Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, January 29, 1932, Image 8

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— . Margaret Hayes ADMIRAL 2
for many years residents of Lewis- |
Santi RE AND ELSEWHERE Orwig, widow of Samuel H. Orwig,
Bellefonte, Pa., January 29, 1932.
{well known resident of Colyer, died of Miss Catherine Baldridge,
| quite suddenly of acute indigestion, | Milesburg, where she had lived the
— Mr. and Mrs. Ogden B. Malin |SWank,
; Py : and Friday night with the
Fiiest 2 onqnnion wr Jen I and Saturday morning his son took born at
‘entertained with cards,
might, at their home on east
wedding anniversary. Five
‘were in play.
-——There will be a card party in!
the parish house of St. John’s Epis-
‘opal church, Bellefonte, on Monday
evening, February 1.
will be 50cts and everyone is invited
‘Refreshments will be served.
® ast Saturday morning, just as he past four years. She had been I
the office of Dr. T . L. poor health for several years an
in Boalsburg, on his way to 'had been confined to bed since last
medicine to relieve him. He November.
suffered a good part of Friday She was a daughter of John and
attack Ellen Mary Barker Hayes and was
Mifflinburg 74 years ago.
him to Boalsburg to see the doctor. As a young woman she married Mr.
{As they arrived at the physician's Orwig and for a number of years
office Royer apparently became un- they lived in Lewisburg later mov-
conscious and the son, securing the ing to Harrisburg. Mrs. Orwig was
services of several men, carried him a sister of the late Dr. R. G. H.
into the office. A hasty examina- Hayes, of Bellefonte, and ‘When Jor
tion showed that he was dead. husband became seriously ill he was
He was a son of John H. and brought to Bellefonte for treatment
| reached
——A corps of State engineers ‘Mary Boal Royer and was born in at Dr. Hayes’ private hospital when
started work at Boalsburg,
week, making a survey of the
National Guard shrine and
The big brick garage
and Royer,
17 the property now owned by Dr.
days old. As a young man he Rogers. Mr. Orwig died there and
(married Miss Sallie Bohn, of Har- some years following his death Mrs.
ris township, who died six years Orwig came to Bellefonte and lived
ago, but surviving him are a son with Mrs. Hayes ahout five years,
‘and daughter, Marcellus and Ruth going to Miss Baldrdge’s home four
both at home. He also years ago. Her only survivor is
| Admiral Richard E. Byrd,
air, will lecture under the aus-
£2 of the Young Men's Christian
| Association in Schwab auditorium at
|8.15 o'clock on the night of Feb-
A address of America’s most
famed explorer will be supplemented
[by illustrations by slides and motion
pictures collected on his many scien-
tific expeditions. Some scenes de-
picted in the recent film success,
“With Byrd at the South Pole,” will
be elaborated upon by the explorer
in his talk.
This will be the first opportunity
of people in this vicinity to hear
| America’s most decorated son. Ad-
i in | mir s been officially cited
1ast | potter township in 1879, at his death the family lived on Spring street, in miral Byrd ha
Plot | peing 52 years, 9 months and
“of ground purchased from Col. Theo-
<dore Davis Boal as a location for a
tery, the only one of the kind in the
[twenty times for bravery or conspic-
uously courageous conduct.
He has received the thanks
Congress as well as the four highest
medals the country can give, the
Congressional Medal of Honor, Con-
gressional Life Saving Medal, Dis-
i i if- tinguished Service Medal, and the
stock room of the West Penn Pow- leaves his parents, living at Spruce- one sister, Mrs. Paul Reish, of Mif g
‘@r Co., on Lamb street, is now un- town, one brother and three sisters, flinburg.
der roof and the contractors, George Fred Royer, of Colyer; Mrs. D. M. |
Brief funeral services were held in
Flying Cross. :
Tickets mays be reserved by writ-
i i ing the Penn State Y. M. C. A. or
Rhoads’ Song will be able to con- Long, of Centre Hill; Mrs. Charles Milesburg, on Monday morning, by 18
tinue the work regardless of weath- Ulrich, of Centre Hall, R. D., and Rev. H. E. Oakwood, after
two | Mrs. Frona Nevil, of Lewistown.
®r conditions during the next
| the remains were taken to Mifflin-
Funeral services were held on | burg for burial.
——St. John’s Catholic church of Tuesday afternoon, burial being I! Il
Bellefonte will serve a sauer-kraut | made
Supper, in the rooms of the C.D. A.,
2nd floor of the Lyons building on |
Allegheny street, on Wednesday eve- A re in
hin i 3rd. The charge will eran of the Civil war and the oldest of a stroke of paralysis sustained
be 50 cents. Service from 5 to 7 p.m.
“Everybody is invited.
vil 5 New York leavin New York
Tonight the Bellefonte Y and Bald Eagle, last Thursday evening, | Williams and was born near Martha © g
————Tonig }
Acadmey basketball teams will play
: 4 i hee 3 Joi i he Panama Canal
Sify MCs Ey py ther Dillon Adams and was born near soil until his retirement some years G0Ing via the
co s
It will be the second
month that the teams have played the place of his death on April 16th, ago.
2 fyi | ing her death he married Miss Comber 2
“wipe out the defeat the Y dribhlers At the outbreak of the Civil war he following her dea e m
isted i I, 3rd Pennsyl- | Nancy Fisher. ;
: d them on January 16. Game enlisted in Company I, nne : y ; : the neighborhood of the
on y Admission, | Vania volunteers. At the expiration with the following children: Martha 2 City of New York
and the Academy boys are out
“will be called at 8:30.
“adults 15, children 10 cts.
—--Dr. Horace Lincoln Jacobs,
“pastor of the Bellefonte
Methodist : : |
d Miss De- | home.
‘thurch has had a number of invita- ber 16th, 1840, he married Mi ©
cemetery, | WILLIAMS.—Abednego Williams,
near Tusseyville. a well known resident of Bald Eagle
if I! | valley, died at his home in Union
ADAMS.—Matthew Adams, a vet- | township, on Monday, as the result
in the Zion Hill
native born resident of upper Bald about a month ago.
[Eagle valley, died at his home near He was a son of Scott and Eleanor
as the result of general debility. Furnace 84 years ago. He was a
He was a son of William and KEs- farmer by occupation and tilled the
He was twice married. His
1840, hence was in his 92nd year. first wife was Catherine Hartsock and
The latter survives
{of his first enlistment he re-emlisted | Jane, of Long Beach, Cal.; Mrs.
with the 22nd cavalry and served | Susan E. Irwin, of Bellefonte; J.R.,
until the close of the war. On Octo- of Unionville; Roger and Harry, at
He also leaves two sisters,
by personal visit at the Corner
Room, State College, from 6 to 7:30
'p. m., between Feb. 2 and Feb. 6.
All seats will be reserved and will
‘cost 50 or T5cts, acording to loca-.
The Byrd expedition comprised 60
men all told. Of these 42 wintered
i the Antarctic. Two vessels
transported the party and its equip-
‘ment to the Antarctic, the City of
August 25, 1928, and the Eleanor
Bolling following on September 16.
vessels met at Dundedin, New Zeal-
and. Thence they proceeded on De-
to the Ross Sea, the
Eleanor Bolling turning back from
Scott Is-
lands and the
| reaching the edge of the Ross Shelf
{Ice on December 25.
for the base was selected at the Bay
i . |of Whales about 125 miles farther
! . |lilah Reese who died a number of Mrs. Harry Eckley, of Juniata, and | st in he nelihbathond of Frome.
toned a i | years ago but surviving him are the | Mrs. Rachel Bradford, of near Bal- | ?
‘throughout the State.
| 2 pi
‘other work has made acceptance of |J°PR Adams, Mrs. Mary McMoni- |
more than two of them impossible.
Accordingly he will address the lodge
| : | finitesimal gauntlet in the vast froz- |
‘in Bellefonte on February 9 and that gle; rs Austin Negrhoof and A. Hamma, assisted hy Rev Josep len arena of the Antractic, was
at State College on Feb. 16.
——Raymond Rogers, 19 years
‘old, and his brother Gerald, 16, sons
‘of Mrs. George Rogers, of Jackson-
ville, were arrested, last Saturday
‘night by chief of police Harry Duke-
‘man, on the alleged charge of steal-
ing auto tires from the Decker
Chevrolet garage. At a hearing
“before 'Squire Keichline, on Monday,
‘Raymond was committed to jail and
‘Gerald turned over to the juvenile
“court officer.
——Hon. John T. McCormick, of
State College, was eighty-three years
“old, on Saturday, and the event was
‘celebrated ‘with a dinner at his
Jome, the , following .- guests being
present: Mr. and . Mrs. ‘Frank Me-
‘Cormick, of Lotk Haven: Mr. and
-Mrs. Walter T. McCormick and Miss
‘Fannie Hutchison, of Bellefonte;
“Mrs. Frank Krumrine, Mrs. Clarence
McCormick and Mrs. Hannah Os-
man, of State College.
An attempt was made by
‘Some one, Sunday night, to break
into Harold Cowher’s clothing store
‘and the Weis grocery, on Allegheny
street, but the would-be burglar was
@vidently frightened away before he
<ould pull the job. On Monday
Wight a man tried to get into the
‘office of the Beezer garage, on north
‘Water street, but was also frighten-
“ed away by night watchman Edward
Dorman before he could effect an en-
—The American Legion of Sun-
Toury will tender
M. Clement a testimonial banquet on
the afternoon of February 13. It
is to be “the most impressive ex-
pression of appreciation ever extend-
‘ed any Sunbury citizen.’ Gen.
Clement is hailed as that city’s be-
Yoved comrade, humanitarian, patriot
and citizen. He is well remember-
“ed in Bellefonte through connection
with the Bellefonte furnace and the
Jellefonte Central R. R., in their
farly days.
—Included among the appoint-
ments made at the Governor's office,
last week, were Lena M. Pettingill,
“of Bellefonte, a stenographer in the
Department of Justice at a salary of
$1200 a year. J. B, Montgomery, of
‘Rittsburgh, member of the board of
‘trustees of the western penitentiary
“to fill the vacancy that has existed
‘for some time, and J. Linn Harris,
‘of Lock Haven, a member of the
‘board to fill the vacany caused by
the selection of Rev. John W. Claudy
as superintendent of Rockview pen-
~——At the weekly prayer meet-
‘ing in the Methodist Episcopal
church, on Wednesday evening of
last week, a resolution was passed
amending the charter so as to put
‘the women members of the church
wn an equal footing with the men
oy permiting them to vote on the
“selection of members of the official
‘ooard. C. C. Shuey and E. E. Wid-
‘dowson were re-elected as members
“wf the board of trustees for three
ear terms; George R. Meek was
&lected as a new member of the
““oard for three years and Dr. R. L
“Stevens for a two year term.
Maj. Gen. Charles |
| following children: Theodore Adams, |timore.
Pressure of |
Funeral services were held in the
(gal, Mrs. E. J. Sharer and Mrs. Wil- Baptist church, at Martha, at three
(liam Frantz, all living near Bald Ea.- | o'clock yesterday afternoon, by Rev.
|W. Adams, of Tyrone. He also leaves Thomas, burial being made in fhe!
(fifty-one grandchildren and twenty- Williams cemetery. |
|nine great grand-children. [l i
| Funeral services were held in the | CUMMINGS.— Mrs. Doubaline K.|
United Brethren church, at Black | Cummings, widow of Charles Cum- |
| Oak, at 2 o'clock on Sunday after- mings, died last Friday morning, at
|noon, burial being made in the the home of her daughter, |
{church cemetery. | Charles A. Bitner, in Lock Haven, |
Il It following a general breakdown in
| SWISHER.—Mrs. Susannah Swish- health.
ler, widow of the late John Swisher, Her maiden name was Doubaline
|died at her home in Philipsburg, on
| Sunday morning, following a few
|day’s illness as the result of an at-
|tack of pneumonia.
' She was a daughter of Walker
and Priscilla VanScoyoc and was
born at Baltimore, Md., on Septem-
ber 17th, 1844, making her age 87
years, 4 months and 7 days. When
she was a child her parents came
to Pennsylvania and located at Ju-
lian where she grew to woman-
‘hood. In June, 1867, she married
(John Swisher and for twenty years
they lived at Julian. Then they
{moved to Philipsburg where she had
lived ever since. Her husband died
| ten years ago but surviving her are | Hill cemetery.
‘two daughters, Mrs. James An- I! Il
(drews, of Altoona, and Mrs. George KREBS.—Mrs. Martha A. Krebs,
| Stine, of Philipsburg. She also | Widow of the late Levi Krebs, died
leaves two brothers and a sister, on January 15th, at the home of her
Lloyd and Clinton VanScoyoc, who | Sister, Mrs. George Glenn, at State
{made their home with the deceased, | College, following an illness of three
(and Mrs. Annie Fickes, of Denver. months with a complication of dis.
| Funeral services were held at 2.30 | eases.
|o'clock on Wednesday afternoon, She was a daughter of James I.
| burial being made in the Philips- | and Mary Caven Ross and was born
{burg cemetery. |at Pine Grove Mills on December
Il Il | 4th, 1852, hence was 79 years, 1
| STOVER.—Mrs. Annie M. Stover, Month and 11 days old. Her hus.
(of Aaronsburg, passed away on Jan. band died over thirty years ago and
juary 16th following a year's illness her only survivors are two brothers
with a complication of diseases. and two sisters, J. H. Ross, of Lin-
| She was a daughter of John and ‘den Hall; Elmer C., of Lemont; Mrs.
(Sarah Yarger and was born at James I. Lytle and Mrs, George
| valley, Centre county, 80 years ago.
| A good part of her married life was |
{spent at Spring Milis but following |
{the death of her hushand about ten
years ago she had made her home
with her daughter. Her survivors in- |
clude two daughters, Mrs. Bitner, |
jand Mrs. Ella Shaffer, of Sunbury. |
| She also leaves two brothers and a
Sister, Alfred E. Miller and Mrs. W. |
T. Steely, of Lock Haven, and Michael
Miller, of Potters Mills. |
Funeral services were held at the |
| Bitner home, at two o'clock on Sun. |
day afternoon, by Rev. W. M. Tay-
‘lor, burial being made in the Cedar
| Aaronsburg on October 17th, 1867, Glenn, of State College.
{hence was 64 years, 2 months and Funeral services were held at the
(29 days old. She had been a mem- Glenn home on Monday afternoon of
[ber of the Lutheran church at last week by Rev. Edward H. Jones,
| Aaronsburg for many years. In July, assisted by Rev. Samuel Martin, bur-
{1886, she married Mr. Stover, who ial being made in the Branch ceme-
Miss | tery.
{survives with three children:
Marion C. Stover, of Harrisburg; | 1 Il
‘John L., of Aaronsburg, and Paul L., | ROBISON.—Winfield S. Robison, a
(of Dauphin. She also leaves one sis. lifelong resident of Bald Eagle val-
ter, Miss Lizzie Yarger, of Aarons- ley, died at his home at Port Matil-
| burg. |da, on Wednesday night, following
| Bev. vi Lesher had charge of an illness of two years as the result
the funeral services which were Of a stroke of apoplexy.
held at her late home at 2 o'clock | He was 83 years old, a laborer by
on Tuesday afternoon of last week, Occupation and had lived at Port Ma-
burial being made in the Aarons. |tilda most of his life, He married
burg cemetery. Miss Anna Mills who survives with
the following children: Barton Rob-
ison, of Tyrone; Mrs. Ella Woodring,
of Newark, N. J.; William, at home;
| Robert, of Altoona; John, of Union-
ville; Budd, Harry, Bertha, Mrs.
Daniel Leitzell and Alexander, all
at home.
He was a member of the Metho-
| dist church and funeral services were
held at his late home at two o'clock
on Saturday afternoon by Rev. J. C.
Young, assisted by Rev. Weston,
burial being made at Port Matilda.
FETZER.—Oscar 5 Fetzer, of
Boggs township, died on Monday af-
ternoon following an illness of some
weeks with heart trouble. He was
born at Yarnell and was past 67
years old. His wife died four years
ago but surviving him are the fol-
lowing children; Ross C., at home;
Glendon E. Aaron J., Lee C.,, and
Mrs. Frank Eisenhauer, all of Miles-
burg, and Mrs. Amos Ostrander, of
McKeesport. He also leaves one
brother and four sisters, Orvis Fetz-
er and Mrs. Harry Dunkle, ‘of Miles-
burg; Mrs. Thomas Poorman, of Buf-
falo, N. Y.; Mrs. Thomas Malone, of
Yarnell, and Myrtle Fetzer, of Miles-
burg. Burial was made in the Ad-
vent cemetery yesterday.
HUTTON Ls Salt Hutton,
widow of William Hutton, died at
her home at Osceola Mills, on Mon-
day night of last week, of a heart
attack. She was a daughter of James
H. and Eunice Hillard Meyers and |
(heim, Amundsen’s base in 1911.
| Houses and huts were erected, form-
'ing a complete wintering station and
| the tiny city, flung down like an in-
christened Little America.
Here began the two-year’s work of |
exploration which culminated in the |
magnificent flight to the South Pole
from which Byrd returned to Little
conqueror of both the South and the
North Poles.
The motion pictures which will he
shown in connection with Admiral
sembled under his personal
For years the ladies of St. John's
Catholic church of Bellefonte have
astonished everybody by the bril-
liant success of their bazaars. This
year they intend to outdo all former
successes. On Wednesday evening |
Feb. 3rd the bazaar will begin with |
a sour kraut supper in the Catholic |
Daughters of America rooms. These |
suppers are well known to lovers of |
good cooking and a large crowd is
On Thursday, Friday and Satur- |
day evenings, the 4th, 5th and 6th |
of Feb. the bazaar, proper, will be |
held in the former Knights of Co- |
lumbus rooms above the Bellefonte |
Trust Co. ; i
All are welcome to attend and will |
find abundance of amusements, fancy |
work and plain sewing and other |
useful articles at cheap prices.
—During his first week in the]
County Treasurer's office, Robert F.
Hunter and his deputy, Miss Chris-
tine Curry, issued over 700 dog 1li-
censes, but there are still g suffi-
cient number of unlicensed dogs in
the county to keep them busy sever-
al more weeks.
was born on Buffalo Run,
county, on November 8th, 1885,
hence was in her 77th year. In 1875
she married Mr. Hutton and all their
married life wags Spent in Rush
township. Mr. Hutton died in 1917
and since then she had lived at Osce-
ola Mills. She is survived by four
sons, two daughters and a sister.
Burial was made at Osceola, Mills on
Saturday afternoon.
DUNLAP David E. Bas died
at his home in Worthington, Ohio,
January 14th, following an illness
of several months with heart trouble,
He was born near Warriorsmark and
was 80 years old. As a young man
he learned the carpenter trade and
for many years was a contractor and
builder. He finaly located in Philips-
burg where he lived for 38 years,
From there he went to Augusta, Ga.
and in 1922 went to Ohio.
In 1878 he married Miss Margaret
Jane Parsons, of Bellefonte, who sur.
vives with one son, Samuel S. Dun-
'ap, a commerical artist on the Co-
lumbus, Ohio, Dispatch, and two
daughters, Mrs. J. WwW. Kirker, of
Bethlehem, Pa., and Miss Carolyn,
at home. One brother, James Dun-
lap, lives near Philipsburg. Burial
was made at Worthington, Ohio.
Here the site
ar Fleming
_ Judge M. Ward Fleming nn
' Phils elphia, last week, holding on
Je Harry McDevitt, yy
| fined to his home with a se 1 ; : :
| _Mrs. Frank Warfield will go to >
burgh, this week, intending to Bp
¢ bruary there with her sister,
part of iri and the Gail Chaney
Dr. Edith
family. ;
Mrs. Mark W. Williams went oye! to
: Wednesday, to enter the Geis-
Danville, hy
ngs r hospital as a patient under So
inge 0spite I ! ney
vation, expecting to be there for a wee
or ten days.
Mrs. W. C. Coxey réturned hotne,
} ¢ ‘here she had been
day, from York, where
. daughter, Mrs. A. H. Tarbert
sith her :
_ family, since Thurs-
and the Tarbert
day of last week.
to be dinner guests
ie . Sunday,
a Edwin F. Garman, at
their home on east High street.
— Having completed his work as a
Jury Commissioner, for this season, J.
C. Condo has gone to Altoona for a
visit of several weeks with his daughter,
Miss Clara Louise Condo, of that city.
__Prof. C. L. Gramley, of Rebersburg,
was a Bellefonte visitor on Monday and
those who saw him walking the streets
of Bellefonte could hardly realize that he
is on his way to his 80th birthday an-!
niversary, and yet such is the case.
—Miss Emma J. Aiken is expected
here from Cleveland, during the month of
February, for a two week's stay, and
will live at The Markland for the time
she is in Bellefonte, From there Miss
Aiken will visit with her friends in this
—Mrs. C. R. Corcoran, of Altoona, who
has been under the care of specialists in
Harrisburg for several months, re-
ported in a serious condition. Mrs.
Corcoran formerly Miss Adeline Wood-
ring, of Bellefonte, suffered a stroke of
apoplexy last April.
-~Mrs. Clara Iddings returned
Thursday of last week, from a five
week's visit with her sister, Mrs. Kate
Becker, in Harrisburg. Mrs. Iddings
had gone to be with her sister after a
fall Mrs. Becker had had, and from which
she is now rapidly recovering.
—Mrs. Paul Reish, of Mifflinburg; her
I son Hayes, of Pittsburgh; Mrs. R. G. H.
| Hayes and Mrs. J. Will Conley, of Belle-
| fonte; Miss Annie Miller, of Salona, and
{ Miss Katherine Baldridge, of Milesburg,
| accompanied the body of Mrs. Samuel
| Orwig to Mifflinburg for burial, Monday.
—Mrs. F. W. West, who is in Zelien-
ople, drove out Sunday with Mr. West
{for a week's visit with her daughter,
Mrs. H. A. Pierce. After spending a
part of the day with the Pierce family
| Mr. West returned to Bellefonte, expect-
ing to return at the end of the week to
ing Mrs. West h .
Mrs, | America on November 29, 1929, th o | bring r ome
—Miss Elizabeth Slack, one of the fore-
i most political workers among the Demo-
| cratic women of Potter township, was in
| Bellefonte Wednesday afternoon, having
in over to spend several hours look- |
: : | Byrd's lecture were selected and as. |ing after an accumulation of business.
[Miller and she was born in Penns- y 3 :
[Miss Slack’s visits to Bellefonte are not
| frequent, consequently they are very busy
| ones.
| —Mrs. William Abel, with her son and
a nephew, of Williamsport, and Mrs.
Abel's sister, Mrs. Agnes Cole, of Al-
| toona, have visited within the past ten
| days with their mother, Mrs. Samuel Mil-
ler, who makes her home with her
daughter, Mrs. Harry Rote, at Coleville.
| Mrs. Abel, Mrs. Cole and Mrs. Rote are
all sisters.
—The members of the Keichline family
from this section who attended the fu-
neral of Mrs, Henry Meek, at Altoona,
Saturday afternoon, were Mr. and Mrs.
Peter F. Keichline and their son Wil-
liam, Miss Daise Keichline and her broth- |
er Edward, all of Bellefonte; and Dr. |
John M. Keichline and Mrs. Keichline,
of Huntingdon.
—Mr. and Mrs, George L. Smith, of
Easton, Mr. and Mrs, R. E. Kellogg, of
Lock Haven, and Mrs, Robert Henderson,
of Chester, were all guests, last Saturday,
at the D. Paul Fortney home, Mrs.
Smith had been visiting in Bellefonte and
Lock Haven, for ga month, Mr, Smith
having joined her here Thursday to ac-
company her back to Easton Sunday.
—Miss Blanche Bailey and Mrs, Geis,
sisters of the late Mrs, M. A. Landsy,
will return to Philadelphia this week.
Miss Bailey ig leaving with plans for
coming again to Bellefonte very shortly
to assist in the management of The
Markland. Miss Bailey and Mrs, Geis
have been here looking after some busi-
ness relative to the Landsy interests in
—William Zimmerman returned home,
Saturday, from Mount Holly, New Jer-
Sey, where he had been for a six week's
visit with hig daughter, Mrs, Charles
Sterner and the Sterner family, Mr.
Sterner is associated with the textile
industry in New Jersey. It hag been Mr.
Zimmerman’s custom for gq number
years to make this vigjt with his daugh-
ter during the holiday season, :
of Howard
who has been critically il] since being
stricken with paralysis Monday, A. C.
Heverly drove to Clarion Wednesday af-
erly’s son, Robert, a
State Teachers’
there, while Mrs,
Lancaster for
daughter, Mrs, Maher,
her child to Bellefonte
bringing her ang
the same evening,
was too wet, It was the 21st of Jan-
uary and he had 49 acres of hi
ground turned. Think of it! ey
weather permits he will keep
going on the remaining 20 ac
expects to put o
forehanded farming, In th
3 e even
we have a late, wet sprin th tast
Worry with the
weren't wise enough to plo
__Mrs. Isaac Maitland and her daugh-
| ter, Mrs. Schooley, drove up from Wil- |
of |
| —Mrs. C. Y. Wagner is entertaining
€ Glen,
‘and Mrs. Lloyd A. Stover, of Coleyiyy,
| —Mrs. Walter Cohen is ip New Yor
[city, a guest of Mr. and Mrps, Saul a
bach, while visiting witn hep two vy
ters, Mrs. Auerbach and Florence Py
the latter being a student at a New Yori
business college.
—When going home to Danville
Penn State yesterday, for his
vacation, Charles Fisher
him his father’s cousin,
torf, who will spend the
ruary with the Charles Fi
that place.
Jr, took With
Miss Elly Bot.
month of Fb.
sher family in
Sunday marked the beginni
the last week of the meeting gt the
| Evangelical church, Bellefonte, unde
the leadership of Miss Sara C
ng of
. Pal.
(mer, evangelist, and the concengyg
lof opinion of those who have heey
in attendance is that these ape the
|best meetings ever held ip any
church in Bellefonte.
On Friday night the hoys ang girl
gave a program that delighteq the
largest audience of the entire cam.
paign, five hundred and sixty per.
|sons being present, and aj were
pleased with the splendid work done
by the boys and girls in such a short
time. They are in training agg,
this week with Miss Palmer and
will give another fine program to.
‘night. The meetings on Sunday
far exceeded all expectations,
‘splendid Sunday morning audience
listened to the message of the ea
gelist on tithing. In the afternoon
an exceptionally large audience lis-
tened with rapt attention to Miss
| Palmer’s unique lecture on “Prohihi.
tion,” brought from the Bible view.
point, and which she studied in Ire.
land under the founder of one of
the colleges in that country. Whe
she reached her climax and wrap-
ped a number of boys in an Ameri
can flag, as she appealed to the
| good people of the country to pro
| tect the youth of the land, from the
traps set for them by conscienceles
law-breakers in the illegal liquor
traffic, the entire audience stood
|and sang America with a new mea.
|ing and a new consecration.
| The evening service brought to 3
{close a great day's work for God
and people went away determined to
(put forth a special effort to make
|the closing week the greatest of all.
{ The music, under the leadership of
Rev. A. W. Campbell and his broth-
jer Mr. Earl Campbell, with Mis
Ruth Poorman at the piano, has
|been exceptionally good and the
special numbers much enjoyed by all
{who have heard them. On Friday,
| with the boys and girls on the plat.
| form, giving their program, the sub
{ject will be, “The Atonement.”
{ No meetings on Saturday but
{three great meetings on Sunday:
' Sunday morning the Subject will be,
“The Holy Spirit.” At a great
| mass meeting for men, women and
young people at three o'clock Miss
Palmer will lecture on “The Second
Coming of Christ.” At the closing
service of the campaign, at 7.30 the
subject will be, “A Court Trial.”
The American Surety Co., bonds
‘men for Herbert Auman on the
11924, 1925 and 1926 duplicates, dur-
|ing his official career as tax collec
(tor, will make settlement with thogs
| borough for all unpaid taxes, less
| exonerations, Etc. To total uncol
lected on the three duplicates, ac
(cording to the auditor’s statements,
lis $10,171.38. But the net amount,
|after errors in assessment, exonera-
tions, Etc., allowed by the Finance .
| committee, have been deducted,
[$7,228.12. To offset this the hor
‘ough solicitor has in hand in the
| neighborhood of $360.00 collected on
tax liens which will have to be de
ducted, while the Surety company
has $3500 of a cash deposit made
with it by Mr. Auman when he se
cured his last bond, which makes
The only unsettled point at issu
is the question of the five per cent
added to the unpaid taxes on the
duplicate, the Surety company pul:
ting up a claim that it should not
be asked to pay this penalty. Should
borough council yield this claim it
will mean that the company will be
out only a little over $3000.
In paying the claim, howeven
the Surety company demands a ré
lease of all the duplicates into it®
hands, and it will then proceed {0
make collection of all unpaid taxes
according to law. As stated above
these taxes are on the 1924, 19%
and 1926 duplicates, and any Prov
erty holder who has not paid hi
taxes for those years better get him"
self in shape to do so, as the Surety
company will likely show little ler
lency when it begins the work ©
ing was good,
—Subscribe for the Watchman.
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