————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— - - 2% - Ri —— n Pa, January 29, 1982. | NEWS ABOUT TOWN AND COUNTY. —-—Mr. and Mrs. Ogden B. Malin | ‘entertained with cards, Monday night, at their home on east Linn street, in celebration of their twelfth wedding anniversary. Five tables were in play. ——There will be a card party in: the parish house of St. John's Epis- copal church, Bellefonte, on Monday evening, February 1. Admission will be 50cts and everyone is invited. Refreshments will be served. ——A corps of State engineers started werk at Boalsburg, last week, making a survey of the plot ‘of ground purchased from Col. Theo-