Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, February 12, 1932, Image 6

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    Your Hea
Deworraiic Wald, | FOR FISH PLANTING.
—~reD | In its survey of Pennsylvania
Bellefonte, Pa., February 12, 1982. developed a scientific checkmate to
- — m | drought conditions. Extremely low
‘water during the summer of 1930
1t h ‘and similar conditions last summer
| resulted not only in the drying up
. of many small tri streams
‘out seriously affected numerous un- |
stream sources. Only
through careful listing of every fish-
ing stream in the State has the Fish
Commission been able to combat the
drought's effects. :
The ability of any stream to sus-'
tain fish life may be determined
' solely by its water area when it is
at lowest ebb h, during the peak
of drought conditions. In larger
_PARESIS THE RESULT OF SYPHILIS Streams and bodies of water through-
“Mental disorders today represent out the State, the ravages of the
a real social problem. Hospitals drought, while apparent, still do not
for the psychopathics are crowded materially affect natural cover and
and in many of them there are long |forage possibilities. The survey
waiting lists. It thus appears that! plan calls for four requisites in
modern civilization is exacting a Streams Sought ig pres
terific toil. High speed living with ence Squaiic ge or
its cruel exactions and reprehensible | fish, natural cover, and proper wa-
personal conduct must also shoulder ter temperatures. In ascertaining
much of the blame. The fact is ge gualisestions, trained men of
tha Iv fifty . of _ the commission cons y are con-
Gents entering oii for Ee | ducting a scientific checkup.
disorders are there because of or-| Pennsylvania trout streams come
ganic or toxic causes. This situa- | under the classification of brook or
tion deserves consideration,” states Drown trout waters. Four groups
Doctor Theodore B. Appel, Secretary Of streams come under the warm
of Health. | water classification. The first group
“For example, general paresis is | I ae adgpied to back
the direct cause of one-fifth of the go " 04 a these Ly Wa-
mental troubles in males entering... having black bass ike rch |
hospitals, and one-tenth of the dis-| ' P pe |
onder for all groupe. This. condi. | Or Susduenann son; vsLleN
tion is an organic disease of the % |
brain due to the germ responsible To ER tii ap |
for syphilis. It is a preventable ,. A while the po rth classi |
- disease if proper moral conduct is 3 hs
observed, unless the malady is in- Reation is for yellow perch, sunfish |
nocently inherited. Moreover, earl Jan a . \
and effective treatment of dno "The drought in Pennsylvania was
serious, not alone in affecting the
syphilis will block the terrible end forage of fish, but also in decreas-
edie of Senaral ts Rive ing their range,” Oliver M. Deibler,
] , | Fish Commissioner, said today. “This
sauguired Xs palaay Jrdquently are ‘simply means that in limited areas,
With the primary manifestations I making the survey, employees
-eliminated, mistakenly conclude that of the commission determine the
‘they have been cured. Prompt, ef-| ost practical portions of a body of
fective and protracted treatment un- | water for the stocki f -
der the guidance of a reputable | ticular specios of Ashe ©
A : s s
a me | oe Jie Jiovey bun growl J
a pe thet oy Pp - | creased effectiveness of fish distri-
DVL proven weapon pytion throughout the State, for
he Tn Bl TA | mi ha ree
. | chart, only water where |
extent by many sufferers. thrive are stocked. This makes |
“Again, the excessive use of al- available for such streams many |
“cohol is responsible for nearly ten|more fish from the State hatcheries |
jpatcen; of Somianle ental in each year. |
orders, at least in males. us ———— bt a———
making alcohol and syphilis combin- NATION NEEDS LIN V |
ed responsible for about one-fifth of BOISE, |
the hospitalized insanities. | At a public dinner in New York, |
“Nevertheless, as already intimat- in commemoration of Lincoln, Miss
ed, improper living habits continue | 1da A. Tarbell, anor of a “Lifeof |
ar Tt a | “1 at iy a unm Lio
‘and a consistent over-forcing of | coln is the only man, living or dead, |
Beivius ehargy axe the ‘pitfalls to) i HE EO a
“Speaking generally, "nature dé) “Lincoln was a man who never
BAT that her fundamental laws pretended to be anything be really
“be at least reasonably observed. A wag ot He never found time to
constant outraging of the physiologi- | conform to usages of society. |
cal economy takes its toll yo only He did Not Bude or Sate for |
in bodies but in minds also. In- ame e never learned to
sanities and lesser nervous dAisor- Wear his clothes properly. His |
‘ders could be spectacularly reduced | trousers bagged. His coat did not |
ye act Were ngre Seusrally ve-| “You may remember the eminent
v * * * * | Massachusetts statesman who spent
“A few months ago at a football an hour with Lincoln, and the only
game a child was observed sitting entry he made in his journal after |
--mext his father—the child bare-leg- their discussion of great national af-
‘ged and the father in a heavy fur fairs was that Lincoln wore yarn
“coat. With the temperature down SOCKS.
‘to freezing it appeared that this “Lincoln always was anxious to
‘parent was sadly lacking in judg- get things just right. Sometimes,
ment. Just why older people en- in consequence, he seemed siow to
.‘tertain the idea that the mature the country, but he always insisted
healthly person needs suitable pro- with himself that his acts must con-
‘tection against the winter chill and form to the moral law. You can-|
‘that a child of seven or eight years not conceive of Lincoln trifling with
“neers little or none is difficult to his conscience.
‘determine; and this, even though the “He wanted to be sure always that
youngster himself objects to stock- his decisions should ever stand as
. ings, as is sometimes the case” | just in the annals of the world and
states Doctor Theodore B. Appel, the history of human endeavor. |
_ Secretary of Health. | “There are several instances to
It is perfectly all right for those prove this. He was told by his
responsible for the welfare of the supporters he would lose an election |
young to exert every reasonable ef- by taking a certain stand. He did |
fort to foster the development of lose, but he said: “We are nght.
hardihood and sturdiness. However, The people will it by and |
when undue exposure results it is by.” And did, and four years
carrying the thing quite too far. | later he was in the White House.
And the same may be said for “Lincoln had real goodness—not
those over-solicitous parents who the kind of that preaches
. wrap their young children in excess- only on Sunday, but the kind of |
ively heavy clothing. Many a child goodness that reacnes out and em- |
"has been made seriously ill by thus braces ail one's fellow men. He,
overheating its body. | was the tenderest man that ever’
It follows that if older persons lived. No one suffered more than!
* desire to under or overdress in he during the awful four years of |
frigid weather, foolish and even civil strife. ! . i
dangerous as that may be, they will “Lincoln was the best man Amer- |
- have only themselves to blame for i institutions ever produced. It)
wunhealthv conseouences. But toim- wo be, inaeed, a sad thing if our
pose foolish clothing fads and fan- institutions failed at any future
cles upon little children who are un- great crisis to produce such as Lin- |
able to Airect their own actions, and | coln.” |
#n this manner invite trouble, is
scarcely fair to them to say the FOOD VIOLATIONS
Reast. |
“a season of the One hundred and seventeen pros-
Clothing at any
‘ . wh upg or lit- ecutions for the violation of pure
year, whether for grown-ups OO Jaws,” |
tle folks, should be determined by food and other |
the outside temperature. Style and were reported by Dr. James wi
the mode should, if necessary, al- Kellogg, director, State bureau of
" ways be subordinated to it. foods and chemistry, for December.
If this advice would be generally There were twenty cases where
‘ followed, many illnesses in young | butter containing excessive mois-
and older persons that will cause ture was being sold. Selling eggs
suffering or worse during the re- as fresh which were not fresh,
“mainder of the winter could be brought 25 prosecutions. Attempt-
avoided. ‘Therefore, permit the ing to sell milk deficient in butter
‘thermometer and common sense to fat, resulted in fines for 13 dealers. |
rule. Extremists in clothing just| Twenty feed and fertilizer deal- |
as every other type of extremist, ers and manufacturers in seventeen
are marked persons. An excellent counties were in the month's round-
class to avoid!” . . 3
up of “law breakers” because they
Perhaps the largest class of serfs
were found selling products defi-
cient in certain essential elements
in the United States are the food
slaves who, chained to the unre-
or having an excess of fiber.
The pure food agents made 4275
strained desires of the palate, habit- inspections and investigations, and
ually overeat—with some type of al the chemists analyzed over 1400
backfire on nature's part as an in-| samples of foods and agricultural
evitable consequence. | products. A total of 4416 licenses
It would therefore pay every per- and permits were issued.
son to take a conscientious inventory |
of his habits and conclusively elim- =
‘4nate all those that are definitely | her returns for kind treatment. And
peyond the natural laws. Some | one’s business in life is, or should
sacrifices will have to be made un- be, to get the most out of nature
doubtedly; even professional advice | that she is willing to give. Vital,
may be required. | vibrant life will not be satisfied with
However, nature is prodigal in| less.
Banding Cigars in a Tampa Factory.
(Prepared by National Geographle Society
Washington, D. C.)—WNU Service.
HE “barrel” of Florida's pistol
shape may be bisected by a
canal, Plans are under way for
the construction of a 135-mile
waterway across the state in the vicin-
ity of Jacksonville, Promoters of the
project assert that the canal will cut
shipping time between gulf ports and
New York and Europe by from one to
four days,
Florida, which not many years ago
was a sleepy peninsula, now ranks
among the most progressive states of
the South. She tilts her sunburned
nose so far down toward the Tropics
that only here, in all the United States,
can you pick coconuts from their lofty
habitat—that Is, if you climb well!
Her map spot in the sun gives
Florida on odd character. Tt makes
her, economically speaking, dual-faced,
On one side, the real Florida: vast,
sparsely settled, strewn with fruit and
farm colonies, cow ranches, sawmills,
turpentine mille, seaports, cizar fac-
tories, smelly fisheries, and industries
that produce, among other things, in
commercial quantities, fuller's earth,
kaolin, titanium oxide, and-—be it
proudly said—about 85 per cent of this
country's supply of phosphate rock.
On the other side, familiar to win-
.er visitors, a strangely different state.
Through long, drill months she drowses
and suns herself; yet from December
to March, gay, boisterous, and bizarre,
she affords an astounding spectacle of
massed humanity, idle, yet often ath-
letically active, probably without
parallel anywhere,
The tourist trek to Florida is unique;
Lor, lured by sun, sea, and the in-
stinctive love of outdoors, people turn
toward Florida each winter, at which
time her population almost doubles.
By train, motor, boat, and plane this
army comes. One even sees walkers
and men on bicycles, a suitcase lashed
atop the handlebars. Through Lake
City and Jacksonville, more than a
motor ear a minute, by actual day-
light count, during the early months
of northern winter,
Vast Throngs at Play.
A graphic picture this, a giant movie-
(one of upward of ten hundred thou-
sand Americans marching to play and
work. Big league ball teams at prac-
tice in the sun; tired and retired cap-
italists on private yachts and patent
medicine barkers in flivvers; horse-
shoe pitchers, and croquet players from
small towns of the Middle West ; erack
swimmers and divers, golf profes-
sionals, brown sun-bathers, school
children of all ages, hues, and creeds
studying in the open air at desks set
on the sand. Stunt flyers, prima
donnas, and parachute Jumpers; street
fakers, and “the world's smallest
horse”; wax-figure shows of Grant
and Custer, Buffalo Bill, and Jesse
James working the county fairs; dane-
ing teachers and cruising taxi-men
with “For hire” cars brought all the
way from Detroit and Cleveland; edu-
eators and evangelists, palmists and
pugilists; puritans and impuritans; a
great circus in winter quarters, its
tapirs and giraffes capering in warm
sunshine; barbers in green smoeks and
390 beauty specialists in the eity of
Miami alone; taxidermists to mount
one's prize tarpon or sailfish ; market
snakehunters, with 12-foot tongs wad-
ing the Everglades,
Then, as suddenly as it n, the
/isitors’ tumult and shouting die. The
army departs. It goes pell-mell, swift-
ly, as noncombatants evacuate a eity
before advancing enemy troops. Sump-
tuous, high-priced hotels close and
hordes of “snow-bird” waiters, bell
hops, maids, and cooks backtrack to
prepare the northern resort hotels for
another season.
The tourist wave takes months to
reach the high-water stage, yet all
want to go North in a week, thus
straining even the great facilities of
the railways tapping the Far South.
Divorced from the tension of win-
.er racket, the real Florida relaxes
and breathes easier. She counts the
profits earned from winter paying
guests In return for bed; board, and
otherwise; then turns to her big job—
that Is, how to work and prosper dur-
ing the quiet months, when tourist
trade 1s nil,
When the Tourists Are Gone.
Some towns and industries are long
established and now stabilized. They
would live well without tourists. Yet,
to a singular degree, the huge sea-
sonal income from tourists has upset
the economic balance of the state,
Tourist trade grew suddenly, and much
faster than the state could Increase
its own halanced food production;
thus Florida presents an odd picture |
At times she throws away surplus
fruit and vegetables, Later in the
same year she may have to live out of
tin cans. She has not yet learned to
feed herself, but she is educating her-
self along these lines rapidly.
Excellent dairy herds are hers, yc,
she imports about two-thirds of all
her butter and milk. Here virgin
America heard the evening low of
wandering kine brought by Spanish
explorers; here are vast grasslands,
potentinl feed for infinite eattle; yet
the state imports seven-eighths of all
its meat,
Poultry farms grow flocks of 5,00,
and 10,000 chickens, yet a large share
of fowls and eggs consumed is brought
from other states. Despite the eco-
nomic commotion of the past decade,
Florida is still in sense a pioneer
state, Her growth has been spotty,
haphazard, marked by local spurts
and lapses, seemingly a precocious
child trying to run before she walks,
Riding south to Florida in the win-!
ter months along the Atlantic coast,’
you meet long trains of yellow-hued
refrigerator cars rolling north, laden
with fish, fruits, and vegetables. One
single train hauled 104 cars of toma-
toes. Neventy-five million hungry cus-
tomers live within 36 to 48 hours of |
her gates, by express and fast freight,
Two hundred kinds of crops, fruits, |
and nuts grow here, and shipments
out of the state average one carload |
every five minutes, the year around!’
She digs new potatoes and picks beans, |
peas, tomatoes, celery, pears, papayas,
grape fruit, and oranges when New
York and Chicago are snowbound. |
Though she ships nearly 100,000 cars |
of orchard and garden crops a year,
or more than 10 per cent of all that is |
sold In America, only a small part of
her available land is tilled. You can
ride for miles and miles, over superb-
ly surfaced highways, through grass |
and pine lands as empty yet of human
life as in the dawn of creation.
What North Florida Is Like.
North Florida is as different from
south Florida as lower Alabama from
Cuba. Colonists had settled and de-
veloped an ante-bellum cotton and to-
bacco aristocracy at Tallahassee and bines a close purling stitch in the
thereabout when lower Florida was
still a howling wilderness,
day, we are told, one-fifth of all Flor- |
ida's population was born in Georgia
and Alabama: but that will not be
true a decade hence,
Long age, when bears fattened ou.
erabs and turtle eggs where Miami)
Beach and Palm Beach now blossom,
Spaniards built St. Augustine and |
Pensacola and connected them with a er over the head with ease, and this |
400-mile military highway. You motor | opening is held together at the top|
over much of this same old fine now |
when you drive from Jacksonville west |
to Mobile and New Orleans, In the
Cathedral at St. Augustine are to be
seen erumbling, parchment-bound rec- |
ords of marriages and baptisms among | of gugar, one-third cupful of t |
Spaniards and Indians dating back to |
1600. |
Yet Florida—but for that settle.
strip along her upper edge—stood still
for generations, which the rest of
America was in the making. The rea-
son, of course, was the trend of mi-
gration to the great West!
Till recent years, when better con
munications came and America’s food
habits began to change through inten-
sive distribution methods, refrigerator
cars and high-power advertising, there
was no great consumer market for the
golden winter fruits and green vege-
tables which the state today grows. |
Nor, till long after the Civil war, did
manufactured fertilizer on which Flor-
ida agriculture now depends, come
into general use,
Also, years ago, there was yellow
fever. In epidemic days it paralyzed
Pensacola, New Orleans and Havana,
Then came Reed, Carrol, Gorgas, and
ohter great men of medicine, and
through science life was made safe
for whites In mosquito lands. After
the Spanish-American war Miami had
300 people. To-day there are 157,
000 residents,
Today as utterly as the West has
forgotten the Indian dangers, so mod-
ern Florida has forgotten such past
dangers, for practical sanitation and
good drinking water prevail, and every
intelligent Floridan teaches, preaches,
and practices what science has given
to mankind for the protection of |
As science whipped mosquitoes, s.
bold builders conquered swamps and
jungles, and humanized coral-born
keys, tying to the nation's railway net
a new world of strange sights and
A man cannot be his highest and best
self without giving out those things
which are best in him.—Bernard Snell.
—A call is not necessary after a
'|tea or afternoon reception.
—The visiting card may be used
in issuing informal invitations.
—A business address is never en-
graved on the visiting card.
—All liquids are taken from the
side, not from the end of the spoon.
— Visiting cards vary slightly in
shape or size from season to season.
—Reception cards state the hours
between which the hostess receives.
-—An invitation
ess a week after the event.
| -—At the wedding all expenses ex-
cept the clergyman’s fee are borne
by the family of the bride.
—At an afternoon reception a half
| hour's stay is sufficient, several of
| such affairs being attended in an
—All green vegetables except spin-
ach should be cooked with the lid
off the saucepan.
—In storing away old scraps of
material place them in a bag made
of an old net curtain, then the de-
sired piece will be easily seen when
--Use a clothespin to untangle a
fringed mop. It takes little time and
the mop will be as fluffy as when
—Allow thirty minutes
pound for roasting a turkey. A
twelve-pound turkey will require
six hours of roasting.
to the
—Wash pastry boards and rolling
pins in cold water and then wash
in hot soapsuds and rinse well in
hot water.
— Always rinse out milk glasses
or bottles with cold water and wash
in hot soapsuds.
Beauty in everything has become
a duty. Even the most utilitarian
objects have been beautified, ren-
dered gay and good-looking by col-
or and other devices. Kitchen uten-
sils that used to be drab and dull
now make the culinary department
bloom like a gaily flowered garden.
And so it is in the sartorial worl
Take, for example, the humble
sweater. Can you remember way
back when that garment was an in-
determinate brown or gray with no
brightening touches, no other object
than to keep us warm and miserable-
looking. But the rage for beauty and
the craze for handknit garments have
combined to put the sweater on the
map, and so we find now that near-
ly every house is showing smart
colorful sweaters that have made!
| sweater devotees of women who
would have scorned to wear one a
few years back.
But with all its decorative touches
the sweater has lost nothing of its
usefulness and is still grand for
wear inthe country, or with a smart
skirt, for morning wear in town.
To show you how the sweater has
ssed a typical Schiaparelli
model in black wool which com-
upper bodice and sleeves with a
Even to- loose, lacey stitch which makes the
shallow yoke, lower part of the
bodice and set-in cuffs.
The yoke is edged with embroider-
ed wool flowers in vivid colors and
of the lace-stitch inset on the low-
The neckline is slashed at the cen-
ter front to permit the sweat-
by a metal clip. Did you ever hear
of such involved descriptions being
necessary for the humble sweater?
Cook one and one-fourth cu
corn sirup, one-fourth cupful of
water, one-eighth teaspoonful of salt
to the hard ball stage. Leave the
saucepan over the burner after the
heat has been turned off. Beat one
egg white until stiff. Pour over the
hot sirup very slowly, beat until the
mixture holds its shape. Add one-
half and one-half cupful
of vanilla, one cupful of sliced dates
and one-half cupful of nut meats;
mix thoroughly and turn out on a
marble slab, make into balls and roll
in toasted or tinted cocoanut. This
makes one and one-fourth pounds.
—Place one teaspoonful of grated
orange peel or lemon peel in the tea
pot when tea. It gives a
delightful flavor and makes ordi-
nary tea taste like the expensive
2 cups milk
1-2 teaspoon salt
1 cup grated cheese.
Boil the potatoes and onions 10
minutes. Pimento cut fine can be
added during the last half of cook-
ing if desired. Drain.
Make a white sauce of the butter,
flour and milk, add to it the grated
cheese. Place alternate layers of po-
tato and sauce in baking dish. Bake
in moderate oven 1-2 hour.
Leftover potatoes may be used, |
in which case you can save time by |
omitting the preliminary boiling.
—Eighteen new demonstration
areas were planted last spring to
forest trees as a part of the exten-
sion program in forestry. A total
of 182,000 trees was set.
to a dinner re-
quires a personal call upon the host-
When Rear Admiral Richard Byrc
comes to town, it is like a tonic tc
the spirit.
represents ful
| For Admiral Byrd
fillment to those of us who have al
{ ways dreamed of going adventuring
but never have. He has been ther:
|and back. He has lived in the
| strange, frozen places at the botton
‘of the earth, and he stands in ow
| midst in Pittsburgh, smiling and un
| changed.
| Some heroes change before ou
Leyes. They become aloof and tem
peramental. But Admiral Byrd i
always the same. The queer, col
places of endless mght have no
frozen the charming spirit of th
man. He comes home to us wh
have never had the chance to g
adventuring and he is still a gentle
man, which means that he is kind
ly and considerate of others.
Richard Byrd is more than
model for American youth. Man
a hero could learn from him how t
go adventuring and come home ur
changed.—Pittsburgh Press.
'5ewiLsons 5¢
i For
|| Ready Cash
there's more feed to
buy!” Robert Helm leafed
through the papers and
jotted down the totals.
“Here's $150 in feed bills
Mrs. Helm came to her
husband's desk. “I'd sell
some stock,” she coun-
seled. “Those calves and
| the two Holsteins will eat
their heads off before win.
ter's over!”
Mr. Helm hesitated.
“Prices are awfully low,
Sue. But wait a minute.”
He hunted through the
desk and found a card.
“Here's the name of that
dealer who wanted to buy
last month. I'll call him
by telephone.”
In a minute or two the
deal was in progress and
in five minutes it was 3
closed. !
“Not so bad, Sue!” ex. i
claimed Mr. Helm jovi.
ally. “He'll be over to-
morrow and the price is
all right!”
The modern
farm home has
a telephone
reser sans nna ane
| Farm 6
| similar embroidery borders the w GC | P ° iy
er part of the bodice. 0 |
| '
| There 1a
| satisfactory
~ Employers,
‘This Interests Yi
666 Liquid or Tablets used internally
666 Salve externally, make a com
and effective treatment for Colds
Most Speedy Remedies Kno
NOT SUFFER monthly pain and dela;