Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, November 06, 1931, Image 6

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Bellefonte, Pa., November 6, 1931.
people who have
racial identity and have kept apart
from other peoples for 1,500 years,
at least—are one class which has
found relative prosperity in the
present depression.
The fortune-telling from which |
they make much of their living has |
increased 100 per cent since the
Wall Street crash of 1929, Andrew |
Marchbin, of Zurich, Switz-
erland, and authority on gypsy
life, told members of the Interna-|
tional Institute recently, at 405 |
South Dithridge street, New York. |
Marchbiz has lived with and stud-
jed the gypsies for years, both in
Europe and America. He can speak
their language, and has often been |
accepted into their camps, in spite
of their traditional suspicion and |
fear of “‘gadjos” or non-gypsies. !
«Some wandering gypsies whom I
met near McKeesport, engaged
<drabarin’—the gypsy for fortune- |
telling—told me business had in-
creased 100 per ceut,” said March- |
bin. “Once I met a gypsy woman
in Transylvania and asked her, in|
the gypsy tongue, to tell my fortune. |
She responded shortly she told for-
tunes only for ‘gadjos’ It is
against the gypsy’s code to practice |
deception on her own people.
“Why do gypsies tell fortunes? It |
is simple. The gypsy mother is |
the sole support of her children.
Her husband, to say the least, does
not bother much about making a liv- |
ing for them. There is no work |
too mean, no effort too great, for!
the gypsy mother where her chil-
dren are concerned, and fortune-
telling 1s the only business that can
afford a living for her children with. |
out too much physical exertion.” |
Gypsies of the world number per-
haps 2,000,000 or 3,000,000, and are
found everywhere—from the Arctic
#o the Antarctic, Marchbin said. |
“They live among us wretchedly
yet content, suspicious and yet tol-
-erant, never airing complaints 4 or
sorrows, ‘moved on’ by the author-
ities, among us and yet apart. The
hot African sun has not made their
skin browner; the struggle for ex-
jstence has not made them warlike;
‘the fevered rush of our industrial
States has not made robots of them.
They are what their forefathers
Marchbin, outlining the theories
to be expressed in a forthcoming
book on the history of the gypsies,
said they came originally from In-
dia, probably leaving that country
because they could not stomach the
caste system. They stopped first
in Persia; found themselves oppress-
ed there, and moved on to Armenia,
Syria and Palestine. Most went to
Armenia. There they were when
‘the Mongols invaded Western Asia,
and the Mongols took them along
as camp-followers during subsequent
invasions of Europe. The mongols
drove out the population of the re-
gion between Dniester and the Dan-
wbe, left that fertile country empty
and the gypsies settled there.
Later, the country filled up with
other peoples, to whom the gypsies
Wecame slaves, under the Greek
Catholic church. Many of them fled
4nto Hungary and under the
Roman Catholic church. They did
mot by that time know their own
origin, and the Hungarian Catholics
‘thought they must have come from
‘Egypt, hence they were christened
But they wandered on. They
‘care into Western Europe, repre-
‘senting themselves as persecuted
Christians, and received a friendly
reception. Later, it became known
they were not Christians, and they
wvere banished everywhere. During
the Spanish Inquisition, many fled
to Brazil
The first gypsies must have come
‘to America in Colonial times, but
the great gypsy invasion of the
‘United States began with the later
rush of KFastern European immi-
grants. The various tribes divided
the United States into “economic
districts” and no tribe will invade
the territory of another. They are
under strict discipline in this regard,
and “in tne democratic United
States have been able to establish
a kind of monarchy.” They under-
stand each other well in business
Although the various gypsy dia-
lects have picked up many words
from the peoples among whom the
es have lived, the race
“never lost its identity, its language
or its Aistinctive features,” March-
bin said. “They have taken on only
: jalities from the civilizations
by which they were surrounded.
“Traveling in autos in the United
States, they have preserved the es-
sential features of che gypsy cara-
Gypsy numbers are stationary or
decreasing, not because of oppres-
sion, but because they suffer much
from tubercuiosis and venereal dis-
eases, Marchbin added.
“Marriage means little to them
among their own people. Sexual
life iz permitted wrrhout marriage.
A gypsy boy and girl wishing to
marry will take two candles to the
nesrest running stream and
them. If they burn, the marriage
is to be happy and permanent as
the elements of fire and water. If
the wind blows them out, there is
much wailing, and food is thrown
into the stream to appease the Devil
-who has decreed unhappiness.
But after the honeymoon is over,
girl goes to work while the hus-
‘ward lies around doing occasional
©d” jobs, but rel mostly on his
wife to support family.
| American Family Names
Doomed to Extinction
Any American who wants to perpet-
gate the family name has small hope
of success unless he can give his fam-
fly more fertility In the male line thar
is true of average Americans.
“Figures for male and female births
and deaths,” says Dr. E. E. Free in
Week's Science, “from the United
States census make it possible, the sta-
tistical department of a life {insurance
company of New York city points out,
to calculate the chance that any fam-
ly will have male descendants of the
same name in the first generation,
the second generation, and so on as
far as one carries the calenlation.
“Kven in the first generation there |
ta only a little more than an even |
chance that the name will survive, for
about half of the children born to the
average family are girls, and not
enough boys are born to make any-
where nearly sure that the family
name will be carried over.
“Among the grandchildren there 1s
only about one chance in three that
the name still will persist. Among the
great-grandchildren the chance falls to
not much over one in four.
“By the sixth generation there is but
one chance In five that the original
family name still will be in existence.
On this basis more than four-fifths of
the families that settled In colonial
America already should be extinct,
which is probably a fact. After a thou-
sand years or so more than 80 per cent
of the family names will be gone," —
Literary Digest.
Men of Genius Honored
for Medical Research
The [Itallan Fabricus discovered
;alves in the veins in 1543, and this |
laid the way for the founding of mod-
orn medicine, William Harvey, born
| in 1578, was for 34 years chief phy-
<ician at St. Bartholomew's hospital,
London. His discovery and scientific
demonstration of blood circulation rev- |
olutionized all previous medical the-
He was followed by John Hunter,
father of modern surgery and origina-
tor of skin grafting. A contemporary,
Edward Jenner, investigated a tradi-
tion that dalrymaids were Immune
trom smallpox and as a result of his
experiments with vaccines Ianocula-
tion was born.
In the Nineteenth: century Sir Hun
phry Davy produced laughing gas as
an anesthetic, and his investigations
along with Sir James Simpson's ex-
periments upon himself in the use of
chloroform were made known simul-
taneously with the first use of ether
in the United States
Clean surgery came at the same
time when Lord Joseph Lister ad-
vanced the antiseptic principle, work-
ing on the discoverles of Louis Pas-
contribution of vaccine therapy in
1806, while at St. Bartholomew's, has-
ing his work on the discoveries of Pas-
teur and others.
Cologne Impressive
Cologne is sometimes spoken of as
the “German Rome,” and contains A
great number of churches, most of
which are interesting, especially St.
Maria in the capitol, the church of the
Apostles, the Jesuit church, the Domin-
jean church and St. Ursula’s. It was
founded as a Roman colony about A.
D. 51 and In 1925 celebrated the thou-
sandth anniversary of the date since
the ‘Rhineland formed an Integral part
of the German empire, with the excep-
tion of the period between 1796 and
1814, when the French were in posses-
sion. Viewed from the river, the city
presents a plcturesque and imposing
appearance, with its medieval towers
and buildings, dominated by the ma-
jestic cathedral.
Bobby Burns’ Auld Ayr
Ayr in Scotland today contains very
ttle that Burns ever Saw, but he
probably passed or entered many times
the old inn on High street, now called
the Tam O'Shanter inn. The tourist
can get a good meal there. The real
“auld” atiiaction however is “the auld
clay %iggin,” the ancient cottage of
twr, small rooms, built by Burns’ fa-
fer In 1757, which a tramcar ride
takes you to in a few minutes, It is
now a Burns museum and about it are
the fields the plowman poet tilled and
where his songs were born. You
should also see the Doon, whose bon-
nie banks his songs have immortalized
for us all
Ancient Cosmetics
The chemical-pharmaceutical instl-
tute of the Frankfort university has
analyzed brown and white face paints
found in the vaniiy box of a Roman
woman who lived some 1,500 years
ago, and finds saat their composition
is almost exactly the same as that of
similar cosmetics today. The only dif-
ference is that the ancient paints con-
tain particles of metal which have
since been found to be harmful to the
skin, The box was found in a grave
of the old Roman settlement Nida,
near Frankfort.
The Appian Way
The Appian way of Rome, the an-
clent Via Appia is the great grandsire
of all good roads and of noble avenues,
which for ages has outshone the Un-
ter den Linden and Fifth avenue. It
stretched from Rome to Brindisl, It
was built by Applus Claudius in B. C.
812 and was called the Regina Viarum,
rook Salesman—“This book will
do half your work.”
Tusiness Man—"Good;
“pn take |
the queen of roads. Today you may
| walk it in Rome, flanked by its great
| tombs of the Sciplos, Octavia, Seneca
| and others
Sir Almoth Wright made his |
Fearful and Wonderful,
These Colonial Dishes
The “good old days” of our Colonial
ancestors had many culinary high
points, the contemplation of which
leaves the modern American gasping.
Even the simple meal-time beverages
were given twists and turns that
threw them out of all semblance to the
cocoa, tea and coffee which today's
housewife prepares with such perfec-
Chocolate drinks, now among the
most popular of all soda fountain bev-
erages, fared the worst at the hands
of the Colonial dame. Her favorite
variation of this delicious wholesome
drink was to put several links of saus-
age into a kettle of chocolate and
then boil it. Honored guests were
served with bowls of chocolate In
which bits of sausage floated. This
bit of refreshment was eaten with a
Incidentally the cocoa and chocolate
{ndustry got its Impetus soon after the
Boston tea party. Up until that time
hot chocolate had been served only on
state occasions.
Our forefathers and
too, were particularly addicted to boil-
ing tea in an iron kettle, draining off
the liquid and serving the remaining
“herbs” buttered, under the guise of a
vegetable. The remaining “tea wa-
ter,” as it was called, was then con
sumed without milk or sugar, simply
to help wash down the “greens.” Ugh!
Fanatical Moslems in
Frenzy of Self-Torture
Beating their breasts, scourging
heir backs with chains and cutting
(as 10,
animals, especially deer.
State Forest rangers report that
in time the woody of the
trees cover these spikes and bolts.
Later when the trees are felled and
to the sawmills serious acci-
dents are liable to result from swift-
ly-running saws striking the embed-
ded iron.
Deliberately using
targets by discharging rifie bullets
into their trunks is also a violation
of the State Forest rules.
Circular saws in a modern Saw
mill may operate at speed as high
|el. The centrifugal force and ten-
foremothers, sion of these thin saws are very
great and upon an object,
such as a spike or steel bullet in the
wood, they may break or fly to
| pieces with considerable risk to the
| may be
“The thoughtless hunter who
shoots into a young sapling merely
for the purpose of target practice
Keller. “The
| practice is inexcusable and State
sheir scalps with sword blows, crowds |
of the Shiah sect of Moslems in Basra t
and other cities keep alive the mem
ory of a great tragedy.
Tourteen hundred years Ago, in :
pattle on the plains of the Buphrates
at Kerbala, the forces of Hussain,
grandson of the Prophet Mahomet,
were exterminated.
Year after year the defeat Is pun
dely mourned. Loud chanting 1s heard
punctuated by the rhythmic beating of
their breasts by perties of 15 or 20
men, stripped to the waist, who sur
round their leaders.
The grief symbolized by the breas.
peaters is repeated by the chain beat-
ers. These ascetics lash themselves
with a kind of eat-o’-nine-tails made
of chains.
In the holy cities, during the first
alne days of the month of Moharram,
the swordsmen parade the streets and
work themselves up to the climax on
the tenth day.
They form up in huge circles, cham
ing and shouting their formula of
grief for the dead Hussain. Each cir
cle moves round in quickening rhythm
until with a delirious shout the leader
brings his sword dowm on his: own
head. That is the signal for all te
follow his example.
Colonial Mail
The following is from Elson's “His-
tory of the United States”; “The mail
was carried by postriders, who fol-
lowed the main roads as far as there
were any; on reaching the roadless
settlements they found their way
through the forest as best they conld
by the trails and bridle paths. The
tervals, but only when he received
enough mall to pay the enpenses of
the trip. The remote settlements were
fortunate if they received mail once a
month. Benjamin Franklin was ap-
pointed postmaster general in 1753,
and he served about 20 years. He
soon made the service a paying one to
the crown, Yet even then the amount
of mall delivered in the whole country
in a yoar was less than that now de-
livered in the city of New York in one d
Buzzard Attacks 'Plane
various observations have beevr
made on the behavior of birds when
encountering airplanes, and not the
least Interesting of these is sent by |}
Mr. G. Abbey, Norton Manor gardens,
Sutton Scotney, to “Bird Notes and
News”: “During the late autumn of
1930 the common buzzard was seen
about here many times. One day a
bombing airplane came over and was
at once attacked by a buzzard. The
bird flew over, under, in front, and at
every angle; just kept clear; returned
to the attack, and finally made off, and
was out of sight In half a minute. The
eagle-llke size made it appear at first
to be a Moth airplane attacking the
glant pomber.”—London Mail.
Village of Blooms
Boskoop, in Holland, Is known as
che village of the rhododendrons, Here
the famous “pink pearl” was raised.
Each house is approached over the
canals by its own drawbridge, and the
average holding Is about six acres,
where bloom flowering shrubs and
roses of every variety. The men work
in the large nurseries, put find time to
cultivate their own gardens, which
have nearly all been created from
“made soll.” They have made the des-
ert fens to blossom as the rose, the
azalea, the rhododendron and a galaxy
of other floral trees.
Blockheads for Apprentices
Appentice barbers at Frankfort, Ger
any, learn to shave by using strange
looking blockheads. Since it is difii-
cult to get customers for the young
men who are being taught to use the
razor, wooden effigies of human heads
are used. These remain calm and
quiet while the students go over them
with their sharp instruments, says
Popular Science Monthly.
| Sportsmen are
| most successful
on general farms, will raise their
| Twenty-five (25)
left a city, not at regular in- | ;
will be alert for vio-
Act of 1925, which
Forest officers
lations of the
provides a penalty of $25.00 for wil-
injuring trees
fully or maliciously
growing in the State Forests.
“The majority of hunters, realiz-
ing their sport depends upon the |
forest, are as careful to protect the
woods as the State Forest officers.
anxious to break up
any practice that tends to
ests and Waters earnestly seeks
their cooperation in the enforcement |
of the forest protection laws.
—The day is coming when the
poultrymen, even
chickens inside of fences like they
raise their hogs and cattle.
—Read the Watchman.
OOM FOR RENT. —Apply 19 Howard
St., Bellefonte. hone 640-J.
HERIFF'S SALE.—By virtue of a
writ of Fieri Facias issued out of
the Court of Common Pleas of Cen-
bn CHAE SE Tn okie
c sale al
n Bo of Bellefonte on 2
FRIDAY, November 20, 1931.
The Following Property:
, ALL those two certain tracts
land situate in the Township of id
son and County of Centre and State of
Pennsylvania, Sounded and d bed as
follows, to-wit:—
No. 1. BEGINNING at a planted st :
by land of Scott Bressier (for
merly Jacob Eyer) North 24 d (fogs
minu West Hundred and Ninety-
six (196) perches to stones originally a
yellow pine; thence by lands of Shorb,
tewart & Company, (now G. Wood
ler Estate) North Y% deg. East Eighty
Eight (88) Perches to a Post; thence by
same South 28 deg., East One Hundred
Fifty Two and eight tenth (152.8) Perches
to a post; thence by lands of D. H.
Estate South 54 deg, East
Perches to a Spanish
y lands of Jacob Barto
deg., West One Hundred and
Perches to the place of n-
Containing Ninety-eight 98)
acres and One Hundred and venteen
(117) Perches and an
(607.) per cent.
ed form buildings
NO. 2. BEGINNING at a post in the
center of the township road; thence
lands of Miles dD,
; thence b
South 42%
Six (106)
ED rang. IL
Kustenbauder Estate North 25% deg.
West One Hundred Thirty One and Six
jenth_(l51.6) Perches thence
road; {hence a .
Forty six and "tenth (46.8) Perches
to the place Sah : 8) on tainme
seven (37 a
Lg Ty (87) and Ninety-six
net measure.
in Centre Count h Deed Book,
n .
122, Page 241. y yal
Seized, taken in execution and to be
sold as the property of E. E. Ellenber-
Sale to commence at s p
as 10 somm at 10:30 o'clock A.
Terms cash. "ED Shesitt
Sheriff's Office, Belefonte, Pa, -
Oct. 27th 1831 76-43-3t
RIFF'S SALE.—By virtue of a
Facias issued out of
FRIDAY, November 13, 1831
The Following Property:
and lor of. grouna situate in the
ship of 8 , Centre County, Pennsyl-
vania, bounded and Ye follows,
BEGINNING at a post on the State
Joading from Bellefonte to
: nce by
THEREON acted a. double gIyeling
other and BENS Sakon; togetier
BEING the same premises which be-
came vested in W. W. Knox and
K. Knox, his wife, by deed from A. L.
Peters, et ux, ted August 1929,
in the Recorder's office 0
Centre county in Vol. 141,
page 290.
Seized, taken in execution and to be
sold as the property of W. W. Knox and
Sarah Knox.
Sale to commence at 1:15 o'clock P.
M. of sald day. .
H. E. DUNLAP, Sheriff.
Sheriff's Office, Bellefonte Pa.
Oc 931.
t. 21st, 1931 76-42-3t
feet per minute, rim trav- |
the cause, many years later, |
| of the death of some mill
| sawyer,” |
| said Deputy Secretary
trees, and the Department of For- |
living trees as |
In our issue of Sept. 4th we
made appeal to 775 of our sub-
scribers who were in arrears at
that time.
Since then 123 have respond-
ed, and to them we make grate-
ful acknowledgment of their
promptness in coming to relief of
the financial strain we are under.
We are still hoping that the
remaining 652 are not going to
fail us.
By the way: If you have
any printing jobs. Anything,
large or small in the line of com-
mercial printing, we would like
to do it for you.
There is always one Cer-
tainty about job printing done at
this office. It is well done, and
at prices no higher than are
often paid for work that is not
so good.
The Democratic Watchman