Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, February 19, 1932, Image 1

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    Se ————— A —
Democratic Wald
—Are we to presume that Japan
has the world by the tail?
supine way" the other nations of the
earth submit to her operations in
China certainly suggests the idea.
—We think we speak for the en-
tire country when we express the
hope that the poor Chinks may be
able to muster enough men and
munitions to lick the devil out of the
—The Republican organization of
Allegheny county having shot all its
legs out from under itself is now |
trying to inveigle the Vare organi- |
zation of Philadelphia into provid-
ing something for it to stand on.
—Thanks to Mexico, for having of- |
fered to help should Japan attack |
us. If memory serves us right the
«only war vessel by our
friends south of the Rio Grande was |
blown up a year or two ago by a
pea-shooter in the hands of a revolu- |
—Notwithstanding all the super-|
legislative schemes to restore pros-
perity to the country we adhere to
our belief that nothing will do any |
good until people come to a com-|
plete understanding of the fact that
money doesn't grow on thistle
—For the first time in seventeen
years the city of
elected a Democratic Mayor. That,
some will say, ie another straw
that shows which way the political
wind is blowing, but we opine that
Miller's having been a famous Notre
Dame foot-ball player was some
what a factor in the equation.
— Talking about the plight of
those who own farms we know of
one that has been turned in at a
value of $5000.00 for tax purposes
that will show a net yield of $49.18
for the year, April 1st, 1931, to April
1st, 1932. It's a good farm, tenant-
ed by a splendid farmer and outside
of the landlord's share of fertilizer
and a few rods of new fence no un-
item of expense has been
charged against its income during
the year.
— According to the latest informa-
tion from Washington President
Cleveland has
burdensome indirect processes of get-
ting money from them, there is
be a storm of protest
against any tax on movie tickets
and an increase on gasoline.
—On Tuesday word came out of
of diligence in solving the State's
unemployment problem. It's all
right with us, but we are wondering
how the Centre county farmers who
Gif. put up the moon are go-
raise the money to pay the
of all the boys he is giving
meal tickets to. With hogs selling
at four cents a pound, milk at $1.86
a hundred, corn, oats and wheat be-
low the cost of production the farm-
but he'll still
—Already three candidates are in
‘the field to succeed Wilson I. Flem-
ister Harry Rossman and Bond C.
White have dll tossed their hats
into the ring. Mr. Stover is said to
have the backing of Senator Scott.
Mr. White, of course, will expect the
support of Pinchot forces. Mr. Ross-
man is probably figuring on the left-
overs. While we can’t see any need
for their having a chairman at all
the Republicans of the county must
have their fun and since their pleas-
antries always mean water on our
mill we say: Let them have it.
—And the Hon. Holmes is out for
a fifth term in the Legislature.
We've tried to lick him for eight years
and have made such dismal failures
of it that somebody else will have
to engineer the job, if it is to be
done. Really, it is to laugh. In face
of the fact that Centre county never
gave any of her sons more than two
chances to represent her in Harris-
burg the gentleman from State Col-
lege broke a century old prececent.
Certainly there is nothing of record
to explain how he did it. Appro-
priations to the Pennsylvania State
* College, the Philipsburg and Centre
county hospitals would have been
just the same if “Wesley” would
have been our Representative. The
Hon. must be to Centre county pol-
itics what Clara Bow is to the
He must have political
i? | pd
eight feet.
' top.
‘1 $37.50 for garage rent.
VOL. 77.
Estimated Cost Will Be Approxi- |
mately $3500 for Reinforced Con-
crete Top.
Considerable time was taken up
at the regular meeting of borough
| council, on Monday evening, in the
| consideration of plans submitted by
| borough engineer H. B. Shattuck for
a new
survey of the proposed sanitary
| sewer line down Spring creek, and a
the repair of the reservoir,
the Phoenix mill property.
The plans for repairing the reser-
| voir provide for tearing away the
top or brick-reinforced wall down to
wall and |
wall on |
latter to a height of |
The plans provide fora
wall 30 inches in thickness at the
the top of the old stone
putting a reinforced concrete
top of the
bottom tapering to 18 inches at the
Council was of the opinion
that such a wall would be much
heavier than necessary and suggest-
ed one two feet at the bottom and
tapering to 16 inches at the top, to
‘be topped with a concrete slab. The party leaders all over the county to|
‘come out for another term in the
| matter was finally referred to the
| Water committee and borough en-
gineer with power.
The new plans submitted to the
Street committee for the Spring
creek sewer were revamped to con-
form with the requirements of the
State Water Power and Resources
to the Board for approval before the
sewer can be put down. Mr. Shat-
tuck expects to send a copy of the
plans to Harrisburg within a few
the survey of the
property the borough
d he had located the old
which is in the neigh-
300 feet south of the
survey and which, he believes,
it will
mill and
the in-
demnifying bond in favor of the
| Gamble heirs for the taking of “The
Island,” which will be properly ex-
ecuted by council. He also pre-
sented the bond of borough solicitor
N. B. Spangler in the sum of $500,
which was approved.
rious street repairs and ‘cleaning
off snow.” The committee also re-
ported that out at the intersection
of Wilson and Linn streets there is
a “brush hole,” partly on the street
and partly on the Armor property,
which is being made a dump for old
tin cans to the detriment of that
have appealed to council to abate
the nuisance. Referred to the com-
mittee. Mr. Badger stated to coun-
cil that up to the present time
Charles Baney has been keeping a
| horse and wagon for borough use in | posed
cleaning the streets for which he
| has been allowed 75 cents a day, and
he didn’t think it was sufficient pay.
He suggested a dollar a day as more
equitable and a motion was passed
fixing the pay at that figure.
The Water committee reported
some minor repairs and the collec-
tion of $950.00 on water taxes and
The com-
mittee further reported that a meter
had been placed on the High school
building in order to ascertain the
quantity of water being used and
the amount in two weeks was 328,
| 005, which at five cents per thous-
and gallons would amount to $16.40,
or approximately one dollar a day
for the water used at the
ing alone. Mr. Cobb also reported
that the antiquated fire fighting ap-
paratus had been moved from th
Gamble mill to the Phoenix mill
Also that Mr. Eby, of Lancaster, ex-
pected to be in Bellefonte the latter
part of this week to take a look at
the blue spruce, at the spring, and
determine if they should be spread
The Finance committee reported a
balance of $6080.47 in the borough
fund and $2015.08 in the water fund.
Notes for $1000 and $500 were or-
dered renewed and one for $300
paid. The committee reported re-
ceipt of $6581.71 from the American
| Surety company in rull settlement
|of all claims on the Auman tax du-
| Mr. Emerick presented a
| errors and exonerations, aggregating
$732.73, on the 1930 tax duplicate
requested by tax collector O. A.
Kline, who has made full settlement
of the duplicate by returning $862.76
in unpaid taxes to the County Com-
list of
| down,
Politicians are perking up in Cen-
tre county.
chairman and we are loath to admit
that we cannot fathom the attrac- |
tion in the job.
the chairman handled all the money,
there might have been something in
it, but nowadays there is a commit-
tee treasurer who must make an ac-
counting, under oath, of every pen-
ny received and spent.
Of the three men after the chair-
discussion of the boundary lines of manship Lloyd A. Stover is credited
with having the backing of State
| Senator Harry B. Scott and County
Commissioner H. E. Holtzworth.
Bond C. White naturally represents
Governor Pinchot’s administraiton
while Harry A. Rossman is the ad-
hesive candidate who claims that his
only object in being a candidate is
to cement the two factions. In
other words he is standing in the
middle of the road with a welcom-
ing arm out ready to gather both
factions into his chairmanship fold.
Then there is the Hon. John Laird
Holmes, who has heard the call from
Legislature, and the call was so in-
sistent that he just couldn't turn it
so he has officially announced
as a candidate. The Hon. Holmes
was first elec
years later he tried it again and
went in with colors flying.
Board and will have to be submitted in 1928 he was anxious to find out |
'if he could bust the third term
| hoodoo and tried it again. He did,
‘and by that time he was thoroughly
| acclimated to the job and two
‘ago he went through without any
| opposition for the nomination.
| This ydar he has answered the
| call because there isn't any other Re-
| publican anxious to face a possible
| defeat, and Mr. Holmes is
| sure of it himself, but he is
to give it a try.
| bition isn't running
| Democrat.
| Dewey Haire, Luther Weller, Clyde
| Smith and Harvey Shemory, four
The Street committee reported va- Mifflinburg men who were placed
under arrest on December 1st, by A.
H. Hartswick, game warden,
| Spring Mills, when he found them in
the vicinity of Hairy John's park
with what he claimed was the car-
cass of an illegal deer in their au-
| tomobile, were given a hearing be-
| fore 'Squire E. T. Jamison, at Spring |
neighborhood, and residents there Mills, recently, but refused to pay |
/the fine of $100 each and costs,
stating they would appeal the case
to the Centre county court.
Out at Karthaus, on Monday of
last week, 'Squire W. B. Folmer im-
a fine of $100 each and costs
on Henry Glace and James Maney,
{of Pottersdale, who were charged
with killing a male deeer near their
home on January 31st. The men
Thomas Bathurst, Merrill Robb
and Ray Miller, of Blanchard, and
James Heffner, of Beech Creek, were
each fined $100 and costs, at a hear-
ing before 'Squire George W. Eaton,
at Blanchard, on Monday, for killing
a deer, recently, while spending a
few days at a hunting camp near
Beeck Creek. The men settled.
———Grading of the county jails of
the State is based on 1000 points by
the Department of Public Welfare.
The Allegheny work house is high-
est with a grade of 860 and the
lowest with a grade of 287.
missioners. On the 1927 duplicate,
Miss Sarah Love, collector, exonera-
tions of $649.00 were asked, she hav-
ing entered liens for $521.80.
The Fire and Police committee
recommended the re-election of John
J. Bower as fire marshall, which
was dons without a dissenting vote.
Mr. Badger stated to council that
street superintendent W. E. Hurley
thought it unfair that his salary had
been given more of a cut than that
of the water superintendent, and was
considering an offer to take a job
away from here. After some dis-
cussion a motion was passed allow-
ing Mr. Hurley the same salary paid
Mr. Seibert, $1620 a year.
Borough bills totalling $3637.66 and
water bills fc r $834.93 were approved
for payment after which council ad-
To date there are three |
| candidates for Republican county |
Years ago, when
Centre county jail is among the five |
Fred Collins, Negro, will be Tried
Next Week for Killing Miss Eliz-
abeth Hickok.
! It took a Centre
| day
|lins, negro, with murder. Collins, it
| will be recalled, is the prisoner at
| Rockview penitentiary who, on the
| morning of January 12th, criminally
assaulted and then murdered Miss
absence of the parents in the eastern
part of the State.
932. NO.
ed five youths while they were dividing
$5,000 cash which the officers believe
| three of them obtained in a hola-up of
the Shenandoah Citizens Building and
Loan association in Shenandoah, Pa.,
earlier in the evening.
—George Spudich, 60, a mechanic of
Pittsburgh, on Tuesday got back $4000
stolen from the lining of his coat thres
weeks ago, plus $20 which the thief evi-
dently threw in for good measure. The
money was taken from Spudich's coat
while he was at work. The thief re-
turned the money through an attorney.
—Stab wounds, blows from a crowbar,
and a bullet failed to halt Albert Law,
Negro, of Franklin, Pa.., from beating his
| father on Saturday night—but a ginger
| ale bottle landed on his head dropped
FOR THE 1932 SESSION. yj, Law, police said, for more than
At the yearly meeting of the West
lan hour battled five relatives who sought
{to halt an attack on his 80-year-old
Susquehanna Classis’ of the Reform- |g vor
ed church, held at
cently, it was voted to hold the 1933
7th and 8th. Rev. Robert
president of the Classis; D. K. Kel-
ler, of Centre Hall, treasurer, and
Rev. James B. Musser, of Hublers-
burg, corresponding secretary.
Among the delegates elected to
the General Synod, which will be
Elizabeth Hickok, daughter of Dr. held at Akron, Ohio, on June 21st, i near his home
and Mrs. Asa Lee Hickok, in the are Prof. J. Frank Wetzel, of Cen- | s. several days.
bathroom of their home during the tre Hall, and E. E. Ardery, of Belle- 5 broken neck, apparently received in a
fonte. Rev. Thena and E. E. Ar-
dery, of Bellefonte, were chosen
re- |
| ~The Clearfield Underwear corporation,
a new industry established in Clearfield
county grand meeting at State College on Feb- n
Ly i ey on eer | ege last fall, is now employing 168 persons
| and during the month of January turn-
afternoon, to find a true bill on Thena, of Bellefonte, was chosen ed out 15000 dozen garments—150,000
the indictment charging Fred Col- |
| pieces. In order to keep up with or-
| ders some of the sewing is being done
lin the Philipsburg S. & 8S. Shirt com-
| pany’'s plant.
| —The body of Earl D. Price, 43, of
| Coburn, Pa., near Altoona, was found
late Sunday at the foot of a 60-foot cliff
He had been missing
Death was caused by
| fall over a precipice. Harold Price, 8,
ia nephew of the dead man, found the
Collins was an inmate of the among the representatives to attend body while at play.
psychopathic ward, at Rockview,
‘which Dr. Hickok had charge. He
had been sent there after having
been convicted of second
murder in Beaver county. Though
confined in the psychopathic ward
‘he was considered harmless by Dr.
Hickok who had him employed as
‘an outside man at his home during
the two years he had been at Rock-
‘view. When the opportunity came,
however, beastly passion prevailed
over reason and the dastardly double
crime was the result.
Collins was taken back to the
| the murder for safe keeping and it
Then is understood that he has been ex- cemetery.
amined by three alienists, all of
whom have pronounced him sane.
He will be brought here next week
|for trial. The court has appointed
Johnston & Johnston attorneys to
defend him. While it probably will
from bodily harm and
| Aisorder.
In the murder indictment against
charged with
killing Robert Moore, at a hunting
camp in the Allegheny mountains,
|on Saturday night, February 6th, a
| true bill has aldo been found. Spang-
|ler & Walker will defend Heaton.
1 TRC fp fr e—————
John J. McCord, who for a num-
{ber of years lived in Philipsburg but
lof late has resided at Indianola,
| Towa, met a peculiar death about
| ten o'clock on Sunday morning. He
| conducted a truck service between
Indianola, Iowa, and Minneapolis,
Minn. He was out on a trip, Sun-
day morning, when he had tire
trouble. He undertook to fix the
tire when it exploded with terrific
force, inflicting injuries which re-
' sulted in his death in a short time.
| He was a son of James and Bar-
| bara McCord and was born at the
| Black Moshannon on May 28th, 1892,
| hence was in his fortieth year. Prior
[to going west he lived for a number
'of years in Philipsburg. He is sur-
vived by his wife and five children.
He also leaves his mother, now liv-
ing at Windber, and one sister, Mrs.
Max Fleck, of Philipsburg. Burial
was made at Indianola on Wednes-
Some time ago a young man who
lives in Niagara Falls presented his
brother's check for $25.00 at the
In a few days, however, it came
back protested by the bank on which
it had been Both the mak-
er and the written to,
——That “the little red school
house” has not entirely disappeared
is evidenced by the fact that in
Centre county there were 99 of the
of the State council of churches to be
held at Harrisburg next January.
The Clasdsis disbanded the Buffalo
Valley charge and attached the
Ray's and Laurelton congregations
to the Mifflinburg church and the
| Vickburg congregation to the Lew-
'isburg church, Mazeppa being made
'a supply church.
ms — A ———
Up in Worth township, not far
ted in 1924, and two Pittsburgh institution the day of from Martha Furnace, is an old
burying ground known as Brown's
It is filled with graves
| of departed residents of that locality
and no provision has been made for
its care.
| Back in 1923 the State Legisla-
|ture passed an act authorizing town-
‘ship supervisors to take care of old
and unused cemeteries and, taking
advantage of the provisions of the
act twenty-four residents of Worth
petition to the
| What might have developed into a
conflagration occurred at
| disastrous
| the Centre Democrat plant, last Fri-
day morning, when fire destroyed a |
| small building in which were stored
la large quantity of waste paper, a
| quantity of old cuts and other mis-
i cellaneous articles. The building
was close to an old stable in which
was stored the paper's entire sup-
ply of mews print, but fortunately
the firemen were able to keep thé
| flames from reaching this building.
| The fire originated from a spark
| blown from a refuse fire in the open
| lot some distance away, and was dis-
covered before it had gained much
headway. While the damage was
not great it was covered by insur-
On Monday evening the fire de-
partment responded to two alarms
within an hour and a half. The
first, about 6 o'clock, was at the
home of councilman J. C. Jodon, on
Willowbank street. A spark from a
flue fire set fire to the roof of the
house but the firemen extinguished
it with chemicals after it had burn-
ed a hole less than a foot square in
the roof.
The other alarm was for & flue
fire at the home of Mrs. C. F. Ripka,
on Pine street. No damage re-
sulted there.
St ——————— fy A ————
County detective Leo Boden, A. E.
Yougel, of State College, and two
members of the State police raided
the home of John Coble, in Ferguson
township, on Wednesday night of
last week, and confiscated six anda
half cases of alleged beer, caps, bot-
tle cappers and two crocks. When
the officers entered the home Coble
and his wife were at work capping
bottles. Coble was charged with
the sale and possession of alleged in-
toxicating liquor and in default of
$1500 bail he was sent to jail.
—After twenty-five speeches ex-
pressed in one hundred and twenty-
seven thousand words the Geneva
disarmament conference has arrived
at two conclusions: One camp says
“gecurity first,” the other says
“disarmament first.” And that, if
you should ask us, is exactly where
they stood before the delegates went
to’ Geneva.
one-room school houses in use. Dir-
—Three bandits late Saturday night
| held up Frank Leveille in his butcher
{shop in a residential section at Potts-
town, and forced him nto a refrigerator
while they took $150 from the till. The
| robbers did not entirely shut the refrig-
erator door, and Leveille shouted through
| the crack to his uncle, John Leveille, who
{was in a back room of the shop. By
{the time the uncle reached the front
room the bandits were leaving in their
| car,
—The contract for the construction
| program at the Bloomsburg State Teach-
| ers’ College was awarded to the Berwick
| Lumber company for $22,600 at the open-
ing of bids at Harrisburg Thursday.
Twelve construction firms, including
Thomas B. Evans and Sons, bid on the
work. The contract calls for the erec-
tion of a fire tower at the school, con-
struction of bleacher seats in the school
gymnasium and a motion picture booth
at the auditorium.
—A Cambria county father and son are
l with gasoline soaked straw. It had bura-
led as far as the bag, hut failed to ignite
| the straw, Hartman said he knew of
| no enemies he had, and was unable to
| account for the attempt to burn the barn.
i” —Warning has been given to banks,
merchants and the punlic generally, to
| be on the lookout for two men who are
circulating counterfeit $5 bills. Several
|of the spurious bills were passed at Ty-
| rone, District attorney Richard H. Gil-
! bert, of Tyrone, notified state police head-
| quarters and a message was sent out
{over the State by teletype with descrip-
| tton of the bills and the counterfeiters.
The bills are said to be poor imitations.
| The coloring is a much lighter shade of
| green than the genuine bills.
—Ruth Taylor, who has been confined
to Pike county jail for the past six
weeks, charged with attempted murder of
policeman Elenor and Henry Lovelid, of
Matamoras, escaped on Tuesday after-
noon. The woman. who Is about 30
years old and attractive, slipped out of
that part of the jail reserved as a resi-
dence for the jailor while the jailor's
wife was busy at her work upstairs. She
shot Lovelid, a Matamoras shoemaker,
and fired two shots at Elenor when he
attempted to place her under arrest.
—Merchant Fleck, Selladasburg, con-
victed six months ago dn a charge of
running down a deputy game protector,
who was attempting to stop him in con-
nection with alleged illegal game killing,
has been sentenced to serve from eight-
een months to three years in the eastern
penitentiary. Sentence was imposed by
Judge Robert R. Lewis, of Coudersport,
who especially presided at the hearing in
criminal court in 1830. A motion for a
new trial, filled by Fleck's attorney, was
denied in an opinion filed just last month
by Judge Lewis.
—Chief of police George Schultz, of
Shamokin, will explain in court how he
lodged Marlin Miller, 26, of Harrisburg,
behind the bars in the city jail at Sha-
mokin, on Sunday after Miller said it
couldn't be done. Schultz was arrested
on Tuesday on Miller's charge of assault
and battery. Miller found a police tag,
charging illegal parking, on his car on
Sunday. He promptly went to police
headquarters and got into an argument
with Schultz. The chief says Miller de-
clared he couldn't lock him up. In the
melee that followed Miller sustained three
broken ribs, due, he decares, to the fact
that Schultz kicked him downstairs.
~The Board of Game Commissioners
at a recent special meeting outlined a
plan whereby it will be possible to re-
lieve nurserymen, fruit growers, truck-
ers, and other horticultural establish-
owners of considerable damage
caused by rabbits. Under the proposed
system, the Commissive will pay 50
cents each for rabbits in all cases where
owner is willing to box trap alive,
animals to be delivered to the local