ae SPAWLS FROM THE KEYSTONE. =Y) TE | —After losing his job as a salesman, Ag . | Neal Sackett, 41, well known Johnstown Er ———————————————————————— b 3 ) | man, ended his life by hanging. The body was found in his home. It was INK SLINGS. © 3 | believed he committed suicide on Satur- BY GEORGE R. sfEEK. | | day, shortly after he had been discharg- —Fifty hunters and fifty-four RY | ed. thousand deer are estimated to have : | —Mrs. Ethel Stanley Potter, 43 years been the casualties of the ruthless - . ® Foy of Pitisaighy as daleed Judge Jon carnage that was brough FR ~~ | P. Egan to grant a divorce from Dr. in the woods of oy go Joseph L. Potter, 40, Middleburg, Pa. She said he attempted to choke her and te Tuesday. —John Garner, the new Speaker of the House, will not ride in the car that his predecessor, Nicholas Longworth, used after all. There will be no expensive gas chariot and Hveried chaffeur at the government's expense for the fighting Texan. His renunciation of a perquisite his po- sition entitles him to indicates that Mr. Garner is going to go in for economy and is beginning by prac- ticing what he expects to preach. VOL.76. BEL DEPRESSION HAS HAD LITTLE OR NO EFFECT PINE GLEN MAN DROWNS WHEN HE BACKED HIS CAR IN COUNTY OFFICES. INTO MORRISDALE DAM. More Marriage Licenses Issued Dur- George W. Bowes, well known ing 1931 Than in the Year 1980. resident of Pine Glenn, was drown- | — ‘ed in the dam at Morrisdale, about There is no arguing the fact that noon on Sunday, when he backed his | STATE RIGHTS AND FEDERAL UNION. LEFONTE, PA., DECE | that she had found their cook in her | husband's room. The Potters were mar- in Greensburg, in 1922, | —The body of Andrew Bassett, 42, | was found early on Monday at the bot- NO. 50. y EE _ a REBEKAH LODGE WINS IN tom of a coal dock in the yards of the New York Central railroad, at Clearfield. GRANGE PLAY CONTEST | Bassett had been unloading a car of * 0 rs | e——— {coal into the dock. It was assumed he Mite. Msey Néeden to Darry We ae Ylamatic club of the Pine , ,,." nce fell into the chute and lodge won | was smothered The Associated Charities of Boies | 8 place ia Sie Setond jail | —While driving a school bus to Gale- fonte has completed its first month ms uraAmen ton, O. A. Champney, of Knowlton, saw of activity with the realization that a deer crossing the road in front of him, MBER 18S, 1931. ASSOCIATED CHARITIES the hall of Progress Grange, at —The Moose of Pennsylvania are being raided so frequently of late that many are in a quandary as to whether the special attention the enforcement officers have been pay- ing to the lodges of which Senator “Puddler Jim” Davis is the patron saint might be inspired by Governor Pinchot. Jim, you know, made the Governor look something like a four- flusher when he asked what he would do for the needy in Pennsyl- vania. —The Manufacturer's Club, of Philadelphia, the fountain from which slush funds have flowed to corrupt elections for years is facing bankruptcy. High tariffs has been its fetish, but it seems that its twenty-six hundred protectionist members have gotten so poor on their own favorite diet that both the wolf and the Sheriff of Philadel- phia county are about to pounce upon their tottering temple at Broad and Walnut streets. —Really we ought to be in a more os amiable mood at a time so close to the year now drawing to a close {has been one of deep depression, and with the characteristic pes- simism of Americans generally the most of us fail to see any hope for the immediate future. But busi- ‘ness in the various county offices in the court house shows little differ- ence between 1931 and 1830, with ‘the exception of the marriage li- | cense bureau, which ran far ahead of last year. s To be exact, last year only 173 li- | censes were issued at the office of | register Harry A. Rossman, while 'so far this year the number issued is 246, an increase of 73. In all ‘kinds of orphan’s court work the ‘business in the register’s office. has been about on a par with 1930. In the recorder’s office 1394 deeds and mortgages were entered of rec- ord during 1930 while so far this year the number is 1300, or a de- crease of 94. This decrease is most- 'ly accounted for by the reduction in |the sales of farms and other real | estate. The execution docket in the pro- | thonotary’s office shows just three | Ford roadster into fifteen feet of icy water. Mr. Bowes and his son John were on their way to Philips- burg. On nearing the filling sta- tion at the entrance to Morrisdale park something went wrong with ‘the motor of the car and they stop- ped at the station to make repairs. Anxious to get to Philipsburg where | he wanted to catch a bus to DuBois, | the son secured a ride in another car. The elder Bowes undertook to! turn his car around and in doing so accidentally backed too close to the | bank of the dam with the result | that the car toppled over and sank | into fifteen feet of water, carrying | the driver with it. | A hurried call was sent to Phil- ipsburg for help and members of | the State highway patrol, the fire! department and the rescue crew of the Associated Gas and Electric company made a quick run to Mor- risdale. A grappling hook was thrown into the water and on the fourth attempt it fastened on the ‘rear axle of the car. It took the strength of twenty-five men tugging | Centre Hall, on Monday evening of | this week, under the auspices of {the Centre county Agricultural Ex- | tension Association. A large au- dience was present to witness the contest. “Mother's Old Home" was the name of the playlet presented by the Rebekah club. The judges were L. R. Lenhart, of Bellefonte; ' Agnes Geary, of Centre Hall, and a hard winter is ahead. Thirty. eight families are now being provid- ed with food, clothing and coal, and contrary to general belief these fam- ilies are not all the so called “old timers” who will always need help, good times or bad. The Association is making a des- perate effort to eliminate duplication of aid but is powerless without the co-operation of every individual Any clothing, food or money to go to charity should be cleared through the central bureau. If this is not done the right people will not secure the help. The financial response has not been as remunerative as should be, carrie Wieland, Kathryn Dreibelbis, and individual contributions are (air Irvin, Ruth Frank, Edna M. urgent to carry over the Christmas Apright, Mrs. Mary Walker and program of providing baskets. With | poster Musser. They have been the $250 secured as a result of the coached by Mrs. Caroline Peterson, Elk's minstrel show barely $500 is while the director of the club is available . and nearly $1000 was Mrs Alfred Albright. spent last year for far less work This group will represent Centre than there is to do this week. 50 county and the central district, in- far but $11 has been secured from c|,ding Clinton, Mifflin and Centre thé barrel of pennies. counties, in the State-wide dramatic Ten deer carcasses were dressed tournament at the Farm Products They had a difficult task in making a selection but finally decided on the | Rebekah lodge, though both the Penn State and Halfmoon Grange clubs were close seconds. The Miss | Frank Millward, of Pleasant Gap. Rebekah club members are Mrs. He shot at it, but only wounded it slight- ly, the impact of the shot against one of its horns knocking it down. The ani- | mal attempted to get up, but several of !the school boys ran to it and held it | by the feet and horns until Champney could reach it and cut its throat. The animal had a large rack of horns with 10 points, —Lyde M. Irwin, 51 years old, former | cashier and director of the Lincoln Na- tional bank, Avella, now in the hands of receivers, pleaded guilty to misapplication ‘of $100,000 of the bank's funds in Fed- eral court at Pittsburgh, on Saturday. | Judge F. P. Schoonmaker sentenced him ‘to three years in the Peteisburg, Va. reformatory. The court was told Irwin used about 45 per cent. of the bank's ! money in financing companies in which he was interested. —Fire started by an angry bull which broke from his stall and overturned a lantern, destroyed a barn, silo and crops at the farm of Joseph Zeisloft, West Hemlock township, near Strawberry Ridge, Montour county, Friday evening at 6:45 o'clock with an estimated loss of $5,000, partly covered by insurance. Zeis- loft, who was alone in the barn, suc- ceeded in freeing four mules and 10 head of cattle and drove them from the build- ing before it was enveloped in flames. the season of “Peace on Earth an more executions issued so far this ‘Good Will to Men,” but oN hii year than were issued in 1930. The We. inte Some from ie Jong | rotal last year was 375 while this onto land. A pulmotor was used of the paving makes pockets for wa- year to date 378 have been recorded. in an effort to resuscitate the victim ter to gather in in wet weather. | 2% course all the executions issued | but he had been under water too Everyone of them was full andevery | not result in a sale of property long and all efforts to revive him motorist on that busy thorofare seem | the majority of them were set- proved futile. ed to arrive at a pocket simultape- | 5° : He was a native of Pine Glenn and ously with us. The splashing we Back in the county commissioner's | was 73 years old. His wife has got made us wonder whether tne | OTHE the one indication of depres. | heen dead for some years but heis people who have to use that street | 3100 was the fact that the various survived by four children, John, of daily swear as much as they are Collectors throughout the county re- DuBois; Mrs. Meyers, of Centre probably justified in doing. | turned a total of over $30,000 of un- Hall; Berenice and Henry, at home. ‘paid taxes on the 1930 duplicates. The funeral was held on Wednesday —The old gray lid we had worn | In Bellefonte borough tax collections afternoon, burial being made in the for several years became so disrepu- |for 1931 are also short of last year. | Askey cemetery. table looking as to arrest our own attention about a month ago. It ypGioN AUXILIARY was a comfortable old hat that had © MEETS IN BELLEFONTE. VICTIM OF FATAL SHOT adjusted iself perfectly to the vari-| | ous protruberances on our cranium | The tri-county council of the | IN CENTRE COUNTY. that have at times suggested char- American Legion Auxiliary for the i acteristics to the fingers of phren- | district composed of Centre, Clinton AE ae n Humbaugh Vikki ologists that we never knew we pos- and Lycoming counties held a meet- | county died at the Evangelical hos- | sessed. New hats or new shoes al- ing in Bellefonte on Wednesday of | pital Lewisburg shortly before eight | ways have had the effect of making last week. An executive meeting lock on Saturda iE bei / us self-conscious. Every time we of the board was held at 11.30, at ,....t of a Tt wound inflicted | start to break in either we have the the Legion home, on Howard street, a fellow hunter, Max Leitzek 18! feeling that all the people we meet (where the members were also en- | years old, while hontin in the Four. on the street are looking at them. tertained at dinner. Bellefonte j.., Mile Narrows oy unt On occasion we have spoken of this speakers at the afternoon session petween three and four Dy 5 reaction to new apparel and invari- were burgess Hard P. Harris and | game afte ably have been told that it 13 all Rev. Robert Thema, George R. Leitzek or al a deer which ol imagination, that probably not one Lamade, of Williamsport, gave an | bet hi | in a hundred people Soice whether | interesting account of the unemploy: |Log een In a ugh Wid we are wearing our Sunday Or Our ment relief work in that city, and : : | | baugh in the hip, was deflected on fishing clothes. All of which may Mrs. Fred E. McEntire, district di- | yp e hip bol i be so, but things have been happen- rector, gave some valuable SUggeS- | through Re soured Jprard] n Leitzek realized what ing lately that lead us to believe tions on the work of the auxiliary. | wound. Whe Mrs. McEntire was considerably sur- ,., happened he attempted to shoot that our reassuring friends Jost! know what they are talking about. prised when informed that she had | | himself but Our new hat is one of those kind | been selected to attend the national Ty 50 n as Reventey ium de you know what we mean—that fair- | jefense congress to be held in Wash- | pened on the scene. r ly projects its newness into the vis- ington, D. C., in February. |" The wounded youth was rushed to Wednesday's session being the first yy yogpital at Lewisburg but he | jon of others. And a new hat in times like these must look like resl | of the new auxiliary year the new d wi officers were in charge. They are: | led within four hours. | money, for since we discarded the on the heavy rope to pull the sub- merged car out of the water and SNYDER COUNTY HUNTER _ by local butchers and distributed to Show, in Harrisburg, during the fhe needy cases in the past week. week of January 18th. At the State ggainst Charlotte Carr, deputy Secretary e r were secured through the tournament they will compete with of Labor and Industry, were dropped on offices of game protector Mosier and farmers in other districts from all Monday. The indictments were quashed Burgess Harris. |over the State. Centre county peo- after a “substantial” cash settlement was Asidé from the money derived ple are urged to follow the play at made by Miss Carr with the family of from the Elk’s show and the Red Harrisburg and support their local Daniel S. Peters, 63, of Campbelltown, Cross drive the following has been | representatives. {who was killed by her automobile Octo- received: |ber 14, near Hershey. The Bureau of om Motor Vehicles suspended Miss Carr's Pom © Jie retley First. Presoy. ONE MAN PAROLED driver's license for reckless driving fol- terian church .....ooeorocemeemocerees 10.00 TWO OTHERS SE TE CE a by the ig Communi Thanksgi — t ss Carr prosecu or ay aEiving Otiering, 23 At a session of court, Monday af- | manslaughter. Willing Workers class of the Luth- | ternoon, Elmer Aukerman, of Gregg A quartette of bandits, driving a eran chureh o.oo... 46.00 | township, was granted a parole from sedan with Illinois license plates on Contributions from the following the Allegheny county work house Saturday night entered seven business individuals: W.L. Daggett, Wm, so he can return home and take | places in Somerset county, including the —Charges of involuntary manslaughter Dr. J. L. Seibert, Mrs. care of his , Who are in di First National bank of Sipesville. Their “Harper, T. B. Mamilton, ‘need of Als Su On Septen [total loot was two. revolvers, taken from OBIE LOVE ...cppuprssssssssisconsqasiesmsaeiessapmesio 42.00 guilty the bank, and $12 worth of candy and fver 10th’ Augerman plead to cigarettes, obtained at a filling station at entering and larceny and was sen- ooo aon e Manges, a clerk in the COUNTY-OFFICERS-ELECT tenced to pay the costs of prose- Zeppelin restaurant at Jennerstown, is HAVE NAMED DEPUTIES, cution, a dollar fine and serve nine he only person who saw the quartette. to eighteen months in the Allegheny | They entered just as she was closing for The Democratic county officers county work house. Attorney John the night and left when she told them who will be sworn in on January J. Bower presented the petition for the proprietor had gone home with the 4th, have made selection of their his parole and read a letter from Night's receipts. deputies and clerks, according to the superintendent of the work announcement this week. Sheriff- house who stated that Aukerman elect John M. Boob will have ashis had been a model inmate during the deputy John Bower, a World-war ‘three months he had been there. veteran, of Aaronsburg. The Coun- The court granted the parole on con- ty Commissioners have selected dition that arrangements were made Charles E. Freeman, of Philipsburg, | for the payment of the costs. as chief clerk, and Boyd Vonada,of F. A. Howe and F. E. Weaver, ar- Bellefonte, second clerk. Register rested last January for violations of John L. Wetzler will retain the serv- the liquid fuels act and who failed ices of Miss Geraldine Bilger, as his to appear in court, when notified to deputy. As mentioned last week do so, were brought in on bench Recorder D. A. McDowell will have warrants and were sentenced topay * Week Hoy Royer as his deputy. So far the costs, one hundred dollars each [had refused to go County Treasurer Robert F. Hunter for the benefit of the county and 57° '° 4° is the only one who has not made placed on probation for one year. | —Here is a story of a workman finding any selection. Prothonotary 8. | | $5000 in gold pieces that were not buried Claude Herr will retain the services by: Captain Kidd. = It was hidden, 30 of D. R. Foreman. | ——Last Thursday afternoon athe legend goes, some 60 years ago by So Tar mp amnonucement bas been ‘well known attorney in Bellefonte the owner of an historic brick tavern, “—*"Cut out the lipstick and other ex- tras, if you want to make ends meet,” Judge Forrest R. Shanaman told a young wife in domestic court at Reading, on Saturday. The woman, only 18, had asked for a support order against her husband, 20, for herself and 5-month-old child. “For you,” turning to the hus- band, Judge Shanaman said, “it means self-denial and sacrifice, if you are earn- ing only $12 a week.” The couple, though married, are living apart, each at the home of parents. An order for $3 was made until the wife, who to housekeeping, | was the instrument through which ‘about five miles east of Honeybrook, old boy we can scarcely get to OF president, Mrs. Fred J. Bush, Wil- | from our home without being “pan- handled” by some stranger. It is almost a daily experience for us to be “tapped” for a quarter or so by our large circle of acquaintances among the local characters who think they are deceiving us when they say they want to get some- thing to eat, but lately utter strang- ers have gotten to singling us out with such frequency that we can account for it only because the new ‘hat gives the appearance of opulence that isn't. If the thing keeps up there are only two courses left open to us: to the old hat or go into bankrupt. cy. We close our thirty-sixth con- secutive year as “Ink Sling” maker for the Watchman with one thought uppermost in our mind. It is that all of its readers may be able to look above the clouds of depression that lower over the earth and see the spirit of Christmas. Gold and silver might be the standards of value set by man, but times like these disclose their fallibility. The spirit of Christmas is the spirit of Christ. The one unfailing treasure that never shrinks in value and is vouchsafed the poorest of God's creatures in the same abundance as the richest. If we have nothing else through the coming festal sea- son to point us into the New Year with hope let us be happy in the thought that neither wars nor plagues, neither panics nor deflations | can take from us the spirit of the priceless gift our Creator sent us thirty-one hundred years ago next Christmas morning. made of the selection of janitors for | Lancaster county. It was discovered | |llamsport; first vice president, Mrs. R. J. Moquin, of Lock Haven; sec-| ond vice president, Mrs. Nelle Deck- | STATE COLLEGE JANITOR | TAKES LIFE BY HANGING. i We'll either have to go back | er, Bellefonte; secretary, Mrs. Paul Miller, Montgomery; treasurer, Mrs. Raymond Hill, Hughesville; sergeant at arms, Mrs. Daniel Krumrine, State College; historian, Mrs. Brum- gard, Avis; directors, Mrs. M. L. Motter, Bellefonte, and Mrs. Isaac Parker, Jersey Shore. —————_ nin GEORGE RHOADS SONS GET WEST PENN CONTRACT The contract covering the con- struction of the and ga- rage to be used by the West Penn Power company in Bellefonte has | been let to George E. Rhoads’ Sons, local contractors, who will use ma- terials supplied by dealers in this district. The new building will occupy the present site of the West Penn ga- rage on Lamb street, which was damaged by fire last spring. The building will be 119 feet long and 58 feet wide, constructed on a concrete foundation with brick walls, and a precase concrete slab roof carried on steel beams. Construction work on the building has been started and, when finished, will be one of the most up-to-date and completely equipped garages and store-rooms in West Penn ter- ritory. ——Christmas is coming without |a doubt, as the yard in front of the | court house is filled with Christmas | trees, brought there this week by | Joe Messmer and “Wesley.” David H. Ewing, who for the past nineteen years has been employed |by the Pennsylvania State College, | most of the time as janitor in the | electrical engineering building, com- mitted suicide, about seven o'clock | Monday morning, by hanging him- self from one of the ceiling beams in the third floor laboratory of the building. His body was found by Prof. D. M. Stover when he went to the laboratory at nine o'clock to hold class exercises. From indications Ewing had gone to work as usual, that morning, and had swept and dusted the laboratory before hanging himself. No motive for the suicide could be uncovered. Ewing was a son of Hezekiah and | Margaret Ewing and was born at Fairbrook 54 years ago. His only survivor is his widow. He was a member of the Presbyterian church, the Odd Fellows and the Alpha Fire Co. Funeral services were held at his late home at 10 o'clock on Wed- nesday morning, burial being made in the Pine Hall cemetery. i ——Edmund Eberhart, who for a number of years was employed in the Herr and Heverly grocery store, left early in the week for Hunting- don, where he has secured a posi- tion in the industrial reformatory. ——The recent election in Centre | county, the primaries included, cost |the county $10,904.12. The pri- maries cost $4,970.73 and the gen- eral election $5933.39. The cost per vote was about 89cts, | mother playing the accompaniment. with mouth agape and eyes bulging | the court house or attorneys for the the purchase of a piece of property , ow. ..4.,v by a workman engaged Sheriff and County Commissioners. |at sheriff's sale was consummated. in repairing the tavern, erected in 1806. Tae Durghae pice was Bi, and ne workman, his pockets bulging with purc over e money the shining pieces, has disappeared. MOTHERS CLUB HELD in real, honest to goodness green- | Other workmen revealed his finding of A CHRISTMAS PARTY. packs. The attorney laid the mon- the hidden treasure to Thomas Kelleher, — | delphia, owner of the property. The Bellefonte Mother's Club held |©Y down on his desk and wrote alot Phila its aap o v, on receipt for his client. The man They said He VOPuH, while jeusive Monday evening, at the home of | then asked if it wouldnt be the | Jon a8 hy a, bags yn so rhe Mrs. E. J. Maloy, on east Linn Proper thing to take out insurance ne’ Sn x will ue street, with twenty-four members OB his newly-acquired property and — a i the division of $3200 in reward and three guests present. Follow- the attorney told him to do So by esvise offered for the capture of Mrs. ing a short business session, pre- all means, and volunteered tO 80 yreng Schroeder and W. Glenn Dague. sided over by Mrs. J. Millard Harts- With him to an insurance office and 'y court order, handed down last week, wick, all joined in singing “Silent help arrange for same. While In| provides the money he paid to the court Night” and “Hark the Herald An. the latter office the disciple of Black- and all claimants should file their rea- gels Sing.” This was followed by stone happened to think of the $450 sons at once. The first Monday in Feb- a musical program. Carrie Jacobs Paid him afew minutes previous. He ruary was designated as the date of re. Bond and Mrs. W. R. Cliffe | felt in one pocket, then another, but | turn. Six sheriff's deputies of Phoenix, vocal solos, Mrs. Ww. R. Shallcross | couldn't find the roll. And then, Ariz. have claimed portions of the re- | ward, and a claim also has been enter- playing the accompaniment. | without any preliminary leave-tak- by Samuel Hague, of New Castle. Mary Jane Maloy gave a toe ing, he dashed from the office and y,, gchroeder and Dague were captured dance, Mrs. J. C. Ocker playing the | made a hot trail to his own office. i, Arizona after highway patrolman accompaniment. Donald McCor- He found the door standing wide Brady Paul had been shot to death near mick played two violin solos, his open and hurrying to his desk stood New Castle. They were convicted of murder and executed at Rockview last The program also included Christ- —no, the money had not been stol. February. mas carols, a reading by Mrs. Ar- en, it laid on the desk just where he! —A state trooper who hunted a mur- thur C. Dale and a playlet, “The had placed it. But it didn't lie derer for three years is on his way to Christmas Idea,” rendered by Mrs. E. there longer than it took the attor- Belize, British Honduras, to bring back J. Maloy, Mrs. J. Millard Hartswick, |ney to grab it and chuck it in his his man. He is Corporal John A. Carr, - Mrs. W. T. McCormick, Mrs. Wil- pocket. (Troop B, Wyoming. Carr was assigned lin 1928 to hunt the slayer of Alex liam Kline and Mrs. Harry Yeager. ——— | Campbell and Peter Wiley, killed in Pitts- A brilliantly lighted tree, with ——Christmas holidays for stu- |... in 1928 during a feud between rival candy and toys, and choice refresh- dents at the Pennsylvania State Col- | factions of the United Mine Workers. For ments were features of the gather- lege start Saturday at noon and con- | three years Carr worked continuously on ing. |tinue to noon Monday, January 4. the case. He traced the suspect, Peter | Students held their traditional) De Luca, through several Southern States. ——Harry M. Armstrong, aged Christmas carol sing last night oa | Finally the trail led to Belize. State po- 60, and a native of Milesburg, kill- [the terrace of Old Main, the music lice wired British authorities who ar- ed himself in Altoona early Tuesday [being conducted by Richard W.| rested De Luca, Wao _ Jad assumed the morning, using a revolver to shoot |Grant, head of the department of | ere %. Do. Ixveuni. in Eon himself in the head. He had been music. he The student Christian As- | ! | partment at Washington and the state sociation assisted in preparing the | trooper started on the journey to get his program. | man, suffering with melancholia for a long time.