Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, January 22, 1932, Image 1

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—Why call it depression when de-
bunking is what it really is?
—If you want to take a ride over
the Pinchot “bridle paths” you'd
better do it now. We fear they
will all be muddy sloughs by spring.
—So far as a State-wide organi-
zation of Democracy in Pennsylva-
nia is concerned we believe it would
be as extinct as the dodo, if it
were not for the unselfish interest
of Sedgwick Kistler, our national
committeman, and John Collins, our
state chairman.
Japan is going right on with her
projects in China, the protests of the
other powers of the earth to the
contrary notwithstanding. The
League of Nations stands aloof be-
cause it assumes that there can be
no war until there is a declaration
of war. Japan has made no formal
declaration, but goes on killing
Chinks, just the same.
—General Charles G. Dawes is to
be head of the two billion dollar
Finance Reconstruction Corporation.
He says “it is not a talking job.”
Let us hope that he sticks to that
conception of the work that has
been cut out for him. The long
delay in effecting reconstruction has
been largely in consequence of
fact that everybody wants to talk
and nobody wants to do anything.
—As Congress shows signs
growing wetter and wetter the Dry
army is rallying its forces with a
new vigor. Both sides have their
ideas, but as neither respects the
right of the other to have any the
fight is likely to last as long, at
least, as the opposing forces can
muster the mazuma to pay their
agitators. And that, by tae way,
has more to do with the muddle
than liquor, beer ov light wines.
— Sixteen Bishops of the church of
England have joined in a “Round
Robin” praying for cancellation of
all reparations and inter-govern-
mental war debts. An extended
moratorium is better than cancel-
lation, for things are at such a
white heat in continental Europe
that if those countries should sud-
denly find themselves rid of the
penalties of their last great folly
they would be at each other's throats
—John F. Short, veteran editor of
the Clearfield Republican, has been
Democratic State
from Pennsylvania to the Demo-
cratic National convention. As the
shades of men who once made the
Democratic newspapers of Pennsyl-
vania a militant factor in its gov-
ernment flit through our memory,
almost, we might say that Mr. Short
is “The Last of the Mohicans.” Cer-
tainly his fearless and devoted serv-
jce to his party merits the honor
that the State Committee's endorse-
ment suggests should be conferred
on him.
—The Secretary of the Common-
wealth, Richard J. Beamish, is de-
termined that the Commissioners of
Philadelphia county will do exactly
what he forced the Commissioners of
quoted Roger Babson far enough to
say: “The Worst is Definitely Over.”
Notwithstanding our high respect
soaches. Within the last two years
we have seen that stately old train
shrivel! until it slunk along as if
ashamed of its single baggage car
and combination coach, with one or
two passengers in it. On Monday
avening it had two coaches. Each
yne of them was more than half full
»f passengers. We pondered at the
-eassuring sight and came to the
sonclusion that maybe Babson and
McCurdy were right, when they
aid: “The worst is definitelv over.”
—Every week save one for twenty-four
he forgot to peek
| the money and that’s why, he told po-
lice, he took up selling lottery tickets.
—Only one-half as many claims for
bounty were presented during December,
1931, as during the corresponding month
of 1930. During December, 1831, 3765
claims were received entailing an expen-
diture of $11,085. These claims included
thirty-one wild cats, 1008 gray foxes,
VOL. 77.
|For Violating Volstead Law Philips. |
| burg Woman Must Pay $500 Fine
and Spend Two Years in Work
back of State College, were givena |
‘hearing on the charge of passing The standing committees for the
forged checks in Bellefonte on No- | ensuing two years were announced
| vember 21st and November 30th. | by president Walker, as follows, the
|The young men plead guilty to an
!idictment charging them with pass-
|ing several of the checks in posses- |
sion of the district attorney but
| denied that they had passed all of |
them. As it was their first offense
|they were sentenced to pay the
| costs, make restitution of the mon- |
|ey ~eceived on the checks and plac-
{ea on probation for two years.
| Mrs. Jennie Philips, alias Jennie
| Casanta, entered a plea of guilty to
| possession, sale and manufacturing
intoxicating liquor. She is the
woman who was chased out of Clear-
field county by Judge Chase for her
persistent violation of the Volstead
law, after which she located in Phil-
presentment against her Judge Flem-
ing asked the defendant if it wasn't
cated in Philipsburg she sent
to her old patrons in Clearfield
county, informing them where she
could be found, thus advertising her
nefarious business. She was then|
sentenced to pay the costs, $500 fine |
and imprisonment in the Allegheny
county work house for twe years.
Mrs. Phillips, who is the mother of |
six of them under 16 |
broke down and sobbed
was pronounc-
removed from
in the Barrens
cruelty charge preferred by his wife
Mrs. Nellie Solt, who claimed that
(her husband not only failed to con- | Ported applications from Harry
| Dukeman, as chief of police, and
tribute to her support but frequently Thomas Howley, police ani
were left in the hands of the com-
mittee for consideration and recom-
| mendation at the next meeting of
‘slapped her, and she did not want
'to live with him any longer. The
| court asked Sam if drinking wasn't
| the cause of all his troubles and he
| admitted it was. He also admitted
that he gets $60 a month pension as
a Spanish-American war veteran.
His case was referred to the proba-
tion and parole officer for investiga- |
tion as to what portion of the pen-
sion money ought to go to the wife
for her supprt and when he makes a
recmmendation a court order will be
made for the sum Before
discharging Sam the court asked
him if it wasn't a fact that he had
legal possession, but he. denied that |
V. Hackman, of Mount Union, vice
| president.
At a regular meeting of borough
| council, on Monday evening, an ap-
| plication was received from Frank
| Nelson, of east Lamb street, for the
| appointment as street commissioner.
| At a special session of court, last pe offered to do the work and all
| Saturday morning, Lester and Rus- tne porough's blacksmithing for $100
{sel Hinds, who live in the Barrens , month, The application was re-
ferred to the Street committee.
first named being the chairman:
Street—Radger, Emerick, Ardery.
Water—Cobb, Beaver, Nighthart.
Finance—Emerick, Cobb, Badger.
Fire and Police—Beaver, Joden, Doll.
Market—Doll, Beaver, Jodon.
Sanitary—Nighthart, Ardery, Doll.
Town Improvement—Jodon,
Special—Ardery, Cobb, Badger,
ick, Nighthart.
An application from
Bower for re-appointment as
and Police committee.
The Street committee reported
some minor repairs and that the lay-
ing of the new sewer, on Linn street,
will be completed in a few days.
Water committte
amounted to $2123.67.
Mr. Cobb called attention to a
bill for $107.20 from the Dravo-
Doyle Co. for bearings for the pump
at the Gamble mill station which, he
‘suggested, should be paid by the
| manufacturers of the pump, and he
was instructed to communicate with
the company.
The Finance committee reporteda
balance in the borough fund of $1,
845.12 and $443.68 in the water fund:
|A note for $800 was presented for
Mathias renewal. The committee also rec- |
ommended the approval of the bonds
guilty | °f overseers of the poor Alexander
Morrison and Edward
Mr. Emerick reported
$5,000 and $6,000.
The Fire and Police committee
Mr. Beaver presented a proposi-
tion of members of the Logan Fire
company stating that if council will
paint the company will
paint the interior of some of the
rooms in the company's building.
The matter was referred to the com-
buy the
mittee with power.
Mr. Ardery, of the Special com-
reported that George R.
Meek was in receipt of a letter
from O. M. Deibler, State Fish Com-
missioner, in which he stated that
he will send one hundred big trout
to put in Spring creek in the near
future, which will replace any fish
that have died. Mr. Beaver called
attention to the fact that at times
he has seen coloring matter in the
creek but does not know where it
comes from.
Borough bills amounting to $1710
and water bills for $243.61 were ap-
payment, after which
| council adjourned.
proved for
On Tuesday evening Jan. 8, the
Belefonte Hi-Y basket ball team de-
feated the Millheim High alumni in
a fast game, by the score of 41 to
The game was played on the east
Penns Valley High floor and al-
though the score does not indicate
it the contest was very exciting.
Haupt, Caldwell, Dry, MsCafferty,
Wilkinson, Alters, Morris, Williams,
Auman and Hartman played for
The Millheim players were Deck-
ler, Hazel, Eisenhuth, Springer,
Beahm, Evans and Mark.
A scourge of scarlet fever has re-
sulted in the closing of the public
schools, at Boalsburg, according to
report. ‘There are eighteen cases,
all told, but fortunately so far none
of them have proven fatal. There
is also considerable whooping cough
in the town. By closing the schools,
temporarily, and resorting to a strict
quarantine health authorities hope
to combat any further spread of the
—We will do your job work right
Beaver, |
John J.
marshal was referred to the Fire
| various repairs and the collection of
$1500 on water taxes and $46.20 for
t soon she got lo- rent of garage space. Also that
8, S461. Dia), 28 ge Ts the meter bills for the third quarter
Four Per Cent of Total Population
Have No Regular Work.
Carefully compiled satistics at the
headquarters of the Associated Char-
ities, in Petrikin hall, show that
four per cent of Bellefonte's total
population have no regular work,
and the total number of dependents
on those unemployed is given as
In Altoona the unem-
ployed population is given as three
per cent, so that Bellefonte has
really been harder hit by the de-
pression than some of the large
During the past few weeks the
Associated Charities have been able
Highway Department for work on
the Jacksonville road which is help-
ing out a lot. While these men
will not get full time they will
average about six days a month,
which will mean approximately $20
{ wages—a godsend to those who
ve been out of work and no oth-
er job in view.
There are now registered at the
unemployment bureau 170 Bellefonte
men who are out of work, and as
some who have no work have not
red it is safe to conclude that
e total is about 200. If it had
not been for the of the
heads of Bellefonte industries in re-
ducing the number of days each
employee was allotted a month so
as to give more of them work,
Bellefonte's plight would have been
much worse. The amount of wel-
fare work done by the laborers at
the various industries by working
short time in order to help out a
greater number has been roughly
estimated as equivalent to a month-
ly charity drive of five thousand
dollars, or $25,000 for the winter
So far the relief work has been
conducted on voluntary contribu-
ti which have amounted to about
$ If conditions should become
and the State road work
¢ it Ingpretty cortatn that more
way to carfy on the
ged, Tot in cscafifiy ne ulNcts of
the depression, in having men
at the head of it's industries who
are spirited and thoughtful
interests of the community.
The Ideal Manufacturing company,
Already they. have put out sixty
or more of the mistolaters and the
of the winners in the Ntate vocation-
al agricultural project contest for
1931, and on the list are the follow-
ing Centre county boys:
Russel Mark, of Gregg township,
first in senior truck and second in
senior corn.
second in senior sheep.
John Zubler, Gregg township, sec-
ond in senior dairy records.
to place 152 men with the State
have to be obtained in|
Bellefonte is very fortunate, in.
F. W. West
6563 weasels and five goshawks.
—Four and a half years after his auto-
Franklin Dent,
former chief of police at Bloomsburg,
! causing Dent's death, Raymond Bloom,
of Sunbury, was sentenced on Monday to
| one to four years in the county jail,
TO MANY RELATIVES. | g..4 $200 and costs of $400. Bloom was
a —
The will of Ira Ge Harpster, ‘of {harsed with felonious assault, with In.
| mobile was driven at
| tent to kill,
Gatesburg, who died last Thursday | J. Franklin
a i -J. Shields, Philadelphia, was
night, was probated on Tuesday, re-elected president of the board of
disposes of an estate estimated at |, ees of Pennsylvania State College at
| $7500 personal property and $4500 4 meeting in Harrisburg, on Tuesday.
real estate. | Other officers were also re-elected. H.
"he will, after making provision B. Brown, whose term as member of the
for the payment of all debts and | executive committee, expired, was named
funeral expenses leaves $200 in trust | to fll the vacancy created by the resig-
! ! nation of W. L. Mellon.
ito the Gatesburg Cemetery Asso-
| ciation, the income to be used for | —One hundred and forty-five widows
! in Northumberland county are now re-
(the perpetual care of the Harpster ' ceiving ald from the State and county
| lot. | funds which have been provided for the
To his nephew, Robert Harpster, assistance of widows and their children.
|he leaves the homestead farm Of |The increase in the appropriation which
190 acres. | was made by the State Legislature last
To his niece, Alva Johnson, the | June has made it possible to extend aid
‘old Harpster homestead in Gates- | to sixty additional families.
burg, aplot of one acre, withhouse,| —A box of 50 sticks of dynamite dis-
| barn dings | covered by four boys was removed from
and outbuil Pittsburgh & West
{ | the tracks of the
| To his niece Emeline Rossman, | Virginia railroad in
| { Overbrook, Alle-
1101 acre tract of woodland, with the | o, uv county, just in time to avert prob-
|exception of eight acres heretofore ape disaster last Friday night. The
| sold to George E. Rider. | youths quickly summoned police who re-
| To his niece, Alva Johnson, $1000. moved the dynamite shortly before a coal
| To his brother, Samuel Harpster, train from the Pittsburgh Terminal Coal
| | company mines in the Castle Shannon-
i "Yo. is: nephews, Ira. C. and sane] Coverdale area passed over the rails,
{ —Francis H. Hoy, secretary of the
o.5 oh gi Maggie Buck, $400, | State Board of Pardons, will relinquish
To his nephews, Jonn an dq | that post on February 1 to become war-
re [ik ae a
. . 0 as
To his nieces, Alice Meyers and in the employ of the State eighteen
Maggie Corl, $100 each. years. As warden he will succeed Wil-
To his niece, Mary Grubb, $300. |liam W. Caldwell, who held that position
To his nephews, Charles, Samuel since 1920. The prison board also elect-
and George Harshberger, $50 each. led Hoy's wife as matron of the jail.
To his niece, Cora Kersteter, $100, | The warden post pays 33600 annually,
while the matron’s salary is $1200.
— Sis grand nephew, John —Dr. Clyde King, Secretary of Revenue
in Pennsylvania, on Monday told a con-
To his grand-nieces, Edith Rider go once of mercantile appraisers and of-
and Viola Johnson, and his grand- ficials that if the chain stores start to
nephew, Samuel Musser, $100 each. |escape payment of the mercantile taxes,
To his nieces, Alva Johnson, Mag- | while the small corner grocery owner is
gie Buck, Mary Grubb and Emeline | forced to pay in full, the only logical
Johnson he leaves, share and share answer is a chain-store tax. He ex-
plained the U. S. Supreme court has up-
hike, all HS fut silver and held on din ‘mores az legal,
though he admitted he has not been won
All the residue of his estate 1S) ,.or entirely to the chain-store tax ides.
left, share and share alike, to Alva! _c A Bardolph, president of the
Johnson, Ira C. Harpster, Issac G.|closed Franklin Savings and Trust com-
Harpster, Maggie Buck, Alice pany, of Pittsburgh, was arrested last
Meyers, Maggie Corl, Mary Grubb Friday on a charge of embezzling $350.-
Again Bardolshs Wha fade by George F.
lor, Jr. deputy State Secretary of
Banking. Bardolph was arrested out-
side the quarters of the State Banking
Department, after the banker had appear-
ed as the only witness at a hearing be-
FERGUSON TOWNSHIP MAN fore Taylor into the affairs of the bank.
The charge is a general one under the
common law and concerns Bardolph's
By his will, filed for probate last | transactions as head of the bank over a
Saturday, the late Henry McWil- | period of three years.
liams, of Ferguson township, be. —Dr. Claude A. Buss, 28 years old.
bequeathed $7,500 of an estimated son of Mr. and Mrs. Claude Buss Sr.
ten thousand dollar estate to charity. °f Sunbury, has been promoted to Con-
His bequests included, after provid- 4! General for the United States at
ing for the payment of any debts he Nanking, the Nationalist capital of
may have had and his y China. The young man was formerly
y funeral ex- | an assistant. He is believed to be the
| penses, $500 to the Pine Grove Mills | youngest American ever to have held
|cemetery association, $1000 to the this office, according to his parents. The
{Centre County hospital, the princi- young diplomat had a way of doing
pal to be invested and the income to | things before his fellow students got
be used to help meet running ex- | started at the same job. The first was
penses or for any other purpose the to graduate from the Sunbury High
board of managers may see fit to| Sion. Cl LV fll Ul no
. anniversary no
spaly J; 82000 to the” Bethel Re- FL, vie Hoven
and $1000 each to St. Paul's Luth- —Notice has been published by Melvin
eran, the Presbyterian and Methodist L. Peterson, receiver, that the huge
churches of Pine Grove Mills dq | Plant of the American Plate Glass Cor-
an poration, located at Durant City, three’
the Methodist church, at Fairbrook.| miles from Kane, will pe sold at public
To his sister, Mrs. Alice Buch-| auction Saturday, February 13, which
walter, of Lancaster, he left eight sale may or may not write finis to one
shares of stock of the First National lof the main industries of Kane for a
bank of State College. All the res-
idue of his estate is to be divided
large number of years. The factory
went out of operation in April, 1930,
throwing more than 500 men out of em-
ployment. Since that time a number of
plans have received consideration to get
the plant back into operation but none
of them carried to a successful issue.
The brick buildings comprising it cover
Mrs. Annie Dreibelbis and . | several acres and the sale will include
Viola Bowersox. John E. McWil- | the complete plant and equipment.
liams was appointed executor —M. Hanin, proprietor of the Hanin
will. dress goods shop, in Pottsville, has been
held under $2500 bail on charges of ar-
son and attempt to defraud an insurance
company. His arrest followed an in-
vestigation by fire chief Smith and Stale
The Centre county Pomona Grange Dolio a Joey a fnle {ig fire
will meet at Pleasant Gap on Sat-|..,;jisnments in the central part of the
urday, January 30th, in the new | iy and wrought damage estimated by
hall of Logan Grange, erected at a gmith at from $12,000 to $20,000. Smith
cost of about $10,000. There will and Mumma, testifying before Alderman
be three sessions. The morning | John P. Faulls, said they found a con-
session will convene at 10 o'clock | tainer of inflammable liquid in one of
and will be devoted entirely to bus- | the departments of the badly damaged
iness to Grange work. Hanin store. They po a
At 12 o'clock a luncleon be St pnts ble sujieriaid eve
served by the ladies of Pomona | ogtablignmen
—Suit to recover damages for 16 frac-
tures, including a fractured skull and a
(Ecyuveiing a) 130 wiclock ihe broken neck, received in a railroad cross-
ness ting ing crash November 12 was instituted
sumed and will continue until 2.30 |", Lycoming county courts on Tues-
when there will be a public instal-|4,y by Harry W. Wenner, of Williams-
lation of officers, to be followed by
a lecture hour.
port. His companion, John King, who
received a fractured skull and a fractur-
Supper, at 30 cents a plate, will be [ed jaw in the same crash, also filed
served by the ladies of Logan suit for $10,000 damages. Wenner nam-
Grange from 5 to 6.30 o'clock. - no specific amount of Spmages, bond
The evening session will convene 3 cof claim. overy
at 7.30 o'clock when dedicatory ex-|°f Both men Wak consCered remeriable
ercises for the new hall will be held | hr os nonelissly injured, but made a
to be followed by a lecture hour,
Prominent speakers will be present
at all the sessions and visiting
rapid rcovery and was able to leave the
hospital within six weeks. He is B50.
Grangers will take part in the day's
A —
King, 54, was not expacted to survive a
severe fracture and innumerable minor