PENN STATE LIVESTOCK TOWNSHIP FINANCES “The second step in increasing the FARM SHOW OFFERS $260 | IN VEGETABLE PREMIUMS. | Demorvalic Waid WINS AT CHICAGO SHOW KEPT WITHIN THE LAW. indebtedness to 2 per centum Is the | | HED KLINE Wi \ - | Showing 16 sheep and 30 swine at Premuims amounting to $260 are DODRING.. —Attorney — resolution. The resolution must be at In an effort to aid second class passed at a regular meeting of the Law, Bellefon Practices in —— the International Livestock Exposi- townships in keeping their finances supervisors, it must state the amount, offered for vegetables exhibited at! all courts. Office, ruom 18 Crider's Bellefonte, Pa.,, December 18, 1981. i, in Chicago, the Pennsylvania within the law and at the same purpose, form of to be the sixteenth annual Pennsylvania Si-iy = | State College won 37 prizes, includ- time instructing supervisors in the issued, the date of obligations, dates Farm Show in Harrisburg, January ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW KENNEDY JOHNSTON.—Attorney Law, Bellefonte, Pa. Prompt bo ing one grand championship. provisions regarding the borrowing of the interest payments which must 18 to 22, 1932. There are 32 dif- teation given all legal business our He alt | the iresod shop carcassciass. power of townships, Secretary of be semiannual and tne rate of in. forest inl, © FAV id on given al incas THE FIRST CONCERN, es the college won fourth on a year- Internal Affairs Philip H. Dewey terest. It may, or it may not, Best display of a variety of veg- East High street. . Offices—N: F744 ling in a class of 26 and first and has prepared a letter of explanation make the obligations tax free. How- etables attractively arranged and | second on wether lambs in a class of for study by supervisors. ever, if the obligations are issued produced by one grower. Premiums: 57. ‘The first prize was awarded | Temporary loans, he points out, tax free the tax levy must be made $25, $15 and $10. ane Wg 25 pe Poa the grand championship and the may be made only for periods per- large enough to include the tax pay- Exhibits of the following green- prompt attention. Offices oa "ill Yeidivg second prize carcass the reserve mitting repayment during the fiscal ments. The tax must be large house-grown vegetables, leaf lettuce, ©f Temple Court. 49-5-ly ‘grand championship. In the Shrop- years. Other loans permitted to be enough to include the principal, in- tomatoes, radishes and rhubarb. shire breeding classes Penn State made by supervisors with and with- terest and State tax. The maturity Premiums: $3, $2 and $1 for each. 0. BUNK ge a Law. von second and sixth on yearling out the comsent of the electorate dates must be set sometime within Mushrooms exhibited in baskets, man. Office in Crider’'s Exchange: tomes and second on open Of three are explained in the paper as fol. thirty years. white, cream and brown in both fan- Bellefonte, Pa. yearling ewes. In the Shropshire 10WS: “The copies of each of the finan- cy and button grades. Premiums: . — ewe lamb class, the college entries “Townships of the second class cial statement and the resolution, $4, $2.50 and $1.50 for each class. SPECIALISTS raoncy to stood first, , sixth, and ninth. is "both certified by the Clerk of the Exhibits of commercial packs of __ , Soisie0n Sem, Bb 5x may issue temporary notes in an- oo. "or Quarter Sessions, must be the following: Beets (globe and half sent to the Department of Internal long,) carrots (half long and long,) D R. R. L. CAPERS. M. KEICHLINE.—Attorney at Law and Peace. All coliectiag vaiiicen tor Penn State again placed first on pen ticipation of revenue only to the Cliisualas Cueer wuy nou expend it of three ewe lambs and third on amount which is possible to pay . ¢ 4 . If upon examination, the onions ( gobe, flattened and Spanish OSTEOPATH in tovtn Drusnes! alcy eal Loe get of sire. The first prize ewe within the fiscal year in which the Affairs Bellef TH. ‘ adi ood 4 proceedings are found to be correct type), spinach, parsnips, salsify, efonte State Coll calluy, USusuy LOO ludcu for § lamb was made reserve champion note is issued These notes must one copy is retained by the Depart- rutabagas, turnips, parsley, cabbage _Crider's Ex. 66-11 Holmes Bid, lustead of distrioute canny Ww Hedity, lu 4 sew days uave noiuing Shropshire ewe of the show. be paid out of current revenues for 10 show I0r IL DUL « coated Longue, Jack Coyne, shepherd of the col- that year. Further and of equal 4 PUCVisuile:s, ULM & COMMUN COM: LOT lege, won the special shepherd's importance it must be remembered ory vi “G spproval attached, is squash. Premiums: $3, $2 and $1 ica (he cauuy 448 laia Lae ivua- prize of $50 awarded to the best that notes issued for sums of money ' "**""™ wnship. ment of Internal Affairs and one (Danish, red, savoy), pumpkin and D. CoSEEEER, Optometrists : tered and licensed by the State. for each vegetable and for celery aati 3 Samined, glasses fed, Sat. gation; whereas a Looth brusn woud last tor Several months and help prevent aecay Or tne teeth and re- sultant tootnache from which 80 many chidrea suirer. Why not make our Christmas Slogan "A toothbrush for every child.” The sad thing is that by the time a child grows to the age of earning money to pay for care of his or her own teeth the damuge is done, teeth have decayed and been extracted, the beauty of the mouth destroyed many diseases may result, and they go through life disfigured and asham- ed Dr. Hollister's statement that but one out of four own a tooth- brush, should startle us into action. Many of us in Bellefonte have had the pleasure of hearing the chief of the State Department of Health den-: tal section and are indebted for his interest and co-operation in getting dental hygiene established in the schools here as well as in other places in the county and should be glad to have the following informa. tion from him: Ab wwe weld Cllsc vawrlsy Sai mated, WWI VA Mend dad Webae LVM wy, Waal Lul one oul UL vue uwu a | EVIVIWTRVIREE TIN AL 43 adll wo dabsSUlue that not mMOre iuan vue-uall us wie owners Use Jivia (eglidny laree fitter of Shropshire sheep. This was the fourth consecutive year and the fifth time that Coyne has won this, prize. On fat sheep Penn State won sec- | ond on [Hampshire wether lamb, fifth c.: Soutndown yearling wether, fifth on yearling wether and second on wether lamb in the grade and cross-bred class, and third on wether lamb in the John Clyay specials. Winnings in the swine classes in- cluded Berkshires; fourth and fifth on pen of three barrows, 180-220 pounds; fourth on individual and third on pen, 180-220 pounds; fifth on individual and fourth on pen, 260-300 pounds, and fifth on get of sire, five barrows. Chester Whites; fourth and seventh on individual and third on pen, 180-220 pounds; fifth on individual and fifth on pen, 220- 260 pounds, and second on get of sire. Duroc Jersey: fifth on get of sire, Sweepstake, 10 barrows; sec- ond on foot and third in carcass 1¢lass, Dressed carcasses: first and second, 200-300 pounds. The grand champion and reserve purchased by Horn and Hardart, Philadelphia, for 60 and 40 cents respectively. ' statement showing the present in- "The assessed valuation must be snaps over the headlight rim. grand chainpion lamb carcasses were | ‘ly within the current year. in excess of current revenues with- —— out going through the proceedings COIN-IN-THE.SLOT ICE required by the Act of 1874 and its VENDERS NOW IN USE supplemnets are not only void but cannot be funded at some later time re : Sodey" b oing through the regular pro- pec y, or at unaccustom ours a J the Act of ga y It this new self-service dispenser saves SHOW. Harrisburg, Pa. has been held that such a procedure a hunt for a neighborhood ice man. _ varieties.) $2 for each. is not a validation of previously il- When the customer drops fifteen SCRANTON PLANS HUGE . CHRISTMAS TREE Several One of the largest Christmas temporary loans in anticipation of of these automatic venders have trees in the country, if not the larg- revenue the Act of 1874 and its sup- been erected on cospicuous corners est, was erected in Scranton early plements provide that the supervis- in Los Angeles, California. The in December by the local Chamber | legal notes. cents in the slot, out comes a twen- “If it is necessary for the town- ty-five pound cake of ice wrapped ship to borrow money other than for and ready to take home. ors without holding an election may containers are heavily insulated to of Commerce. increase the indebtedness of the maintain refrigeration and prevent of the township to 2 per centum of melting of the ice. its assessed valuation. ! “The Act requires a financial CLIP TELLS CAR DRIVER : WHEN HEADLIGHTS FAIL debtedness of the township, both electoral and councilmanic, the de- An inconspicuous attachment for switched on. ductions claimed against each item an automobile headlight now tells separately, that is the deductions the motorist whether the bulb is ie claimed against the electoral bor- burning properly. The tell-tale, a. to the seashore. rowing capacity also marked as such. metal clip of polished stainless steel | e It's | tired are you? — green trees as “branches.” ———————— ————— shown on the financial statement and curved back reflects a spot of light > floating indebtedness, notes, con- when the lamp is on thus averting | get my trunks packed. tracts, in short indebtedness of any ' the possibility of driving with one sort except those which are actual- light out, incurring the risk of a fine by a traffic officer. . =. Lommel the news worth reading. 1 A complete premium list of If a cake of ice is needed unex- partments may be obtained by writ- ing to Director, Pennsylvania Farm ' (yellow, easy blanching and green and ienses matched, Casebeer Premiums: $5, $3 and High St, Bellefonte, Pa. 1- Thousands of colored electric lights are being used to decorate the tree. The lights have already been | “Why, you're not run down or “No, but I shall be by the time I —Read the Watchman and get all | | { 1dg., 2-1 ¢ all de- T'VA B. ROAN, Optometrist, Licensed by the State Board. State College, every day except Saturday, fonte, in the Garbrick building opposite the Court House, Wednesday afternoons from 2 to 8 p.m. and Saturdays 9, a. m. to 4:00 p.m. Bell Phone 68-40 FIRE INSURANCE At a Reduced Rate, 20% 13.3 J. M. KEICHLINE, Agent The tree consists of a 65-foot poll as the “trunk,” and nearly 700 ever- IRA D. GARMAN JEWELER ! 1420 Chestnut St., PHILADELPHIA «John, the Doctor has ordered me § Have Your Diamonds Reset in Plantium 74-27-tt Exclusive Emblem Jewelry i FEEDS! times a day. Ad QU iS alsv a rea | a a of Ji58 was won on the: issn oss: sSonabie assumption that or ois hau, | Sheep and swine, in addition to the taken ToL more thau cne-taira (a generous | Prize won by the shepherd. Ve Hire 9 Sao iv ol estimate) use their tootuorushes = CHS) as wonder the WBS WILAT TO DO WHEN | Purina Feeds have so much work to do!” sta rate Soctor C. J. soulgter, chiet ot 2 YOUR CAR SKIDS We also carry F line of State Department of Health's dens, Warning to motorists against the ; eeds tal section. ui Jia | dangers of skidding is given by the Wayne “The difficulty seems to arise In| Keystone Automobile Club, which - the idea that a tooth brush isessen-' points out that numerous accidents pér iooib. tially a beautifying rather than a attributed to this cause have been, Wagner's 16% Dairy Feed - 1.40 cleansing instrument. As a mat- | recorded with the first snowfall of | Wagner's 20% Dairy Feed - 1.45 ter of fact, like all other brushes, its the season. ' Wagner's 32% Dairy Feed - 1.60 primary function is to clean. And | “while it is not possible” says the | ' Wagner's Pig Meal ~ «% 175 if it fails in its job, because of | Club bulletin, “to give & forma i Wagner's Egg Mash - - - 1.80 careless handling, the inevitable dirt that will insure against skidding, it | Wagner's Scratch Feed - - 1.50 remains, accumulates and .develops is feasible and timely to point out --3 Wagner's Horse Feed - - - 140 +0€ that are directly respons-| contributing causes to this type of Waghers Winter Brah Hulk - 1.10 We Wig much of today's GJ | accident. i Wagner's Winter Midds Bulk - 1.20 trou =» | upirst in importance, we believe, | tehf “Mouth washes, germicidal prep- is the condition of the tires. A | Blatchford Calf Meal 25ib 135 rations and toothpastes as aids t0|pood tread will hold the car on the 3 T.q mouth cleanliness are quite worthy, | Wayne Calf Meal Per H - - 350 » road under conditions that would be | Wayne Egg Mash - - - - 210 ‘but well directed ule play is af- ‘disastrous to a car equipped with | . ‘ter all otiially sagen ah 3 oartied ‘smooth tires. Therefore, the motor- | — Germs § on particles | jot who drives on slippery roads Oil Meal 34% + - - « - 190 lodged between and in the crevices | with treadless tires is inviting Cotton Seed Meal - - - - 160 of teeth have exceedingly clinging (.ouble. | Soy Bean Oil Meal - - - - 1.60 ways. They gre not at sll disturb. | “Another thing to remember fs Gluten Feed - - - - - - 150 red by 2 iy ual bushing of $ otn, | that while chains are a valuable | Fine Ground Alfalfa Meal - 223 posed Po sur ageR o e be | Safety adjunct they are not guaran- Meat Scraps 45% - - - - 2.00 occupying the central portions SLIM | teed to prevent skidding. Careless. | [Tankege 00%. * - » - -.- 330 upper and lower jaws, e Yily operated cars will skid, with or | | Fish Meal 55% - es eo =» « 300 they must be dug and worked out. | without chains. | Fine Stock Salt - - - - - 1.00 And this job to pe successful, de-| he pest advice we can give to Oyster Sulll* ~:~ i2u~ « 100 mands actual minutes of your time, otorists is to drive slowly on wet | Molasses = = = = - = = = 100 and a developed system of applica ,. jcecovered streets or highways, | tion—not to mention the daily use|... prak i Let us grind your Corn and Oats of dental floss PPLy es gently with the engine | and make Dairy Feed, with en SSRs 10 go the en. [Bo Sea and Tous eurvés: and Sor Seed M e main thing is to ge €n- ners with care. If a skid occurs Cotton eal, Oil Meal, Gluten, tire surface of eyery tooth in the | rile a car is being operated as de- | Alfalfa, Bran, Midds and Molasses. head brushed. And in addition, 10 g./jhed the consequences will be far We will make delivery on two ton invade the spaces between the teeth... corious than if the machine is | orders. as much as possible. Syms Tis | traveling at a speed that would be All accounts must be paid in 30 nt be properly massaged if 8 Jeasonable under dry-road condi: : days. Interest charged over that oh disregarded. | tions. ‘ ¢ . time. “The mex} time you ist your de | “It is apparent that relatively few a glistening, new Westing- y wb tist take along a rus! | motorists know what to do when house Electric Range is installed us wa him to teach you how to brush your .,.; go into a skid. The natural Bhs Bee, Our. Best: ap4. Gold. Comm Seuth, ot SH ey a | {asdeney 3 to steer in the direction in her kitchen she can forget the days ‘ ; : » | OP e s ing motion, but : ever, if you daily follow his advice.” | ¢njs can result only in causing the car she ever drudged over an old-fashioned | > . to describe a circle, with great risk YATE OF RVs FOR SET bas crashing into approaching traffic. stove. She'll merely have to place cold ) C. Y Wa er & Co Inc “Years ago, and not a great many “The proper action is to steer in : ; > . . at that, Sqn were Suis to athe direction of the skid and at the foods in the oven and make two simple ; "a large ex m a result stand- same time step on the gas instead of justments. i ] 5 BELLEFONTE, Tn other words, the under. the brakes. For example: If the adjustments. Perfected Westinghouse ~~ @QUIR SPECIAL | |= automatic control and retained heat will do the rest. She'll serve savory meals cooked to traditional old Dutch Oven goodness . . . her pots and pans will never show a speck of dirt or soot . . . and she'll begin a new life of pleasure and happy companionship with her family and friends. Westinghouse ... . rong as 12, 18 or 24 months to pay the small t. Pe cause of many of the maladies car skids to the right, the driver afflicting humanity were compara- should steer to the right. This will tively unknown. Chemistry and the tend to restore the proper balance miscroscope dissipated the veil of land the coincident acceleration will secrecy to an astonishing degree. straighten out the car. If the Germs were thus discovered and prakes are applied the car will con- classified as to their disease pro-| tinue to slide. Driving power of ducing characteristics. This has ‘the rear wheels is needed to bring practically revolutionized diagnosis | the car out of the skid.” and treatment,” states Doctor C. J. Hollister, chief of the State Heatlh «what be Department's dental section, today. naq st. Be Same: 011 tht clerk you “Among the master criminals of iy pad to fire him. A man came germ life are the typhoid bacillus, | witn his bride to buy a book for the pneumococcus organism, the reading on his honeymoon and the streptoccccus virdiens and the tu-| ‘ herculosis germ—all detectable by Sigid aisistant Pers her "Travels | the bacteriologist under his micro- scope. Science, however, ‘did pot|™——— = rest on its laurels when it had thus of pain. However, in this connec- «++ As Low As Caldwell & Son | Bellefonte, Pa. | | Plumbing and Heating far progressed. [tion it must be emphasized that Flav or. Zone Rar e balance! Vapor....Steam “In 1895 the X-ray was discover-| discovery by way of the X-ray is 84 ce ed. This penetrating electrical light but the first step; treatment is the By Hot Water is uncanny in its power to invade |second one. . epee © ee an 2 body and bone structure. More- “Numerous instances have come | Wear-Ever Pipeless Furnaces over, it photographs accurately, ona! to notice where the X-ray indisput- Aluminum sensitized plate, the conditions that ably discovered disease conditions are thus detected. | calling for immediate attention, yet “Dentistry has called the X-ray despite the diagnosis the person in- into very prominent and important | volved postponed action or ignored service. Through it, impacted or the findings absolutely because he or | unerupted teeth can he located, cav- she was not suffering. The law of ities undetectable by the naked eye feeling rather than seeing, was un- are made clear, and disease condi- | fortunately applied. tions around roots at once become “Remember, if the X-ray says it evident. lis so, it is so. Believe it. Abide “As a diagnostic aid, its value is by its findings and promptly act ac- | Buy your electric range NOW, from us or any other dealer, and this 3-piece $13.50 set . .. for electric “waterless cooking” . .. will be given to you absolutely FREE. Two Sauce Pans (2 and 3 quart) and one Steaming Skillet (1014” diameter by 24” deep). All have black Glyptal bottoms for quick heat absorption. “Steam-Seal” covers allow foods to cook in their own juices with a minimum of water, Removable handles for oven use. | Full Line of Pipe and Fit- tings and Mill Supplies All Sizes of Terra Cotta Pipe and Fittings incalculable. For germs of the crim- cordingly. Future pain and in-| ' fe w Tm i inal class very often perform their creased dental expenses, not to men- | KES T ENN LECTRIC QSnors ESTIMATES vicious work without in the least tion more permanent trouble can Ch i manifesting their presence by way only thus be eliminated.” —_ -— eerfully and Promptly Furnished Weibel