Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, January 01, 1932, Image 5

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at 9 A.M.
———— ME a —— — A ——— ———
Frank Bailey, of Milton, spent
tmas eve with his mother.
s. O. V. Long, of Rock Springs,
d friends in town on Monday.
s. J. N. Everts is spending the
>mas Wogan, wife and two
of Juniata, spent Christmas
friends in the valley.
C. Dale and wife and Cyrus
and wife spent their Christmas
friends in Clearfield.
irles Gates and family, of Ty-
were Christmas guests at the
tal home of Mr. and Mrs. J.C.
shington camp P. O. S. of A.
nl a birthday party to be
the | JF. hall on Feb-
ley sisters had as Christ.
dinner guests Mrs. John Fort.
Mrs. Ella Moore and Miss
h Fortney.
id Goss, of Pittsburgh, spent
tmas with his mother, Mrs. A.
»ss. He was accompanied home
s sister Sadie.
idall Dunlap and family mo-
in from Cherrytree to complete
amily Christmas party at the
«p home in town.
nuel Hess Tate and wife came
the mountain from Lewistown
t their Christmas dinner at the
Mary Meyer home.
» young ladies Bible class of the
yterian church distributed bas-
among the needy in this lo-
on Christmas morning.
ong the school teachers home
ae holiday vacation were Miss
Dunlap, of New Castle, and
Lizzie Archey, of Bellwood.
10-pound gobbler was the prin-
dish at the family Christmas
+ at the Hon. J. W. Kepler
all ‘the children being present.
n L. Barr, who spent a thirty
furlough with his mother, Mrs.
Barr, left last Thursday, to
is solider unit at Fortress Mon-
B. Fry and family, of Altoona,
ieir Christmas dinner at the
Barto home and spent a por-
f the day with friends at Rock
i. Roan and Mrs. Huey came
om Bellefonte, last Thursday,
ook home with them Mrs.
Reed, who has been
olidays in Bellefonte.
ses Lizzie and Mary McCracken
last week visiting their broth-
w. J. 0. C. McCracken, at Ex-
and found him almost entirely
sred from the injuries sustain-
a recent auto accident.
ter Woods, wife and daughter
iia motored in from Seattle,
, to spend Christmas with the
folks. They came the south-
ute, by way of Memphis, Tenn.
laughter expects to remain in
1st indefinitely.
‘amily gathering was held at
Elmer C. Musser home, on
mas day, which proved a very
nt occasion for all. For many
Mr. Musser was one of the
successful farmers in Fergu-
wnship but ten years ago he
i and moved into a comfort-
iomie on Main street. Both he
his wife are enjoying good
and Mrs. Henry A. Elder cele-
| their golden wedding anni-
y, on Tuesday, by entertaining
ty of friends at a turkey din-
It was on December 20th,
that Henry A. Elder and Miss
Harpster were married at
Springs by Rev. J. A. Kosér.
started their married life on
rm and for forty-two years
the foil. Ten years ago they
| and located in Pine Grove
They have many friends who |
chem many more years of life
Mill and
wind GATE
We're all running around helter-skelter, just as
busy as bees. Why? To get all our fashions, and
linens, and novelties, and house furnishings dis-
played so that you can select from them during our
68th Mill and Factory Sale. Talk about bargains!
There's just no end to them, so come in early Tues-
day and take advantage of the chance to get the
best of them.
Pennsylvania's Shopping Center
Mrs. George McKay, of Philadel-
phia, spent a few days, during the
week, with her mother, Mrs. W. H.
Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Catherman,
Abednego Williams suffered a
stroke of paralysis Monday night.
{ Miss Dorothy Ginter spent her
| Christmas vacation with relatives in
| Philipsburg.
F724 son.
= | among the twenty-three members of
5 | daughter,
J | Branch, were also guests of Miss
"of the family returned home on Sun-
Mrs. Charles Kuhn,
Sweeney and George Rowe
guests of Miss
Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy Freely are
their vacadon with their
parents at Palmerton.
Miss Helen Geer, of Lock Haven,
her mother and grandmother, were
visitors in town last week.
Rowe, on a
to Williamsport Thur sday,
a guest of her son, Harry Kuhn until Sunday.
and family, for several days. Blanche Rowe, of Hi eT,
Grace and Frances Mcintyre, of also a guest at the Kuhn home.
Rebersburg, are visiting at the home |
of their grandfather, David Bohn. |
Frank Hosterman, of Cleveland, | NEW ADVERTISEMENTS
Ohio, spent several days with his = =
parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Hoster- ABBITS. —We furnish pedi
man I ar a
{ Mr. and Mrs. Paul Coxey and stock raised. Call at. favm 2nd yw
Paul Jr., of Indiana, enjoyed a few Your stock. All breeds.
Bt among friends in this op urs Dows SAME YARM
Mr. and Mrs. William Kuhn and |
Warren Cupp, of Willamsport, were |
guests at the E. M. Kuhn home on |
was '
ANTED.—Distributors and salesmen
wanted in every town to sell an
automobile accessory—something
Miss Gladys Hazel, of Philadel-
phia, is enjoying a ten day's vaca-
| tion at the home of her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Hazel.
Mr. and Mrs. Whitekettle and
, baby, of Newport, and Mr. and Mrs.
Richard Goheen and baby, of Indi.
ana, were guests of Prof. and Mrs.
i for a week while the other members
Miss Anna |
where the entire party was enter- |
Phili , was
PETE; tained at the home of Mr. and Mrs. |
“Hit Number One
In January Movie Month
ANTED.—Distributors and sales.
men wanted in every town to sell
an automobile accessory—s om e-
thing new—every car owner a prospect.
Only capital necessary is for small stock
of me ise, Call Montrose T2483 or
write Manager, 5472 Penn Ave., Pitts
burgh, Pa. 77-1-1t*
ters of administertion having been.
granted to the undersi upon the-
estate of Ma E. Miller, late of Belle-
fonte bo ,. 4 , all persons.
knowing themselves indebted to said es-
tate are requested to make prompt pay-
ment, and those having claims against
the same must present them, duly au
thenticated, for settlement.
MAURICE MILLER, Administrator,
76-49-6t Bellefonte, Pa..
XECUTRIX'S NOTICE.—Letters test-
alnentary upon the estate of Jacob
Meyer te of Boalsburg, d
having n granted to the undersigned
all persons knowing themselves indebted
to same are requested to make prompt
payment, and those having claims against
the same must present them, duly au-
thenticated, for settlement.
Mrs. ANNA C.
tmas | New—every car owner a p t. Only Boalsburg, Pa.,
Chris . | capital necessary is for small stock of Mrs. CATHERINE M. BROOKS,
Mr. and Mrs. Willard Rockey and | grehandise ‘ cal, Montrose ™s or Spring Sha, Fa.
daughter, of Petersburg, spent no, "p r, 7 enn Ave., tts- Johnston & Johnston, xecutrixes.
Christmas with their parents, Mr.| == 7-1-1 Attorneys. 76-46-6¢
and Mrs. W. A. Rockey. A —— ————— EE ————
. H. M , duri he holid - #
BE. H. Meyer, quring the holiday sea ~« The Stars of “Divorcee’’
‘Strangers May Kiss"’
together again!
Mr. and Mrs.
daughters, of Pleasant Gap,
Zettle and
' the Reitz family at the Christmas
' dinner served at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Henry Reitz.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry McGirk, of
| Bellefonte, visited at the home of
I Miss Anna Dale from Wednesday
until Monday. Mrs. C. M. Dale and
Miss Virginia, of the
Dale on Christmas.
Mr. and Mrs. Luther Dale, Misges
! Margaret and Marian Dale and
| Frederic Dale, of Oak Hall; Mr. and
Mrs. Clement Dale, of Pleasant Gap,
and Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Dale, of
Bellefonte, were dinner guests of the
Misses Dale on Christmas.
| Mr. and Mrs. William Klinger and
| family drove to Palmyra, on Thurs-
| day, to spend Christmas with the J.
M. Weiland family. Mrs. Klinger
In that naughty but nice pic-
Hilarious! Sparkling!
ture from Noel Coward's
Greatest Laugh Hit!
iy week with friends in Pitts- |
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Germanin, of
! New York, are visiting her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. D. Buck.
Mrs. Margaret Miller, of Watson-
town, is visiting at the home of
Miss Hannah Thompson.
Mrs. Anna Finch spent Christmas
with her relatives, Mr. and Mrs. |
of Hartleton, spent Sunday after-
noon at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
A. S. Stover.
Sumner Burd and daughters, the
Misses Sara and Grace and their
aunt, Mrs. James Holloway, drove to
Lock Haven, Saturday.
Ed A.Bower and son, E. B. Bow-
‘and son Kenneth remained to visit
Gilbert Parsons and family. jo of Bellefonte, were brief callers
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Elway, of Al-|t the home of Mr. Bower's broth- |
er, J. W. Bower, on Main street.
toona, were guests, X-mas day, with jon :
Mrs. Frances Hall and son Eugene. | Miz A. 8S. King was again called
Mrs. Mary McDonald, son James llroy by the illness of her
| daughter, Mrs. Horace Henry, who
EN Margas oh of Tytone, has been quite ill for several weeks.
RI The Lutheran Sunday school ren.
Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Way spent |
X-mas at Millersburg, with their | dered their Christmas service, Sun-
friends, Mr. and Mrs. William Ty- | or eiaE 2 ay
son. | Evangelical Wednesday.
Prof. and Mrs. Robert Lannen, of |
Chester, are spending their vacation | Mr. and Mrs. Paul Krape, Mr. and
with relatives in Bellefonte and this | Mrs. Harry Bright and the Misses
{ Catherine and Esthet Krape drove
| to Shamokin, Saturday, where they
Mr. and Mrs. Russell and daugh-
ter Janice, of Bristol, Pa. were Spent a brief time at the home
| Mrs, Bright's parents.
recent guests of their relatives, Mr.
and Mrs. H. E. Holtzworth. | Mr. and Mrs. Thomas L. Kessing-
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Talhelm and | er, their daughter Miss Polly; their
daughter, of Julian, were visitors on | two sons, John and James Finley, of
Christmas with their son and wife, ' State College, were Sunday after-
Mr. and Mrs. John Talhelm. (noon callers at the home of their
Miles Hall, who has been in poor | unt, Mrs. Thomas Hull, on north
health for a year or more, had anoth- | 2nd street. Mrs. Hull and daughter,
er stroke a short time ago. At last | Miss Jennie, closed their house and
reports his condition was improved. |Went to Huntingdon for Christ-
Mrs. Charles Holtzworth and chil- | 02% and expect to spend the winter
dren, of Fairmont, W. Va., arrived
on Monday for a visit during vaca-
tion at the homes of D. Buck ana
H. E. Holtzworth.
Mr. and Mrs. H. E. McElwain en- MARRIAGE LICENSES.
tertained at their home, on Christ- | TT
mas evening, her father and wife, | play Ct Elbo oon.
Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Eckenroth, Miss | an. of Pleasant Gap.
Mary Gordon, Mr. and Mrs, J. Ward | oh .
Tate, of Salona; Mr. and Mrs. H.| Clyde C. DeHaas and Dorothy E.
A. Wagner, of Harrisburg, Mr. and Williams, both of Beech Creek.
Mrs. H. M. Fredericks, of Lock | Harry A. Cashner, of Mackeyville,
Haven. and Ruth B. Toner, of Nittany.
H. D. Rumberger, of Scranton, | Raymond C. Ellenberger and Ella
spent his vacation with his son P. Harpster, both of Warriorsmark.
Pierce and sister, Miss Laura, all |
being am the guests at X-mas
dinner at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Joseph E. Brugger. Their daughter,
Miss Flora, of Camden, N. J., and
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Waite, of War- |
riorsmark, were also guests. i
At the home of Mrs. Margaret |
Mrs. Frank B. Patton and other
—Read the Watchman and get all
the news while it is news.
x oe
Keatley, during X-mas, were her d
son Harold, Washington, D. C.; ol
Charles, of Pittsburgh; Gilbert, of =
Ashland; Miss Emily, from a school
at Carlisle, and Glen Blackwood, of
Pittsburgh. On Friday night Charles
took seriously ill and was taken to
the Centre County hospital where he
was operated on for appendicitis.
"00 0 0
Church school, C .C. Shuey, Supt.,
9.30 with world service program and
‘special offering. Installation of new |
1932 officers. League, 6.30, has |
Strong topic and prepared leader. |
Worship—10.45, special exposition. | 2
At night, evangelistic service. Good | ‘
chorus music. Pastor responds to
all calls for his services. Strangers
and visitors welcomed to all services.
Week of prayer meetings start in
this church Monday, Jan. 4. Official |
board meets, 9.35, Monday. No
volunteer Bible Class monthly meet- |
aE ee
"0707678" To os
of |
in that place with Mrs. Hull's niece,
Gethin dy
A Warner Brothers Th
| (Matinee Daily starting Monday. Even-
| ing opening time 6:00 p. m. starting
| Monday.)
Make January Your Movie Month.
Rose Hobart, Ben Lyon in
! Eric Linden and Star Cast in
| (Matinee Daily at 1:30)
Norma Shearer, Bowers Montgomery
| Douglas Fairbanks in
. . IN 80 MINUTES”
Frederic Rose Hobart In
Robert Louis Stevenson's
"7 (Re-opems Tuesday Night) ~
Warner Baxter, Lupe Velez in
about 1783.
sent to
P. 0. Box 21, Station P . .
a Lm mr LT Cr Le Le Lab
A AtonNtaNGaInt gl
Buy AN...
pe A DAY
I~ co-operation with WEST PENN POWER COMPANY many
vlectrie refrigerator dealers have made the Meter-ice Plan avail-
able to their customers. This is the easiest ever purchase plan.
Information Wanted
As to the Lucas Family
Benedict Lucas scttled near Mt. Eagle, Centre county,
Who has his family Bible?. .I want ‘informa-
. tion concerning births, marriages, Etc., of his children.
$5.00 has been deposited at the Watchman office, Belle-
fonte, for the first most complete authentic
Jan. 4 and 5 :
Matinee Daily at 1.30
> 3
Re Ra a or ea So 0
I ,
170 0°00
ing in January. Woman's Foreign |
Missionary Society meets Friday, |
Jan. 1, 8 p. m., parsonage. Thurs- |
day, Dec. 31, 10 p. m. watch night |
meeting opens. |
9:30 A. M., Sunday school.
10:45 A. M,, The service and ser-
mon: “This Year Also.”
mon: “They Came Not to the Help
7:30 P. M. Vesper service and ser- |
of the Lord.”
"ee ee Tee
A coin meter is provided with your new eleetrie refrigerator—and
all vou need do to own the refrigerator is drop a “quarter” into
the meter each day until the full purchase price is made up.
Even the larger models may be purchased on Meter-ice Plan,
just by depositing additional “quarters™.
See Your Electric Refrigerator Dealer Today!
C00 00
ove TR OR
- 0