Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, March 04, 1932, Image 5

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OUSE FOR RENT.—6 room. House
on Half Moon hill Bath, electric
Hght and water. Inquire of Charles
dann, llefonte, Pa. 77-8-3t
OUSE FOR RENT.-~-7 room house
Hd on west Bishop street. Bath, hot-
air heat. No g . Apply toW.
i. Miller, Bellefonte, Pa., 77-10-3t
OR RENT.—Quaker Manse in Belle-
f fonte. Possession given at once.
Inquire of James R. Hughes at
lellefonte Academy. 77-10-2t
~ TORE ROOM.—Large store room in
9 the Hayes building, north of Alle-
gheny St., Bellefonte, for rent.
nquire of Mrs. R. G. H. Hayes, Belle--
mte, or phone 332 77-16-41 |
K signed executors of the last will and
testament of Hannah W. Smith late |
{f Bellefonte, Centre county, deceased,
ereby notify all persons knowing them-
elves indebted to sald estate to make
nmediate payment thereof and those
aving claims to present them, properly
uthenticated, for settlement.
7-7-6 Executors. |
\N ~-In accordance with an Act o
> Assembly known as the Uniform
‘rimaries Act, approved July 12th, 1913,
nd supplements thereto, notice is here-
ww given that a Primary Election will
e held Tuesday, April 26th, 1932, at
shich time the polls will be opened
rom 7 o'clock A. M. to 7 o'clock P. M. |
yr the purpose of nominating candi-
ates for the following offices to be
oted for at the General Election tobe !
eld on Tuesday, November Sth, 1932.
One President of the United States.
One United States Senator.
One State ‘Treasurer.
One Auditor General.
Three Judges of the Supreme Court.
On Representative in Congress.
One Representative in General Assem-
There will be elected by the Republi-
an party the following delegates to
he National Convenuon to be held in
*hicago. Ill, in June next, from the
3rd Congressional District of Pennsyl-
ania, composed of Centre, Clearfield ana
flair Counties.
Two Delegates.
Two alternate Delegates.
There will also be elected by the Re-
wblican voters of the State at the com-
ng Primary Election.
Sewen Alternate Delegatestat-Large,
o the Republican National Convention.
There will be elected at said Primary
dlection by the Republican voters ot
‘entre County.
One member of the Republican State
One chairman of the Republican Coun- |
y Committee.
One Vice Chairman of
an County Committee.
There will be elected by
ratic party at said Primary Election
he following delegates to the National
sonvention and party officers. Delegates
o the National Convention of the Demo-
ratic Party to be held in the City of
*hicago in the State of Iliinois, in June
ext. Twenty-third Congressional Dis-
rict, including Centre, Clearfield and
lair Counties:
Sixteen Delegates-At-Large.
Sixteen Alternate Delegates-At-Large.
Two District Delegates,
There will be elected by the
ratic voters of Centre County:
One member of the Democratic State |
One Chairman of the Democratic Coun-
y Committee.
One Vice Chairman of the Democratic
tounty Committee.
There will be elected by the Prohibi-
ion Party the following delegates to
he National Convention from 23rd Con-
tressional District of Pennsylvania, com-
yosed of Centre, Clearfield and Blair
Five Delegates-At-Large.
Five Alternate Delegates-At-Large.
There will also be elected by the
srohibition voters at said Primary
One Member of the Prohibition State
Attest: Chas. E. Freeman, Clerk. 77-10-3t
Straw For Sale
$1.00 Per Hundred
Special This Week
Punxsutawney Coal
$5.45 Per Ton
Dustless Cannel Coal
Kofman’s Coal Yard
Phone 319
the Republi |
the Demo- |
Miss Estner Corl is at present
, ‘holding down a nice job in State
| College.
{ H. L. Harper, our plaster con-
| tractor, is busy on a job at Rock
| Springs.
Our active young barber, Roy
Eyer, is off duty with an attack of
the grip.
Mrs. Sarah Everts is quite ill at
the home of her daughter, Mrs. E.
C. Martz.
James S. Miller and wife, of the
Glades, spent Saturday evening
| among friends here.
Loyd Ripka, of Boalsburg, was
| here Thursday looking after his real
| estate west of town.
Maxwell Ward and sister Annie,
| of Baileyville, transacted business
{in town Saturday evening.
Mrs. Isaac Harpster is a patient
{in the Philipsburg hospital, having
| undergone quite a serious operation.
| Paul Sunday went over to Belle-
| ville, Thursday, and bought a fine
mare at the Peachey sales stables.
Miss Edna Poorman, of State Col-
| lege, was entertained at dinner, on
| Sunday, at the Grover C. Corl home.
Stockman J. W. Keller, of Mc-
| Alvey's Fort, passed through town
ion Monday with a fine span of
{ mules.
Harry Gearhart is all smiles on
account of the arrival of a new
| girl at his home. She has been named
| Patsy.
Henry C. Dale, with the Sheffield
' Farms, at Mifflinburg, visited friends
on the branch and in Bellefonte last
| Saturday.
Aaron Tressler, oil agent of Bai-
| leyville, is making a trip through
| the valley demonstrating the quality
| of his oils.
| Dr. Hugh L. Fry departed Thurs-
| day for his home in Nashville, Tenn.,
| after spending ten days among
| friends here.
Mrs. Madaline Harm and interest-
| ing daughter, of Neff's Mills, are
| spending the week among friends
in this section.
Charles Gates,
head clerk at the
| OTICE.—To the Stockholders of
Whiterock Quarries: The Stock-
! holders of Whiterock Quarries are
| hereby notified that by call of its Board
i of Directors a meeting of the stock-
holders of Whiterock Quarries will be
held at the general office of the com-
pany in Temple Court, Bellefonte, Penn-
sylvania, on the 26th day of April A. D.
1932, at ten o'clock in the forenoon of
said day, to take action on approval or
disapproval of a proposed increase of
the indebtedness of this Company from
One hundred seventy five thousand dol-
lars ($175,000.00) to Two hundred twenty
five thousand dollars ($225,000.00) and
to take requisite action, if approved, to
authorize the proper officers of this Com-
pany to execute and deliver its First
Mortgage Gold Coupon Bonds in an
aggregate principal amount of Two hun-
dred twenty five thousand dollurs ($225,
000. 00), and to secure the same, its
mortgage upon its property to the
Trustee named in said issue of bonds as
the Trustee thereof.
RAY C. NOLL, Secretary.
HERIFF'S SALE.—By virtue of
a writ of Alias Levari Facias
issued out of the Court of Com-
mon Pleas of Centre County, to me
directed, will be exposed to public sale
at the Court House in the Burough of
Bellefonte on
The following property:
All ‘that certain messuage, tenement
and lot of ground, situate and being in
ty, State of Pennsylvania, bounded and
described as follows, to wit:—
On the East by lot of W. J. Musser;
on.the North by Lamb Street; on the
West by lot of Al Landis; on the
South by an Alley.
The lot having a frontage of about
47 feet between the corner posts, and
extending back from Lamb Street to an
Alley, 150 feet, to a uniform width.
Being the same premises which James
{ C. rurst, bXxecutor of the last will ana
Testament of John P. Harris Sr., de-
ceused by his deed dated the sth day
of April, 1925, and récorded in Centre
County in Deed Book 134, at page 22,
granted and conveyed the same unto
Harry Ward and Rosa Ward, his wife.
gold as property of Harry Ward and
| Rosa Ward.
Sale to commence at 10:00 o'clock A.
M. of said day.
Terms Cash.
| JOHN M. BOOB, Sheriff,
| Sheriff's Office. Bellefonte, Pa.,
March 1, 1982, 77-10-3t
Never Before Has
So Much Human Rapture
Been Breathed and
Blended in One Picture.
Now You
A Motion Picture Event!!
Samuel Goldwyn Presents
in Sinclair Lewis’
“ Arrowsmith”
You've Read About It!
Heard About It)
Can See It!!!
| 8 9 1
amr |
Monday and Tuesday
Mar. 7 and 8
Matinees at 1:30 Evening
Showings Begin at 6 and 8
| Guit filling station, Tyrone,
! the Borough of Bellefonte, Centre Coun-'
Seized, taken in execution and to be
| T. missionary band, held at the W.
|S. Ward home, Mrs. Gertrude Mil-
{to be held in Altoona, April 10th.
| carriage building business
spent a
few days with his parents Mr. and
Mrs. J. C. Gates.
J. Foster Musser and family, of
the Branch, motored to Altoona, on |
Claude Williams is going around
with a bad cut on his face, receiv-
ed by a kick of the crank while
cranking his car.
Mrs. Etta Corl visited with friends
in the Mountain City and found her
son Clayton recovering nicely from
his recent illness.
Prof. Frank B. Gardner, of State
College, came over Thursday to see
how things are moving along on
his experimental farm.
Waldo Homan, of Oak Hall, pass-
ed through town, Monday, enroute to
Mifflin county in quest of a team
of mated sorrel mares.
Samuel Reed and Carl Lightner,
of Diamond valley, were here on
Wednesday afternoon swapping
yarns with old cronies.
Earl Bickel, tenant on the J. E.
McWilliams farm came home with
a fine horse, last Thursday, bought
at the Dodd horse sale.
Miss Virginia Dale, of the faculty
of the Jenkintown High school,
spent the week-end with relatives
here and at State College.
Mail carrier Ira Harpster is housed
up with a severe case of the flu.
During his absence W. E. Weaver
is handling the mail matter.
Mrs. W. G. Gardner, who is in
quite feeble health, tripped over a
bucket of boiling water a few days
ago and badly scalded her foot.
Grandmother Bailey, widow of for-
mer County Commissioner John G.
Bailey, is quite ill at the home of
her daughter, Mrs. W. H. Glenn.
Miss Nora Goheen and Mrs. C. M.
Powley were honor guests at an
old fashioned quilting party at the
James Pfoust home, last Thursday.
C. M. Powley has repossessed the
old homestead farm in the valley,
but who the tenant will be the com-
ing year has not yet been made pub-
Mrs. Calvin Trostle, of White
Hall, entertained some of her friends |
at a sumptuous dinner, on Friday,
which was followed by a quilting
Luther Peters, poor director, made
a trip over the township, last week, |
looking after those in need of help.
He is the right man in the right
William Gummo underwent an
operation for appendicitis, at the!
Lock Haven hospital, last Thursday,
mixing business with
and is reported as getting ulong |
Charles L. Stover, implement
dealer of Millheim, accompanied by!
John Filbert, of Philadelphia, was
here on Saturday drumming up
Paul Williams, of Graysville, is
making locomotion go on crutches
owing to torn ligaments in his heel,
the result of getting his foot caught |
in a wagon wheel.
Prof. David Anderson, of Iowa |
State College, called on his various |
friends in this vicinity in the begin-
ning of the week, having come east
on a business trip.
John Gearhart, a jackie on the
cruiser Saratoga, was called from
his furlough here for imperative
duty at once to go with the fleet
into the Pacific ocean.
F. Glenn Rogers, county superin-
tendent of public schools, was here,
on Saturday, consulting with our
school directors relative to the new
community school building.
James A. Ault, of Neff's Mills,
a recently discharged patient from
the Clearfield hospital, where
here on Saturday and feeling fine.
Mr. and Mrs. G. P. Irvin, of Penn-
sylvania Furnace, entertained forty
members of the men's Bible class
of the Baileyville Sunday school at;
their home last Thursday evening.
The public sale of the
property of the late
Much of the household stuff went
as antiques and brought good prices.
On going to the barn one morn-
ing last week, C. Edward Frank
| found his best cow drowned in the
| watering trough, having either fall- |
en or been thrown in on it's back
and unable to get out.
At a recent meeting of the I. W.
ler and Mrs. Mabel Harmon were
elected delegates to the convention
The Pine Grove grammar school |
| will present a two act play, “Patty
Saves the Day,” in the I. O. O. F.
‘hall on the evening of March 5,at
8 o'clock. Price, 10 and 25c., the
proceeds to go to the benefit of the
school fund. i
William - Meyers, who a :
of years ago conducted a lucrative
in our!
town, but now living at Alexandria, |
Huntingdon county, spent a few days
last week looking up old friends in|
this section.
The P. O. 8. of A. held their mid- |
winter banquet in the IL O. O. F.|
hall, last Friday evening. John T.|
Taylor Esq. of State College, was |
the speaker, and delivered a patriot- |
ic address. Every place at the table |
‘was taken and there was little of | |
the chicken left when the banquet |
ended. |
| A
A large Benson milk truck, used
to haul milk collected on Ferguson |
| township farms to Huntingdon, up- |
he |
had an inward goitre removed, was
Ira Harpstes,
last Saturday, drew a large crowd.
Latest Refinements
MADE POSSIBLE by the present low cost of
materials used in manufacture. We urge you to
place your order NOW — for we believe that
$109.50 will be the lowest price ever available to
you for an electric range with so many features.
Don’t let the low price mislead you. This
range is made of the very finest materials. Beauti-
ful colored—porcelain enamel—All Ivory, Green
and Ivory, Gray and White, or Ivorytone — on
heavy Armco sheet metal and a rigid cast iron
frame. Double-insulated oven, with temperature
control and special Heat Distributor, Chromalox
platform heating elements,
Come in TODAY!
Purchase an electric
range NOW-—from us
or any other dealer—and
receive a special 4-piece
set of “Wear-Ever” alu-
minum-—valued at $10.05
—at no extra cost!
Also a Complete Line of Westinghouse,
Hotpoint and Electrochef Models.
| set on the highway on Spruce Creek |
| hill dumping its fifty cans of milk |
(over a 400 hundred foot embank-
ment down onto the railroad track.
| The driver, James Moore,
|a fractured leg and bruised arm.
| The rear of the
| damaged.
suffered | J}
truck was badly |
Closing Out Sale!
All Merchandise Must Go
Phonographs and all Music Merchandise
Come Early!
Pianos and Radios
Violins, Ukes, Guitars,
Harter’s Music Store
Get Your Choice!