Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, December 04, 1931, Image 6

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    | An Idaho farmer
! gallons of gasoline, two ci-
'phers on his ticket, claimed exemp-
tion from the State for 2,000 gal-
‘lons and actually collected the claim |
| —$100! He was tried, convicted
and fined $5—net profit $95. i
Indiana's frauds are estimated at|
'a minimum of $2,000,000 a year, and
‘there is general agreement that,
| with honest collections, the tax could
be reduced from 4 to 3 cents with- |
out losing a dollar. {
-— _ Br eres _—
—_ =
Bellefonte, Pa. December 4, 1931.
1 cannot tell if trees are bare
Or leaves are brown and dry.
Along the woodland thoroughfare
The billboards foil the eye.
If glades have lost their Summer glow
Or fields are dun, I do not know,
But there are many signs to show
"That Winter days are nigh
tities of gasoline brought in from
Texas by truck, paying no tax. In
one town three months ago 60,000
gallons monthly was being thus
brought in; it has risen to 250,000
monthly. Mississippi finds like
conditons, fast growing worse. New
Mexico gets bootleg gasoline from
the Texas Panhandle, trucked in at
night and never reported for tax.
State revenue authorities, highway
To woolen underwear. a; commissions, the motoring public
—George E. Phail. oq the oil industry are all victims
- of the robbery. The tax revenues
BOOTLEGGING GASOLINE are needed to carry highway bonds,
A NATIONAL RACKET. maintain existing roads and build
as new ones. With taxes representing
Bootlegging gasoline—selling it
as much as 33 per cent of the fill-
without paying the State tax—has ing-station price, the honest dealer
become one of the big rackets, has no chance to compete with the
threatening the national good roads ' tax evader. All concerned face a
program, which is financed largely serious situation. There is need
by gasoline taxes. Every State now for quick reform.
taxes gasoline; every State sees
bootlegging increasing.
Until recently the gasoline excise
was rated as one of the easiest,
most cheaply collected of all taxes.
Almost no machinery had to be set
up to handle it. This made it easy
to beat the game. Big capital is
jnvested in doing so, and profits
have been huge. The lawbreaker's
The painted ads that block the view
Still blossom fresh and (air
With colors bright and figures new
But wear a wintry air,
“The tennis lads no longer play;
They bloom in overcoats today,
While bathing suits have given way
What glorious adventures boys be-
tween the ages of ten and twenty
have reading THE AMERICAN BOY |
by magic, this well-known maga-
zine carries boys to distant parts of
plizes are 50 large that there is the world, introduces them to
plenty to split with corruptible of- strange people, lets them experience
queer customs and revel in the ad-
ventures of foreign lands.
In a single issue, a boy will battle
the frozen Northland with sled and
The system of bootlegging grew
up in a few years. As tax rates
rose to 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and even 7 cents
gallon, grafting began. At
per dog team, cross India n-haunted
first it was on a small scale; nowit oio5,g in a prairie schooner, zoom
commands capital, legal talent and over war-torn lands in an army
business ability.
On the Atlantic seaboard gaso-
line bootlegging is really “big busi-
ness.” Gasoline comes by tanker
from California or Texas to an At-
jantic port and is piped into barges
which, via the bays and rivers, de-
liver it by night to tax-evading
dealers. This traffic is more active
where several States can be reached
by the same water; Philadelphia,
ew York and Baltimore are ideal,
because no one State can establish |
authority over a particular ship-
There are other tricks. Railroad
tank cars are consigned trom outside
Pennsylvania through Pennsylvania
to a tnird State by way of some
designated junction. At that junc-
tion they are reconsigned to some
t in Pennsylvania where they
reach a tax-dodging dealer. There
is no reporting system to follow up
such a shipment. In one trans-
action three cars of gas started
from Philadelphia, were reconsigned
plane or on dangerous routes witha
U. S. mail pilot, hunt wild animals
in Africa atop the swaying back of
an elephant, go cruising in a bat-
tleship, fight Arab raiders with the
Foreign Legion and participate in
many other thrilling experiences
that come to readers of THE AMER-
ION. :
It is such experiences as these that
sharpen a boy's wits, kindle his
imagination, strengthen his char-
acter, develop his understanding of
the world in which he lives and of
the people that inhabit it. Here, |
indeed, is the ideal gift for that boy
in whom you are interested—that!
son, nephew, cousin, neighbor, or,
perhaps, the son of a business asso-
ciate. An attractive gift card bear-
ing your name will be sent to the
boy if you request it with your or-
der. Then every time the mail-
man brings the magazine to his
door, the boy will think of you
three times, and landed back in’ Subscription prices are only $2.00 |
Philadelphia on the siding of a for one year and $3.00 for three!
This practice years. Mail your order direct to
ng cutting retailer.
lately spread to all parts of the
«country. The last Pennsylvania
Legislature strengthened the law, and
COMPANION, 550 W. Lafayette
Blvd., Detroit, Michigan. Service on
the Pinchot administration has been your subscription will start with
so active in stamping out evasion whichever issue you specify.
that in May, 1931, the State collect- ———— i
ed $1,119,000 more than in May of Q
1930; and this despite the fact Yat POST OFFICE ASKS |
in 1930 the tax was 4 cents per
‘gallon and in 1831 only 3 cents.
“This seems to justify Governor
Pinchot’s estimate of $18,000,000
yearly loss through tax evasion.
The Chicago press recently ex-
posed big frauds and corruption in
the inspection and revenue organi-
izations of Illinois and Indiana.
Ma::y dealers reported only part of
thei sales, and paid taxes accord-
ingly. Others mixed 20 per cent
gasoline with 80 per cent naptha,
kerosene or furnace oil, which are
untaxed, selling this mixture—ruin-
ous to motors-—-as gasoline. Un-
scrupulous refiners billed gasoline as
naptha or kerosene, avoiding the
tax. Paint and other manufactur-
ers bou~h: excessive quantities of
gasoline, iax free, turning it over to
Dootleggers. Farmers durchased
crease in the
ofiice department is already urging |
patrons to mail early, pack gifts
well and comply with postal regula-
tions in order to insure prompt de- |
livery and efficient service.
There is no delivery on Christmas
day, but the department states that
Special Delivery mail, sent early
sent as sealed, first-class registered
No parcel may be more than 100
inches in length and girth com-|
bined nor exceed 70 pounds in|
weight. Written matter in the na- |
‘ture of personal correspondence can-
ht twenty |
Louisiana reports enormous quan- |
deserves protection
from tuberculosis
~ Buy
| The Bureau of Home Economics
'U. S. Department of Agriculture
‘says that every housekeeper knows
| that she can buy in quantity to bet-
ter advantage than if she buys
| hand-to-mouth. But considerable
! savings are possible even in small
| quantity buying, says the Bureau of
facts are kept in mind:
1. On many kinds of goods the
price in bulk is less than the price
'in package.
2. The larger can or package, al-
most always, is a better buy than
the small one.
3. The label on all canned or
package goods, tells something the
purchaser needs to know, especially
about the weight of the contents.
The savings on cereal foods pur-
‘chased in bulk instead of in pack-
| run as high as 50 cents on the
‘dollar, which is the more important
| because these foods which must be
| depended upon for a large propor-
tion of the food value in low-cost
menus. The average saving is four
‘cents per pound.
The saving on canned goods, vege-
tables and cooking molasses, if
bought in large cans instead of
small, is considerable. The saving
on ordinary groceries per can runs
from two cents to twenty-three
Buyers of package goods or can-
ned goods should always read the
Health and Happiness
The 25th annual sale of Christ-
mas Seals and Health Bonds be-
gins Friday, November 27th.
Seals sell for one cent each and
the bonds $5 to $1,000.
Health Bonds are for those
persons or business concerns who
want to help more generously and
cannot use many Seals.
The Seals and Bonds provide
funds for the work of the united
local, state and national tubercu-
losis organizations in combating
the White Plague and improvin;
health conditions.
This work is carried on by the
Pennsylvania Tuberculosis Society
and its 100 affiliated organizations
throughout Pennsylvania.
Tuberculosis thrives on under-
nourishment, worry and strain,
which are the accompaniment of a
depression, and tuberculosis socie-
ties are receiving increasing calls
for assistance in combating the
The 25th anniversary Seal pie-
tures a coach of colonial days
from which a bugler is sending
forth greetings of health and
The Tuberculosis Christmas Sea!
is the only sticker whose proceeds
go for health work.
this year!
Herald of Health
This year the Christmas Seal cele
brates its 25th anniversary with a
| special design to commemorate the
quarter-century mile post of its fight
against tuberculosis. A stage coach
FOR EARLY MAILING | is shown, pulled by four horses
Anticipating a 200 per cent in-| prancing through the snow. One of
volume of mail as | the passengers is blowing a horn tc
Christmas time approaches, the post trumpet the good news that the
Christmas Seal coach is coming.
And indeed it is good news that th.
coach and four bring with every
letter and package they decorate at
holiday time. It is good news that
| the toll of tuberculosis has been re-
enough will be delivered on that day. | duced in the twenty-five years the
Valuable parcels should be insured. | Seal has been at work to help make
Coins, currency or jewelry should be | ,.,5le well. It is good news that this
| progress is to be continued until it
| can no longer be said, as now is the
case, that tuberculosis strikes down
more people in the first decade of
maturity than any other disease.
Don’t forget your Christmas Seals
They cost little, but they
huge quantities of gasoline for not be inclo in
. " | sed parcels, the de-
agricul use”—and the bootleg- ,. iment declares, but a letter plac- | save human lives.
ed in an envelope addressed to cor-|
respond with the address on the par-
‘cel and fully prepaid at the first
‘class rate may be tied or otherwise
BE a
2 : ’ “such a manner as prevent sepa-
ficials swooped down, settle for only ‘ration therefrom and not obscure |
;such tax as the State could prove. i. address.
“Cars of zasoline were consigned to 4 pyjjetin prepared by the Post-|
one poini, then diverted to another, aster General is on display at the |
to a concignee with whom the boot- postoffice and other points. In it |
1eRger had a hook-up. do hen ns are complete directions for packing |
e revenue au and wra] various kinds of
ater the consignee couldn't be packages, Pong as facts on insur- |
found. Dinos, | 38¢¢: registry and other special |
Governor Emmerson, of services. It deserves your atten-|
has set up a commission to go to
the bottom of the whole business
.ané frame corrective measures.
In Oklahoma more than $12,000,-
000 was collected in 1930. It looks
x is now being lost.
a a gasoline 5 Eta a The number of hunting accidents
gaso |is mounting rapidly although few |
Futor, ie Swe iis ol Boling | ieivies have actually occurred in|
4s bought for the farm tractor and the field during the beginning of the |
used in the automobile. It has | season. Only five shootings of this
peen calculated that, in July, 1931, sort have been recorded. The)
{Oklahoma ought to have
Dummy companies received gaso-'
Jine, reporting and paying on only a
small part. Filling stations would
~ollected | Game Commission does not iugol |
: 71,000; it actually collected $620,- | porate deaths caused by heart “i
33 This nen of evasion is ure resulting from the thrill of the
practiced nearly everywhere. In! chase in their accident reports.
Nebraska trucks bring in gasoline, Only injuries resulting from the |
frequently hundreds of miles, paying careless shooting or
no taxes, and sell to dealers who | firearms are listed.
pay none. These frauds became so The number of non-fatal accidents |
serious that the last Legigintuge Cig B
pial appropriation whic
Bie a prop during the corresponding period last |
California was one of the first season. A large percentage of these
States to expose tax frauds and | injuries have been self-inflicted al-
strengthen its law. Nevertheless, though a few hunters have been
evasion is serious there. ‘“Agricul- wounded by stray shot in brush
tural use” covers up extensive areas. If hunters would always
frauds. The Standard Oil Com- keep fresh in mind the slogan “The
pany of California has offered
ward of $1,000 for every proof of
a re- | only safe gun is the gun safely
pointed,” few accidents,
| would likely occur, officials said.
handling of |
in the first week totaled |
domewhat higher than
if any,
To Meet at Pittsburgh
The 40th annual meeting of the
Pennsylvania Tuberculosis Society
will be held in Pittsburgh at the Fort
Pitt Hotel on Tuesday and Wednes-
day, January 19th and 20th next.
Prominent physicians and others in-
terested in health work will speak.
—t'Buay Christmas Seals’ =
package say
Put Christmas Seals on «// your
Christmas packages. Let these bright
little messengers carry the good news
that you, too, are doing your bit to
protect the health of your community.
Gl ight Coberoulors
label says the Bureau of Home Eco-
nomics. Of macaroni, for example,
there are 8-ounce packages and 9-
ounce packages which look very
much alike but are correctly labeled
somewhere on the wrapper. The
law requires that the net weight be
printed on every package. It is
important to know the grade of any
product, also, and some times the
cheaper grades will serve the pur-
pose as well as the more expensive.
If you want a fish chowder, for
instance, or a salmon loaf, or cro-
quettes, canned salmon is avail-
able in five different grades ana
prices, ranging usually from 8 or 9
cents to 30 cents per can of equal
size. The two cheapest kinds are
the “Chum” and the “Pink” at 8 to
10 cents a can—hoth wholesome and
| satisfactory when used in the ways
Weekly low cost menus for family
of five are also published by the
Aid State Campaign
Fifty-five Pennsylvania men and
women are members of the Christmas
Seal Committee for the State, as an-
nounced by Dr. Francis B. Haas
President of the Bloomsburg State
Teachers College, who is State Seal
Chairman. The honorary chairmar
‘s Governor Gifford Pinchot.
“It is most heartening to have the
support of these citizens in the great
campaign against tuberculosis,” said
Dr. Haas. Members of the committer
Dr. Theodore B. Appel. Harncburg.
Mrs. Willen Brice, Jr., Bedford: Mrs. Ella
B. Black. Heaverdale: Mrs. Edward WwW. Riddle
Carlisle ; Senator Frank E. Baldwin, Austin;
M. 8S. Bentz, PhD, Ebensburg :
Meadville; J. M. Bloss,
Irving Dates, Titus
D. Cardinal Dougherty, Philadelphia; Miss
Frances Dorrance, Kingston: Judge W. R.
: Dr. Wm. Devitt,
DS ervard : Ane 3. W. Dawson, Uniontowr Bureau and may be obtained from
C. C. Ellis, Ph.D., Huntingdon. Majorie Heck, Home Economics
Hon. Henry P. Fletcher, Greencastle | Representative.
Thomas Francis, Scranton. |
Mrs. Walter E. Greenwood, Coatesville : |
Rt. Rev. Bishop Gannon, Erie: Fred B Seats
rnerd, Allentown.
Mrs. Richard J. Hamilton, Ardmore; Leigh
Mitchell Hodges, Philadelphia: Mahlon N
Haines, York.
F. M. Kirby, Wilkes-Barre. Much has been written recentl
Lebanon ; . n | y
oe W Be ig Flinn Law about the multitude of big benevo-
Pittsburgh ; Charles Lose, Montours-
: Robert . LWIS,
Wo et Liveright, Philadelphia.
Mrs. Donald P. McPherson, Gettysburg
pr. J. B. McAlister, Harrisburg: Vance C
McCormick, Harrisburg; Gen. Edward Mar
tin, Harrisburg; Rev. William L. Mudge
Harrisburg; James H. Maurer, Reading
Mrs. J. MM: Miller, Scalp Level; Mrs. Elmer
E. Melick, Swarthmore: R. P. Mitchell
Olyphant; Judge H. Robert Mays, Reading
Dr. Willism H. Mayer, Pittsburgh: Mrs. Joh
©. Martin, Wyncote.
Dr. A. M. Northrup, Wilkes-Barre.
John A. Phillips, Philadelphia; Andrew EH)
Patterson, Harrisburg: H. E. Paisley, Phila
delphia; Mm. C. R. Phillips, Harrisburg
4. J. Proesl, DuBois.
Dr. James N. Rule, Harrisburg.
E. J. Stackpole, Harrisburg: M. 8. Shoch,
Selinsgrove; Walter A. Schrempel, Bethle
hem; John L. Stewart, Washington.
Robert S. Taylor, Bethlehem.
E. A. Van Valkenburg, Wellsboro.
Ross Pier Wright, Erie.
lent foundations and institutions and
the good they do to the entire world.
These foundations have been used
as exhibit No. 1 to disprove “that
Americans are selfish isolationists,
interested only in accumulating
wealth for themselves.” oh
| Again and again the dozen ex-
traordinary benevolent individuals
which we have produced during the
last fifty years have been cited as
representative of American gener-
osity. Too easily is it forgotten that
during the same period we have
| produced thousands of millicnaries
‘and hundreds of multimillionaires,
most of them conspicuous by their
absence from the ranks of givers.
During a period of more than a
century we have developed some 186
charitable trusts, but in 1928 alone
z . ~ there were more than 500 individuals
wey CHTIGAD pale in the United States who had year-
(ly incomes of $1,000,000 or more.
PERTINENT FACTS | The tote income of these persons
. amounted to $1,108,863,000.
Bn ee Re Chvinian era. Chinese | The benevolences of a dozen indi-
viduals, such as Carnegie, the Rocke-
fellers, Harkness, Rosenwald and a
few others account for a consider-
‘able proportion of the existing foun-
dations. Of the estimated $1,000,-
| 000,000 now available in these funds,
the gifts of the Rockefellers and
| Andrew alone make up
| three-fourths of the totals.
hiitory mentions it during 600 B. C.
It is caused by a germ-——the tubercle bacillu.
—which is visible only under the micro
It is spread directly from one person to &n
other by inhalation or swallowing the
Nearly everyone has the germs in his body
Lung tuberculosis is most common, but the
disease may attack any part of the body.
Some symptoms are: Fasily tired, continues
cough, indigestion, loss of weight.
Tuberculosis can be prevented and cured.
No specific cure (vaccine or drug) has bee
Nine active cases exist for every annual death
Tuberculosis is the chief eause of deaths be-
tween 15 and 45.
Every person should the necessity for
plenty of fresh air, He ale of good food | Recent discovery—deer have a
and the proper care of the body, and the | mental twist like that of the fabled
need of an annual physical examination. | ogtrich which stuck its head in the
Isand to hide from its enemies—has
| resulted in the first successful deer
trap. Wild life experts have tried
| for years to design a deer trap in
which a large percentage of the cap-
| tured animals did not kill or injure
Weeding Out Process
| themselves.
The tuberculosis fight is centered
The new trap, built by trappers
largely on the child and youth. Pre- .. 4. pennsylvania On Op
vention is easy and sure while cure | gion ig much like the old type ex-
is difficult and uncertain. cept that it is equipped ET oa
These facts were emphasized during | curtains. When a deer enters the
the past year by the tuberculosis large poultry-wire box and touches
societies in a special campaign. The the trigger the curtains fall and
purpose was to find the children in| shut out all view. Instead of leap-
whom the germ or seed had already |ing wildly against the walls as for-
taken root and to provide them with | merly, the captives so far have re-
the protective care that will forestall mained perfectly quiet.
Home Economics, if three important |
RH EE ———————_— te
Pocket money isn't a
youngsters in the viliages and cot
try aistricts now, although it =
during the summer.
School boys are busine
men for the winter, and they
cashing in, but not to the ext
| that prevailed for a number of yea
Thousands of the boys are nr
ning trap lines for the winter mont
land they report the early sea:
catch better than expected. Av
eran of tne trap lines, 11 years
declared that the season thus
was the best he had ever kno
'and he had been running a t
line for one, two, three, four i
counted them off on his finge
Many youngsters of from six
eight years old run trap lines in °
, country districts, trapping skun
muskrats and mink principally,
now and then getting a fox. 1
“rats” are the most plentiful ¢
the catch brings thousands of ¢
lars yearly to the boys collectiv
during a season.
Wholesale dealers in raw furs
port that 90 per cent. of the f
brought to them are trapped by
youngsters who run their trap li
in the mornings before school sta:
and are familiar with the habits
the animals they are trappi
From an educational standpo
teachers assert that the youngst
learn far more froma the trap li
about animals than they do fr
One 13 year old boy, now in h
school, has been trapping since
was seven, and not a year has
failed to come through with |
than $75. Prices for the last
seasons have heen much lower tl
those prevailing formerly.
Many of the youngsters ca
small rifles when they run the li:
killing the animals trapped
quickly #3 they spot them. T
experience all of the problems
their elders, with missing traps, ¢
mals that tear away leaving a
behind and now and then some
visiting some of their traps in
vance of the owner.
Most of the traps lost, the b
declare, are lost through “two-fc
ed thieves.”
When the teacher was absent fi
the school room, Billy, the misch:
ous boy of the class wrote on
blackboard: “Billy Jones can !
the girls better than any boy in
Upon her return the teacher c
ed him up to her desk.
“William did you write tha
she asked, pointing to the bls
“Yes ma'am,” said Billy.
“Well, you may stay after schoc
said she, as punishment.
The other pupils waited for E
to come out, and then they be
guying him.
Got a licking, didn't you?
“Nope,” said Billy.
Got jawed?
“What did she do?" they asl
“Sha'n’'t tell,” said Billy; “bu
pays to advertise.”
Why Use a Bladder Phy
To drive out impurities
acids that cause irritation
in getting up nights, frequent de
burning, leg pains or backache,
KETS, the bladder physic works p
antly on the bladder as castor oil
the bowels. Get a 25c test box
your druggist. After four days if
relieved go back and get your mc
You will feel better after this clear
and you get your regular sleep.
Widmann & Teah Inc, and C. M,
rish, druggists.
and e»
which re:
Good Printing
at the
There is no ale a et
he cheapest
that we can not do im the mc
satisfactory manner, and at Pric
consistent with the class of wor
{al on or communicate with t
A ———
the disaster of tuberculosis in the | _
productive period of life, 15 to 45.
This effort will be continued in
April, 1932, as part of the work car-
ried on through the funds raised in
the 1931 Seal sale.
The slogan will be:
Tuberculosis Causes Tuberculosis—
@very Case Comes from Another.
w—*"Buy Christmas Seals" —
Seal Your Mail
First Prize $500.00; Next
twenty Prizes $50.00 each;
Next one hundred Prizes
awarded. Rules: Write on
your letter
of 666 Salve Carton
Twinkle, twinkle, little Seal,
How I jump at your appeal,
Send my little dollars quick,
Helping someone who is sick.
eet“ Buy Christmas Seals’
night, January 31, 1932.
winners by February 15th.
Prizes $5.00 each. In case of a tie
contain no more than fifty
sud. wail with lJosier to 060 Salve Cont
acksonville, Florida. All letters
owt. ay Your Druggist will have list of
Sensational Discovery, 666 Salve
A Doctor’s Prescription for Treating Colds Externally
Everybody Using It---Telling Their Friends
$5,000 Cash Prizes for Best Answers
“Why You Prefer 666 Salve for Colds”
The Answer Is Easy After You Have Tried It
Ask Your Druggist.
ten Prizes $100.00 each; Next
Next forty Prizes $25.00
one side
666 Liquid or Tablets with 666 Salve Makes a
Complete Internal and External Treatment,