Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, January 22, 1932, Image 3

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One of the best gifts that science ered w
could give to everyone is Dr. E. Vv.
McCollum’s announcement in Balti-
more that the end of toothaches is
in sight. Enough pHoSphONB, com-
bined with calcium an
in the diet, is the seuret.
territory that was theirs, but where
Sv man has ever seen them.
‘couple of centuries ago.
{ This
promise was held out by Ver-
non Bailey of the United States bio-
logical survey, at the meeting of
Ban Sanity of Mammalogists lines carryig the cables through
here. Bailey spent all of last sum-
mer in the region, studying its calls pass. These activities will be
present life and its possibilities for
whose mental capac- supporting representatives of its)
original population of wild things.
But last summer was by no means
| the first time he saw the area.
went there first in 1869, and
| that occasion he traveled in a cov-
| ter-town telephone service
e service
roductive of the most effective in-1
Centre Hall, Houtzdale,
Further evidence of the Bell Tele-
It is due for a radical change, Ww. growth of its business is reflected in
So far guinea pigs have benefited | C. Henderson of the smeircan Muse-
and demonstrated the value of the! um of Natural History said, if the
new method of preventing tooth de- present plans of the war depart-
cay. During the coming year it will |' ment are carried out. These
be possible for everyone to
according to this scientist.
oot channel instead of the present
No special preparations or high- six-foot one.
priced foods are necessary. Just |
This will mean the building of a
common sense and intelligent atten- | series of about twenty dams, con-
tion to diet is required.
eating is not banned.
ballyhooed preparations designed to
n candy verting the river into a long line of
| stepped up lakes, doing away with
In the wake of this important most of the current, establishing a
discovery there may come highly stable water level permanently.
On the whole, it will be a
make us “phosphorus-conscious.” thing for the wild life of both land
This is inevitable perhaps, but not and water he believes.
helpful, to those who select their
One problem however, will Dbe-
food intelligently. | come pressing, that of water pollu-
Unfortunately the discovery can- tion: but Henderson is of the opin-
not be made retroactive in its ef- ion that this will find its own solu-
fects. It will not replace false tion.
But it will help the children of will find their sewage staying in
today and tomorrow. |
By Dr. Morris Fishbein and more scientific
their own front yards, and in sheer |
| def cleaner for approximately 6% miles from the
| self-defense have to make Tyrone end to a point about 1%
miles north of Bald
For many years the cause of | than they do now.
scarlet fever was unknown. It is!
now generally accepted that one TREE PLANTINGS IN STATE
form of the steptococcus is respons-|
ible for this disease. This germ
is spread in the discharge from the
nose, throat and ears, from abscess: raised 18 Lo Be |
es, Of rom a Wo ae a | nurseries were plan Pennsylva-| | osed to have the new cable
patient who is sick or convalescing | nia during the fall planting season. p EN Phe f the pole tines | tof Venice, of thet new address
Fagle-DuBois and the former Hunt- {howl be als. 4 Sore » RYE:
from any automobile club, notary
infection may atso be spread
any ‘This num
More than 385,000 forest trees |
four State forest tree!
‘trees planted during 1931 to 8
milk contaminated by 3 624, set out by 2152 planters.
person who has the disease or who
, 600,000 trees were used forre- np,
| an announcemen
disposal of it
ber with 8,239,887 trees Strung
‘planted during the § season,
The Tyrone-Clearfield cable
| will form a 34-mile link in the pro-
Altoona-Clearfield cable. It is
to be routed through Philipsburg. |
The project involves placing 185,- |
500 feet of storm-resi aerial |
| cable, 1,046 feet of underground
| cable and
pole upon which this modern type of
long-distance cable is strung. The
job also calls
61 cases
650 of the short, sturdy
used to step up diminishing voice |
tones on long-distance calls, so that |
they lose little of their original vol-
The careless cities along the bank ‘ume and clarity in transmission.
“The Tyrone-Clearfield cable will
pe built over private right of way
e, where it
'will meet the Tyrane-Buffalo open g.,.s Opergtors are warned by
‘wire pole line,” Mr. Bollinger said. |
“From this point Commissioner Eywon that the pro-
cable will be placed on sections of
the pole line of the Tyrone-Buffal
and the Bald BEagle-DuBois line.
From Philipsburg
of the Tyrone-Buffalo, the
brings the total of forest ingdon and Clearfield Tele
Of the number planted the | WO%
plan “When the work is completed the
1 company will have created ad-
has just , i
to be plenty of evidence that scales |forestation purposes in the State | jitional facilities to for the
from the patient who is peeling do forests. Reforestation of privately future on of its Business for a
not carry the infection, except when
these scales are contaminated with | mainder. The principal
discharges of the type that have trees were white, red, Sotch, and!
pitch. spruce and larch.
been menti vis
Apparently the person mn is able to]
disease {
communicate the a per-
ong the hardwoods the
leading |
kinds were walnut, ash, locust, and
iod of at least three weeks from the tulip
ommences until all of
have ceased. There
ch slight character
time when i
Berks county was cited by Charles
R. Meek, chief of the bureau of ex-
tension in the department of forests
are cases
that they are not properly diagnos- and waters, as having the largest
ed. Indeed, there are some cases number of tree planters of any of
so slight that the person does not the sixty-seven counties in Pennsyl-
really know that he is sick with vania. More than one-half million
scarlet fever. Obviously such a per-|
son may travel about and spread the
and transplants were used
disease to other people without | county. Other leading counties in
either his or their knowing anything reforestation, in the order of the
Scarlet fever occurs throughout
are Schuylkill, Venango, Allegheny,
atest number of trees plan
Moyer, tract in Potter
owned land accounted for the Te- n,mpher of years.
W. R. Hosterman, et ux, to Wil-
liam J. Wagner, et ux, tract in Fer- the
guson Twp.; $650 i
Wash Unick to Julia Unick, tract
in Rush Twp.; $1.
Citizens Building and Loan Asso.
to Frank Michaels, tract in Philips- |
James B. Spangler to Charles S.|
tract in Potter Twp.; $3,500.
py private tree planters in pd | Sovey, tract i Potter
Charles S. Stover to Clara 1
Twp.; $2,500.
1. G. Gordon Foster, et al, .0
Nancy M. Henderson, et al, trac. in go
the world, more ofter in temperate | Clearfield, Lackawanna "York, Ches. State College; $1.
the deadly influenzal meningitis that
atacks infants snd young children.
The report described a specific
serum treatment for the disease and
said that its use by Dr. Ann Gayler
Kuttner, of Johns Hopkins hospital,
in twenty-four hours completely de-
stroyed infection in a child.
report was the work of Drs. |
LeRoy, D. Fothergill, Joyce Wright
and Hugh K. Ward of Harvard Uni-
versity. They pointed out that twen-
ty-five per cent of acute meningitis
cases coming to their attention were
of the influenzal type, “almost in-
variably fatal.”
Bacteriologists said the disease in
its acute stage closely resembles the
more common meningitis caused by
the infection of the membranes cov-
ter, Centre and Luzerne counties. i
To date nearly 150,000,000 trees
have been fu by the State Twp.; $1.
Clara T. Bateson to Walter E. of the
they remained to breed more germs
and spread the infection.
Bacteriologists said if they can
discover what the meningococcus
does and how it does it, the way
will be open to combating its rav-
Walter BE. Dreibelbis, et al, tO! months were the
Clara T. Bateson, tract in Ferguson
Commissioners of Centre County ’
to H. E. Dunlap, tract in Bellefonte; bachelor degrees,
H. E. Dunlap, et ux, to Newton S.
Dunlap, tract in Bellefonte; $1.
Charles P. Hewes, et al, to Harry
E. Dunlap, et ux, tract in Bellefonte;
First National bank, Exec,
Harry E. Dunlap, et ux, tract
Bellefonte; $8,000.
Ada J. Pletcher, et al, to C. Ellis of
Pletcher, tract in Howard Twp.; $1, | the Rochester Theol
John M. Hartswick, et
Charles L. Allen, tract in State Col-| World war and ie the
several books.
lege; $1.
Office, room 18 Crider's
Law, Bellefonte, -
Pa. Prompt at
* tention given all business sn.
York, by means of &
structed receiver
Approximately $73,000 will be ex-
for cables and wires for local |
in a number of communities,
including Bellefonte, Clearfied, Cur-
agon. Hollidaysburg, Lewistown,
The region as it stands now con. Mills and Tyrone.
gists of a strip of rich bottom land
'on either side of the Mississippi
| subject to frequent floods, alterna
vitamin D with droughts.
rson, whether the
er of a motor vehicle or not must be
| licensed to operate a motor vehicle
| legally, and must be in
| his operator's license at all times
, Dr. Stetson says.
rking from the tenet that sun-/ :
ts are electro-magnetic storms in jsfaction guaran
solar atmosphere, Dr. Stetson and
‘and G. W. Pickard at Boston be- High St.
recording radio station signal | ~
and comparing them with |
eola State.
Osc ned, glasses fitted. Sat-
. lenses matched, Casebeer
. “There is no reason why practical-
, phone Company of Pennsylvania's ,, oyery motor vehi .
| determination to continue
expanding ania
its facilities to care for the future Folsyivania Soule
not have his! strengths
: card on February sunspot activity
t by H Fos- | 12: Commissioner Eynon said.
| today by X. | “Promptness on the
ter Bollinger, district manager, that
work is about to be started on a
$253,000 storm-resisting cable
efit, call for the establishment of a nine between Tyrone and Clearfield.
VA B. ROAN, Optometrist, Licensed
by ie Dws Board. State College,
Each time a
part of the Spo
n returning their applica- padio intensity was
rly made out and with As available records show
spot activity moves in cycles.
tine | All Pennsylvania opera- Stetson last winter forecast
| tors must have 1932 cards in their jod of poor reception the early part!
possession on and after March 1. of 1931 followed by increasing in- |
tensities the remainder of the year.
Stetson explains that the |
outer atmosphere becomes |
more heavily ionized or el
ct as the result of the bombardment of
ayy glock rst rom gD nia |
outbu sunspots, therefore, this,
for the installation of ¢g olicuier Jat liable to a fine of ionized ceiling, which acts as a re-|
prosecution and in g
to house what are Known gerauit of payment imprisonment for hii
as loading coils. These coils are no." ... than five days. t nearer the
the amended code,
fresh outburst of fon
peared a notable decrease in Court House, Wed
el tions prope
| the necessary fee of $2 will accom-
Fire Insurance
20% Reduction
Otherwise they wilt be subject to
| arrest.”
The veh cle code, as amended at! earth's
the last regular session of the Leg-
|islature, provides for more
penalties for operating a motor ve-
hicle without a permit.
ting surface Wo waves, is IR
won Cel] TRA D. GARMAN
the |
above penalty follows conviction for Waves ae Sahested like a billiard
a first offense. Conviction following
nd similar offense carries 60 Caled. ret more gradual
costs, or prisonment |. raction
for not more than five days. For the | contend, the result is essen
third offense the fine has been fixed
at $50, costs of prosecution, or im- |
not more than
“Whether or no
1420 Chestnut Street
Have Your Diamonds Reset in Platinum
74-27-tf Exclusive Emblem Jewelry
ized layer, or are
gradually by so-|
ot $25 and theorists
same,” says Dr. Stetson.
change in height of the
could produce considerable
change in intensity of the radio
wave, ge
to Philipsburg the | : _ | the cell would reflect the wave in
m | visions of the law will be strictly en |its greatest intensity to a given sta-
their | HOB: at another level it would veflect |
and have | It far a
| prisonment for
At one level
I ge who have c
! ress during
to Clearfield it is|¢.00q to inform the Bureau
We have taken om the line of
Purina Feeds
Wayne Feeds
211,000 TAKE TEST
| In the first eleven months of 1931,
a total of 211,000 persons took the
| examination for operator's licenses.
|Df that number 56,315 failed
State's requirements. In
11,106 were examined, 2,-
tional | Station examinations conducted
oy | last month by Troop C, Examining
Unit of the Pi
Patrol, were as
Bellefonte, passed
commander of the American Legh
announced following the first
. National - Employment
vania Highway
| million members are
as serious a war ’
and 1918, and passed 143, , Jaiicd yo | Blatchford Calf Meal 25ibs
ly : e, | -
1 Wayne Calf Meal Per H
200, failed 102; Greensburg, |
280, failed 133;
| employment program.
ording to the program
Les of the
begin immediately
the members
23-443 4 20
who will in this manner give assist-
ance to local, county and in some
measure, state-wide relief projects.
The movement had
among college empl
its inception
oyees who were
less fortu-
School A
anxious to assist those
the existing
Dean Edward Steidle, of the
of Mineral Industries, heads a gen-
eral committee conducting
of voluntary subscriptions
classes of college employees.
C.Y. Wagner &Co. ie
various purposes,
county and State.wide relief, or for
specific purposes designated by the
donor, and many indicate distribu-
tion at the discretion of the special
committee on fund disbursement.
The depression year of 1831,
many people on Tequpea and
ny w BiAORY. a death rate
was o. r each com-~
with 9.2 in 0 and 152 in
“The depression undoubtedly has
helped make Detroit residents
Bellefonte, Pa.
and Heating
By Hot Water
Pipeless Furnaces
te students will be
advanced degrees. Ten
er degrees will be master of
six will be master of arts,
will be a technical degree, that
mechanical engineering.
force of circumstances,
many people are
lives, They are
eating less compli-
cated foods, and in smaller portions.
They are living saner lives,
strain of business pressure,
a toll, has been relieved.”
sis death rate in De-|
t is high, Dr. Vaughan said, but
explained that the chief reasons for
this was the disease am
The birth rate in De
, as it did in most
the United States. The
each 1,000 population was
with 205 in 1930,
e birth rate was 33.4.
Full Line of Pipe and Fit-
which| tings and Mill Supplies
All Sizes of Terra Cotta
Pipe and Fittings
The tuberculo
| Cheerfully sad Promptly Furnished
a tl