—— : ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW worried about increase iu weight | MANKIND NEVER ABLE 70 FARM NOTES glowing chickens, WRENS etd on v Even Scotland, where diets are CHAN a ? e could Demonic atc BUS ry recognized as GE NATURE OF CAT _ pees that do not have suffi-| swear there wasn't a dead chicken KLINE WOODRING.—Attorney at are they have the obesity problem. It seems that the house cat of to- | cient food of good quality for winter | about the place, but digging into | law. Bellefonte, Pa. Practices in SEE Drs. D. M. Dunlap and R. M. Mur- day behaves in much the same Should be fed sugar syrup before | out-of-the-way places, cutting dOWD | pyopgy I courts, room ‘13 CALS Bellefonte, Pa.,, November 6, 19381. ray Lyon of the Royal Infirmary in manner as it did in the bygone cold weather. weeds, going through the range ee | pinburgh have just made available ages. The animal's association fm ad shows that there have been casual. KENNEDY JOHNSTON.—Attorney at the result of their study of 523 with man has not changed its habits —The man who guides con- | ties. We were sure every nest of Law, Bellefonte, Pa. Prompt at- Your Heal cases of obesity among people in| in one particular. It goes about in | trols the plow, whether it be the had been found, if there were . tention given all legal business Scotland. They point out the fact, | its own way and takes its own time Sang propelled by the tractor, the any hens or pullets laying out, but | Situated to My oare. Be THE FIRST CONCERN y | sulk the must . now generally well known, that and all efforts to make it take some IW 0 [0% NEE gor ust | now we find that some remain. | superfluous fat is uncomfortable, part in rations of the house- understanding of wha — | + M. KEICHLINE.—Attorney at and that long continued overweight hold have ed. The animal re-|he wishes to do, and be able to set, —The Orange County (Va) Dairy Sod Justice of the Faace. AN a be ‘associated with disturbances sents any interference with it com- | 8djust BR control the plow so that)|Herd Improvement association re- | prompt emtian. Ofices: on ‘second. floor of circulation of the blood, disturb- ing and going. Miss A. S. Firkins, the greatest may be accom-| ports that all the herd sires in the of 19-5-ly ances of breathing, and disturbances | of Columbia University, has put the | plished by turning the soil. This is | agsociation are now housed in safe- | of the ability of the person to get cat to an in e test. Seventy- What is meant by a good ‘plow | keeper bull pens. The bureau *'W G. RUNKLE.— Att at Law. about. eight cats were secured from a pet band” and the number is not as | dairy industry, United States De-| Conmitation in Eiglish, and Gus The association of overweight with show and put through a series of large as good farming would require. | partment of Agriculture, asks, “Are gellefonte, Pa. pbs | gallstones is well known, and there tests. The first problem put be-| - there other associations that can ‘Bas come to be a proverb among fore the cats was how to reach food | —If the bees do not have 43 guplicate this record?” If there — = — the medical profession which as- placed inside an inclosure. Most of pounds of honey per colony for|gare, the bureau would like to hear SPECIALISTS | winter food and spring brood rear- IS VITAMIN PRONOUNCED? L | HOW serts that the typical case of gall ing, the supply ny the cats solved this by stepping up- A.—Vi-ta-min, with the first i stones is a woman who is fair, fat from them. This report means that on a plate which opened the way. all the herd sires in this association R. R. L. CAPERS. long as in kite and last i either’ long or short. Accent on the first syllable. MODERN FOOD TERMS EXPLAINED | An old an. very loyal friend of | the column asks for a very simple statement of some of the funda- mental facts about foods, including | definitions of some of the terms used. pos It is true, he says, that most of the younger people know the meaning of these terms, because they are now | covered in the grades in school. However, there are many who went to school before these subjects were taught in the grades, or they learn- ed them once but have forgotten them since, and they want to know. The carbohydrates are the starchy and sweet foods. The term means that they are composd principally of carbon and hydrogen in certain ar- | HUNTERS SHOULD and 40. BE HELD LIABLE “Most hunting ‘accidents’ are not accidents at all, and to dismiss them as such is the worst blow that can sibly be dealt the sport of hunt- ing,” believes Seth Gordon, presi- dent of the American Game Associ- ation. | “Any man who takes a loaded gun, usually upon someone else's land, and handles it so carelessly that he kills or injures another per- son should certainly be held crim- inally liable,” the association head | declared. “The first duty of a hun- ter is to observe the rules of cau- tion in handling a gun, and to fail in this is criminal negligence of the ing with sugar syrup. —Deride now what species of seedlings should be planted on that barren hillside next spring. Order them immediately so there will be no doubt about getting the desired kinds. Your county agricultural agent has application blanks. Or- Chinese history shows that the | der 100 seedling for each acre to be domestic cat thrived there for cen- | Planted. turies before the coming of Christ; but during these hundreds of years the Chinese cats did not t any farther west than Persia. Ben signs of laying. The slower ma- the Persians liked this kind of cat turing and later hatched birds should so well that they adopted it; as a | be housed before cold, wet fall result of which we now have the | Weather begins. beautiful Persian cat which is such a favorite ot cat lovers everywhere. Most plausibly, the cat originated in Egypt. For many centuries be- fore the Christian era the cat was The problems were then increased in difficulty, the hardest being one which required the cats to touch seven plates, one after the other, to get the food. Only two of the contestants were smart enough todo this. One of the conclusions arriv- ed at was that male cats are smart- er than the females. —Pullets should be moved to win- ter quarters as soon as many show —While it is true that sheep can live better than other kinds of live- | stock without an adequate water | supply, this does not mean thatwa- vigorous to they should Buy or are which should exchange, being kept under conditions insure long breeding life, as well as safety for the herd owner and his family. —In planning for next season's crop of turkeys, a breeder on the lookout for healthy hens and and Remember that related. securing birds from another neighbor if possible. | Much of the difficulty experienced in turkey raising today is due to the vicious practice in too many in- stances of mating related stock. The same advice applies to flocks of | hens, as well as ducks and geese. should m Ss. be in no way IT'S A STRANGE DUCK; IT DIDN'T TAKE TO WATER OSTEOPATH. s Bellefonte Crider’'s 66-11 D. CASEBEER, trist.—Regis- tered and Ll the lenses High St., Bellefonte, Pa. be | jstaction VA B. ROAN, Optometrist, by the State cept ay Col every A exce| » fonte, in the Garbrl buildi the House, Wednesd a i from 2 to 8 p. m. and Sat: 9 am to 4:00 p.m. Bell Phone 68-40 mmmm— FIRE INSURANCE At a Reduced Rate, 20% #% J. M. KEICHLINE, Agent — most inexcusable sort. The hunter ter is not essential. Plenty of salt| Charles A. Hiller, in charge of “ ‘being pictured in hieroglyphics on | rangements. The best known car-| Aan 'and a good supply of water should | game propagation for the State bohydrate foods are breads, cereals wih vir a ve Bo » Sporty most of Lie Wontments in the Nile | be accessible at all times. Game Commission, told an interest- — — valley. thought that the Egyptians domesticated the African wildcat, a very vicivus little crea- ture, in order that their granaries might be protected from mice. The | cat must have performed some won- | derful service, for the Egyptians gave it much attention. They even erected temples in hon- or of the cat. If the family cat died, it was not buried in the back yard and forgotten, but its mummi- fied form was placed in the vaults, and other foods made from grains, potatoes and some other root foods, and all the ordinary sugars and sweets. These foods are used by the body to make heat and energy. Hydrocarbons, or fats. Some readers may have the term hydro- | — ing story from the wild turkey farm —The latest information on the |in Juniata county. Sometime ago ' science and practice of poultry hus- Hiller found a duck egg in a stream bandry will be presented in the near the farm, and brought it to the eleventh annual Poultry Short |game farmer who placed it in an in- Course at the Pennsylvania State Sabaloe Sone with a group of wild | College November 9 to 12. All who urkey eggs. interested are invited to attend.| When the litttle duckling hatched [2 ® 8 ny it would have nothing whatever to do with other ducks about the farm, but wandered around with the tur- keys, even roosting in the trees with them. throw the entire sport into disre- pute.” Mr. Gordon pointed out that just the other day ome of four hunters ‘of Seattle, Wash., bent upon killing la bear, fired a a rustling in some bons in their memories as the bushes and killed the owner of the Scientific name for fats, for it was farm. The hunter claimed he once used in that way. No longer | thought the farmer was a cub bear, so. We now speak of the edible | and was dismissed. oils and butters as fats and greases. | Several state game departments The fats and oils are principally | ROW provide penalties of their own CHICHESTER S PILLS —A careful study of the situation indicates that any material reduc- tion in the cost of producing beef | | will necessitate a more ve omposed of carbon and hydrogen, | for carelessness, by refusing to sell even with the Pharoahs. All At the outset the duck even was | | i these elements are combined dit- a license to hunters who have been members of an ancient Egyptian ond emclon} use of roughage, espe- afraid of water and literally had to | ferently from the combination which | convicted of careless shooting, for family would shave off their eye- y ensilage. Cg be forced to swim by the game ® makes starches and sweets. Among a Speciney Supe of years,’ Mr. brows as a sign of mourning for a| __Cabbage, beets, turnips, and farmer's children who repeatedly — “Requiring a hunter to undergo an examination for men- tal and physical fitness before per- mitting him the privilege of hunting ‘may be the next step. The idea has already been broached before | State Legislatures, notably in New | York.” | Mr. Gordon declared that sports- men themselves would do well to press charges against hunters whose the more common fats are: Butter, | meat fats, nut oils, olive oil, and | other vegetable oils. These foods are burned by the body to make heat and energy. Our friend was particularly anx- jous that proteins and proteids be made plain. These substances con- | tain nitrogen as well as carbon, hy-| and other substances. They may also contain sulphur and other’ departed cat. In one year alone other root vegetables can be stored 180,000 mummified cats were re- pefore freezing to provide a supply moved from vaults near Cairo by gor the family until next May. Se- the Birtish authorities and distrib- ject medium sized root vegetables, uted to museums all over the world. ang well matured but not bursted It is thought that the Egyptian : cats were brought to Europe ay | Heads of cabbage | Phoenicians traders probably, where | their value was soon recognized bY | nes grown in Pennsylvania are con- | farmers. Until some more plausi- | imel by local markets. To meet | ‘ble explanation is given, the EgYP- | this demand orderly marketing must threw it into the water. We have taken om the line of Purina Feeds Wayne Feeds per 100lb. IRA D. GARMAN —About three-fourths of the ap- t it is the ni en ‘accidental’ shootings are the result tians must be given credit for do- ed. This means that fruit Wagner's 169% Dairy Feed - 1.30 Suomen ne different from al of carelessness. mesticating the African wildcats. Be oo provide a con- Wore ap Drs Feed - 135 other food elements. They make) They have left indelible “cat his- giant supply. Wagner's 32% Dairy Feed - 1.50 heat and energy just as other f00dS PHEASANT HENS | tory” on their obelisks and various -— Wagner's Pig Meal - - -- 170 do, but they alone, of the big three, | | other monuments of four or five| _ Richard Prutman, of the Jack- Wagner's Egg Mash - - - 175 supply what is needed to build tis- LAY 111,911 EGGS thousand years ago; while the rec- .,, 4.H calf club in Tioga county, | Wagner's Scratch Feed - - 140 su in and to repair the te ‘ord of the Chinese cat is made large- ,.e made an unusually high record —— | Wagner's Horse Feed - - - 1.30 TE pore | Complete reports complied by the liy from legend. sistein in b LIQUID OR TABLETS Winter Bran 1.00 Jesuits of a bs proteid, or al. | S2me Sommisaion show mat 311911 | with He Ye 8 0 Relieves a Headache or Neuralgia in Wagner Winter Middlings : 1.10 known | pheasant eggs were ul at the | i ry buminous foods (for all thee term? | State game farms this year. Of SHOW-WINDOW Is produced 17,847 pounds of milk and | 30 minutes, checks a Cold the first Wagner's Standard Mixed Chop 1.30 mean about the same) are le | that number 44,184 were shipped to | LATEST FEATURE 6508 pounds of butterfat. Total , day, and checks Malaria in three » and the white of egg. rals which | SPOrtsmen. 19,092 to game refuge een receipts amounted to $350.66 and the gays. — The salts are the mine which | geaners, and 27,700 were set atthe The public, long advised against feed cost was $148.27. The record | ggg galve for Head Colds. Blatchford Calf Meal 25lbs - 1.25 we must eat in order to replace farms. This is the largest egg pro- DPuying a pig in a poke” can now was made under the supervision of Wayne Calf Meal - - - - 3 50 those lost in the day's work. © duction since the farms were estab- disregard that bit of warning; that the local dairy herd improvement |. Wayne Egg Mash - - - - 2.10 best known of these are salt OF jisheq jn 1928. This year a total |is, if the poke happens to be one of association. Oil Meal 349% =- = = = - - 1.80 chloride of soda, lime or calcium. of 2350 laying hens produced an|the new —cotop =—bAES with the ow Cotton Seed Meal 43% - - - 1.50 hosphorus and iron. We speak of average of forty-three eggs to a ‘'show-window" feature, recently de-| Teamsters in future Keystone Soy Beanoil Meal 40% - - - 1.60 them as food substances to rep ace | pird, vised by the United States Depart- horse pulling contests have a new Good Printin Gluten Feed 28% - - - ~- 1.50 logses. They Sfe Not Yepair f00d8' Reports from practically all the ment of Agriculture, in co-operation | world's record to beat, says C. A. g Fine Ground Alfalfa Meal - 2.25 in the sense the albumins are. game refuge keepers mdicate that | with the Norta Carolina State Col-| Burge, horse extension specialist of A SPECIALTY Meat Scraps 45% - - - - 200 The vitamins are newly diSCOver- thou’ successfully raised and releas- lege of Agriculture and Engineer- the Pennsylvania State College. In L Tankage 60% =~ - - - - 250 ed substances. They sxit in Very eof approximately 4200 birds. Over ing. a contest at Hillsdale, Michigan, a at the Fish Meal 559 =- - =- =- - 3.00 small quantities in foods. They are 10000 birds were produced and re-| The new bag is the result of the team of high grade Belgians owned Fine Stock Salt - - - - - 100 supposed to stir up things, in 8 jeaged from the game farms. These department's search for new uses by Hole farm, Versailles, Ohio, made WATCHMAN OFFICE Oyster Shell - - - - - - 100 measure, to act as ferments. But pirag together with 6500 purchased for cotton. It is now being offered |a tractive pull of 3800 on Alolagses = = = = + = = 100 the truth is, we do not know just gurine the spring, or a total of over to the trade in small sizes suitable the drawbar of a dyamometer. The These ls Ro sill Of Wire how they do act. 120,000 was the largest allotment of |for packaging potatoes, onions and team weighed 3695 pounds. Lloyd | est Let us grind your Corn and Oats SCIENTIFIC REDUCING pheasants ever released by the com- other farm products for sale to the Lee, of Bradford, holds the Penn- and make up Dairy Feed, with wit azine Bod ar. | Mission. Reports from sportsmen | retail customer. The bag is wov- sylvania record, 3100 pounds, BOOK WORK Cotton Seed Ofl Meal, Gluten, rien afpaine newspaper ar-| yi) pe available later. en in one piece of cloth, but one in 1928, at the Smethport fair when | that we can mot do in the most Alalfa, Bran, Midds and Molasses. es advertisements are any side is of very open mesh So that hig team won on a time advantage , and at Prices indication of the number of people the contents may be seen readily |over that of R. A. Crimes, of Duke consistent with the class of work. We will make delivery ontwo ton in the United States today who are, MENTAL CASES TOTAL 30,000 Th ; ' Call on or with this | orders. overweight, it must be admitted by tie veer e other side of | Center. office. ascounts must be paid that of the mature population BA n.000 manpital the approxi. Bee el permits the pristing of & y Zam Boseen tok wu Interest NR ei a vast number are in that condition. 3 beds now This " —A good man And, on the other hand, one has | the United States are set aside for |, . lula DE a Te have little or no work to do during | me es | HIRE. at 10 observe tha Jaspe on the mental IL patients, according 10 &| lel cach navi order. I as cheaply sa possible In order 0 Bo, Tu SL ve of By are too that : frou or. | Sandy. director of the bureau of S90 breven:s Le UAOMES Fm | hold down oe Many are turn- Employers , malcy is the exception,” states Doc- Weutal health, State Department of 2 more adapted y the ready pack- ed vit in the som gp hy foi = ) ——— Health B/ A7, Serretiny In Pennsylvania alone, Dr. Sandy |98% in many instances than 53 pick ony rig eo While This Interests You “It g without that if said, there are over 25.000 beds for paper bag, and when the bag I8 ¢y.50 roughages have some value for me Boe nn Milowed “himself to mentally ill and some 5000 beds for | SPL TUE housewife can rinse the | wintering idle horses, the fact should The Workman's Composition C. Y. Wagner & Co. Inc become too heavy, serious considera- mental defectives and epileptics and game not be overlooked that they are very oe. It makes insurance A tion should be given to the problem |there is need for many more. The new bag was produced and deficient in protein and for that rea We specialize in plac- BELLEFONTE, PA, of regaining normal weight. But Br Say Sala that despite the put into use too late last season to on they should be subjiemented ich insurance, We T5-1-1yr. the dificulty in this connection = vide de ll these BENIES Taey im be used as a container for a Very .... Sometiing Suat caret Svante) Plants and recommend many persons who realize the y increase ‘large volume of farm produce. The y P than Prevention Safe Guards which folly of their over indulgence, ‘fall’ time as early discovery, treatment ,iir,ctiveness of the package, how- tained in these products. Reduce Insurance rates. EE EE for diet fads and harmful reduction and training become universal and oo. "anq the fact that bags made — % tod : wiibeto * iy forgetting that perhaps a from this ‘“Juplex™ material can, 2 i gf oged houses. | consult us before placing your were involved in adding the compete with other bags in price mon yp"in the sense of getting Insurance, Yo oni, th RABBITS SHOT ON RUN are two of the features which prom-| Z4"% “lo aet stock from the laying we Nl e average n ise to make it popular during the . JOHN F. GRAY & SON who finally becomes convinced that LESS APT TO BE SICK | = =o" vear in packaging farm houses, and of the debeie that gath something should be done about the q),t your rabbits only on the products for the customer. ers in a summer and early 5 Bellefonte, Pa. matter develops an unreasonable im- patience and therefore seeks a meth- being given hunt- od that in a few weews will remove ers again this year for other rea- pAMAGE BY DOGS ° the accumulation of many months. | “00° tan | Shut pi sportsmanship, REACHES $40,427 Plymbin “And indeed there is mo doubt oir. * tin of the Aesiean — Game Association. Rabbits shot on pamages caused by uncontrolled and Heating that semi-starvation of one type or another will do the trick, but such an imposition upon nature is ex- ceedingly dangerous and most cer- tainly should be avoided. ‘Eighteen pounds in eighteen days’ and sim- ilar seductive slogans sound very dramatic, but such drastic measures involve for most persons a real risk. “No one should emvark on a re- duction program without first hav- ing obtained a physician's advice. But it is equally important that the man or woman who is underweight seeks medical advice. And the sooner the better. Barring disease, bad habits such as the excessive use of stimulants and improper food habits are usually at the bottom of this condition. “It should be understood that whether fat or thin, everyone has a normal weight standard. To at- tain it through scientifically approv- | 50,000 or more peddling bootieggers. the run are not likely to be infected with tularemia, a disease which can b communicated to human beings through the hands. An additional precaution suggested against con- traction of the disease is the use of gloves, preferably rubber ones, while cleaning rabbits. Cooking kills any germs that might be present. 200,000 U. S. SPEAKEASIES There are at least 220,000 speak- easies in this country, and there may be twice that amount, accord- ing to an estimate made by Major Maurice Campbell, editor of Repeal, an anti-prohibition magazine. He estimates that in addition there are In the estimate based on a through- wide canvass, New York State leads all the others with 42,000 ed methods and then maintain it easies, of which there are 36,000 in dogs to Pennsylvania livestock and poultry amounted to $40,427.68 for the nine months ending October 1, according to the bureau of. animal industry, Pennsylvania ent of agriculture. The amount of dam- age is $5000 less than last year and $10,000 less than for the corres- period in 1029, due pri- marily to the downward trend in prices. The number of damage claims is the same as a year ago and 21 less than two years ago. The bureau reports increasing trouble this year from disowned dogs. Many owners who are not able to feed and keep a dog proper- ly, are turning the antmals loose or dropping them away from home. These hungry dogs prey upon live- stock and poultry. do not ask the operator specific person —and are S-minute connection. Cook chard in a minimum of wa- ter like spinach. Drain, shake over T 0c For 50 cents you can telephone to friends, rela- tives or customers as far as eighty miles away— for friendly chats, family reunions, business transactions. And after 8:30 P. M. you can cali them for only 35 cents? Just give the number to the op~ erator (ask Information if you don’t know it) and “hold the line.” These low rates apply on Calls for a Number — when you for a for a ELEPHONE J Vapor....Steam By Hot Water Pipeless Furnaces Full Line of Pipe and Fit- tings and Mill Supplies All Sizes of Terra Cotta Pipe and Fittings ESTIMATES shonid Henn Hiden yours of life—a | New York City Slane. Pennsylva- | the fire for a moment to remove the wo while effo deed.” nia is assigned ,000 speakeasies, | extra moisture, and serve seasoned The American women are not the | California 15,000, Nlinois 40,000 and |with salt and pepper and a few Gen. 8 Cheerfully snd Promptly Furnished only women in the world who are Massachusetts 10,000. drops of olive oil. 2 08-15-12. i