Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, January 08, 1932, Image 7

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    i Wal
Bellefonte, Pa. January 8,
Your Health
(Continued from last week.)
A Federal Board of Maternity and
infant Hygiene, composed of the
+hief of the Children's Bureau, the
jurgeon general of the United States
3ublic Health Service, and the Unit-
3d States Comissioner of Education
was authorized to approve State
slans. The administration of the
Act was put in the hands of the
Shildren’s Bureau, which added a
special division for the purpose. Its
part was to help the States by ar-
ranging conferences of State direc-
tors, by field and office consultations,
oy lending a doctor or nurse to put
on demonstrations or conduct a sur-
vey, and by auditing accounts. But
the States were to carry out the
wvork themselves, by whatever means
they chose. And so they did, forty-
five of them eventually, and Hawaii.
The establishment of health centers
and of health conferences of differ-
ent types, the distribution of litera-
ture, home visits of nurses, prenatal
letters and correspondence courses,
training courses
and lectures, were the parts of a
pattern put together differently in
different States. Instead of figures
let one or two letters show how
human and close a relationship ex-
jsts between the State Bureaus and
the people it serves:
“Dear Friends at Division of Child
Hygiene: I will write you folks a
letter and thank you very many
times for the help of your leters. I
sure was glad to get them. I have
learned many things out of them.
I hope that you are helping all your
many other ladies. We have receiv-
ed a wonderful baby girl of which
we are very proud.’—And another:
«T wish to say that I found the free
course I took on maternity and in-
fancy a great benefit to me both
before and after my second child
was born. It made all the differ-
ence in the world between my first
and second child.”
That sounds innocent enough, and
yet this modest measure for social
service has been the storm center of
a great controversy; and no doubt
a similar measure next winter will
draw fire.
The objections of ‘Sheppard-Town-
er opponents ran into long and
formidable words—bureaucracy, -
ternalism, and even Bolshevism. It
was indeed charged more than once
in Co that the maternity and
infancy legislation was nothing more
nor less than a huge plot, inspired
by Moscow, to take American chil-
dren away from their homes and
nationalize them. Of course this
was only hysteria, for it was easy
enough to find out that no member
of a child health center, no agent of
the Government could so much as
enter a home without permission, or
thrust even advice on any mother
who didn’t want it.
As for bureaucracy, the adminis-
trative staff of the Children's Bu-
reau during most of the seven years
consisted of only three doctors, three
nurses, an auditor, a secretary, and
two clerks. Not much of a bu-
reaucracy in that, especially as the
States were free to accept or reject
at will.
Then there was the argument first
cousin to the one about bureaucracy
over the federal interference with
State rights. People who object sin-
cerely along this line must logically
object just as much to federal inter- |
ference in the form of aid for roads,
farm relief, food inspection, and the
like. But many seem, strangely
enough, to take alarm only when
mothers’ and babes’ lives are at
All these bogies rose up when it
for midwives, talks
was time to get the appropriation
extended. However, January,
1927, it was extended for two years
beyond the original five; but only
after the friends of the measure had
agreed that at the end of those two
years the Sheppard-Towner Act
Should be repealed. Before that date
came new bills were introduced to
carry on the same Pp .: But
none passed, and on June 30, 1929,
the Act ended.
| The campaign fora new bill went
steadily forward. Several measures
were introduced in the Seventy-first
Congress, and each House passed a
reasonably satisfactory measure.
The Jones Bill, which virtually con-
tinued the provisions of the Shep-
pard-Towner Act, was passed in the
‘Senate. The House approved a bill
‘that included an appropriation for
rural health units as well as for
maternity and infancy work.
But the bills were too far
to be harmonized easily,
work of adjustment lagged. Finally
an agreement was reached and the
friends of the bill believed it was to
be a story with a happy ending be-
fore the last gavel banged. But
alas, the changed bill reached the
| Senate in its closing hours and,
along with other measures of im-
portance, was sacrificed to a filibus-
ter for a purpose quite unrelated to
any of them.
The filibustering Senator shouldn't
bear the full blame, of course. Con-
gress had been in session about six-
teen months after the expiration of
the Sheppard-Towner Act. There
was plenty of time.
(Concluded next week.)
The sound of the locust heard
over this land was the principal
worry of the United States Bureau
of Intomology in 1931, Dr. C. L.
| Marlatt, bureau chief, indicates in
i his annual report to the Secretary
of Agriculture.
| Unlike the Rocky Mountain lo-
'custs of last century, these grass-
hoppers did not swarn in unexpect-
| edly, says Dr. Marlatt, but were
predicted by entomologists. With
conditions for their increase highly
favorable and at the same time un-
| favorable for the diseases and other
natural agencies which normally
| check these pests, the numbers al-
| ways present in the Great Flains
‘area increased tremendously. The
| onslaught of the grasshoppers came
|as a direct result of the droughts of
| 1929 and 1930.
Unfortunately, Dr. Marlatt says,
'the two known effective measures
| against grasshoppers were not tak-
| en, one method being poisoning the
| young hoppers, and the other being
| destroying the
| vating the ground, thus exposing the
| eggs to winter weather.
| Throughout the past year new
‘ways of combating pests by insecti-
| cides, by parasites that are natural
enemies of “many ~~ insects, and by
| modification of farm practices, have
| been devised and tested in the labor-
| atory and in the field. Dr. Marlatt
| reports’ progress in preventing or
| decreasing the farmer's losses from
“hundreds of dangerous pests.
Three students of the Pennsylva-
nia State College have been Sug-
| gested for Pennsylvania nominations
for Rhodes Scholarships. Two are
from the School of Education, Harry
, W. Porter, of Pittsburgh, and George
| Fisanick, of Barnesboro, while the
| third, Harry W. Brick, of Philadel-
| phia, is enrolled in the School of Ag-
Every year 32 American students
are sent to Oxford University, Eng,
for two years on Rhodes Scholar-
ships. To select these men the
United States is divided into eight
districts of six States each. Each
| State makes two nominations from
| the candidates submitted, and from
| these nominees the scholarship men
jare selected.
| —In 63 early sweet corn variety
demonstrations conducted on truck
| farms of Pennsylvania during 1931
Barly Market was the growers’
choice of earliest white and Golden
| Barly Market their first choice of
| earliest yellow corn.
egg masses by culti- |’
Fuzz from deer horns, choice bris-
tles from pigs’ necks, gallstones from
steers, human hair, dried beetles,
cricket dust, and beef blood are a few
of the commodities mentioned in a
recent report of the National Geo-
graphic Society, dealing with some
strange things that enter into world
Chinese fuzz collectors hunt young
deer, scrape their newly sprouted
horns for a fuzz-like substance, and
ship it to Chinese settlements in
many foreign countries, where the
Orientals use the fuzz for medicinal
purposes. In the mixed cargoes
from Chinese ports, customs inspec-
tons find cases of pig bristles, des-
tined to foreign brush manufactur-
ers; ground dried crickets, a native
Chinese medicine for cancer and
fever; dired egg yolks and albumen
which find their way into American
apart | and European confections, baked
and the | goods and medicines.
Down the Yangtze from remote
parts of China, native crafts sail
with cargoes of tung oil, an im-
portant ingredient of oilcloth and
varnish that will not waterstain;
and sticklac, the sap of an Oriental
tree which is used by the manufac-
turers of shellac and sealing wax.
Human hair is still shipped from
China to the United States, where
it is treated and dyed, returned to
China to be made into hair nets, and
reshipped to the United States.
China also receives some strange
cargoes. Seaweed from the Asiatic
coasts is shipped to Chinese and oth-
‘er Oriental ports, where it is pre-
pared for fertilizer, while some of
it furnishes ingredients for glue.
Gallstones from Argentina are pop-
ular as charms among certain Chi-
Chinese and Japanese importers
purchase supplies of beche de mer,
sea worms from the waters of the
East Indies and Australia, for pala-
table soap; while there is a steady
trade among the people of the East
Indies and those of the Asiatic con-
tinent in betel nut, the fruit of the
betel palm, which is the chewing
tobacco of the Kast. Betel-nut
chewing blackens the mouths of
many men, women and children of
he Pacific islands and continental
Asia who indulge in this habit.
Japanese chrysanthemums are
bundled and shipped to many parts
of the world and used in the manu-
facture of insecticides. Ethiopia
adds to the strange list of commodi-
ties a liquid extracted from the
civet cat; this liquid is used by per-
fume manufacturers. The Canary
Islands contribute cochineal, little
red bugs collected from cactus
leaves. They are shipped to Eng-
land and Germany and used in dye
Italy has a corner on the world
supply of orris root, largely used in
perfumes, sachets, and medicines,
and there is a shortage in the sup-
ly of the commodity. Dragon's
lood, red resinous substance from
an Oriental palm tree, used in" the
United States and Europe to color
varnish, is produced and exported
by Siam.
Peru is the native home of the
cinchona tree, from the bark of
which quinine is produced, but Java
now produces a large supply for ex-
port. The same ships that trans-
port cinchona bark from Java carry
cargoes of kapok, used in the United
States and Europe as stuffing for
pillows, cushions, and lifesaving ap-
Argentina is the source of about
half of the United States’ import of
cattle blood, which is used chiefly in
the Slatiatgihare 3: Surviiiack, Brazil A DISASTROUS FIRE
furnishes wor large quan- ESTROYS RAILRO.
tities of animal bones, bone dust, p oy a1 SHOPS
One of the most disastrous fires
trade, particularly to the exporters that ever occurred in Altoona took
of Mexican jumping beans. The Place on Sunday when the Twelfth
small brown, bean contains Street shops of the Pennsylvania
a worm. When the worm moves so railroad were almost completely de-
does the bean. Tons of jumping stroyed. The box shop, the bolt
beans have been displayed and sold ghop, machine and airbrake shops
in the United States. ‘were entirely destroyed, while the
Al -
J Jtiough’ the, Uuited States Joi |iorgor portion of erecting shop No
thousands of tons of sawdust, the '2 and about one-third of erecting
demand for oatmeal wall-paper, lin: wo
olenm. bakelite, artificial wood, and |
other products in which sawdust is
used requires the importation of this : :
commodity. i ting
“So you use three pairs of glasses,
professor ?"”
Yes, one pair for long sight, one
pair for short sight, and the third
to look for the other two.”
of gelatine, ,glue and soap.
Human amusement is a boon
at the
There is mo style of work,
the cheapest “Dodger”
to the fin
that we can not do im the most
satisfactory manner, and at Prices
consistent with the class of work.
po on or communicate with this
° .
® oo @ A
Storm |
shop No. 1 were destroyed. The
loss is placed at from $1,500,000 to.
The fire originated in the bolt
shop about 9 o'clock in the morning
and it was late in the afternoon
when it was brought under control.
At the present time 1100 men were
working in the shops destroyed and
practically all of them will be giv-
en work in other shops.
This Interests You
The Workman's Compensation
Law went into effect Jan. 1,
1916. It makes insurance com-
pulsory. We specialize in plac-
ing such insurance. We inspect
Plants and recommend Accident
Prevention Safe Guards which
Reduce Insurance rates.
It will be to your interest to
consult us before placing your
State College Bellefonte
OMMY and Myra
peered through the
window. Whirling snow
blotted out the landscape.
Buffeting wind piled the
highway with snow drifts :
: and whistled around
Grandma's house.
“We can't go home while
it's storming,” Tommy ob-
served sagely. Then
Grandma answered the |
friendly tinkle of the tele-
“Certainly,” they heard
her say. “They'll be right
with me.” It was Mother
calling and Tommy and |
Myra scrambled onto the |
chair to reach the tele-
phone. Daddy would |
come for them when the |
blizzard was over, they
were told.
For two days the storm
raged, but in Grandma's
cozy home no one minded.
With the telephone handy
and Mother at the other
end, Tommy and Myra
enjoyed every minute of
that record storm. :
The modern i
farm home has 1
Hope for a return
normal conditions.
be our guiding star.
Fan OPE.
The World Now is Living On Hope
Meanwhile courage, and confi-
dence in the country’s future should
to something like
This will come in
eT NIE Ie eo Tal Le te
5 Baney’s Shoe Store g i
0 WILBUR H. BANEY, Proprietor :
2 830 years in the Business if
ele ae eee
eee Tee
U~ co-operation with WEST PENN POWER COMPANY many
sleetrie refrigerator dealers have
able to their customers. This is the easiest ev
A coin meter is pro
made the Meter-ice Plan avail-
er purchase plan.
vided with your new electrie refrigerator—and
all you need do to own the refrigerator is drop
the meter each day until the full purchase price is made up.
Even the larger models may be purchased on Meter=-ice Plan,
just by depositing additional “quarters”.
See Your Electric Refrigerator Dealer Today!
a “quarter” into
a a
Warm Winter Gi Alng
We have it, and Priced Lower than at.
It’s here, if man or boy wears it.