Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, January 01, 1932, Image 8

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Bellefonte, Pa., January 1, 1832.
TE —
— A late winter showing of hats
at the Hat Shop. See them at once.
Nothing over $1.00
——Firemens' relief associations
in Centre county, will this year re-
ceive $2794 from the State as their
allotment of the two per cent tax
on foreign fire insurance companies.
Bellefonte and Philipsburg are the
only towns in the county having re-
lief associations and the money will
be divided between them on a pro
rata basis.
—Word was received in Bellefonte
yesterday afternoon of the death of
Mrs. M. A. Landsy, at a hospital in
Philadelphia, at 1.30 o'clock. She had
gone to the city for Christmas at her
home, became quite ill and was tak-
en to the hospital yesterday morn-
ing. When the funeral will be held
is not yet known.
——0. O. McIntyre, columnist for
‘the Philadelphia Record, says: “The
sensational Mills boys on the radio
are Piqua, O. lads.” John Mills,
son of the late William Mills, of
this place, told us during the sum-
mer that the boys referred to are
his sons. He lives in Piqua, but
spent last summer here in charge of
his father's barber shop.
———Among recent appointments
-announced by Governor Pinchot was
that of Edmund Blanchard, of Belle-
fonte, as an attorney in the Depart-
ment of Justice at a =alary of $2400
a year. His work will consist of
the investigation of claims for com-
pensation under the workmen's com-
pensation board, and his headquar-
ters will be in Bd 'efonte.
The Bellefonte branch of the
National Electric Association, which
includes employees of the West Penn
Power company, held a banguet at
the Penn Belle hotel on the evening
of December 17th. Covers were
laid for 112 and all taken. On
“Tuesday afternoon of last week the
association gave a kiddies party to
about one hundred children in the
State theatre.
——On Wednesday evening of last
‘week some ten or twelve employees |
; visions.
was located near Amity Hall, York
charge of larceny.
pending an investigation.
| tiary authorities,
Arrested for Breaking Into the
Hazel Bungalow On Spring Creek.
afternooon of last week, by private
Sabol, of the Rockview detail State
police, after he had broken into the
bungalow of George Hazel, on Spring
creek, and cooked himself a good
meal from provisions found in the
camp. Following his arrest he
confessed to having broken into the
Dale Summit school house, on Sat-
urday, and stolen several lead pen-
.cils and fountain pens, and also of
forcing an entrance into the Shiloh
church, Sunday evening, where he
spent the night.
“Dr.” Powers, as he gave his
name, is originally from York coun-
ty. Fifteen or twenty years ago
he drifted to Indiana county where
he drove a team in a lumber camp.
While there he was arrested and
convicted of larceny, and was sent
to the penitentiary for one to two
years. He was transferred to
Rockview and released on parole
about the middle of September, 1921.
A month later he reappeared in the
vicinity of the Rockview institution
carrying a double-barrelled shot-gun,
and authorities there jumped to the
conclusion that he was planning the
escape of some of the prisoners but
he denied any such intention, claim.
ing that he had
county on a hunting trip.
Several mornings later a team of
horses, harness and a spring wagon
were missing from the barn of John
White, and the cabin of Hazel Houser,
on Spring creek, had been robbed of
most of its bedding, several pieces’
of furniture and a quantity of pro-
Late in November White
county, with most of the stolen stuff
in his possession. He was arrested
and brought back to Centre county,
and on December 2nd, 1921, was
taken before Judge Quigley on the
Powers told the
court that he had bought the horses
and wagon from another man, and
spoke with such convincing earnest-
ness that sentence was suspended
however, were
come to Centre
Adamitz, who on November 6th was
sentenced on two charges of viola- |
tion of the liquor laws at his Hi-
Vue road-house, on the mountain
‘near Sandy Ridge, to pay a total
of $400 fine and 120 days in the
county jail, and Joseph Libretto,
who on November 10th was sentenc-
ed to pay a fine of $300 and serve
sixty days in jail for violating the
liquor laws at the Kew Gardens Inn.
Both paroles were granted to take
‘effect at six o'clock the evening be-
fore Christmas and on condition
that the fines and costs were paid
in full. The court, also, gave both
‘men to understand that if they
again appeared before him on a
similar charge they would be given
the maximum fine of $1000 and
three years at hard labor in the
Allegheny county work house. The
court also stated that they will be
held responsible for any violation
reported at their respective places
until he is convinced that a bon-
'afide sale of the establishments has:
been made.
Four escaped prisoners were sen-
| tenced, as follows:
Charles Cole, of Philadelphia coun-
ty, who got away from Rockview in
1929 and was captured at Allentown
about a month ago, 5 to 10 years in.
the western penitentiary.
Morgan Grimm, of Washington
county, 3 to 6 years.
Fred Warner, of Lackawanna
county, 3 to 10 years.
Carl White, of Allegheny county,
2'5 to 5 years.
J. W. Womer, of Oil City, impli-:
cated in the robbery of the offices
of the Citizens Building and Loan
Associaton, at Philipsburg, on De-
cember 8th, was given 5 to 10 years
in the penitentiary.
Clyde Conklin, implicated in the
robbery of the Penzoil filling sta-
tion, at Philipsburg, on December
‘Tth, was sent to the Allegheny
county work house for two to four
years. The six men were taken to
‘more of precipitation and 11
| inclusive is 39.6 degrees.
skeptical as to the truth of his story
Pittsburgh the same day. |
and he was recommitted to the in- |
Meteorologist Parker Reports that
November Established an All Time
Record for Temperature.
November, 1931, was unusually warm
and dry, but the total snowfall ex-
ceeded the normal amount by at
least 50 per cent.
The monthly mean temperature
was 46.8 degrees, the mean maxi-
mum 57.6 degrees and the mean
minimum 36.0 degrees. The ahso-
lute maximum temperature of the
month was 74.2 degrees on the 12th,
which is the highest ever recorded
in this vicinity during November un-
less exceeded by State College, rec-
ords for which are not yet available.
The lowest temperature was 23 de-
grees on the 7th, making an abso-
lute range of 51 degrees for the
month. Lower temperatures have
been recorded during every previous
year of record for November at the
Airport, the lowest being 1 degree
above zero in 1930. The day with
the most variable temperature was
the 9th, with a range of 42 degrees,
—(from 28 to 70 degrees),—with
the 10th a close second. The days
of most equable temperature were
the 27th and 28th, each with a
range of 5 degrees. The warmest
day was the 21st, witha mean tem-
perature of 64 degrees and the cold--
est was the 27th, with a mean tem-
perature of 30 degrees. There were
12 days with temperature below
freezing. The mean daily range in
temperature was 21.6 degrees and
the mean daily change was 6.0 de-
The total precipitation was
inch, with the greatest amount in
24 hours, 0.38 inch on the 30th.
There were 7 days with 0.01 inch or
with a trace. A trace or more of
snow occurred on 7 days, totaling
2.0 inches for the month. There
was no snow on the ground at the
end of the month at the Airport.
Dense fog occurred on the 16th,
17th, 19th, 22nd and 23rd. No
thunderstorms or hail occurred dur-
ing the month.
The mean temperature for No-
vember at the Airport, 1928 to 1930
The mean
temperature for November, 1928 to
1931 inclusive, is 41.4 degrees. There-
fore the mean temperature of the
—— er
has been his guest for the week.
—The Charles F, Cook's Christmas day
guest was Miss Lucretia Way, of the
| The weather for the month of dairy husbandry department, at Penn
—Mrs. W. T. Twitmire has returned to
Bellefonte after a Christmas visit with
_her son, John Brachbill and his family,
in Williamsport.
—Mrs. Henry Wetzel returned to Belle-
fonte, early in the week, from a Christ-
mas and week-end visit in Howard with
her daughter, Mrs. Pifer and her family.
—Miss Martha McClure, who was home
from Wilkinsburg last week, and Mr.
and Mrs. Samuel Waite, from Narberth,
for Christmas at the McClure home, all
left on Sunday,
—As has been their custom for a num-
per of years Mr. and Mrs, C. C. Shuey
and their daughter, Miss Rachel, drove
over to Kingston to be Christmas day
guests of Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Don-
—Miss Mary Parrish went to Philadel-
phia, Wednesday, to be a guest at sev-
eral New Year's day functions given in
ker honor and for a visit there with her
brother, Dr. Joseph Parrish and some
—Miss Henrietta Sebring, the elder
daughter of Dr. and Mrs. John Sebring,
and Mrs. Sebring's sister, Mrs. Mann,
who had made an unexpected visit to
Bellefonte for Christmas and the week-
end, returned to Philadelphia Sunday.
—J. Harris Hoy was in from Chicago
for a week's visit here with his sister,
Miss Anna Hoy. Leaving, Saturday, Mr.
Hoy had planned to stop in Crafton to
spend several days with his brother
Randolph, before going on to Chicago.
~Mrs. Oscar Wetzel
burgh, Wednesday of last week, with
friends and from there went to Am-
bridge. by train, to spend the holidays
and a part of January with her daugh-
ter, Mrs. McCoy and the McCoy family.
-~Miss Clara Louise Condo and Miss
Orpha M, LeGro, both of Altoona, spent
Christmas day in Bellefonte visiting Miss
Condo's father, Jury Commissioner J. C.
Condo, and other relatives here. Mr.
Condo entertained his guests at the
Markland for dinner.
—Miss Mary Hern, of Washington, D,
C., and a friend from New York city,
arrived in Bellefonte, Wednesday, to be
guests of Miss Mary Shoemaker until
Sunday. Miss Ellen Shoemaker, who
had been home with the family for more
than a week, returned to Devon the day
the other guests arrived.
drove to Pitts-
Arrangements are being completed by |
—Mrs, Horace Lincoln Jacobs, whe
| ticipates spending January and Febr
with her two sons in Florida, will
—Mrs. 8. S. McCormick, of Hut
burg, who has been visiting with
daughter,, Mrs. Lewis R. Lenhart, i
Petrikin Hall Apts., expects to remal
| Bellefonte until Spring.
~—Mr. and Mrs. John Blanchard’s ho
week house guests included Mrs. Ble
ards sister, Mrs. Edward Selfridge
Mr. Selfridge, of Washington, D. C.
a schoolmate of Miss Jean Blanc!
Miss Janet Appleton, of Antioch Col
—Mrs. Louis Grauer has been a
for several days of the week at
Markland, having come up from P
delphia, Tuesday, to look after her |!
ness interests in Bellefonte and f
short visit back home with a few of
—Mrs. George Kerstetter, of Ha
burg, and her two children, Waltor
Harrisburg, and Mrs. George Mead
Mr. Mead, of Bethlehem, were last +
guests of Mrs. Kerstetter's sisters,
H. C. Yeager and Mrs. Geisinger, at
Yeager home on Spring street,
Mrs. J. H, Harpster and her
‘ daughters were over from Philipst
Wednesday, for a part of the day,
object of their visit being a family
ture of the women from the McGa
, studio. Mrs. Harpster has two
also, but they were not included in
Wednesday party.
—Mrs. J. W. Barnhart and her da
ter, Miss Elizabeth, drove to Hazl
(for Christmas and were joined there
Mr. and Mrs, A. C. Harper and 1
two sons, of Wyomissing, all celebra
, the aay together as guests of Dr.
Mrs. Fred R. Seidel. The Barnt
| returned to Bellefonte Sunday evenir
~Mr, and Mrs. Samuel M, Hess
their daughter, Sars. were down |
State College, Wednesday, Mr. 1
looking after some business relative
starting with a clean page in his
year book. while Mrs. Hess and |
divided their time between the sl
and visiting with Mr. John Hess
Mrs. Schaeffer, at the Harvey Schac
home on east High street.
—Miss Elizabeth Larimer accompa
her uncle, Edward Schofield, to New }
, Tuesday, where she expects to spen
week or ten days with her aunt, 1
G. Ross Parker and her daughters. 1
James Schofield is also preparing
leave shortly for her annuesl winter +
with her daughters, Mrs. McGuinnis
‘Allentown, and the Parker fomily,,
the vicinity of New York city.
Mrs. O, G. Morgan to vacate the Mrs.
J. Will Conley property, on Logan street,
of the State Highway Department, stitution on the charge of breaking
living in Bellefonte, motored to Hecla | his parole.
Park and presented to George H.| A later investigation convinced
Yarnell a handsome watch and the authorities that Powers had lied
‘chain as evidence of the esteem in to the court and on September
which he was held during the years 22nd, 1922, he was again brought
‘he was maintenance superintendent before Judge Quigley and given a
of highways in Centre county. Joe sentence of five to six years in the
McDonough was the spokesman who penitentiary. When he was re-
made the presentation. | leased from the penitentiary several
——Both the Undine Logan | Years ago he went to Columbus,
fire companies LT cat | Ohio, where he had been most of the
for help fron burg, time since. |
- on su a OR oa When arrested, last week, Powers
ANOTHER ONE SENTENCED MONDAY | past month was more than 7 de-
Back in the fall of 1929 a big grees above the previous average,
cache of whiskey was found ona farm and nearly 5% degrees higher than
in Potter township and it later de- the average for all years of record.
veloped it was the property of Or- The monthly mean temperature
rie Smith, of Lewistown. He was for 11 years previous record in
arrested and gave bail in the sum of Bellefonte, 1900 to 1911 inclusive, is
$1000 for his appearance before the 42.0 degrees. At Centre Hall the
Centre county court. His case was monthly mean temperature for 28
continued for various reasons until years, 1896 to 1930 inclusive, —(7
September 4th, 1930, when he ap. years record missing),—is 40.2 de-
peared in court, entered a plea of grees. The monthly mean temper-
guilty to a violation of the liquor ature at State College for November
laws and was sentenced to pay the for 43 years, 1888 to 1930 inclusive,
‘which she and the Morgan family have
Mrs. Conley's present plans she will re-
furnish her home intending to occupy it
herself when in Bellafonte.
—Mr. and Mrs. William E. Hurley had
their entire family with them for the window of the
holiday season.
come over from New York two weeks
ago, was joined by Mr. and Mrs. Paul
Kerk and their two sons, Billy and Stan-
ley, of Paoli, for Christmas, all expect-
ing to leave tomorrow to return east.
phia, recently, for a visit of
occupied for four years. According to!
! * ye -
—Charles Kane was here from Philadel the highway
Two girls who escaped fr
Laurelton State village early Sat
day evening, December 19th, lan
in the Centre County hospital as
result of injuries sustained wi
they jumped from the bathro
girls’ dormitory. 1
Miss = Hazel, having | girls were Florence Stevenson,
ing their
Woodward Nai
‘house occupied by J. H. Wasson and |
family caught fire from a spark
from the chimney. Milesburg fire-
men held the flames in check until!
‘the arrival of the Bellefonte fire-
‘men who had no trouble in extin-
guishing the blaze. A small por-
tion of the roof was burned.
——Two week: ago fish warden
‘Wilbur Wingard, of Coburn, was
patrolling the woods near Ingleby
when he discovered a man on his |
knees on the bank of a small stream.
Walking up. behind him he was,
somewhat Surprised to see that he |
‘was catching trout with his hands.
He had a 12.inch beauty lying on
the bank and was after another big |
one which had taken refuge under a
stone. Wingard placed the man un- |
«der arrest and took him before
“Squire John M. Boob, at Millheim.
He gave his name as John Pontius,
of Miflinburg, and was fined $37.50,
which he paid. i
——Mr. Jasper R. Brungart, is the |
first delegate from Centre county to |
. the next World Sunday School Con-
‘vention, which is to be held next
July in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Mr. |
of her space already reserved for
Pennsylvania delegates. They will |
go through the Panama canal with
a stop and visit there, then down |
‘the we:t coast of South America|
with numerous sight-seeing stops, |
“leaving the boat at Valparaiso then
‘across the Andes and a week's visit
in and around Buenos Aires and on!
north to Santos and Rio de Janeite |
where two weeks will be spent at]
the World's Convention, arriving
agdin in New York August 15th.
-——0One evening recently a way-
farer who gave the name of Ralph
Klinger applied to the police for a
night's lodging and was given a cell
in the borough lockup. One of
Bellefonte's “regulars” also occupied
a cell and during the evening Kling-
er became thirsty and asked the
regular where he could get a drink.
The latter told him todrink out of
the tank and the man attempted to
climb up and do so. But in his ef-
fort he tore the tank loose from the
wall and broke the pipe with the
result that the water shot up in a
stream and cascaded down on his
head. Promptly he set up a howl
which aroused the entire neighbor-
hood but it was some time before a
policeman could be found and a key
secured to enter the lockup and turn
off the water. In the meantime the
wayfarer was soaked to the skin and
was taken to the county jail for the
had two grips and when taken to costs, $500 fine and placed on pro.
jail these were searched. They con- bation for three years. He promptly |
tained two suits, underclothing, paid the fine and costs. |
shirts, collars, stockings, Etc. all in Early in September of this year
good condition and freshly launder- he was arrested in Juniata county
ed. He told the sheriff that he had on a liquor violation charge and was
them laundered in Tyrone. So far sentenced there to pay a fine of
as could be ascertained no stolen $10(0 and serve three to six months
is 30.8 degrees. By comparison of
the records as given above, it is
readily seen that the mean tempera-
ture during November, 1931, was
considerably above normal, possibly
6 to 7 degrees.
The mean of 12 years record of
precipitation for November in Belle-
days with his brother Edward and his side of Hairy
sister, Mrs. Robert Montgomery. Mr. they were overt by John Ru
Kane came up by trala but returned by erts, of State College, who was
motor as a guest of his two sons, Mar- his way home from Lewisburg
tin and Joseph, who made the trip es- wags then about ome o'clock Su
pecially to take their father back to the po Sclosk. Sun
1, rning and Mr. Roberts stopp
‘his car to find out what the gi
A holiday visitor in Bellefonte was 1 |
Edward Schofield, who spent two weeks ere a the at tt
| articles were found in ris poesession.
That the people of Pleasant Gap
are not niggardly in their philan-
thropies was demonstrated on Mon-
day of last week when Samuel E.
Noll's' big truck drove up to the
Centre County hospital with a lib-
eral Christmas donation collected
from residents of that town and
vicinity by members of the Womens’
| Civic club, under the direction of
| Mrs. Thomas E. Jodon.
ed up the donation included the fol-
60 glasses jelly, 16 pints jelly, 2
register and make reservations for quarts jelly, glass of pimentos, 5
As check-
butter beans, 2 boxes cream
of wheat, 2 boxes tapioca, 3 boxes
| raisins, 8 boxes cereal, pound of cof-
Brungart expects to sail on June fee hox of cocoa, 2 cans apricots, 15
18th on a boat with a greater part cans peas, 2 cans peaches, 7 cans
pine apple, 2 cans tomatoes, 8 pounds
sugar, pound of butter, 2 dozen
eggs, 7 heads cabbage, 4!: bushels
potatoes, 2 boxes salt, 3 pounds rice, |
bushel of apples, bottle of catsup,
bottle of relish, 5 pounds cornmeal
quarts canned fruit.
John Spingola and wife, Lena
Spingola, of Philipsburg, were ar-
rested on Monday of last week on
the charge of arson in connection
with the destruction of their home
by fire on the evening of November
30th. At a hearing before justice
of the peace Thomas Byron they
maintained they were innocent of
[pounds flour, 2 pounds crackers, 108 xin Precinct
in juil. As that offense was a vio- fonte, 1800 to 1911 inclusive, is 1.90
lation of his Centre county parole a inches, and for 8 years record at
detainer was lodged against: him. Western Penitentiary, 1915 to 1922
On Decemebr 7th he was granted a inclusive, is 2.67 inches. The above
‘parole in Juniata county on the pay- records, combined, give an average
ment of his fine and costs and was Of 2.19 inches. The average pre-
at once brought to the Centre coun- cipitation in November at Fleming,
ty jail. 11859 to 1866 inclusive, is 3.03 inches,
Taken before Judge Fleming, Mon- While the average precipitation for
day morning, he was sentenced to November at State College for 43
(pay the costs, a fine of $300 and years, 1888 to 1930 inclusive, is
| imprisonment in the coun- 2.51 inches. The average snowfall
ty work house for not less than in Bellefonte in November, 1900 to
eighteen months nor more than 1906 inclusive and 1915 to 1922 in-
three years, to be paroled at once |clusive, is 1.2 inches; in Centre Hall,
from the imprisonment sentence if 1895 to 1927 inclusive, 1.9 inches;
the fine and costs be paid. Smith and in State College for 38 years,
settled at once and is again free 1890 to 1927 inclusive, it is also 1.9
from confinement. inches. Heavy snowfall previously
NNcONte us 11.2 inches at Centre
in November, 1910. At State
FERGUSON TWP. VOTERS | College there were 11.7 inches in
APPROVE BOND ISSUE. November 1892, 7.3 inches in 1910
‘and 5.6 inches in 1908.
At the special election held in records are below 5 oa Stuer
Ferguson township, on December H. P. PARKER
19th, on the question of a $35,000 -
bond issue for the erection of a
Opening what promises to be the
greatest January movie month in
the history of the theatre, Norma
Shearer and Robert Montgomery
(community school building, the mea-
| sure was approved by a vote of 293
to 56 votes. The vote in the four
| precincts was as follows:
| Bast Precinct 8
West Precinct ..... 16 Come to the Cathaum theatre, State
| North West Precinct ......c......21 ¢| College, on Monday and Tuesday of
next week in “Private Lives,” a
sparkling comedy written and play-
ed with great success on the stage
by Noel Coward. This picture marks
the re-union of Miss Shearer and
Mr. Montgomery, who achieved such
remarkable success in ‘“Divorcee”
land “Strangers May Kiss.”
| January movie month at
Cathaum will bring the greatest ar-
| While plans for the school have
not yet been approved by the De-
| partment of Public Instruction, as
‘soon as they are, and the bond issue
|is also approved by the State, the
school hoard will advertise for bids
iso that the building can be erected
|and ready for service at the open-
ling of the 1932.33 school year.
the |
here with his mother and other relatives.
It was his first visit back home in sev-
en years and he was kept quite busy
shaking hands with old friends. He has
been located in New York city the past
four years and has a good position in a
hotel. i
—Mrs. R. J. P. Gray and her sister,
Mrs. Pitman, drove down from Storms- |
town, Tuesday, with N. I. Wilson on his
last official trip to the Commissioner's
office, The women, while here, spent
the time seeing some friends and in the
shops. Mrs. Pitman has made her home
in Stormstown with Mr. and Mrs. Gray
for several years.
—Burgess Hard P. Harris ate his
Christmas dinner at the home of his
brother, John Tonner Harris, in Harris-
burg. His sister, Mrs. W. H. Galway,
of Radford, Va.,, was also a guest at the
Christmas dinner and accompanied her
brother to Bellefonte on his return home,
on Saturday. This was her first visit
here in seventeen years,
—Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell I. Gardner
drove over to Bellefonte, on Tuesday, to
bring Mr. Gardner's son Harold this far
on his way back to Washington from his
| holiday visit home. He was met here |
|by Hon. Lester Sheffer, of Lewistown,
| who took him over the Seven mountains,
and whose guest he was for several days
before going on to Washington.
—Miss Josephine White, who drove up
from Philadelphia last week with Dr.
| Joseph Parrish, to be a holiday guest of
Miss Helen Schaeffer, will return to-
morrow with Mr. and Mrs. Frank God- |
| shall, who will return to their home in
| Camden after a ten day's visit here with
| Mrs. Godshall's parents, Mr. and Mrs. |
| Michael Lamb, and other relatives.
| —Miss Charlotte Powell, who is now
with her niece, Mrs. W. H. Peabody, in
Tulsa, went to Oklahoma with her niece
on the 14th of December, Mrs Peabody |
made the trip to West Chester especial-
ly to accompany Miss Powell back to
Tulsa, where she will be for an indefi-
nite time. Not having been well since
| leaving Bellefonte it was thought that
(eran church of
They told him tt
they had been picked up by t
‘young men in a car who refused
allow them to get out and both h
jumped and been injured.
He brought them to the Cent
County hospital, arriving here abc
two o'clock. An examination
ed that the Stevenson girl
left arm broken above the
some cuts and bruises.
man girl had an injured
girls finally admitted
authorities that they
from Laurelton. Officials at the :
stitution were notified and came
Village while the Stevenson girl w
left in the hospital for treatment.
———————— A ————————
From the Denver, Colorado, Pc
of December 12, we take the follo
ing, which will be of interest to
many Centre county friends
Wilson P. Ard. Rev. Ard was
at Pine Grove Mills and for a nu
ber of years was !
al Spb
Fuad Saturday to succeed Dean
The Rev. Dr.
ie he an eh
church at East
Sn ————— A ————
Warden Stanley P. Ashe has co
firmed announcement of the appoin
ment of Rev. John W. Claudy,
the charge but the evidence against
them was of such a character ns | FELT NO DEPRESSION.
the justice held them without bail | y. .ogne up the work of the
for trial at court. However, they
were brought to Belefonte the next
day and after giving bond were re-
——George Borest, of State Col-
lege, who accidentally shot himself
through the left arm on the last day
of the hunting season, had the arm
amputated above the elbow, at the
Centre County hospital, two weeks
ago, and is now on a fair way to
Methodist Episcopal Sunday school
in Bellefonte for the year 1931, it
was dislosed that the best results
for a period of forty nine years,
both in attendance and financial
giving had been attained. |
C. C. Shuey has just rounded his
| twenty sixth year as superintendent
|of the school and feels very grateful
| for the above results, which were
made possible only by the co-opera-
tion of pastor, officers and teachers
of the school.
week brings Douglas Fairbanks in
“Around the World in 80 Minutes,”
Frederic March in ‘Dr. Jekyil and
Mr. Hyde,” Janet Gaynor, Charles
Farrell and El Brendel in “Delici-
ous,” and Winnie Lightner and
Charles Butterworth in “Manhattan
——Sometime between today and
March 31 you will have to have
your automobile inspected and pass-
ed by & regularly certified testing
station. Highway patrol men will
begin looking for - the inspection
certificate on your windshield today.
| Miss Powell might have a more rapid
{recovery in & warmer climate.
| —On Friday December 18 a quartet
| of Sugar Valley gentlemen made this of-
| fice a short but very pleasant visit, In
| the party were that veteran Democrat
| ‘Squire D. W. Kerstetier, George Ker-
stetter, Jesse Moyer and Roy Weaver, all
| from the vicinity of Tylersville. That's
| the neck-o-the woods that a Democrat
| feels at home in, because there are
lots of them in Logan township, Clinton
county. All of our callers are Demo-
crats but Mr. Weaver and from what he
said to us we have a notion that by the
time the next election rolls around he'll
be on the good old Democratic band
position the past three years. TI
change becomes effective today.
Several of our local politicians ht
been casting longing eyes at the p
Bellefonte Grain Markets.
wagon too.
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