Sat | fonte, or phone 332 77-10-tf fa, d passage of this ordinance, the Depart-| Seven Delegates-at-Large.
’ urday, for an; . van | ment of Highw: { the C Seven Alternate Delsgates-at- Large,
There are many vacant benches oyer Sunday visit with friends and == aioe lestamleitaly Gb 2N4, estate | of Pennsylvania. shall be, and. the said | 1 the Republican National Convention.
and desks in our school's, owing t0| the storm prevented her going home and G. Mac the undersigned, and ' De nt hereby is given exclusive
the grip and the mumps. Sunday evening. Her visit was VE | all persons inde! to said estate ure | Juchority 35, grant a pyymits for the There will be elected by the Republi-
Two daughters of Mr. and Mrs. lengthened for several days. WE NOW HA a Eel Te | a ropes ace of those certain | SAR Party =the following delegates to
the National Convention to be held in
Roy Barto are now recovering from Mrs, Mary Germain, of New York, aime and Gemands “against the sali DOTOUED streets, or parts thereof, which Chicago. IiL, in Ju tf
= attack of scarlet fever. | arrived. Tue sday night, after a few Straw For Sale estate will please present them without &F continuations of State highway routes ag ne nex rom the
| Fey in the borough, and for the maintenance | 3rd Congressional District of Pennsyl-
WwW. Ro Stauffer and family weeks absence from the home of her ‘of which the Department of Highways | | vania, composed of Centre, Clearfield an and
notored > Howard, Sunday, for a parents, where she spent the great- $1.00 Per Hundred Catate College, Pah. D1 i. by law responsible. | Pat Coutittes,
‘ew day's visit with relatives. er part of the winter, helping care — G. MACK FRY pa. | such tion & Foes for the gvan by¥ ue | Two alternate Delegates.
William Witmer, of Bellefonte, was for her mother, Mrs. D. Buck, who Special This Week W. Harrison Walker Atty. Exeeutors, | De nt of Highwaya of the Come giohere will be elected at said Primary
iere, on Friday, in quest of fresh hs been in poor health for some i Bellefonte, Pa. 77-11-6t | moRwealth Pets fivania, . ees onic Rgsth Oly publican voters of
rows for the eastern market. P Coal | aie Ser “TT may from time to time be adopted One member of the Republican State
re Hoon: Miaughter of | Cases of chicken pox are reported unxsutawney | iCHTORS NOTICE. in, he matter | "Section 3" Any person. frm ar cor. | Commitiee
dr. and Mrs. N. T. Krebs, of Hunt- from the homes of Mr. and Mrs. $5.45 Per Ton late of the Borough of Bellefonte, Poration opening or tearing up the im- ne rman of the Republican Coun-
"in the County of Centre and State of Proved surface of any of the aforesaid ty, Comuittes.
ngdon, is ill at her home with diph- John Askins and Miss Hannah | streets, or causing or allowing the same | One Vice Chairman of the Republt-
Thompson. There has been quite a pi Pennsylvania, deceased.
: ,to be done for him, them or it. with- | can County Committee.
heria. friends of John L. Gil- 10t Of sickness in the town, most DON'T FORGET OUR od piers eALAMIEILALY 1 ted to the un. Cut having first obtained a permit from
TG I has, of U3 ? t he of it is grippe. Aniong those who derscigned by the Regmrer of Wills of | Commonasiie of" Pea ot | tere will be elected by the Defuo-
iland will be glad to learn that he ,,.. heen suffering with it are: Dustless Cannel Coal Centre County, Pennsylvania, all persons unon summar ou Ngy vans, 8 cratic y at said Primary Election
s improving from an attack of having claims or demands against the es- | Ya RICO Ore ins | the following delegates to the Nationa:
np Jane and Nancy Wright, Paul Re- tate of the said decedent are requested to | magistrate De Jounteieed WEN 8 Convention and party ofticers. Delegates
)neumonia. ‘sides and Anna and Katherine make the same known. and all persons | Doel More han Twenty. ve. 2.00) to the National Convention of the Demo-
Samuel Fogleman moved, on Wed- Smith. indebted to the said decedent are requir- | cost oa cratic Party to be held in the City of
iesday, from the Mrs. Reish home, gyangelistic services have started Kofman’s Coal Yard $@ to Take Puyignt temo], Without de- | restoration "costs. aad in. default thors: Chitago in the State of Yiinols, in Tune
it Baileyville, to the Ailman farm, jn the Methodist church at Miles- : of, Such Person, or persons, or the
GEORGE MURRAY ANDREWS, Such Du Re teen Delegatos-Ats
t Houserville. burg. Rev. M. H. Crawford, the BELLEFONTE : JOHN BLANCHARD, a enc] (SUTDOIGLIGH: | Sixteen Alloamree ¢ Delegates- At-Large.
oe Saucerman is at the home pastor, is in charge and is being | Bellefonte. Pi Execut ~0 8% | { than five days.
of his sister, Mrs. Sara Harpster, at | assisted by Mr. Mossholder, of Phone 319 efonte, Pa, | Section 4. All fines and restoration | | Twat « thire Congreasio nal District.
tock Springs, where he is housed Johnstown. While these special ser- Be LET | hayes Collected for the viokution of including Centre, Clearfield and
pp with illness. vices last the regular Sunday ser- - OTICE.—~To the Stockholders of this malice be uid into the | “two District Del
Whiterock Quarries: The Stock- | State Treasury as provided by law.
holders of Whiterock Quarries are | Section 5. = This ordinance shail be Two Alternate Delegates. :
| here y noti that by « ts Board | effective imm atbly upon its approva ected Dem
| of Directors a meeting of the stock- as provided by law. adie will be Sected Sd hi
Farmers Charles Lohr and Floyd vice here will be held in the morn-
valker, of Pennsvalley, were here, ing and prayer meetings will bein
n Saturday, negotiating a deal for charge of group leaders.
16-Day Excursion
holders of Whiterock Quarries will be; Section uo. All ordinances parts Democ
team of horses. Bens Sh Selighitul Suilting aid WASHINGTON | held at the general office of the com- | of ordinances inconsistent Nerewith, are Cole member of the Static Stats
Maxwell Ward has purchased a e home 0 rs aries | | pany in Temple Court, Bellefonte, Penn- | hereby repealed. One Chairman of the Democratic Coun=
he Eckenroth recently the guests were sylvania, on the 26th day of April A. D.! Enacted into an Ordinan d passed “ommittee.
wo Noe, irls Ee ne | mostly her elatives, Anong them | SATURDAY, MARCH 19 at’ ten o'clock in the forenoon of [at u session of council of the borough or re Chaliman of the Democratie
oys and g ‘were Mrs. Linn Pletcher and daugh- | Fridays, March 25, April 1 said day, to take action on approval or | of Snow Shoe, Centre county, held this | County Committee,
ust when it will occur. ‘ter Irene, of Howard; Mrs. Miller | Mondays, May 23, June 6, 20 Spproval of a proposed inslease of | 3rd day of March A. D. 1932,
rge D ibelbis, an employee at| oF, ler Juno, 4 - | Fridays, July 1, Oetol 14 the ebtedness of this Company from | Attest:
There will be elected by the Prohibf-
se hundred seventy five thousand dol- ROBT. E. KECH. ti Party th followi del to
ne State College creamery, is of | Mrs. Ray Jones, of Williamsport; | lars ($175,000.00) to Two hundred twenty | H. M. HARM. President of Council vy National oot ron “rd Cone
is home here nursing a bad case of | yo...' Ajiia Brugger, Mrs. Anna | 11.90 fre I thousand dollars ($225,000.00) and Secretary gressional District of Pennsylvania, com=
oisoning on both hands. Finch, Miss Laura Rum r, and uisite action, if ap ; to | (BOROUGH SEAL) of Centre, Clearfield and Blair
Cyrus John- | 1 berger, Round Trip from 3 proper officers of this Com- Approved: March 4, 1932 | Counties.
Charles Witmer and Cy Mrs. Maggie Keatley, of this place. ! to execute and deliver its First D. R. THOMAS Five Delegates-At-Large.
on, of State College, took a load of | A delicious dinner was served. BELLEFONTE | Mortgage Gold Coupon Bonds in an ' Burgess | Five Alternate Delegates-At-Large.
st” hogs to Tyrone, last Thursday, wir Walters, of the Jeffreys Propoitionsts Butea um Otter Points a on = vm. Harm, Sec ie | romain va Ne ee Naty
: » = ' n ers
the Shaffer Stores company. Electrical Mfg. Co, of Pittsburgh, | [i For details astoleaving time of trains, fares B | 009, 00), and to secure the same, its | Borough Cael of the a 3 Snow ction. y ry
pr Sve Sunday, of Tadpole, is all| a friend of Mr. John Askins, drove | [J i". Parier or Ciel to Aflantic cars, stopover privi- W | \ oicore upon its property to the | Shoe, Centre county, do lereby "certify | ‘One Member of the Prohibition State
ot 3 supply his customers with | in from that city, on Saturday, and lees, side tip to / Hic (ity oF oliier iar Trustee named in said issue of bonds as | that the foregoing La true and Sprrect Committee. ih
of coal through the on Sunday took Mr. Askins the Trustee thereof. y 'of the ordinance duly passed. and JOHN S. SPEARLY (SEAL,
uick delivery of cual & OOED the fon Sum iy Joke My. As , who WHITEROCK QUARRIES adopted at’ a reyular meeting of ‘the iB, HOLTZWORTH (SEAL)
Farmer Walter Driebelbis motored | months, to the Mercy hospital, at 77-9-8t RAY C. NOLL, Secretary. Maren 3 193% 5 LLG that the same Bas | \test: Chan B, Free Clerk isd
» Shaver's Creek, Monday, and pur- | Pittsburgh, where he is now a pa- fe } vvProved Wny 'teurond In thn) Attest: thas 38%, Slap.
nased some pure bred spotted Po-| _ - : : wip : : ; — - : —
nd China hogs from Charles Shil: wien Guay ie ool lips penis dur J ' :
I ot GRlend: a spent at ine
ver Sunday visitor at. te nome (1 WHICH IS THE
t pis ts, Mr. and Mrs. J. H.
winds Buieyile, "| GREATER ACTOR?
ke? A snow storm with roads
ocked travel at a standstill,
1d a real touch of winter this week,
the ground-hog's answer.
Paul Dernar, teacher of the Shin-
etown school, was storm-stayed at
i J. F. Rossman home, at Rock
rings, Sunday night, enroute from
Advanced Refrigeration
rarriorsmark to his school house.
wig oman and family, Charles
1 family, I. O, Campbell,
wd gone ry Samuel Homan,
3ggy Everhart, Mrs. George Irvin
«d Albert Fry are all housed up
th illness.
R....o, that there are many thousands of
people who would like to own a genuine
Frigidaire, and whose purchases have been
delayed only because of first cost —
At a recent congregational meet-
g of the Presbyterian church the
smbers discussed the advisability
repairing the rurnace damaged
fire a few weeks ago, but reached
definite conclusion.
Some of the farmers of West
did an unusually kind.act,
TE riday, by hauling and cutting
serial cords of wood for the Charles
bore family, every member of
sich is housed up with the flu.
Homer A. Grubb was up at Spring-
1d, Mass., during the past week,
ending a convention of the East-
1 States Cooperative Association.
. Grubb is agent for the associa-
a's stock feeds in this section.
From Tacoma, Wash, comes a
ort that Edwin Fry, son of W. H.
y Jr., and a grand-son of the late
pt. W. H. Fry, and who is 8 jack
in Uncle Sam's navy, has been
noved from his battleship to a
We hospital at SM Diego.
1 an operation for roia,
1sequently will miss his cruise in
waiian waters and a possible trip
Jur school play was a decided
:cess, in the 1. O. O. F. hall, on
.urday evening. A large crowd
s in attendance and the school
«d was enriched to the extent of
».00. The students took their parts
nirably, owing to the thorough
«ching of the teachers, Corl and
rwell. Special mention is due
ire Kline for his patriotic speech | A Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Picture
1 William Shoemaker for his hu- |
rous composition on “Pa Killing | The Barrymores together
We announce new prices—the lowest in
Frigidaire history.
In doing this we have considered all the econ-
omies in manufacturing that can be effected
by greatly increased production and are offer-
ing the public the advantage of these savings.
Today you can have a genuine Frigidaire
with all it offers in convenience, economy,
dependability and known value—the 4 cubic
foot Moraine Model— for as little as $130
f. 0. b. Dayton, Ohio.
The General Motors Value
in the Refrigeration Industry
West Penn Electric Shops
ic Rats.” on the screen for the first
time! An event in any
“he development nt of the radio has
| tg, the creation of 4 new course || Njomday, Tuesday
rthwestern University — radio | MARCH 14 and 15
| conduct the course.
‘ment, trust company operation | THEATRE |
tion control; editorial writing
ting. Arthur A. Daley, advertis- |
and radio om Tty writer, | Matinees Daily at 1:30 Evenings at 6 and 8
ther new subjects are: the psy-
logy of personal and social ad- |
management; department store
inistration; planning and pro- A a fp |
policy: typography and foreign,
ie analysis, i