Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, February 12, 1932, Image 8

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Kenneth H. Goode, of State
‘College, was granted a patent, last
week, for a new invention on an
“electric meter. {
——The Federal Land bank of!
Baltimore has sold the former Mol- |
lie E. Confer farm, of 135 acres, lo- |
cated four miles from Mt. Eagle, to
Mr. and Mrs. Miles Q. Etters.
—-John F. Smith Jr. for several
years a clerk in Montgomery & Co,
“store, of Bellefonte, severed his con-
nection with that business firm last
‘week, by resigning his position. |
~The Junior choir, a group of |
the young singers of Bellefonte that tion probation and parole officer for taxen by Mrs. Daisy Henderson,
are being trained by Mrs. Paul S.
Beaver, will hold an open “choir |
meeting” in the chapel of the Pres-
Tuyterian church, on Tuesday eve-
‘wing, February 16, at seven o'clock. |
“The public is cordially invited. |
——Last Saturday afternoon coun- |
‘ty detective Leo Boden and a num-
oer of the State police raided the
‘mome of “Doggie” Meyers, near
-Jacksonville, and confiscated seven |
cases of alleged home brew, a 20-
.gallon crock of beer mash, a 10-gal-
lon empty crock and other brewing
paraphernalia. Meyers was held in
~$1000 bail for his appearance at!
‘court. |
_ ——The first meeting of the new- |
Ly organized choral society of Cen-!
“tre Hall, under the direction of Al-|
berta ‘M. Krader, was held Friday
evening, Feb. 5, at the High school
building there. There was a fine
‘turn-out, and the success of the first
‘rehearsal assures a very splendid
_performance in March, of the can-
“tata selected as study material for
“the course.
——Theugh it is well onto three |
‘weeks since the sudden disappear- |
“ance of Fred Loveland, clerk at the
Penn Belle hotel, and a Bellefonte
“woman, no trace has been found of
“@ither one. Loveland’'s household
fumiture, which is heavily encum-
bered with bills of sale, is to be
‘sold at public sale, on a landlord's
warrant, tomorrow afternoon, on a
“glaim for unpaid rent.
_——The three Bellefonte banks will
be represented at the thirty-seventh
-annual meeting of Group Six, Penn-
“sylvania Bankers' Association, to be
held at the Penn Alto hotel, Al-
‘tooma, today. Eighty-two banks in
six counites are represented in mem-
bership in the association. The
will be John W.
t, t of
——Eighty-eight mcre students
‘enrolled at the Pennsylvania State
“College for the second semester this
“year than last,” William S. Hoffman,
«wolege ‘registrar, reported at the re-
“opening of colleg .. When all reg-
“suroliment for the second half-year
“will be 4400, Hoffman said, and the
gross for fhe year will be 5000, or
‘alightly more, the largest in the his-
‘Bory of the college.
| ~=——The Bellefonte High school
basketball team lost two games last
week. The first one, with Philips-
burg, was anybody's up until the
last minute of play. With the score
23-22 in favor of Bellefonte a Phil-
‘ipsburg lad sunk a short field goal
‘and snatched victory away from our
‘team just as the final whistle blew.
‘On Friday evening we met Lewis-
‘town for the second time this sea-
son and went down to defeat by the
score of 37 to 17.
-— ‘Officials at Rockview peniten- |
“tiary have been notified that Thomas
Lewis, who escaped from that insti-
‘tution last August, was recently ar-
‘rested in Sacramento, Cal, on the
“charge of carrying concealed deadly |
‘weapons and given a six month's’
prison sentence. A detainer will be
Yodged against him and when his
‘Term has expired there he will be
| sion.
| drive boys and young
During the past year Roy Wilkin-
son, desertion, probation and parole
officer, collected and paid over to
deserted wives and children in Cen-
tre county the sum of $11,617.00,
which, while slightly less than the
amount collected and paid over last
year, is still a very credit=ble sum
considering the world-wide depres-
Mr. Wilkinson's complete re-
port for the year, submitted to the
court last week is as follows:
To the Honorable M. Ward Flem-
ing, President Judge of the courts
of Centre county:
Sir:—I have the honor to submit
my fourth annual report as deser-
the year ending December 31st,
1931, as follows:
PORMARE .eoreuecsmsssne- . 54.00
: Expenses ..... 203.00
Traveling Expenses . 1433.35
Total sees S5190.35
Balance in Bank Jan, 1, 1931... $2250.
Fines ... 6549.15
Costs... 3000.25
Support 11666.36
Rea tution _, bets ssa
n n Expen .
Taxes Ty mem . 10.256
TORRE .oiovireiiuriscssmomassstanisssesss $26465.21
Co. Com. Fines and Costs... $8843.
Sup, seman . 11617.00
Restitution .. . 2695.94
Lyi In Ex 641.25
iscellaneous Costs .... 47.74
Iva Burkey, Tax Col. cu 5.20
M. S. Hosterman, Tax Col. .... 5.06
Thos. Mosier Dep. Game Warden 800.00
J. J. Slautterbuck, Secretary .... 100.00
Com. ol A gy L hd Wig a 200.00
. D. Rearick, Stipulation ...... i
Bade in Bank Jan. 1, 1932... 1259.71
TOMI ccmssiasmsmeistemssese $26465.21
The results accomplished by this
branch of the court for the year last
past is indeed gratifying, when com-
| pared with the report for the year
1930, notwiths the increased
duties and responsibilities thrust up-
on us. Family disorganization, eco-
nomic incompetency, poverty, lax
conduct and broken homes are prob-
lems every probation officer must at-
tempt to solve. The quest of new
experiences and advercures to offset
the humdrum and often depressing
influence of home environment is
one of the compelling motives which
men to asso-
ciate with disorderly companions or
in groups or gangs.
The steady increase in crime gives
grave cause for concern for the fu-
ture of the young men of our coun
institutions is a sub-
Ject for careful thought and study,
with the idea of sweeping changes
to meet exis
The penal institutions of this Com-
monwealth, including county jails,
contain 6000 cells, and in these were
confined, on June 30th, 1931, 9000
True it is
always industrial
depression, but nevertheless, existing
conditions call for grave thought and
The lack of employment during
the past year has placed this office
in an exceedingly po-
sition in collecting funds for support
from those under order of court, but
the majority have responded to the
best of their ability under very try-
ing conditions, although this re
shows a slight falling off in c -
tions as compared with the report
for the year 1930, but that must be
The duties imposed upon this of-
fice are becoming more thoroughly
understood, with the result more
cases are being adjusted, resulting in
the saving of costs and expenses
which necessarily follow court pro-
During the year 1931 the quarter
session docket discloses that the
justices of the peace returned 91
cases wherein defendants were dis-
charged for want of evidence, and
costs aggregating $1458.05, placed
upon the county of Centre.
3 Ardery, Miss Anna
oo. Helen Schaeffer, Mrs. Paul Beaver,
that crime
Brought back here for sentence. "Fy again wish to touch on
H. P. Parker, U. 8,
The Bellefonte chapter, D. A. R,
at its meeting in the Presbyterian
chapel! last Thursday evening, cele-
brated the two hundredth anniver-
sary of the birth of George Wash-
ington by the presentation of a
pageant, a “Candle Time Revery,”
| entitled “Living Pictures fom Wash
| Wasmgton Lao a oy he temperature being 10 degrees or
|sion. The pageant, in eleven effec- | MOTre above normal.
‘tive scenes, pictures events chosen The monthly mean temperature
from various periods of Washing- Was 38.5 degrees, the monthly mean
ton’s life, as “Receiving his commis- maximum was 45.5 degrees and the
sion,” “Christmas at Mount Vernon.” monthly mean minimum 31.5 de-
Mrs. Charles F. Mensch, repre- 8rees. The highest temperature
senting “The Archives,” gave the Was 70 degrees on the 14th, and the
Airport, Summarizes January
The weather of January was
characterized by light snowfall, nor-
mal precipitation and unusually high
temperatures, the monthly mean
historical setting of the picture in lowest 15 degrees on the 31st. The
| which moved George Washington, 8reatest daily range in temperature
his mother, Mary Ball W {was 29 degrees on the 14th and the
| Martha Washington, Nellie Custis, least daily range was 3 degrees on
Lord Fairfax—these parts being the 3rd. There were 12 days with
(grees. The warmest day was the
14th, with a mean temperature of
|56 degrees. Honey bees and vari-
ous small insects were flying about
during three days and many plants
| Miss May Taylor, Mrs. Ivan Walker,
| Miss Mary Woodring and Mrs. M.
|Ward Fleming, respectively-—and
| many of their contemporaries, whose
| parts were taken by Mrs. Eleanor
| McDowell, Mrs. H. Laird Curtin, and trees put forth leaves and blos-
Mrs. W. T. McCormick, Miss Verna sSoms. The last day of the month
McCoy, Mrs. | was the coldest ,having a mean tem-
Mrs. Augustus ‘perature of 19 degrees.
Heverly, Miss Roxy Mingle, Miss’ The total precipitation for the
Isable Ward, Miss Kate Shugert, | month was 3.06 inches, of which
land Elizabeth Thompson, Mary 0.82 inch fell in 24 hours on the 1st
Fleming, Eliza Curtin, Cheryl Mc- and 2nd.
Cormick, Nancy Curtin, Thomazine snow, of which 1.8 inches fell on the
82 | ~irtin, Winifred Fleming, Mary 2nd and most of the remainder on
| Catherine Walker, Blanche Locke, the 1st. Precipitation in some form
{and Robert Curtin and James Cur- | occurred on every day of the month
tin. | except the 9th, 11th, 14th, 20th,
Appropriate musical selections by | 24th and 28th,
Mrs. William C. Thompson, Mis$, here was 1 clear day, 7 partly
‘cloudy and 23 cloudy. On 16 da;
Jack Yeager and Donald McCormick | there was precipitation of 0.01 oy
‘enhanced the effect of the different or more, The prevailing wind was
| scenes of the pageant. from the southwest and west.
~The pageant was given under the | maximum velocity was 37 miles per
| Eelent management of Mrs. Charles | hour from the southeast on the
Mensch, who proved a remarkably | jth.
successful producor.
_| The monthly sea-level barometric
Through its State College mem-} 0 0 wes 30.12 inches, the high-
bers the chapter received an invita- est 30.57 inches on the 16th and the
| tion to the Washington bi-centennial 1oWest 2048 ches
| celebration to take place in recrea- " C on the 30th.
| tion hall, State College, on Monday,
| February 22nd, at 7.30 o'clock.
The hostesses for the evening were
Mrs. A. O. Furst, Mrs. John Gray
Love, Mrs. David Dale, Mrs. James
C. Furst and Mrs. John Curtin, for
whom a committee, Mrs. H. G.
Witter, chairman, of the young
women’s missionary society of the
Presbyterian church served refresh-
——January’ was a good month
so far a little toward re-
court offices, also submitted his an-
nual report to the court. In it he
Complaints received during the
year, 134; complaints investigated,
combined 2.87 inches for 20 years of
record. + ' At Fleming, 1859 to 186:
inclusive, the mean monthly precipi-
tation was 2.69 inches; and at State
College for 44 years, 1888 to 1931
inclusive, it is 2.98 inches. The
record for State College is most de-
pendable because or a long, contin-
| uous record.
The average snowfall in Belle-
fonte for 15 years, 1901 to 1907 and
tre Hall for 28 years, 1896 to 1927
inclusive, (four years missing,) itis
12.5 inches; and at State College for
38 years, 1890 to 1927 inclusive, it is
12.6 inches. During the 4 years of
record for January at the Airport
14; committed to
Mills, 2; committed to Phoe-
nixville protectory, 1; committed to
Sleighton farm school for girls, 1;
placed on tion with juvenile
officer, 6; 4.
Sixteen juveniles were brought be-
fore the court on petition of the
juvenile officer
and neglect, 15 of whom were plac-
ed in charge of the officer and one
placed with the Blair county Chil-
dren's Aid society. The total num-
ber of cases appearing before the
court during the year was 36.
Three petitions were presented to
the court under the mental health
act, one of the subjects com-
mitted to the Polk State school while
two cases are yet pending.
Eleven ju es were taken to the
House of Good Shepherd, in Phila-
delphia, on court order and one to
ing only 4.7 inches.
Previous unusually high January
monthly mean temperatures are as
follows: In Bellefonte, 35.6 in 1906,
32.1 in 1911, 31.2 in 1909 and 30.2
in 1901; at Centre Hall, 34.4 in 1913,
33.6 in 1906 and 31.2 in 1919; and
at State College, 36.6 in 1890, 34.8 in
1913, 32.6 in 1906, 32.2 in 15894 and
1916, 31.6 in 1919, 31.0 in 1911, 30.8
record for January are below 30.0
| degrees.
the situ- |
Previous cold months of January
1916 to 1923 is 15.2 inches; at Cen-
the snowfall has been light, averag-
in 1931 and 30.6 in 1889. All oth- |
er monthly mean temperatures of |
Lewis was serving a term of tento
‘twenty years for
——William Osman, a clerk in|
“the Potter-Hoy hardware store, has |
warchased the David Miller store, in
Bush's Addition, and will take charge |
<gn April 1st, moving there from the
Dr. Kirk property, on south Thomas |
“street. According to Mr. Osman's |
‘plans he will retain his position with
‘the Potter-Hoy company. Mrs. Os- |
"man will have charge of the store
during the day and he will look af-
‘ter it in the evenings and attend to
‘the buying. The house he will va-
cate, on Thomas street, has been
vented by Mrs, Nolan and daughter,
‘Mrs. Fred Crafts, who will move
(there from south Water street.
—1In these days of falling stock
‘prices and reduced dividends fortu-
nate are those who own a block of
stock in the Bell Telephone company
«of Pennsylvania. From it's annual
report which has been laid on our
‘desk we glean the fact that during
1981 it paid its regular dividend of
$1, per cent on the preferred stock
‘and 8 per cent on common, and this
‘motwithstanding the fact that the
<“wompany’s gross receipts for the year
were three million dollars less than |
‘in 1930. But the reduction in re-
‘weipts were compensated for in the
wefluction of operating expenses and
at the end of the year the company
‘wvas able to apply over $800,000 to
@orporate surplus.
robbery when he ation in the county jan .
re pris-
in idle-
The lack
the Florence Crittenden mission,
Williamsport. Foster homes for 14
children were found with the assist-
ness of employment,
during confinement, has the ance of the Children's Aid Society,
is econom- in Bellefonte.
Jemoraan effect Rt of rece aX Juvenile officer's salary for
wrong e was
tifying this situation is worthy of
rf sau
year $420
$625.12, a total of $1045.1
the tion, thought
and investigation. year 5a
Examination of the prison docket Commenting upon his work the
juvenile officer states that the de-
pression has greatly incriased the
number of cases, and also makes it
more difficult to secure foster homes
| for children.
| He also says that the auditor's
—— 348 | report will show a sharp increase in
.... 411 the expense of the juvenile
During the year 1981 4% | que largely to a court decision ina
Of the latter year, this number age brought by the overseers of
includes the confinement of 29 fe- (gjlege township in which the
males. ordered the words “costs to be
At the close of the year 1931, the | py the county of Centre to be re-
following were on probation and 'imbursed by the township of Col-
discloses the number of persons con-
fined in the Centre county jail since
the creation of the office of deser-
tion, probation and parole, as fol-
During the year 1928
During the year 1929...
During the year 1830
court |
are as follows: In Bellefonte, 19.6 in
1904; at Centre Hall, 14.3 in 1918,
18.0 in 1812, 19.0 in 1804 and 19.6
in 1820; at State College, 14.6 in
1918, 17.1 in 1912, 17.8 in 1893, 184
in 1904 and 19.1 in 1920. All other
monthly mean temperature records
are above 20.0 degrees. It is readily
seen that January, 1918 was the
coldest January and January, 1932
the warmest of record. Unfortu-
nately there are no records of Jan-
uary temperature for Bellefonte for
1913 and 1918, years when the tem-
perature was high and low respect-
Maximum temperatures of record
for January in this locality are, at
State College, 67 degrees in 1906
and 1916 and 65 degrees in 1890, so
it seems that January, 1932 holds
the record for high January temper-
ature throughout a period of 45
consecutive years.
parole. | lege,” to be stricken from the order.
Number on Probation, Male ........ 141 | These costs, accruing since the or-
Number ‘ou Probation, Female si der was made in 1926, amounting to
Number on Parole, Femaie © "4! $1771, are charged tn a lump sum
against the juvenile court h
This office, in the past year, has op file in which the county has been
been called upon to give supervision | paving the costs and charging the
| to parolees of othe. States who are | yarjous poor districts. Hundreds of
| residing within this jurisdiction.
We | gollars are owed the county by some
have attempted to co-operate and 88- gigtricts and a friendly case ought
sist, as far as in our power lies, and t, pe brought to determine just who
|have, in many instances, been eX- is responsible for the costs.
tended similar courtestes The Juvenile officer further sug-
Respectfully submitted, sts that justices of the e hav-
ROY WILKINSON, |ing juvenile cases ore
Desertion Probation & Officer. | tnem make return direct to ‘he
juvenile court instead of the quar-
JUVENILE COURT OFFICER'S REPORT | ter sessions, as it will save costs
Rev. W. C. Thompson, juvenile and expedite investigation.
| Minimum temperatures of record
| for January in this locality are, at
State College, 17 in 1893 and 1912,
«15 in 1904 and 1914, -14 in 1924 and
| -10 degrees in 1907. All other rec-
{ords are higher.
| Years of heavy precipitation in
| January are: in Bellefonte, 5.68
inches in 1910 and 5.00 inches in
1907; at Western penitentiary, 4.09
inches in 1923; at Fleming 5.42
| inches in 1862; and at State College,
18.90 inches in 1910, 542 inches in
1915, 4.79 inches in 1913, 4.40 inches
in 1898, 4.18 inches in 1805 and 4.17
A gasoline filling station at Penn- |
John Porter Lyon and operated by
Herbert Auman Jr.. was completely
‘destroyed by fire, at an early hour |
ion Monday morning. Auman, who |
lis a son of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert
Auman, of Bellefonte, was outside
splitting wood when he noticed
smoke issuing from the side of a
terra cotta chimney. Mrs. Auman
was still in bed and so rapidly did
the flames spread that she was al-
most suffocated by smoke and ran
out in her night clothes. She then
attempted to go back for some cloth-
ing and was badly burned on the
right arm and shoulder.
The gasoline station and residence
had been converted out of an old
frame school house aud was
food for the flames. The Aumans
|a mean temperature above 40 de- | lost everything but the clothing they his mother and sister, Mrs. Alice Park
{had on, and they had no insurance.
| Neighbors brought them to Belle-
'fonte, to the home of Mr. Auman’s
parents. Mrs. Auman, who before
‘her marriage was Miss Pauline Boy-
er, was taken to the hospital, on
| Tuesday, for treatment for her burns.
The Bellefonte union Missionary
There was 2.i inches of society will hold it's annual prayer
service in the Evangelical church
‘this (Friday) afternoon at 3 o'clock,
anl in the evening at 7.30. All
members, and women in general, are
invited and urged to be present for
the afternoon service at which the
| world's great day of prayer will be
held in mind and heart. Additional
' exercises will be added to the
lar program for this special
| casion.
The evening session will open with
‘a pageant, “The Color Line,” to be
presented by the young people of
the Methodist Epworth League. This
will be followed with an address by
| Mr, Ginter, of Northumberland, a re-
whose zeal in missionary work and
whose experiences in the heart of
the Dark Continent has placed him
in the “A” line of speakers. You
will miss a great treat if you fail
to hear him. The public is also in-
vited to attend the services.
—————— A ————————
Westinghouse radio station KDKA,
has just released its 1932 catalogue,
naming its radio artists available
for personal appearances during the
year, and has listed Alberta M.
Krader, of this place, among its en-
tertainers, booked exclusively through
that station.
A very splendid cut of Mrs. Krad-
er appears in the catalogue, and she
is billed for future broadcasts and
appearances, . under the name of
| Mtss ‘Alberta, Tryoliene Song-Bird,
| zitherist and yodler. Her many friends
are congratulating her on the suc-
| cess of her several broadcasts, and
| the honor KDKA has just conferred
upon her.
Last Saturday morning Fred Wal-
ler, of Osceola Mills, left home to
walk to Cambria county in search
lof work. About four o'clock in the
afternoon he was found unconscious
lying alongside the road near Vail
| @
Beatty Motor company, on
street, smashing it into
pieces. Hugh M. Quigl
the insurance on
are less than 4.00 inches.
Unusually light precipitation in
January occurred as follows: In
Bellefonte, 1.70 inches in 1908, 1.77
inches in 1912 and 1.79 inches in
1906; at Western penitentiary, 1.18
inches in 1896, 1.65 inches in 1800,
1919; at Fleming 0.55 inch in 1866
and 1.49 inches in 1864; and at State
College, 1.00 inch in 1931, 140
inches in 1896, 1.65 inches in 1900,
1.66 inches in 19i2, 1.75 inches in
in 1901, 1.87 inches in 1919, 1.94
inches in 1893 and 1.97 inches in
1889. All other records are above
two inches.
Heavy snowfall during January of
past years, occurred as follows: In
Bellefonte, 20.0 in 1918, 28.0 in 1923,
26.0 in 1922, 25.0 in 1904 and 23.0
in 1907; at Centre Hall, 348 in
1923, 33.0 in 1925, 27.5 in 1918, 21.5
in 1910 and 20.1 in 1904; and at
State College, 37.8 in 1910, 33.4 in
1925, 31.2 in 1923, 25.2 in 1918, 24.5
in 1914, 23.8 in 1895 and 228 in
1915. All other records are less
than 20.0 inches.
| coming north from Florida,
turned missionary from Africa, '
1894, 1.81 inches in 1930, 1.82 inches | bag
in her bed room last week and broke
Weather Bureau at the Bellefonte sylvania Furnace owned by Mrs. yo. wrist.
~—Miss Anne Keichline returned home,
Tuesday, from Philadelphia, where she
had been since the first of January, look-
ing after the work of her city office.
—Mrs. Horace Lincoin Jacobs arrivec
in Bellefonte Saturday from Baltimore
where she had been with relatives since
two week:
_—John Bressler and Paul Leidy o
Pennsylvania Furnace, spent Tuesday ir
Bellefonte, looking after some busines:
relative to Mr. Bressler's lately acquirec
—Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Walker, whe
have lived at The Talleyrund since thei
marriage, left there within the week, t«
make their home with his father's fam
(ily, on east Linn street.
—Faul Parker was up from Jerse;
| Shore for the week, spending it wit
jer and Mrs. Galer Morrison, at thei
(home on east Bishop street.
—J. Linn Harris has been a patient i
{the Lock Haven hospital, taken ther
| with an illness which it was feare:
might develop into pneumonia. His con
dition now, however, is very much im
—The visit of Miss Jennie Beates, o
Pine Glenn, with her sister, Mrs. C
ly Wagner and the Wagner family, a
their home on Willowbank street, thi
week, followed that of her sister, Mis
Edith Beates, who returned home t
Pine Glenn last week.
—Miss Margaret A, Stewart returne:
she had been called a month ago by th
{ illness of her brother, Dr. Walter Stew
tart. Dr. Stewart is recovering so rapid
{ly that he expects to join his sister her
| next week, at the Stewart home on Lin
| street, for a visit,
| —George W. Sherry, of south Sprin
| street, arranging to go South th
[first of March, for a visit with hi
grandson, George W. Sherry II, a
| Balisbury, N. C. Mr, Sherry will spen:
| an indefinite time there, the o
hls visit at this timo being to bs wit
the boy for a time before he leaves t
| enter the U. 8, Navy.
—D. E. Snyder, one of the very we
known retired farmers of Harris towr
ship, with his daughter, Mrs, 8S. F
Rishel and her small child, drove ove
from Boalsburg, Tuesday morning, toa’
tend to some business about town and d
some buying in anticipation of spring.
—Miss Emma J. Aikens, who spent la:
The annual fair and bazaar hel
the women of St. John's Catholi
church, last week, netted them ove
$1200, a very nice sum considerin
the dull times; and the women ai
very thankful to all those who gai
donations or in any way contribute
to the fair's success. The luck
prize winners during the three da)
were as follows:
Alfred Beezer, $25 in gold; Mr
A. C. Hartle, $10 in gold; Mar
Vogt, $5.00 in gold; James Boscair
Jr., quilt; Carmelita Boscaino, rug
Mr. Davis, of Barnesboro, floor lamj
Mildred Wetzel silk comfort; Mr
Carl McKinley, of Howard, blanke
Russell Copenhaver, card table ar
chairs; Nelle Flack, 50 lbs. suga:
Mrs. Thomas Shaughnessy, zippt
: Orin Kline, ton of coal; Fath
McCreesh, 30 gallons gas; Rose Ca
peneto, table lamp; Collins Shoemal
er, hat box; W. J. Kelley, of Phil
delphia, electric percolator; Rebecc
Yerger, 75lbs. sugar; Mrs. Fre
Vogt, permanent wave; Mary Ca
peneto, 50 gallons gas; W. A. Ber
rand, 75 lbs. sugar.
BUCKWERIGAL = comsmsessssssssmsmssrssmsssssmsssssssisssssstons &