Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, November 27, 1931, Image 1

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—The Gene Tunneys have their
first baby. It is a boy and since he
has been born to fistic royalty The
Long Count might be an appropri-
ate name.
—The fly in Governor Pinchot's’
unemployment relief ointment is the
$600,000.00 he wants to pay a hand
picked commission to disperse it.
More high salaried jobs for him to
give, you know.
— Announcement from Washing-
ton is to the effect that
eign Minister, are in accord for
pushing world recovery. That would
have been encouraging news if it
had only carried some information
as to who is going to push Mr.
Mrs. Pinchot resigned from the
Pennsylvania Council of Republican
Women because she thinks it is be-
ing “overloaded” with organization
women.” We don't know anything
about that, but we'll bet a dollar to
a doughnut that she wouldn't have
resigned if she had found the Coun-
cil “overloaded” with Pinchot organ-
ization women.
— Prince Nicholas of Rumania has
blackened the eye of his big brother
Carol, the King. The pen might
be mightier than the sword but it
evidently isn't as potential as the
fist. Sporadically, for a year, we
have been using a pencil to drape
crepe on the optic of the philander-
ing Carol and young Nicholas steps
up and does the job in an instant.
Yesterday was the day for gen-
eral Thanksgiving. In face of the
fact that the last of the few little
investments we had been depending
on to supplement the paltry com-
pensation we get for writing this
column has declared a moratorium
as to its dividends, we went toour
knees in prayers of Thanksgiving
‘for blessings we have had and for
the sustaining hope that behind the
most lowering cloud there is always
a silver lining.
— Last week this column said that
over half of the tax levied for poor
purposes in Bellefonte was consum- |
ed in maintenance of the borough
home. We were in error in that
statement. Of the $6,305.48 paid
for poor relief last year the home
took $2,633.13. When making the
statement we had no thought of
the way the local poor funds are
dispersed. We had in mind, only,
the amount the borough might have
available for temporary relief dur-
ing the coming winter.
— This million dollar road program
to get the farmers out of the mud
is an appealing thing, but we are
not going to lead any cheering for
it until someone shows us that
many farmers would not be better
off if the mud were so deep that
they couldn't get away from their
stock and their fields. To our way
of thinking the big howl from the
farmers comes from those who are
between the upper and the nether
millstone. And the upper stone is
Henry Ford and the nether one is
good roads.
With the death of Commissioner
Joseph G. Armstrong, of Pittsburgh,
the regular Republican organization
in Allegheny county is facing a
proolem almost as inscrutable as an
Einstein theory. The fact that
Mayor Charles H. Kline is under in-
dictment on charges of misdemean-
Hoover and Dino Grandi, Italy's For.
VOL. 76.
May be in
Need During the Winter.
In preparation for extending aid
to all who may need it during the
coming winter the Associated Char-
ities of Bellefonte began major
operations on Monday.
A central reporting station will
be established in the W. C. T. U.
room, in Petrikin hall, which will
be open every day, except Sunday,
from 1.15 to 2.30 o'clock. All re-
ports of distress or requests for aid
should be made at this station. All
cases will be promptly turned over
to an investigator who will im-
mediately visit the home to deter-
mine just what is needed and to
eliminate duplication and possible
fraud. If the case is an emer-
gency one immediate aid will be
given; if not, the investigator will
make a report to the executive com-
mittee, which will meet once a week.
If the case meets with the approval
of the committee an order will be
drawn on a local merchant to de-
|liver the necessary goods to the
needy family.
The central reporting station will
lalso be used as an employment
‘agency and anybody who has any
work he wishes done, odd jobs or
anything, are urged to report same
|to this station, either in person or
|by telephone, No. 3-W. Those in
‘search of work are also requested to
| keep in touch with the employment
| station.
| The Centre County Association of
Road Supervisors and Township Au-
| ditors met in the court house here,
on Tuesday, for their
| vention.
There were 73 supervisors and 40
auditors present when president H.
M. Hosterman called the meeting to
order at 10 o'clock. The first speak-
er was F. Glenn Rogers, county su-
perintendent of schools. He spoke
‘on the co-relation of good roads to
school attendance, stressing the ease
and dispatch by which good roads
make possible in the transport of
children to and from schools in the
rural districts where in some in-
stances they have to travel long dis-
tances because of the establishment
of central High schools, vocational
scools and consolidated schools.
F. W. Curtis, assistant engineer
of State highways, spoke at length
on the primary purpose and future
development of the 20,000 mile road
W. J. Carrol, division engineer of
the Highway Dept. spoke briefly on
the tie-up between township and
State controlled roads.
The last speaker on the program
was County Commissioner, Newton
I. Wilson who made a very compre-
hensive report of what the Commis-
sioners have done, during the past
year in aiding townships and caring
for county roads.
Following the addresses the regu-
lar business of the Association was
transacted as follows:
annual con-
| A clothing receiving and disburs. S- M. Hess, of Harris township,
ing centre will be located in the
corner room in the Penn Belle
| hotel building, formerly occupied by
'the American Railways express of-
|fice. ‘This room will be open from
11.30 to 4.00 o'clock p. m. on Tues- township, S. M. Hess and Dorsey
|days and Fridays to receive cloth- Cronister, made its report.
ling from those who have any to The nominating committee pre-
| contribute and distribute same ac- | sented the following selections for
officers for the next year:
cording to the directions of the in- |
‘vestigators. 3 ¥ President, H. M. Hosterman, Har-
There are approximately sixty |ris Twp. Vice president, John Condo,
gamilies in Bellefonte who will re-| Marion Twp. Secretary and treas-
quire assistance during the winter, urer, Frank A. Carson, Potter Twp:
and the co-operation of everyone Delegates to State convention,
| will be needed if all are to be cared Nevin Meyer, of Harris Twp., Dor-
| for. It is estimated that the very sey Cronister, of Huston. Alternate,
least $3000 will be needed to carry P. D. Swabb, of Gregg.
on during the winter. This amount Nominating committee, F. H.
'is arrived at by assuming that ten Yocum, Walker Twp. Homer Deck-
dollars a month will be spent on er, Spring Twp.
each one of the sixty families for a The selection of officers was rati-
| period of five months. If that fied and the meeting adjourned.
amount is not forthcoming in vol-
'untary subscriptions a special drive EXPENSE ACCOUNTS BEING
| will be necessary. All cash con-|
tributions should be sent to Mrs. W. |
Candidates, both successful and
| Harrison Walker, Treasurer.
| The officers and personnel of the unsuccessful, are a little slow at fil-
| Associated Charities’ for the coming | ing their election expense accounts.
winter are as follows: | The first man to file was Dr. W. R.
| President—Jesse H. Caum. | Heaton, who spent $82.00 to be re-
| Secretary— Miss Helene Williams. | elected Coroner of Centre county.
Treasurer—Mrs. W. Harrison Walker. J. Victor Brungart, elected Coun-
Central Reporting Station—Mrs. R. M. ty Commissioner on the Democratic
Beach ticket, spent $117.34.
made their reports as delegates to
the last State convention.
The resolutions committee, com-
‘posed of A. V. Hefferen, of Rush
land Dorsey Cronister, of Huston,
More Hunter's Licenses Granted
This Year Than Ever Before in
| Centre County.
With approximately 67C0 hunter's
licenses granted to date, and the
probability that the number will
exceed 7000 by the opening of the
‘deer hunting season, next Tuesday,
it is quite evident that an open sea-
son for both bucks and doe is the
lure that will send into Centre coun-
ty mountains the greatest army of
hunters this year that ever went
‘out on the trail of deer. And to
the large number of resident hun.
ters must be added the hundreds
who always invade the county from
‘other sections of the State.
The open season for both bucks
and doe, and the eagerness of every
hunter to get his deer, will probably
‘result in smaller hunting parties
this year, inasmuch as the limit
for hunting parties remains the
same, six deer. In past years camps
contained anywhere from a dozen to
‘twenty hunters and they were satis-
fled to bag six bucks. But with
does legal game a hunting party of
eight or ten ought to have no
| trouble in killing six.
According to all reports there is
an abundance of deer in the moun-
tains, both in the Alleghenies and
the Seven mountains, and every
|crowd of hunters will likely go out
|to their favorite
The number of day hunters will
probably be larger this year than
formerly, every man anxious to kill
‘his own.
As the kill will undoubtedly be
‘much larger than ever before the
‘Watchman would appreciate it if
‘hunters and game wardens will tele-
| phone the kill to this office on the
opening day of the season.
1 —— A ———.
Stuart Ellenberger, of Halfmoon
township, was arrested last week by
game protector Thomas G. Mosier
jon the charge of attempting to kill
| deer at night by the use of artificial
|light. According to the informa-
|tion in the case the offense was
| committed on or about October 3rd.
| Ellenberger was given a hearing be-
| fore "Squire J. L. Tressel, and being
| adjudged guilty, was sentenced
pay a fine of $500 and costs of
| $4.00. Having no money with which
to settle he was sent to jail for 504
i » i
FILED BY CANDIDATES. This was the first violation of the |
‘game law to take place in Centre
| county, during the present hunting
| season, according to Mr. Mosier,
‘who avers that the public generally
are showing more respect for the
provisions of the game laws.
cumping place.
NO. 47.
Up in Luzerne county it cost
| forty thousand dollars more for the
primary and general elections this
year with the voting machines than
it has cost herstofore with the old-
time ballots and ballot boxes; and
that doesn't take into account the
chines with tho resultant
charge, depreciation, Etc.
But it isn't necessary to go to
Luzerne county for an example of
the cost of voting machines, as we
have one right here in Centre coun-
ty. As is generally known Rich-
ard J. Beamish, Secretary of the
Commonwealth, forced the County
Commissioners to purchase five ma-
chines for the borough of Philips-
burg. They were used at the elec-
tion on November 3rd, and the Com-
missioners have kept a careful ac.
count of the expense of same.
the bills are all in, and the Commis-
sioners are not sure as to that, the
cost of the general election in the
three wards of Philipsburg was
$375.85, as against $274.42 for the
primary election under the ballot
method, and this is not counting
anything for the storage of the ma-
chines, interest on investment, cost
of depreciation, Etc. One instance
alone of the increase in cost can be
‘cited, and that the printing of the
tags with the names of the candi-
dates which was $72.00, while the
| ballots would have cost just $36.00.
Thus it will be seen that the in-
| crease in cost for the three voting
precincts of Philipsburg was $101.43,
or $33.81 a precinct; or to figure
further $20.28 a machine. In Cen-
| tre county there are 65 voting pre-
,cincts and at the above rate of in-
|crease in expense it would mean
that every primary and every elec-
tion in Centre county would cost
the taxpayers approximately $2200
more with voting machines than
| with ballot boxes, which would be
$4400 a year. And this without any
| interest charges on the investment.
| In the meantime the Commission.
ers have not yet been billed for the
Philipsburg machines, so that the
(exact cost is still unknown.
Eight head of cattle, several hogs
and a number of chickens were
to! burned to death ina fire which com-
| pletely destroyed the large barn on
the farm of H. Willis Wyland, be-
(tween Vail and Bald Eagle, about
!six o'clock Monday morning.
Mr. Wyland is a native and for-
mer resident of Bellefonte. The
(fire was discovered by his wife and
both she and her husband rushed to
the barn and were able to save two
| horses and about half their stock of
‘hogs before they were forced back
‘by the spreading flames. In addi-
|tion to the stock all the season's
|crops of hay, corn, barley, buck-
investment for the ma-
—United States Judge Albert W. John-
son last Friday issued an order padlock-
| ing the bar-room of the Custor hotel,
1308 Jay street, Lock Iaven, for one
year. The court order also specified
that the owner of the building must post
bond of $1000 to insure against further
| violations of the law.
—More than $1000 worth of merchan-
| dise was stolen from the J. C. Penney
| store at Mount Carmel by thieves who
| broke through a heavy iron door. Po-
| lice said they believed the robbery was
| the work of a gang which in the past
| two weeks obtained $2500 worth of goods
|at two other local stores.
—Secretary of the Commonwealth Rich
{ard J. Beamish last week notified the
| Cambria county commissioners that if
they do not advertise for bids for voting
| machines by December 15 he will adver-
tise for bids and award a contract at
| the expense of the county. The entire
county has voted for the adpotion of
voting machines.
—Awakened at 2:30 o'clock Sunday
morning by the incessant gobble, gobble
of turkeys, and the backfire of automo-
biles, W. O. Thompson, discovered that
50 or more turkeys were stolen from
his farm, near High Rock, York county.
The turkeys were valued at $400. Sev-
eral automobiles were used and Thomp-
son was unable to get the license num-
—Offcially inspected Wednesday of
last week state engineers and health
| authorities from Harrisburg, the impos-
ing $350,000 children’s addition to the
State sanatorium at Cresson, enlarging
hospital bed accommodations to 850, will
be put into service immediately upon
formal notification of the State's approval
and the taking over of the place by the
health department.
—J. M. Cunningham, Indiana, Pa., and
8. V. Thompson, Pittsburgh, seek a total
of $30,000 damages in two suits filed at
Washington, Pa., against August Valen-
tour, of McDonald, for alleged false ar-
rests, The two men claim Valentour
filed informations in charges of forgery
against them. Both were acquitted of
the charges, according to the suit. Each
seeks $15,000 damages.
—A detainer for L. M. Irwin, 50, for-
mer cashier af the defunct Lincoln Na-
tional bank of Avella, who is held by
county authorities, charged with appro-
priating Cross Creek township road
funds to his own use, was filled at Wash-
ington, Pa., last Friday, by federal au-
thorities. The federal grand jury has
indicted him for misapplication of the
funds of the bank. He will stand trial
| February 1.
—John H. Ritter, secretary of the
| York county Agricultural Society, in pre-
| paring his report of the annual fair in
| October shows that the total attendance
| was 212,000 and that the total paid ad-
| missions numbered 98,722. The receipts
from admissions and concessions were
| $79,792.65. The total receipts to date
|are $115,522.92, including loans, The
! total amount of expenses, including paid
| loans, was $81,636.22.
| —Peter Rupnicki, Village Green, will
| ve released from the Delaware county
| prison, on petition of his counsel, but
| one of the stipulations made by Judge
| MacDade 1s that “board and lodging”
| for the four weeks he has been impris-
| oned be added to the costs. The pris-
oner must pay $3.60 weekly for his stay
[in the county institution. Rupnicki was
committed for an altercation with a
neighbor after he had been placed under
bond to keep the peace.
—While on his first hunting trip for
‘big game, and less than an hour after
he entered the mountain region near
Williamsport, William Hykes, 17-year-old
son of Mr. and Mrs, Albert Hykes, of
Roundtown, near York, Pa., killed a bear
weighing more than 100 pounds. The
bear is sald to have been three years
old. Young Hykes left York early Tues-
day morning for a day's hunting and
killed the bear at 10 o'clock, just a halt
hour after he arrived in the woods.
—A jury which for nearly four days
listened to a damage suit before Judge
| D. W. Henderson, Uniontown, sitting at
| Media, has awarded Henry M. Miller,
Phoenixville, $8682, and his wife, Mrs.
| Mary W. Miller, $2900 additional. The
automobile of the defendant, Benjamin
J. Lewis, Broomall, occupied by Joseph
or in office complicates the situation | “coy Distribution— Mrs. M. H.
a lot. If he should be convicted Brouse i Mrs W. J. Emerick.
he will be automatically removed | Financial—Hard P. Harris.
from office. In such an event the| General Investigation—John S. Som- |
loss of patronage of the Mayor's of- | merville. |
fice would pile on that of the loss School Investigator—Miss Daise Keich- |
of the Commissioner's office toleave
line. i
the regular organization with scarce- | Investigators—Miss Louise Carpeneto,
ly a leg to stand on.
| Miss Jean Noll, Mrs. Frank Crawford, |
Mrs. Samuel Shallcross, Miss Daise
— The Governor's idea of raising | Keichline, Mrs. Roy Wilkinson, Dr. |
relief for the unemployed by in- Richara Noll. Mes. James Craig.
reasi tax on gasoline reminds us Executive Committee—Mrs, W. J. Em-/
o pig eo ga gave his boy a | erick, Mrs. W. Harrison Walker, Miss
nny for going to bed early and | Louise Carpeneto, Mrs. R. M. Beach, H./
penny after th witti lad had Harris, Miss Helene Williams, Dr.
then, after the unwitting | Richard P. Noll,
fallen asleep, tip-toed into his room | Mrs. Roy Wilkinson, Miss Daise Kei ch |
and retrieved the coin. The POOL jine, Mrs. S.M. Shallcross, George Hazel, |
devil who : Sete up at four in el H. Caum and John S. Sommerville.
morning drives ten to enty
miles to work three days a week at STATE PAROLE OFFICE {
thirty-five cents an hour on the | WILL SOON BE OPENED
‘Governor's life saving road projects IN NTE. |
is going to get awake some night | JN BELLEFO
and discover that when he pays the The State Department of Welfare |
extra tax on the gasoline he is con. | has leased the room in the south
suming he isn’t getting even thirty- end of the basement, under the
five cents an hour. postoffice, from the White Bros. and |
It is now ten minutes after as soon as it can be put in shape
nine Saturday night, November 21, (will equip it as a parole office.
only thirty-four days this side of Heretofore all applications for the
Christmas. Every outside door in |pardle il Fisousts tom he Rooks |
the house is standing wide open and |View pe ary have n eard |
the thermometer on the porch reg- iB Harrisburg, but this has evident-
isters 68 degrees. It is very unusual |1y been deemed too inconvenient.
weather. Maybe, an all considerate When the office is opened here all |
Providence is tempering the winds | such applications will be heard and
to the lambs who are shorn of jobs, | considered here. It is also possible
dividends (that applications for parole from the
source of revenue with which to buy | Haul ifgdon reformatory might be
coal and things to eat. It takes a eard here.
lot of faith and hope, in days like
these, to keep old man despondency ~The new highway from Port
away from the door. Faith totters Matilda to Philipsburg was opened
every time announcements of in- to traffic last week. It is completed |
creased salaries and new offices |except as to the shoulders and some
created come out of Harrisburg. |ditching. The distance from Belle- |
Hope closes its eye to the burden of fonte to Philipsburg by the Port
additional taxes they will impose Matilda route is approximately 34
and is the saving grace against re- miles and can be made handily in|
bellion. | fifty minutes. |
Mrs. M. H. Brouse,
and most every other
(it over three times.
The account of Robert C. Thomp-
son, treasurer of the Republican
| county committee, shows receipts ag-
gregating $1903.00 and expenditures
of $1676.30, which would indicate a
balance on hand of $226.70. The
largest contributor to the campaign last Friday, on the charge of rob-
fund was Harry F. Jones, $300.
Two other candidates contributed
$250 each. Harry V. Keeler's con-
tribution was $140. Other contri- robbed of a quantity of meat and
butions ranged from $100 down to
$5.00. The biggest expenditure was
to members of the county commit-
tee, a little over $1000.
Harry F. Jones spent exactly $700
in his unsuccessful campaign to be
elected County Treasurer while it
cost D. A. McDowell just $295.86 to
secure the office of Recorder.
M. H. Hall spent $650.00 in mak-
ing the run for Recorder against
McDowell and lost out at the elec-
Joseph Frabutt and Sid Bernstein, |
both well known residents of this
place, were in an automobile col-
lision, in the suburbs of Philadel-
phia, Monday night, that might
have proven far more serious than
it did.
The two gentlemen had left here
for the city, on Monday afternoon,
in Frabutt's sports-roadster. They
had reached the outskirts of Phila-
| delphia when a newspaper truck
sped out of a side street and struck
their car with such force as to turn
Frabutt suf-
fered painful scalp wounds that re-
quired several stitches to close up.
Mr. Bernstein was uninjured except
for a bruised chest.
The car was completely demolish.
ed, so they had to return home by |
train Wednesday morning.
‘wheat, and oats, also all of the farm Wozniak and Miss Mary McDermott, who
| FOR CAR ROBBERY. machinery and equipment which had was being taught to drive, was in col-
— |been stored for the winter were lision with the Miller car on May 1,
es east and Hipaly Viard, Her- | burned. 11930, at Sproul and Lawrence roads,
‘bert Maney and E. Mencer, all, (i, and milk house just recent- Broomall. Mrs. Miller, it was testified,
‘residents of South Philipsburg, Were |. constructed were also destroyed
i |
brought to the Centre county jail, {by the flames. Mr. Wyland carried —P. C. MacKenzie, superintendent of
some insurance but not sufficient to livestock at the Pennsylvania State Col-
| lege, will judge three breeds of sheep
bing a refrigerator car. The oa: | cover the entire loss, which is esti.
{at the international livestock exposition,
| stand ding wift
% the 2 fing at He Swit! (mated at $8,000. | which opens Saturday, November 28, in
| The fire is believed to have been | SiCh PPUl CLI, been selected by
lard on Sunday night, November Ta pe ane the ap | the management of the show to award
|15th. Railroad police went to work | ; a ping place. © | the prizes in the Dorset, Hampshire, and
on the case and their investigations barn was close to the highway and | Southdown breeding sheep classes. ~The
led to the arrest of the four men | 2Forded protection for those seek- Penn State livestock man has judged
{ |ing a place to sleep. Whether any | for many years at the international and
‘named above. They were given 2 | tramps were in the barn at the at leading State and regional fairs and
| hearing before justice of the peace 4: ..a is not known. | expositions. The college has sent 17
Thomas Byron, on Friday after- uw. citizens Fire company of Ty. | sheep and 30 swine for exhibition at the
‘noon, and held without bail fortrial = oo. called to the fire and was | “how:
2: 2ouft. being brought to jail the able to save the dwelling and a| —A wooden flagpole snapped near the
Tne y- : number of outbuildings. pase and fell into a crowd at a junior
| e Viards were also charged high school football game in Harrisburg,
with possession of intoxicating lig- 'on Saturday, killing John L. Backenstoe,
{uors and on this charge were held DEPRESSION DOESN'T |15, and slightly injuring another boy
jin $1000 bail. Some of the Viards | AFFECT GASOLINE SALES, | and a girl. The Backenstoe boy's skull
‘are old offenders, having been in the | y was crushed. A crowd of youngsters
| Cent | Ninety-nine out of every one hun- | was milling around the base of the pole
Ce COAL our on a number | y ry | when it gave way. An assistant city
| dred people are crying ‘hard times,” |
| | park rintendent said bo; i t
At the hearing August Viard | but the depression that has been | 7" En - by ie as es ng
stoutly maintained that he was not With us for two years doesn't seem | ,q the pole to fall. The game was
implicated either in the robbery or to interfere with the operation of played in a park used in the summer
| the liquor charge. When his room motor cars, judging from the sale of for New York-Pennsylvania League base-
'was searched by chief of police gasoline. Under the gasoline tax ball games.
| Nathan R. Lamoreaux $305.00 were | law one-half a cent a gallon is re- _A bandit who chese the wrong
| found in an old trunk. The money turned by the State to the counties pocket when he held up a druggist in
| was in three rolls. There were ten from which the tax was received. Philadelphia, early Sunday lost $600.
$10 bills in one roll, eighty one dol- In 1928, which was one of the big |The druggist, however, was ouly com-
|lar bills and a five in another roll | boom years, Centre county received paratively fortunate, for there was “$500
‘and ninety one dollar bills and six from the State as it's percentage of |in the pocket which the bandit picked.
i i Nathan Gold, 88, proprietor of Denny's
fives in a third roll. The money tax $23,816.98. In 1929 the tax re- pp, macy, 30th and Fletcher streets,
| was brought along to Bellefonte and | ceived amounted to $21,165.97. In| grew $1100 from the bank Saturday.
| turned over to Sheriff Dunlap who | 1930, the first year of the depres- when he was going home he divided
| placed it in his safe. Just where | sion, the tax jumped to $31,891.12, the money into two rolls, one for each
Viard got the money is a mystery and for 1931 it was $30,463.88. | trousers pocket. “Put ‘em up and keep
|to Philipsburg officers who claim he| A small per cent. of the tax re. |auiet’” suggested a young man who
'has been securing aid from the Red ceived is paid by the commissioners | came in as’ Gold was going out. The
| Cross, of that place. to townships for road improvement. bandit took one look at the thick wad of
In 1928 th t d out f bills he had fished from Gold's right-
n e amount paid out for this hand pocket and fled without going
—All the news worth reading will | purpose was $223.50; 1929, $2347.80; | through the pocket that contained the
|be found in the Watchman to-day. 1930, $358.26, and 1931, $1347.96. $600 roll.