Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, November 13, 1931, Image 7

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    Cal, and Mattie Stanfield, of San-
: $C TTS TuTRs suv ARTE |
—-— | American Museum Gets ! nn Antonio, Texas.
INDUSTRY SEES Sa of Bronze Age HOW DAILY THOUGHT | Russel Jack Hawes, of Crawford, John M. Hartswick, et al, to R. F.
i i 'N. J.,, and Gladys Beatrice Weston,
Jue naan loss Shon tne Weel War | of Port Matilda.
was e 1088S --Newion , Baker, |
George H. Stover, of Centre Hall,
[Yu time Secretary of War. |and Margaret. L. Evey, of Pleasant
| —Stand some rainy day at the e
ibusiest corner in on Fifth | ulia Williams to Willis E. Wil-
| Avenue and F second street in liams, tract in State College; $1.
‘New York—and watch umbrellas C:- Arthur Thomas to Harry E.
and raincoats go by: i
Here's what you'd find—if you
‘stood there for a while. No yellow
oilsnins. No dull, drau, umnterest-
ug gadineunts, as leaden as the skies.
iusicad, Swart, trim, well-dressed ||
women who look as fachion-right as ||
when the sun shines. Raincoats as |! |
smart as the dresses under them— | ‘1
When the chemist looks to the
future use of catalysts he is not
indulging in a dream, Many
chemical processes now employ
catalysts, These have simplified
old manufacturing processes, and
in many cases made possible
processes which were previously
The manufacture of sulphuric
acid makes use of platinum as a
catalyst, The reaction by which
sulphur dioxide is changed to
sulphur trioxide in the manufac-
ture of sulphuric acid is a diffi-
Stein, et ux, tract in State College;
willis E. Williams to Pilgrims
Holiness church, tract in State Col-
lege; $1,000.
Albert N. Bierly to M. Irene Work-
man, tract in Boggs Twp.; $725.
Hester S. Christ to F. Ernest
Whiting, tract in College Twp.; $1.
More than 300 objects, many of
them over five thousand years old, are
on exhibition in the University of
Pennsylvania museum. The finds, the
majority of which date from the early
Bronze age, were uncovered at Tepe
Gawra, Mesopotamia.
Some of the earliest pottery ever
excavated in the Near East, a small
copper frying pan, a cylinder seal of
a goat done in a decidedly expres
sionistic manner, an alabaster animal
figurine, reminiscent of early Chinese
jade work, and an exquisitely painted
| clay chalice of about 3000 B. C., are
Leading Automobile Unit Ex-
pects to Employ More Men
This Winter Than Last
Mauck, tract in Bellefonte; $375.
of Downey,
George H. Fancher,
Twelve Million Years Loss Transports lor as good-looking as a fair weath-
tion in Nation's Car Inventory Than
Considered Normal, Manufac-
turer Tells Financiers
STIMATING that transportation in
the form of automobiles now in the
hands of the American public is twelve
millfon “car-years” below normal, and
that this deficit will eventually have to
se made up, Richard H. Grant, vice
president of the General Motors Cor- |
soration, recently told the American
Bankers Association convention that |
smployment in his company may be
greater this winter than last year.
“Employment Juring the winte
months is a very important thing”
Mr. Grant said. “So far as our corpo
ration is concerned, in November, De-
tember, January and February we will
be employing at least as many and
probably more men than we did this
past year.”
In order to gauge the outlook fo. |
aext year's market his corporation,
he said, attempts to set up sales in-
dices based on intensive scientific
studies In addition to observation and
common sense.
“We are in the habit of lookin,
apon an automobile not merely as an
automobile but as transporation,” he
said. “We figure each automobile
produced as six years of transporta-
tion. Then by following up records
of production yearly, we get a graph
which indicates what ought to be a
normal inventory of transportation in
the hands of the American people, and
whether there are more or less miles
than might be expected. According
to our figures, there are about twelve
million years less transportation in
this inventory at the present time
than has been considered normal since
The Outlook for Business
~Consequently, if we retain the same
purchasing power in this country, it
is quite evident that on the first up-
turn of business there will be a rush
to replace that inventory. In develop
ing this graph, it has come out very
strongly that every third year is a
blg automobile year. The biggest
automobile year was 1929 when 4,100,
000 cars were produced for American
consumption. This year the industry
will produce somewhere between 1,
$00,000 and 1,900,000 cars. As 1932 is
three years after 1929, if economic con-
ditions were normal we could be sure
we would do a tremendous business,
because the third year is the time when
the bulk of the replacing takes place.”
He added that there are factors at
work that make it uncertain how big
the year will be, instancing that
“money is being hoarded from lack
of confidenec and this takes away
some purchasing power that we would
otherwise have, while family budgets
are being cut on account of changes
in income conditions,
means that purchasing power for the
automobile, like a good many other
things, will be knocked down.” As a
result, he said, it was necessary to
measure what statistically would be
a big year against a practical con-
sideration of the curtailment of ex-
penditures which is going on and de
termine how big the year will be
under these circumstances.
which again |
In addition there are numerous oth-
er animal figurines and amulets, &
complete cosmetic set of the period,
a mold for casting bronze objects and
« stone palette for mixing paints.
The unusual nature of some of the
finds, together with the fact that they
are remarkably well preserved, makes
the collection of particular interest,
according to Dr. Ephraim A. Speiser.
“Both the seal of the goat and anoth-
er stamped seal of about 3570 B. C,
the latter which portrays an ibex.
show a sense of design that might al-
most be called modernistic,” Doctor
Spelser stated, “while the frying pan
constitutes a particularly valuable diz
covery because It still retuins its orig
inal handle, a very unusual occur
“particular interest is attached aise
(0 the pottery, for It precedes the
bronze work in age, and points to a
time In the history of Tepe Gawra
when a state of comparative leisure
existed. This leisure subsequently
was driven out by the advent of metal.
for the coming of bronze accelerated
the mode of living, and the painted
pottery gave way to things of a more
utilitarian nature.”
Authority on Spelling
of Geographical Names
The federal department which Is
he final authority on the spelling of |
geographical names is the United |
States Geographic board. As far as Is |
practicable, the United States Post Of-
fice department accepts the decisions
of this board in all its official spell-
Ings. In the case of Pittsburgh, Pa.
the board was first asked to pass on
the correct spelling in 1801, at which
time it decided in favor of the spell-
ing “Pittsburg.” This decision, how-
ever, met with a great deal of opposi-
tion among citizens generally in Pitts.
burgh, and in 1911 the board consent-
ed to reconsider the case, One of the
deciding factors in the final decision
wns the “original seal of the Borough
of Pittsburgh,” which was struck In
1704, and which was brought forward
us evidence. The Geographic board's
final decision in 1911 reversed the orig-
inal decision and established Pitts.
burgh as the official spelling of the
name of this city.
Moss Rose Legend
According to German tradition, the
legend of the moss rose is as follows:
“Once upon a time an angel, having a
mission of love to suffering humanity,
came down on earth. He was much
grieved at all the sin and misery he
saw and at all the evil things he heard.
Jeing tired, he sought a place to rest,
but as it fared with his master, so it
fared with him, there was no room
for him, and no one would give him
shelter. At last he lay down under
the shade of a rose and slept until!
the rising sun awoke him, Before
winging his flight heavenward he ad-
dressed the rose and said that, as it
had given him shelter which man de
nied, it should receive an enduring
token of his love, and so, leaf by leaf,
and twig by twig, the soft moss grew
' around the stem, and there it is to-
“From a long haul standpoint, Te |
gardless of how many automobiles are
sold in 1932, we are storing up a big
business for the future,” Mr. Grant
said. “There will be fewer automobiles
sold in 1831 than will go to the scrap
heap. With 12,000,000 car-years out
of the inventory, nine percent more
gasoline was used up to August 1,
1931, than was used in 1930. With
fewer automobiles, the people must
have been running them faster and
longer to consume the additional gaso-
line. This means that we have some
22,000,000 people working hard to
make a fine business for our industry
when there is an economic recovery.
No False Optimism
4 am not attempting to create an,
false optimism—1 am not speaking
without a statistical backgrouand. Us
ing the best sense we can, we have
drawn conclusions from the figures we
have, and | am willing to make the
| from the Great Fire of London,
statement that as far as the conduct
of our business for the first half of
1932 1s concerned, we shall set the
indices somewhat higher than the ac
tualities of 1931. We are willing tc
set our advertising budgets and our |
selling expense on that kind of indices
With economic conditions as they are
and since the obsolescence is so great
sales, we figure that the first half of
1932 must necessarily be better thay
was the first half of 1931."
Bankers Help
Seven banks of Kennebec County,
Maine, cooperated with the couaty
grange, farm bureau, and local cream:
ery, in financing the publication of a
day, a cradle in which the new-horn
rose may lie, a proof of God's power
and love,”
Electric Pipeless Organ
Capt. Richard Ranger of trans
oceanic radiophotograph fame invent-
ed the electric pipeless organ. It Is
both pipeless and reedless and re-
sponds to a series of electrical
switches, tone generators and ampii-
filers when its standard pipe organ
keys are played by an organist. The |
sounds are generated in groups, each |
group consisting of a series of alterna-
tors in simple ratio, controlled by one
motor. Each tone is amplified and |
transmitted to the speaker when the |
corresponding musical key is de |
Fire Insurance Beginning
Fire insurance may be said to date
10666. Several companies were formed |
during the remainder of the Seven. |
teenth century and at the beginning |
of the Eighteenth century, some of
which still exist. In the United States, |
the first fire insurance company to be |
established was the Philadelphia Con-
tributionship, which was organized on
April 13, 1752, This company was pat-
| terned in many respects after the
and we have sunk so low in this year's
Hand-in-Hand of London, which was
established toward the close of the
Seventeenth century,
Mother Knew
One day Ted accompanied his moth:
er and little sister to a downtown
store and a salesman started a con
“How old is your sister,” he asked?Y
. ing on the electrical aspects of the
cult reaction to carry on, But
it is easily carried out in the
presence of platinum,
Catalysts also play an im-
portant role in the hydrogena-
tion of fats by the addition of
hydrogen. But under normal
conditions oils will not react
with hydrogen. Nickel, how-
ever, is the catalyst in this case.
In the presence of nickel the
oils and hydrogen react to form
solid fats,
Other processes in which ca-
talysts are used include the
manufacture of ammonia, syn-
thetic wood alcohol and acetic
How City of Portland
Was Named by Chance
The name of Portland, Ore., was de-
elded by flipping a coin, Although a
cabin or two had been previcusly built
on the site, the founding of the pres-
ent city of Portland dates from 1843,
when William Overton and Amos L.
Lovejoy, ascending the Willamette
river in a canoe on their way from
Fort Vancouver on the Columbia to
Oregon City, selected the site as an |
ideal location for a town. Soon after
the tract was acquired Overton sold
his interest to Francis W. Pettygrove.
In 1884 the land was surveyed, the
boundaries determined and the first
log house built, and the following year
a portion of the tract was laid off
into streets, blocks and lots. When
the problem of naming the embryo
city came up Pettygrove, who was a
native of Maine, wanted to call it
Portland, while Lovejoy, who was a
native of Massachusetts, favored Bos-
ton. The two New England real es.
tate men finally decided to settle the
matter by tossing a penny—heads,
Portland, and tails, Boston, Heads
won and the city was named Portland. |
How Student Made Discovery
The principle of the selectiv : irradi
ation of food was discovered by a |
voung student of electrical engineer- |
ing at the University of Cincinnati,
named George Sperti, He was work-
production of ultra-viclet rays. His
interest was diverted to the effects of
these rays on living substances, and he
interested President Herman Schneider
of the university in installing a bio-
physical laboratory. The foundation '
of their research was the application
of the quantum theory of physics to
organic matter, A large sum of money
has been paid for patents on the dis-
covery, Professor Sperti, at thirty, is
director of the Basic Science Research |
laboratory, The University of Cin-
cinnati and the General Foods cor-
poration, which acquired the patents, |
have organized a joint holding com- |
pany, and a new laboratory is to he
erected at the university from funds
accruing to it from the discovery.
a sa— {
How to Silver Mirror |
Make first solution by boiling eight
ounces distilled water and adding
twelve grains each of silver nitrate |
and Rochelle salts: allow to boil six
or seven minutes, then cool and filter, |
Make second solution by dissolving
nineteen grains of silver nitrate in a!
little distilled water, then adding sev- |
eral drops of 26. deg. ammonia until |
solution clears; then sixteen grains
more of silver nitrate, stirring well.
Add balance of eight ounces distilled
water and filter, Clean the glass for |
mirror with ammonia and wipe with
wet chamois, Take half and half of
the solutions, stirring well, and pour
on the middle of the glass, It will |
spread over the surface and precipl- |
tate the silver, |
How Quakes Affect Earth
The surface of the earth is variously |
affected by an earthquake. In some
of the greatest earthquakes, there are |
no features more remarkable than the |
dislocation of the crust. The dis-|
placement along the fault may be |
mainly horizontal, mainly vertical, or |
partly vertical and partly horizontal,
In a few earthquakes, such as that at |
Messina In 1908, the movement takes |
the form of a warping of the crust, |
no actual fault being visible on the |
surface, When the movement Is hori- |
zontal, the fault may appear as a |
erack or fissure, or may he revealed |
by the severing of roads, fences, etc., |
the ends of which may be separated |
by several feet. |
How to Stop Coughs
A teaspoonful of glycerin in a glass |
f cold milk will stop that irritating |
cough that attacks you when you lie |
down at night. Take a few sips at a |
rime until relief is obtained. |
How Icebergs Are Formed
When a glacier reaches the sea the |
‘trast with her raincoat.
lare turning out sweaters,
| hats, belts, afghans and dozens of
other things as fast as their nee-
cut out for him this year.
sportswear makers.
| put crocheted yokes on some of her
| appeared.
gan to boom and were worn by all
| the fashionables who winter on the
| French Riviera and summer at Jean
‘de Luz on the Bay of Biscay.
| those Victorian revivals we're hear-
!ly nothing is more feminine than
hands plying knitting needles.
| clipping it at both sides to hold it
| mold.
| cellent main luncheon or supper dish.
tablespoons melted butter, 1 tea-
er topcoat.
. Coats of waterproofed fabrics—
wools or silks—and of smartly col-
ored rubber, designed with intent to |
be becoming as well as protective.
Obviously there's a definite desire
on the part of the fashionable wom-
an to make a costume out of her
rain accessories. Her umbrella
matches or makes a pleasant con-
and galoshes blend, too.
Even when they don’t wear rain-
coats, women are tying up their
umbrella colors with their costume.
Many of them match—a brown um-
brella with a brown costume—a red
one with a red costume.
Really, if you plan your rainy day
costumes carefully, there's no rea-
son why you shouldn't be just as
glad on a rainy day as on a sunny!
one to run into the friend you
haven't seen for 10 years!
—Television picture of the modern,
fashionable home this winter—
A cozy fire snapping in the grate.
Young husband, feet on the fender,
reading the even paper. Tabby cat
playing with a ball of yarn on the
|as she knits.
Certainly the fireside industries
have come back in fashion with a
vengeance. Making things at home
is “the thing to do,”” and women are
doing it.
Those who can knit and crochet
dles can click. And those who can't
are learning how!
But it isn't only the women who
are knitting. School and college
girls, too. Many a girl in her teens
is wearing a jumper or hat knit or
crocheted by her own hands.
Santa Claus certainly has his work
If the
good old saint knows his fashions,
he'll equip Mrs. Santa and all
little ones with needles right now.
| For he's going to have thousands of
requests for hand-knitted or cro-
cheted presents.
The fashion all started with Paris
dresses. Then crocheted
Hand-made sweaters be-
Perhaps it's just another one of
ing so much about—like leg o' mut-
ton sleeves, basques and bustles.
Perhaps it's an outgrowth of the
fashion for femininity. For certain-
Scarfs are smart not because of
the weather but because of them-
selves. Because they do things to
a costume. Exciting, different
things. They give it a smart
touch of color. They give it the
fashionable higher neckline effect.
They offer endless chance to vary
it's looks.
It isn't so much what you wear
as how you wear it. Except that
you must choose your scarf colors
carefully to go into your planned
costume color scheme.
Newest scarfs are short. If a
scarf is long, it's fastened down
some way so the ends don't fly.
Tucked under the belt, perhaps, or
held down at the sides with clips.
What are the smart ways to wear
them ? Because you can't just throw
a scarf around your neck and expect
it to look swank.
with an air.
Ascot cravat style is one way.
Rather close about the neck and
double knotted at the side. And
that's new. For variety, knot the
scarf at the center front.
With a slightly longer scarf, let it
follow the neckline or your dress,
in place and knotting it loosely in
front. It makes a neat finish and
is particularly effective with a V-
—Frozen Cranberries.— Four cups
cranberries, 2'4 cups boiling water.
Wash and pick over berries. Cook
in boiling water until skins burst.
Add sugar and cook 10 minutes
longer. Skim as scum rises. Rub
through a colander and turn into
Pack in equal parts of ice
and salt and let stand three hours.
—Chestnuts are
with meat either as a stuffing or as
a vegetable. ‘The raw starch in
chestnuts is difficult to digest.
Roasted or boiled,
comes more digestible.
—Potato nut balls make an ex-
Four medium sized potatoes, 2
spoon salt, milk, 1 cup nut meats,
2 eggs.
Scrub potatoes and boil until ten-
der. Peel and mash. Add melted
butter, salt and enough milk to
make moist. Beat well
one half nut meats and one egg weil
beaten. Shape into small balls, roll
Young wife, in her smart
| Victorian-lixe basque dress, rocking
Wheat Is Going Up!
also cotton and oil. There is some improve-
ment in steel production. The skies are clearing.
Gradually a better tone in business, a more con-
fident feeling is showing itself.
It needs only a little push to start things
the |
It has tobe worn
starchy and are appropriately served |
the starch be-.
and add
t gl!
' ¢
| It AJ
c :
i Baney’s Shoe Store §
I WILBUR H. BANEY, Proprietor |
if 80 years in the Business if
Never in all the years that. we have
been selling clothes has there been atime
when so little money would buy so
Better Cloth,
Better Tailoring,
Better Trimmings.
Men's Clothes are Better in every way
and prices are as low you enjoyed back
in 1915.
That’s why we say: Buy Now! and
Buy at.
booklet, entitled, “The Agricultural
Situation in Kennebec County.” It
presents in a concise manner the farm
resources id practices of the county,
with sugge tions for improvement.
| end of it flows slowly into the water. | in remaining nuts finely chopped, |
| From time to time pieces break off |dip in egg slightly beaten and roll |
- Fayble’s
“I don’t know,” Ted replied, and
turning to his mother, said:
“Mother, do you know how old sis
ter is?"
She did.
and float away. These are called Ice- again in nuts. Bake on a buttered |
bergs, | baking sheet in a hot oven until
| delicately brown. Serve with curly |
endive dipped in French dressing.