Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, January 15, 1932, Image 1
rom rr INK SLINGS. BY GEORGE R. MEEK. —Our country has the resources. Its crying need is resourcefulness. —Talking about the vagaries ot an| unusual winter season, new pota- toes are beginning to sprout. We | doubt if anybody living today ever heard of “spuds” becoming so am-, bitious in January. We have always been an admir- er of Tommy Loughran, but our loyalty to Penn State swerves us to the hope that Steve Hamas will “take him” when they meet in Mad- ison Square Garden tonight. — Time was when getting elected to a County office was the big job. , The troubles of a campaign now ap- pear as a path of roses compared with getting a bond that will meet all the requirements of the Act of 1929. — No matter what the mental’ condition of the fiend who murdered Elizabeth Hickok may be found to be he ought to be sent to the chair. He was cunning enough to plot for the accomplishment of his hellish purpose and the world will be bet- i was criminally assaulted and foully ‘ward who for more than three years BEL © STATE COLLEGE CITIZENS DR. HICKOK’S DAUGHTER HONOR THEIR RETIRING : PRESIDENT OF COUNCIL One hundred business and profes sional men of State College gave al testimonial dinner to Harry A.| Leitzell, retiring president of bor- A deplorable as well as horrible ough council, at the Centre Hills, tragedy was enacted at Rockview night, | : Country club on Tuesday penitentiary, on Wednesday morning, (Jan. 12.) Leitzell retired from of- | when Miss Elizabeth Hickok, the fice January 1 after having been a winsome and accomplished daugh-| gly ter of Dr. and Mrs. Asa Lee Hickok, member of council for sixteen years. The dinner was sponsored by the State College Rotary and Kiwanis clubs. To commemorate the occasion the hosts presented Leitzell with a FE wm Almost Severs Head from Body with Butcher Knife While Parents Were Away from Home. murdered by Fred Collins, a 37 year old negro inmate of the psychopathic had been used as a guard and out- ‘risburg next week, STATE RIGHTS AND FEDERAL UNION. LEFONTE, PA.. JANUARY 15, 1932. WILL BE REPRESENTED AT STATE FARM SHOW, Jains Cattle, Prize Hogs, Lamb! County that at the request of Congressman Clubs, Chickens from Farms will be on E tion. From all indications Centre éoun- ty will be well representéd at | State farm products show at Har | according to county agent R. C. Blaney. The county lamb club will be on hand with an exhibit of ten pens of lambs. The club members will at- tend the State 4H club camp, which Iwill be held in connection with the ter off without him, whether he is sane or insane. —Because of the change in values the estate of Samuel Mather, of Cleveland, depreciated ninety-one million dollars in the last few years. Once it was one hundred million, now it is nine® The ninety per cent drop probably was due solely to the prick that the inexorable law of supply and demand gave inflation. —An item in our “Fifty Years Ago in Centre County” was especial- ly picked out of the Watchman's files for the consideration of those who think that prohibition and tem- perance mean the same thing. We urge them to turn to page four of this issue and decide for them- side man of all work at the Hickok home. The girl was alone in the Hickok home at the time of the tragedy and the only knowledge of what actually occurred was derived from the voluntary confession of the prisoner. The Hickoks live on the back road, abut half a mile from the main prison buildings. Dr. and Monday, and motored to Waynart, Wayne county, which is not far from Farview, where the home for the criminal insane is located and where the doctor was stationed be- ‘fore coming to Rockview about five years ago. Miss Hickok and her younger brother, Wallace S., aged selves whether “Kohley's” liquor or 11 years, were left alone in the “Kohley's” turkey had the most to home. Another prisoner, whose with intemperance on a certain name could not be learned, acted as in Milesburg. {chef and general houseman, with - | Collins as guard. —Mr. a : Schuelling wo a At the usual time, Wednesday heavy wi hampioh, ced MOTRINg, the Hickok boy was taken country again announced |, chool with other children in that that a million is his objective. He | eighborhod, leaving his sister the expects to remain with us only & oy one in the house except the year and he will likely accomplish | 6 According to Collins he kept purpose. Max is only a Prize g.icn on the outside of the house fighter. He is not a great captain |, ni pe saw the chef going to the he will probably oar to look after the furnace when shirts who have ,. pagtily removed his shoes, went that he can 4, the kitchen and secured a pay, even If icone knife then hastened up the stairs. Miss Hickok was just get- just come back to our ting up and he saw her listened to the through a crack of Piqua, Ohio. They | door being slightly York vaudeville rage went to the bathroom and hid be- down three hind the door where he laid in wait for doing their until Miss Hickok entered when he Our interest in grabbed her, and according to his otten only because John | story, committed the assault and late Bill Mills, the then cut her throat with the butch- efonte’'s negro barbers, |er knife, almost severing the head from the body. | He then went down stairs, out of ‘the house and after putting on his ‘shoes walked to the main prison ountry chips in to pay four building and into the office of deputy br ay ie a ach ae man, MA Soe a | y told w e e an | added, “now put me on the chair.” —We heard a very Preity i Collins was placed in a cell and of- as bP He Bellefonte Te "| ficers dipatched to the Hickok home enings . |to ascertain if the man had reall having witnessed the promptuets | committed the crime, and the dead with with both Sumpadiss. 1a Te hody of the girl, lying in a pool of spunied = Sere A yatoned | blood on the bathroom floor, con- business a tonal a UM he sad story. The tragedy firemen abou shing a | place some time between 9.30 roof fire a gentleman remarked that gp4 10 o'clock and it was 10.05 he couldn't see why insurance rates when officers found her body. ought not to go down in the face of planket of secrecy was at once such splendid equipment and men as thrown over the entire prison as a Bellefonte has reason to boast of. precaution against a general upris- “The person to whom he had address- ing among the 964 prisoners and so ed his remark suggested that if effective was this precaution that it rates didn’t drop in consequence of was not until noontime that an ink- g at nine o'clock. BC and try to figure out for £ o ‘Mrs. Hickok left the penitentiary, on ‘in the doorway, the show, under the direction of the State 4H club office at State Col- lege. The lambs will be on exhibi- tion the entire week of the show and will be judged either Thursday ‘afternoon or Friday morning, and | sold at auction on Friday afternoon. ‘George Luse, of Centre Hall, club |ieador, will assist the club members spirited citizen, and the deep appre- Boning at Harrisburg. The following ciation of your unselfish and effi- 20° SE gis Wa attend the show cient efforts for the welfare of our Carl Tl der hE [iy year: community.” Each of the hundred oo on State ’ College: Ma. t citizens who participated in the po Te Tall: Re re nd testimonial signed the parchment. | State College; William Hip i Speakers of the evening were Gen: Minnie Tate, State College; John Henry Frizzell and Dr. S. W. Richard Luse, Centre Hall; Eugene Fletcher, the one tracing the early pederer, State College; Charles history of the borough and the oth- garter, Nittany; Richard Ross, Cen- er giving the story of its develop | tre Hall. : ment during the years Leitzell serv- ed on the borough council. The re- ar Rebekah Lodge ' St ae Stove tiring president had been head of the "this Pr including pod board since 1922. ‘and Clinton counties, in the State At the last regular meeting of the ope act play contest. They will retiring council, the burgess and present “Mother's Old Home,” The council members passed a testimon- group is being coached by Mrs. D. jal resolution expressing “theirdeep § Peterson, Pine Grove Mills, appreciation and understanding of | directed by Mrs. Alfred Albright, of the lasting value of the large con- pennsylvania Furnace. The players tribution of service” which Leitzell in the group are as follows: Mrs. made during his years in public of- Carrie Wieland, Kathyrn Dreibelbis, fice. Clair Irvin, Ruth Frank, Edna M. | pee | Albright, Mrs. Mary Walker, Fos- WITNESS FEES IN CIVIL ter Musser. The play will be pre- CASES HARD TO COLLECT. sented in the little theatre in the | — ‘State show building. On Saturday a man who Was &! ry, representatives of Centre ‘witness in a civil action tried almost ,ounty will compete for the State parchment scroll which set forth that “In grateful recognition of | your sixteen years of devoted serv- ice as a member of the council of the Borough of State-College, Penn- sylvania, we, the undersigned citi- zens, on your retirement, wish to express the high esteem in which we hold you as a useful and public- court appeared at the court house jn the State contest, which will be and asked for his witness fees. neld in the arena = the show build- Prothonotary S. Claude Herr Was jng on Monday and Tuesday of next compelled to inform him thatthere eek. The preliminaries will be were no fees there for him as the | run off on Monday and the finals on costs in the case had not been paid. | Tuesday. Representatives from Cen- The man looked as if he needed the tre county are Howard Stere, Onion- money and could have made good! yille, and Lester P. Fiedler, Aarons- use of it, but, under the present burg. These men were the winners laws governing civil actions, there of the county horseshoe pitching is no way for a witness to get his contest held at the Grange fair in fees until the judgment and costs Centre Hall. (are paid by the man who loses the | tn the dairy cattle show Peters case. | Brothers, of Stormstown, will exhibit | An investigation of the appear- leight head of pure-bred Holstein ance docket in the Prothonotary's cattle. Advance information indi- office reveals many cases in which cates that the dairy cattle show will the costs have never been paid. In bring together some of the best fact there are probably thousands of competition Pennsylvania can pro- 'dollars standing on the docket. duce. ‘Some of it, of course, is because the | The hog show and sale will include cases have not yet been finally set- three ie gilts bred and exhibit- 'tled, but there is no doubt that oq py Hartle Brothers, Bellefonte; A there are thousands of dollars that one Poland China gilt bred and ex- ‘never will be paid, and the men pipited by Peters Brothers, Storms- and women who appeared in town; and 8 gilts of various breeds |as witnesses, many of them bearing pred and exhibited by the Animal their own expenses, will never be Husbandry department of the Penn- 're-imbursed for their outlay or paid gylyania State College. The prac- for their time. tice of holding a sale will be follow- such efficiency he might be justified in decreasing his policies. Where- | upon the enthusiast said: “Gad, I don't see the use of having any.| I'm going to cancel mine when they | expire.” peni —Miss Katharine Lindsay, of New York, resigned her six thousand dol- | lar a year position as executive as-| sistant to Governor Pinchot, on Wed- | nesday of last week. If we are to believe stories that leak out of the Governor's sanctum sanctorum Katie didn’t do anything but look wise for the six “grand” that the taxpayers of Pennsylvania paid her. When the Governor came riding into Bellefonte in the fall of 1930 wearing the ten quart hat that somebody from Texas | gave him, cordons of highway pa- trolmen clearing the way and a loud | speaker announcing that a new Moses was at hand, we could think of nobody else than Phineas 3 Barnum, the greatest showman on earth. Certainly Gif. looked a he | man then. We hadn't the slightest idea that his real name ought to have been Mr. Henry Peck. On' Tuesday, in Philadelphia, the Gov- | erness announced that her aspira- | tions to represent the Fifteenth Dis- trict of Pennsylvania in Congress were not predicated on any thought of support of President Hoover. Ac- cording to her statement the public is to take it for granted that he will fade from the presidential pic- | ture this year. The Lindsay inci- dent and the frequent pronuncia- mentos of Cornelia leave us in wonderment as to whether a ten quart hat or step-ins really rules the roost in Harrisburg. i in Bellefonte for trial for murder. | tentiary | county. | coming to the penitentiary about five | Bellefonte and State College. ‘was engaged to be married during | the coming summer to William Tut- | at his ling of the tragedy seeped into the Under the circumstances it seems main business office. (as if there should be a law of some | In the meantime Coroner W. R. kind requiring all litigants in civil Heaton and county detective Leo cases to post a bond in a sufficient Boden had been summoned to the amount to guarantee the payment tentiary and an inquest Was of witness fees and court costs. held in the afternoon which resulted | This might result in keeping some in the return of a verdict of wilful people from rushing into court on a and deliberate murder through a flimsy pretext, but it would guard spirit of revenge. As soon as the men and women from wasting their inquest was over Collins was brought | time and money for the sole purpose | to Bellefonte under guard of deputy of pulling some other person's warden McFarland and a state po-| chestnuts out of the fire. liceman and taken before Judge M.! Ward Fleming, who issued a special commitment for his return to the western penitentiary at Pittsburgh, learning the sad news of his fiance's | where he will be kept until wanted | murder. In addition to her par-| ‘ents she is survived by two broth-| | ers, Carlton S., a professor in music, Following enactment of the hor- rible tragedy officials at the peni- at Gainesville, Ga., and Wallace S., started a hunt for Dr. and at home. | Mos Hickok but it was not until| Funeral services were held at the after the noon hour that they were family home, last evening, and this finally located in Harrisburg on their morning the remains wiil be taken way home. They were informed to Meshoppen, for burial. | that their daughter had met with | Collins is a native of Shippens-| an accident and did not know the burg, Cumberland county. From extent of thelr bereavement until|there he migrated to Beaver Falls, | they arrived at the penitentiary | thence to Allegheny county where, about four o'clock. |in 1924, he was convicted of second Miss Hickok was 25 years old and | degree murder and sent to was born at Meshoppen, Wyoming itentiary for ten to twenty years. She was educated in the Evincing a tendency to insanity schools in thai locality and studied while in the Pittsburgh institution | music at Gainesville, Ga. Since he was transferred to Rockview and | placed in the psychopathic ward un-| der observation and direct control of | Dr. Hickok. The latter did not consider him at all dangerous and made him man of all outside work home. The very fact that he was in the psychopathic ward may lead to his escape from the electric chair. the pen- | years ago she had become quite pop- ular among the social set both in She tle, of Honesdale, but no date for the wedding had been named. Mr. Tut- tle came to Rockview at once on ed as in the past years. This will be an excellent opportunity for farmers over the State to purchase some well bred gilts. Judging at the swine show will take place on In the poultry show J. C. Robin- son, of Spring Mills, will exhibit | In addition to the above mention- ed exhibitors, a number of individ- uals are expecting to send in ex- hibits of corn, small grains, milk, eggs, Etc. Boys and girls in vocationai work over the county, under the direction of W. S. Jeffries, E. H. Dale and John Decker, are preparing and sending in a large number of ex- hibits, productions of their agricul- tural projects. Dairymen of Centre county will also have an opportunity to display their products at the show, county agent, R. C. Blaney, annouces. The milk division has been enlarged and a total of 79 individual prizes will reward the exhibitors of the winning samples in the coming event. Three new features are included. ease and tuberculosis. Another new class is included for farmer-retailers. Each of the raw milk classes is di- vided the size of the The main purpose to stimulate interest in the produc- tion of quality milk. The quality of the milk is measured by the bacteria count, sediment test, flavor and odor. This means that all samples are sub- mitted to a rigid laboratory inspec- | CONGRESSMAN KURTZ URGES LOCAL LABOR ON CLEARFIELD POSTOFFICE rd \ A dispatch from Washington says | Kurtz, of Blair county, treasury of- | ficials have asked the contractor in charge of the erection of the new | postoffice building, in Clearfield to | give preference to local labor, and | also demanded that the prevailing wage scale be paid to employees. Kurtz's aid was solicited by Dr. A. W. Cowdrick, treasurer of Clearfield county, who evidently ignored his own townsman, Congressman Chase. Ciwdrick represents one faction of ‘the Republican party in Clearfield |county and Chase the other, and this act of the County Treasurer shows very plainly where he will ‘line up in the pending fight for the | Congressional nomination in this Dis- trict. And speaking of postoffice build- ings, wonder what has become of ‘the Bellefonte prospect. The build- ings on Allegheny street selected as | the proposed sight for the new post- ‘office have all been vacated by their original tenants but so far no con- demnation proceedings have been in- stituted. In fact the garage build- |ing vacated by Harry A. Rossman is now being used by Mr. Krader as a depot for second hand automobiles, ‘which he has undertaken to dispose | of. COUNTY BANKS HOLD | ANNUAL MEETINGS. The annual meeting of the stock- holders of the First National bank, | of Bellefonte, was held in the direc- |tor's room of the bank on Tuesday | morning. All the officers and direc- | tors were re-elected for the ensuing year and no changes made in the of- | fice force. | The world-wide business depres- | sion produced conditions not con- |ducive to progress, stated the presi- | dent, but the earnings were well maintained and there are indications | that the worst period of the depres- | sion has passed. ajar. He then |g year ago in the Centre county champion horseshoe pitching honors | FARMERS NATIONAL | Stockholders of the Farmers Na- | tional bank of Bellefonte met in the banking house here on Tuesday af- {ternoon and re-elected all the re- | tiring members of the board of di- | rectors. | The new board organized by re- electing all the old officers with the | exception of vice president | Hockman. He asked to be relieved | of the duty and Van S. Jodon was | selected for the position. | FIRST NATIONAL, STATE COLLEGE | The annual meeting of the First | National bank, of State College, was | held on Tuesday of last week. Hon. | John T. McCormick was re-elected | president; N. E. Hess, first vice pres- ident; Claude G. Aikens, second vice | president; L. E. Kidder, third vice president, and D. F. Kapp, cashier. | The board of directors includes | the following: Maurice Baum, Theo- dore D. Boal, J. M. Campbell, J. Laird Holmes, J. H. McCracken, D. S. Peterson, P. B. Brenneman and R. H. Smith. During the meeting cashier Kapp stated that during the year twenty- nine million in clearings had been was done daily. The usual dividend of $24,000 was paid and in addition $20,000 was set aside in the reserve fund and charged to bank equip- ment. FIRST NATIONAL, HOWARD. The annual meeting of the stock- holders of the First National bank, { | house on Tuesday afternoon, the en- re-elected. The board then re-elect- ed Dr. W. J. Kurtz, president; T. A. Pletcher, vice president; W. K. Mec- Dowell, cashier, and W. C. Thomp- son, assistant cashier. ————— ps ———t. APPRECIATION. Mrs. Harry Greenberg and her daughters desire to express their ap- preciation and gratefulness for the kindly ministration of their friends and neighbors through their recent | period of bereavement. ed tion, the results of which are re- corded and scored. At the end of the show the score card is mailed to the contestant to inform him of the quality of his milk. To produce a sample of milk with a low bacteria count, it is very necessary to treat all milk equip- ment to boiling water temperature, to wash the cows clean, particular- ly around the udders, and to cool the milk immediately after drawing Harrisburg where it will be put in cold storage at once. A. P| made through the bank, which means that approximately $100,000 business | of Howard, was held in the banking | tire board of directors having been | and to keep it cold until it reaches | gor SPAWLS FROM THE KEYSTONE. —Elmer E. Hague, of New Castle, has ' filed claim to a share in the reward of- | fered for the capture of Irene Schroeder | and W. Glenn Dague, executed slayers of | Corporal Brady Paul, State highway pa- trolman, —Tioga county's twenty-seventh pro- | ducing gas well was brought in at Farm- ington last Thursday. The flow of the | well was estimated at 5,000,000 cubic | feet a day. It was the sixth producer brought in by the Allegheny Gas com- i ward Seleskie, Shamokin, was | awarded $10,000 for the loss of a leg by a jury in a suit against the Harrisburg Auto company, His mother was award- ed $3117. The youth suffered the loss | of his leg when he was run down by & | truck owned by the defendant. —Webster G. Drew, former city treas. urer of Bradford, has been released from ‘4al]l after he obtained a reduction in the amount of bail required in connection with his arrest on embezzlement charges. Drew's bond was set at $50,000 after he waived preliminary hearing. The court later reduced the amount to $10,000 and it was furnished. | —A 16-year-old boy told State and Pennsylvania Railroad police how he wrecked an S0-car freight train, causing the death of one man and damage of $350,000. The boy, Luther Mazur, of Cresscn Shaft, one of the 11 children in his family, said he turned an angle cock near the front of the train as itap- protiched the dangerous Horseshoe Curve. —Miss Lillian Body, employee of the New Castle Reick-McJunkin Dairy com- pany branch has been charged with em- bezzling from $6,000 to $8,000 of com- pany funds. She has been missing, po- | lice said, since Sunday. The woman has | been bookkeeper and cashier in the office | for many years. Information was made before Alderman L. C. Mantz against the woman. —A voluntary wage reduction of twen- ty cents an hour has been taken by union carpenters of DuBois as the out- come of a meeting held Thursday eve- ning when the scale was pared down from $1.10 to 90 cents an hour. Mem- | bers of the union took the initiative in "the cut, and following considerable dis- cussion the new wage scale proposed was adopted by the body. —A man who gave his name as A. J. Lanning, of Pittsburgh, was arrested at the New Fallon hotel, in Lock Haven, Saturday morning charged with obtain- ing money under false pretenses in a | fraudulent claim of being the promoter for a large steel mill to be located at Renovo. He was given a hearing be- fore a justice of the peace at Renovo and held in $2000 bail for court. — Edward Wolf, 15, living on the Ber- wick branch of the Pennsylvania Rail- road, on Monday prevented wrecking of a 15-car freight train. The boy discov- ered a landslide on a curve, Knowing the freight was about due, he hurried up the track and flagged it with a red hand- kerchief. The landslide covered one rail for 20 feet. William Royer, the engi- neer, sald the crew could not have seen the slide until too late to stop the train. —Twenty-one cases of epidemic catarr- - hal jaundice in Locust township, Co- | lJumbia county, are being investigated by physicians to determine the cause of the | second epidemic there in three years. Dr. C. L. Johnston, of Catawissa, at- | tending all of the patients, said all the | cases are mild. With pathologists of the Geisinger hospital he has taken blood | cultures and started research into the | ailment. Seventeen cases are among boys ‘and men. —All passengers traffic on the Sunbury and Lewistown branch of the Pennsyl- vania Railroad will be discontinued Jan- uary 16. Originally built as an inde- pendent line with the intention of pro- viding a short cut from Sunbury to | Pittsburgh, by way of Lewistown, finan- | cial difficulties were encountered and the | enterprise was sold at auction to the | present owners. A bus schedule will be | inaugurated to take the place of the trains which will be removed. —Compensation of $10,000 for the wid- ow of Charles V. Weaver, explosive ex- pert, fatally injured in the Easton, Pa., bomb explosions has been asked of Con- gress. The two postal clerk victims, Edward Werkheiser and John House, also left widows and other dependents, who will be provided for under the reg- ular postoffice compensation law. Their wives will receive 35 per cent of the men's salaries as long as they live, and will get 10 per cent. addition for each minor child. —Coal ‘‘bootleggers” are blamed for the mine cave-in at Pittston, Saturday night when 28 homes were damaged. The checker vein, underlying the affect- | ed area, was worked years ago by an operator named White who removed all coal except pillars which he left to sup- port the surface. A preliminary exam- ination has revealed that most of the pillars have been removed. Investiga- | tors found an improvised conveyer line | containing several buckets with which it | is believed miners removed illegally the coal through an opening in the rear of | St. Mary's cemetery. ' —Twenty years of service to the | Shamokin State hospital were rounded ' out January 8 by Dr. George W. Reese, | superintendent and surgeon-in-chief., Dr. | Reese is the first and only chief the Shamokin hospital has ever had. In its twenty years of existence he has super- vised treatment of nearly 60,000 patients. Approximately 40,000 operations have been performed in the score of years and the operative mortality rate for the per jod is only 4 per cent. Dr. Reese has appeared in Bellefonte on two occasions | as the principal speaker at special serv- |jces in the Methodist church. —The New York Central Railroad com- pany has applied to the Public Service Commission for permission to abandon temporarily its line between Dimeling and Curry Run, Clearfield county. The company contends the passenger service, operated by motor car between the two points in the past year has been oper- ated at a great loss, and the freight trains have had little or no business in recent months because the coal mines in | that section are shut down. The line is 194 miles in length. A motor car runs once daily between the two stations passengers. The railroad claims it has had only about LB carloads of freight | weekly for several months.