Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, February 12, 1932, Image 1

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-~As we interpret Governor
Smith's role it is to be one of
watchful waiting rather than that of
a “Happy Warrior.”
~The ruckus in the Democratic
might be boring from within. |
—Rose Allen's friends, if she has
any other than the father and broth- |
two years ago, wants to know why
ministers in that city attend dinners
and other functions at which the
dry law is flagrantly violated. To
some the Colonel's interrogation
might suggest that he is rather
naive. We don't know him per-
sonally, but since he has won a
handle to his name and was picked
to run for an important State office
we assume that he was “calling” the
crowd that's eternally preaching
. Prohibition and hasn't the guts to
stand up for it when such advocacy
might cost them something in so-
cial, business or political importance.
Being a Democrat has cost us a
lot. That's why we have such con-
. tempt for those who advocate Pro-
hibition only up to the point where
its advocacy threatens to cost them
something. We are not against
Prohibition. We're for a man and
womanhood courageous enough to
stand for a conviction, no matter
what the cost.
—Driving to Clearfield on Satur-
day we noticed four new filling sta-
‘tions in course of erection. We've
lived through many cycles of de-
‘pression. Out of each one we've
come with the sheriff a step or
two closer to us. At first we
were sustained by the thought that
if he got us we could open a grocery
That's what they all used
So we dis-
carded that as a possible straw to
clutch at and pinned our hope to a
filling station. Now there are 80
many filling stations in the neigh-
borhood in which we would like to
remain until we croak that we are
doubtful, so doubtful of them that
we have decided that if the worse
comes to the worst we shall take a
correspondence course -in manage-
men of church “bake sales.” There's |
a business that offers real opportu-
nity. It's a new field. One that
some College potato wizzard certain-
ly should exploit, especially since po-
tatoes have been exploited to the
point that it doesn't pay to raise
ach.” The gun was one
kept hidden at the camp
members knew where it was.
Sheriff John Boob was
the shooting and with county
tective Boden went to
With two State policemen they
to the Heaton home in Clarence.
told that he was wanted for the
murder of Moore he apparently had
forgotten all about it. He offered
no resistance to arrest. The gun
was found alongside the road, some
distance from the cabin, where it
had evidently been thrown with con-
siderable force, as the stock was
An inquest was held on Sunday
afternoon by coroner W. R. Heaton
at which all the young men and
three girls who were at the cabin
gave testimony but not one of them
could, or would state positively who
did the shooting. In fact it was so
dark at the time that it is just pos-
sible none of them actually saw the
shot fired. Under the circumstances,
and the evidenced adduced, the jury
returned a verdict setting forth the
fact that Moore came to his death
as the result of a gunshot wound in-
flicted by some one unknown.
After Heaton's arrest he waived a
hearing before a justice of the peace
and was brought to the Centre
county jail. As stated above he is
41 years old and has a wife and
eight children.
Young Moore was a son of Mr
and Mrs. Daniel Moore and went to
Clarence from Pottersdale. His
father is an employee at the brick
yards, at Clarence, while Robert was
a miner in the employ of the Mora-
vian Coal company. He had work-
ed, on Saturday, up to 8.80 o'clock
in the evening. In addition to his
parents he is survived by four broth-
ers and three sisters, Carl, Lee, John
and Shunk Moore, Miss Ada, Mrs.
Thelma McCloskey and Stella Moore.
——Herbert Hollobaugh, who last
week completed a term in the Alle-
gheny county work house for forg-
ery, was brought back to Centre
county on a detainer to answer to
the charge of desertion and non-sup-
tional school building, Spring Mills,
8 p.m.
The meetings on Tuesday will be
addressed by C. R. Gearhart,
State College, who is in charge of
cow testing work throughout the
State. On Wednesday they will be
addressed by E. B. Fitts, of State
College, who is in charge of dairy
extension work over the State. The
speakers will discuss the various
problems facing dairymen which will
cheapen the cost of producing milk.
An invitation is extended to all | 4088
dairymen in the county, who should
try to arrange to attend at least one
of the sessions.
The Associated Charities of Belle-
fonte are badly in need of second
hand clothing. The supply that had
been donated early in the season
has been exhausted and it has been
necessary to purchase new clothing
to take care of a number of urgent
cases. As the organization's funds
are limited the people in charge will
appreciate any and all contributions
of clothing, either for adults or chil-
dren, but especially the latter. As-
sistance is being given to a number
of people in Bellefonte as well as in
Spring township, adjacent to the
town. And these people will need
assistance for several months to
come. Cash contributions will also
be appreciated.
——————— AA ———
The Centre county court room is
being adorned with the oil paint-
ings of former judges of the county
which, for some years, have been
hung in the library. There are
twelve panels between the windows
on both sides of the court room and
there are enough of paintings to
fill eleven panels. Paintings of
Curtin, Beaver and Hastings, the
three former Governors, will be hung
at the end of the court room above
the judges’ platform. The paintings
will add color to an otherwise drab
wall surface.
Meek’s cemetery. To her cousin,
Mrs. Sarah Stein, an inmate of the
Phoebe home for the aged, at Allen-
of town, $1000 in trust, at her death
the principal to go to the Presby-
terian home at Hollidaysburg. To
John E. Bressler, the occupancy of
the homestead farm during his nat-
ural life, he to have all the income
from same but must pay all taxes,
insurance, repairs, etc. He must
also take care of her two old horses,
“Bonnie” and the two
vided equally
Meek, Mary Gray Meek, Winifred
Meek—Morris and Elizabeth B.
However, in a codicil dated April
18, 1929, the testator revokes the be-
quests of $2000 to Thomas L. Price
and $1800 to Paul Leidy and directs
that the above sum be paid as fol-
lows: $1000 to Johan E. Bressler;
$1800 to the Centre County hospital,
and $1000 to the Presbyterian home,
at Hollidayszurg.
The First National bank of State
College was appointed executor of
the estate.
the division of the resi-
due of decedent's estate that cannot
take place until after the death of
Mr. Bressler, as the homestead farm,
and all it's income, was left to him
during his natural life. The First
National bank of State College, is
em to make sale of dece-
dent's one-half interest in the D. G.
Meek property at State College and
the D. G. Meek farm in Ferguson
township, at any time it is deemed
wise to do so, and from the proceeds
of which many of the bequests can
be paid.
—If it isn’t in the Watchman it
isn't worth reading.
ee A A AA
rs ssn
—— ————
as possible will drive to the Capitol
city on February the sixteenth.
— A ——————.
William H. McLanahan, well
known druggist of Tyrone, commit-
ted suicide, about seven o'clock on
Monday morning, by shooting him-
self in the head with a large calibre
rifle. Ill health was assigned as
the cause. According to reports Mc-
Lanahan did not sleep well on Sun-
day night and went to his store
without eating breakfast. About8
o'clock his lifeless body was found
in the basement of his store build-
ing by one of his clerks.
He was 74 years old and had been
in the drug business for over twen-
ty-five years. He was at one time
a member of the famous Sheridan
troop. His wife and two children
A TR ———
Agents of the Lewisburg prohi-
bition enforcement offices visited
Port Matilda, on Monday afternoon,
and raided the Shady Nook gas sta-
tion operated by McKinley Krouse.
Five and a half pints of alleged lig-
uor were seized. Krouse, alleged
proprietor, was charged with sale
and possession of intoxicants, was
brought to Bellefonte and given a
hearing before justice of the peace
S. Kline Woodring, and in default
of $1000 bail was committed to the
county jail.
It was reported, last week, that
Dr. Asa Lee Hickok will leave Rock-
view penitentiary in the near future
to be superintendent of the Somer-
set county home and hospital, but up
to the present time no confirmation
of the report could b2 obtained. The
doctor and Mrs. Hickok are away on
a month's leave of absence which
they are spending at Grand Rapids,
Mich., and officials at Rockview have
no information regarding any con-
templated change by Dr. Hickok.
—While city police danced merrily at
their annual ball in the Wilkes-Barre
armory Monday night, thieves looted of-
fices in the Town Hall building, opposite
City Hall. Twelve offices were forcibly
entered. When occupants opened them
Tuesday morning, they were confronted
by the wildest disorder.
—A reward of $50 and ‘no questions
asked” has been offered for the return
of $30,000 in common and przferred stock
of the McMahon Royalties company, San
Antonio, Tex. Fred R. Holmes, Kane,
vice president of the company, in offer-
ing the reward, reported the securities
were stolen from a brief case locked in
Ma car while it was parked in Bradford,
—Four armed men bound and gagged
"| two attendants at Silver Slipper Inm, in
er whose hearts she broke, should RESULTS IN DEATH. ON SUNDAY AFTERNOON.| AND BEQUESTS TO FRIENDS. Schuylkill county, and took $400. It is
advise her to keep out of print. — nm . — —— believed that the same men that held
There's a screw loose in the girl. Clarence Youth 17 Years Old, Vie-, Admiral Richard T. Byrd, who was John E. Bressler Farm for Life, The crash of a piano falling from |up the Michel service station at East
If not, how could she be giving out tim of Fatal Shot Barly Sunday at State College, Saturday night, but Must Give Decent Burial to | the assembly room in the Odd Fel- Mahanoy Junction, several miles west of
interviews after the unenviable no- Morning. Showias tie pictures 8 and lec-| Horses and Dogs. lows hall, at State College, to the he Sues Slipper Inn, did the job. No
toriety she has alread — uring on Pp e Pole, lower floor, and heard by Mr. and |2utomobile was heard approaching the
clusion and penitence By na, Be Robert Moore, 17 year old coal went to New York, Sunday after-| The will of the late Miss Mary | Afr, Jay Storch, living toatl was | Inn by attendants and escape was af-
role, if she were normal. miner of Clarence, is dead and bur-| noon, on the air. He was probably | Wilberta Meek, who died at her the first intimation of a Hitasiroys C04 10 2 machine owned bY ons of the
jed and Warren M. Heaton, 41 years | the first passenger from Bellefonte fiome at Fairbrook on Monday of | gre which completely gutted the | employees.
—Incidentally, that Mr. W. F. old, also of Clarence, is a prisoner in | to the metropolis on one of the big last week, isaves much of her estate | ding, about three o'clock on Sun- | —Death cheated the law when Joseph
Connor, who built up the defense of | the county jail and will have to|tri-motored air liners of the national | charity. ~The will was executed | gay morning, and caused a loss esti- | Kewra, 50, Shamokin miner, indicted by
Eddie Allen, has it all over Clarence |0SWer in court as to whether he Air Transport. in May, 1927. Filed in connection mate at $50,000. It also has caus- |p oie Jie i Northumberland coun
fired the fatal shot or not. The with the will was a statement of her ty criminal court on a charge of assualt
Darrow. If ever there was a mur- - ©! The Admiral had an engagement ed State College people to speculate | ;nq pattery with Intent to kill, d
der -cgse'in which a play on mass | S0vling ‘occurred at the “Desert in New York that evening and nat-|boldings which included personal op the possibility of a firebug Dbe- A Ty a . 'aisht, 10 WI. died jast
psychology was more helpful we'd hunting camp, about three miles yrally thought all he would have to property, $3000; homestead farm, ing in their midst. he AB wid
like to know of it. That was the ast of Snow Shoe, between one and do would be to telephone the Belle- $4000; two vacant tracts of timber | pe lower floor of the building | The man was stricken in the court house
ace in the hole, but we have never |tWO O'clock on Sunday morning, and | fonte airport and make reservations land, $20; one-half undivided interest | oy occupied by a clothing store | corridor after learning that a true bill
:seen it played with the finesse that |YOURS Moore died while being rush- but he ran up against an unexpected{iR two lots and one building in State | owneq by H. J. Cohen, of Lewis-|had beed returned in his case and that
Mr. Connor used in the conduct of |©d to @ doctor's office in Snow Shoe. | snare of red tape. Bellefonte, it| College, $7500; one-half undividedin- | tou; while the congregation of | he would have to stand trial.
his client's case. He had been shot with a pumpkin appears, is not a passenger station | terest in the David George Meek | pgity, Reformed church was using —Fewer claims for boun
bullet fired from a 16-guage single- on the N. A. T. line. To secure {8m $2500, and one-half interestin | the pasement as a place of worship | ceived during January, es
—The silver knobs on the outside Darrel shot gun. The charge passed permission for the Admiral to board a vacant tract of land, $10, a total | ,n¢j the completion of their new |the same period in 1981, the State Game
doors of the White House executive | through the abdomen and came out the plane as a passenger here it | °F $17,030. church. The fire started in the | Commission announced. During the last
offices are like those on a burial | through the lower ribs on the left was necessary to telephone the ‘The original will, after providing 'jower part of the building but it | Month more than 5435 claims were re-
casket, so side of the body. Secre of Commerce, at Wi _ | for the funeral expenses and P&Y- | (wag impossible to 1g | ceived covering thirty-five wild cats; 1,-
Speaker John Garner i tary ashing: possi determine it's
thinks. In fact, the likeness was| According to evidence adducedata ton, then the headquarters of the N. t of all just debts provides for |, gin as the entire interior was a ve sn foxes; 11112 weasels and two
so striking as to lead the Texan to Coroners inquest, on Sunday after- A. T. in Chicago, but it was final- expenditure of $350 to erect & | mage of flames by the time the fire- | §17.0i0.50, During 1901 637 claims were
wondering if they might be expect. Noon, three young men of Clarence ly . | gtay granite monument on the Meek | yon arrived on the scene. GoOd | presented Eo ama were
ing a funeral around there—“say 8nd three girls from Chester Hill, As the Admiral's departure from in the Meek cemetery, and Spe- | work on the part of the firemen |857 gray foxes; and 13,018 weasels, en-
about March 4, next year.” Ex-| Dear Philipsburg, had gone to the Bellefonte had not been heralded that the only inscription on |yept the fire confined within the | tailing an expenditure of $21,272.00.
pecting? Why it is so inevitable | Camp, about eleven o'clock Saturday very widely a comparatively small monument be “Bertie Meek.” | ang of the building. The building | _ pp
uests included $500 to the al of Webster G. Drew, former
that they must be actually prepar. Bight, to have a chicken dinner. crowd was at the field to see him beq and contents were insured but the | city treasurer, of Brauford, charged with
ing for ome While the meal was in course Of depart. The plane, due in Belle. | board of home missions of the Pres- | oyqct amount carried could not be misapplication and embezzlement of pub»
preparation a son of the man held fonte at 2.30, did not arrive until church; $600 to the board of | jog ped, lic funds, will likely be called February
—Our advice to the Democrats of for the shooting at the 3.30 because of leaving Chicago an 0 missions; $1000 to the Cen- 22. James V. Brown, an auditor who
Pennsylvania is to stick to the lead- camp and demanded admittance. On | hour late. It was a ten inger | tté County hospital; §25 each to .— went over the treasury accounts, has re-
ers who have made our party jn the being refused he left and along plane piloted by Jimmie Johnson Gray and George Reuben WOMEN'S FEDERATION ported a total shortage of $201,141.68 in
State something the Republicans |about one o'clock he returned, ac-|and had nine passengers aboard #31000 to Mary Gray Meek: T0 MEET IN HARRISBURG. | Shy: School and McKean covnty funds.
are worried about. National com-| companied by five or six others, when it reached Bellefonte, the Ad- to Winifred Meek Morris; $50 uma The city Receive Sn a
mitteeman Kistler and State Chair- among them being the elder Heaton, miral taking the only available va- Elizabeth B. Meek; $100 to Mrs.| The central district of the State Bulding Sumpuns gh county $35,000.
man Collins picked it out cf the Robert Moore and his brother John. cant seat. The plane made onlya Ruth Frank; $300 to Mary BE. Gard- | Federation of Pennsylvania Women a i
Junk yard in which it was thrown |In fact the elder Eon ont 10 | pace atop Here Sid a8: 400m #8 Ads {10L; 350 to Miss Olive B. Mitchell; will hold a very interesting meeting | rectors suid. :
fatten on the patronage President the teenth. Some of the outstanding fea- | —SAYHsr coutty commissioners will al
Wilson had to give. Let us be as tures will be an address by Miss | UST 0 SE EE HE SOOO nd to
‘loyal and helpful to them on the Agnes McPhail, Canadian member |,,, to the public. These bonds will
SN UE VIGHOTY ag ey ay Na oR aati: he DoW lilt Hel} we nen w fv por cut, sna wil
our y through years of defeat. dent, hard J. Hamilton, mature February 1, 1962, and in addition
: : Ardmore, and a half hour of music | will be tax free. Funds realized from
3 al _ up by Mrs. Jacques Jolas, a young | the sale of these bonds will be used to
Chinese cities, murdering, pillaging French-American, as well as several |siéar up the $40,000 indebieaness, B6 now
will and occasionally dropping a other speakers. x !
Ba The study club of Harrisburg will | (he few conciel bree ot Paxtonville
that 1s supposed to. be inviolate. The be hostess club and a big delegation | co Pree on cutstunting bond tame
Yangste river is with bat- is desived. .. The ‘meeting: will be Sa
“Ueships, cruisers _ BT hor hat Hot of held in- the Civic club, on Front St. penn bill . for extinguishing
netions that have guaranteed the in- mext the water, tower. Ses- | (Fst HF Jia wis sesona’ auty 0
‘tegrity of China, yet they dodge sions open at 10:30 a. m. and Will 0p, “of porusts crs’ Biome:
and duck to keep out of the way of close in time for all to get home the | 13, gate spent $2050 in combating
‘the Japanese fire. It isn’t war be- same day. A seventy-five cent) 400 fires of an average area of thirty
cause Japan says it isn't. We want ; luncheon will be served and reser-| seven acres last year. In 1930 the ex-
to tell the world that unless Japan| Later he appeared in in trust, the | vations should be made not later |penditure was $676,331 for extinguishing
is put in her place mighty quick of the cabin with the gun in his to the following schedule: proceeds to take care of the D. G.|than Friday, February 12th, to Mrs. | 6791 fires each averaging 46.6 acres. The
there is going to be a war such as hands and when the young men saw| Tuesday, February 16, Odd Fel. [Meek lot inthenew cemetery; tothe William McCord, 2208 Chestnut St. | increasing cost of carelessness in the
will make the unpleasantness that him they got out of the cabin as lows hall, Port Matilda, 1:30 p. m. First National bank of State Col-| Harrisburg. forests 1s ndicaten oy the ten-yemr Jg-
xisted between 1014 and 1918 ap- quickly as possible and started to| Tuesday, February 16, Community |1e8¢ $200 in trust, the proceeds to All members of the Bellefonte |Ures Mhleh Show the SEP Of ed
pear as a wrist slapping match. (run away. In the scramble for hall, Hublersburg, 8 p. m. take care of the Mitchell lot in the Women's club are invited and urged | ior tthe previous elght years.
safety the report of a gun was heard| Wednesday, February 17, Voca- old cemetery at Pine Grove Mills; to attend this meeting by the cen-
Col. Charles Dotrance, of Boran- | Tou yout More fe 0 the Sround, tiogal school building, Boalsburg, |0 the First National bank of State |iral district president, Mra. Ralph ~Oyiw Gude, 30 Yours Gio Xo
ton, who was the Liberal party's mortally wounded. His only remark (1:30 p. m. College $400 the proceeds to be de- H. Godcharles, of Milton, Penna. Suni” STOW [SCRw SOT eC _—
DD i lonant COveraor | Eas hot in’ the. stom-| Wedicaday, February. 17, Vous |YOted'to'the care of the Meek lotin It is lobed (Hat as many members | ., .. ung larceny at a hearing before
justice of the peace John Halpin, West
Goshen township, Chester county. Ball
was set at $2400, which Gordon was un-
able to obtain, and he was committed to
Chester county prison. Police charge
Gordon with many thefts of tools and
other articles from various places, includ-
ing Darlington Seminary, the farm of
Samuel Parke, in East Bradford town-
ship, and also from State Highway De-
partment tool boxes.
—The oddest accident in coal mining
annals in the Shamokin section claimed
the life of Irving Snyder, 33, of Trever-
ton, in the State hospital at Shamokin.
Snyder, a miner at Bear Valley mine of
the Philadelphia & Reading Co., lived
since January 2 with a piece of coal
lodged in his brain.
his right eye and penetrated into the
Otherwise he was unhurt, He
—John Quinn, of Greensburg, acquitted
last week on a charge of robbing the
Kaybee store of Jewelry, will be taken
to the western penitentiary, where he
will serve out the remaining five years
of a ten-year term on which he had been
previously paroled. It was after the
verdict of acquittal had been returned by
the jury that Judge William T. Dom, be-
fore whom the case had been tried,
roundly scored the jury for being in-
fluenced by sympathy and not by the evi-
dence in the case. Quinn was immedi-
ately rearrested, charged with robbing a
confiscated slot-machine stored in the
basement of the court house. Originally
Quinn was arrested six years ago on a
charge of burglary and on that charge
drew the ten year penitentiary sentence.
—Just as the coffin was being lowered
into the grave, State police on Tuesday,
halted the funeral of Joseph ‘‘Babs"”
Barowski, 18, of Atlas. Barowski was
found dead underneath a porch at Mount
Carmel, last week. Police claimed the
body and ordered it sent to a morgue,
where a second autopsy was performed.
At first it was declared the youth died
of gunshot wounds inflicted in a gang
war outburst. The first autopsy re-
vealed only one bullet in the body and
surgeons declared another mark on the
body was & stab wound. Now a second
and more conclusive autopsy has been
ordered. Police are holding several sus-
pects who are believed to know some-
thing about the slaying of the youth and
the dumping «f his body out of a car
in the heart of Mount Carmel.