Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, November 20, 1931, Image 1
INK SLINGS, BY GEORGE R. MEEK. —In 1900 the total cost of our national defense was $163,392,646. In 1929 it had risen to $678,413,- 795. That's some jump for a coun- try that emblazons its coins with “In God We Trust.” —Mary Garden and Madame Schu- man-Heink are two of che great’ operatic stars of —yesteryear; two of the army of foolish greats who are not content to rest on their laurels. in thinking they can still sing. —In Buffalo, several weeks ago, a noted scientist told a meeting of medical men that “alcohol is a nat. ural eiement in the human brain.” That being the case why squander money on boot-leggers? Cultivate the brain and be your own boot-leg- ger. —The poor tax levied in Bellefonte would provide five dollars a week for only twenty-three families. Inas- much as maintenance of the borough home consumes more than half of the total assessment the amount available for temporary relief to in- dividuals is really very small. —The Donaldson-Allen tragedy in Philadelphia last week leaves a trail of broken hearts and wrecked lives. It is just another case of a young girl who loved not wisely, but too well. Her brother is in prison charged with the murder of her be- trayer and while the law will re- gard his crime as the greatest in the sad affair we are wondering if it is blacker than that of the Don- aldson boy who betrayed a woman and then told another man that he had done it. —If it should become the prerog- ative of the Democrats to organize the next House of Congress John F. Garner, of Texas, will undoubtedly ‘be made Speaker. In that event his wife will automatically take an official social precedence she has not been entitled to heretofore. It is gratifying to know that Mrs. Gar- ner is a sensible woman. There is Just why do they persist i | i ’ i i i a VOL. 7 BOOB GAINS SIX VOTES, KEELER LOST SIX IN The Change Fourteen er. The recount of the ballots cast at the election in Millheim, on Novem- ‘ber 3rd, proved a boomerang to the Republican candidate for Sheriff, Harry V. Keeler, of Bellefonte, and his party backers, who, last week, instituted proceedings for a recount on the allegation that they had rea-. son to believe that a “fraud or er- ror” had been committed. While no evidence of fraud was found the showed an error of six votes, but they were in favor of Mr. Boob and against Keeler. All of the votes were found in what had evidently been counted as straight Republican ballots. The voters had marked an X in the Re- publican party column and then put ‘an X after Boob's name in .the Democratic column, and in comput- ing the returns on election night the board had evidently overlooked the latter X. When the ballot box was brought |into court, last Friday afternoon, it was examined very carefully as rumors were abroad that it bore |evidence of having been tampered with. The board on the back of the box on which the hinges were fastened was somewhat loose and | contained new nails at both ends. | It developed, however, that it was only the natural result of long us- age. The box was opened by Sheriff Dunlap in the presence of the court ‘and the men appointed to make the ' recount MILLHEIM RECOUNT. Za) ve in 7g 6. LLEFONTE, PA., NOV "OAK HALL MAN KILLED IN AUTOMOBILE ACCIDENT SATURDAY EVENING. { urday evening, when the car he was | driving crashed almost head-on into ‘an Edwards Motor Co. bus at Deep Vue, on the mountain road from Sandy Ridge to Bald Eagle. The bus was in charge of Rufus Neeper, of Curwensville. Coble was driv- ing a model T. Ford coupe. The bus was on it's eastern trip and was coming down the moun- tain while Coble was on his way to- ward Sandy Ridge, and was evi- a gun and hunting clothes were (found in the wrecked car after the accident. According to the driver of the bus and other witnesses the lights on the Ford were poor and Coble was on the wrong side of the road. To avoid hitting him the bus driv- er swung to the left and as he did s0 Coble also swung over to the right with the result that the two machines crashed. Coble was thrown through the window of his car and landed on the hard-surface road. His skull was crushed his back and left leg broken. The impact broke the left front wheel of the bus and forced it from the road over a small ‘embankment. The wrecked Ford followed and came to rest along- side the bus. One passenger in the bus was slightly injured. A State highway patrolman, of Philipsburg, and Dr. W. R. Heaton, county cor- oner, investigated the accident and promptly exonerated the bus driver dently on a hunting expedition, as | | Non-suit i i ‘morning, the trial list for the week was gone over with the following ‘result: Sarah M, Gallagher vs. Lulu Row- land Hollenback, an action in as- sumpsit. Settled. Polydorus Baroutsis vs. George J. Gregory, an action in assumpsit. Continued owing to the illness of defendant. Robert Dodds vs. R. G. Homan and Ernest Homan, ‘an action in replevin. Continued until February term of court. A. L. Duck vs. Nellie M. Gramley, administratrix of, Etc.. of estate of |W. O. Gramley, deceased, and Nel- lie M. Gramley, widow and sole heir of W. O. Gramley, deceased, being an ‘action to foreclose a mortgage ‘given the plaintiff by W. O. Gram- ley during his life. Verdict in fav- or of the plaintiff for $5148.30. The Federal Land Bank, of Balti- more, Maryland, vs. the Estate of Judge O. Irwin, deceased; Mary J. Irwin, widow; Orlando N. Irwin, Andrew J. Irwin, Mary E. Holt, nee Irwin, Thomas H. Irwin, Eva B. Ir- win, and Roy Wilkinson, guardian ad litem for Charles B. Irwin, Gladys 'P. Irwin, Helen R. Irwin, George R. | Irwin, Gertrude E. Irwin, Catherine Irwin and Ruby L. Irwin, heirs of Judge O. Irwin, deceased, being a | foreclosure proceeding on a mort- gage given by the defendant in his COUNTY FARM FOLKS W. H. Homan, | proof of that in her own statement | =o ont These were Charles F. to the effect tha ) e effect t if her husband is | Cook, G. Hunter Kisely, Me i ay mbar | Hoffer and John Bower Jr. of over the chair they seat her in at Bellefonte, and Charles E. Freeman, their tables. All of which is to|Of Philipsburg. They began the say that Mrs. Garner is not “catty” count at 2.30 and completed it at like Alice Roosevelt Longworth and 830: Aside from the six votes Dolly Gann. “Princess Alice,” wife mentioned above other ballots over of the lamented Speaker, and Mrs, | Which there was some doubt were Gann, house- for Vice Presi- those on which there were cross defit Curtis, spectacles of {marks after both the names of Ray- themselves in Washington some time | ago over their relative rights in the for Register of Wills. As there was ‘matter of seating at official dinners. joe uncertainity as to the inten’ |of the voter the ballot was not —We don't know anything about counted for either one of the men. the material needs of Mr. Owen K. A discrepancy of one vote was Adams, of Lock Haven. That is, also found in the recount for Coun- whether he has a job or wants one. ty Commissioners. One ballot was We hope he has one, but if he is found on which the voter had mark- out of luck, like so many millions more in the country, we want to tell the world that there is a man who doesn't sleep at the switch. On September 18th he notified the writ- er of this column that he intended voted for. to keep an eye on it. The implica- By agreement of both county tion was that, like Lcwell Thomas’ ‘chairmen and the attorneys repre- green and red eyed fish, he was g0- senting the two candidates the re- ing to regulate it's traffic in news count was confined to the county about King Carol and Konrad Ber- ticket alone. Both Mr. Boob and covici, the Rumanian author who we Mr, Keeler were in court but the once charged with giving Carol the jatter did not stay for the finish. “breaks” for no other apparent rea- . son than fear of having his head o.oo Saturday morning Mr. Keel chopped off. Adams was not as alert as Lowell's posit of $50 because of the change fish we set a trap for him last week. I BN te He oe Howard E. Holtzworth, and the re- sult was the vote was not counted for any of the three candidates In the “Talks with the Editor” col- | but inasmuch as the act of the Leg- | umn you will find the reason we rec- ;..4.r0 providing for a recount of ommend Mr. Adams as a man who, | ,oiag gpecifies that there must be when he cuts out a job for himself ., , .icrial change which will af- sticks to it. ‘fect the result,” and the recount —What's in a jinx? Last Friday, November 13, officers of the court were recounting the ballots cast for was not returned. At this writing it is not known whether any at- Earl C. ed an X after the names of both, Democratic candidates and also, went to the prothonotary’s office Suspicioning that Mr. |. asked for the return of his de- | showed no such change, his money | ‘of all blame. Coroner Heaton also jife time. Verdict in favor of the decided that an inquest was un- plaintiff for $987.91. | necessary. Issac Holt and Emma Holt, his wife, vs. E. F. Titus, administratrix |of the estate of Edward D. Philips, deceased; Maggie Philips, widow; Earl Philips, Daniel Philips, Polly Philips and J. N. Eberts, Coble had been in the county courts at least twice for violations of the motor code and it is alleged that he was operating the car with another man's license at the time of | guardian the accident. of Howard Philips and Ruth Philips, | Coble was a son of Mr. Calvin hildren ward | Coble and was born at Oak Hall 34 | THROF. © IH of Ee Yad D Philips, years ago. In addition to le Par. cuit or the maid Bdward D. Phil- | ents he is survived by one ips, deceased, being an action to re- “The Evergreens,” near State Col- j 4oment against the defendants. lege, and Bessie, at home. He was a member of the Boal Troop, at|Yertiot favor of the plaintiffs for at | py Boalsburg. Burial was made On Tuesday morning the already Boalsburg on Tuesday morning. famous ejectment case of John H. Detwiler vs. Musser J. Coldren, an PLEASANT HILL GIRL ‘action to determine the ownership KILLED BY AUTOMOBILE | of a narrow strip of land on the No top of Nittany mountain, was tak- TMA on up for retrial. This case was | Shimmel, nine-year-old daughter of go : rst tried at the September term of Mr. and Mr: William Shimmel, of court, 1929, and resulted in a ver- | Pleasant Hill, near Philipsburg, was a in the act of crossing the road from dict Joe ne par The defen the school house to a store to gel | supreme court where argument was some candy when she was run down |... by an automobile driven by Samuel @ in October, 1930. ~The high Ferraro, of Curwensville. The child ‘was picked up and taken to the Mec- |Girk sanitarium, Philipsburg, but... long, at that. When the Su- |life was already extinct. Her par- ents, five brothers and one Sister hi so with the declaration that Mr. survive. Bitner should not be regarded as a competent witness against his own deed, as the latter instrument must Jama as the best evidence in court. en the plaintiff sought to intro- | At a brief session of court, last quce his ae mL for de- Saturday morning, Robert G. Lytle, fendant promptly made a motion |of Milroy, was sentenced to pay the for a compulsory non-suit and af- |costs, pay a fine of $50 and spend ter some argument it was granted /ten days in the Centre county jail hy the court. Counsel for the for loaning his automobile driver's | plaintiff then made a motion to re- license to another man. Lytle, with move the non-suit and argument on At noon, on Monday, was not until this session that the case was reached. And it didn't ‘MAN JAILED FOR LOANING | HIS DRIVER'S LICENSE. | er court awarded a new trial and it. NO. 46. _— | — Granted in Famous Det- Entertaining and Instructive Program Shows Boob Elected by | Abram C. Coble, of Oak Hall, was' Wiler-Coldren Ejectment Proceed- of a Majority Over Keel- killed instantly, at 6.45 o'clock Sat. Ing | When court convened, on Monday ' for Annual Session of the Agricul- tural Extension Association. Centre county farm folks will visit ' Bellefonte tomorrow to attend the ‘annual meeting of the Centre County | Agricultural Extension Association. | According to the president, C. E. Peters, of Stormstown, a very inter- esting and instructive program has been arranged and the largest crowd is expected in the history of the or- ganization. Mr. Peters reports the complete program as follows: 10 A. M. Business session, court room, court house. Report of ac- complishments during the past year ‘by Miss Alexson, home economics worker and county agent, R. C. Blaney. Treasurer's report by W. C. Smeltzer, treasurer. Election of officers for next year. 11:15 A. M. “What an Agricul- tural Extension Program Should Be in Depression Times,” Earle Mof- fett, State College. 12:15 P. M. Sauer Kraut dinner, Y. M. C. A, Price 50c. Special singing by the entire group, led by | Cecil Walker, song leader for the | Bellefonte Kiwanis club. 1:45 P. M. Court room, court house. “The Farmers Tax Prob- lems,” Prof. H. N. Reist, agricul- tural economics department, State | College, Pa. 2:45 P. M. Concert by the Boals- burg banjo band. | 38:45 P. M. Adjournment. | This program has been arranged |for the entertainment and instruc- | tion of both men and women, and |all farm people in Centre county, al- so bankers and business men, are urged to attend. i i | LACK OF RAIN DRYING UP | SPRINGS AND STREAMS. | Many springs and streams in Cen- tre county have either gone dry or |are so nearly so, because of the lack (of rain, that farmers in the country | districts are having a hard time mond Brooks and John L. Wetzler, and a sister, John Coble, living at io. .nq continue the lien of a finding enough water for their stock. Up in Halfmoon township is a | stream that years ago had a suffi- | cient flow to operate a grist mill. | Today there is only a trickle of wa- ter flowing along the bed of the |stream which is almost grown shut | with ranks grass. | The upper part of Bald Eagle creek is so low that a child can walk across it on stones most any- where. The same condition pre- |vails on Buffalo Run. Springs in Buffalo Run valley that were never known to go dry are now so low that the owners are wondering how much longer they will last if rain does not come. In this connection a peculiar thing happened on Wednesday of last week. Farmers living up in the and they have been hauling a sup- ply from the spring at the home of |H. D. Meek on the old Demp- ster L. Meek farm near Waddle. On Wednesday afternoon three farmers from the Barrens went to the spring with truck loads of milk cans which they filled with water. The last man was driving away as Mrs. Meek returned home. It was late and she hurried to the spring to get water with which to prepare supper and was astonished to see Barrens have no water of any kind | | SPAWLS FROM THE KEYSTONE. —The body of a man, so badly decom- . posed that it was almost a skeleton, was found on Tuesday by hunters at Lan- | gan’s, a mining settlement near DuPont, in Lackawanna county. State police and coroner Jenkins went to the place ! but found nothing that would identify | the body. | —A shortage of $105,000 in the ac- | counts of Webster G. Drew, indicted | treasurer of Bradford, was disclosed this | week in the report of J. V. Brown, au- ditor and acting city treasurer. In ad- | dition the school board accuses Drew of | being short $122,000 in his funds. Brown | reported that the city would realize $50.- | 000 from Drew's bond as surety and $7.- | 500 from his brokerage accounts. | —Mike Lipko, who was convicted be- | fore Judge Koch, at Pottsville, on a charge of arson in connection with the burning of the barn at the Schuylkill | county almshouse, was given from four to elght years, In the eastern peniten- tiary. Lipko, an inmate of the alms- ' house, set fire to the barn after being reprimanded by one of the stewards on account of annoying the other inmates. | —His vision impaired by a heavy fog, | Harry Urich, 61, ran against an automo- bile in West York on Tuesdey morning | with such force that he was killed. He was on his way to work and was run- ining to board a street car when the accl- | dent occurred. The man's head shatter- |ed the glass in a front door of the au- | tomobile. His skull was fractured. The | driver of the automobile was E. A. | Wherley. —When a windlass on which he was | being lowered into a well gave way, Sol Maurer, elderly resident of Blue Ball, near Philipsburg, was precipitated more {than 27 feet to the bottom. An ex- amination at the Philipsburg State hos- | pital revealed that he received fractures of both heels. So seriously is he in- jured, that it is believed he may never be able to walk. The accident occurred last Tuesday. | —Mrs. Betty Bardo, widow of Sheriff ! E. B. Bardo, of Lycoming county, is an ' applicant for the office of county com- | missioner, to which her husband was | elected at the general election. Mrs. | Bardo will ask the incoming judges to appoint her as a county official. She | will base her appeal on the fact that Dr. | Bardo received the highest number of | votes cast for a county commissioner. Dr. Bardo died on the day following the election. —Edward Donovan, Jersey Shore, suf- fered a fractured jaw, lacerations of the [lett temple and right knee, and Ralph | Brownlee, Jersey Shore, a fractured col- | larbone, when the car in which they were taking Miss Fay Passell to her home in Lockport overturned Monday morning near the second island bridge, two miles east of Lock Haven, and burst into flames. Passing motorists | extricated them and rushed them to the Lock Haven hospital. —The largest passenger car order in the history of the Berwick plant of the American Car and Foundry company was awarded last week by New York city and amounts to $10,750,000, sufficient to provide work for a year for 1500 men. ‘A ‘dispatch from New York curried the news of the order; news of which Ber- wick officials and employees have been waiting for nearly two months since the | announcement was made that the Ber- wick plant was low bidder on the con- tract. —Louis Seltzer, proprietor of a cloth- ing store which was destroyed in the disastrous fire recently, at Hughesville, {has given a large amount of salvaged | goods to the overseers of the poor of the borough for distribution. The goods which Mr. Seltzer has donated for the welfare of the poor and needy families of the borough and vicinity are in good | condition but are unsalable. Some goods are being salvaged almost every day as | | i i the work of cleaning up the ruins is underway. | —Willlam L. Armstorng, of Meadow- | lands, Washington county, was granted | $40.000 damages for the death of his wife and young son and injury of him- self, in a verdict which a jury returned against the Pennsylvania Railroad com- | pany, on Monday. The suit was the out- growth of a grade crossing accident at | Meadowlands, January 31, 1827. Arm- | strong, who said a locomotive struck his automobile after a railroad employee had | signaled him to cross the tracks, asked for $50,000 damages. | —A coroner's jury in Harrisburg has ‘held a 19-year-old Philadelphia girl re- | sponsible for the death, two weeks ago, 'of a Lancaster woman in an auto acci- | dent near Middletown. The girl, charg- led with involuntary manslaughter, is | Miss Louise Tait, daughter of Dr. and Charles H. Tait, 5415 Overbrook i | Boob and Keeler by the voters of Miilheim borough. As you know the official count had established a margin of only two between them mn their shrievalty race. Any lit- de muff might have thrown the Democrat out and the Republican in. We happened to be out of town while the recount was going on. On che return home something went wvreng with the car at Hublersburg. The garage man there was trying to rorrect the disorder and our thoughts wandered off to the court house in 3ellefonte and wondered whether the ‘hread by which our pet candidate vas hanging had been snapped. hen we walked to the rear of the ‘ar and discovered we had a “flat”, dong with our other troubles. Raising our face toward Heaven for jome sort of consolation we saw a jew moon hanging over the crest of vittany mountain, but we saw it tempt will be made to open other ballot boxes for a recount, or not. At exactly three o'clock last Fri- day afternoon, or half on hour after the recount was begun, Judge M. Ward Fleming attached his signa- ture to the books of the official count of the election which been completed two days previous land which gave Mr. Boob two of a majority. In reality, however, he ought to have fourteen. ! i | CHRISTMAS SEALS HAVE ARRIVED IN BELLEFONTE. The consignment of Christmas seals for Bellefonte has arrived and the committee will have them ready for the mail November 27th, when the sale will begin. The menace of tuberculosis is being increased by the depression and it would be a tragedy if the great fight against | three other men, was picked up at | Spring Mills by highway patrolman !S. C. Dale. The young man driv- ing the car presented the license card of Mr. Lytle but finally admit- {ted he was not the man. At the | hearing the three men who were in the car with Lytle testified that he | was not the operator of the car at | the time of arrest. | Last January C. H. Bubb, F. B. | Weaver and F. A. Howe were ar- | rested for a violation of the liquid fuel act by John D. Whitecar. They 'gave bond for their appearance in | court but for various reasons their |cases had been continued. The men were notified to appear in | court, last Saturday, and failing to do so, their bail-bonds were for- feited and bench warrants issued for their arrest. ——The bogus check worker got Ruhl, of Lewistown, who ran into the motion will take place later. In the meantime, until further action, Coldren is regarded as the legal owner of the ten foot strip of mountain land which is the founda- tion of the case. In the case of H. C. Stine vs. John Shindler and Henry Shindler, an action to recover for labor and material furnished inthe erection of a house in Boggs township, the jury returned a verdict in favor of the plaintiff for $44.10. The next case taken up was that of Rufus B. Owens and Eva M. Owens vs. R. F. Welty, an action in trespass to recover damages for a wrecked automobile in a collision | between the plaintiff's and defend- ant’'s car, on Nittany mountian, on | November 2nd, 1930, when Richard | Matthews, of Altoona, was killed by | being hit by a card driven by Harry | Mrs. that the spring had literally been | Ave, Philadelphia. With three other dipped dry by the farmers and she .,.,. js Tait was bound for State had to go to another small spring college on a week-end party. Near to get enough of water to cook her | niddletown she attempted to pass anoth- supper. er machine bound for Harrisburg. The Similar low water conditons pre- two cars collided, causing the death of vail all over Centre county, as the Mrs. J. S. Nestleroth, a passenger in the few showers of rain we have had latter machine. have not been enough to make any —Three students of the Pennsylvania ressi ther | State College have been suggested for impreseion o8 o the springs or Pennsylvania nominations for Rhodes | scholarships. Two are from the school ENFORCEMENT OFFICERS | of education, Harry W. Porter, of Pitts- RC O! | burgh, and George Fisanick, of Barnes- RAID MOOSE AND ELKS boro, while the third, Harry W. Brick, IN PHILIPSBURG. of Philadelphia, is enrolled in the school !of agriculture. Every year 32 Ameri- Prohibition enforcement officers! can students are sent to Oxford Univer- invaded Philipsburg, Wednesday of sity, England, for two years on Rhodes last week, while the citizens of that Scholarships. To select these men the place were gathering for the Armis- | United States is divided into eight dis- | tricts of six States each. Each State tice day celebration, and raided both | ai- tt Moose and EI lod . | makes two nominations from the can A | dates submitted, and from these noin- quantity of illegal beer was found | {aes the scholarship men are selected. at both places and it was poured | —Many feet trod over a package con- down a sewer. wer our left shoulder. Friday, the 3th, a “flat” and a new moon over |sened. he left shoulder. Our friend Har- Unemployment and lowered in- er, of the Gazette, hasn't looked comes, with the accompanying un- doomier at any moment since the dernourishment and the mental and wiul news tapped on his tympa- physical stress’ being experienced by ums, than we felt at that moment. many persons, provide fertile ground When we arrived home and heard for the germs of tuberculosis. hat Boob had gained twelve in the | The organized and united move- ecount we could have promised to ment to prevent and control tuber- wg and kiss as many telephone culosis must go on unabated. Citi drls as they say “brother” Keeler zens can aid this vital effort through romised to make his deputy sheriff. the support of the 25th Christmas ind God only knows what a con- seal sale which provides funds for ract that would have been. |the turberculosis societies. the “White Plague” should be les- in his work in Bellefonte again, re-|the wreck. After hearing the evi- cently. Two checks were passed {dence the jury returned a verdict in on unsuspecting clerks at two busi- favor of the plaintiff in the sum of ness places. In both cases the $376.26. checks were purported to be signed | by residents of Axe Mann. While! -——Sergeant Harold E. Miller, neither check was very large, both who for the past year has had su- were big enough to mean a com- | pervision over the Bellefonte, Philips- |fortable week's salary. As the burg and DuBois sub-stations of the |man, or men, who passed the checks State highway patrol, has been |was a stranger there is little like- | transferred to Williamsport, going |lihood of detection and capture. there on Monday, and Sergeant W. {To be on the safe side merchants G. Graham, of Bellefonte, has been Jana their employees should decline assigned as supervisor of the dis- |to cash checks for strangers. trict. Several punch taining $875, dropped in a Uniontown boards were confiscated at the EIKS gore before it finally was picked up by lodge. The stewards of both lodges the manager. Hours later Mrs. Jennie were placed under arrest and later Shaneyfelter, a widow, appeared at po- the officers of the clubs were ar- lice headquarters to make anxious in- rested. They were all held in $500 | quiry about the package, which contain- bail for their appearance at the Feb- | ed her life savings. For years Mrs. | Shaneyfelter had kept the money wrap- ily a rt, and all were| ped in a handkerchief in a purse around | which she had securely tied plain paper. | She never left the money at home when | she was absent, As she left the store — | 0 the packa nd did not There will be a meeting of Centre | gh wes she sage I She county Pomona Grange on Satur- |glicited the ald of the police. They day, Nov. 21, at Centre Hall | visited the store and was told that the V. A. AUMAN, Secretary | package had been found. COUNTY GRANGE MEETING