“WESLEY'S” CHRISTMAS PINE GROVE MILLS HOWARD. WAS A HAPPY ONE. jigs Ida Bell is a patient in the Miss Helen Flanigan, of Mill Hall, I hay Jus to us that Fi A is ill AE SAY. wititor mak rs. Forrest rk a i s was a ve i tL) ‘patient in the Altoona hospital. in Philadelphia, last Tuesday. funds sent to us with which to help C. M. Dale and wife were Sunday Miss Violet Butler is visiting make the Christmas season a happy visitors at the Fred Fry home. friends and relatives in Lewistown one for Wesley. W. R. Port is mani the Mr. and Mrs. James Kane, of Zion, Because we felt that everyone was steering wheel on a new Chrysler spent Sunday with the former's sis- more or less in Wesley's depressed sa v ter, Mrs. Anne Kane Smith. condition we made no special plea . V. Long Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Williams, of for Him. Our surprise Yherefor tended court in Hollidaysburg, last Renovo, were Sunday guests of Mr. all the. EDtiSe Yas OF week. and Mrs. G. A. Ekdahl and family. taxi} greater when so many vol- gumuel E. Everhart and wife Mr. and Mrs. Miles Bartley and untarily sent remembrances through gnent Sunday with friends at Rock family, of Zion, spent Sunday with us. We had prepared Wesley for Springs. Mrs. Bartley's parents, Mr. and Mrs. a dearth and when a deluge camehe zr and Mrs. J. Hall Musser, of L. C. Neff. was quite overwhelmed. Altoona, visited friends in town on Mr. and Mrs. Girard Altenderfer It is needless to say that he is Sunday. spent Saturday afternoon and eve- profoundly grateful to his good Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Kimport, of ning with friends and relatives in| friends, one of whom, Mr. Fielding, Boalsburg, spent Sunday with friends Jersey Shore. probably doesn't even know him, in town. Mrs. W. C. Thompson, Mrs. W. K. except through the Watchman's oc- Fred Roush and family, of Al- McDowell, Miss Daisy Quarter and casional references to him. toona, have located temporarily at Mrs. Harris Clark, of Blanchard, His benefactors will be interested Pleasant Gap. were Williamsport visitors, Sunday. in hearing that he has added a room Samuel Fogelman will move to Miss Josephine Muffly, of New to his mansion on Fifth avenue. Houserville, this week, where he has Paltz, N. Y., and Walter Muffly, of This was necessary because a home- # job in view. Morgantown, W. Va, spent the less woman, with alittle boy, decided Mrs. Wilis Weaver, of Johnstown, week-end with their parents, Mr. that she would become his house. Visited friends in the county during and Mrs. C. M. Muffy. Kk 4 Wesley hasn't “the heart the past week. Girard Altenderfer, W. C. Thomp- ig y Sophia Re son, T. A. Pletcher and G. A. Ekdahl t t them out when they have no . Mrs. Sophia Reed, of Franklinville, 2 Mu . y is visiting her son, Robert Reed and attended a meeting of the Past place else to go.” Parti; he has family, at Rock Springs. Grands of the I. O. O. F., at Pine! basa Epa Ya gutted wie Claude Williams, of Struble, was Grove Mills, Saturday evening. aller at the Miss M : W. C. Thompson, Dr. W. J. Kurtz, | of his lot and will be there until the § (8 0 4" C0 Miss eck home, at oT = and W. K. McDowell at- ~rack of doom for all Wesley will Mrs. Martha Johnson and son, of tended the annual dinner given by | screw up enough courage to do. Gra sville spent Sund : the manager of the Centre County | y , spent Sunday at the John Those who contributed to the quinn home in the Glades hospital at the Penn Belle hotel, at] ‘und this year were: : Bellefonte, Tuesday evening. Arthur Jones, a member of Troo darold B. Gardner, Washington P On Friday evening, January 22, M. 1. Gardner, Clearfield ....... i i , of Rock Springs, at- 1% oming, is visiting his parents. school held another card party in re. Harry Kellr 1 "Stato road foreman W. H. Glenn, The grade school bulling. A charge x. H. Fielding. New Dorp .N. Y.... 5.00 with a force of men, is improving of fifteen cents was made. Prizes n_ friend in Ponssutawney "100 the State highway through town. were given and refreshments served. 2 TIO ie Haare emma}, J; L. Shank motored to Runville, Failing from a. step lagder on Zonry Be TAN remeron 1.00 and spent the latter end of the week which he was standing to trim a drs. W. T. Twitmire "po With his brother-in-law, Joe Kepler. fruit tree, Friday afternoon about 3 f. M. CunnINENAM eee 100 Mrs. A. L. Albright was discharg- o'clock, Charles R. Schenck suffered | drs. John M. Shugert 100 ed from the Geisinger hospital, on a compound fracture of both bones jugh N. Crider, Ventor, N. J. 1.00 Tuesday, and brought to her home at the right ankle. {is self-appointed guardian ........ 5.00 here. mitted to the Lock Haven hospital. | In addition to the cash above Mrs. Harry N. Koch has been discharg- red Hollabaugh gave us a basket ed from the Geisinger hospital and if groceries for him. Jeturned to his home at State Col- ege. —— Miss Anna Dale, of Boalsburg, LOCAL WOMAN'S CLUB spent Sunday with her cousin, Mrs. HOLDS JANUARY MEETING Laura Krebs, and called on other friends in town. BOALSBURG Alvin Meyer, of Altoona, was in town on business last week. John Hess, of Bellefonte, was an over Sunday visitor in town. et Riley Hunter, of Pine Hall, was in ¢ Bellefonte 4 : The Nomads Sh iE be the John Gearhart, who has served a town on business on Saturday. \ uary te Beach two year's enlistment on the battle- FE. G. Wasson, of the Branch, was ome of Mrs. Robert Mills Beach, on gi, ‘Saratoga, is here with his wife a caller in town on Monday evening. Ann street. There was a large at- for a brief visit. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Brooks, of endance and interesting discussion pugene Irwin and mother spent Spring Mills, were in town on Fri- 51.00 B, State police, stationed at Wy- ,. Athletic Association of the High He was ad- NEW ADVERTISEMENTS m= NOTICE.— Let- DMINISTRATOR'S of having been AL grated to the upon the | estate of E. Miller, late of Belle- fonte h, deceased. all persons knowing themselves indebted to said es- | tate are requested to make prompt pay- ment, and those having against the same must present them, duly au- thenticated, for settlement. MAURICE MILLER, Administrator, Bellefonte, Pa. OTICE.—Is hereby given that the following accounts will be present- ed to the Court for confirmation on Wednesday, Feb, 24th, 1932, and unless exceptions are filed thereto on or be- fore Feb. 20th, 1932, the same will be confirmed. Third and final account of William Poorman, Guardian of Paul William Wei- Second and final account of the First National Bank of State College, Pa., Guardian of Maude B. Rider. First and final account of the First National Bank, Bellefonte, Pa., Trustee in Bankruptcy of the Highland Clay Products Company. First and final account of Charles T. Bilger, assignee of the assigned estate of Halry N. Dorman and Lilly Dorman, his wife. Second and final account of The First National Bank, of Philipsburg, Pa. guardian of Elizabeth Jane Rodgers, an incompetent. S. CLAUDE HERR T7-4-4t Prothonotary Gath uy PAT - STATE COLLEGE (Matinee Daily at 1:30) FRIDAY — Gloria Swanson in “TONIGHT OR NEVER” SATURDAY — Doug Fairbanks, Jr, Joan Blondell in “UNION DEPOT” MONDAY Robert Montgomery in “LOVERS COURAGEOUS” TUESDAY— Marian Mersh, Anita Page in “UNDER EIGHTEEN” WEDNESDAY — Linda Watkins, John Boles in “GOOD SPORT” Laurel and Hardy Comedy f several problems of civic welfare. the latter end of the week visi day. URS The feature of the evening's pro- Mrs. Ellen Wertz, a patient jdung Ys. Gerald Rishel, of Oak Hall, ITH DAY ram was a talk on George Wash- Clearfield hospital. spent some time among friends in James Cagney, Loretta Young in agton by Miss Grace D. Mitchell, Ethel Dower Burwell is the name town this week. “TAXI” astructor in the Bellefonte High of s Nite daygliter who arrived in Mrs. Harold Fisher and daughter, = chool. e home o! r. and Mrs. George Mary Lou, visited friends in Hunt- Routine business transacted was Burwell, last Thursday. 8 a last week. di NITTANY THEATRE ne selection of the club president, Dean Kennedy, wife and baby girl, Mr. and Mrs. Clement Dale, of | FRIDAY — {rs. Paul H. McGarvey, as delegate o the. central Federation of Clubs hich is to be held in Harrisburg New members elected were Mrs. | lewell B. Long, Mrs. Wallace Ward, Irs. Richard P.Noll, Mrs. Robert R. )avison, Mrs Homer G. Pattee, Mrs. scar Harm, Mrs. Charles C. wil- amson and Mrs. Blaine Mabus. rs. Henry Kahlmus, chairman of ie membership committee, pro-, osed three others for membership: of Reading, spent last week with Pleasant Gap, were guests of the “CHARLIE CHAN'S CHANCE” his parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Misses Dale on Wednesday. | | SATURDAY — a 0 State Sctiege. Mrs. Jane Close went to State Col- . PB man bert Harp- lege, last week, to remain indefinite-, “PONIGHT OR NEVER” ster and wife motored to the Dan- ly with her daughter, Mrs. Charles | & ville State hospital to see Samuel Heverly. 'T"UESDAY— Hagpstel but found him unimproved Mr. and Mrs. Roy Raymond, of “LOVERS COURAGEOUS” n . ' Pittsburgh, enjoyed a few day's visit | Ben Everhart, former commission- with their sister, Mrs. George Ho-| WEDNESDAY— er of Huntingdon county, and Mrs. man and family, last week. I, “UNDER EIGHTEEN" J. F. Reed, motored to Buffalo Run After an enforced vacatio i n of ten and spent Sunday at the Mrs. Wil- cays, due to the prevalence of — THURSDAY— liam Lutz home. let fever in this vicinity, the town | “GOOD SPORT” ] re——— EE i EGISTER'S NOTICES.—The follow- | have been examined record in | the Register's inspection | of heirs and legatees, creditors and all | others in any way interested and will be presented to the Orphans’ Court of Cen- tre County for confirmation ni si on | Wednesday, February 24, 1982. | 1. ALEXANDER. The second and final | account of The Bellefonte Trust Com- pany. guardian of Fred M. Alexander, a minor, 2. COLDREN. The first and final ac- count of The Bellefonte Trust Company, | executor of the estate of Agnes Coldren, late of Spring township, deceased. i Davietons rast "Company, Fuart- 0 efon s - jan of Clarence N. Crow, a Py. 4. DECKER. The first and final account | of M. Decker, Admr., of Etc., of | John D. Decker, late of Potter Town- ship, deceased. i 5. DUNKLE. The first and final ac- | count of the First National Bank of State | College, guardian of H. Lindsley Dun- | kle, a minor. i 6. EVES. The first and final account of | 7. Clifford Eves, Execr., of Etc., of John | P. Eves, late of Halfmoon Township, de- | i i 7. FREEMAN. The first and partial ac- count of the First Nationai Bank of State College, executor of etc., of Eliza A. Freeman, late of State College Bor- ough, deceased. 8. FAGAN. The first and final account of Moshannon National Bank, guardian of | Anna May Fagan, a minor. 9. GARIS. The first and final account | of H. L. Ebright, Admr., of etc, of Olive Garis, late of Potter Township, de- | ceased. 10. GERBERICH. The first and final account of John C. Hoffer, Admr., of | ete., of Harry F. Gerberich, late of Bellefonte Borough, deceased. i 11. GAMBLE. The second and partial | account of the Lycoming Trust Co., ex- ecutor of G. M. Gamble, late of Belle- | fonte Borough, deceased. and final ac- | National Bank, Holmes Jr. a 12. HOLMES. The first count of the Moshannon guardian of Thomas H. minor. 18. IDDINGS. The first and partial ac- | count of Edward R. Hancock, executor of | etc., of Joseph Iddings, late of Boggs | Township, deceased. 14. IRISH. The first and final account of the Moshannon National Bank of Phil- ipabury, trustee etc., of Guy C. Irish, | late of Philipsburg Borough, deceased. | 15. JOHNSTON. The first and final ac- count of George W. Eaton, executor of upon Harpster, late of deceased, having been granted to serie i Pr seives | a to said are re- 0 those having claims the same must present a authenticated, for settlement. ROBERT M. HARPSTER, Warriorsmark R. D. 1, ISAAC G. Penna Furnace R. 1. W. Harrison Walker, a Attorney. 7-4-6 rm— “ ——Subscribe for the Watchman. — ——— DRASTICALLY LOWER PRICES TRIUMPHANT NEW STUDEBAKERS How drastically the prices of the Triumphant New Stude- bakers have been lowered, can- not be appreciated from a mere comparison with last year’s. Add in the extra value! 32 startling betterments make Studebaker, unquestionably, the “buy” of the year! (rs. George P. Lyon, Mrs. Fred M. ter, Gladys Margaret, were discharg- snes and Mrs. William C. Stempfly. ed from the Centre County hospital, Brouse Bros. sto the use on Sunday, and are now at their sence of Budd Kine, EE wat to) The Club voted $25.00 to » Associated Charities and discuss- 1 plans for keeping the streets of home, at Fairbrook. Mrs. Alice Meyers and baby daugh- schools opened on Monday morning. | Cyrus Wagner is assisting in the ring the ab- his home in Ohio on account of sick- | Riley Hunter is quitting the Mc- ness. ellefonte clear of rubbish and rred the matter to the Civic com- ittee for action. i — Mrs. Edward Cooke is a pa-| ant in the Centre County hospital, . \ffering from a broken hip, the re- Jt of a fall, in the cellar of her, yme on west Bishop street, Thurs- .y of last week. t ——————————————————— : ..—Out of ninety-nine persons 10 were examined by officers e Bellefonte motor patrol in De- mber forty-two failed to qualify r a motor driver's license. —————— A —————— UNIONVILLE. Miss Emily Keatley is home, this sek, spending her mid-year vaca- nm. Mr. and Mrs. Wiliam F. Gill, of dlipsburg, were visitors of Mr. and | -s. Joseph Spotts, last Friday. The Dorcas Bible class of the M., church met at the home of Mrs. seph Spotts, on Tuesday evening. | Quite a number from here are yg to attend Pomona grange, Pleasant Gap, Saturday, January th. Little Miss Alexander ant Friday afternoon with her dle girl friend, Betty Ann McEl- | in. i After several week's illness Mr. ednego Williams was relieved of suffering by des a on Monday ‘ht. Miss Mary Morgan, of Altoona, mt Friday afternoon with her ands, Miss Kezia Calhoun and | s. L. C. McElwain. fhe finance committee of the M. church have planned to serve a cken and noodle supper in the nmunity hall, February 12th. | Flick, Joseph Alexander, A. Y. Wil- drs. G. W. Bullock returned on |liams, and Rodwara T Hail, y | A PARTMENT FOR EENJ 3rd oor nday, from a short visit with her! Quite a number of our apartment, furnished, electric stove, young peo- | m um or cal __ighter and husband, Rev. and pie are taking advantage of the Bellefonte 39. 4-tf s. Robert I eeler, of Buffalo, N. Y.| Biple study class which is being held | ARM FOR RENT —A Fours fiss Mary Gordon left on the Le- in the M. E. church, at Milesburg. horse far _ 100ated: along SUMIete | h fiyer for Toledo, Ohio, last The first session was on Tuesday | ville. — Inquire of Mrs. Belle M. Mat. iwrsday, where she will take a spe- | | educational course at Toledo iversity. ‘orrest Homan was taken to the | itre County hospital, where he 1 operated upon Sunday afternoon | appendicitis. He ig reported as ting along very well. ! .mong those from this section re- Cormick farm, near up with the grip. of Mrs. W. R. Corl, Mr. and Mrs. Wil- fice for medical attention and while | | weeks. : State College, ‘Squire Leland Walker transacted) LIQUID - TABLETS - SALVE and will move to the Col. Boal farm, pusiness in Washington, D. C., last 666 Liquid or Tablets used internally and Which Saute Sonu a leave | week, and since returning home has | when moves Boalsburg. been confined to bed by a severe at- ‘and effective treatment Mrs. Margaret Kepler, Mrs. Maude ‘tack of quinsy. y | “ 0 oute Fry and Mary Woods are all housed The world's day of prayer will be | There are many observed, Friday evening, March vacant desks in the public schools 32th, in the Lutheran church, with because of grip, mumps and whoop- a union service conducted by the. ing cough. ; ‘missionary societies. Among those who attended the' Saturday morning Jacob Mrs. Maggie Meek funeral, in Al- russesvilly who 5% Jue Raves, or! ; toona on Saturday, were Mr. and day, was brought to Dr. Swank's of- | bur McElvain, Mr. and Mrs. W. K. peing assisted office | Goss and Mr. and Mrs. Earl Little. guddenly. ioe Wed | ————— er ————— i REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. IN BELLEFONTE CHURCHES. | Preston A. Frost to John D. Pat-| METHODIST CHURCH. i terson, trustee, tract in Harris Twp.; | Church Bible school, C. C. Shuey, “ 730 P. M.— Com |666 Salve externally, make a complete | executor of etc., of A. C. Mingle, late Most Speedy Remedies Known | 775-4 Great Closing Meetings at, the Evangelical Church, Bellefonte, Sunday, January?31, when Miss Sara C. Palmer will speak at 10.30 A. M.—Subject, “The Holy Spirit.” | “A Court Trial.” $380.11. ' Sutp., 9:30 decision day; “The Gal-| John L. Corl, et ux, to Edith M. braiths” singing: Rev. E. C. Keboth | Corl, tract in Ferguson Twp.; $1. in charge of this service and preach- to ing at 10:45. Record attendance | W. Harold Hackenberg, et Ux, to R. W. Bierly, tract in Miles TWp.; anticipated. League, 6.30, special $250. ¥ . ' subject, strongly presented by a ‘competent leader, interesting to John Corl, et ux, to Clara T. Bate- son, tract in Ferguson Twp.; $1. | YOURE people. Special evangelistic Re ite T. Buloson to Joby Cot wi. (Serie Eimung 713), “The Gal- 1 * © braiths” will sing at every service ux, tract in Ferguson Twp.; $1 Alfred E. Eves, et ux, to John P. Eves, tract in Half Moon Twp.; i the day. This meeting con- | tinues every night of next week, “The Galbraiths” in charge of the | MISS PALMER WILL ALSO SPEAK AT A MASS MEETING | for Men, Women and Young People, at. 3 o'clock, on ‘The Second Coming of Christ” mee eve oe A A A A | 0 Son P music, vocal and instrumental. ose Eves Oo 0 ., Eves, | Everybody welcome. | - . tract in Half Moon Twp.; $3,000. Horace Lincoln Jacobs, Pastor. Katherin eV. Galbraith Howard P. Eves, et ux, to 8. Clif-| ford Eves, tract in Half Moon Twp.; | $1. ST. JOHN'S LUTHERAN CHURCH. = A M., Church school. Sarah Boob, et bar, to Harry C. we 2, THR 4sivies =e Liter | Zeigler, tract in Miles Twp.; $1. | §g:30 P. M. Catechetical instruc- The Montola Water Co. to the tion. i Osceola Water Supply Co., tract in| 7:30 P. M., The vesper service and —, $1. sermon: “Foundatio » ! . i who attended the farm show at | Harrisburg, last week, were C. K.| and son Joseph, James January 24-9.30 a. m. February 7—9.30 p. m. The Galbraiths Special Song Program Every Meeting in Bellefonte Methodist Episcopal Church B. Vincent Galbraith Tenor will present evening and it will continue for six | tern, Port Matilda, R. D 2 TOCKHOLDERS' MEETING—The an- | nual meeting of the stockholders of | Whiterock will be held at | Last Sunday afterncon Mrs. Mar- | garet Grove and daughters, Frances Singing by Full Chorus ... 30 Voices Dr. G. S. Womer, of Philipsburg, will preach several nights. Rev. E. C. Keboch is engaged for Decision Day, January 31. 35d Margaret, and Mr. and Mrs. L.| fio ices of the Company in Bellefonte, A EO He aa ien | Siu a A it oe en tors for the ensuing year and to transact | such other business as may properly | come before such meeting. Betty Ann, drove to Warriorsmark | and called on their friends, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Waite. 77-42 ~ Everybody Welcome . . . Feast of Good Music | T7-2-3t RAY C. NOLL, Secretary | te., of Jennie E. Johnston, late of Lib- erty Township, d . 3 Studebaker 16. KLETT. The final account of John rme Wn Klett, jan of Frederick Howard tte nts ett, a minor. i " 1932 Free Wheeling plus Syn- 17. KASMARK. The first and final ac- | : count of Benamin Kasmark Ado om Shiono Svein ete., Of ose, ark, ea Ol ush | Township, deceased. | Safety Plate Glass at no extra 18. MUSSER. The first and al ac- | charge count of Boyd A. Musser, eer. ot Armor-Plated Bodies es usser, al 0 efonte | « Roh, d | Automatic Starting TT ithe py faa) | Automatic Ride Control account o e , executor ol ste. of John Mitchell, late of College | Full-Cushioned Power owns Pi . Metal Spring Covers 20. McCAFFERTY. The first and final | account of I. P. Harris, Admr; of El | Full Automatic Spark Adjustment al y., late © efon re ol Ath deceased. Air-Curve Coachcraft 21. McCLINCY. The first and final ac- New Convertible Body Styles count o , H. Earon, executor of etc. | count of W. Hon, Out “inow.| New Inside Sun Visor ville Borough, deceased. No-Glaf Sloping Windshield 22. PETERS. The first and final ae- | : count of B. F. Peters, Admr., of ete., of | Heat Resisting Sponge Rubber Margaret E. Peters, late of Boggs Town- | Floor Mats ship, deceased. All Bodies Insulated Against Heat, 23. SECHRIST. The first and final ac- | count gf Waker I. earl exeestor of | SOL E0 HO ete., . . CN ow Soroush, d6eased. | Wired for Radio C 0 . Eaton, Admr,, } Syunt_of George 0: pain, Aduy, | New Airplane Type Instrumenta | Township deceased. } on Dash 25. WALTERS. The first and final ac-' Free Wheeling Dial ! count of Martha A. Shumate, Executrix, | i of ete. of John W. Walters, late of Phil. | Electric Gasoline Gauge | ipsburg Borough, deceased. i Reflex Tail Light 26. WOODRING. The first and final ac- count of Effie R. Auman nd EB Ellis Au- | New Airplane Type Steel-Backed man, mrs., ol ete., Ol e . Engine Bearings Woodring, late of Worth Township, de- : ceased. Greater Cooling Capacity 27. WARNTZ. The first and final ac- Finer Body Hardware ‘count of H. 8. Warntz, and Mamie Vo- v nada Admr, of pc: of William SE. Concealed Hood Latches i | Watulls, late of Haines Township, ® Ct jum-Plated St 1 Spc e | 28. ZERBY. The | first. and final account Wheels ; of Earl . Gen . Execr., of ete, of! \ Minnie Zervy, late of Spring Township, One-Piece Fenders J 29. MINGLE. The fourth and final ac- | Steel Running Boards : count of the Bellefonte Trust pany. | Improved Rim Assembly | 0 Bellefonte Borough, t Air , Carburetor Silencer; JOHN L. WETZLER | and Full Power Muffler . 5 New Service Policy Hi) FIefE §fefst Sedan, emma Conv. Roadster, for 4... Convertible Sedan, for 5 Safety glass all around, automatic start covers ing and inetal ® Susipamt on aff at no extra cost. | All prices at the Sctory. ged depulpeniset spare tires oxfya. fio GEORGE A. BEEZER North Water St. BELLEFONTE, PA.