Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, January 22, 1932, Image 5

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    RE i ——— wan sn v wm
i F— go ve son on bu ———— ni
FOR FEBRUARY COURT. ys. C. K. Brugger has been suf- Branch. : a FoR AULDERT ho on. | Ellen Gordon, et al, to Sarah Me-~
ARTMENT RENT.—3rd th ¢ | Hugh, tract in Rush Twp.; $1.
Eight women aud sixteen men fering from grippe for several days. Mrs. Charles Henry Meyers, and | /A “apartment. furnished, electric stove, Rumi, mesting If (0¢ SERORE &| Boyd A. Musser, Exec. to Samuel
I Somprae the grand ory for the No improvement in tne condtien son Chutes Muto, 1 SERS eee En
a 0 r. A . — ——— a. . . v ’
hiuaty term aii whith ja noticed: new in the family, a lit- ARM FOR HENT-A Jorge four- ’ elock am. for the ation of dire: jrnarew TCR oT to Delis J. Lingle,
ird a yo the RY Se Court Mr H. D. Lindenmuth is improv- tle daughter, who has been named highway, 1% miles west Union- such other ts 88 TRAY ly an E. i Ibi to. Nora M.
: ’ ing his home by adding a laundry Gladys Mildred. | ville. Ing ot Belle M, Mat come before such meeting. e, et ux, ora M.
ill convene on the 22nd, the fourth 43 porch. | A large crowd attended the Pres- (tern, Port Matilda, R. D. 2. 4-8 77.2.3 RAY C. NOLL, Secretary Beezer, tract in Huston Twp.; $1.
onday and the jurors for that _ byterian Sunday school, at Bailey- ot XECUTOR'S NOTICE.—Letters testa- ~~ Charles M. Ulrich, et ux, to.
eek and the second week of court , Ms. Sviitiam Bauder and Saupe ville, Sunday, to witness the exer- mentary upon the estate of Ira DMIN TOR'S NOTICE.— Let- Thomas H. Rote, tract in Penn Twp.;.
il be found in their proper order toda etl eats. cises incident to awarding of 30 geconmy” amin s A Ferguseh onushid. dem ted wminigion a a $175.60.
low: Mr. and Mrs. Earl Waite spent merit gins to those who have not | dersigned ed. all ‘persons ‘knowing them: estate of E, Miller, late of Belle Walter Cohen, et ux, to Max Kalin,
LIST OF GRAND JURORS. Sunday with her parents, Mr. and a session during the past FUCC 0™ make payment, and Jomte oh themselves indebted to rg tract in efonte; $1.
ol! ASoiiten, jarmet, -.. Twp. Mrs. Joseph Brugger. year, those ose. having claims, (he same tate are red to 8 prompt pay. | mem —
mes Fox, druggist, Bellefonte Quite a number of friends and On. thelr Nay home from attend- | Fist PRorer, Hiem. a ted, ment, and those having g i
Burd, | farme Twp. ing the fune of Ira Harpster, at the same must present them, duly au
Rasy Ry mer, rg TW relatives here attended the funeral ~J\ gure Sunday afternoon, George BERT SL ARPT BR. 1 thenticated, for settlement.
ilbur Miller, farmer, ..... Howard Twp. of H. D. Rumberger. Sheriff E ISAAC EK roe MAURICE MILLER, Administrator, |
R. Meek, former
uf Pa |
red Evey, farmer, .....Spring T®p.| Mrs. Kathrine Flick is among the Dunlap and J. M. | Furnace R. D. 1, 76-49-6t Bellefonte, Po |
Jd Pletcher, laborer, .. Marion Tw p . | W. Harrison Walker - i
doh Pletcher, laborer, Mate College folks Of our town who are not in made a brief call on friends in| WE emey. TI cy HERIFF'S SALE_By Virtue of a|
B. Reed, caf pentet nesrnesl State College their usual good health. town. - S writ of Fieri Facias jssued out of |
's. Sue A. Fisher, hk. Boggs Twp. Mrs. Ralph Moran, of Altoona, i OTICE.—Is hereby given that the the Court of Common Pleas of Cen- |
ss Lottie McCool, h.k., .....Millheim ’ | ollowing ts will be present- tre County, to me directed, will be ex- |
ther Krebs, clerk, .......State College. visited her grand-mother, Mrs. Aris- IN BELLEFONTE CHURCHES. | ed to the Court for confirmation on Yo public sale at the Court House |
s. Bisabeth JLleine, h.k., FE Seloltte ta Lucas, on Monday. —— | Wednesday, Fe Am, 1932 and unless in the Borough of Bellefonte on |
s. Ruth Bodle, hk. .... s Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Holderman, of METHODIST CHURCH. | Sane Pion" ate. T003, the same. will be FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 12, 1882. |
hie Miler, hi. bert aD: Huntingdon, spent the week-end Church Bible school, C. C. Shuey, | . he Following Property: . ]
oye + U2 ly sommes i ALL that certain messuage, tenement |
or ay. rol Bellefonte "With her sister, Miss Laura Rumber- Supt, 9.30, strong subject, first ap-| , and final JJecount of Willlam ALY Ct"of"land situate tn Liberty |
niel Straw, farmer, .
‘bert Gill, laborer, ..
=. Bertha A. Stover,
T. Watson, laborer, gereBAREH Twp
rtha Tynio, h.k., ....Snow Shoe Twp.
Huston Twp.
Fenn Twp.
Clarence Bauder, of Williamsport,
pearance of “The Galbraiths” sing- nship, Ce County, P Ivania, |
ers. League, 6.30, has pertinent | “2%: EP a aes 3 us follows,
study by prepared leaders and fine
bounded and described as follows,
to- |
wit i= i
Second and final account of the First
. spent Sunday at the home of his | National Bank of State College, Pa,
y ; - | Guardian of Maude B. Rider. BEGINNING at a red oak stump and |
parents, Mr. and Mrs. William discussions by young people. Wor BG INN: “of Jands now or late of |
LIST OF TRAVERSE JURORS Bauder. ship—1045. Pungent preachment at | Fst ang Fnal, SECU ob he, Tau Rndrew Nicholas Lucas: thence North |
ory Dracho, miner, .Snow_Shoe Twp. George Brugger, of Cannonsburg, 50: beEITing with a song Pro- | in'‘Bankruptey of the Highland Clay ors, 08, West de perches to a post: |
thur Bennet, laborer, ..... Boggs TWD. ..ionded the funeral of his uncle, Sram This Sunday, the Galbraith | Products Company. thence omy thence rea iad
JH. Krape, farmer, _...- Benner Twp. Philipsb ' singers will present at every service S. CLAUDE HERR 0.0 2°0erches to a : thence North
tt H. Neff. undertaker, .......Howard Harry Rumberger, at psburg on d k night to Feb. 7 inclusive 7-4-4 Prothonotary perch Po J Denes Noth
ms Cotherine Martin, ib. State Collage: Monday- LE ND in hve HERIFF'S SALE.—B Tae or less to line of lands of TRIUMPHANT
xT Ea a] - . y :
arles Confer, 1aborer, .......... Howard Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Robison, of i" wih the Lh meetings. | EE os Tac) ary our of ames Heickel; thence slong some North | NEW
wish Batcheior, chauffeur, Philipsburg [ock Haven, called at the home of pacior responds to all calls for his the Court of Common Pleas of Cen- tumek:® thence down the center of said |
lliam Metcalf, policeman, .Snow Shoe .. ... friend, Miss Gertie Lucas, on |tre County, to me directed, will be ex- creek, its several courses and distances, |
x, Aduline Woodring, ie, oc Rist Tuesday services. Meeting every night next piu lg pave Sie athe court Towse {3'ihe' ot Inder” ruin 2 20% JTUDEBAKERY
Dt : AN ) : eek, e aturday. rybody | ough o efonte on Raub; th South 28 de
EW er Callies Mrs. Alma Alexander, of Miles- welcome. Cottage meetings: Thurs- | FRIDAY, FEBRUARY, 12, 1932 perches; thence North 66 degrees Bast
unk Won, laborer, SP esbure burg, who assisted in the care of day, Wm. Nighthart, 310 E. Bishop;| The Following Property: er mia porch Southeast of | Triumphant New Studebakers:
nisi Sitvest, Sherk, ———— Pailipsbars her mother, returned to her home Friday, Morton Smith, first floor, AVE, that csrtain Jhessuage, tenement a hickory tree; thence through the cen- | n P n A e
RB. Hoover, laborer, ....Patton Twp. on Tuesday. Petrikin hall. Monday the meeting 5f*Howard® Centre County. Penna. Lon Sitances tending Ss svoral courts | at their Drastically Lower
fii Barett, nist, ae wd Mr. and Mrs. Erhard, of PRiiDs Was at Se ThegdeY, bonded and described as foliows, t0- Girection, about 40 perches, be the same Prices represent the 4 great
1 . - burg, were week-end callers at the Class a urch an rs. Rider's, | Witi— * less, st inted by two bi ” et :
te Score; Fetired Sea pies oe oe of Mrs. Erhard’s sister, Mrs. Bush Addition. BEGINNING at a stone on the corner birch oF Aero hemlock Ptrees: thence | puys of 1932 including
seph Peters, farmer, .. f'wp. Roy Calhoun. : Horace Lincoln Jacobs, Pastor. frenePrions aid Alley Teh fot er Sun 13 degrees, 73 Xhen 10 2 among their 32 important bet-
Ita Noss " TO wD. The doughnut sale by the Ladies . es Bast 128 feet, more or less to a Ten oy y rches to a pine and stones; thence | terments such outstanding ad-
ie Dumbleton, a : P ST. JOHN'S LUTHERAN CHURCH. foot Alley; thence along line of said Al- South 65 deg. West 70 perches to stones; |
rry Gunter, contractor, .State College Aid society, last week, was well > HE An: h 33 perches | vantages as Safety Plate Glase,
Grace Zeigler, h.k Bellefont 9:30 A. M., Church school y North 53% deg. East 45 feet to a thence North 88 de West 33 pe!
3 ec Mater. Burnaid wy patronized and several dollars added s : . | Stone; thence along of Abraham to the place of beginning. all around, Automatic Ride.
mes R. Askey, farmer, Burnie ©WB. | 4, pe ¢ 10:45 A. M., The service and ser- Weber North 33 de, Pr Peat 110% feet to d to be : .
eit Jon Cg We Diane lo ne a mon: “Our Devotional Life.” stone on Maple Street: thence along soained, taken In eX H.W. Packer. Control and 1932 Free Wheel-.
aris W, Smith, plumber, State Collefe fi Chali Re geting i he 6:30 P.M, catechetical instruction. | fap be iy yo Th ie Sale to commence at 1:40 o'clock P. M, | ing plus Synchronized Shift.
+» Dunsmore, laborer, ..... Philipsburg fine er abou ree wee n the 7.30 P, M., The vesper service and | Containing about 18 acres. ' of said day. 3 d A : :
lliam Reese, miner, ...... Rush Twp. hospital. He is able to be out bY garmon: “Wild Oa the Sowi | Terms Ing an utomatic Starting,
\ius Arnold, miner, ......Rush Twp. being ve careful of his steps . ts—the ng Being the same premises which Nor- OHN M. BOOB, Sheriff.
ynold Stine, bricklayer, ..Philipsburg ry : and the Reaping.” man Lighthamer, his wife, Loula ¢..irs Office, Bellefonte, Pa.
nad Snyder. mechunic, Bellefonte | Mrs. Thomas McClellan and Clarence E. Arnold, Pastor. Nothamer, by than eed dated April, "jun, “sth. 1982 77-4-8t | Other Studebaker
Athy Mayen mechanic. Coiege vb. {oECE BG BI, Ue nd Mrs EO ; | Ecttqrments
B. Wasson, farmer, .... s Twp. s . . . an ora Moore, his e. . B irt f al
nes H. Runkle, farmer, ...Potter Twp. Burton Tingue and family, of Pitts- Landlady: “There is a hole burnt | Seized, taken in execution and to be HERIFPS BA ons issued out of | Armor-Plated Bodies
G. Dale, gentleman, ..Spring TWP. poh, in this sofa cover, and I expect you sold as the property of Claude R. Moore the Court of Common Pleas of Cen- | :
a Te" ee Mr. G. H. Solt, accompanied b to pay for it. (and Nora Moore. tre County, to me directed, will be oa Full-Cushioned Power
38 y sesessenssessesiesssesnasasssen h . . . “ i y
Es ts So Te Cr 8 oe hy me | Fob Ames pms
i. Corman. farmer, ..Walker Twp. Mrs. William Lucas, spent Saturday for it.” | Terms “” JOHN. if, BOOB: Sheri: | FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 12, 1982. Full Automatic Spark Adjustment
pT Tap. in Bellefonte wad State College oR |. Landlely. "Wat impueice’ You \shyiiffs Jil, Belcfonts, Fa. The Folowing, Pros: | Louis Bofies—Wide Suts
bert bY Harpet, Sor wer, Fnion . EO Satorday while Miss Gertie | veo a los t To f your) on = and tract of jong Jiunte) in, he Td | AiiC
oll, y speareecns 1 s : u o pay for at | - ship of on, County ol ntre
ddl “Fenn Twp. Lucas went to the store, her moth- hole!" |S TRA of rien, Faciaa tamed out of Stale of Pennayivals, bounded Sid pot New a Deas Byes
8, Hosterman, er. ... Port Matilda er, Mrs. Arista Lucas, who is in the Court of Common Pleas of h foun
: f Centre County, . nning at a Dog Wood on the Pub- | .
: Allman, laborer, College TWh. her 84th year, accidentally fell, | | exposed to Subic Tr ou ie Hoad. a corner of land of William | No-Glare Sloping Windshield
ro . A, breaking her shoulder and hip. She NEW ADVERTISEMENTS | House in the Borough of Bellefonte on Resides, thence by same North 30 deg. Heat R :
nes Kapen. DOPE ......osvenas. Philipsburg | sermon Ea NL Ww. 55 to stones: thence by lands of t Resisting Sponge Rubber
ney McClellan, laborer, Harris Twp. is in a very serious condition. mm— zz ger | FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 12, 1982 Waar Epis 8. 56 deg. W. 30 Dore to | Floor Mats
[par Millet, dork Miles Twp. . The sad news of the death of H.| HERIFF'S SALE.—By virtue of a The Following Property: stones; 82% Seg. E. 8.2 per. | All a ai
0 . : 'D. Rumberger, at Scranton, was re- | writ of Fieri Faclas issued out of ALL that certain messuage, tenement more or less to post; thence S. 45 A Bodies Insulated Against Heat,
T. Haynes, clerk, ger. the Court of Common Pleas of Cen- and lot of land situate, 1 d being W. 87.9 per. to post on Public ; Cold and Noi
wrles Day, laborer, .. ceived here, last Friday evening. | tre County, to me directed, will be ex-|in Rush Township, 8 ALE and and thence by sald road N. 55 deg. W. 30 cise
LIST OF TRAVERSE JURORS The sympathy of this community is pored to public sale at the Court House |state of Pennsylvania bounded and de- per, more or less to Stones’ nce & | Closed Bodies Wired for Radio
tor Thompson, laborer, ....... “Howard extended to his son’ Pearce and oth | 'n the Borough of Bellefonte on scribed as follows, to-wit:— formes of James Fick ae N | Improved Brakes
s Jang 3b Irvin, h.k., State, College or relatives iranoitss Te Ay HAY 1 Tey BLOAT. JHERUARY 12, 1982 le Is ot a stake on wy Bloes 58 perches {o stones: thence | N a
ON AbOrer, nr Millheim Mrs. Estella Parsons went to =| ALL Property: Sn Diecia aills whahlp ood a N. 26 degrees E. 30 to stones, | ew Airplane Type Instruments
Vion’. Rote, nter, Spring TWP. | rone, last Saturday, to visit lA Bi sertain, messuage, tenement, | the Southwest corner of & ae cro’ I and thence N. 88 de Fr 253 perches on Dash '
Jeon” Fuher, manager, State College tore: (HEC LC tover and family and being inthe Borough of State Ying | formerly owned by Dentel Cronin now 13 LR" J He a oy | Free
Ru Vonuds, farmer, ..Gregg Twp. brother, p e y Pg a er EX ougy of ol | owned y Frank Yonicka: thence by said | thence N. waa 0 Darcie I Wheeling Dia.
is Mary C. Struble, h.k., Walker Twp. over the week-end, and from there pol svivania, Roe an dae of | Township road South 16 degrees 4 - the Dog gh plas 125 oerches | Electric Gasoline Gauge
riy Griffich, "laborer. "Spring wd. (went to Trafford where she Will foliows, ‘to-wit:— en “%h ‘minutes. Bast 73. feet to a |more or less. :
C. ‘Hettinger, farmer, F rguson Twp, have charge of the home of Mr. and! BEING lot No. 8 as shown by the plan stake at the Northeast corner of Third | Excepting and reserving therefrom the Reflex Tail Light
nes Pomroy, laborer, ......Philipsburg Mrs. Brown while Mrs. Brown is in x Jota Sreputed by B. I. Weber for Avenue and said Township road; thence right of way through a rtion of said | New Airplane Type Steel-Backed
EE me fares. laborer, Milabu’¥ 5, hospital for an operation. Din Rg Tey ed en |] He Of A A a Cl he Wren: | coved Ee ny. In Deed Book | Engine Bearings
By Snowe, mbt De Spring The W. CO. 7 OU Aer celebrated | Rs . Ra 5 f West Bank of atl Ton by, a various I*: ized in execution and to be | Greater Cooling Capacity
is . . jp masaaa “ ”" . i
W. Witmer, farmer, ...... Benner os Victory Day,” with a Jeceplion 10 | wide a en Soot | courses and distances in a Northeasterly | 33 as the Droperty of the Estate of | Finer Body Hardware |
red Spotts, 1 J Huston Twp. teachers and dues social, ~ |the same width a distance of 190 feet to | Sirection 450 feet, more or less, to the Judge O. Irwin, dec'd., Mary J. Irwin, | :
vo, Maal, TaBORE, USprIRE IVD. day evening in the community hall un sly Souhetharly como of sea lot of Frank | widow, Grigio, Trein. fydeev, Ir, | Concesled Hood Latches |
"8. Weber, ir" Walker Twp. ‘They entertained by readings, recita- IT being the same premises which G. Yonicka lot North 88 degrees West 310.1 in, vbr joy Wilk- | jum. iii
M. Nerhood et ux by their deed | H. Irwin, I Chromium-Plated Steel Spoke
rge Carpeneto, merchant, ...Bellefonte tions and music, followed by re- oo TC, Fo st ¥, ther ee or 02, | feet to a post and the place of begin- | jnson, Guardian ad litem for B. | Wheels
ware Heverly laborer, po Ballelome freshments consisting of » and recorded in Recorder s_ Office of taining two (2) acres of land. nw in, Gladys Ba on Sr | :
» : Twp. ‘pickles, cake and coffee hag. Cefitre Sounty in Deed Book No. 2 8t| Seized, taken in execution and to be Catharine M. Irwin and Ruby M. Irwin One-Piece Fenders
i. Bathe ipsburg Drank A Keller ad sfoliveved the, shue void oe property of Tofela Gogravish. | heirs of Judge O. Irvin, Seotastd, ? Steel Running Boards
Cc. 8 . . miner, ey 3 PINE MILLS ler, his wi commence at 1:45 o'clock P. Sale to commence : 0 .
x Ales: laborer, ..... ...Milesburg | GROVE i oped, taken in Hution and to De M, of sad 4 day. Mo said day. paved Rw Scusuily :
ek clerk, =. St Fe Ellege Farmer Fred Tate is housed UP Frank A. ap . JOHN M. BOOB, Sheriff. JOHN M. BOOB, Sheriff. eaner, Carburetor Silencer;
4 Scandrol, laborer, .....Boggs Twp. with a case of mumps. |" Sale to commence at 1:50 o'clock P. M. Shorify 5 Ben, Sellctonte, Pa., ant Sheriff's Ofice. Bellefonte. Ph oredt and Full Power Muffler
Vy Spats cobbler, ...... TWD. | phe mew arrival at the George of sud day. * : New Service Policy
oc Cao. blacksmith, Miles Twp. Burwell home is a boy, No. 3. erms cash. JOHN M. BOOB, Sheriff.
-yey T. Mann, miner, JADSIty TWP. | ~parles Lutz and son, of Filmore, Sheriff's Office. Bellefonte, Pa., DRASTICALLY
\s. James, mine foreman, Phil Jebus | Jan. 20th, 1932 77-4-8t
vin_Gates, f b svssizien Bellefonte were callers in town on Sunday. . er reat ee 4 LOWER PRICES
n Reifsnyder, carpenter Jlarrs 8 ~~ WP. Rev. John E. Reish, of Butler, is =
R. Howard, laborer, wn ayior .
O. Rossman, laborer, .Walker Twp. visiting his mother, at Baileyville. | . } i Lg a
Clarence Bitner. hk., Liberty (ul; Mrs. Sarah Everts has returned 4 ‘at, the Evangelical Church, Bellefonte, rE
liam H. Limbert, retired, Miles Twp. from a month's visit at Pitcairn. | 3 A : 135° W.B.—122 H. P. Prices ;
“B. Snoamakar, [aborer, BelefGhE Mrs. A. L. Albright is a surgical 1 Sunday Afternoon at, 3 o'clock, when for 2... lg1690 | $160
ired Centre Hall patient in the Geisinger hospital, | AW 7 ’ St. B'ham, for 5°1 | 1690 | New
Bogner Twp. Danville. |. Miss Sara C. Palmer, Evangelist, will give her Famous Lecture| 25m g8 Stoo | 190 | 160
= Philipsburg Lewis Williams, son of Mr. and] STATE COLLEGE y. for St 1690 | 110
ly Snow Shoe Mrs Paul Williams, is seriously ill . Conv. Sedans waren 1820 | New
b . . SV potter Mrs. Paul Willams, Is seriously 1 omtimee Daily st 1300 Ta Penhihitinn a Katlnre ¢°°| Limousine, for 7% eesussstsene
oe BE RC golf af tne writing — owmesay wim 6s Prohibition a Failure ?’’| mmrziisd) i
wy Fink, Blats Eran Philipsburg he Sadie Danuley's Sunday school | FRIDAY — DICTATOR EIGHT
\ : ha Ay class was rtained . . 3 ’ i is
liam Ha op laborer, Miles BS home, on the Branch, | Marilyn Miller, Leon Errol in Seventy men and seventy women will occupy a reserved section at this rH Iasd. P
ro. R. Barlett, hk. Spring TWD. Charles H. Martz, one of our “HER MAJESTY LOVE” meeting and sing “ The Old Rugged Cross” Coupe, for 2°............. [§ 980 | $118
B. ver, barber, .....Bellefonte . : »
BE ort, Si Clie CO war eter tracind ye (SATURDAY SET | a |
n————————— . ’
Mr. and Mrs. George Elder, of Quillan, Roscoe Ates in MISS PALMER WILL ALSO SPEAK AT Sedan, for 5°.............. ~| 1030} 120
WINGATE ; “THE BIG SHOT” Conv. Roadster, for 4.... | 1030 | New
aa Cumberland, Md. visited friends | 10.30 A. M . «A Crown of Righteousness.” Convertible Sedan, for 5 | 1095 | New
Yair Weber spent Sunday night hereabouts during the past week. Slim Sommerville Comedy and News .— Subject, : . -
h his wife and family, in Hol- Harry Corman, wife and daughter MONDAY 730 P.M.— “ “From Shipyard to Ocean Bed. COMMANDER EIGHT
\ysburg. Berenice, of Hecla, were Sunday af-| Ww 125° W. B.—101 H. P.
Juite a number of people from ternoon visitors at the J. L. Shank | Wallace Beery, Clark Gable in for. $238
e attended the funeral of Mrs. home. “HELL DIVERS” ass
yd Smoyer, last week. Robert Fry, of Alexandria, La. | TUESDAY— . 5°. wi |i 235
. H. B. Witherite and da h- returned home, on Monday, after a Katheri Galbrait! Vi ; ;
go accompanied by Mrs. Phil- visit with his sister, Mrs. R. A. An- | James Dunn, Sally Eilers in V. B. Vincent Convertible Sedan, for 5f | 1465 | New
Ru! | | “DANCE TEAM” Contralto—Pianist Tenor
;, her daughter and little son, derson. od | SroBSBAZER SIX
fr. and Mrs. Roy Fisher and son The Lady Rebekah's dramatic club WEDNESDAY —
sald were callers at the Bdgar left 2 Raion, yesterday and," 1 Brendel, John Gilbert in January 24—9.30 a. m. tone Hen de
her home, last esday eve- ve r y today a e | ADWAY” of mer DiLE. Free :
Be |r ow. “WEST OF BRO | February 7—9.30 p. m. Pon oo ea ougerts ,
irs. Broyles, of State College, and Mr. and Mrs. Artz, of Port Ma- THURSDAY— i » shask absor, ars. ite
3. Ida Witmer attended a W. C. | tilda, spent Sunday with their son yy Oland, Linda Watkins | 1b ths ous 1)
U. meeting, at Snow Shoe, last Stafford, to see the new boy who ar- | in Earl Derr Biggers’ e a Tal for 2°... Is 840 $s:
'k. {7ived- in. the latter's home, | “CHARLIE CHAN'S CHANCE” ford... 80] 'S
‘hicken thieves red Ye dey Mn P. Irwin and] will present st. s Brhum, for 5% 89 New
ps at the Estright rwin Mr. and Mrs. J. Isenberg were . Sedan, A
:as homes, last week and made guests at a chicken dinner served by NITTANY THEATRE pec So Pro am Conv. Roadster, for 4... | 890 | New
iy with a number of fowls. Mrs. J. H. Gilliland, on Friday. S ial ng gr Convertible Sedan, for 5| 955 | New
tored over from Osceola Mills,| J. D. Neidigh, J. F. Musser, BEu- FRIDAY— : Every Meeting in Safety glass all around, automatic start-.
_urday, did some shop in| gene Irvin, Clay Houck and J. H. “LADIES OF THE BIG HOUSE” ing and metal spring covers standard
i ° . equipment on all models at no extra cost.
lefonte and made a call at the Gilliland are attending the farm | Sq Dither ey.
s Irwin home before making the show, in Harrisburg, this week. 'SATURDAY— e onte @ pI1SCOP urc "Wired fox vache, Fiviink standard equigmsty
arn trip over the mountain. | Funeral director H. N. Koch was “HER MAJESTY LOVE” apare tres sutra
‘he Silver contest mesking in the taken Violently a day. zag, DAY
wngelical church, last y eve- | was rushed nger hospi | TUES ——
g, was well attended and all the for an operation. util he recov. | Gistises % 190) | Singing by Full Chorus ... 30 Voices GEORGE A. BEEZER,
ta ro fake. ae Vi us us son Herbe n charge f “HELL DIVERS Dr. G. S. Womer, of Philipsburg, will preach several nights. North Water St.
frs. Grace Flick, of 8 a toons, was| Grover E. Harper expects to go to (WEDNESDAY Rev. E. C. Keboch is engaged for Decision Day, January 31. BELLEFONTE, PA.
Satultye ator Win the home of | farming iB Ye ig ® and will be “DANCE TEAM”
oh Bis.) Walker, on | assisted son Earl. Charles qooocr.o . tk ee Uf
se Run, and also called on Mrs. | Graham will leave the farm in the bed Good
ia Irwin and Mrs. Florence spring and return to his home at “WEST OF BROADWAY" Every y Welcome ses Feast of Music
as. | Beech Creek. WwW. C. Frank will LIL