Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, November 06, 1931, Image 8

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Bellefonte, Pa., November 6, 1931.
————————— |
——The regular monthly meeting
of the board of directors of the
Bellefonte Y. M. C. A. will be held
at the Y next Monday evening, at 8
«o'clock. A full attendance is re-
——The regular monthly meeting
of the board of directors of the
Centre County Motor Club will be
held at the State College hotel (2nd
floor), on Friday, November 6th, at
6:15 p. m.
——There will be a bridge and
five-hundred party in the parish
house of St. John's Episcopal church,
in this place, on Thursday evening,
November 12. Play will start at
‘8:15 and the admission will be 50cts.
About forty members of the
Masonic fraternity enjoyed a Hal-
iowe'en dinner at their camp up
Bald Eagle valley, on Monday eve-
ning, while the Easten Star had a
costume card party in the I. O. O.
F. Hall.
——Both the Weis and Shaffer
stores at State College were broken
into and robbed last Saturday night.
Very little was taken from either
one, however, as the marauders
seemed to have been after nothing
‘but cigarettes, crackers and cheese.
——Governor Pinchot, last week,
appointed Mrs. Elizabeth Blanchard
"Beach, of Bellefonte, a member of
‘the board cf trustees of the Indus-
trial Home for Women, at Muncy,
to succeed Mrs. Henrietta N. Wil-
‘Jard, of State College, whose term
——Frank Clark, of Green county,
who escaped from Rockview peni-
“tentiary on October 20th, was cap-
tured on the outskirts of Waynes-
burg, Saturday, after he had ex-
changed shots with officers. No
one was hit by the flying bullets.
Clark was serving 1; to 3 years
for transporting stolen goods.
——A young bull owned by Harry
Potter, nwar Centre Hall, trespassed
.on the track of the Lewisburg rail-
_ road, last Saturday, and refused to
give way to the approaching pas-
senger tiain. The result was the
engineer ‘was unable to stop the
“train and the bull was thrown from
the tracks. Bruises were his only
injuries and he will recover.
——A most cordial invitation is
extended to all men who are not as-
sociated with any men’s class to
visit the men’s Bible class of the
Presbyterian church every Sunday
at 945 a. m., in the main auditor-
jum of the church. Interesting and
helpful Bible study. Good fellow-
‘ship prevails. “Come with us and
we will do you good,” says L. C.
Heineman, teacher.
——Considerable excitement was
caused, on election night, by a small
fire on the roof of the home of for-
mer sheriff E.R. Taylor, on east
Howard street, caused by a spark
from a flue fire. It was extinguish-
ed before much damage was done.
Mrs. Taylor, by the way, was in bed
recovering from a severe attack of
pneumonia but fortunately was not
seriously affected by the fire.
——Carpenters, plumbers and
workmen generally tackled the
Hutchinson house, corner of How-
ard and Penn streets, to put it in
‘shipe as a home for Sheriff and
Mrs. Harry E. Dunlap when they
vacate the jail. Strange as it may
seem it was always heated with
stoves, a smal! one in most every
room, but the Sheriff is going to
have an up-to-date heating plant in-
——Last Thursday Edward J.
“Thompson Esq,
Philipsburg school board, presented
a petition to Judge Fleming asking |
for an order extending the time
limit for the payment of school
taxes without the five per cent pen-
alty being added from November
1st to December 1st, and the court
granted the order so far as his
jurisdiction extended. Attorney
Thompson then communicated with
the Department of Public Instruc-
tion, in Harrisburg, and was inform-
ed that an order of court extending
the time is legal.
——In Clinton county court, last
week, Leonard Hahn, 11 years old, | will interfere with radio reception, age.
and his brother Arthur, 9, of Beech
Creek, where absolved of criminal in-
attorney for the |
Hope to Have Sewer Completed Be-
| fore Winter Weather Sets In.
| 8. D. Gettig Esq., appeared before
council, at the regular session on
| Monday evening, to find out what
council has done in regard to “The
Island.” He was informed that as
both the chairman of the Water
| committee and the borough solicitor
had been away nothing definite had
been done, but the matter would be
expedited as fast as possible.
A communication was received
from the Sanborn Map Co. offering
to supply the borough with an up-
to-date map for $57.00. The mat-
ter was referred to the Finance
| committee.
The Street committee reported
that the improvements to Lamb
street, near the new bridge, had
been completed and other repairs
and cleaning up done. The com-
| mittee reported receipt of an offer
of $100 for the iron out of the
old Lamb street bridge, but some of
{the councilmen were of the opinion
| that it is worth more. It was fi-
nally agreed that if the committee
‘can get a cent and a half a pound
(to let it go.
| Mr. Emerick gave figures on the
much discussed sanitary sewer down
| Spring creek. He stated that ac-
cording to the borough engineer's
| figures it will take 1172 feet of 12-
inch pipe; 702 feet of 15-inch and
505 feet of 8-inch. The cost of
cast iron pipe, exclusive of laying.
will be approximately $2923, while
the cost of Armco pipe will be
$2695, and the cost of laying it will
be at least $200 less than the cast
iron pipe. The Armco pipe is
guaranteed for fifty years. Council
voted in favor of the Armco pipe
and it will be ordered as soon as
The Water committee reported
cleaning and repairing the reservoir,
‘other repairs and the collection of
$2000 in water taxes. The water
duplicate for 1931 amounts to $13,-
| 047.00.
The Finance committee reporteda
‘balance in the borough fund of
| $1004.51 and $1677.24 in the water
fund. Mr. Emerick stated that the
tax collector expected to turn over
‘about $20,000 by the latter part of
the week and he recommended the
| payment of notes aggregating $10,
1000 as well as the borough's share
of the Lamb street bridge.
notes totaling $3500 were renewed.
The Sanitary committee present-
'ed the report of health officer Niss-
ley in which he stated that there
are six cases of scarlet fever in
town. In fact they are in reality
The Special committee reported
| progress in the matter of securing a
| readjustment of insurance rates.
Borough bills for $1270 and wa-
ter bills for $340 were approved for
council ad-
payment after which
| journed.
| Residents of the West ward of
‘Bellefonte appealed to borough coun-
‘Monday evening, to know whether
that body has any jurisdiction or
| control over radio interference. They
{claim that radio reception in the
business section of the ward is very
| bad; in fact, so bad that owners of
| radios derive very little satisfaction
from them and the complainants
feel that there might be some plan
‘of regulation worked out whereby
| certain hours could be fixed when
|there would be no interference.
| President Walker stated that he
failed to understand how council
' could assume regulatory authority.
Ralph Lightner, of the West Penn
| Power company, was present, and he
informed council that out in Union-
town, Pa., radio reception was sO
bad that on complaint of the citi-
|zens council passed an ordinance
'in an attempt to control the opera-
| tion of electric devices but found
the effort to enforce the ordinance a
‘hopeless task and it was repealed.
| The starting or stopping of a motor
lof any kind, operation of electirc
| elevators, electric refrigerators, the
| electric feed on oil-burning fur-
!naces, or anything or like nature,
he said. Even a defective street
|lamp will do it.
| HENDERSON.—In the death of
Dr. William Baird Henderson, last
| Friday morning, Philipsburg lost (pe of the biggest children's pa-
‘not only an able practitioner but a ,,4e5 ever held in Bellefonte was
‘most estimable citizen. Almost nap ast Friday evening, as a Hal-
three ago, or in January, owe'en celebration. It was most-
1929, he underwent an operation and |; im: tu affair, as no
y an impromptu r, spe-
never entirely recovered from the i.) effort was put forth by anyone
effects thereof. He continued the ., work it up, and it had not been
practice of medicine, however, until | greatly advertised, but notwithstand-
last May, when he was compelled these facts about a thousand
to quit work and from that time .pjgren in costume, were in the
‘his condition gradually grew Worse | jine of
| Malcolm Youisg, son of Mr. and Mrs.
Christ Young, went to State Coilege, last
week, to take charge of one of the Shaf-
fer stores in that place. |
living at Shippensburg, gone to morning, and bagged a 16% poun
Raleigh, North Carolina, for the winter. wild turkey as her spoils for th
Mrs. F. E. Naginey and Mrs. R. C. opening of the small game huntin
Holmes went to Scranton, Wednesday, season.
where they have been visiting since thal william Speese, watchman on th
time with Mrs. Naginey's sister, Mrs. pgp gtreet railroad crossing, bag
George Brandon. 'ged a turkey on Muncy mountair
—Mrs. William Abel and her small (wn1e5 Deitrick and Melvin Night
Two |
| cil, through councilman M. M. Cobb, |
tent when they threw a switch on
the Beech Creek railroad, near their the phorough solicitor be
farm home several weeks ago, which i, regard to the authority of coun-
President Walker suggested that was employed by the Nickel Plate
consulted Railroad company. About three years
until the end.
A son of Dr. Joseph and Margaret
Isenberg Henderson he was born at
Lewistown on March 17th, 1860,
hence was in his 72nd year.
He was educated in the public
schools of Lewistown and at the
University of Pennsylvania, graduat-
ing in 1886. Shortly after his
graduation he located in Philips-
burg as an associate of Dr. Hobart
Allport. He remained there three
| years then went to Pittsburgh as
‘medical examiner for the ‘Pennsyl-
vania Railroad company. When
Dr. Allport died, in 1893, Dr. Hender-
son returned to Philipsburg and
took charge of his practice He
was eminently successful in his
work in that town and surrounding
community. He was one of the
staunch friends and supporters of
the Philipsburg State hospital and
derived great personal satisfaction
‘when it was enlarged and brought
into it's present condition of effi-
ciency. He was the «chief of the
hospital staff and had been a mem-
ber of it since 1893.
He was a member of the Clear-
field county and West Branch med-
ical societies, the State Medical as-
sociation, a fellow in the American
College of Surgeons and the Penn-
sylvania Railroad Surgeons Society.
He was active in Masonic circles,
holding membership in all branches
in Philipsburg and the Williamsport
Consistory. He was a member of
the Elks and the Rotary club.
In June, 1889, he married
Matilda Allport, who survives with
three children, Mrs. S. H. Eastment |
and Dr. John Henderson, of Philips-
burg, and Mrs. William Burchfield,
of New York city. Funeral serv-
ices were held in St. Paul's Episco-
pal church, of which he was a
| member, at 11 o'clock on Monday
morning, by Rev. F. T. Eastment,
burial being made in the Philipsburg
il 1
| Bellefonte, Monday morning, an-
nouned the death, at Prospect, Ohio,
‘at seven o'clock Sunday evening, of
Mrs. Etta Shuey, widow of Dr.
Austin Shuey, of injuries sustained
in a motor accident. Particulars
‘regarding the accident have not
‘been received up to the time of go-
ing to press.
Mrs. Shuey was the eldest daugh- |
| ter of Hezekiah K. and Mary Fish.
'burn Hoy and was born in Ben-
ner township about seventy years
ago. She grew to womanhood on
‘the farm and was educated in the
public schools. As a young wom-
an she married Dr. Shuey, of State
College, and shortly thereafter they
went to Ohio. In due course of
time they located at Prospect and
that had been her home ever since.
Her husband died twenty years
ago but surviving her are a sonand
daughter, Hoy Shuey, of Prospect,
land Mrs. Gail Rider, of Akron,
| Ohio. She also leaves four sisters
and three brothers, Mrs. Grant
| Pifer, of Wilkinsburg; Mrs. W. J.
| Wagner, of Boalsburg; Mrs. Clayton
E. Royer, of Bellefonte; Mrs. George
'B. Ely, of Arandtsville; Henry Hoy,
| of Benner township; Jacob and S.
| H. Hoy, of Bellefonte.
| Mr. and Mrs. Royer, Mrs. W. J.
| Wagner and S. H. Hoy motored to
| Prospect, on Tuesday, for the fu-
neral which was held at two o'clock
lon Wednesday afternoon, burial be-
(ing made at Prospect.
i il
| CURRY.—John Vincent Curry died
‘at his home on east Logan street,
Bellefonte, at 9 o'clock last Friday
morning, following an illness of sev-
(eral years with liver trouble. He
‘had been up and around the day be-
| fore his death so that his passing
‘was sudden and unexpected.
| He was a son of John and Bridg-
et Curry and was born in Belle-
/fonte on September 21st, 1875,
| hence was a little past 56 years of
His early life was spent bere
| but after he grew to manhood he
went to Cleveland, Ohio, where he
ago he was compelled to quit work
SHUEY.—A telegram received in
wrecked a freight train and ca
the death of two trainmen. The
court, after ruling that childish cu-
riosity and not malice inspired the
boys to turn the switch, and that
they were unable to close it in
‘time to avoid the wreck, discharged
‘them with an admonition to stay off
the railroad track.
—— Miss Rowena Crawshaw,
Judge Fleming's private secretary,
was ‘the victim of an auto accident
enroute to her home in Philipsburg,
last Friday evening. At the inter-
section of the Bigler cutoff with
highway route No. 53, her car, a
Chevrolet coupe, collided with a
¥o-d sedan operated by C. N. Year-
ick, of Nittany. Miss Crawshaw
‘sustained a bad cut over the left
«eye, a number of lacerations and
bruises, while har car was almost
demolished. Yearick sustained a
sprained wrist. His car was also
wonsiderably damaged.
cil, but in the meantime West ward on account of failing health and
people are no worse off than radio returned to his home in this place.
formed in front of the court
and, led by the Odd Fellows
marched to Bishop street,
| Bishop to Spring, Spring to High,
down High to the depot, counter-
marched to Spring, Spring to How-
ard, Howard to Allegheny, Alle-
judged for prize awards.
The judges were John M. Bul-
lock, R. Russell Blair and Philip
Johnston, and the big gym was S0
crowded that the only way they
could get a look at the various in-
dividuals and their costumes was to
make them all sit down on the floor. |
And then it was a job to judge the
most attractive and alluring cos-
tumes. After the- awards were
made apples and lollypops were
given to the children. The judges’
awards were as follows:
Most Attractive Couple—Nell Koski and
Ruth Brewer.
Fairies—Janet and Helen Tate.
Little Blue Girls—Florence Swankie
‘and Myra Slagle.
and Myra Slagle.
Best Costumes—Margaret and Betty
Buccaneer—Thyla Sprankle.
Gypsy Girl—Betty Love.
Dutch Girl—Margaret Linsenbigler.
Spanish Girl—Margaret Miller.
Lariat Throwers—Barney and Sparkey
Witch—Elizabeth Ann Taylor.
Indians—Harry and Mary Pickle.
Dude—Louise Luckovitch.
Fat Man—Pershing Gardner.
Fat Couple—Priscilla and
Funniest Costume—Charles Fulton.
Best Cowboy—John Swengel Smith.
| Most Patriotic Costume—Edward Geh-
| ret Foreman.
| Best Ghost—Fred Vogt.
| Spanish Girl—Cecil Johnson.
| Pair of Bums—Olive Shawley and Lor-
| raine Yates.
Old Couple—Helen Peters and Luther
dition to Mrs. Miller he leaves anoth-
er sister and a half brother, Mrs.
| Edward Schalk, of Detroit, Mich.,
‘and George Heverly, of Milesburg.
ii i
| IRVIN.—Oscar J. Irvin, a native
(of Centre county, died at the Ma-
{sonic home, at Elizabethtown, on
| Monday night, following an illness of
|two years.
| He was a son of Patterson and
| Susan Irvin and was born at Bai-
leyville on May 19th, 1866, hence
was in his 66th year. As a young
‘man he went to Altoona and open-
ed a plumbing shop which he con-
‘ducted quite successfully until ill
| health compelled him to dispose of
|his business in April, 1930, after
| which he entered the Masonic home.
He is survived by his wife and one
| daughter, living in Altoona, two
| brothers and one sister, Harvey J.
| Irvin, of Altoona; James B., of War-
riorsmark, and Mrs. William Gates,
of Baileyville.
The remains were taken to Al-
toona where funeral services were
held and burial made in Fairview
cemetery yesterday afternoon.
il Il
MILES. —Mrs. Marjorie Bella
Miles, of Port Matilda, died on
Tuesday afternoon, at the home of
her niece, Mrs. Howard Cowher,
Tyrone, following
weeks with complications.
She was a daughter of John and
Margaret Wagner Jones and was
born at Port Matilda on March 10th,
In 1900 she married Scott F. Miles
who died in May, 1920. She leaves
generation. She was a member of
the Methodist church, of Port Ma-
tilda, the missionary societies and
the W.C. T. U.
Funeral services will be held at
Port Matilda on Saturday afternoon
by Rev J. C. Thomas, burial to be
made at Martha Furnace.
1 i"
tonbaugh, a native of Centre county,
died at his home at Bellwood, on
Wednesday night of last week, af-
ter three day's illness with lobar
pneumonia. He was born at Boals-
burg on June 21st, 1852, hence was
in his 80th year. He is survived
by his wife, one brother and a sis-
to the Diamond and thence
to the Y. M. C. A. where they all |
| crowded into the gymnasium to be
an illness of some |
nephew, have been up from Williamsport
this week for a visit with Mrs. Abel's
mother and sister, Mrs. Samuel Miller
and Mrs. Harry Rote at Coleville.
—Miss Anna Hoffer, of the First
National bank of Philipsburg, drove
over to Bellefonte for election day,
spending it here looking after some busi-
ness interests.
ville yesterday morning, expecting to
| make a ten day's visit there with her
son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs.
C. H. Young and their family.
—Mr. and Mrs. Leif Olsen and their
two children and Mrs. Olsen's mother,
Mrs. Coxey, went out to Pittsburgh,
| Tuesday, for the Abramsen twenty-fifth
wedding anniversary celebration.
—Andrew J. Engle, who has been em-
ployed at Homestead for a year or more,
made one of his occasional week-end
visits home with Mrs. Engle and their
son, at the Engle home, on east Lamb
—Mrs. E. E. Sager was here from
Philadelphia, “rom Thursday until Mon-
day, the trip being purely a business one
in the interest of the Thomas estate.
Mrs. Sager, while in Bellefonte, was 3a
guest at The Talleyrand.
—Jack Montgomery, son of Mr. and
Mrs. Robert Montgomery, drove home
Tuesday from Villanova, where he is at
school. Jack was accompanied by his
mother, who had been visiting in Phil-
adelphia, with her daugnter.
—John Love Jr., and Mrs. Housel, a
brother and aunt of the John Love fam-
ily, of Reynolds avenue, have both been
guests at the Love home this week be-
ing here with no definite plans as to
when they will return home.
—Mr. and Mrs. John Forster, of
Aaronsburg, were among those who were
in Bellefonte for the day, Wednesday,
having come up on a business and shop-
ping trip. Mrs. Forster was formerly
| Miss Mabel Allison, of Spring Mills.
| —Ellis Keller and William H. Keller
| II were among those who drove in from
! Pittsburgh last week for the home com-
ing and Pitt—State game at State Col-
| lege, remaining here for a week-end visit
| with their mother, Mrs. Harry Keller.
—Mrs. Theressa Hibler Sears, who had
| occupied her summer home at Milesburg
for the past several months, closed it
|and left there, in October, for a visit in
| Buffalo before returning to Brooklyn,
| where she lives for the greater part of
| the year.
| —Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Guldin, of the
| Harry Jones apartment on north Thomas
| street, left, Tuesday, to make their home
| in Philadelphia. Mr. Guldin had been
| with the State highway department in
Centre county; his going east as an as-
sistant superintendent being quite an ad-
| vancement.
—Mrs. T. A. Shoemaker and the Philip
| Shoemakers, drove to Washington, D. C.,
| this week for Mary Shoemaker, whose
| work in the census department has been
| completed. The return drive to Belle-
fonte was made Tuesday and Mary's
plans are for remaining at home with
the family for the present.
—Mrs. John Kline, a former resident
of Bellefonte, is spending two weeks
with friends here, having come up from
| Philadelphia last week. Since her ar-
| rival Mrs. Kline has been a house guest
| of her sister-in-law and niece, Mrs. John
1. Olewine and Miss Adaline and of Mr.
and Mrs. D. M. Kline, at their home on
east Linn street.
| —Mr, and Mrs. Walter Rankin and
| their two sons made one of their fre-
| quent visits to Bellefonte during the
| week, having driven up for a Sunday
| visit at the William B. Rankin home on |
| Curtin street. With the Rankins, as a
| driving guest, was Mrs. Annie Stott Ran-
| kin, who lived in Bellefonte at one time
and who visited while here with Mrs. J.
D. Geisinger.
t —Dr. George Wieland, entering upon
| his thirty-fourth year as Professor of
| Palaeontology at Yale, and a member of
| the class of '80 of the Pennsylvania State
1862, hence was in her 70th Year. | oo llege, was here for the Al \ H |
| coming last Saturday and is a guest at
| the Nittany Lion while he transacts
no children and was the last of her some business. His visit here is limit-
ed as he is engaged just now at Yale
preparing an important memoir on some
fossils in Patagonia.
The Woman's Missionary society
of the Evangelical church held it's
regular monthly meeting on Octo-
ber 29th as a missionary party, the
—Mrs. M. A. Kirk went out to Mead-'
hart also got turkeys. Motorist
out at Yarnell saw four turkey
hanging up but the fortunate hunt
ers were not in evidence at th
Dick Watson went out for turkey
During his hunt he saw eleven, ha
five shots but didn't get a bird.
Harry Badger motored over t
‘the Seven mountains on the trail ©
‘a flock of fifty-one turkeys see
just two weeks ago, but failed t
see even a feather. He did finc
however, on an old road, a trail c
corn and wheat almost half a mil
in length.
John Harter, of Axe Mann, go
three rabbits and a ringneck, an
| Leslie Thomas, a rabbit, ringnec
and a quail.
John Van Pelt
| turkey out in the
James C. Furst got two ringneck:
two rabbits and two grey squirrel
on the opening day.
Ben Luvas Jot two ringnecks, tw
| rabbits and one squirrel.
shot a 12-poun
Ridges, on Tues
Oliver Corman, 59 years old, i
in the Centre County hospitai wit
a badly shattered right hand as th
result of an accidental gun sho
while out hunting for small gam
on Brush valley mountain abou
eight o'clock Monday morning. Mr
Corman had gone out with his tw
sons. They had spread apart th
better to flush any game they migh
run across. Suddenly the boy
‘heard the report of their father’
gun and then a fall. They hurrie
|to him and found that he had beei
shot through the palm of the righ
|hand. The member was bad)
mangled. They bandaged the han
well as they could then brough
him to the Centre County hospital.
Mr. Corman had suffered consid
erably from shock and loss of blood
At the hospital every effort pos
sible is being made to save a
least a portion of his hand.
Next Sunday, being the Sunda)
before Armistice day, Saint John"
church will have its second annua
peace service at 11:00 o'clock. Th
parish has extended invitations tc
all the local patriotic organization:
(including the American Legion anc
| the auxiliary, the drum and bugl
|corps, the Spanish war veterans
|the Veterans of Foreign Wars, the
| National Guard and Civil war vet
erans to attend this service in ¢
body. Everyone is asked to mee
at the Legion home on Howard stree
'in time to form and march to the
church at 10:45 Sunday. morning.
There will be special music, in
| cluding national hymns, and the
‘rector of the parish, the Rev. Stuar
| F. Gast, will preach.
| The order of the service will bx
as follows: —
Prelude -Paean of Praise - Diggl
Taps, members of drum and bugle corp
| Processional - Pro Patria - Warre:
| Prayers and Psalm.
1 Jubilate Deo = =» =» = - Van Lae
| Creed and Prayers.
Hymn - - Russian Hymn - - Lvof
The Rector
| Sermon
National Anthem
Offertory, Send out Thy Light, Gounoc
Prayers and Benediction.
Recessional - Urbs Beata
| Postlude in C.
| The entire centre of the churct
‘will be reserved until after thos
marching from the Legion hom
'have taken their seats. The pub
lic is especially invited to attenc
| this service and join in offering
prayers of thanksgiving to God fm
| thirteen years of peace and to pe
| tition Him to guide those whe, ir
these troublous times, are leaders o:
the nations, that wars may ceast
and peace and love may reigr
throughout the world.
guests being members of the Mill- PRESBYTERIAN HOME
heim society. Those present from GETS LARGE DONATIONS
out of town included Rev. and Mrs. |
Paulhamus, Mrs. P. H. Musser, Miss
Nora Taylor, Miss Nina Auman,
Miss Rose Smith, Miss Ada Smith,
The Presbyterian home, at Holli
daysburg, was liberally rememberec
by the members of the forty
owners in other sections of the
——The jinx certainly hovered
over Centre county football teams
last week. On Friday afternoon
Tyrone High walloped Bellefonte
High, on Hughes field, 47 to ©.
Saturday morning the Bellefonte
Academy lost to the Western Mary-
land Freshman 7 to 0 and in the af-
ternoon Pitt, playing for the first
time in years at State College,
downed the Blue and White 41 to 6.
———Harrisburg police were noti-
fied, on Tuesday, by Mrs. Russell
Rider, of Bellefonte, of the loss of
her traveling bag while motoring in
that section. The bag contained
jewelry, pen and pencil set, her
driver's license and other articles,
valued by her at $400.
| He was unmarried but is survived
by five sisters, Mrs. Mary Monohan,
of Cleveland, Ohio; Mrs. Margaret
Gross, of Bellefonte; Misses Anre,
Susan and Christine, at home.
Funeral services were held in the
Catholic church at 10 o'clock on
Monday morning by Rev. W. E.
Downes, burial being made in the
Catholic cemetery.
Il Il
KLINE.—Alfred Kline, native of
| Centre county, died late on Monday
| afternoon, at the home of his sis-
ter, Mrs. Harriet Miller, near Vail,
as the result of complications.
He was born at McCoy's works
72 years ago. For a number of
years he was a resident of Dear-
born, Mich, and it was there his
wife died six years ago. Four years
ago he came east and had since
been living with his sister. In ad-
ter, D. W. Johnstonbaugh, of Al-
toona, and Mrs. Anna Miller, of
Tyrone. Funeral services were
held at his late home at 1.30 o'clock
on Sunday afternoon, the remains
being brought to Centre county for
burial in the Pine Hall cemetery.
GOSE.— William Goad negro, serv-
ing a twenty year sentence for sec-
ond degree murder, died from toxic
thyroid at Rockviw penitentiary, on
Tuesday of last week. He had al-
ready served eleven years of his
sentence and under a new law would
have been subject to release on No-
vember 23rd. He had been sent up
| from Allegheny county. Gose, who
|was a native of Lewisburg, W. Va,
{had served with a negro division in
| France during the World war. His
{body was sent to his old home in
| West Virginia for burial.
Mrs. Trossel, Mr. and Mrs. Harry
Bohn, Mr. and Mrs. Win Bartges,
Mrs. Randall Harter, Mrs. Dubbs
Keen, Ernest Schreckengast, of Mill-
heim; Mrs. Ulrich, of Centre Hall,
and Mr. and Mrs. Broyles, of State
Mrs. Broyles was the speaker of
the evening, talking - on the topic
“Making a home in the wildertess.”
Her address was very interesting
and appreciated by all present. At
the conclusion of the business meet-
ing refreshments were served in the
social room of the church.
— Bellefonte firemen were call-
ed out at noon, on Tuesday, by a
slight fire on the roof of the stu-
dent's residence at the Bellefonte
Academy, caused by a spark from
a flue fire. It was extinguished
without doing much damage.
churches in the Huntingdon Pres:
bytery at the annual fall donation
According to those who have seer
it the cellar of the home has the
appearance of a well-stocked whole
| gale house. In the bins are over 10(
bushels of potatoes; there are largc
quantities of apples, cabbage, beets
onions and all kinds of vegetables
Over a ton of sugar, or to be exact
2,190 pounds was included in the
| donation. Long rows of shelves arte
filled with canned fruit, jellies
jams, preserves, etc. running up in-
to the hundreds. The donation al-
so included $320 in cash.
| Bellefonte Grain Markets.
| Wheat
| Corn
| Rye
| Barley
| Buckw: eat