Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, March 11, 1932, Image 1

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—Pity the robins and blue-birds
that were chirping so cheerily last
—Old Man Winter came back,
‘Sunday evening, March 6, just to
prove that a man may be down but
never out.
—The Japs are still sending troops
and ammunition into China. Since
there is no war there they must be
doing it for fun.
—The weather being what it
we are not so much interested in
the number of days that intervene
before the 15th of April arrives as
we were last week.
—The Japs must have been right
‘when they said they were not war-
ring in China. It couldn't have been
war, else the kidnapping of a twenty-
month's old baby wouldn't have
pushed it clear off the front page.
—The American Telephone and
Telegraph Company reports its
business for 1931 as having been the
best it has ever had. What else
could have been expected? The less
people have to do the more time they
have to talk.
—New Hampshire has
Governor Franklin D. Roosevelt off
to a hopeful start in his race for
delegates to the Democratic Nation-
al Convention. Gov. Smith was
entered in the primaries there, but
his vote was inconsequential.
—If you have a twenty-months
old baby don't go traveling with it
unless you have no concern as to
when you will reach your destination.
Until the Lindbergh boy is found
parents of a baby his age are going
to have a lot of trouble proving
when, how and where they got him.
Will somebody please tell
just why Mr. Merv Betz, the Jack-
sonville Wanamaker, wants to take
the job of being Republican State
Committeeman for Centre county
away from Senator Scott? Merv. has
something up his sleeve and we
have a pretty good idea as to what
it is, but we'd like to have our con-
vietion confirmed,
Chinese Col. Ken Wang, whom
They did it, they say, because
arrests on such a charge are illegal,
except in times of war and since
they are not at war with China
they don’t want to be charged with
having imprisoned a citizen of that
- country without warrant. My, what
fine lines of distinction Japan can
-—Governor Pinchot, it is said, is
undecided as to whether to cali
another - special session of the Gen-
eral Assembly. If he merely wants
it to put its O. K. on a program ar-
ranged by him he'd better not call
it. If he will accept the advice of
the men and women who have been
elected to legislate for the people
of Pennsylvania then the expendi-
ture of another three or four hun-
dred thousand Aollars might be
-—Last week we set a trap to see
how trout would jump. We said it
would be thirty-four days until the
opening of the season. Before ten
o'clock Friday morning somebody
called to tell us that we were fudg-
ing, that it would be forty-one days.
And who do you suppose it was:
None other than the one gentleman
who can always be caught when
anything concerning trout is the
bait. It was Coxey.
—Death has taken two great men
within a week. France mourns the
loss of Aristide Briand and Amer-
ica that of John Philip Sousa.
Though their works were in very
differing fields, both were distin-
guished servitors in them. As Briand
was devoted to the cause of peace,
Sousa's music was “the thrilling,
martial kind that stirs its hearers
to thoughts of deeds of valor. Briand
is gone, but France and Germany
are nearer together because of his
life. Sousa is gone, but we have his
“Washington Post,” his “Semper
Fidelis,” his “Stars and Stripes For-
ever,” as memorials that will be
more enduring than granite shafts.
-—H. A. Werner, of Harrisburg,
VOL. 77.
| The month of March is mak-
: —George Loesing, of Hazleton, who
| chased chicken thieves with a high- -
| ered rifle, got back his 11 pullets with
| two chickens and two geese to boot.
| Evidently the thieves had had a busy
. might and as they dropped prize after
| prize in their trail as they fled toward
| their auto, and they gave Loesing back
| more than they had stolen from him.
-—~When Constable Ralph W. Keech, of
York, Pa., peered under the covers of a
baby coach being whee.ed along a street
| by Early Thomas, on Saturday, he saw
| three dressed chickens. The official made
Sheriff Boob Confident He Sew the DE Boodonits reputation. Starting Special Committee So Reported at
| Man in Blairsville at Noon
At the present writing, W. G.
Williams, the convicted prisoner who
, made his
after being sentenced to a term of
seven and a half to fifteen years
in the western penitentiary for his
part in the robbery of the Citizens
Building and Loan Association, at
Philipsburg on December 7th, is still
‘at large, although it is believed that
he is hiding in Pittsburgh.
that he saw Williams in Blairsville
‘at noon last Thursday. The Sheriff
was en route to Pittsburgh with
| August and Hillary Viard, whom he
was conveying to the western peni-
tentiary. He was accompanied by
his brother. Passing through Blairs-
ville he saw five men standing in
front of a filling station. One of
them was minus a hat and overcoat
and tallied with Williams’ descrip-
tion in every particular even to the
(spot under his right eye. Unfortu-
| nately the Sheriff’s car was penned
in a line of traffic, traveling at the
rate of forty miles an hour, and
(with a flow of traffic in the oppo-
| site direction he was unable to get
{out until he had gone almost a
| mile.
| He then turned around and drove
back to the filling station. Arriving
| there he found only four men. He
number of the Sheriff's car, but he
prisoner, and were
him at the time,
he was unable to
espionage. jeave his car with the two prisoners
{in it to make a search. He did hunt
{up a policeman, however, and told
‘him his story, but so far nothing
has come from it.
While in jail Wiliams told the
Sheriff that a man in Pittsburgh
‘owed him $200 and it is highly
probable he was on his way there
to collect the money and use it to
make his escape out of the country.
By profession Williams is a barber
|and was in charge of the barber
shop at Rockview during the time
he spent there completing a previous
. Since his escape it developes that’
he was the principal figure in the
‘robbery of the Citizens Building
‘and Loan Association, at Philips-
burg, according to the story Thomas
M. Anderson, one of the gang, told
Judge M. Ward Fleming last week.
It will be recalled that Anderson
(entered a plea of guilty, on Satur-
day, February 27th, and was sen-
tenced to a term of six to twelve
years in the penitentiary. Taken
before Judge Fleming, in chambers,
last week, he stated that the rob-
bery had been Willlams' plan from
start to finish, and that he consent-
‘ed to go along only after Williams
‘had pleaded with him for more than
three hours. For making a clean
breast of the affair to the court
Anderson had his sentence reduced
from six to twelve to five to ten,
the same as imposed on J. W.
| Woomer, the third member of the
Naturally there has been consider-
able speculation as to why Williams
should go back to Philipsburg after
making his escape. It is now re-
ported on fairly reliable evidence
that he spent the night in the house
occupied by Mrs. Jennie Philips
prior to her being sent to the Alle-|
gheny county work house, in Janu-
ary, for a violation of the liquor
laws. It is also reported that Wil-
|llams, while in jail, was quite chum-
my with a prisoner from Philips-
‘burg, and it is just probable that
escape from the Centre
county jail on Saturday evening,
| February 27th, within five hours
| conditions were equally bad.
| that, however,
led from some sections of the State,
inquired about the other man and!
was told that he had left. That he
— There is much speculation in was a stranger to them and had | feet in
his hand on!
the license tag
| mails missed connection and did not
had a desire to be a candidate, on through him arrangements had been
the Democratic ticket, for alternatc made to use the vacant Philips
delegate at large to the Democratic house as a temporary hideout in
national convention. Had he not with- | the event of an escape. The Philips
drawn our party's ticket would have house is just around the corner
been too large to go on the voting from where he got out of the auto-
“machines in use in the State. That mobile that took him to Philips-
would have made it necessary to burg.and when it was inspected a
print paper ballots for the Demo- bed had been slept in and cigarette
cratic primaries in districts using butts were found all around the
voting machines. The paper ballots room.
would have cost the counties five
hundred thousand dollars. Mr. Wer- ed Sheriff John M. Boob for the es-
ner's action is to be commended cape of Williams some people have
and always he will have something wondered why he gave him the lib-
to point to with pride. It is not often erty of the jail yard after he had
a fellow can save five hundred | Deen sentenced to the penitentiary.
grand for the public by making In the two months since the Sheriff
such a little sacrifice. was sworn into office he has been
Last In on Sunday morning with a rain,
| by mid-afternoon the snow was
falling and a regular blizzard fol-
lowed. All told about four inches
of snow fell, the deepest of the
A high wind
| prevailed Sunday night and Mon-
day piling the snow in deep drifts
(in unprotected places, and the
Highway Department was unable to.
keep all the main lines of roadway
jopen to travel.
~ To make matters worse both
| telephone and electric service down
Sheriff John M. Boob is confident Nittany valley and over in dy satisfactory, and
valley was disrupted by broken
wires and fallen poles and repair
crews were unable to get through
the drifted highways to repair the
interrupted service. At one time, |
Monday morning, the West Penn
company had four trucks stuck in
drifts somewhere in Pennsvalley and
the telephone company two, |
because of broken down tslephune
service their exact location was not
learned until late in the day.
Down Nittany valley the main.
highway was blocked by blown,
down telephone poles, on Sunday
‘night, and travel had to detour over
side roads. Up at State College and |
in the western end of the county
Centre county did|
not get near the snow fall report-
especially over
mountains, where it
was said to |
run from eighteen inches to two
depth. 1
two to five hours late arriving in
‘ Bellefonte, and at that most of the
reach here until their arrival on
later trains.
Any one who was
ciate what it meant
not out in the
“Monday Evening’'s Meeting of Bor-
| ough Council.
Business men of Bellefonte will
| be gratified to learn that at last
there is every reason to hope for a
| peduction in the deficiency schedule
‘on insurance rates in Bellefonte. L.
| C. Beutler, of Philadelpiha,
| gineer in the employ of the Under-
ter's Association, was in Belle-
|fonte last week and made a com-
plete survey of what
| here to justify a
{vugh examination
| (he pumping stations, w!
| Beutler. The streets and alleys were
proclaimed a deterrent to quick ar-
rival at a fire in those sections, the
streets as a whole were rated 100
per cent plus. Water hydrants were
tested for both efficiency and capac-
ity and their rating in
excess of 100 per cent. The same
was true of the fire fighting ap-
paratus. While Mr. Beutler could
not give any assurance as to what
the reduction might be he did state
that conditions now are most favor-
able for a reduction, and it is quite
likely notice to this effect will be
received in due time.
Every member of council was
present at the meeting with the ex-
‘ception of M. M. Cobb, who was, When the State Highw part-
(confined to his home with illness. I
Allegheny There were no verbal nor written
The Street committee reported
trimming out the brush in a brush
hole on Linn and Wilson streets,
complained of at the last meeting
of council to prevent the place being
used as a dump. Also repair of the
pavement at the Reformed church
property which was paid for by the
church trustees. Report was made
C. F. Tate, the plumber, had
a..sewer connection for the
| an investigation and, he says, he learn-
| ed that the chickens were stolen. Thomas
! Robert Chatman, Walter McMillan and
| William Givens were arrested accused
| of stealing 105 chickens Friday night
WINS LARGE CASH PRIZE. from the farm of John C. Miller. Most
— | of the loot was recovered, police say,
Pearl Edwin Thomas, born in at the homes of defendants.
Howard, Centre county in 1889, and —Jacob Reinheimer, a shoemaker, of
{now living at Santa Monica, Cali, Reading, who had a habit of placing
has been awarded the first prize, tacks in his mouth while at work,
$10,000.00, in the contest for a suit- swallowed some occasionally. By and by
‘able new name for the magazine, he had quite a collection. Two weeks
| Physical Cult | ago he was taken ill and was taken to
| Physi ure. St. Joseph's hospital in what was thought
Mr. Thomas was one of nearly a ,, ,, , dying condition. An operation
| million persons who submitted new | ghowed that his stomach lining and
| names and slogans for the magazine.
His was: “Macfadden’s, the glorified
other organs were studded with cobbler’'s
tacks, about 200 in number. For the best
| family magazine of a new American
'era.” :
part of two days surgeons worked over
Pearl, as we knew him, went to
him to remove the tacks, and now the
the Bellefonte Academy before en-
NO. 11.
his cobbler’s bench again.
—High up in the mountains in a hunt-
man is recovering. He may soon be at
tering the Pennsylvania State Col-
‘lege from which institution he was |
| graduated in 1909. He was catcher
on the Varsity ball team in his sen-
ior year and succeeded the writer
‘as graduate manager of athletics at
ing cabin 22 miles from Clearfield, Gov-
ernment, State and county officers last
Friday, found a plant for making
counterfeit coins. In a nearby cabin
they arrested Lyman R. Haney, 35, and
his stepson, Eugene Cover, 18. They
were charged with making and passing
fake coins. The raid on the cabin yield-
‘ed molds for making nickels, dimes and
quarters. Many of the spurious coins
were passed, investigators said, on mer-
chants in Clearfield ana Penfield. Haney
and Cover were each held in $2500 bail
for trial in federal court at Erie.
—Recently, Lester Hall, 28, of 420
Seventh street, Clearfield, a brother of
Howard Hall, superintendent of the Da-
vid Hall farm in Morrisdale, died in
the College. He remained in that |
| position a year or more and then
for twelve years, ending in 1924, he
was in the advertising department
of the Armstrong Cork and In-
sulation Company, Pittsburgh. Fol-
lowed three years as sales and ad-
vertising manager of Cork Import
Corporation of Chicago and New
York. In 1929 Mr. Thomas moved
to California where, after building
| Memorial hospital from a
land selling two manufacturing the Clearfield Mem p
plants, he , given Hufaety os fractured skull and internal cerebral
writing. | hemorrhage sustained in an altercation
| with Charles Mason, 16, colored, also of
Clearfield. Clearfield police claim that
| Mason struck Hall and death resulted
from injuries received when Hall struck
the sidewalk in the fall. Prior to Hall's
| death Mason had been freed under $1000
! bail, but after death he was iki
| and placed in jail to await the fi gs
a iiigiovay erweon | Sthe corour's jury Nich. Wil} weet
near | tonight in the cou hy
jot | the ry Nmjaia down a8 e arco —After pleading guilty to embezzling
| widen the road. The land _ | $26,784 trom the closed Lansdowne Bank
| i WAS OWN: | gpg Trust Co, Miss Anne Elizabeth
joo by Charles F. Schad and he | prymire, former head bookkeeper, was
| promptly put in a claim for dam- | sentenced. on Saturday, to three and a
ages. His first claim was for $33, | halt to six years in the county prison.
|000, and was based on the state. | Testimony Indicated the woman obtain-
I ment that the land taken was what jd the money by making false entry
‘he had in view as the best location
We congratulate our friend.
| slips credited to her account and thens
(for a concentration plant. Later his | Sowing checks. This and other details
|claim was reduced to $22,000.
! J. Kennedy Johnston, J.
to those whose | West Penn Power company, at their son Henry and I. J. HOME. {4dent of the bank, at
work compelled them to face the Lamb street building, without se- appointed a hoard of viewers to go
fury of the tempest. West Penn curing a permit.
Power crews were called out at 10 president Walker called th
y { e at-
o'clock Sunday night when the serv-| tention of the Street committee to entitled. Their report was filed, last
'on the ground and assess the dam-
‘ages to which Mr. Schad might be
lice was disrupted in Pennsvalley. the fact that High school bo; Saturda, and it ded
: ys, who | y, recommen no
They went to Centre ziall througha|drive in from the country in cars, actual damage to property and made
blinding snow storm and from there are not observing strict parking DO monetary award. It isnow quite
to Millheim. Early Monday two of
the men started for Madisonb
‘and did not reach there until
time in the afternoon. They had not
(had a bite to eat since Sunday eve-
| ning and were almost famished but
| managed to get hold of a loaf of
bread and some cheese and ate
| cheese sandwiches while
{down the trouble on the power lines.
| Of the five or six crews out none
(of them got back to Bellefonte un-
til Tuesday.
Anybody who is skeptical about |
the blocked highways can have all
| deputy sheriff John Bower. He spent
Sunday at his home in Aaronsburg
(and started for Bellefonte early
| Monday morning. His car got stuck
in a snow drift and he (finally
| abandoned it and came through on
foot, reaching Bellefonte after seven
o'clock on Monday evening.
At one time, on Monday, upwards
lof two dozen cars were marooned
|in drifts between Centre Hall and
| Spring Mills, some of them buried
‘$0 deep that only the tops were vis-
!ible above the huge drifts. Conditions
| through Brush valley were almost
as bad.
~-—On Sunday afternoon Judge
'M. Ward Fleming, accompanied by
his daughter Winifred and father, viting members of council to the gn. or $200, costs and serve rom |
W. 1. Fleming, drove to Tyrone to
meet Mrs. Fleming and daughter,
Miss Mary, who were returning
from a trip to Philadelphia. At the
| Triangle,
| Tyrone,
of the Pitt basket ball team,
a car driven by the coach
jon the wet and snow-covered con-
crete and crashed headon into the
| Fleming car. The occupants of both parking on both sides of narrow
| cars were slightly bruised and streets and alleys, particularly the
shaken up but none of them ser-
jousiy hurt. Though the Judge's
car was /considerably damaged he
entire party. That evening the
Judge left for Media where he has
a two week's engagement holding
visited twice by offcials of
State Welfare Department, and was
law he must give all prisoners two
hours outdoors recreation daily, or
he would be
effected his escape.
chasing |
and |
| containing his wife and two. chil- which was" heartily approved by!
‘dren in addition to himself, skidded every member of council. The com- an order paroling Mrs. Caroline
rules. They are using too much
the police.
| The Water committee reported
‘repairs on Reynolds avenue and the
| collection of $550 on water taxes.
The committee also presented a list
of errors and exonerations on
‘on the 1929 duplicate $402.41, which
‘they recommended be approved by eral
council, and approval was given.
The committee alse reported re-
company, in which it was stated
| that the bill of $198.43 for the me-
| chanic who made the repairs to the
pump at the Gamble mill will be
| taken care of by that company.
The Finance comrgittee reported
|a balance in the borough fund of
1 $3542.44 and in the water fund $2-
1161.70. Borough notes totaling $13,-
500 were presented tor renewal and
'a water department note for $3000.-
|00. The committee also reported
| that Miss Pearl Royer, of Niagara
| treasurer was authorized to make
| payment.
| A communication was received
|from the Undine Fire company in-
company’s St. Patrick's day ban-
quet on Thursday evening of next
| week.
The Fire and Police committee
| repapering the council chamber and
a change in the
| mittee also suggested that an effort
be made to break up the habit of
| latter, as it constitutes a menace
in case of fire.
| The Sanitary committee presented
| Nissley, which showed seventeen
|cases of communicable disease in
| Bellefonte . at present, though none
|of them are serious.
Borough bills totaling $1765.29 and
the Water bills $2011.60 were approved |i; one of the prisoners. By Monday |
lithe owl had recovered and it was
|for payment, after which
While nobody has openly criticis- | informed by them that under the | 3djourned,
-——Some apples, averaging three- |
liable to prosecution, quarters of a pound each, were pre-| celebrate St.
and this was the reason why Wil- | sented to us, last week, by Mrs. John | their annual banquet next Thursday
liams was released for exercise with | Hartswick. Of the Baldwin variety, | evening. The Undine banquets have
the other prisoners on the day he the apples were as nearly perfect come to be great
{fruit as could be grown.
| likely that Mr. Schad will institute
Urg space by parking their cars too far court proceedings in an effort to
Some apart. The matter was referred to
' recover damages.
| ———— pa —_
. Last Friday county detective Leo:
the Boden and constable Daniel Brink,
11928 duplicate amounting to $579.49, of Philipsburg, armed with a search
of her defalcations were revealed in a
letter she wrote to Henry L, Price, pres-
time ft closed
last December 18. Counsel for Miss Fry~ -.
mire said she used most of the money
to help her family with household ex-
penses and pay doctor's bills,
—A letter mailed at Allentown July 1,
1980, has just been returned to the send-
er after having been through approxi-
mately a dozen foreign countries trying
to catch up with the addressee. In vain
the postal authorities of the foreign
countries endeavored to deliver the mis-
| sive, but finally gave up the chase and
returned it unopened. The letter was
mailed by Miss Marie Kressley, a teach-
er in the Allentown High school. It was
addressed to Miss Margaret Sandt, of
New York, a classmate, who wus on a
tour through European .countries at that
time. The letter was addressed to Miss
Sandt in England, but before it arrived
| warrant, went on the hunt of sev-
| boards stolen from the Bige-
{low farm, along d¢he Tyrone pike, |
lover two years ago. They visited
there Miss Sandt had left with the tour.
ing party.
—In Philadelphia, on Tuesaday, Judge
M. Ward Fleming directed a jury to ac-
| Falls, requested payment of a $1000
| note and interest of $20.83, and the
lighting system, |
'ceipt of a communication from Mr. the home of John McKofkee, not
|doubts removed by interviewing giyies of the . Scranton Electric far from the Bigelow farm, and
'found not only the boards but two
gallon jugs and a pint bottle of
alleged moonshine liquor, a coil such |
las ie used on a still and a 30-gallon
| barrel of alleged rye mash in pro-
cess of fermentation. McKofkee was
| placed under arrest and at a hear-
| ing before Squire E. R. Hancock, in|
| Philipsburg, he was held in $300
bail on the theft charge and $1000
on the liquor charge.
{ ——————————————
At a brief session of court, last
| Thursday, Ralph Johnstonbaugh, of |
| State College, entered a plea of
| guilty to a violation of the liquor
law and wus sentenced to pay &
| three months to three years in the
county jeil
| C. Arthur Thomas, of Bellefonte,
lalso plead guilty to a violation of
on the way down from reported completion of the work of the liquor law and was sentenced
to pay the costs, $200 fine and
! placed on probation for three years.
On the same day the court issued
from the Danville |
| State hospital. |
—-—During the hard snow storm, |
quit two members of a defunct fur farm
of the charge of obtaining money udder
false pretenses. The defendants are Wil-
liam H. Hoffman, and Frank Besch,
president and agent, respectively, of the
Golden Seal fur farms. They were ar-
rated in 1930 on complaint of several in-
vestors. Some complainants testified they
had invested from $150 to $300 in the
purchase of ‘‘units’” of muskrats at the
farms in 1929. The plan was for the
company to run the farm and dispose of
the pelts for profit. Judge Fleming, sub-
stituting in quarter sessions Court No.
4, said the failure of business is not a
crime, in Pennsylvania.
—Some one was due for a surprise at
Curwensville, on Tuesday, and it was
Governor Pinchot who got it. The chief
executive, open car, rode through
sub-freezing weather, to pay an unexpect-
ed visit to a State road relief camp. Be-
fore the Governor left Harrisburg, his
office announced that the visit was to
be a surprise in order that the chief ex-
ecutive might have a fair opportunity
to check up on the food and conditions,
without camp attaches having advance
warning. The weather, however, was so
cold that only one workman showed up
that day. The only others at the camp
were the superintendent, the cook, two
assistant cooks and two kitchen police.
The camp normally takes care of several
hundren men who are employed on
State roads.
—There are lots of people who can't
afford to go to jail—but here's one who
can't afford to leave. Walter Bridges,
(Sunday evening, Sheriff John M.| cpaneysville, Bedford county, who has
| Boob was sitting in the jail office peen occupying a cell in the Bedford
| when there was a crack against one jail since January 25 for
was able to drive it home with his the report of health officer 8. M.| of the office windows then a thud of taxes, is no longer a prisoner. He's
| from some object falling upon the a mathematical jroblem, Ou the date of
| : ound a | his arrest, Bridges ow: the county
Sideporsh:. Golsg om he! flying $6.09 unpaid taxes, and $5 costs. Now
? he owes the county $38.39. For it is
| against the window. He picked UP | sting Bridges just 63 cents a day to
nside and gave it | gs y
| the bird, took it i : | stay in jail. Back some time, shortly
| after his arrest, Bridges’ friends raised
what they thought was enough money.
But then he owed for board and lodging
for two days and they hadn't enough.
Now Bridges is - resigmed to a life in
jail. He figures that at 65 cents a day.
in a year he'll owe the county $227.25;
in 10 years, $2,27250 and in 100 years,
he adds, (if you're Interested) he will
owe the county $22725. Which ought to
buy a new jail.
~The Undine Fire Co. will
Patrick's day, with
affairs among the
local firemen and their friends.