Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, January 01, 1932, Image 7

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    tellefonte, Pa., January 1, 1932.
"our He alth
1 didn't know the Government
an, for mothers and babies,”
i a mother who had heard for
first time of a child health con-.
ence in her county. She travel-
twenty miles to attend it, and
. route included a trip across a
untain river in a swinging basket
pended from a cable, a baby in
© arms.
ture in the story of maternity
i infancy work, so vividly does it
the keen need and the eager re-
mse to proffered help.
“housands of mothers discovered
‘ew years ago that, after all, the
vernment did do something for
thers and babies. By thousands
wy drove long miles, through storm
sun, to child health conferences,
find out, for instance, “why the
yy has colic all the time" —and
rn surprising news about regular-
of feeding, cod.liver oil, sterilized
tles, and fruit juices. Or to find
.t Johnnie's teeth are so bad be-
se his diet lacks fresh vegetables.
what they should do to make
. coming of the next baby less
jgerous than that of the first. Or
‘naps why the first baby died un-
. the ministration of an ignorant
1 superstitious mid-wife. Other
yusands of women received home
its from the nurses, who also trav-
d weary miles—sometimes ford-
- swollen rivers or riding along
a and desolate trails—to bring
p to mothers bearing their chil-
mn in places hopelessly remote
sm hospital or doctor.
Chis is the kind of work that for
sen years was carried on under
» Sheppard-Towner Act jointly by
ate and nation. Two years and
half the nation dropped out,
ving it all to the States. Yet the
ited States was first of all the
sat nations to recognize, by ine
ation of a Federal Children's
reau, the protection of childhood
a function of government. Why,
ving done that, did it draw out of
s educational work for mothers
d babies? Is there a good rea-
7ly t
w Congress
uestion will be asked search-
this coming winter whep the
0] And the or-
Re. the country will
emphatic no.
the work isn't
babies die.
. In spite of
death rate, it is
timated that every year in this
untry we lose about 250,000 babies
der one year of age, and that
jst of these deaths are prevent-
le; and that sixteen thousand
sthers die yearly of causes con-
cted with childbirth, most of whom
ed not have died.
No, the Government didn’t pull out
cause the work is done. But let's
-all how it began.
When the Children's Bureau was
seated in 1912 our Government was
ther ignorant about its babies. It
in't even know the number born
ch year, because only eight States
4 birth registration. It didn't
ow exactly how many died, though
timates indicated that about 300,-
0 died every year before reach-
z their first birthday. It didn't
ow: accurately why those babies
>A. - The Children's Bureau began
aking surveys to get solid infor-
ation on ai these points.
Eve knows now what they
und out: first, that poverty kills
bies—slums, dirt, low wages take
avy toll; but that ignorance kills
bies, too, and that they can be
ved if their parents know how te
ve them proper care. Another
artling discovery was that condi-
ms connected with childbirth were
ble for more deaths among
ymen between fifteen and forty-
ur years of other
age than any
_except tuberculosis, and that
fifty per cent of these
aths were preventable.
The Children's Bureau attacked
ese conditions in many Aways.
wey began to issue a series of bul-
:ins—Prenatal Care, Infant Care,
1ld Care—written with the aid of
© best specialists in the country.
illiens of these have been distrib-
ed, free during the
iild Welfare Special-—carried the
me truths about on wheels. Cl
sifare work already under way was
This is almost a classic
eh |
health clinic—the famous
person fails to see
any reason why ne should take spe-
cis! interest in such matters as con-
tion of natural resources, re-
Serva | prolong their
torestation of areas denuded by the
lumber industry or prohibition of
pollution of our streams and rivers.
rie argues
ploitea by capital for the creation
of wealtn; that forest areas are
privately owned or controlled for
the same purpose;
for profit by a few. Therefore, he
asks, “Why should I become inter-
ested any further than to approve
means and
and control those who are making
money by using all these things 7"
He wants to know “where do I
come in?"
Ev man, woman and child does
come in and to a greater extent than
they may be aware. For instance,
a luxury, because, in a measure the
should have been, as witness the
fact that millions of tons of river
coal were salvaged during the strike.
Again, the wastefulness of forest
timber when it was so cheap and the
present necessity of “long haul”
transportation of what we are now
using, have increased the cost of
our homes practicaily a hundred
percent. Still again, our rivers
and streams poisoned by industrial
wastes, and sewage, no longer con-
tribute to our food supply, and their
waters cannot be used for manufac-
turing purposes, much less for
drinking purposes, without filtration
and chemical treatment. All this
places a burden on us to remove
which requires both public and pri-
vate expenditure of money, of which
we all pay our share.
Public right is, it is true, greater
than private right, but of what
avail unless public right is asserted.
This was Roosevelt's proposition
when he began his crusade for con-
servation of natural resources, re.
forestation of areas acquired for
this purpose as public domain, and
prohibition of stream and river pol-
lution. It's the underlying prin
ciple of the observance of National
Reforestation Week.
What if our coal mines are owned
by great corporations—their pro
ducts keep our factories in opera-
tion, our railroads, steamships, light
and power plants. What if 97 per
cent of our forests are privately
owned—their products are utilized
in a towering pyramid of industry
and commerce. What if our streams
are abused-—they can be returned to
their original service to man, be-
sides supplying an abundance of
cheaper power. Therefore, in these
sources of wealth every man who
earns a wage or salary is directly
or indirectly interested, more so
than he may think. Every man who
is engaged in business dependent on
the prosperity of the wage earner,
is vitally interested if he will but
analyze the problem presented
Every person is interested, because
of the cost of food, clothes, shelter,
education, amusement, transporta-
tion, and so on. And the problem
of conservation, forestation and pre-
vention of stream pollution will not
be solved as they should be, until
every person makes it his or he:
business to see that they are solved
The conservation of fuel has been
forced upon us by circumstances
which might not have obtained had
laws been passed in 1902 when sc
emphatically demanded by conser-
vationists. Our lumber supply would
have been practically exhausted had
not measures adopted in 1807 post-
poned the prospect till 1850. In
creating national forest areas the
government set the example to cap-
|italists, and there are today nearly
‘half a billion acres of reforested
{lands. Capitalist reforestation looks
'to private gain; only government re-
forestation will determine what that
‘gain shall be—this, and what refor-
| estation farmers and others may
‘ make.
Between the government and citi-
zens as individuals in full co-opera-
‘tion there is a possibility that in
[1950 one monopoly may be practically
Jestioed that of lumber supply.
It is here that you can come in to
do your part, if you have only a
small plot of ground. Every tree
planted by so much reduces the
control of the future lumber supply
by the lumber kings even if they
plant too. At present they are
planting faster than the ronment
‘and citizens combined, t can be
8 if the people can see their
own best
est all denuded areas as rapidly as
it is possible to do so.
This done ultimately reforestation
should produce cheaper homes,
cheaper everything in the construc-
tion of which wood is utilized.
—There is an old superstition that
nine holly leaves tied in a handker-
chief with nine knots and placed un-
Child der the pillow on Christmas night
will cause the sleeper to dream. of
resources are ex-
measures to regulate
is being paid for anthracite
coal today a price that makes fuel
interests, and take part in|
the government's purpose to refor-
imulated. Baby Week campaigns his or her future wife or husband.
\d the Children’s Year, sponsored
women’s organizations,
eration with the Children’s Bureau,
rove to hold up child care stand.
ds against the down-thrust of war.
eantime the Children’s Bureau
ished the extension of birth regis-
But more was needed. As early
1917, Julia Lathrop, the bu-
au's first chief, had proposed a
an for the “public protection of
aternity and infancy.” It was
actically this plan that was adopt-
. hy Congress in November, 1921,
the Sheppard-Towner Bill. In
General Federation of
‘omen’s Clubs, and many others,
ok a leading and an energetic
in co-|
| The Sheppard-Towner Bill worked
‘like this: There was an annual ap-
| propriation of $1,240,000 of the Gov-
ernment’'s money for a five-year per-
jod. Not more than $50,000 of this
was’ to be spent in administration.
| Health 2.
| The balance was to be divided among
the States accepting the Act (there
was nothing compulsory about it, of
| course)—$5,000 outright to each
State devoting $5,000 of its own
money to the work, and the rest,
also if matched with State money, to
| be allotted among the States on the
' basis of population. Rather a mod-
especially when
|of millions, that are freely granted
|as federal aid for roads, hogs, crops,
I - (Concluded next week.)
—Fruit growers should dadetuny
store all equipment now. Picking |
bags will be safe from injury DY | pimps, wwe omy species ui lone pheasant
‘mice if hung over a suspended wire. A 3
Liberal use of paint on ladders will |
equipment can be repaired later. |
Spinach varieties that taste good |
and are slow to shoot to seed were
‘grown in 61 demonstration gardens
supervised by vegetable extension
specialists of the Pennsylvania State '
College. Leading varieties were
‘King of Denmark, New Zealand, luis uuiuveiulp
Long Standing Bloomsdale, and Vir-
ginia Savoy. i
—Good dairy cows, well fed and |
cared for, will make money even un-
der somewhat adverse market con-!
ditions. Test your cows this winter |
and get information on the work-|
ing ability of each one. Then |
‘weed out the losers. :
Posts for rebuilding fences can
‘be made now, piled on end, and al-
supply has not been conserved as it
lowed to season until spring. Se-
lect the wood that will last longest
in the ground. Black locust, catal-
pa, black walnut, butternut, white
oak, sassafras, and hart cherry are
all good trees for this purpose. |
Sound dead chestnut is also desir-
—Fall pigs need full feeding to
insure rapid gains so they will be!
ready for market in early spring
and out of the way of the spring-
farrowed pigs. A self-feeder is a
lubor-saving device which will help
to keep pigs on full feed.
—The popping of popcorn is caus-
ed by the sudden liberation of pres-
sure produced by steam generated
within the kernel. The best pop-
ping is obtained when the grain con-
tains 12 to 15 per cent moisture.
When stored in heated rooms, the
moisture content often becomes too
low for good popping.
ed There are special advantages in
buying and hauling lime now for
use next spring.
Many manufacturers offer reduced
prices or will give liberal time al-
lowances in order to make sales!
during this off season. Roads are
good and teams are in condition to
haul maximum loads now, while the
opposite may be true in the spring.
There is more time for hauling now
than when spring work demands
every possible minute of man and
"fhe turkey is stricuy an American
Lamy WOlcu 15 Dauve Lo tue New
Wor, Lhe naturaus.s teu us. Like
tne bisOn and toe prong-born ante-
lope, it 18 American lo toe very
heart. When the mst setters lana-
ed on American shores wua turkeys
were propaply 4s numerous as car-
rier pigeons. Certainly they rang-
ed from Ontario southward to Peru,
10m wit cat.allic Weorwaiu 4imost
Wwe aWoaaes, and in droves some-
wi the hundreds. |
To be sure, the Mexican and Cen- |
tral Amercan bird w.s not precisely |
the same as that found farther
north, being smaller and more high- |
ly colored, sometimes carrying plum- |
age vaguely resembling that of the
peaccok. But all were of the same
family. .
The difference in the Northern
and Southern birds, however, no
doubt prompted the remarks of one |
S. Clarke who in 1678 said: “The
Turkeys in New England is a long
Fowle of a black color, yet his flesh |
is white; he is much bigger than
our English Turkey; he hath long |
Legges wherewith he can run as
fast as a dog, and he can fly as fast
as a goose.” England apparently |
knew only the smaller, Southern va- |
riety, imported from Mexico by way |
of Spain. {
The English settlers made good
use of the “long Fowle, of a black
color.” The turkey was so big as
to be an easy mark for even the
Resolved—to Save, Beginning Today
inaccurate firearms of the day. It
had not yet been hounded into the
uncanny wilderness which today |
makes it one of the most difficult
of game birds to kill. |
Teday every State where wild tur- |
keys are to be found has laws to
protect them. Pennsylvania allows
fifteen days of hunting a year, with
a bag limit of one to a hunter in a |
season. In 1928 2362 turkeys were |
bagged, and in 1929 this total was
raised to 3834. The turkeys are
slowly coming back In this State.
West Virginia, however, has more,
and they are fairly plentiful in the
remote hills of Virginia, North Car-
olina and East Tennessee. Florida's
swamps still harbor a good many.
The Ozarks of Missouri and Arkan-
sas offer fair turkey shooting, and
the pine woods of Arizona and New
Mexico give haven to flocks of the
Southern variety. Parts of Okla-
homa and Texas still have turkeys,
and the heavy woods along the Mis-
sissippi from Cairo on down have
sheltered turkeys for generations
team labor. sul probatiy will continue to until |
Comparatively little space is re. reclamation opens the country to]
quired for storing the lime until settlers. Generally speaking, the
needed. If land is fall-plowed,
ground, limestone or lump lime may |
be spread now and harrowed in next
--In the inspection of 47,576 col-
onies of bees in 7,395 apiaries lo-|
cated in 42 counties of Pennsylvania
this year one out of every five
colonies was found to be housed in
illegal hives, states H.B. Kirk, chief
inspector, bureau of plant in- |
dustry, Pennsylvania Department of |
Agriculture, in a report on the en-
forcement of the Pennsylvania Bee!
Law. Furthermore, one out
every fourteen was found diseased.
In an effort to control dsease, 2,163!
colonies were burned.
In Perry county 1,680 colcnies.
were inspected, 17 were found dis-
eased and 581 were illegally hived.
-—A single hard-fought battle may
cripple quack grass temporarily, but
victory comes from continual sniping
and strategy rather than from heavy '
fighting, according to H. B. Hart-|
wig of the New York State College
of Agriculture.
The weed has fleshy creeping roots
and when these roots are cut and
‘covered with earth they sprout like
so many potato eyes. In addition,
the plant grows seeds. With these
two ways of spreading quack grass
maintains itself persistently once it!
is seeded, he explains.
The first move in the campaign is
The |
ground and the
dragging is repeated often enough
'to keep the green leaves from show-
not disk, Mr. Hartwig,
disking cuts and buries’
the root pieces and only spreads the
quack. When the quack is drag-
ged often enough and no leaves ap-|
pear the plants have no opportunity
to store food and the continued drag-
ging helps starve and weaken the
plants. The exposure to sunshine
‘also helps the starving process.
Repeated draggings in the spring
should weaken the quack so a smoth-
er crop should complete the work. '
But many persons rely too muchon
' the smother crop without weaken-
ing the quack first, he says. Alit-|
tle cultivation stimulates the quack
and is worse than none. It is the
continued work, well timed, with a
smother crop to complete the rout
after the quack is weakened that)
does the job.
There is a possibility that dairy-|
‘men will soon be feeding fish oils as
generally as do the poultrymen. The |
latter feed cod liver oil to avoid
rickets in growing stock, to hold the |
health of the laying flock and to im- |
prove hatchability. It is now be- |
ing demonstrated that fish ofl that
is rich in vitamin D will result in!
healthier calves, will increase the
useful life of the cow and is, in a
measure at least, a safeguard 1gainst |
breeding troubles. There is stillan|
excess of cod liver oil over what is
used for human consumption and
for poultry. Investigations in the |
United States prove the vilchard ofl, |
4.000.000 gallons of which are pro- |
duced annually from California sar-|
dines, is as rich in vitamin D ascod |
!tiver oil. Tuna ofl. less abundant.
is eoually rich. Salmon oil is half |
‘as rich. ‘The use of these oils in |
dairv rations should receive more
{attention from the research men on
{one exterimental farms and in our |
| colleges. |
wild turkey will thrive and multiply
in any wooded country if given prop-
er protection from men with guns.
Even domestic turkeys turned loose
in the woods will, in a few years,
take to the ways of their fathers.
But commercially speaking and
from an epicurean viewpoint the
wild turkey is virtually gope from
the United States.
Thanksgiving and Christmas tur-
keys.come from the pens of Ameri- |
ca’s farmers. Not one in 10,000 |
has ever tasted or ever will taste
wild turkey.
turkey, the
tame ones. Here is
one game bird which, while being
wiped out by civilization has suc-
ceeded in leaving its strain as the
national delicacy of its native land.
There are, today approximately
two million books in the school li-
braries of the State, according to a
statement by Dr. James N. Rule,
state superintendent of public in-
struction. Doctor Rule says: “The
school library is an integral part of |
a truly progressive education. It
is both a universal and an individual
subject of study. It supplements
every other part of school life. In Ii}
; a background for Jf
read- |
opment of the habit I¥
ty library as a §
i it.
h C of a love for good
of using the communi )
source for self improvement.”
For thirty years preceding 1895,
the laws of Pennsylvania forbade the |
expenditure of public funds ol pie 1
purchase of library books
use of pupils. Since the of |
passage of |
a law in that year permitting school HH
districts to use public funds for this HH}
libraries have been §
purpose, school
steadily growing.
at the
There is no style of work,
the cheapest “Dodger”
to the fin-
that we can not do in the most
satisfactory manner, and at Prices
consistent with the class
of work.
Call on or communicate with this
The Workman's Compensation
Law went into effect Jan. 1,
1916. It makes insurance com-
pulsory. We specialize in plac-
ing such insurance. We inspect
Plants and recommend Accident
Prevention Safe Guards which
Reduce Insurance rates.
It will be to your interest to
consult us before placing your
State College Bellefonte
This Interests You I
se 1D ceane i ;
It will be the finest resolution you have ever
made, because it is a resolution that will not
only take care of today but of tomorrow as
well. The past few years of depression have
proved to all that those who had saved were
those who were saved. Deposit a part of ||
your weekly income every week whether you
make $10 or $1,000. It will grow in propor-
tion to suit your needs. This Bank is your
convenient friend, conveniently located.
| Come to the “Watchman” office for High Class
America’s =
But everybody eats J
SH —————
For 80 cents you can telephone to friends, rela-
tives or customers as far as 150 miles away—for
friendly chats, family reunions, business trans-
actions. And after 8:30 P. M. you can call them
for only 50 cents!
Just give the number to the op-
erator (ask Information if you
don’t know it) and “hold the
line.” These low rates apply on
Calls for a Number — when you
do not ask the operator for a
specific persen— and are for a
S-minute connection.
Job work:
Fauble Store
Wam Wi
We have it, and Priced Lower than at
It’s here, if man or boy wears it