Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, November 13, 1931, Image 8
— Bema adn = Bellet Pa., NEWS ABOUT TOWN AND COUNTY. | A. BE. Garbrick, of Zion, was ‘the successful bidder for the E. C Musser property, sold at sheriff's sale, last Friday morning. His bid ‘was $3850. ——The Williamsport district con- ference of Women's Foreign Mis- sionary Societies of the Methodist church will meet in Bellefonte on "Tuesday, November 17. ———Borough engineer H. B. Shat. tuck and his two assistants are still «at work on making a topographical ‘survey for the proposed new postof- fice site, corner of Allegheny and Howard streets. -——Don't forget the Red Cross ‘roll call which was officially opened on Wednesday. When the young ‘ladies who have undertaken to can- ‘was the town give you a call give ‘them a membership. ———Jack Dunn, serving a five to fifteen years sentence imposed in Al- legheny county for a serious crime, «escaped from Rockview penitentiary, about 2.30 o'clock last Thursday af- ‘ternoon, and was caught over near Boalsburg about five o'clock the same day. ——The borough of State College, on Tuesday evening, dedicated it's new $114,000 High school building, "which has been built and equipped since early summer. It is built of brick with white stone trimmings and is the fourth unit in that bor- +ough's public school system. —According to the Federal—State ‘crop reporting service there ought ‘to be plenty of turkeys at reason- able prices on the market for Thanks- giving. The report shows that while the number of people who /ONLY ONE THIRD NORMAL RAINFALL IN OCTOBER Parker Reports Octo- ber Weather as Having Beeu The month of October was warm and the total precipitation for the | | * month was about one-third of the ‘normal for this locality. The mean monthly temperature was 53.0 degrees, the mean maxi- mum temperature 66.4 degrees and the mean minimum temperature 39.5 degrees. The highest tempera- ture was 82 degrees on the 4t- and 'the lowest temperatures was 25 de- grees on the 20th, making a month- ly range of 57 degrees. est daily range in temperature was ‘45 degrees on the 20th and the least range was 8 degrees on the |1Tth. There were six days with a | temperature below freezing. The |warmest day was the Tth with a ‘mean temperature of 68 degrees and ‘the coolest days were the 12th, 17th, '18th and 30th, each with a mean | temperature of 44 degrees. The total precipitation for the month was 1.04 inch, about two- | thirds of which occurred on the Tth and 8th. | twenty-four hours was 0.40 inch on ‘the 8th. There were 7 clear days, 10 part. ‘ly cloudy and 14 cloudy, and 8 days during which there was 0.01 inch or more of precipitation. Dense fog |occurred on the 2nd, 3rd, 4th, Tth 'and 10th, and a thunderstorm on the Tth. Light frost occurred on the 12th followed by a killing one on the 13th. A rather bright au- rora of about 20 minutes duration was observed on the 12th. Lunar halos were observed on the 4th and 28th. The prevailing wind was west, with a maximum wind of 36 miles per hour from the weston the 16th. Light haze prevailed on !all days except the 12th, 13th 18th Nearly Normal Except as to Rain. fall. The great- The greatest amount in| ‘raise small lots of turkeys has de- and 26th. creased those who grow a thousand These data compared with pre- ©Or more in a season are on the in- vious records show the following re- ‘grease. lations: The mean monthly temperature It took the biggest part of ‘three days to dispose of Mrs. M. A | Landsy's stock of furniture removed | “from the Brockerhoff house last | spring. The sale began Thursday | morning and continued until Satur- day. Everything was sold except the big cash register and the elec- trie IE a3 rx An old — |x October in the borough of Belle- “went for $2.50 but most everything the warmest October The mean monthly temperature fonte during the years 1900 to 1911 |inclusive, (1905 missing) was 5.40 de- else Drought fair prices. | grees; for Centre Hall during a per- ——Dr. George W. Reese, super-', . .¢ 39 years, 1896 to 1930 in- intendent of the Shamokin State , iu. (the record for 5 years hospital, will be the speaker in the |. ng) 51.9 degrees; and for State Methodist church here, at the eve- ,a00 covering an unbroken record | Bing service on Nov. 22. He will 0 43 years, 1888 to 1930 inclusive, | be accompanied by his quartet of |;;, mean monthly temperature for Welsh miners, Dr. Reese is a very ooioner was 51.1 degrees. interesting person. Striking in both | pomembering that the tempera. ‘appearance and spiritualistic pre-|y;re formerly recorded within the _Sentment his services are peculiarly porough of Bellefonte is approxi- impressive and we would advise as | nately 3 degrees too high, it will | any as can to hear him. be seen that the normal tempera- ~—At the meeting of the Tri-Hi- [ture must be about 51 degrees in | Y of Bellefonte High school, last this locality during October. ‘week, plans were laid for the mem. | f i i for October at the Airport for the past four years was 50.2 degrees, be- ing coolest in 1929, when it was There were several thousand people ine Ww. va. 48.0 degrees. The past month was out to see it and while admission pgaitimore. during this was 50cts per the gross | gam Of the records previously made occupation and had also filled the At the heaviest precipitation for October, 7.44 inches, occurred in 1929, and the least, 0.43 inch, in 1930. Few thunderstorms, as a rule, oc- cur in October in this locality, and 'usually during the first ten days of the month. Occasionally there isa trace or more of snow ‘month. The past month first October in four years of ‘at the Airport, durmg was no Snow. covering the period 1895 to 1927 in- clusive, there were traces in 1897, 1909, 1914 and 1926; 0.8 inch in 1906 and 4.5 inches in 1917. At State College during the period 1890 to 1827 inclusive, there were traces of snow recorded in 1903, 1906, 1808, 1909, 1910, 1913, 1914, 1920, 1921 land 1926; 0.1 inch in 1901 and 25 inches in both 191% and 1925. OSCEOLA MILLS DOWNED BY BELLEFONTE HIGH. Last Friday an inspird Bellefonte Hi eleven defeated the Osceola Mills team to the tune of 19-7. The Red and White warriors literally walked over the highly praised gridders from Osceola during the first half of the game. However, the visitors were able to score one touchdown. In the second half Osceola start- ed a strong offensive and the going was much harder for the local team. But at that they scored two touch- downs in this half, by the alertness of the players when they fell on one of their own kick-offs after it had pes:ed over the Osceola goal un- touched. After this both teams plaved good ball and the honors were quite even. i C. HB "82 —The foot-ball game between the “Portage Bull Dogs” and the Belle- fonte “Governors” played on Hughes field the afternoon of Arm- istice day resulted in a 6-6 score. ! i i } receipts | are reported as only $119.00. It was a very hard fought, exciting e and the slighest “break” might have thrown victory to one side or the other. One of the Portage players was injured to the extent of having a ligament in his leg torn loose. STOVER.—Frederick H. Stover died at his home in Penn township, on November 1st, as the result of | uremic poisoning. He had been an | invalid for two years following a! stroke of paralysis. He was a son of Alfred and Alice Bower Stover and was born in Haines township on July 20th, 1873, hence was 58 years, 5 months and 21 days old. He was a farmer by SMITH. Miss Margaret Anne | NEWS PURELY PERSONAL. Smith, of Bellefonte, passed awayat! hn the Contre County hospital, at 6.30 |, ih cu ven B- Hugtes la » Patient o'clock on Monday evening, as the ment of Dr. Waterworth. been in good health for several house guest, this week, her sister, Mrs. | weeks and two weeks ago yesterday Robinson, of Columbia, S. C. remained at home from her work as The Herbert Sheffer family, former an operator in the telephone ex- residents of Bellefonte, recently moved change to go under treatment. On from Jersey Shore to State College. Sunday evening her condition be- —Mrs. Forrest Bullock went over to came quite serious and she was re. Clearfleld, Wednesday of last week, to moved to the hospital but periton- enter the Clearfield hospital as a surgi- itis had developed and her death ©! patient for kidney ailment. | followed at the time above mention- 6 —Mrs. George Thompson was in Phil ed. | adelphia within the week spending sev- She was a daughter of O. P. Mor. dl days there resuming her treatments ‘ton and Anna Koontz Smith and gh iy die Yom sive” gut ‘was born in Bellefonte on April 10th, —Charles Brachbill and his son Wil- 1910, hence was 21 years and 7 jun were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. months old. She graduated at the RBrachbill's sister, Mrs. Wagner, at Wat- i i i i I i HARRIS.—George Harris, mem- ber of a well known Bellefonte fam- ily, died at the Presbyterian hospi- tal, Philadelphia, late Friday eve- ning, as the result of a complication of diseases. He had not been in good health for {wo years but his conditon did not become serious un- til several weeks ago. Bellefonte High school, class of 1928, sontown, having driven down in the 'and shortly thereafter went to work morning for an all day visit. ‘as an operator in the Bell telephone —Mrs. Hiram Fetterhoff was in from | exchange, a position she had held Pleasant Gap, for a part of last week, ‘ever since. She was a member of continuing her stay on into this week. the Methodist church and Sunday | While here she was a guest at her for- school and a young woman who had | [°% NODS A We Huey Rolz apartment, | ue love and esteem of all Who ltnew, James Cook is back cast for bia abe ! n visit home with his nts, Mr. i She is survived by her parents, ‘and Mrs. Andrew J. Cook, Pr come {one brother and four sisters, name- i; from Colorado Springs last week, {ly: Capt. Ralph T. Smith and Mrs. | with no definite plans as to the length John Bottorf, of Bellefonte; Flor- of his stay in Bellefonte. ‘ence, of Philadelphia; Mrs. Wray Miss Tomazine Potter, who had spent | Houston, of Pittsburgh, and Betty, much of the summer here with her sis- | {at home. ter and brother, Miss Lucy and James | Funeral services were held at her H. Potter, returned to Philadelphia, a | late home in: Petvikin ball, at 10{Wesk ago, with indefinite: plans as to ‘o'clock yesterday morning, by Rev. where she would be for the winter. ‘Horace Lincoln Jacobs, burial being | _~—rs John G. Love, regent of the] made in the Union cemetery. Bellefonte chapter of the D. A. R., Miss Anna McCoy and Miss Kate Shugert, have been in Pittsburgh representing the | Bellefonte chapter, at the annual D. A. R. convention in session there this week. | —Mr, and Mrs. Charles Hughes ac- companied the Bellefonte academy foot- ball team to New York, Wednesday, ex- pecting to visit while there with their three children, James, Graham and Vir- ginia, all of whom are located in and about New York. | troit, Mich.; Guy Harris, of Washi Underwood spent the afternoon of Arm istice day with Mrs. Glenn Johnston, a! Woolrich, and and - - i g Bellefonte worse for gis fiz Easel ceived enough votes to I ‘one of the Auditors. —Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Harris % § D. C.;: Mr. and Mrs. Charles Miss Margaret Brisbin and Mrs. A. E Blackbur, of Philadelphia, were all ir Bellefonte, the early part of the week, coming here for the funeral of George Harris. Mrs. Blackburn remained Bellefonte for a visit with her mother, Mrs. J. L. Spangler and Col. Spangler at their home on Allegheny street —Mrs. George M. Glenn has closed her summer home on the farm in Halfmoor valley, and left to spend the winter with her daughter and two sons, Esther, a! Cambridge, Mass., John an instructor at Gettysburg college, and George, Asst headmaster at the Harrisburg academy The greater part of Mrs. Glenn's time however, will be spent at Cambridge where she and her daughter have oc. cupied an apartment together during the winter, for several years, eee TAX SPECIALIST WILL SPEAK HERE Nov. 21 Farmers of the Coun Invited Hear Tax Problems a A The tax problems of farmers in Pennsylvania will be discussed by Dr. F. P. Weaver, head of the agri- cultural economics department at State College, at the annual meeting ; were Of the Agricultural Extension Asso. | services held at the McCoy known resident of Rush township, ‘bership drive of the Red Cross to be within the borough, the coolest Oc- office of road supervisor in Penn “made November 11-28. Tue girls ‘of the club were 0 successful in this | "work last year that they have been ‘commended by the ‘it again. ‘that the money collected is to be used locally by the Associated Char- ties. ~—Mrs. Elmer Pownell, was in 1909, with a mean temperature of 49.5 de- 1907 a close second. tober monthly grees, with State chapter The warmest was in 1910 with a | Mills. ‘and have been asked to undertake mean of 57.6 degrees. It is of interest to know | October on record for | of Yar not ee The warmest October was The coolest Centre Hall was in 1917 with a mean tempera- ture of 46.2 degrees; 1909 being al- most as cool with a mean of 46.8 neil, called at the Watchman office, |in 1920 with a mean of 56.2 degrees. ‘Saturday evening, to protest the | Watchman's story of her cattle in- | i i The coolest October on record for State College was in 1925 with a vadifig the premises of Jacob Emen- mean temperature of 44.2 degrees. “hizer, ‘as published two weeks ago, | claiming that they had been driven "through the corner of a wheatfield and into the Emenhizer barn yard ‘where they were when she was sent ‘for to identify them. The Watch- man stated that the cattle were in "the field, otherwise the story was cor- tect in every detail. ——The Pennsylvania—Lehigh ex- | ‘press east was almost two hours late arriving in Bellefonte, last Sat- urday afternoon, owing to a wreck | of the train, two miles west of Johnstown, which resulted in the death of both the engineer and fire- man and the injury of ten others, all of whom are expected to recov- «er. The train was rounding a <urve in the road when the big en- Zine jumped the tracks and rolled down an embankment. Both the engineer and firemen were caught in the wreé¢kage and burned so bad- ly with escaping steam that their death followed. Three cars were also wrecked. The train was re- made in Johnstown and sent on its ‘Way. | Centre County came very near having to elect another County "Treasurer. On Saturday evening Treasurer-elect Robert F. Hunter and William H. Noll, of Pleasant Ga, were motoring to a dinner at the Modoc hunting camp in the Others, in order, are 44.8 degrees in 1917 and 45.5 in 1888. The warm- t October was in 1900 with a mean temperature of 57.6 degrees, and the next warmest was in 1914 when the mean temperature was 57.1 degrees. The highest temperatures record- ed in October at State College, grees in 1927, 88 degrees in 1900 and 86 degrees in 1919. All other records are 85 degrees or below. | The lowest temperatures recorded during October were 20 degrees in 1889, 21 degrees in 1893 and 22 de- grees in 1917. | The mean , monthly precipitation in Bellefonte, 1900 to 1911 inclusive, | (1906 missing,) was 2.90 inches; the least, 0.24 inch in 1901 and the greatest, 6.35 inches, in 1911. At Western Penitentiary during the years period 1915 to 1922 inclusive, the mean monthly precipitation was 3.20 inches, or the mean for both is 3.03 inches. At Fleming during the years 1859 to 1867 inclusive, the mean monthly precipitation was 3.92 inches. The mean monthly precipitation for October at State College, cover- ling a period of 43 years, was 3.00 inches. Disregarding the record for Fleming on account of its short period, we may safely conclude that the mean monthly precipitation for October in this locality is about 3.00 Se en mountains. They were going ‘wet through the penitentiary ‘gr unds and arrived at the railroad cre ising just about the instant the Le for to th ed in te, reached the crossing. Itwas late to stop and too late to beat train across. Mr. Hunter jerk- his car to the left, avoided be- side-swiped by the train only by aw inched, and brought it to a a st 1d-still on the brink of a five- ‘fo © embankment. It was a case w' wre only a second or so substi- td a bad scare for a probably £2 1 accident. risburg ‘freight, coming into Belle- | inches. | Notable records of precipitation, |in addition to those for Bellefonte as given above, are 7.07 inches at | Western Penitentiary in October, 11917; 7.10 inches at Fleming in | 1862 followed by 6.62 inches in 1863; |7.06 inches in 1928, 6.51 iuches in |1898, 6.33 inches in 1927 and 6.14 |inches in 1911 at State College. |For light precipitation we have the | following for October at State Col- |lege; 0.12 inch in 1924, 0.28 inch in 1892, 0.36 inch in 1930, 0.40 inch in 1901 and 0.87 inch in 1820. All 1888 to 1930 inclusive were, 89 de- | on | uel F., of Danville; township. He married Miss Sarah | Rishel who survives with one daugh- ter, Mrs. Harry F. Shook, of Spring He also leaves his aged mother, living at Aaronsburg, and three brothers, George, of Pen township; James, of Lewisburg, and | Braid Stover, of Haines township. | Funeral services were held on Rev. J. R. Schecterly, burial made in the Fairview cemetery, Mill- heim. at his home in Tuesday evening lowing two month's result of a general was 84 years old Miles township, Centre county. a farm and moved to Lock Haven. He is survived by five sons and |two daughters, namely: Thomas J. |and Herman J. Royer, of State Col- |lege; John H., of Lock Haven; Sam- Obed E., of Columbus, Wis.; Mrs. Robert Florey, of Spring Mills, and Mrs. Theodore F. White, of Battle Creek, Mich. Funeral services were held at his late home, in Lock Haven, at 9.30 o'clock last Saturday morning, by Rev. G. R. Mergenthaler, the re- mains being taken to Millheim for burial in the Fairview cemetery. Il li HOLTER.—Mrs. Annie Holter, wife of John Holter, of State Col- lege, died at the Altoona hospital, on Tuesday morning, as the result of an auto accident, near Water Street, on October 22, particulars of which were published in the Watch- man at the time. She is survived by her husband and one daughter, Mrs. Harold Baker, of Altoona; also two sisters, Mrs. M. C. Hamer, of Altoona, and Mrs. Nellie M. Bergen, of St. Louis, Mo. il it MEYER.—Jacob Meyer, who has been postmaster at Boalsburg for a long term of years, died at 4.50 o'clock yesterday morning following an illness of several months. He is survived by his wife and two sons, Albert, in New York and Christ, in Pittsburgh. A more complete ob- ituary will be published next week. The funeral will be at two o'clock 1 ly. He was a son of John and Rachel —Mr. and Mrs. George Showers and Wagner Harris and was born in their family, of Pleasant Gap, Bellefonte 45 years ago. He was educated at the Bellefonte Academy and when he grew to manhood went to Pittsburgh and accepted a position with the Pittsburgh Bolt | and Steel company. there a few years he After working went to Wheel- went to Philadelphia and accepted employment with the Philadelphia Electric company, a position he held until his late illness. He was a member of the Society of Friends. He never married but is survived by three brothers and two sisters, Joseph Harris, of Detroit, Mich; Guy, of Washington, D. C.; Charles, of Philadelphia; Mrs. John Van Peit and Mrs. John McCoy, of McCoy's. The remains were brought to Bellefonte on Sunday and funeral home, at McCoy's, at 2.30 o'clock on Mon- day afternoon, by Rev. W.C. Thomp- son, burial being made in the Harris among the motorists of this section who Cation to be held in Bellefonte on made a long distance drive, Sunday, hav- Saturday, November 21st. In ad- ing gone over to Johnstown to be din- dition to Weaver's talk, the associa- ner guests of Mrs, Showers’ brother, Charles Haupt and his family. —Miss Caroline Valentine will close {her house and go to Philadelphia, Tues- day, November 16th, where she will live and from there to until leaving to spend the winter on the | Three years ago he Bermuda Islands. For the past several years Miss Valentine has divided the time between Bellefonte, Bermuda and Philadelphia. —Rebecca Dorworth, student at a busi- ness college in New York city, and her cousin, Jane Rath, of Elizabeth, N. J., spent several days in Sellefonte with Rebecca's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Dorworth, the after part of last week, leaving to return to their studies Sun- day morning. —E. C. Poorman (Clayt) was in Belle- fonte Saturday looking after his busi- ness interests here. While he makes his home in Tyrone he is a former Cen- tre countian and has so many acquain- tances in all parts of jt that no matter where he goes he probably feels just as much at home in Centre as he does in lot in the Union cemetery. | i WOOD.—William Novum, well | (died at his home at Osceola Mills, | on October 31st, following an illness of one week with pleurc-pneumonia. ‘He was a native of Clearfield coun- ty and was 69 years old the day before he died. His early life was spent in the vicinity of Houtzdale but about! thirty years ago he moved to Osceola | Mills and opened a hardware store which he conducted very successful- A number of years ago he served two terms as assessor in his precinct of Rush township and later was elected school director. He had served six years and was a candi- | date for re-election. In fact his name was on the ballot on Novem- ber 3rd, and he was given a com- | plimentary vote, regardless of the fact that he had passed away three days previous. He is survived by his wife and two daughters, Mrs. Earl Hobba, of Osceola Mills, and Miss Beatrice, at | home. He also leaves three grand- | children, three brothers and a sis- ter. Funeral services were held at his late home, on Tuesday afternoon of last week, by Rev. G. W. Faus, of the Methodist church, burial be- ing made in the Umbria cemetery. STOVER. Jonas Mm Stover, of Hublersburg, died at the Centre County hospital, Saturday morning, as the result of collapse, following an operation for the removal of a tumor. He was a native of lower Penns. valley where he was born 53 years ago. For a number of years past he has operated a threshing outfit through Nittany valley. His wife died about eighteen years ago but surviving him are four daughters, Sarah, of Laurelton; Linnie and Belle, at home, and Goldie, of Tus- seyville. Funeral services were held on Tuesday morning, burial being made at Jacksonville. MILLER. Robert v Miller, for many years a resident of Bellefonte, died at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Harold Woodward, at Reading, on Wednesday of last week, as the result of general debility. He was a son of Robert V. and Elizabeth Lytle Miller and was born on February 16th, 1853, in Spring township, hence was in his 79th year. During his residence in Bellefonte he was in the contracting business. He was the last of his generation and his only survivor is his daughter, mentioned above. Burial was made in Reading last i { | | i tomorrow afternoon Blair. —Mrs. Austin O. Furst and her daugh- ter, Mrs. John Curtin, accompanied Mrs tion will be entertained by the | Boalsburg banjo band. Dr. Weaver has made a study of jour system of taxation in i | cently published. at 1:30 in the court room court house, followed at 2:45 tions of the county. There will be special features in their by Mr. and Mrs. Smith, directors of the All farmers in Centre county, their families and friends are urged to be EE ————— i ———————— GOES OUT TO KILL DEER DIES OF HEART ATTACK. Last Thursday evening Clark Ohl, of Nittany, took his and went gun Furst's son, John, to Philadelphia, out to a wheat field for the purpose Thursday of last week, when the latter | of killing a deer that was destroy- was returning home from a hunting trip in Centre county. Mrs. Furst and Mrs. S. Furst family, will probably be east | for two weeks or more. ~—Mrs. Edwin Erle Sparks has moved from Rutherford, to Ridgewood, New Jersey. The change of residence was made because Mrs. Sparks’ only daugh- ter, Mrs. Carvel Sparks and her fam- 'ily, found Ridgewood more conveniently Bellefonte on Tuesday located as a place of residence. Mrs. Sparks makes her home with her daugh- ter and, necessarily, moves with her. —Mr. and Mrs, Edward Cowdrick, who were here from Niagara Falls, last week, for one of their short visits back home, spent the time while in Centre county with Mr. Cowdrick’'s friends in Belle- fonte and Mrs, Cowdrick's relatives, the Ross family, at Pleasant Gap. Mr. Cow- drick is an expert brick layer and has just completed one of the two large pub- lic school buildings the city is having built. —Mrs. John P. Lyon, Miss Virginia ing the young crop. |return taat night or on Friday, Saturday morning his mother, Sarah C. Ohl, went out to look for him and found his dead body lying in the field, with his gun, the safety catch in place, lying by his side. Ohl, who was employed at the paper mill in Lock Haven, came 41 last week and secured a |kill deer that were destroying wheat crop. When he turn home Thursday night er supposed he had gone to the paper mill, but when he to return home Friday naturally became alarmed on the hunt of him early morning. On finding the body a ph was summoned who stated that death was the result of a heart at- : g Ee F3fsas is 1 isk: ‘ McCurdy, Miss Anna McCoy, Miss Kate Shugert and Miss Mary Hunter Linn, of Bellefonte, and Mrs. J. Thompson Hen- ry, of Martha Furnace, motored to Hun- tingdon, Thursday of last week, to at- tend the centennial celebration of the Western Foreign Missionary society, which was organized in Pittsburgh in 1831. Sessions were held Thursday af- ternoon and evening. —Claire Lyons, of Howard, was in Bellefonte on Monday transacting some business both for himself and his father, John Lyons, the well known lumber mill operator of that place. Claire is the sawyer on his father's mills, but just ncw they are not operating because the market is at a standstill. They have one mill on a job along the Buffalo Run that is ready to start sawing the moment there is a demand for any of it products. —Mrs. Tom Patterson, of Seattle, Washington, arrived in Bellefonte, Sat- urday evening, with plans for spending the winter here with her aunt, Miss Margaret A. Stewart, at the Stewart home on west Linn street. Mrs. Pat- terson, upon coming east, went directly to New York, then visited two weeks in Connecticut before coming to Bellefonte. Miss Stewart and Mrs, Patterson will leave shortly for a visit with Dr. Walter Stewart in Wilkes-Barre. —The Rev. Frank Wetzel left, yester- day, to return to Hollsopple, Somerset county, after a ten day's visit here with the Wetzel family and with friends over the county. Mr, Wetzel is a na- tive of Centre county and lived here much of his life, having served several charges of the Reformed church in the southern part of the county. Leaving with his family a number of years ago to make their “ome in Akron, Ohio, it is from there that he has gone to Hollsop- ple, to be a supply in that church un- Friday. til after Christmas. 25 but he is survived by his mother and two brothers, Clair Chl, of Strawberry Ridge, and Charles, of Lock Haven; also a half-brother and half-sister, Benjamin Winkle man, of Philadelphia, and Mrs. Mary Weaver, of Bellefonte. Funeral services were held at his late home, on Tuesday afternoon, burial being made in the Zion cem- etery. ——Reserve one of the Franklin A grade living room suites for X-mas delivery now. Your choice of moth-proof Verona velvet covers. “Crown” guaranteed sagless spring construction. Friday and Saturday only, $134.00, at W. R. Brachbill's furniture store. 45-1t Reed—Henderson.—James Irvin Reed and Miss Emma Louise Hen- derson, both of Pine Grove Mills, were married at the home of the | bridegroom, at 4.30 o'clock last Sat- (urday afternoon, by Rev. J. S. Eng- |lish. Only a few relatives were present to witness the nuptials. They | will reside in the groom's home. —— ————— Bellefonte Grain Markets. Wheat | corn | Oats Rye | Barley | Buckwheat ......... I sesasrssmnenne Rrkikad