Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, December 04, 1931, Image 5

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Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Meyer return-
to their home in Medina, N. Y.,
it week.
Mrs. A. J. Hazel went to Madi-
aburg, Sunday, to spend a few
ys among
Miss Dorothy Lonebarger, instruc-
- in the schools at Athens, spent
seral days at her home in town.
Lester Brouse and family moved
o the apartment vacated by Paul
ouse and family, who moved to
Misses Mary Reish and Nora Mil-
were Thanksgiving day guests
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Homan,
ar Pennsylvania Furnace.
Miss Roselle Meyer, a student at
nsfield teachers’ college, enjoyed
few day's vacation at the home of
: parents, Mr. and Mrs. Nevin
Srof. and Mrs. E. H. Meyer and
. and Mrs. Matthew Goheen visit.
their son and daughter, Mr. and
s. Richard Goheen, in Indiana,
t week.
Nilliam Sweet, principal of the
listone High school, enjoyed a
¢ days visit at the home of his
ind parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wil-
m Meyer.
drs. Anna Pifer, of Wilkinsburg,
i Mrs. Clayton Royer, of Belle-
ite, were guests of their sister,
s. Wagner and Rev. Wagner,
m Saturday until Sunday after.
tev. Kirkpatrick will conduct
paratory services in the Presby-
ian church, on Friday evening at
yclock, and Communion services
Sunday, December 6th, at 11
tdward Burchfield, of Altoona,
nt several days with his sister,
s. Effie Jacobs, and Monday ac-
npanied a party of friends to
ir hunting camp for a few days
.ester Brouse, accompanied by his
ther, Mrs. Emma Brouse, and
s. Charles Kuhn drove to Danville,
Thursday, to visit friends. Mrs.
use went on to Harrisburg to!
it until Sunday with her son Paul
1 family.
apt. and Mrs. Ramsey and daugh-
s, of Philadelphia, were guests of
5t. and Mrs. Vincent James, from
irsday until Sunday. The Ram-
family spent part of last sum-
r in this vicinity and enjoyed re-
ning for a short visit.
\ civil service examination will be
4 at State College, in the near
ure, for the purpose of selecting
nan or woman to fill the position
postmaster at Boalsburg. The
ipensation of the post master for
last fiscal year was $885. All
Jications must be filed by Fri-
, December 18th.
fr. and Mrs. Harry McGirk, of
lefonte; Mr. and Mrs. Forest Mc-
k and daughter, Miss Jane, of
temont, and Mr. and Mrs. Mil-
i McGirk and daughter, of Al-
na, were visitors at the home of
s Anna Dale, on Thursday. Mr.
Mrs. Finn McGirk, of Altoona,
‘e also callers on Sunday.
fr. and Mrs. Raymond Ard are
siving congratulations on the ar-
il of a daughter.
fr. and Mrs. Ed. Bohn, of Akron,
o, are guests of Mr. and Mrs.
in's grand-parents, Mr. and Mrs.
1es Wert.
‘ermit Orwig, of Akron, arrived
.own, Sunday, to be with his par-
3, Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Orwig,
ing the deer season.
{rs. Thomas Hull and daughter,
s Jennie, were Thanksgiving
sts of Mr. and Mrs. T. L. Kes-
rer, at State College.
{r. and Mrs. A. S. King spent a
days, recently, with their son-
aw and daughter, Mr. and Mrs.
ace Henry, in Milroy.
(rs. Charles Harter and sons,
ert and Kenneth, have been
ading some time with her elder
Mr. and Mrs. Ellsworth Harter,
Wolfs Store.
rs. Fay Saunders and daughter
nice and Mrs. Brown and daugh-
of Akron, were Thanskgiving
sts of Mrs. Saunders’ parents,
and Mrs. Charles Limbert.
r. and Mrs. Paul Bartges, ac-
panied by the Misses Catherine
Esther Krape and Olive Orwig,
re to Harrisburg, Saturday,
re they spent their time in the
r. and Mrs. William C. Mingle
daughter Ruth, of Akron, Ohio,
» Thanksgiving guests of their
ective parents, Mr. and Mrs. E.
Mingle and Mr. and Mrs. E. L.
rer, on Main street. Mr. and
. Carl Stover and small child,
of Akron, have been here for
e time.
rs. Maude Hamer, of Altoona,
«d on friends in town, Tuesday.
r. and Mrs. Alta Pletcher and
shter, Miss Alma, spent Thanks-
1g with friends at Berwick.
r. and Mrs. Ed Warg and son,
Bethlehem, are visiting Mrs.’
g's mother, Mrs. Allen Smith.
hn Weber, a student at the
t Chester Normal school, spent’
week-end with his mother here.
r. and Mrs. Harry Willlams, of
ona, spent the week-end with
former's mother, Mrs. Kathryn
rs. Lot H. Neff, who has beena
ical patient in the Centre Coun- |
ospital, returned to her home
ie Keystone Bible class of the
2. church met at the home of |
Emma Pletcher, last Friday
ing. |
r, and Mrs. P. C. Cauffiel and
ly, of Johnstown, and Mr. and
Robert Lyman, of Coudersport, |
t Thanksgiving with the ladies’
er, Mrs. Stella Williams.
Mrs. Susan Bechdel is visiting her
son Harry, near town.
Dr. George Dannley and wife are
here from Ohio for the hunting sea-
Mrs. Emma Decker spent last
week with the Christ Decker family,
in Tyrone.
Prof. Cyrus Hoy and wife, of Zion,
were callers at the H.C. Dale home,
last Thursday.
Brooks Fry drove a big Mack
truck from Altoona to New York
city, last week.
L. E. Ripka, of Boalsburg, was in
town, last Friday, on business con-
nected with the Ed Moore estate.
Miss Virginia Dale, teacher in the
Abington High school, spent Thauks-
giving at her home on the Branch.
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Ewing spent
the early part of the week visiting
the sick at the Centre County hos-
J. L. Shank and family motored
to Zion, Friday, to assist at the big
butchering at the G. B. Gummo
The organ that has been in the
Bethel Reformed church for fifty
years has been replaced with a Cur-
tis piano.
Mrs. john S. Dale and Mrs. Viola
Smith, spent Thanksgiving with the
Marceilus Sankey family, at Wil-
J. C. Corl and family, of Juniata,
are guests of Mrs. Ada Krebs while
Mr. Corl is out on the deer trail as
a day hunter.
Gene Fry, a High school boy, is
recovering from a siege of the
mumps and will soon be able to re-
turn to school.
Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Irvin
planning to attend the annual meet-
ing of the State Grange, at DuBois,
December 8th to 12th.
Mack Fry and wife, with their
son Hugh and lady friend, spent
Sunday in Altoona with their other
son, Brooks Fry and family.
Mr. and Mrs. Blair Miller, of Hol-
lidaysburg, are spending a few days
with his sisters, Misses Gertrude and
Maude Miller, in the Glades.
C. M. Fry and Miss Esther Ritchie
and daughter Joan, of Altoona, were
Thanksgiving day guests of Mrs,
Hannah Osman, at Pine Hall.
H. C. Fluke, of Barto, is here for
his annual deer hunt on Tussey
mountain. He also will go into the
Alleghenies in the hope of getting a
shot at a bear.
Members of the ladies Bible class
of the Lutheran Sunday school were
entertained, on Friday evening, by
Mrs. Laura Krebs. Miss Sue Dann-
ley is teacher of the class.
John English, of the Mont Alto
forestry school, spent Thanksgiving
with his parents, Rev. and Mrs. J.
S. English. Miss Dorothy English,
of Harrisburg, was also home for
the day.
A public meeting will be held in
the I. O. Q..F. hall Monday evening
in the interest of the school bond
issue which is to be voted on at a
special election to be held Decem-
ber 19th. A full turnout is desired.
Every person who owned or could
borrow a gun was out after deer
on Tuesday, including the following
women: Mrs. A. C. Kepler, Mrs.
Hoffman and Miss Ella Goss. And
it was a good day for the sport.
Among those who came in with
deer, on Tuesday, were M. C. Wie-
land, G. C. Corl, Harry Gearhart,
George Burwell, Jacob Kocher, J. M.
Keller, Irvin Keller, Roy Eyer, Ho-
mer Philips, Ed Johnson. Most of
them were does. A hunter by the
name of Hongast killed an 18-point
buck in the Barrens, which is be-
lieved to be the monster that many
hunters have been after for a num-
ber of years back.
are '
Mrs. Nora Grimm, of Altoona,
spent Tuesday with her sister, Mrs.
Harry Stere. !
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Wagner, of Special
Harrisburg, are visiting her sister, |
Mr. and Mrs. H. E. McElwain.
Mrs. Beulah Eckley,
been boarding at the Hotel Union |
for some time, is on the sick list. |
Warren Wilson, of State College,
was a guest recently of his friend,
Miss Helen Barton, at her home
John Brown, of Trafford City, was
a guest over the week-end in the
home of C. R. Eckenroth and other
William Buck, of Williamsville, N. |
Y., was a guest of his parents, Mr.
and Mrs. D. Buck, over the Thanks-
giving vacation.
James Stere, of State College, and |
lady friend, spent the Thanksgiving '
vacation with his parents, Mr. and
Mrs. H. M. Stere.
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Barton and
little daughter, of Saxonburg, ar-
rived, on Sunday, at her parental
home, Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Parsons.
Mr. and Mrs. Ellery Spotts and
son Foster, and Mr. and Mrs. Mil-
ford Spotts, of Chili N. Y, are
guests of Mrs. Arista Lucas and
other relatives here.
Rev. and Mrs. Lawrence Barton,
of Hastings, are visiting at the
home of his brother, Hughes Barton.
Laurie is enjoying a few days with
his friends hunting for deer.
Guests at the home of Mrs. Mag-
gie Keatley, over Thanksgiving,
were her daughter, Miss Emily, from
school at Carlisle, and son Gilbert
‘and Glenn Blackwood, of Pittsburgh.
Among the many lucky hunting
crews were the E. T. Hall crowd,
who got three deer the first day, and
Roy Eckley, Cliff. Alexander,
Charles Stambaugh, and Clair Harp-
er each one.
George Parsons spent his Thanks-
| giving vacation with his aunt and
| uncle, Prof. and Mrs. Robert Lan-
i nen, at Chester, and accompanied
his sister, Miss Viola, home on Sun-
day evening. She had gone a week
before for a visit with relatives and
Somehow in giving the list, last,
week, of those who attended Pomona
meeting in the Grange Hall, at Cen-
tre Hall, on Novemebr 21st, the
name of Mrs. Bertha Lindenmuth
was missed, for which we are sor-
ry as she very kindly drove her car
and took some of her friends along.
Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Cleaver, of
Kennett Square, arrived in town,
Thursday evening and are stopping at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Fox.
Edgar spent his boyhood in this
town and it is a great pleasure to
his friends to hear his pleasant
voice again. He is enjoying hunt-
ing with his old friends over the
hills here.
The sauer kraut supper, last Fri-
day evening, was quite well patron-
ized, considering the weather condi-
tions, and a nice sum added to the
Aid Society treasury. They havea
number of articles left from the
bazaar, among them a nice quilt.
Any one wishing to purchase any of
these articles can do so by calling
at the home of Mrs. Hannah Idd-
Mrs. Lyda Baker, who made her
home with her niece, Miss Carrie
Neiman, for a number of years, and
after Miss Neiman's death stayed
a while with Mrs. Samuel Hoover
and then came to the Hotel Union,
left a few days ago for Des Moines,
Iowa, where she will be cared forin
| the home for aged under the man-
(agement of the Eastern Star. Mrs.
Baker has been blind for several
years. She is a member of the so-
ciety of Eastern Star.
How could he remember
the girl back home ?
Madcap Jimmie Durante
in an Action Story with
a Million Laughs!
| @ J is
Singing and Love-Making
Under Tropical Skies.
December 7 and 8
Matinee Daily at 1:30
who has P
Church Bible school, C. C. Shuey,
Supt., 9.30, goal for attendance 330,
offering; members of Wom.
Volunteer Class have extra
. League, 6.30, has fine
and vital topic. Worship
10.45, preachment from Scriptures
for pre-Christmas meditations. 7.30,
evangelistic service. Official board,
Monday, 7.45. Young peoples coun-
cil, church, at 8, ana Woman's For-
eign Missionary Society, at 8, par-
sonage, Friday, Dec. 4. Tuesday,
Dec. 8, church, Ladies Aid Society,
very urgent matters.
Pastor responds to all calls for his
services. Strangers, week-end vis.
itors and commercial travelers us-
ually worship with this congrega-
tion. Everybody welcome.
Last Tuesday evemmg 80 women
attended the monthly meeting of the
Volunteer Bible class, Mrs. H. L.
Jacobs, teacker. The class presi-
dent, Mrs. Frank West, received
from the class a bouquet of beauti-
ful chrysanthemums in recognition
of her birthday anniversary. For real
enjoyment through helpful exercises
and good features this meeting has
first rank.
The White Cross, which is the
Conference organization of the Amer-
ican White Cross, this churchwide
activity promoting all the 52 homes
and hospitals, together with the
Deaconess work of the Methodist
church, has now the attention of
Bellefonte Methodists.
Horace Linclon Jacobs, Pastor.
Rev. Shibli, of State College, will
occupy the pulpit in the Presbyter-
ian church on Sunday, morning and
9:30 A. M., Church school.
10:45 A. M., The service and ser-
mon: “The Church and Our Atti-
tude is it Fair?”
7:30 P. M., Vesper service and
sermon: “Making Our Calling and
Election Sure.”
Clarence E. Arnold, Pastor.
—Read the Watchman every week
and get all the news.
For Fast Selling Specialties
Widely known manufacturer wants an
agent in every community to sell
money and labor-saving household
products. Quick sellers, 50% profit,
constant repeats. Agents protected for
business in their territories. Write
today for full information.
Amazol Products Co.,
P. 0. Box 3464, Station 0,
b% of the hours spent at home.
| J room suite, with bath; four-room.
suite, with bath; four-room suite;
all steam heated. Crider's Exchange.
tag lost from t
in three
S A L E.—Restaurant equi te
Includes tables, chairs, two
utensils, eof-
two counters,
dishes, kitchen
large coal range.
Man or Woman
Wanted At Once
If you are out of work, or look-
osition to offer the
woman, a resident
for a chance to better your-
have mighty attractive prop-
right man or
of Bellefonte,
Good steady earnings right
the start, experience un-
necessary. See Mr. L. R. Dunkle,
RFD 1, Box 78,
or write The J. R. Watkins
Hundreds of Gifts at the Lowest Prices in Years
v Furniture and Rugs are the lasting Gifts that add so much to the joy and comfort
Petersburg, .
Avenue, New-
X Smokers
He'll certainly like a Smoker.
Smokers as low as $1.00.
Cedar Chests
Assure her of your good taste with a Cedar
Chest in Natural or Walnut Finish—
Prices Commence at $14.50
> Cabinet Smokers $3.95 and upwards
pleasing colors
Chairs Built for Comfort
Lounging, Cogswell, Windsor and Reed. We special a
quality Occasional Chair, upholstered in
at $8.50
Mahogany finish —
A 32-inch width Spinnet Desk, with drawer, brown
A Real Value at $12.75
Also showing a fine line of Governor Winthrop
Desks and Secretaries.
Living Room Suites
\ A Delightful Gift. for the Family
i ‘Genuine Franklin Co. A Grade 3-Piece Living Room
if Suites, with the guaranteed “Crown Sagless” Spring
construction. Verona Velvet moth-proof covers. The
last word in quality and comfort,
Regular Price $158.00
& Now at $135.00
A Nine-Piece Dining Room Suite
A Timely Christmas Suggestion
Buffet, Table, China Closet, and 6 Chairs with Tapes-
try Seats. Dust-proof construction.
with maple overlays.
Our Regular Price $122.00
Special Price $95.00
Waliiut veneer
Lamps convey the true Christmas spirit.
Candelabra, Junior Bridge or Table Style, bases in Pewter
or Bronze Finish, Genuine Parchment Shades—
Complete for $6.75
Other Christmas Suggestions
Spring Street
8 2 ld ae 2
Sd Se IP ie
Established 1841