Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, November 13, 1931, Image 3

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| DEMANDED BY FARMERS | (Continued from page 2, Col. 6.) put 3 sew with in my lamp ?” | In the fall TE La a: Bractices in
~~ { The Pennsylvania 's | hat she | been done, tuan.” i w, on
E A ” Tureshirmens) plate what 4 e might do when able | “Good. It burned short. 1t went Kersey, Elk county, Df courts, Giles, foun 13 CR)
Beilefonte, Pa., November 18, 1981. agricultural organization, has called grey. |out last might and ¥ Oke meh Rex
re on executive heads of the State gov- ' dark. Can't stand the dar Too | planted the next spring along side i
| gOV-| On her part she more than once | .., of potatoes from the same lot stor- J KENNEDY JOHNSTON.—Atorey i
- Sr. . q , ¢ |cumment 10 spending money y—things in the dark. Crawl- Law, Bellefonte, Pa. Prompt at-
Y our He alt h “like a ore Be eliy let Bet oS Ling things. Don't let it happen he in the cellar. The yield in the _ tention Sven all legal bt
| "The association, through its pub: ner. Bn io). hoy. he wan hip [Second time” fall ‘was 208 bushels per aste {rol Fast ‘High strost : 57
THE FIRST CONCERN. lication, the Right of Way, singled and he proposed to keep her: she{ “Saya, tush, the callus stored Seed compuend, iS |
|out Governor Pinchot’s executive of- was necessary to his contentment | «And be sure I have plenty of | bushels from those stored in the M. KEICHLINE.—Attorney at Law
fice, the Department of Public In-| and he seemed to derive a Sadistic 0°! water. I'm going to be thirs- | pit, or a difference of 41 bushels in| oy of the Peace. All
struction and the Department Of satisfaction in forcing his _unwel- | ¥:. | favor of pitting | prompt attention. belies y wil Tect1ve
| Welfare as principal offenders inan come attentions upon her. “Slamat tidor!" Mara bowed and | Potatoes stored in a cellar where 49-5-1y
alleged spending Orgy he kept the door between tnbir Wet for the water jug | there is 2 furnace, or even where |
| The publication vigorously Sup- room lock but was impossi He placed it upon the table at the there are heated rooms above usual- G. RUNKLE.— Attorney at Law.
ported Pinchot in his primary and Jo b= ossible | head of Geoffrey's bed, lighted the ly, will sprout and shrivel badly be- W “consultation in English, ang Cet
general election campaigns. It said. every evening he drank himself into night lamp; then he returned to the fore planting time, according to Bellefonte, Pa.
|” “Governor Pinchot's personal staff a stupor and during certain stages pack porch, lifted the wooden box County Agent Rothrock. Seed prop-
Sept. 30 was being paid $46,000 of this process he was likely to do and shook it vigorously. Instantly | erly stored in a pit should come out| —
more than the personal staff of Gov- anything. His bronzed skin had there came a hissing and a move: {in late spring nearly as firm and un-
By Dr. Morris Fishbein ernor Fisher one year earlier, and turned a sickly yellow; heavy | ment from within. | sprouted as when placed there.
One disease which strikes fear in. $57,000 more than was received bY pouches had formed under his eyes. Mara continued to shake the box | WIT low Wii Joe Sie SIOWe D R. R. L. CAPERS.
to the minds Of every par ent and in- | employees of the Governor's office Much of his time he spent witn until it jumped and creaked and vi- | Stoek and r glive y g ced prices, | OSTEOFATH.
bod of most physicians is the in the Sproul administration in Sep- Mineh. ‘brated as if from the pent-up fury |the farmer HHO jor) t ean | pellefonte
rheumatic fever of childhood. As. | samben Joa} aed a” Life for the three Europeans on Of It's occupant. He stole down the, uv? vd I GC a! Criders Ex. 66-11 Holmes Bl
sociated with this there are almost e article soun the opening the plantation grew into a night- : . make & worthwhile saving on DC
|gun of a barrage of demands for . 5 increased. | With nis foot he forced open the can ‘ . CASEBEER, Optometrist.—Regis-
javariably ye eotions of the ung, 3¢ reduction of State expenditures, elim- vg Jue isa ig spark Screen door to the empty bedroom, | his seed costs, without much dange: C tered and licensed by the State.
State Coll
Eyes examined, glasses fitted. Sat-
_ ination of many high-salaried of then he oscillated the box again un- of reducing his yield, even if he gaction guaranteed. ~ Frames re
condition called acute endocarditis. | co 0" nd general exercise of econ- wold 1a ve jpn communicated til the straining coils inside threat- does not have a satisfactory eafiar. and Ynaes Willy Casebeer _ BIE,
oe Jo yood 100 More 122 omy by the State government, eX- jiself even to Mara; he, too, chang- ened to burst it's sides. He unfast- It is important in pit storage to gh ot efonte, Pa. n-2-tt
cently - | ; ,
pected to appear frequentl during ; ened the lid and deftly dumped the | have the potatoes ama the ground |
matic fever with inflammation of | Phe special Pegislative pr com- gi Wid pawits, For many Fein Snake out upon the floor; quickly las cold as is safe before burying. EVA Cine State Sptometsist, Lictused
the heart occurring in his practise mencing Monday. siesta heaven knows he got little he closed the screen door between it Attempting to pit from the field is every except Saturday, Belle:
during some 25 years. Cg |" The attack of the Right of Way enough sleep, for Geoffrey c alled him and him. seldom satisfactory. Remember that | fonte, in the bret building opposite
the patients Were ei, qq nse expenditures declared that qt all times 'of night and the two |, When Guofivey staggered off to| the potatoos will stay at very Dear- ,.."3s; § p.m. and Sat _ 9 a.m
20 after 1905 and before 1911, 28 while agriculture, industry, business pours at late midday when life ip bed ten minutes later, Mara locks” ly the same temperature at which | 16°4:00 p.m. Bell Phone 62-40
after 1910 and before 1916 and He 8nd labor have fallen in With tne tropics stops to drowse were up the living room, put out me | they are put in the pit. |
after 1915 and before 192) changed economic conditions “those about: the only ones he could really lights and departed for his own “Most farmers prefer a narrow: ™
finds at this time that 36 o e who operate the State government call his own; 1D evertheless, several Quarters. He could hear a queer | pit, about four feet wide and long
hundred are dead and three are continue to spend money like “drunk- times when tne household was { gasping and groaning in the mas- as is necessary. A well-drained | FIRE INSURANCE
permanent invalids. The remain- sailors.” ter's bedroom, but it was not loud | spot where water will not get in
{ng 61 are alive, and in 37 of them | Tne amount of the public's mon- asleep, Fuh Wii ere Pe. enough to disturb the 3 ervsahib, | should be selected. Throw out! At a Reduced Rate, 20%
the hearts are apparently normal; | ou they are spending today is not gions out of sight. Soon he would be quiet for all time. | about 8 to 10 inches of soil, using a |
in 18, the hearts show slight dam- jimited to the hi h cost of the boom . | Happily, the door between his | plow if operations are large. Pour | 733% J. M.KEICHLINE, Agent
age; in six it was impossible to OD" period when Prosperity was at its ii hagat Was Jl ngs PH room and the mem-sahib's was clos- the potatoes in and pile them up Ag
tain re-examination of the heart. peak. State government today is Had he felt impelled to follow he ed and locked, so she was safe from | till they start to roll out. Put M——————————— —
His figures offer hope to the par- costing almost one-third more than would have been surprised and mys- that snake that bit and tore like a jon a top covering of straw and
ent who has a child suffering with it ‘did four years ago when g00d tified at the fellow's actions, for | HET: In the morning, when he, |then enough dirt to hold the HICHESTER L PILLS
this disorder. Dr. Morse is con- times were at their best,” the pub: Mara appeared to occupy himself in Mara, brought in the coffee he would | straw and shed the rain. Leave in| THE DIAMOND
vinced that the last word has not lication said. idly exploring the unkempt fields of Kill the thing. | this conditon until there is danger EN sky BRAN
been said on this subject. He geels “For every dollar which the State The house boy stretched out upon |of the ground freezing too hard to Fle he Brand
that heart disease developing in 8 was spending at the time of the laiang grass near the pletil nis mat and composed himself for | get more soil. Then put on anoth- T& "==\g ‘Ru Io with
child during a rheumatic attack is 1921 depression it is spending tWO thickets along the jungle's edge. ‘an untroubled and refreshing sleep. |er foot of straw and five or six sk fon
more likely to be serious than heart | dollars now. But for every dollar "je walked slowly and with ex All things are as Tuan Allah wills. inches of soil well patted down and
. | known as Best, Safast,
disease developing from tonsilitis or | which the State was spending im- treme Hearst's International cosmopoli- | smoothed out with the back of the rn
; Always
that following other diseases of the | mediately before the World war, it ent a A Without 2p Poe | tan. shovel. The ground should be patted | SOLD BY DRUGGISTS EVERYWHERE
nose and throat. now spends $5.40.” braved the blistering heat, retu | m— down sud Footed oH BOR jhe cgi
The apparent combination of rheu- | The publication charged that “the'i, the bungalow with nothing more COOKING FEVER HITS bottom to Jrovint oR
matic joints with an inflammation of State is multiplying the number Of {han a handful of flowers for the BOYS IN HIGH SCHOOLS i at the Broun oe. sofl will prevent
the lining of the heart is exceeding- | its employees and boosting their sal mem-sahib's room. Ls layers O of RH 2a ior hold | |
ly serious. He is inclined to be- aries” while employees elsewhere ot last, however, he found what There is a back to the home| os, TL time. Ventilators are |
lieve that there are two types of are taking cuts or losing their jobs. pe was looking for and the dis- movement on in Chicago—and it's un Pp necessa if the above direc-| *
this condition; one malignant and “There are eight times as many .oyery rooted him to his tracks for | centered in high schools among the | 5¢ om Seas a 4 I a | oe :
promptly fatal, the other tending jobholders in government offices iN | geveral minutes. He stood rigid, boys. tions ute tO y y
toward recovery: ‘Thus 33 per cen! Harrisburg today regulating the staring in mingled fear and fasci. | Nor are they afraid of telling We have taken on the line of
of those who died, died within fou: lives of the rest of us as there Were nation; his nostrils dilated and the , about their accomplishments, taking Pu *
Of thsof the onset of the disease, |in 1014, and the number has mMOT® reat hissed between his teeth. [70 thought of being called “sissies.” rina Feeds
and 36 per cent within four months tian, doubles since the 1921 depres: | Finally he retreated, slowly at To them, domestic attainments are |
of the onset of the diseas®, wale SiO8. dl Grst, until he had put some distance not only a “woman's job” and do } TRA D. GARMAN We also carry the line of
two-thirds of the remainder Of | penditures in the 1913-1915 bi- | petween himself and whatever it | mot necessarily indicate a leaning EW Wa e F 1
—— 1
those who died passed away within ennium were $65,801,610 and in the oo that had challenged him; then : toward bachelorhood
H |
five years. On the other hand, 1921-1923 biennium, $177,996,149, the ;. 3rew his knife and cut a forked | ‘What can you do in the kitchen?” | 1420 Chestnut St.,
four per cent of the children wi article stated. stick which he trimmed, then test- was the question. f ELPHIA
Bre give sad wir Suguoy Spe In contrast pt ir: Si Ccarefully. AS silently as before “What can't I do,” snorted a se-| Wie itv. at fod 1000b.
2 | | “w tmeal ner's 4
hearts Pe the current biennium totaled he stole forward. | date senior. ge 4 Wagner's 20% Dairy Feed 1.45
One of the most important factors | | ._ fry eggs, make tea or coffee, and
steak dinner, with a bak- Wagner's 32% Dairy Feed - 1.60
“© "“The State's salary bill has in- self, beads of perspiration appeared - " — Wagner’ bhi
presence of what aro Knows gob, creased $17,410,000 since 1914 and upon his coffee-colored face and his Lr A aoe tah ors Bn -- = 1%
Fore tans Toe aloe Com of Sale Smpere 0 tno "lS ped hie a pre my wis 666 Iouioaae cil
14,082 to 8, e same | ute, lw y P while a. : ' | Wagner's Horse Feed - - - 140
the disease and sometimes without | l Fry frog's legs to a een’s g agner’s
then having manifested the Symp: it declared. The total given for | ‘Wil measured distance and took i.5ie" shot back another. | LIQUID OR TABLETS Wagner's Winter Bran Bulk - 1.10
11931 did not include the “7,000 to |note of many other things. | A
toms, but by being it ig 0a a oe of tiats fustitutions] Thin imperceptitly, the ick was | LfY,tosks and cBOpS which would dy Kelioves I I Oo Neuf, Ener Wiser Nitsa Bulk - 30
justice to a $5 banquet,” he went checks a Cold —
nor the more than 20,000 emplo ees | out-thrust, lowered, and he lunged. i * 30 minutes, a the first
r act as O° iate roads.” ployees | J reath issued from his lungs in oni. gus nay cook’ eggs mot day, and checks Malaria in three Blatchford Calf Meal 23ibs 1.25
rs ha Fusion of the Eer™C’ | “The State's most lavish expendi- | &_S3vagh grunt; Jnr triumph, fe-|jo0k good.” taste good but days. [Wayne Calf Mes) PerH - - 350
tures are for education and such rocity blazed in ace. " . 666 Salv ead | Wayne Egg Mash - - - - 2.10
and who come down with the Siseas costs are $55,000,000 in excess of A scuffing and a threshing be- a have thet Specialties, Sieh | e for H Colds. yn
Dr. James Grant, an English | what they were in 1913," the Right gan; the grass was beaten flat. g,50¢ and ar > prod pan ca os TET ha TT | o
health officer, studied the incidence of Way stated. Mara leaned upon his stick and ut-| goo” A f ppl ues, — or {OA Men) 34% - - - - - 1%
of diphtheria in his community, and | «yt cost more than $200,000 for tered words unintelligible to Euro- | . ale RR bOge his | | Cotton Seed Meal «~~ 180
decided, as part of his investigation, | 40 executives and ‘experts’ to tell pean ears. puto a , yh vig while a | . 4 |Soy Bean Oil Meal - - - - 1.60
to examine the throat of every child tne rest of the department what After a while he slid his right go. orig | mitted his pro- | Good Printing iuuters Feed = = =.= « = 1.50
who had been 1n Son et bo 3 8 school boards may do.” ‘hand down the stick and closed his easy ops: | Rise Grae plata Meal - 3:53
a ' Welfare Department ex nditures | fingers over what it pinioned. When | i | % = v=
fod to be suffering from gie5 came in for nent expenditures | etrose, a scaly, wriggling, eet EXPLAIN DEER WEIGHT LIMIT. A SPECIALTY |Tankage 60% ~- - - - - 2.50
diphtheria at the time of the inSpec- charge was made that its adminis- serpent was wrapped about his arm; Ajthough a weight limit of 40 at the |Fish Meal 55% - - + * * 3.00
tion. charge Wh = have increased ten|it looped and writhed and whipped | pounds, with entrails removed, has Fine Stok Sap = - = ~ 1.00
Out of all of the children examin: | times since 1913, jumping from $64,- against his body. | DOU Caet for antlerless deer d WATCHMAN OFFICE (Oyster Shell = = - 2 = © 1.00
ed, 53 were found to be carriers of 255 to $640,000 Its head protruded an inch or tWO tne r during | |Molasses - - - - - - - *- 1.00
season, the Game Com-
fist; its horny mouth mission is hoping that hunters will
diphtheria germs. The children “The habit of multiplying em- beyond his rigid
who were carriers were excluded | ployees and salaries,” the article al- was spread wide and a flickering
There is no lo of work, from
he ’ 3 = Let us grind your Corn and Oata
’ their sportsmanship by mak-
Who Wool and examined regularly |leged, “is not restricted to the de. forked tongue, incredibly active, | Ino a and make up your Dairy Feed, with
until they were found to be free of partments in charge of welfare and licked his knuckles. Strangely | ths ry Bonen sion to, Koop withis BOOK WORK Cotton Seed Meal, Oil Meal, Gluten,
the germs. | education, but is general on Capitol enough, those open ‘jaws exposed not wag prescribed ne special deer that we can mot do in the most Alfalfa, Bran, Midds and Molasses.
The treatment of carriers .while Hill. The Governor himself has the usual pair of hideous, Venom- | seasons of previous years satisfasiory Aer gud a Pricge We will make delivery on two ton
not very severe is a rather laborious formed the habit.” laden fangs but rows of teeth, sharp, | The 40 pound nit according to Call on or communicate with this |orders.
and dficun task ay, Be Wicked, potsonous teeth curved fOT | Cparles G. Stone, Secretary of the All accounts must be paid in 30
fo ec s par- | | tearing. | ’
tioularly prone to be the a acy 1p | KILL OF GAME WILL | There was a light of victory tu | Someries Nas statiiahoy pra days. Interest charged over that
which the diphtheria organisms are SWELL FOOD SUPPLY. the Malay's face as he seized a | P
| sportsmen half way.
w—— straining loop with his left hand
Hence, removal of the tonsils is| Although game has been nunted | and subdued its struggles. Bearing Lg oe a XROWS he
done in such cases, and frequently | in Pennsylvania chiefly for sport and | pig captive before him, he picked eight ¥ ot reduction > the limi
brings about a cure. In other cases Dot for food during the past few | pis way back across the field to a ¢rom 60 to 40 will °e
it becomes necessary day after day | years, the present depression will | thicket where he had concealed 2! than Jounts tho Tre
to swab the throat with mild tinc- (send a great many meat hunters wooden box with a hinged lid. | ample protection an |
ture of iodine and to clean the nose | into the fields and woods this fall, With the utmost ne cumspection | °F who is likely to misjudge The Wor o “ C. Y W & Co
Law went into effect Jan. 1, . agner * Inc
| panty want ood biend
with hydrogen peroxide to remove Game Commission officials believe. ne managed to untwist the snake's | Juar'y Mr. Stone believes
: ” deer hunters for the most part will
the crusts and thereafter to use a More hunters will seek to replenish | coils, thrust it into its prison ana | 9%€F Fo te thi part| 191 x
mild mercurous ointment. : {he fomey Jarder, than 10, senive rs | DANE the lid shut. He fastened the | of the Sle 1H $ attitide 3 die puso y We Oe Oo BELLEFONTE, PA.
a oo ly tive culture of | than 6000 tons of game which Ee he breathed deep witn | 8 thely po er 30 op We | such insurance, We sligect wr
the diphtheria organism in about taken annually in Pennsylvania will relief. Having hidd y |
en the box in
three weeks, although there were | provide much meat for families, the 5 hole and covered |are of good size and
it with dry
cases in which the children contin- | heads of which are either without leaves, he returned hunters concentrate on the
to his quarters | ;;mais there will be few does
ued to have diphtheria o sms in employment or working part time.| and lay down upon his sleeping mat, | Ss very few
ph rgant | y weighing less than 50 or 60 pounds
the throat for several months. The Game Commission's ruling per-| well content with |
TAILOR-MADE CHAIRS URGED FOR deer is going to help the food prob- | ter's eveni of likely to occur. Insurance. Cald Il & So
ORs WHO SIT DOWN |lem very materially this winter U1] vt Hie masters svenias ghange oi del JOHN F. GRAY & SON we n
Bellefonte, Pa.
| mitting the killing of both sexes of That evening, as usual, he spread | taken: also, fewer violations
the prepa- |
Office and factory girls, and oth- at the same time reduce the herd.| ration of the dinner and set the —Read the Watchman. State College Dellefonte
er persons who sit down at their | Commission officials said. At the | taple with care. He put an orchid
work, are entitled to tailor-made Same time a more proportionate sex at the mem-sahib's place, a fragile
chairs, in the opinion of Dr. J. R. ratio will be effected and consider- fiower of heavenly beauty. He
{ ®
Corner, chief surgeon of the At-|able dete damage eleminated. |b De would piniton her breast. Pl mb
janta and West Toit Railroad. Charitable organizations and oth- | ra 3 he Bved, as always, u Ing
The regular old-fashioned catch-| er throughout the State are com- gjjently and with meticulous atten-
as-catch-can chairs are un rofitable | mending the board for their action tion to detail; then he saw to Geof- :
for the employer since t cut on the deer season at a time when | grey's drinks in the living room and | an eating
down efficiency, Dr. Garner believes. | the food problem is serious. ' methodically began his homelier eve- |
Eg I Ol XW
person & phy | was done re! 0 e ack |
a rather terrifying pair of names, am and Re BE ex a | porch of the bungalow and fingered | For 60 cents you can telephone to friends, rela- Vapor....Steam
Io wit, “posturosis” or “posturas-|iye incumbent. the Sciugy ALY ae Lo tives or customers a hundred miles away—for Me
“ ”" “ | 8 . + & :
Incorrect posture while seated | 1» hi sas a vas Nie 4 os It gave forth plaintive sounds which friendly chats, family reunions, business trans- By Hot Water
causes the chest to become flat, the | sor, ain't no Sorry soothed him. ] actions. And after 8:30 P. M. you can call them Pipeless Furna
abdomen prominent, theheart crowd- | «platfo'm” OR el Rastus. “Plat- There was a scene in the living for only 33 cents! P Ces
od, and the CIrCULED ed that | form, Sikisom is Jest a piatom on room again, that nigh, WEY rich AAAS
nly about 17 cubic inches of air litical platfo'm is jest a platfo'm on | yp Bane The -sahib Just giverthe wymber 10 the 0
i lun th each breath, one o' dese yere street cahs—hit Pore phing - h ia ver finall erator (ask Information if you 3 i i
ach the Inge Tamount should be OR IT ar om: Wis jes |150 SOnNE Io Her a BR don't know it) and “hold the Full Line of Pipe and Fit-
while the prope i meant to git on!” | owe y a derisory oa linc.” These low rates apply on : : 3
no less than 2» avis nenes ove, her husband. Mara strummed the dE abr wit YOU tings and Mill Supplies
energy So So make a Detter He: There was something I ants | YOOW Ings =» pe y do not ask the operator for a '
product quicker,” Dr. Garner Says. | ed to say to you but I INE ot what| Not until the tuan bessr, ducked gpodiie person on are for a All Sizes of Terra Cotta
“A chair must be fitted to a8 per-|jt was. lout of the bungalow and © in the minute connection. : Tob
son as accurately as the clothes he| ghe: Was it good-night? | direction of the quarters where] EF Pipe and Fittings
Op Hus sii bis is foolish 4 to uy aR Mineh foomed did the hovse boy | S en
anyone 0 p- cease singing. en
pens yo Some dog The chat Je I'm going to ‘give you a down his imsleoinent and went to T KE L KE P H Oo N KE ESTIMATES
, r legs an e chair feet piece of my mind. fetch the wooden . :
should be adjustable to the Aifferent Hubby: Just a small helping, Geoffrey came in after midnight Gen. 9 Cheerfully and Promptly Furnished
requirements of the individual.” | please. |and called, “Boy, whiskey-soda, o-15-tL