Democratic watchman. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1855-1940, November 06, 1931, Image 1

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-—Anyway, it will not be neces-
sary to have Mr. Wilkinson burden-
ed with the additional work of run-
ning the Prothonotary's office.
—Of the 121 Democrats in the
West ward of Bellefonte every one
but the few who were away from
home or sick were at the polls on
—It is none too soon to suggest
doing your Christmas shopping
early. Think of it, only seven more
issues of the Watchman will reach
you before that festal occasion.
—If voting machines could be re-
lied on to cut such capers as they
did in Philipsburg on Tuesday all us|
Democrats ought to vote to have
them used in every Republican pre- |
cinct in the county.
—Maybe it was because John Boob
is one of those “Forty and Eight"
men that Centre county gave him a |
majority of eight and, maybe it
was the ‘eight reasons” that de-/
feated Mr. Keeler by eight.
—Governor Pinchot’s plan to raise
money for the poor by putting a
special tax on cigarettes is all right
with us. Our physician has just
ordered us to cut down on our daily
consumption of them.
—Mr. Flopper McSparran, Secre-'
tary of Agriculture of Pennsylvania,
thinks the “bridal paths” that are
being built to get the farmers out
of the mud will turn out all right.
We hope they don't turn out to be!
as big a flop as Mr. Flopper Mec-
Sparran was to the Demeccratic |
party in the State.
—The entire Democratic ticket in
the county would have been elected
if it hadn't been so good. Our Re-
publican friends are mostly home-
opathists in politics. Thev will
take a couple of nice little sugar
coated pills, but when it comes
down to administering an allopathic |
dose, like we offered them, Tuesday, |
they just had to gag before they
got the second of our Auditor's
—The third of Governor Pinchot's
whereases in promulgating his fif-
teen-point program reads as follows:
“The right to work for a living is
part of the right to live.” That's
exactly what H. F. Derrick, of Clear-
field county, thought until he re-
ceived a letter discharging him from
a Job on the highway because he
didn't give ‘‘this administration” his
support. ‘The Governor's platitudes
might sound very pretty to those
who don't know that he really
meant that no one has a right to | Spring
live who doesn't work for Pinchot.
—Mayor Anton Cermak, of Chi-
cago, thinks the Democrats ought to |
have a “dripping wet” candidate for
President. Mayor Cermak is the
gentleman, some of you will recall,
who promised to clean up Chicago’
when he was elected last fall We
know little that has happened in
the windy city since Cermak kick-
ed “Big Bill” Thompson into the dis-
card other than that Al Capone is
actually in jail. Anton probably had
very little to do with his incarcer-
ation and his call for a “dripping”
wet candidate will have very little
to do with the selection of a stand-
ard bearer by the next national con-
vention of our party.
—Calling an extra session of the
Jeneral Assembly of Pennsylvania,
0 convene next Monday night, is
‘'ulfillment of the Governor's an-
ouncement, several months ago, of
iis intention to do so. His fifteen-
»oint program is not bad, except in
he phases wherein it reveals his
:ontempt for the constitution of the
Jommonwealth. The plan cannot
)e carried out without violation of
he fundamental law of the State.
Vith the characteristic Pinchot hab-
t of sweeping aside any and all
hings that stand in his way he pro-
oses that the Constitution be torn
ip for the time being and later
jeced together again. Any relief
hat the Legislature might enact can
carcely be made available before
pring, and by that time the hard-
hips anticipated during the ap-
roaching winter will have been en-
—This is Tuesday night. The
our is ten thirtyy We have not
eard a thing as to what happened to
re splendid candidates we support-
4, except encouraging reports from
hilipsburg and Millheim boroughs
1at have been phoned to us. For
ears we have been waiting for a
1ance to let the Watchman's roost-
rs out of their coop. We feel
1at no Democrat in Centre county
as done more to bring success to
is or her party than we have
| —The bounty on n Goshawks is now ef-
| fective, and until May 1, of next year,
|a reward of $5.00 will be paid on them
{if they are shipped to the offices of the
| Game Commission, in Harrisburg, within
| thirty-six hours after killing.
| —Mrs. Rachel Wynn Trowbridge, of
! Sunbury, celebrated her 100th birthday
| Tuesday by taking a 10-minute airplane
| ride. Shortly after noon she soarsd
| 2000 feet above the ground and enjoyed
| it 80 much she wants to go up again
| for a longer flight.
| —The Reading Iron company, on Mon-
day, resumed operations in all depart-
_VOL. 76. BELLEFONTE, PA. NOVEMBER 6. 1931. NO. dd, mw mi sue vio
EE ——————— TT " TT jocont work In the mill has been limited
Unoftical Result of Election Held Tuesday, , November 3, 1931 epubtcan Democrat to different departmehts, this being the
| sougu—ten LIPSBURG, Np 8 194 first for a long time tial the entire mill
Tm T I I - = T mT 1 mT 2 | we | ! | Ins—Joe Denning 173 Harry C k 163 has been in operation. The mill will
| : § 5 I ; £ | i E i 2 | | i | I | - I = BR ea 1% operate one shift a day, but no definite
a | i | | i i i i i | D—Frank Gette 228 .Wm J Saget 210 statement has been made as to how long
a { i | 8 | | | | j - : 3 i ? 5 Lucy M 1 137 Lucy M 1 110 the work will continue.
it e | TIP PF Mi iE i l2IP | | pe) Io PR Hoffer 203. ohn Hoffer 142 —The Pennsylvania Securities Com-
P| | il l | | | i r r lw ol 3 |O P—Claude A Gette ..226 J Weist 132
| P| "RE Po le ll 7 | bum? i 8ST F | George Peters 206 George Peters 101 Mission on Friday warned owners of
DISTRICTS a ! i 3 i i | ¢ § Fi Pl F J I >|» | i I i Fo JPHILIPSBURG, SRD ». a SiG] tepid Stores ig lo be on
{ { { { i H ge-—How mier ratton gua against a man w n -
8 I | HF i ; lw | | i g 1 g i 1hs—~Crandicr Simles 319 Fut Pricy 113 [seit as " Russell Grimth — oles pr
; i i ! i ! ! { { } | Ass—J z om n .-
TITLE | ] i [FIFIFIRERE (PU n Tt nt SAEs TB rei oars ont?
1 ov 0 ¢ i 1s 1% W ' { | 1 $s Fs. Chen | ran e 'm Johnson vestigating committee." ces of the
bq § 3 I 03 Ro] P| | 11 &% § erie toy Hea | Lucy Merrel 135... Lucy Merrell 98
HLL EAT ER ETL HL] | ae lr SR Ai 8 | cme re epored to be 3, Room
I i i H i 4 : : i \ | 4 | ude ruts eis , .
| Botictonts. N. W i mee sme} "301 569 521 358 503 362 431] 355 wm sos wn am [246 403 450 George a fe Geo Peters 309; Commission officials said Griffith claims
. il di i i HILIPSBURG to be an employee of the Commonwealth
Bellefonte, S. W... | 217 482 358 332/| 376 292 ' 314 245 ms aset 345) 8 | 271) 200 320 | Judge—R Williamson 73 R Willlamson 16 of Pennsylvania. He is not
Bellefonte, W. W. | 143 149 154 135 170 112 143) 105 1650 122 162| 152 113 87] 2 153 | Ins—Geo W Bean 66 Bessie Hummell 17 y e is not.
Centre Hall Boro... | 114) 218 139] 181 112 212, 102] 121 19 24 128 104 219 179) 132 119 |S D—Paul Enis 6l........ Paul Enis 15 —Ninety-eight per cent. of a $230,000
| Howard Boro .......... i jeg 1958] 135 139, 135 Is mn 1 1 120 7 4 | 126 103 03 200 S91 1 1 i | Coun Stonebredker & Jame: Raten gp { SHkate was devised in public bequests by
Boro I | i 54 1 0 | the late Dr. John M. Hyson, of York,
en BOro ........ 136 || 141) 234 147 re a 126 249 141 123 235 235 147 191 121 226 291] 129| 239 FI F William. 7. ¢ Geo Northamer 23 Pa. Institutions and organizations
Philipsburg 1st W 149| 133 163| 120 172 113 186, 92| 182 173 96 101 189| 194 82) 191 | Aud—James Russell | which will benefit are four churches of
Philipsburg, 2nd W ..... 177 181) 162 182) 164 178 179 166 101] 139 197 193 157 146] 201/ 200 135' 138 226) 130 | O P—Barinel Bean 32" Wm _Oberhelm 17 Red Lion, the Round Top Presbyterian
Philipsburg, 3rd W ......| 162| 190(| 171) 157|! 190 144i 177] 152| 203| 122/ 210| 190 124| 131(| 206| 188 126( 137|( 232) 113 |Con—1. C Hoover 78. W H Dimely B | "0y cometery in East Hopewell
So. Philipsburg Boro ... 54 49) 51] 34) 63] 27 49 31 55 20 3 46 25 19 49, 40, 19| 22 73 24 | PORT MATILDA lt hip. his. Masonic 1 PY
Port Matilda_BOTO ....... 81 S8| 81 59) 101 38/107 39) 95 43 Go 27106) of GH gi U7 49 \Juden) Williams HE OA NUE Ba al tows, Be, the York
Snow Shoe BOIO ...... . 80 94 88 58 72 70 93) 115 44 127 75, 61) 35 103, 89 36 31) 97 64 |S DD F Funk 107. ... DF Funk | |county Medical Society, Leo Independent
| State College, E. D ..... » 339 200 267| || 280] a 335/ 188/| 304 219 326 205 212 151) 361 327 166 116| 316| 200 | Jacob Williams 82 J 8 Williams 81 Fire company of Red Lion and the Red
| State College, W.. D...... 350 216 322 239 331) li 336 189] 345 201 225 318 227 158 368| 328, 183 139!| 345 198 | Coun— C Harpster 106 N Redingber- | Lion School Library. The remainder of
Unionville BOro ............. , 119 35 80 65 79 168 61) 91 95 49 99 54/ 85) 50| 97 103] 34 28) 1 43 | ger 39 the estate is left to brothers, sisters and
Benner Twp., N. b.._J| 63 6 5 70 70 ‘8 0 6 31 0 4 214 46 B 5 4 3B 66 6 VE Slams 109 nephews.
' Benner Twp. SP... { i i 4 41] il \ | | | i { ! il | Ass—H Willi 92... H 8 Willi 40 vin C. -
Twp... N. P 20 21 33 17| 21) 30! 8 42 17] 31) 18 17 35 23 20 30 25 13] 12 38 | Aud—W E Shultz 8i ..W T Hoover 30 5 an C QUE. omer Monroe cont
Boggs Twp, E. P..... 35 24] 24 32 21) 35 18 40) 22 34i 23 16| 41] 24/| 25 26 27 16] 2 45 | O P—W Steele 101....... LeRoy Reese 33 © x. sol 9 fee to
Boggs Twp. W. P... 140) 122! 140, 106) 128 112/! 47 218 103 137, 88 87 150 134) 120 119] 99 83|| 8 167 Dennis Reese 94 .. Dorrie Adams 27 ®ix years in solitary confinement for the
Bunrnisde Twp —. 200 20 20/ 25|| 20 35| 27 27 27) 24! 27 22] 29 21 25 24 25] 22 28 26 |E9soa Woodsin Iai Chas Korman rman 3 slaying of James Settimio, Delaware Gap
College TWP. 14 159) 199 12 181 161 181 136 181 150 169 181] 145) 129) ne 165 112, 8 188 | 3 PW C Shay 85....... C H Reese 13 hotel keepes on Tabor Dar. in addition
in ww NL. P l i | I | i | I 61 | i I 8 | | e must pay a ne. onvict at
Curtin Twp. S. P...oon | 31 28 34 24) 31 28 2 20 31 20 3 3 % 9 2 1 8 8 | Judge— M snow smo EON. i 1 Sarit ta on
| Ferguson 88 72 39! 86 49 178! 41 83 43] 40 | 82l 43] 47 5 72 46) 76 | Ins—Lewis Price 66..... D R Thomas $1 sentenced and fined by Judge Samuel E.
Ferguson Twp., 95/| 75| 104/| 84 04/ 68 110 83 69 3 92| 88 67 85 90 88 |S pd 85 Heshley 118 "ri Casher - Shull, Monday, after defense counsel had
| Ferguson Twp il 3 %» > 5 a % a 3 14 23 ic i 3 K x 3 Coun_—Bond & Johnson 53.8 B Johnson 33 | withirawn Fy for a new trial.
Ferguson | | ’ 1 | Charles Weaver eihdorfer ngton iams, counsel, asked for
|G regg Twp., 57] 12| 60, 13 53] 13 58 12} 17 > 44) 20| 17 54 1 Si | H Viehdorfer 46........ H Weaver 15 a5 anc Gor, hot Settimio when h
Gregg Twp. 83 38 97 38 94 32 100 33 3 % | 32| 76 75 31 86 Musser 65 y. gy sho mio when he
Gregg, W. P....... 163) 67 191 82 178) 67 189 69 73] 17, 169) 126 69 145) 147 87 165 |Ass—A D Shank 27... C Helly 58|sought to arrest him a his hotel on a
| Haines Twp. {| 50 87) 61 84 48] 96 42 44] 94] 100( 64 58 82| 80( 62 88 | Aud Killa Quirk 21 . igh Guiland 13 | Havor charge.
Haines 170 94) 188 108 173| 75 194 88 201 162) 110 80 156 173) 112 158 |Con—w D Swartz 105 .W D Swartz 21 —A Conemaugh man seeking _enlist-
Halfmoon 50) SH 2 = pi] A » i 3 23 » = 33 3 > J P—E T Haynes 98 ..E T Haynes 35 ment in the Pennsylvania State Highway
Twp. 2 77 144 10 122) 92 125 88 9 118] 124) 107 2 103 95! 114| 107 sudge STATE, COLLEGE, % Neldigh 135 [Roki die costes Dy ont 4 oir
| Howard Twp or 87 58) 80 0 91 58) 87 80 62 43) ons il 2 | IMD BB Brenneman 203 T I Maire 23 addressed to Captain Wilson C. Price,
Liberty Twp. 01 138 | 2 114 16) % 115 % ) 83 92 119 101 56|| 100) 126 |, COrQline Edwards 271 Mf 3 Miler 144 |supesigtengont of the ulrl, asiing Iu-
Liberty Twp. 19) 15! 15 16 14) 13; 14{ 17 13{ 11{ 190 14 9 18 12( 12 19 nC, EB Snyder 371 Robt J Miller 55 | formation regarding requirements, the
Twp 60 71 68, 71 68| 59 78 69 47 72| 79 64 61 89 54 51 88 R mshall 327 Fobt M Foster 280 Prospective patrolman wrote: “If you are
Miles Twp., 31 11 37] 18 29) 13| 33 15 25 34/ 17 18 15 15 30 R J Miller 301. EM Broderick 199 going to give me a Job as patrolman
Miles Twp., 182! | 186, 47 190 52| 176, 47 183| 133) 60; 161 161)! 85 148 yor Thos, 2 Saterson 179 Span Steele in then send me a motorcycle so that I can
Miles hy 68 19 80 24 5 14 8 26/ a a 47 1 67 3 280 69 O P-W E Smi ..W E Smi get some practice.” Captain Price is
1 i i { mes —
penn Twp 0 5 a1) 83 ols 38 4 Mo ome 4a ale) aM corr © Home A T Bloor gud Galas
Potter Twp., 104| 36 117 | 54 98 43] 109 30 5 112) 113] 56 99 i 110 STATE COLLEGE WwW DIV. | cants for practice purposes.
Potter Twp., 76, 61 100 72 86/ 58 99| 54 55 85 17 88 | Judge—H usser 968 L Fisher 198
Potter Twp., 66 271 Till 36 61) 26 T1| 23 24 67|| 32 62 57 |Ins—Robert 381 Fred Weber Bl He Rev, J. O. CF BieCrATRUB. | Jobs
Rush Twp. N 1! 1a 128 of 138) 113 94) 100 1 0 9 B Brenneman 362 T I mer pastor of the Juniata Presbyterian
! Ww | "a 128 2 m1 ig 145 79 coe BE JT 8 ch mi ov ind 3 Bor
Rush Top. E. 13 27! 28 32 24) 25 22) 35 26) 31] 23] 28! 22) 32 26 846 . it 3 ice Snyder {is a patient in the Greensburg hospital
Rush Twp, S. 176 68 164 173] 74 195 140 62 180, 1 37 31 204 33 Rr EM aha 257 Robt M Foster 263 suffering from a fracture of the left leg
Snow Shoe Twp. 222 34 236 132 200 70 295 56 302 284 53 44! 302) 202 41) 37 208 53 Robt J Miller 353 E M Broderick 178 |}... the knee and other injuries re-
Snow Shoe Twp. 55| 32 ‘52 45) 45 44) 52 31) 53 44 34) 2 53 46 26 2) 55 2 ABG_R Edminaton 33.C B Homan 20 recived in an automobile accident last
Spring Twp., N. 147] | 134|| 82] 161 108 137] 79| 155 78 60 176 103/| 102] 96 117| 86 81 149 5 pw E Smith 349 ...W E Smith 103 Wednesday morning, ten miles east of
Spring Twp., S 265! | 191) 145! 267 228 192} 137 269 200, 227 206 183 175 182 198 196 | J H Holmes 345... Jim Holmes 184 | Wilkinsburg along the Williarn Penn
Twp., W 66 | Tl 66/ 86, 84 69 52 98/ 56, 53 83 56| T2| 2 52) 46| 66 73 | Con—I C Holmes 420.... I C Holmes 111 | nigh ¢ P
Tavior TWD ...... : i i ! | i : i ii i { i t > ghway. He was returning from Pitts-
y. Twp . 43 13! 53] 20} | 16 571 10! 53] 34] 24| 20 52 34 16| 15! 585! 15 ee TAL
Union TWD .............. 111] | 66/! 96! 66! 83 TT 85 63! 96] 75 72 56 99) 82 50 35 111 48 (Ju A T Rowan 89 .Eugene Hall 43 burg where he had taken his wife to
| Walker TWp., E. P........|| 36 44/ 34/ 44| 31) 47| 39 30 22 56 30 17 55 51 32 30| 47] 36| 24 55 |, rd val NY Anna Finch guid a meeting Ruv McCracken is a
Twp, M. P, .... + 30 {| 29; 89 34 83| 42 75|| 19, 98, 30, 18 92! 87 32 41 92 60, 19 99 8" D_Ray alton 94 Blanchard Solt 77 native of Centre county, having been
{ Walker Twp., W. P.....|| 62] 62 29/ 91] 30, 91 41] 80/| 30, 90| 27| 28) 94 87 42 37 61 36/ 84 Lucas 82... Elmer Roller 22 born at the farm home in the Glades.
Worth TWhisse sini o = 37 = 38 34 34 = 33 35 29 32 27 25) 35 32 30 27 29 26 41 25 Coup—4 2 J eo e 5 Holt x —Scores of persons visited St. Joseph's
TOMY cornimmmissans sosioanz 62716500 57667269 79 6483 6225 6305 5056/5348 5714/5658 6807 028 5665 47361 6457 6302 { B [urtow 100 ..oavérew Hall 3 |cometery ut OI Cuy, on Sunday, tg 7a
{ { i JD Mitchell 75 Gilbert N Solt 21 spect a furrow a hundred feet long,
Majorities... || | | 238] [1503] | 104] | 140] 708 [1866] 310,12071/1292, 929] || 158! Asi—3 H Finch M4 .... Jesse E Hall 51 plowed by lightning in the freak storm
— — wo— —— — Aud i 112 Aardh pio x ‘which struck that place with unexpected
Republican Democrat Dan Buck 113 3 rN Holt 23 suddenness, broke 100 windows on the
De em oerati C = ck et Wins ho Cobb 171 J.T Carteret Gounod 3, Holt TN aspe olt north side and threw the switchboard at
As a result of the election in Cen-
tre county on Tuesday every office
in the court house will be filled by a
Democrat after January 1, 1932.
smacked of days fifty years
in the Republican party there should
have been a poll almost equal to
that recorded in the important con-
test for Judge four years ago. In
that contest there was a total vote
of 13951 whereas there were 13336
votes cast on Tuesday.
The result in the county was as
day; so we are going to hit the
ay.” We are hoping for the best,
it we have provided for the worst |
ws Looorrow morning. In the
Tifty Years Ago” column you will
‘¢ a rooster over the announcement
at Centre went Democratic fifty
ars ago today. We are hoping
at the morning will bring news
at might release several of the]
isty old birds. However, if it!
n't that good we have at least |
ied out an excuse for one rooster. |
For Sheriff:
BOOD cosmic esiser inns 6672 |
Kesler ............occiorenisane 6664
For Treasurer: |
Hunter ....................o0 7269
Jones ..............ecosieians 5766
For Prothonotary
HORE ....eeeeeeccenrcrercnrnnrsaens 6509
Walker .................. 6271
For Register: |
Wetsler ......c.cceiiie. 6483 |
Brooks ................hieiel. 6379 |
For Recorder: |
MeDowell ............ccoinrersie
Hall ....... coos 6225 |
| For Commissioners:
Spearly oi. 6717 |
Brungart ........ |
Holtzworth .... {
Miles ............ ...... {
For Auditors:
MugBer ............ooe. 6763
BOMBr onic, 6028
4603 |
For Coroner:
The above totals were taken from
The only fly in the ointment that’ "the duplicate tally sheets returned
the voters of the County poured on by the judges of the various precincts.
our battled scarred old party was The official count, which was in
the loss of contral of the board of progress when the Watchman went Ass—
The victory would have to press yesterday might make
ago some changes in them, though they |
had Irvin A. Meyer pulled through. are not likely to change the results.
It was somewhat of a surprise The total vote of candidates on Coup
that in face of the admitted apathy the Bellefonte borough ticket was!
as follows:
Ass—E L Johnson 569
E Klinger 510...
Judge—Jac Knisely 222 Boyd Vonada 438 |
E Klinger 376 .
Ind—-R B Montgome:
Con—George Glenn 427
jJedge-y T Cherry 176
Thomas Howley
eichline 418 J Mu) Keichline 171 | g D—Frank Gette 193 . Wm Johnson
George. Glenn 194 ana
In Close Contest in County 555%
By Majorities Ranging from 8 to 1503 All the Court’ J Pu
House Offices Have Been Turned Over to Demo-, Con
crats to Manage for Four Years,
Judge—Ruth Durst 129 Clyde Detrow 189
Ins—Nancy Potter 127 Ernest Frank 183
‘8S D—W Kerlin 8 ecnsss J Daubermen
| Cla, Homan 147. F P Geary ne
Cou Flink 155
6457 HE 133..... W A Alexander 187
5 Jacob r 125 George Searson 179
6302 Cutris Reiber 128... W A Homan 169
Ww McMarron 165 J +; Rowe 153
ns—Edgar Jodon
Mary Kelley 297 5 D—Emory Ripka 1
Thomas Howley 256
! M X Kirk 100 |
279 |
m= Broderick 168 Helen
Broderick 89
MI Blanchard 103
XK Cobb 4
W Geis 1
ith 122
0 PoAlex Morpizon 1 D P Fortney un
St elon Thomas Howley
line 144 TM Kelchline al
5 Nine i
ry 71
199 ...E Koffman 83
Ass F
Aud—Mrs. F McClellan 181 T
jutge Wm Lucas 162
Ins—Samuel Pletcher 117 W T Loder 70
S Nous 187
Ind—Mabel Jenkins
W F Hall 147... Wiliam Orr 119
8S D—C T Beightol 127 J H Wagner 108
Ww C ompson 153 ..Clair Lyons 51
Christ Schenck 12% ..Nell Weber 114
Pro—A D Gledhill 29
William Weber
John Lyons 12¢
CL orinney oBellie Condo 61
Pro—Charl letcher
| Aud-ertill Pletenot 142 Fm Weber 112
Seheo Diteetor: ory Foreman ) 3 TAcPovell ih
en Broderick ........ 1661 n agher FReo
Bur—Emma Pletcher 114 .W Yearick 18
Mary Miles Blanchard... 1661 Con—| Fravel 181 . Chester Neff
Borough Auditors: |J P—C F Williams 86 A A Pletcher 182
Sones Le Sates... 1592 | yudge—Wm Fulton 186 W T Fulton 24
- Ins—Lester Baird 169 Grover Benner 52
John E Dubbs Ss D_Besre e Miles Th 22) Kahasr »
Overseer of Poor: | Coutt-Goo Nor 5 8
| ewman 175 Geo Newman 18
Alexander Moreisos Sernsive 847 | Leon oy Ch hes 0 ...Joseph Fisher Do
ward : oseph Fisher ....l.eon Yorkes
Da Fogel 1075 | John Cartwright 161 J Cartwright 21
: y Campy 11 200 M Campbell 17
Thomas Howley 515 Aud_Mrs W. 138 1 Wallace 23
lo P a Shon ne lia Sholl 1
BELLEFONTE, N. W. | Chas _Scheckler er
’ ! H B Wallace Ross Wallace 39
Republican Democrat Con—Edward ck 178 John Keeler 56
Judge—Anna Wilkinson 531 H Smead 284 H Con—Ed Jodon 167 J Jodon 56
Ins—M R Johnson 501. J C Bower 333 2 Py L 2rd 161 Hen Schindler 7!
S D—Helen Broderick 502 Helen Harry A Roasman 121 Rossman 24
Blanchard 526 M Blanchard a MILLE EM
| Coun—J 8 Walker 545 DB Walker 215 | JudgeL I Brown 130 ..C C Musser 25
- LeRoy K Fye 224
Con—Howard Heaton 535 W L Swarm 122... n Meyer 243
| Aud—Chas L Gates 508 Chas L Gates 317 | Coun—W Breon 147 8 Fronpnbecner 237
John L Smith 397 John E Dubbs 343 | Paul 124... A H Stover 249
| O P_—Alex Morrison 499 D P Fortney 284 | F J Meyer 242
| J McMullen 116...
> J Neiman 155........ C A Miller 234
| Ass—L Catherman 125. W E Keen 244
Aud H Smith 133 J W Reifsnyder 241
Ins—John Bottorf 371 ..John Weber 287 | —B C Musser 140 J Welingardner 250
|S D —Mrs Broderick 395 Mrs Brod- F 8 Ulrich 126... W N Auman 220
erick 180 | Gon—O 8S Gramley 107 .F C Mensch 269
Mary Blanchard 325 M laneliang 216 H Con—C C Schnure 150... H Reese 221
er gy er -» Fos i 904 J P—Wm N Decker 120 J R Miller 255
sogmatia or
Ass—-Chas Eckenroth ot wd peli ok 401 | Judge—w Snr Bs e hus 65
Aud—Chas L Gates Chas L 158 | Ins—G H Thompson 186 .G B Merril 92
i John Smith 275 ..John E Dubbs 296 | Coun—wW F Delancey 187 F G Hoffer 115
{O P_—Alex Morrison 268 D P Fortney 279 | J H Wallin 183... J H Wallin
C Nelson 197... C C Nelson
92 ein
Merrell 158 ... Lucy Merrell
P Hoffer 189 ....
| O P—Claude A Gette......
George Peters 190 George Peters
Lr Kline 109 |S
| Judge—M L Spicer 89 ..M L Spicer
| Ins—Claire Lose 76 George Behrer
69 S D.-jonn H Fultz 38 Forest Seley
0 BoA, R Grove Td...
AC —venese H rove
Aud—Joe F Bertram 72 J R Hartle
Con—Weaver Witmer 83 .W Witmer
» d Joh BENNER, 3 n
udge—John urn
lin 5 live Houser Marg Hartle
S D—John H Fultz 32 “Forest Eckley
| sup BL co
Oph C Hartle
. H R Grove
R Hartle
Judge—L C Walker ol Irvin Confer
Ins—John Barnet 25 w.Ira Gilfret
D—| BT wives L. H Neff
Sesseyvay Robert Malone
a -H C ler
I, uranden Fetzer
Mud dans Snore Tai John Furl 14
Con—Forest 0 381 Forest Aikens
Sup—J M 49
|0 P—-H O
F L Shope 6
Aud—John Furl 20...
Con—Forest Aikens - opus Aikens
Judge—Carl Peters "15 ‘He Fetzer 122
Ins— William Peters 190 |
S D-H Hagan 108 Stayer IL. H Neft 50'
L. H Neft 83............ Robert Malone
Smith i38
M Watson a CC Chapman
Ri iter, 129 HO
par ohn Parl 155
wh Wer
....Glanden Fetzer 19
hn Furl
15D nsungericns 74
Con—Forest Aikens 152... F Aikens 75
Judge—C Hoover 16 ...Wilson Smeal 43
Tns—Mrs Blair Holt 27 Ira Plusbell 30
S D—William Hoover 28 Chas Hip 44
8 Askey 16 .Leonard Viehdor ie 22
Sup—Ed ioover 16 ...Harry Meeker 41
O P—J R Aske 26 "Harry Meeker 35
Mrs, Jessie on 24
Aud—Mrs Wm Hoover 17 Blair Solt 40
Con—W D Burkey 22 ..C Viehdorfer 35
Judge—Dale Ailme mey 1% 199 ..J C Meyer A
Ins—Fern J Struble 209 .G Willlams
8 D—C B Struble 213 Wm Dreibelbis 113
J C Lon ell 158 Walter Corman 126
Sup-Jacod rant, . Jacob Zong 93
Aud—O H Bringate BL BE D Zong 1568
Con—Chas Meyers 180 M A Williams 132
J P—I J Dreese 197 } J Dreese
Jud A ShovmY oli hert
udge—. wiley hl # ier ert
3 Gi
Con Ne
Ins—Geo H Walker 49 J
8 D—Willis Thompson 59
8 onter | a Wis Hanes
Sup One 57 .A R Boone
—Ed Cone 58 Ed M Confer
Ee Welen 40 Wm Bru art
Aud—Frank Nyman 31... HH
Con—J Nyman Sr 20 .Chas Heverly
Judge—Geo Heverly 37 .Miles Lucas
Ins—Ward Yeager 38 .C E Johnston
8 D—Willis Thompson 28 ..8 Confer
(Continued on page 5, Col. 2.)
nER es
Oil City hospital out of commission, Two
boys, Fred Carr and Byron McCracken,
| both 16 years old, fleeing from the shel-
ter of a tree, were hurled to the ground
| with terrific force, when lightning struck
‘the tree. They were overcome by sick-
‘ening fumes and suffered considerably
from shock. Three others, who had
left the tree a few moments before,
| were stunned by the blinding flash.
i Fire which swept through the Sig-
| fried hotel and several stores in the
! main business section of Hughesville, a
few miles east of Williamsport, caused
|an estimated loss of $70,000. The hotel
| was one of the landmarks in that lo-
| cality, the rear part being almost a cen-
(tury old. It played an important part
lin the early lumbering days in Central
| Pennsylvania, and was a gathering point
| for teamsters and bark haulers. Fire-
' men from three nearby boroughs aided
in fighting the blaze, which for a time
| threatened the entire business section.
In addition to the destruction of the
hotel, a large clothing shop was wiped
out and several stores and apartments
| —Seven Bucknell University students
33 | appeared at a hospital in Sunbury and
! volunteered their blood for a transfusion
29 for Mrs. Lizzie Bennage, of Lewisburg,
‘as a token of appreciation for her serv-
lice as cook at the Kappa Sigma frater-
| nity house, Mrs. Bennage underwent
lan operation and little hope was held
for her life. Hearing of her condiiton,
| the students went to the hospital im-
| mediately and offered blood. It was
{hard for them to forget the extra dain-
!ties and little favors Mrs. Benmage had
granted the boys as their cook. Robert
Crowley was selected for the ordeal and
the transfusion was performed. Her
condition is good, although the other
six students await their turn to give
their blood.
—Danie! W. Smyser, 76, a lifelong
resident of Warrington township, York
county, and prominent in Sunday schoc’
work, died on Sunday in the manner he
had desired—in harness. That after-
noon, while in the midst of an address
at the Sunday school convention of the
Salem Union church, near Dover, he
dropped dead from a heart attack. Mr.
Smyser had been called on for an ad-
dress. He refused to mount the ros-
trum, saying that was the place for the
ministers. He stood up in front in the
auditorium and had been speaking about
10 minutes. He started a sentence—
“I am going to show—'" when he crump-
led to the floor. Smyser had taught
school {° Dillsburg and Warrington town-
ship for many years, retiring four years